Kayleigh English10

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Kayleigh Bannon

Mrs. B.K./Shefky

English 10

4 October 2023

Horror Story- Red Death

The horror story “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allen Poe the short story and

the film have many similarities , however also many differences. In the movie, there are many

character additions, as well as a change in setting, and even the theme is different between the


Personally, I preferred the movie because I enjoy watching movies rather than reading

stories. I also enjoyed the interesting pulls in the movie, and more detail. When reading, the

story was pretty predictable and I wasn’t able to visualize as well as I could watching the movie.

Also, the movie created suspense for watchers, keeping us entertained. You can evem see how

rich Prince Prospero is and how he shows it off all the time. The film also has more details and

extras like the falcon, the mentions of satan throughout the movie, and the extra color room. It

goes a lot more in depth and you're able to see the situation as a sort-of real life scenario.

In the short story version of the Masque of the Red Death, the characters mainly consist

of Prince Prospero and the Red Death, aswell as party guests. However the movie has additional

charcters including Francesca, Juliana, Gino, the dad, Hoptoad, Esmerelda, and Alfredo. The

Red Death and Prince Prospero are included in the movie too. The movie had a better vision of

Prince Prospero coming off as wicked or Satanic, with a prideful/evil mindset. He is portrayed as
very rich and is not shy to show it. The party people acted strange, and the Red Death was not a

corspe like it was described in the book, and rather had the race of Prospero. The additional

charcters definetly added some action to the movie, and allowed for further events to occur.

Another difference between the movie and story of Masque of the Red Death, is the

setting. The story was located at a Casselated Abbey, and the movie was more around the village,

and around the town. Symbols were also shown differently. For example, there was a yellow

room in the movie, and a falcon that was trained to attack blindfolded. The music in the story

represented life, whereas in the book the charcters/ party members were more like dreams.

Although there were lots of changes, the story and movie also had some similar symbols. The

clock representing the time left was similar, and the wealthy/greedy Prince too.

Lastly, the movie's theme had a different point of view than the book. The movie

portrayed “Giving it all to Satan won’t save you” Prince Prospero grew up Satanic, and beleived

he was proetcted and had so much wealth. However, clearly that was proved wrong. The book's

theme correlates with “ Wealth won’t save you from death”, which is similar in a way. Both deal

with being prideful or greedy.

Overall, I beleive the movie presented the story better to me, and gave me a deeper

understanding with visuals. Although there were many differences, the similarities helped the

stories line up and make sense, and I feel like I gained knowledge from both.

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