Computer On Office Automation Model Test-1 (Unit-1, 2.1, 3, 7)

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Computer on Office Automation Model Test-1(Unit-1, 2.

1, 3, 7)
1. Fill in the blanks:-
1.The 4th generation computer are developed by using _______ Technology.
2.________ is the measure of the time between entering an input and the returned output.
3.______ Serves as a basic building block of programming logic.
4.Transformation of input to output is performed by __________
5.A desktop computer is a personal computing device design to fit on top of a _______
6.The first AT-Class system had a ______ version of the ISA Bus.
7.The term toggle mode is used in the context of _________.
8.Hard disk is a non-volatile storage device that contains platters and ______ rotating at high speed.
9._________ are a new generation of storage device aimed at replacing hard disk.
10.A processors speed is measured in __________.
11Processor management program responsible for this task is known as _______.
12.A _______ is normally organized into directory for easy navigation and usage.
13.__________ OS Will allow a single user to operate several program at the same time.
14.The single network server is termed as ______.
15.Booting is a _____ that start the operating system of a computer when it is turned on.
16.Mordern OS and application program code and data are stored on ______
17.A PC _______ Supports booting from various devices.
18.Most commonly ____ button is used to Reboot the system.
19.CMOS Means ____________.
20.A Flash file system is responsible for restriction, performance and scalabilities of ______.
21.________ Tab is used to add a table to a document.
22.Open office keeps a list of recently opened files under the _______menu.
23.Word include a series of predefined graphic called _______ that can be insert into a word .
24._________ are the space between the edge of the paper and the text.
25.________ Can contain formatting specification, such as font, font size, color, line spacing.
26.Another way to get help in the help windows is to use the answer______.
27.Display the page special spike shortcut Key____.
28Openoffice is the leading ______ software suite for word processing, spreadsheet, data base more.
29.Styles can be used in all_____________ Program.
30.Open office writer inserting a new table shortcut Key_______.
31.______ Represent an agreement between the communication devices.
32.Every computer in internet is identified by a _________.
33. A special computer ______ is used to give name to the IP address so that can locate a computer by a
34.HTML ___________
35.Two wire copper telephone line connected to one home so service is deliver at the same time as landline
telephone service _________.
36.Twitter tweets that contain up to _____ characters.
37__________ are used to create surveys to meet curriculum objectives.
38.The browser is an application software to explore_______.
39.__________ is generally a privately owned network within a few kilo meters.
40.__________ is a web browser developed by Apple.

2. Write Short Answer for Questions? (Any fifteen)

1. Give example for storage devices?
2. Write the any five computer application?
3. Define Latency?
4. Explain Cloud storage?
5. Write the classification of computer on the basis of size?
6. What is SSD?
7. Define Processor Management?
8. Explain Function of Operating system?
9. Define GUI?
10. How to personalize windows?
11. How to convert word files to PDF?
12. List the advantage of mail merge feature?
13. Brief about find and replace menu in Open Office writer?
14. Write the step to spacing between Paragraphs?
15. Give Example for Search engines?
16. Any Three uses of Internet?
17. What is computer network?
18. Write the application of Google sheet?

3. Write Answers in Details (Any Six):-

1. Explain the details of functions of OS and Types of OS ?
2. Detail about classification of computer on the basis of size?
3. Explain about the Central processing unit?
4. Explain the parts of windows?
5. Explain the header and footer group MS – Office word?
6. Explain security option and working in open office writer?
7. Explain the step to create an Email-ID
8. What is data communication and Explain Type of Computer networks?

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