PMC Phase IV and VI Tender

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Technical Bid and Financial bid



Estimated Cost: - Rs. 56,40,23,396/-


Phone No: 079-27447011
Fax No: 079-27447016

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 1


No: Description Page

1 Tender Notice for RFP 03

Technical Bid with Pre-qualification criteria, terms

2 Conditions for comprehensive Project Management consultancy 09-99

Financial Bid contains charges for comprehensive

3 Project Management consultancy services 100-106

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 2


Reputed and well established Consultants/Individuals registered as legal entity who

dealt with Project Management consultancy services having experience of minimum Ten
Years in handling Projects and having permanent qualified Architects and Engineers in
related fields for construction activities can bid their proposal.
The final selection of Consultant would be based on the Quality and Cost Based
Selection (QCBS) procedure described in the RFP.

Joint Venture/Association is not allowed.

SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR 01. Project cost Rs. 56,40,23,396/-

(PMC) SERVICES INCLUDING 02. E.M.D. Rs. 56,50,000/-
03. Tender fee Rs 20,000/-

Executive Engineer, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 3

Schedule of E- Tendering

01. Down loading of Pre-qualification

From date : 11/03/2019 to date:- 11/04/2019
Bid, Technical Bid & Price Bid
02. Last date of online submission of
Pre-qualification Bid, Technical Bid On date: -11/04/2019 up to 18:00 hrs.
& Price Bid
03. On date:19/03/2019 at 16:00 hrs. in the
Pre bid conference/meeting conference room, Gujarat Housing Board,
Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad – 380013.
04. The scan copies shall be submitted online,
However the physical submission of EMD,
Solvency Certificate, Tender Fee and other bank
Submission of tender fee, EMD, etc.
related documents (if any) shall be made by post
documents in Hard copy
or hand delivery to Superintending Engineer-II
6th Floor, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad
on date:- 15/04/2019 up to 17:00 hrs.
05 Opening of Technical bid/ Pre
If possible next working day.
qualification Bid
06 Online opening of Financial bid / Will be intimated to technically qualified bidder.
Price Bid.

Further details for these tenders are as under:-

1. Bid document will be available on website up to date shown above.
2. Bidders wishes to participate in this tender will have to register on web site https.//
3. Bidders who wish to participate in online tender will have to procure /should have
legally valid digital certificate (class-III) as per Information Technology Act-2000
using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidder can procure the same from any
of the license authority of India or can contact (n) Code Solution a division of GNFC
Ltd. who are license authority by Govt. of India.
4. All bids should be digitally signed, for details regarding digital signature certificate
and related training involved below mentioned address should be contacted.
(n) Code Solution, A division of GNFC, 301, GNFC info tower, Bodakdev,
Ahmadabad: - 380054 (Ph) 079-26857316/17/18 E-mail:-
5. Bidders who already have a valid digital certificate need not procure a new digital

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 4

6. Bidder can prepare & edit their offers number of times before last date and time of
tender submission. After tender submission date & time bidder cannot edit offer
submitted in any case. No written or online request in this regard shall be granted.
7. Bidder shall submit their offer i.e. pre-qualification bid as well as technical bid & price
bid in electronic format only on web site http// only up to time and
date shown above after digitally signing the same. Price bid submitted in any form
other than in electronic format online on web site http// must be
out rightly rejected.
8. Employer will not be responsible for non-submission/uploading of offer in time due to
electronic/electrical or any other reason.
9. Offers submitted without digitally signed will not be accepted.
10. Tender fee Rs. 20000.00 (Rupees twenty thousand only) (Not refundable) by
DD/Bankers cheque in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Gujarat Housing board,
AHMEDABAD.” payable at AHMEDABAD. DD/Bankers cheque issued after the last
date of submission of bid shall not be considered or accepted.
11. Bid security of Rs. 56,50,000/- i.e. E.M.D. for Rs. 5,00,000.00 (Rupees five lacks
only ) shall be in the form of either DD/Bankers cheque and remaining amount Rs.
51,50,000.00 by Bank Guarantee (B.G) in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Gujarat
Housing board, AHMEDABAD.” Payable at AHMEDABAD from any bank listed
herewith and their overseas branches. B.G. shall be valid up to at least 180 days. D.D.
/F.D.R. / B.G. issued after the last date of submission of bid shall not be considered or
accepted in any case.
12. Any bidders fail to pay Tender fee, E.M.D. in Original and physical form as above
shall not be consider in any case.
13. Bidder shall have to submit DD/Bankers cheque of Tender fee, DD/FDR/BG against
EMD and other documents as mentioned above in physical form so as to reach on date
shown above during office hours to Superintending Engineer-II, 6th Floor, Gujarat
Housing Board, AHMEDABAD. by post/ courier / hand delivery only.
14. Any addition / alteration/ corrigendum issued by GHB till the last date of uploading
will have to consider by the bidder for quoting the rate in the offer. The bidder himself
will be held responsible in this matter.
15. Bidder shall have to submit unconditional offer without differing from any of the
tender condition. i. e. Conditional tender will not be accepted in any circumstances.
16. Online opening of pre-qualification bid will be held in the conference room, Gujarat
Housing Board, Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad on date and time shown above.
17. Intending bidder or their representative who wish to remain present at the time of
tender opening can do so.
18. After evaluation of pre-qualification bid/ technical bid, price bid of only those bidders

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 5

would be opened online who are found to be successfully qualify.
19. The tender fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
20. Bid proposal without tender fee and EMD also, which do not fulfill all or any of the
condition or submitted incomplete in any respect will be rejected.
21. This notice shall a part of tender document.
22. The bidder shall advice to read carefully the “INFORMATION AND
contained in the tender document.
23. The GHB reserves the rights to reject any or all tender without assigning any reason

Executive Engineer
Gujarat Housing Board,

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 6

List of the Banks for EMD/SD.
(A) Tender Fee, EMD/SD has to submit in separate cover.
(B) All Nationalized Banks and their overseas branches including the Public Sector
Banks-IDBI Ltd.
(C) Private Sector Banks authorized by RBI to undertake State Government Business(At
present- AXIS bank, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank)
(D) Guarantee issued by following Banks will be accepted as SD/EMD. The validity
cutoff date is with respect to date of issue of Bank Guarantee irrespective of date of
termination of Bank Guarantee.
(1) Commercial Banks
1. Kotak Mahindra Bank.
2. Yes Bank
3. Induslnd Bank
(2) Regional Rural Banks of Gujarat
1. Saurashtra Gramin Bank
2. Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank
3. Dena Gujarat gramin bank
(3) Co-operative Banks of Gujarat
1. The Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank Ltd.
2. AHMEDABAD Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd.
3. The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-operative Bank Ltd.
4. The Mehsana Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd.
5. Nutan Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd.
(4) And overseas branches of above mentioned banks

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 7


(BID – I)
Sr. No. Description Page No.

1 Project Brief 09-13

2 Information and Instruction to Applicant Consultant 14-22

3 Eligibility criteria 23-36

4 Submission, receipt & opening of Bid 37

5 Proposal Evaluation 38 – 41

6 Data sheet 42-43

7 Forms 1 to 14 44-59

8 Broad scope & TOR for PMC 60-73

9 Performa for Articles of Agreement 74-99

Financial Proposal
(BID - II)
1 Financial Bid 100-106

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 8

Gujarat Housing Board was established in 1961, for constructing affordable housing in
Gujarat, mainly in urban area. GHB has acquired land and developed the housing projects for
persons of various groups e. g. Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Lower Income Group
(LIG), Medium Income Group (MIG) and Higher Income Group (HIG).

For developing the affordable housing project at various places in Gujarat State as shown in
1.2 below, following consultancy services are needed.


CREATION and FINALIZATION of Architectural Concept Design of all housing blocks
and units, related commercial and retail buildings, in addition to MASTER PLANNING
of sites as per best design practices of affordable housing, assisting GHB to help share the
relevant aspects of design transparently to the beneficiaries as per intent and spirit of
various initiative under RERA guidelines.
 Finalization of contract for works contractor/ which may involve shortlisting and
selection based on agreed quality and cost criteria.
REVIEW & APPROVE of drawings/ documents submitted by the contractor shall be
done in a time bound manner within 3 days after submission by contractor.
PMC has to prepare DCI, sequence of submission of DBR, drawings etc. & no. of DCI
to complete the project as a whole aspect including services, external services,
infrastructure development etc. complete. Inform contractor to submit DBR, drawings
etc. as per PMC DCI.

The approval of Architectural, engineering documents such as Schematics, Detail

Design, Design Basis reports, Drawings, specifications etc. shall be carried out as per
Index of drawings finalized. Engineering documents shall be REVIEW &
APPROVED by PMC engineering specialists such as Architectural, General Civil,
Structural, Electrical etc. in line with technical requirements spelt out in the tender/
statutory requirements, finalized design basis reports, latest GDCR/NBC norms and
best engineering practices being followed in the industry and IS code provisions.

A dedicated team of Architects and Engineers consisting of Structural, Architectural,

General Civil and Electrical shall be deployed at Ahmedabad project office for the
above purpose. Approval of engineering may also be carried out from HQ. PMC has
to issue certificate of structural stability for 10 years after completion of the whole
work and life span of building structure for 50 years.

 Full Supervision of all construction activities, preparation & certification of bills.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 9

 Monitoring of progress of works, submission of periodical reports, monitoring of quality
assurance programs, inspection of materials and equipment at site of work as well as
factory site.
 Commissioning of projects with respect to external services.
 Monitoring of defect correction during execution and up to 24 months from the date of
issue of completion certificate without any extra payment.
 Plan approval and Rajachithi from local authority including necessary NOC’s. For all
required fees to be paid at local authority will be borne by G.H.B.
 Suggest and implement remedial measures as a part of quality assurance if any test results
are found not as per require norms/specification/IS code. Full supervise remedial
 Full witness of all materials tests.
 Monitor project schedule & inform agency for mobilization of extra resources to
complete the work within time schedule.
 Prepare daily progress report with respect to construction schedule.
 Implement EHS policy at site.
 Prepare check lists for all activities before, during and after execution & implement at

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 10

In view of the above background, Gujarat Housing Board intends to appoint the consultant for
project management services including Architectural Concept design creation, Complete
Project Management and Construction Supervision, quality assurance for construction of the
below mentioned projects including all civil and infrastructure works like internal roads,
water supply, drainage and electrical works like street light, landscaping, gardening, lifts,
electric sub-stations, water pumps etc. and all other connected infrastructural development
works etc to complete the project & other facilities required in all aspects.


Phase -IV
Time Limit
Indicative Carpet
Sr. No. Location In months for
area (in Sqm.)
Division No. 01 (Ahmedabad Division)
01 Chandkheda 645205.00 The time limit of PMC shall
be considered as below:
Time limit of Pre-Contract
work + Time limit of
Contractor selection + Time
limit for execution of work as
02 Zundal 378710.00 per contractor’s work order
Note:- The work order to PMC of
individual site shall be released as
and when finalized by competent
Total 1023915.00

Time Limit
Indicative Carpet
Sr. No. Location In months for
area (in Sqm.)
Division No. 01 (Ahmedabad Division)
01 Gota 10752.00 The time limit of PMC shall
02 Hathijan 127400.00 be considered as below:
Time limit of Pre-Contract
03 Old Office Building 22363.00 work + Time limit of
04 Gujarat Municipal Finance 3048.00 Contractor selection + Time
Board (GMFB) limit for execution of work as

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 11

per contractor’s work order
Note:- The work order to PMC of
individual site shall be released as
and when finalized by competent

Division No. 02 (Vadodara Division)

05 Gorva 50440.00
- Do -
06 Tarsali 10752.00

Division No. 03 (Surat Division)

07 Chaprabhata 29400.00
08 Sachin 20736.00 - Do -
09 Kosad 15800.00

Division No. 04 (Rajkot Division)

10 Jetpur 9984.00 - Do -
Total 300675.00
Grand Total 1324590.00

Note: Above carpet area & Numbers of sites are indicative. This will change as per demand
survey and actual work order to contractor. PMC will get work order and payment

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 12

1. Compound wall & gates.
2. Roads with kerb & pavements.
3. Internal and external water supply with bore wells with pump sets/Corporation
provided water supply from their distribution system
4. Internal and External Drainage and Sewer Mains with necessary treatment plant with
all machineries, STP or other facilities for recycle water.
5. Internal and External Electrical supply with all power distribution equipment.
6. Lift (Elevators) and Generator
7. Fire System with Detection, Fire Protection etc. as per local authorities’ norms.
8. Security Arrangements
9. Landscaping / park development
10. Solar energy for street lighting, water heating system, Roof top solar system, Windmill
for Electricity production.
11. Sub-station for electric power.
12. Any other infrastructure facilities required to complete the Project in all respects.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 13


2.1.1 Letter of submission and information for selection shall be submitted as per
formats attached.
2.1.2 All information called for shall be furnished against the respective columns in
the enclosed form. If information is furnished in a separate document, reference
to the same should be given against the respective column(s). If information is
‘NIL’ it should also be mentioned as ‘NIL’ or ‘No such case’. If any particular
query is not applicable to the applicant Consultant it should be stated as ‘Not
applicable’. However, the applicant Consultants are cautioned that not giving
complete information called for in the application in the form required or not
giving it in clear terms or making any change in the prescribed forms may result
in summary disqualification of the applicant Consultant. Application made by
telegram, fax, e-mail or telex and those received late may not be considered.
2.1.3 All information shall be furnished in English.
2.1.4 The BID shall be filled up legibly. The BIDDER Consultant’s name shall appear
on each page of the application with authorized signature.
2.1.5 Reference information and Certificates from the respective clients certifying
suitability, technical know-how or capability of the BIDDER Consultant shall be
signed by the authorized signatory of client.
2.1.6 The eligible BIDDER Consultant is advised to furnish any additional
information, which they think is necessary in regard to its capabilities. No
further information will be entered after submission of documents unless it is
called for by the Client.
2.1.7 Bidder/s shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
their Proposals. Costs might include site visit, collection of information, and if
selected, attendance at contract negotiations.
2.1.8 The Employer is not bound to accept any Proposal and reserves the right to
annul the selection process at any time prior to contract award, without thereby
incurring any liability to the bidder/s.
2.1.9 In preparing their Proposals, Bidder/s is/are expected to examine in detail the
documents comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the
information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal.
2.1.10 The assignment mentioned herein is intended to be job and time oriented. The
consultant shall not be entitled to claim any compensation in Engineering
REVIEW & APPROVE. For Construction Supervision Services consultant shall
not be entitled to claim any compensation up to 30 months from the actual date
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 14
of start of work for individual site. After those 30 months actual enumeration
will only be paid to the consultant on the bases of staff on site at that time and
cost of man month quoted in the tender document till only the physical
completion of the works. No other any compensation till completion in the event
of the time estimated for the completion of the work being extended for any
reason what so ever.
2.1.11 The Data Sheet indicates how long the Bidder/s’ Proposals must remain valid
after the submission date. During this period, the Bidder/s shall maintain the
availability of experts nominated in the Proposal. The Employer will make its
best effort to complete negotiations within this period. In case of need, the
Employer may request Bidder/s to extend the validity period of their Proposals.
Bidder/s has the right to refuse to extend the validity period of their Proposals
with valid reasons for which employer’s decision shall be final & binding to
2.1.12 The Employer named in the “Data Sheet” will select a Consultant from those
Consultants who submitted proposals, in accordance with the method of
selection indicated in the Data Sheet.
2.1.13 The Employer requires that Consultants provide professional, objective and
impartial advice and at all times hold the Employer’s interest paramount,
without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflicts with other
assignments or their own corporate interests.
2.1.14 A Consultant (including its Personnel and Sub-Consultants if applicable) or any
of its affiliates shall not be hired for any assignment that, by its nature, may be in
conflict with another assignment of the Consultant to be executed for the same
or for another Employer.
2.1.15 The EMD is liable to be forfeited if successful Bidder fails to execute the
agreement within 15 Days from the date of Letter of Acceptance.
2.1.16 PMC cannot include current / retired employees of Central & State Government
as their resource personnel/experts.
2.1.17 A Consultant (including its Personnel and Sub-Consultants if applicable) that
has a business or family relationship with a member of the Employer’s staff who
is directly or indirectly involved in any part of (i) the preparation of the Terms of
Reference of the assignment, (ii) the selection process for such assignment, or
(iii) supervision of the Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, unless the
conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a manner
acceptable to the Employer throughout the selection process and the execution of
the Contract.
2.1.18 The Data Sheet indicates how long Consultants’ Proposals must remain valid
after the submission date. During this period, Consultants shall maintain the
availability of Professional staff nominated in the Proposal. The Employer will
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 15
make its best effort to complete negotiations within this period. Should the need
arise, however, the Employer may request Consultants to extend the validity
period of their proposals. Consultants who agree to such extension shall confirm
that they maintain the availability of the Professional staff nominated in the
Proposal, or in their confirmation of extension of validity of the Proposal,
Consultants could submit new staff in replacement, who would be considered in
the final evaluation for contract award. Consultants who do not agree have the
right to refuse to extend the validity of their Proposals, with valid reasons for
which employer’s decision shall be final & binding to the contractor.


Words and expressions not elsewhere defined in this contract or its

Schedules/Sections shall bear the following meanings, the singular including the plural
and vice versa.

1 Consultant/PMC The firm Selected for the Project Management consultancy

BOARD. For the purpose of financials, experience of the
personnel for deployment and track record, the firm’s parent or
relevant experienced subsidiaries (meaning - who has carried out
similar quantum and value of PMC services in housing and
infrastructure sectors) are considered.
2 Sub-consultant Any person or entity/ Experts with whom the Consultant
subcontracts any part of the Services.
3 Client/Employer Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar Naranpura, Ahmedabad -
380013 Gujarat.
4 Engineer-in-charge Executive Engineer of concerned division.
5 GoG Gujarat of Government
6 Service Means /PMC the work to be performed by Consultant selected
for Consultant, pursuant to the contract for the purpose of this
9 R & B Deptt. Roads & Building Department, of Gujarat.
10 Government Gujarat Government
11 ULB Urban Local Body

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 16

12 Currency Means the Indian Rupees
14 GHB Gujarat Housing Board
15 RFP Request for Proposal prepared by the Employer for the selection
of Consultants.
16 GDCR General Development Control Regulations.
17 SSRB Standard Specification for Roads and Bridges in India
18 GERI Gujarat Engineering Research Institute.
19 PIU Project Implementation Unit
20 Contractor To whom the Contract for Construction Works to be awarded.
21 BIS Building Indian Standards
22 NBC National Building Code.
23 Data sheet Such part of the Instructions to Consultants used to reflect
specific assignment conditions.
24 Day Means calendar day.
25 Personnel Professionals and support staff provided by the Consultant or by
any Sub-Consultant (if applicable) and assigned to perform the
Services or any part thereof; “Foreign Personnel” means such
professionals and support staff who at the time of being so
provided had their domicile outside the Government’s country;
“Local Personnel” means such professionals and support staff
who at the time of being so provided had their domicile inside
the Government’s country.
26 Terms of The document included in the RFP as Section 5 which explains
Reference” (TOR) the objectives, of work, activities, tasks to be performed,
respective responsibilities of the Employer and the Consultant,
and expected results and deliverables of the assignment.
27 Proposal The Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal.
28 BIM Model Building Information Models (using Revit) with LOD (Level of
Details) of 200 minimum

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 17

2.3.1. Bidder/s may request a clarification of any of the RFP documents prior to pre-bid
meeting indicated in the Data Sheet. Any request for clarification must be sent in
writing to the Executive Engineer at address indicated in the Data Sheet so as to
reach three days prior to the meeting to the specified address. These would be
clarified with the pre-bid minutes without identifying its source.

2.3.2. A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may
notify the Employer in writing or by fax (hereinafter, the term "fax" is deemed to
include electronic transmission such as facsimile, cable and telex) at the
Employer's address indicated in the Invitation for Bid.

2.3.3. The Employer will respond to any request for clarification about RFP. The purpose
of the meeting shall be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that
may have been raised by the prospective bidders in writing and received by the
Employer’s office.

2.3.4. Non-attendance at the Pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of
the bidder.


2.4.1. A Bidder’s Proposal (the Proposal) will consist of two (2) components
(i) The Technical Proposal, and

(ii) The Financial Proposal

2.4.2. All related correspondence exchanged by the Bidder/s would also form part of the

2.4.3. Technical and Financial Proposal should be online submission only.

2.4.4. The Technical Proposal should clearly demonstrate the Consultant’s understanding of the
assignment requirements and capability and approach for carrying out the tasks set forth
in the TOR through the nominated experts.


2.5.1 Reputed and well established Consultants/Individuals registered as legal entity
who dealt with Project Management consultancy Services having experience of
minimum Ten Years in handling high-rise building Projects and having
permanent qualified Architects and Engineers like structural, civil, mechanical,

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 18

electrical, services design engineers etc. in related fields for Design and
Construction activities.
2.5.2 The offers required to be uploaded through E-Tendering i.e. electronic form in
TWO BID system namely (1) Technical Bid & (2) Financial Bid which shall be
submitted in electronic format through online only. Employer will not be
responsible for non-submission/uploading of offer in time due to
electronic/electrical or any reason.
2.5.3 First Technical Bid giving Pre-qualification details and documents thereof (BID-
I). Second Bid contains the financial bid and relevant details thereof. (BID-II)
(i) Bidder shall have to upload their offer, i.e. Pre-qualification Bid as well as
Technical Bid & Price Bid and the document completed in all respects
should be submitted in Electronic formats only after having been digitally
signed, along with all necessary documents as mentioned.

(ii) Bids of only those bidders who have submitted all information, statistical
details as required in the bid document through E Tendering will be

(iii) Proposals not bearing digitally signature will not be accepted.

(iv) If the bidder desires any verification/ clarification on ambiguity found in the
bid document same shall be furnished within stipulated time limit.

(v) Pre-qualification bid of all proposals received within time limit as

mentioned in (2) above will be opened at The Office of the Superintending
Engineer (2), Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar, Naranpura, and
Ahmedabad, in the presence of the Consultant or their authorized
Representative, as specified in the Notice.

(vi) Pre-Bid will be held in the Conference room of the Gujarat Housing Board,
Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad. Bidders may request a clarification
on any of the proposal document, but the same should be submitted in
writing to the client's address and should be submitted latest by three clear
days prior to the date of pre-proposal conference.

(vii) Requests received within stipulated time will be answered at the time of
Pre-proposal Conference/with Minutes of the pre-bid meeting. Copies of the
client's response will be uploaded online, including description of the
queries but without identifying the source. Please note that late submission
of request for clarification by any bidder shall not be responded to.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 19


(1) The selection process will be done in a transparent manner and carry out evaluation
of proposal on the basis of mandatory requirement for general and specific criteria
and scoring criteria specified in the section.

(i) Based on the information supplied in the RFP, Consultants would be qualified
& short-listed by the committee with reference to the eligibility criteria and
only the short listed (Technically Qualified) Consultants would be invited to be
present at the time of opening of financial proposal.

(ii) The final selection of Consultant would be based on the Quality and Cost Based
Selection (QCBS) procedure described in the RFP.

2.6.1 Negotiations/ Discussion, if any will be held in the office of the Housing
Commissioner, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad or Tender committee or by any
higher authority situated at Gandhinagar. Representatives conducting negotiations
on behalf of the Consultant must have written authority to negotiate technical,
financial, and other terms and conclude a legally binding agreement.

2.6.2 The technical negotiations cover the Consultant’s Technical Proposal, including the
proposed technical approach and methodology, work plan, staffing schedule,
organizational arrangements, and any suggestions made by the Consultant or the
employer to improve the implementation of the assignment. Negotiations will not
result in substantial modifications to either the Consultant’s Technical Proposal or
the TOR.

2.6.3 The financial negotiations will generally fine-tune duration of expert’s inputs and
quantities of out-of-pocket expenditure items may be increased or decreased from
the relevant amounts shown or agreed otherwise, in the Financial Proposal. Unless
exceptional circumstances exist, the details of experts’ remuneration and specified
unit rates for out-of pocket expenditures will not be subject to negotiations.

2.6.4 The consultant shall confirm the modifications made in his proposals in writing
within three days of conclusion of negotiations without changing the content of
technical proposal and requirements.

2.6.5 If contract negotiations are unable to be concluded for any reason, the employer
will, at its discretion, commence negotiations with the second lowest bidder.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 20

2.6.6 During negotiations the PMC's must be prepared to furnish the detailed cost
breakup and other clarifications to the proposals submitted by him, as may be
required. If the negotiations with this consultant are successful, the award will be
made to him.


2.6.7 RFPS documents are available at web site. Visit

Tender fee Rs. 20,000.00 (Rupees twenty thousand only) (Not refundable) by
DD/Bankers cheque in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Gujarat Housing board,
AHMEDABAD.” payable at AHMEDABAD. DD/Bankers cheque issued after the
last date of submission of bid shall not be considered or accepted.

2.6.8 The tenderers are requested to furnish EMD amounting Rs. 56,50,000.00 i.e. Rs.
5,00,000.00 ( Rupees five lacs only), through Demand Draft in favour of The
Executive Engineer, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad payable at Ahmedabad
and balance Rs. 51,50,000.00 in form of by B.G. in favour of the “Executive
Engineer, Gujarat Housing board, AHMEDABAD.” Payable at AHMEDABAD
from any bank listed. B.G. shall be valid up to at least 180 days. And both will
be submitted in electronic format online (by scanning) while uploading the Bid.

2.6.9 Offers of only those bidders shall be opened whose Tender fee & EMD are
received electronically & physical, However for the purpose of realization of
both D.D. bidder shall send the same in physical form (in original) so as to reach
on the date shown in notice during the office hours at 6th Floor, Superintending
Engineer-II, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad by post or hand delivery.

2.6.10 The G.H.B. reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning
any reasons therefore.

2.6.11 Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on date: - 19/03/2019 at 16:00 hrs in the
Conference Room, Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar, Naranpura,
Ahmedabad 380 013. Consultants may request a clarification on any of proposal
document but the same should be submitted in writing by R.P.A.D. Post on the
client’s address and should be submitted latest before three days of Pre-Bid
meeting. Consultant may also request clarification through hand copy
submission on day of pre-bid meeting before 18:00 hrs. Request received within
stipulated time will be answered at the time of pre-bid meeting/with Minutes of
Pre-Bid Meeting.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 21

2.6.12 Absent at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder.

2.6.13 Copies of client’s response will be uploaded online, including description of the
queries but without identifying the source. The clarifications and amendments if
any will be uploaded on the website Please note that late
submission of request for clarification by any consultant shall not responded to.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 22


To qualify, the consultant must have to satisfy the following Mandatory

(General & Specific) qualifying requirements.
General Requirement
i. Consultant must have an office in India, operating for minimum last 10 Years and
should be registered under Indian companies Act. 1956 and subsequence
amendments time to time for last 10 years (a copy of notarized true copy for
certificate of incorporation and PAN Card must be furnished with technical
proposal). If Overseas Consultant, they should open a project office in Ahmedabad
in the event of not having an office in India within 30 days of the award of
contract. Additionally, Overseas Consultant should be operating for minimum of
last 10 Years and should be registered under respective countries regulatory
framework.(For Overseas Consultant too, a notarized true copy for certificate of
incorporation in respective country of registration and PAN Card/Tax Resident
Certificate must be furnished with technical proposal)
ii. Consultant must have an ISO 9001 certification from minimum 5 years from date
of acquiring and valid for the year of bidding. (A notarized true copy for the
certificates must be furnished with Technical Proposal)
iii. Consultant should not have been blacklisted by any Government / Non-
Government / Private Agencies/organizations/Institutions and Funding Agencies in
the last 05 years. (A copy of the affidavit on Rs. 100 stamp must be furnished with
Technical Proposal)

iv. Consultants are not allowed to form Joint venture or Consortium with other
Consultants. Subletting or subcontracting of any part of work except survey and
soil investigations is not permitted. (A copy of the self declaration on authorized
letter pad must be furnished with Technical Proposal)
v. Experience of key personnel working presently in consultancy organizations shall
only be considered.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 23

Specific Requirement
i. Consultant shall have a minimum Annual Turnover of minimum 50% of estimated
tender cost of this tender per annum from professional fees in last 3 (three) financial
years. (Audited Balance sheet from certified Chartered Accountant or reputed audit
firm to be furnished)
ii. Consultant must have successfully implemented total 6,50,000.00 sqmt. carpet area
projects with high rise buildings minimum (i.e. G+7 and higher) height as a PMC
including Architectural concept design services, Concept Master Planning of entire
site, construction supervision/Project management services & commissioning of the
system, structural design which including using alternative technology/pre-cast design
in affordable housing seismic zone for projects in India or abroad during last five
years. For a multi-national consultant, the minimum relevant experience abroad(i.e.
affordable housing or public housing) should also meet this criteria in terms of size
and other requirements specified above (Furnish notarized true copy for of
performance certificate issued by the Owner/Employer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent).
iii. The Consultant should have experience as PMC including Architectural concept
design services, Concept Master Planning of entire site and Construction Supervision
including Inspection services having minimum one work of high rise building
minimum (i.e. G+7 and higher) height with project cost not less than Rs. 200 crores or
two works of project cost not less than Rs. 100 crores during last five years or five
works of project cost not less than Rs. 50 crores. (Furnish notarized true copy for
of performance certificate issued by the Owner/Employer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent)
iv. The Consultant should have experience in structural design of at least one high rise
building of G+7 and above Project of the value of not less than Rs. 200 Crores in last
5 Years. (Furnish notarized true copy for of performance certificate issued by the
Owner/Employer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent)
In case consultant fails to satisfy the above requirements, the bid shall be considered
non responsive and shall not be considered for further evaluation and the consultant
shall be disqualified at the stage.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 24

Scoring Criteria

The relevant experience of Consultant shall be evaluated based on the marking system
as under. The consultant shall have to satisfy the following criteria and as per the
performance, marking shall be given and accordingly evaluation shall be made.
Group Max.
Parameter Criteria
No Score
1 Relevant 50 1. Experience in High rise Residential/Township projects
Experience of the
Consultant’s Firm A > 200.00 Crore projects. 50
in last ten years in (10 marks per Project) 5 Projects
India. The Each project:
Experience should - Architectural Master Planning and Concept
include Design- 04 marks
Architectural - Review Engineering and PMC- 06 marks
Master Planning
and Concept B > 150.00 Crore projects. 50
Design, Review (7.14 marks per Project) 7 Projects
Engineering and Each project:
PMC. - Architectural Master Planning and Concept
Design- 03 marks
- Review Engineering and PMC- 4.14 marks
C > 50.00 Crore projects. 50
(5 marks per Project) 10 projects
Each project:
- Architectural Master Planning and Concept
Design- 02 marks
- Review Engineering and PMC- 03 marks

2 Experience in 10 A Conventional + material specified in SOR 06

structural design B Alternative technology in addition to 04
of high rise conventional (e.g. Pre-cast/alternative
building using technology design in residential)
alternative 02 Projects (02 marks per Project)
(other than

3 Proposed 10 Understanding TOR 05

methodology and Quality of methodology 05
work plan

4 Relevant 80 No. of Mark per

Personal total marks
experience of the person person
key personnel Project manager 01 20 20
Resident Construction 05 06 30
Sr. Structure Engineer 01 10 10
Sr. Architect 01 10 10
MEP Engineer (01 for 03 02 06

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 25

each field i.e.
Electrical-01, Civil-01
for plumbing
Environment Engineer 01 04 04
Total 150
5 Experience in green building & Energy Efficiently building having 4 or 5 star

Note:- The consultant shall have to secure minimum 60% marks in group 01 to 04
mentioned above and total of groups shall be minimum 80%.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 26

Architect Concept Design, Master Planning, Contractor Selection, Engineering REVIEW &
APPROVE and Project monitoring services cell with following staff to be established at
Ahmedabad/HQ/Consultant own office, but they have to travel as per requirement of client
for overall Architect Concept Design, Master Planning, Contractor Selection, Engineering
REVIEW & APPROVE and Project monitoring services of the project.
Sr. Minimum Minimum
Position Nos. Experience field
No. qualification Experience
In design/execution of
high-rise building
B.E/B.Tech projects including
Project .(civil) with minimum 05 years of
Manager M.E./M Tech./ experience as a Project
1 01 15 yrs
(Team M.B.A manager/Team leader
Leader) (construction having experience in
industries) master planning with
conceptual design and
In structural design of
high-rise building
Sr. Structural projects, including pre-
2 01 in structure 10 yrs
Engineer cast/alternative
technology design in
In architect design of
3 Sr. Architect 01 B. Arch. 10 yrs. high-rise building
In construction of
Environment high-rise building,
4 01 Environmental 5 yrs
Engineer worked as a
Environment Engineer
1 for each
field i.e.
Mechanical- B.E./B.Tech In design of high-rise
MEP 01,
5 in relevant 5 yrs building projects
Engineer Electrical-
01, Civil-01
M.E./M.Tech In structural design of
1 01 in structure 5 yrs high-rise building
Engineering projects
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 27
In architect design of
2 Architect 01 B. Arch 5 yrs high-rise building



1 Resident B.E./B.Tech
In construction of
construction 05 in civil 10 yrs.
high-rise building
manager Engineering
In construction of
1 Site Engineer 30 in civil 5 yrs.
high-rise building
Engineer, 01
for each field B.E./B.Tech
i.e. In construction of
2 07 in relevant 5 yrs.
Mechanical-01, high-rise building
Civil-01 for
B.E./B.Tech In construction,
with post supervision and
3 05 diploma in 4 yrs. worked as a safety
Industrial Engineer of high-rise
safety building
In construction,
B.E./B.Tech supervision and
4 05 in civil 5 yrs. worked as a Quality
engineering Engineer of high-rise
B.Sc. or In construction,
Diploma in supervision and
Firefighting worked as a
5 05 fire 5 yrs
experts Firefighting expert of
high-rise building

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 28

Team Composition
a) Key Personnel
All the key staff proposed shall be regular full time employees of Consultant for
not less than 12 months prior to date of tender invited. Furnish copy of
notarized true copy of the TDS/PF statement proposed staff shall be attached as
a proof is essential with all required documents i.e. resume, degree certificates,
experience certificates… etc.
b) Supporting staff
Details of supporting staff should be submitted immediately after award of the
work. Furnish copy of notarized true copy of the TDS/PF statement proposed
staff shall be attached as a proof is essential with all required documents i.e.
resume, degree certificates, experience certificates… etc.

Indicative field staff (Personal) required per Division as under

Indicative field staff required per Division
Sr. Resident Fire-
No. constructio Site MEP Safety Quality fighting
Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer experts
n manger
Division No. 01 (Ahmedabad Division)
01 Chandkheda 02
(01 for each
field i.e.
02 Zundal 01 30 Electrical- 01 01 01
01, Civil-01
Total 01 30 02 01 01 01

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 29

Indicative field staff required per Division
Sr. Resident Fire-
No. Site MEP Safety Quality fighting
Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer experts
n manager
Division No. 01 (Ahmedabad Division)
01 Gota
02 Hathijan 02
03 Old Office (01 each
Building field i.e.
01 12 Electrical- 01 01 01
04 Gujarat 01, Civil-01
Municipal for
Finance plumbing)
Division No. 02 (Vadodara Division)
05 Gorva
01 04 01 01 01 01
06 Tarsali
Division No. 03 (Surat Division)
07 Chaprabhata
08 Sachin 01 06 01 01 01 01
09 Kosad
Division No. 04 (Rajkot Division)
10 Jetpur 01 04 01 01 01 01
Total 04 26 05 04 04 04
05 56 07 05 05 05

Note: Minimum one site Engineer per site should be provided. More site Engineer
should be provided by PMC as per requirement in consultation with GHB.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 30

Consultants are requested to submit a Proposal in two bids viz, Technical and

Technical Proposal:

 In preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants are expected to

examine the documents comprising this RFP in detail. Material
deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in
rejection of a Proposal.

 The technical proposal should clearly demonstrate the consultants

understanding of the assignment requirements and capability and
approach for carrying out the tasks set forth in the RFQ

 While preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants must give

particular attention to the following:

 The assignment carried out by individual staff member or any associates

prior to joining Consultant of consultant cannot be called as the
experience of Consultant but may be referred to in the curriculum vita of
staff proposed for the services.

 Key professional staff proposed shall be permanent employees of

Consultant or have an extended and stable working relation with it.

 Proposed professional staff must have at least the experience

indicated in the Data Sheet, preferably under conditions similar to
those prevailing in the country of the Assignment.

 Alternative professional staff shall not be proposed, and only one

curriculum vita (CV) may be submitted for each position along with
notarized true copy of educational qualification.

 Reports to be issued by the consultants as part of this assignment

must be in the language(s) specified in the Data Sheet. It is desirable
that Consultant's personnel have a working knowledge of the client's
national / local language.

 The Technical proposal should provide the following information

using the attached Standard Forms (Section-3):

 A brief description of Consultant's organization and an outline of

recent experience on assignments (in annexed Form) of a similar

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 31

magnitude and nature and present workload.

 Any comments or suggestions on the Request for Proposal and on

the data, a list of services, and facilities to be provided by the Client
(in annexed Form).
 A description of the methodology and work plan for performing the
assignment (in annexed Form).

 The list of the proposed staff team by specialty, the tasks that would
be assigned to each staff team member, and their timing (in annexed

 CVs must be recently signed by the proposed professional staff on

Consultants letter pad and the authorized representative submitting
the proposal. Key information should include educational
qualification, educational Certificates, number of years working for
Consultant/ entity, and degree of responsibility held in various
assignments in the past 10 to 15 years (in annexed Form)

 Notarized true copy of TDS and PF statement (or equivalent) for

each key staff to be provided. (in annexed Form)

 Estimates of the total staff effort (professional and support staff; staff
time) to be provided to carry out the Assignment, supported by bar
chart diagrams showing the time proposed for each professional staff
team member.

 Forms for specific Project Experience Section.

 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.

Financial Proposal:

 In preparing the Financial Proposal, consultants are expected to take

into account the requirements and conditions of the RFP documents.
The Financial Proposal should follow Standard Forms.
 It lists all costs associated with the Assignment are deemed to be
included in the financial offer, such costs could be (a) remuneration
for staff (foreign and local, in the field and at headquarters), and (b)
reimbursable such as subsistence (per diem, housing), transportation
(international and local, for mobilization and demobilization),
services and equipment (vehicles, office equipment, furniture, and
supplies), office rent, insurance, printing of documents, surveys; and
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 32
training, if it is a major component of the assignment.
 The Financial Proposal shall be excluding of all the taxes (except
income tax).
 Consultants may express the price of their services in the currency of
Indian Rupee only.
 Commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by consultants
and related to the Assignment will be borne by the consultant.
 The Data Sheet indicates how long the proposals must remain valid
after the submission date. During this period, the consultant is
expected to keep available the professional staff proposed for the
assignment. The Client will make its best effort to complete
negotiations within this period. If the Client wishes to extend the
validity period of the proposals, the consultants who do not agree
have the right not to extend the validity of their proposals.
 The financial proposal shall be quoted on per sqm. basis of carpet
SUPERVISION Services as given in the price bid. Payment shall be
paid as per payment schedule given in MODE AND STAGE OF
 The costs shall be given inclusive for phases of work, i.e. Pre-
contract work (including creation of Architectural Concept Design,
Concept Master Plan of site)Architectural, Contract Selection and
Engineering REVIEW & APPROVE and Construction Supervision
Services, and Defects correction supervision

 The Period for the Pre-contract work is assumed at four to twelve

weeks and shall be used to ensure that all head (branch) office and
site staff to be involved fully understands The Contract Agreement
The construction contract documentation The activities and tasks
required under their proposed position

 The particular procedures and ways of interaction with the Employer

and the contractor Checking and approval of detailed designs of civil
( based on Architectural-Concept & structural designs) & electro-
mechanical equipment etc.

 The period shall also include for the consultant's mobilization prior
to the contractor entering the site. The consultant shall mobilize
immediately after entering the contract agreement. The time period
for completion of various projects ranging from 15 to 30 months as
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 33
shown below in the table

Time Limit
Location In months for
01 Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
02 Zundal, Ahmedabad
PHASE - VI The time limit of PMC
shall be considered as
01 Gota, Ahmedabad below:
02 Hathijan, Ahmedabad Time limit of Pre-Contract
work + Time limit of
03 Old Office Building, Ahmedabad Contractor selection stage +
04 Gujarat Municipal Finance Building(GMFB), Time limit for execution of
work as per contractor’s
work order
05 Gorwa, Vadodara Note:- The work order to PMC of
individual site shall be released as
06 Tarsali, Vadodara
and when finalized by competent
07 Chaprabhatha, Surat authority.

08 Sachin, Surat
09 Kosad, Surat
10 Jetpur, Rajkot

 The consultant shall be entitled to claim agreed milestone based payment as indicated in
this bid, for the Architectural Concept Design and Master Planning of Site works upon
completion of pre-contract works, but shall not be entitled to claim variation in case of
multiple revisions of the Architectural Concept Design during pre-contract works
 The consultant shall not be entitled to claim any variation compensation in
Architectural Concept Design and Master Planning, Contractor Selection and
Engineering REVIEW & APPROVE.
 For Construction Supervision Services consultant shall not be entitled to claim
any variation compensation up to 10 months from the stipulated date of the
completion of work for individual site. After those 10 months actual
enumeration will only be paid to the consultant on the bases of staff approved
by GHB (maximum 2 engineers on per site) on site at that time and cost of man
month at Rs.1.5 lac per month per engineer till only the physical completion of
the works. No other any compensation till completion in the event of the time
estimated for the completion of the work being extended for any reason what
so ever.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 34

Following Works are envisaged during construction supervision period.

i. Inspection of materials and equipments.

ii. Over all supervision of Construction activities, taking
measurement & preparation of bill, certification of bills,
monitoring of progress of work, submission of periodical
progress report, monitoring of Quality Assurance Programme,
inspection of materials and equipment at site as well as factory
site (manufacturing unit), satisfactory certification of work and
satisfactory completion certificate of the project.
iii. Monitoring towards Commissioning of projects.
iv. Full Supervision of all construction activities, preparation &
certification of bills.
v. Monitoring of progress of works, submission of periodical reports,
monitoring of quality assurance programs, inspection of materials
and equipment at site of work as well as factory site.
vi. Satisfactory completion certificate of projects.
vii. Commissioning of projects with respect to external services.
viii. Periodical Monitoring of defect correction during execution and up
to 24 months from the date of issue of completion certificate without
any extra payment for it.
ix. Plan approval and Rajachithi from local authority including
necessary NOC’s. For all required fees to be paid at local authority
will be borne by G.H.B.
x. Suggest and implement remedial measures as a part of quality
assurance if any test results are found not as per require
norms/specification/IS code. Full supervise remedial measures.
xi. Full witness of all materials tests.
xii. Monitor project schedule & inform agency for mobilization of extra
resources to complete the work within time schedule.
xiii. Prepare daily progress report with respect to construction schedule.
xiv. Implement EHS policy at site.
xv. Prepare check lists for all activities before, during and after
execution & implement at site.
xvi. The “Defects Correction Supervision” will be of duration of 24
(Twelve) months from the date of issue of the certificate of
completion to the contractor. During this period, permanent presence
of Agency staff on site is not necessary. However, Agency Personnel
shall visit all site at least once in a month and submit report. Further

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 35

Agency personnel should be readily available for a site visit at any
time on 48 hours notice by the Client whenever required.
xvii. Engineering review services including design review.

B. Consultant’s price proposed shall include the followings.

Set up of Architectural Concept Design and Master Planning and Contract selection
stage, engineering approval and project monitoring cell, at Ahmedabad.

i. Professional staff at site office:

All decision making key personals shall be deployed by the
consultant at site office. The rates hereto shall be all inclusive per
staff member and month, and cover basic salary, social charges (incl.
pension fund and similar payments), overheads (incl. tax and
insurance liabilities, sickness, holiday and bonus payments, charges
for support staff office and backstopping, etc.) consultant's fees and
any other accountable and variables. The rate shall also include staff
required by consultant at head and branch office for their own general
administration and engineering REVIEW & APPROVE services
Charges for travel of staff from home base to site and field
allowances for boarding and lodging, etc. shall also be covered.

ii. Transportation
The rates hereto shall be all-inclusive per vehicle type per month and
cover rent/depreciation, running and maintenance, driver's wages,
charges and allowances, consumables & any other accountable and

iii. Site office and equipment

The rates hereto shall be all-inclusive per month and cover rent /
depreciation, operation, running and maintenance, internet facility,
costs for document reproduction, communication, support staff like
computer operator with AutoCAD/ Revit BIM knowledge,
draughtsman, tracers, office staff, computer operator, etc. & any
other accountable and variables.

iv. Other expenses (if any)

(To be specified by consultant in his financial proposal) All costs and
rates quoted shall be fixed for the duration of the contract agreement,
except as otherwise provided for therein. Any costs not entered shall
not be payable, except as otherwise provided for in the contract

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 36

4.1 The original Proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal)
shall be submitted electronically.
4.2 An authorized representative of Consultant initials all pages of the
Proposal submitted in hard copy. The representative's authorization is
confirmed by a written power of attorney accompanying the
4.3 Bid processing fees and earnest money deposit shall be submitted to
the client as shown in Data sheet
4.4 The technical proposal and financial proposal must be uploaded
online on or before the time and date stated in the data sheet. All
online submission shall be readable in PDF portable document format
or joint photographic experts group (JPG)
4.5 After the deadline for submission of proposals the technical proposal
shall be opened immediately by the Authorized representative of
GHB. The financial proposal shall remain encrypted with a
respectable public auditor or independent authority until all submitted
proposals are opened publicly, as decided by the client.
4.6 A consultant should submit only one proposal if a consultant submits
or participate in more than one proposal for the same project such a
consultant shall be disqualified.
4.7 The tenders shall be rejected outright if:
a) Tender is in the name of person or Consultant who is not
a consulting firm.
b) Tender fees and Earnest Money Deposit not received in
the time prescribed by GHB
c) Offer submitted in physical form.
d) If the consultant has quoted rates with additional
condition and counter conditions
e) In case of any deviation in the terms of reference, terms
and conditions of the tender.
f) If the tender is not digitally signed by the consulting firm.
g) If the “Technical Bid” of any Consultant is decided as
non-responsive the “Price Bid” of that Consultant shall
not be opened
h) If the rate are not unworkable.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 37

5.1 General:
From the time the bids are opened to the time the contract is awarded
any effort made by Consultant to influence the Client in the Client's
proposal evaluation, proposal comparison or contract award
decisions may result in the rejection of the consultant's proposal.

5.2 Evaluation of Technical Proposals:

The individual member of the evaluation committee appointed by

the Client will carry out the evaluation of proposals on the basis of
mandatory requirement for general and specific criteria and scoring
criteria specified in the eligibility criteria for qualification. Each
responsive proposal shall be preliminarily evaluated to assess their
performance and their capability with respect to mandatory
requirement for general and specific criteria. Based on this evaluation
of responsiveness of bid shall be decided. The consultant do not
satisfy this mandatory requirement, their bid will be considered non
responsive. No further evaluation shall be made for such bid and the
consultant disqualifying for further evaluation. Each responsive
proposal shall be further evaluated for technical content and will be
given a technical score (St). Any proposal found unsuitable, shall be
rejected at this stage if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score
indicated in the eligibility criteria for qualification. The Client shall
notify consultants of the rejection of their Technical Proposal online
indicating that & their Financial Proposals shall remain unopened
after completing the selection process.
For technical scoring a weightage of 150 marks is assigned. To
qualify technically, it is required that a consultant should score
minimum 60% marks in the following group 01 to 04 individual
parameters (group) and at least 80 marks overall.

5.3 First Stage Evaluation for qualification:

The qualification of the consultants offer shall be based on mandatory

qualifying requirement and further by marking system proposed as

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 38

Group Maximum
No marks
Relevant Experience of the Consultant’s Firm in last
1. 50
ten years in India or equivalent experience abroad
Relevant Experience in structural design of high-rise
2. building using pre-cast/alternative technology (Other than 10
3. Proposed Methodology and Work Plan 10
4. Relevant Experience of the Key Personnel 80
Experience in green building & Energy Efficiently
5. 05
building having 4 or 5 star of GRIHA/IGBC.
Total 155

Any proposal not complying with the instructions or is poorly presented

or has omissions shall be liable to rejection at this stage.

5.4 The consultant who scores (Technical Stage ) 60 % marks in group no.
01 to 04 and 80 % min marks overall as stated here in above shall be
post qualified and included in the short list for opening and evaluation
of their financial proposals.
5.5 Public Opening and Evaluation of Financial Proposals:

After the completion of technical evaluation, The Client shall notify

the successful consultants that they have secured the minimum
qualifying mark, indicating the date and time set for opening the
Financial Proposals.
The Financial Proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence of
the consultants' representatives who choose to attend. The name of the
consultant, the quality scores, and the proposed prices shall be read
aloud when the Financial Proposals are opened.
For financial evaluation, the total lump sum fee indicated in the
Financial Proposal shall be considered. GHB will determine whether the
Financial Proposals are complete, qualified and unconditional. The cost
indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final and
reflecting the total cost of services. Omissions, if any, in costing any
item shall not entitle Consultant to be compensated and the liability to
fulfill its obligations as per the RFP within the total quoted price shall
be that of the Consultant’ Firm.

5.6 In order to allow comparison of financial proposal on a common basis,

each financial proposal will be carefully scrutinized and total price shall
be determined. The score for each financial proposal is inversely

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 39

proportional to its total price. The lowest financial proposal (Fm) will
be given a financial score (Sf) of 100 points. The financial score (Sf) of
other financial proposal will be computed as under.
5.7 Formula for determining the financial scores:

Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest

price and F the price of the proposal under consideration

The weights given to the Technical and Financial Proposals are:

T = 0.80, and

P = 0.20

5.8 Combined and final evaluation

Proposals of the post qualified applicant consultants during the

process of evaluation of the technical bid will finally be ranked
according to the total score (Technical Score + Financial Score).

For this QCBS (Quality & Cost Based Selection) evaluation, the
proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical (St) and
financial (Sf) scores using the weights (T = the weight given to the
Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to the Financial Proposal; T +
P = 1) as under.
S = St x T% + Sf x P%

Consultant achieving the highest combined technical and financial

will be ranked as first.
5.9 The Selected Applicant Consultant shall be the first ranked Applicant
Consultant .The second ranked Applicant Consultant shall be kept in
reserve and may be invited for negotiations in case the first ranked
Applicant Consultant withdraws, or fails to comply with the
requirements specified hereinabove.
5.10This evaluation procedure reflects the high importance attached to
quality and competence. Please note that the Client is not bound in any
manner to select any of Consultants submitting proposals or to select
Consultant offering the lower price.


The allocation of the consultancy work will be decided by competent

authority of client without any prejudice to any consulting agency.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 40


Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations

concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the consultants who
submitted the proposals or to other persons not officially concerned
with the process, until the winning Consultant has been notified that it
has been awarded the contract.

5.13 Mode of execution

The works of High rise building are spread over entire Gujarat state.
A number of works are to be taken up simultaneously in the state.
Therefore , the online tenders for consultancy work is invited at the
level of Executive Engineer of GHB The receipt of tenders, evaluation
of the bid, selection of consultant and award of work shall be processed
at head office of GHB The successful consultant shall execute the
agreement for consultancy work with the Executive Engineer, GHB,
Ahmedabad. However the actual work shall be performed with the
concerned Executive Engineer of the project. The Executive Engineer,
GHB, Ahmedabad shall issue the orders to the consultant stating the
name of the project, location along with the name of concerned
Executive Engineer in charge of the project. The consultant shall be
responsible to the concerned officers in charge of the work for the
implementation of consultancy work. The performance of the consultant
shall be monitored, REVIEW & APPROVED based on the report of
project in charge of officers.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 41


Information to Consultant


1. Estimated Project Cost for : Rs.56,40,23,396.00 Lacs
2. Source of Funds : Gujarat Housing Board
The Employer/ Nodal
3. : Gujarat Housing Board
4. Representative/Contact : The Executive Engineer,
Person and Address of the Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar, Naranpura,
Employer/ Communication Ahmedabad:380 013
5. Tender fee : Rs. 20,000.00 by Demand Draft of Nationalized
Bank or other banks as listed in Tender Notice,
payable at Ahmedabad in favor of Executive
Engineer, Gujarat Housing Board, and
6. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 56,50,000/-. Out of this Rs. 5,00,000.00 by
Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee of Nationalized
Bank or other banks as listed in Tender Notice,
payable at Ahmedabad in favor of Executive
Engineer, Gujarat Housing Board, Ahmedabad and
balance Rs. 51,50,000.00 by B.G. in favor of the
“Executive Engineer, Gujarat Housing board,
from any bank listed. B.G. shall be valid up to at
least 180 days from the last date of submission.
7. Project Implementation : As per page no.34.
8. Consultancy period : Pre-contract period + Contractor selection
period + Project implementation period
9. Bid Validity : (180) days from due date for submission of bid.
10. Pre-bid meeting : On date:19/03/2019 at 16:00 in the Conference

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 42

Room, Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar,
Naranpura, Ahmedabad – 380013.
11. Physical Submission of :
Up to Dt. 15/04/2019 up to 17:00 hrs.
Tender fee & EMD
12. Opening of the Technical : If possible next working day
Bids (Date & time)
13. Place of Opening of Bids : As per above Sr. No. 4
Evaluation of Technical
14. : As per Evaluation criteria
15. Security Deposit : 2.5% of Accepted Consultancy cost in form of
Bank Guarantee of any bank mentioned in this
tender at the time of Agreement & 2.5 % of
Accepted Consultancy cost will be recovered from
R.A. bill. The Security Deposit shall be submitted
site wise according to Contractor’s work order.
16. Performance : 5% of Accepted Consultancy cost in form of Bank
Security(Bond) Guarantee of any bank mentioned in this tender.
The Performance Security (Bond) shall be
submitted site wise according to Contractor’s work
17. Liquidated Damages for : If established delay in approval of drawings and
Delay delay in progress due to PMC then liquidated
damages will not exceed Rs. 0.1% of contract
value per day and will be subject to max amount of
5% of contract value.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 43



(Location, Date)

From :( Name of Consultant) To: (Name & Address of Client)




We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consultancy services for the above in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated ------,. We are hereby submitting our Proposal
which includes this Technical Proposal, and Financial Proposal submitted online.
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 44


Sl. No. Information Details Remarks

1 Name of Consultant :
2 Year of incorporation : Certified copy of
incorporation to be
3 Place of incorporation :
4 Type of organization :
held/Publicly held)
5 No. of years of operation in :
6 Areas of business :
7 Number of technical employee :
8 PF Registration number :
9 PAN Detail : Certified copy to be
10 GST Number : Certified copy to be
11 Brief profile of Consultant : Separate document
may be attached

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 45



Sl. No. Information Details Remarks

1 Name of Consultant :
2 Year of receipt of ISO :
Certification for the first time
3 Name of ISO Auditor :
4 Latest re-certification audit :
held in the year
5 Certified copy of the latest : To be attached

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 46



Sl. No. Information Details Remarks

1 Was the consultant firm ever : Attached affidavit, in
blacklisted by any government case no history of
/ non-government / private blacklisting
agency/ organization/
institution / funding agency in
last 10 years?

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 47



Sl. Proposed Name of Date of No. of Number of years Permanent/

No. Position the Person Joining of years of of Service with Contract
Consultant’s experience the Consultant’s Employee
Firm Organization

Note:- (1) Furnish notarized true copy of the TDS/PF statement proposed staff shall be attached as
a proof is essential with all required documents i.e. resume, degree certificates, experience
certificates… etc. for each of the proposed key staff as per the table above.
(2) Above information shall be given for project monitoring cell at Ahmedabad and for each site

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 48



FY: 2017-18 FY: 2016-17 FY: 2015-16 FY: 2014-15 FY: 2013-14

Annual turnover
from professional
fees of the
consultant ‘s firm
(Rs. Crores)

Note: Attach Copy of the audited Balance Sheet certified by Chartered Accountant or Audit Firm.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 49


Sr. Name of Project Project Client Project cost No. of Total Commissioning / Type of
No Location in Rs. Cr. storey area Commencement Consultancy
With address of Operation Services
Date FY

1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project management services including
architectural concept design services, concept master planning and construction supervision and inspection services, are to be listed.
2. A notarized true copy of Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.
3. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2013-14 to FY 2017-18 are to be mentioned, chronologically.
4. Details of each project to be provided in form 8 attached.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 50


Sr. Name of Project Project Client Project cost No. of Total Commissioning / Type of
No Location in Rs. Cr. storey Carpet area Commencement Consultancy
With address of Operation Services
Date FY

1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project management services including architectural concept design
services, concept master planning construction supervision and inspection services, are to be listed.
2. Furnish notarized true copy of Client certification. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 51


Assignment Name : Country :

Location within country : Professional Staff Provided by

Your Consultant/ Entity (profiles) :

Name of Client : No. of staff :

Address : No. of Staff -Months; duration of

assignment :

Start Date Completion Date Value of consultancy

(Month/Year) : (Month/Year) : services:

Name of Associated Consultants, if No. of Months of professional Staff,

any : provided by Associated Consultants

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and

functions performed:

Narrative Description of Project:

Description of Actual Services* Provided by Your Staff:

Note. : Attached separate sheet for each work.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 52

Sr.No. Name of Project Project No. of Client Commissioning Project Type Of
Project Location Cost Story / Duration structure
with address Name Client’s Commencement (Months)
Persons of Operation
Fax etc)

1. The project in which size of G+7 and above shall be mentioned.

2. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2013-14 to FY 2017-18 are to be mentioned, chronologically.
3. Furnish copy of notarized true copy of Client certification
4. Building constructed with load bearing walls, R.C.C. frame structure, R.C.C. cast in situ walls and slab monolithic construction will be considered as conventional.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 53

FORM – 10


Sr. Name Project Project No. of Client / Project Description
No of Location cost Story Duration Duration Of
Project with (Months) (Months) ALTERNATIVE
address Name Client’s TECHNOLOGY
Persons USED
Fax etc)

Date FY

1. The project in which size of (minimum G+7 and above) shall be mentioned.
2. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2013-14 to FY 2017-18 are to be
mentioned, chronologically.
3. Furnish copy of notarized true copy of Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 54

FORM -11


Consultant’s Technical approach, methodology and work plan for this assignment are to
be elaborated in this sections, broadly under following sections:

a) Understanding of the TOR

b) Technical Approach and Methodology,
c) Work Program
d) Organization and Staffing

• The write up should explain Consultant insight with respect to the objectives of the
assignment, approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and
obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail of such output. The Consultant
should also explain the methodologies propose to adopt and highlight the
compatibility of those methodologies for the project envisaged.

• Consultants should propose the main activities of the assignment, their content and
duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the
Client), and deliverables. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the
technical approach and methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability
to translate them into a feasible working plan. The work plan should be consistent
with the suggested Work program of the consultant

• Consultants should also propose the structure and composition of the proposed team,
indicating main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert responsible, and
proposed technical and support staff.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 55

FORM -12
Team Composition and Task Assigned.
Task Man month
Number of years Assigned proposed
No. of Educational Number of years
Category Name employed with For
Staff Qualification of experience
Consultant service of the

Note:- (i) Information for project management cell at Ahmedabad and for each project site shall be given in separate sheet.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB. Page 56

FORM -13
1 Proposed Position :

2 Name :
3 Date of Birth :

4 Nationality :
5 Education :
(The years in which
various qualifications
were obtained must be
6 Other Training :

7 Languages and Degrees :

of Proficiency

8 Membership of :
Professional Societies
9 Countries/State of work :

10 Employment Record : (Starting with present position. List in

reversed order employment held)

Dates : From to
Employer :

Position Held and :

Description of Duties
11 Detailed Tasks Assigned : Work Undertaken Which Best Illustrates
(List of tasks one by one Capability To Handle The Tasks Pertaining
and support each task by To The Proposed Position
project experience on the
right hand side)

: (List project names, locations, years,

Positions held, i.e. supervision engineer,
site Inspector, etc. with exact duties
rendered and time spent on each project)

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 57

2 Certification : I, the undersigned, certify that, to the best
of my knowledge and belief, this bio-data
correctly describe myself, my qualifications
and my experience.

I/We understand that any willful mis-statement described herein may lead to disqualification.

Signature of Named Person :

Authorized Signature: :

Name and Title of Signatory: :

Name of Consultant: :

Note: Consultant presented in format other than this will be rejected

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 58

FORM -14
Comments and suggestions on the Request for Proposal and on data, services, and Facilities
to be provided by the Client

On the Request for Proposal:




On the data, services, and facilities to be provided by the Client 1.


Consulting Firm's Name:

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 59


 The Consultant:

 The services of the PMC may be provided by a consulting firm (Consultant) with
adequate experience in the relevant field.

 The consultant will provide the staffing as indicated in TOR, though in preparing their
proposals the PMCs may propose alternative arrangements that, in their opinion, will
provide service of an equivalent quality.

 The final staffing would be adjusted to suit the actual work and implementation

 The Consultant will be engaged by the Gujarat Housing Board by inviting Technical
& Financial Offers.

 Procedure for Engaging Consultant:

Gujarat Housing Board shall engage the PMC by, Inviting Expressions of Interest. Technical
Evaluation by a Committee Selection by Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)

 Implementation Arrangements:

The PMC would be attached to Gujarat Housing Board for co-ordination, reporting,
supervision of each activity to achieve quality at site and payment certification purposes.

Status of all the activities entrusted to the Consultant would be reviewed through Fortnightly
meetings at Gujarat Housing Board’s Office at Ahmedabad and weekly Regional review
Meetings at site. Corrective actions as identified during such meetings would be required to
be taken by the Consultant.

 Scope of Work

Gujarat Housing Board is desirous of appointing an Agency for Project Management

Consultancy (PMC) Services for the purpose of availing service / consultancy assistance to
Engineer-in-Charge of Projects by providing comprehensive services including architectural
concept design and master planning including getting approval of plan and Rajachithi from
local authority with necessary NOC’s and complete day to day supervision, monitoring and
management of the works, project, quality assurance ,bill certification and payments etc., for
various functional facilities adhering to the respective contracts execution of work as per the
creation of Architectural Concept design plans, Master Planning of site, REVIEW &
APPROVAL of drawings, specifications duly following extant procedures of
Employer/Architect / Consultant and also subject to such further variations and modifications
as the Employer may decide from time to time. The Consultant has to provide all service
assistance to Engineer-in-Charge/Employer of work with respect to all activities for
administering/management of the contract for the works of projects.

The above services shall be provided by the PMC for all activities within Contractor’s Scope
of works for stipulated project. Majorly as;

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 60

i. Architectural and Engineering approval service

ii. Supervision of civil & electrical Works & other infrastructure works

iii. Water Supply and drainage System

iv. Infrastructural Development like Roads, Pathways, and Street Lights

v. Landscape and Beautification Works

vi. Safety Operations like Fire Fighting Systems Development

vii. Environmental Aspects

viii. Overall Testing of all Facilities/Materials

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 61


Pre-Tender Scope for Selection of Contractor:

 Architectural Concept Design and Master Planning of EWS1, EWS2, LIG1, LIG2,
MIG1, MIG2, HIG and commercial as per GHB’s requirement.
 Attending meetings and preparing minutes of meetings.
 Detailed estimate
 Preparations of tender for works
 Selection of Contractors
 Finalization of contract

Monitoring, Planning, Progress Reviewing and Co-ordination

 Review & Approval of drawings/ documents submitted by the contractor shall be done in
a time bound manner.
PMC has to prepare DCI, sequence of submission of DBR, drawings etc. & no. of DCI to
complete the project as a whole aspect including services, external services, infrastructure
development etc. complete. Inform contractor to submit DBR, drawings etc. as per PMC DCI.

 The approval of engineering documents such as Design Basis reports (including proof
checking of structural design), Drawings etc. shall be carried out as per Index of
drawings finalized. Engineering documents shall be REVIEWED & APPROVED by
PMC engineering specialists such as Architectural, General Civil, Structural, Electrical
etc. in line with technical requirements spelt out in the tender/ statutory requirements,
finalized design basis reports and best engineering practices being followed in the

 A dedicated team of Engineers consisting of Structural, Architectural, General Civil and

Electrical & other services shall be deployed at Ahmedabad project office for the above
purpose and REVIEW & APPROVAL of all Architectural and engineering services shall
be carried out from there.

 To review & approve Planning, Scheduling and Implementing of detailed construction

programs with stipulated milestones framed by Turnkey bidder to complete the
project in time and indicate/scrutinize any works likely to be delayed or disrupted in
written to Employer/Engineer-In charge/Architect / Consultant after a careful study
and ensuring timely completion of project.
 To co-ordinate with the Engineer-in-charge / Employer / Architect /
Consultant/Contractor for all works related to Entire Project
 To Study & scrutinize APPROVED drawings and point out discrepancies if any, as
also to ensure incorporation by the Contractor.
 Documentation of all project related matters, including minutes of different meetings.
 To monitor complete implementation of detailed tender documents for each category
of works, like Civil works, Structural works, Electric works, Plumbing Services,
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 62
Material Testing requirement and other services completely within the Contractor’s
scope of work and as directed by Employer.
 Preparation of periodical reports relating to time, cost and quality as directed by
 Ensure that the Employer and the Contractor abide by the Conditions of Contract.
 Check all the stipulated items of Work by Contractor and estimation of BOQS.
 PMC should prepare cash flow charts and update budget estimate as per actual
execution and keep Employer informed on all changes prior to implementation and
execution of works if any.
 Scrutinizing, the construction methods proposed by the Contractor for carrying out the
works to ensure that these are satisfactory with particular reference to the technical
requirements and deployment of plant and machinery, project implementation
schedule and environment aspects as well as safety of works, personnel and the
general public.

 In case the work is held up for more than 7 days, the representative of the
PMC/Engineer will report and work for Liassoning and coordination from the office
of Gujarat Housing Board, for which no additional fee will be payable to the PMC.

Construction Supervision
 Physically verify all dimensions of site and ensure that they are as per APPROVED
drawings. Discrepancies shall be notified to the Employer/Engineer in
charge/Architect / Consultant immediately. Shall be responsible to maintain the
dimension at site as per the APPROVED drawings.

 Study all APPROVED drawings, Contract Agreements, Specifications etc. & ensure
implementation at site.

 Responsible for overall monitoring of the construction.

 Responsible for to deploy requisite number of qualified and experienced Engineers

(Civil, Water Supply and Sanitary, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical, Material
testing etc based on scope of works) at site on full time basis to supervise the day to
day works and also shall be responsible for monitoring of the progress of work as per
APPROVED drawings, construction procedures and practices and to ensure quality in
day to day work as per specifications and standards.

 Responsible for checking all the construction activities involved in project.

 Checking all the measurements recorded in the bill prepared by contractor at site with
respect to APPROVED drawings and to certify the accuracy. If in case, it is necessary
to take measurements at site and record and finalize, certify the bills, the PMC shall
also do so to make timely payment for the works done.

 The PMC check the bills submitted by the contractor and certify the accuracy within
maximum 5 days in Turnkey bid from the date of receipt of bill from Contractor by
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 63
the Engineer-in-charge/Employer.

 Contractor will take measurements of hidden items. PMC has to check all the hidden
measurement submitted by the contractor before covering up the work. PMC has to
certify detailed measurements dully signed and submitted by the contractor, then it
should be submitted to Engineer-in-charge for record purpose. On completion of
work, the PMC shall have the responsibility to finalize and certify the bills for work
as per actual execution.

 The PMC should settle the final bill immediately as per bid after completion of
Project after complete rectification of notified defects by Contractor.

 Responsible to verify day to day consumption of cement in the work and shall see that
the cement used in work is as per the theoretical requirement.

 Preserve field books and measurement books by completion of project or as advised

by Employer/Engineer-in-charge /Architect / Consultant.

 Ensure that Contractors have taken requisite “All Risk Insurance Policies” to cover
workman under Workman Compensation Act, loss / damage caused by natural
calamities / accident / accidental collapse of partially completed work, materials and
plant at site and for third party claims for injury / damages. PMC shall ensure that all
such policies remain in force throughout the execution of project as applicable and as
stipulated in Bid.

 Ensure safety of structure by taking all necessary precautions and by not allowing
excessive construction loads on floors and shall avoid such other factors, which will
endanger the safety of structure during construction.

 Take custody of objects of value and antiquity found on site during excavation or
otherwise and handover to Employer official.

 Keep a track of permissions required from local authorities and get revalidated
whenever necessary.

 Ensure the safety of personnel working at site/inspecting the site by taking

precautions by putting barricades, night lamps near trenches, pits, open shafts, lift
shafts, edge of floors, terraces and such other places and to insist on compliance of
safety code such as use of helmets, etc, on work site.

 The PMC make their own arrangements with the help of contractor at no extra cost to
the Employer for instruments / equipments such as total station/theodolites, leveling
instruments, prismatic compass, chain, measuring tapes, plain tables and ranging rods,
such other equipments.

 Suggest modification, if any, due to site conditions and advise reasoned justification
of cost variations on account of resultant extra items and excess supported by proper

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 64

 Check and REVIEW the test results/certificates of all construction material and or
sources of material and enforce the contractor to undertake additional tests as
necessary to assess the quality of works and shall monitor test reports and frequency
of testing as per tender stipulations and as per APPROVED by Architect / Consultant.

 Monitor the variations and deviations from the original designs, concept and work
order and keep the Employer informed including obtaining prior approvals from the
Employer whenever required.

Quality Control

 Monitor the quality of the work, all material testing (including sampling and witness
of all the testing)– its reports & frequency and control the quality as per specification,
relevant codes and as per sound engineering practices.

 Maintain the registers for mandatory tests to be conducted for all materials before
incorporation in work. The guidelines may be taken from the Engineer in charge
regarding the registers to be maintained.

 Inspect and approve the materials at site as per specifications before they are used in

 Responsible for obtaining good workmanship with respect to lines, levels and plumb
at all stages of work with reference to working drawings and ensure correct
dimensions of all elements.

 Ensure that work proceeds as per tender conditions and specifications. All material
brought to site to be of approve quality and make, rejected material is removed from
site and work executed is of high standard, good workmanship and desired quality.

 Evolve and implement a system for the quality assurance of the works. The system of
control of quality of material and completed works shall also include sampling
method and acceptance criteria. The sampling method and the acceptance criteria
shall be based on statistical methods and the recommendations of the relevant IS
codes and State R&B specifications.

 To co-ordinate and ensure compliance of action on the reports of Quality monitoring.

 Maintain checklists of all items and keep record of checklists before start of each
activity and after completion of each activity.

Site Co-ordination
 Attend periodic site meetings / meetings in Employer office and discuss site
conditions bottlenecks faced likely hindrances, time overruns, cost overruns and any
other important matter along with solutions proposed. PMC will be required to submit
periodic reports concerning quality standard and progress of the project.
 To co-ordinate between the Employer and Contractors in all matters relating to
obtaining APPROVED construction drawings from Architect / Consultant of PMC
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 65
 To submit preliminary completion report, defect liability completion report, final job
completion report to the Employer.
 The PMC in accordance with and as required by the terms of Agreement or
agreements entered or to be entered into between Employer on one part, and the
contractor or contractors on the other part certify after the verification that the work
measured and stipulation in the specifications, drawings and Bill of Quantities
prescribed in the contract agreement entered into with the Contractor (s) are in order.
In the matter of approving such bills, the PMC shall confirm adherence to the rules
and instructions issued by Employer and intimate to the Employer, guarantee and
correctness of all such certificates and shall hold themselves responsible for the
correctness of all bills and certificates issued, scrutinized or checked by them, as to
the quality of the work concerned as well as the quantities of various items of works.
Before certifying any bill PMC ensure that the work being certified is, in general in
accordance with the designs.
 Check periodically the quantities recorded for various items and keep watch on excess
/ shortage. PMC shall account for all variations in tender quantities with respect to
execution drawings and submit a report. Shall assess impact of excessive quantities on
the cost of project and wherever felt necessary by Employer, prepare a Running
Summary of Cost for perusal of Employer/Engineer-in-Charge. PMC shall obtain
approval from Employer/Engineer-In-charge if the additional quantities outside the
scope put to tender are likely to arise prior to giving permission to Contractor to go
ahead with the work.
 The PMC will, on submission of Contractor’s bill, verify the measurements at site and
recommend for the bill certification. Verification and Recommendation of bill by
PMC shall be forwarded to the Gujarat Housing Board. Entire Bill Certification works
shall be carried out within stipulated time limit in Turnkey bid in accordance with
quality of work executed and in compliance with stipulated specifications.
 Co-ordinate with all agencies working at site, liaison with local authorities for proper
permissions / commencement certificate / completion certificate, etc.
 Submit detailed physical and financial progress reports once every month or as
desired by Employer in standard Performa APPROVED by Employer/ Engineer-in
 Detailed fortnightly reports will include physical progress, no. of test carried out
along with their results as well as summary of observations made during the fortnight.
It will list the audit points in respect to various activities & rectification required. It
shall also highlight the weaknesses observed, recommended remedial measures and
degree of compliance of the audit points raised in earlier visits. The consultant shall
prepare a separate report on the progress of work.
 Advise Employer with regard to extra claims / disputes / Chief Technical Examiner’s
observations / Arbitration cases between Institute and the Contractors, in any and
assist Employer in case of any dispute till the cases are resolved either by mutual
negotiation or through arbitration or court, as the case may be.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 66

 Suggest modifications, if any, due to site conditions and advise reasoned justification
of cost variations on account of resultant extra items and excess supported by proper
 Provide full construction supervision to the works assigned.
 Scrutinize bills of agencies after recording measurements in MB’s and recommend
payment to agencies by preparing final bills, as per direction of Engineer-in
 Keep a check on the operating staff so as to ensure that all the systems are operated to
the satisfactory level.
 Prepare a checklist to monitor satisfactory performance of all the services as defined
in Scope.
 Prepare list of shortcomings in day-to-day operation of each system & intimate daily
basis to Engineer-in-charge.
 Get the shortcomings rectified through the operating staff.
 Get the system functional to the optimal level for maximum energy saving.
 Monitor the implementation of any alteration / addition based on the inputs from
employer to optimize utilization.
 Maintain a record of all the preventive and routine maintenance so as to avoid
breakdown of the system.
 The Engineer ensures strict compliance of the Agreement by Contractor concerned
with their respective work.
 Prepare and present monthly progress reports to the Employer/Engineer-in-charge,
containing description of project activities.
 Assist the Employer/Engineer-in-charge in interpreting the Technical Specifications;
 Evolve a system of Quality Assurance of works;
 Assist the Employer in administering the Contract Maintenance System;
 Approve materials, and ensure that the quality of the works is in accordance with the
contractual specifications;
 Inform contractor to order the removal of improper/substandard works;
 Advise and assist the ‘Employer’ with respect to the arbitration, the appeal of
arbitration or litigation relating to the works, whenever required;
 Obtain integrated as built up drawings, incorporating the details of various works
actually executed.
 Obtain guarantee certificate, maintenance manuals from specialist agencies and
compile them in an easily understandable for future reference.
 Prepare an integrated housekeeping, operation and maintenance manual for proper
upkeep of the premises.
 Assist Employer in settlement of the Contractor’s account.
 Assist Employer in settlement of any extra/excess items if any.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 67

Staffing and Other Inputs:

 The Consulting firm will be expected to provide the following personnel for the indicated
duration. The durations given are indicative and subject to variation by agreement between
the Consultant and the Gujarat Housing Board. The PMCs team composition and inputs are
shown below.

 Staffing Schedule Actual requirement of the staff to be employed by the PMC would depend
upon the extent of the work. For example –

Designation Schedule

Team Leader should visit the site at least once

a month during construction period. He should
1. Team Leader – 1 Nos.
inspect the project once in three months during
defect liability period.

Project Engineer/Resident Engineer Should be available regularly During

(Civil, Structural,) execution.

3 Site Engineer (MEP) Should be available at site during execution of

4 Site Engineers (Civil ) including Should be available at site during execution of
Safty Engineers work

 After award of the contract the Employer expects all the proposed key personnel to be
available during implementation of the contract as per the agreed staffing schedule.
The Employer will not consider substitutions during contract implementation except
under exceptional circumstances (such as death and/or extreme nature of ailment for
which Medical Certificate shall be produced from Hospital/Nursing Home). Design
engineers & architect must have to station at Ahmedabad or HQ

Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel

 No changes shall be made in the Key Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the
reasonable control of the Consultant, such as retirement, death, medical incapacity,
among others, it becomes necessary to replace any of the Key Personnel, the
Consultant shall provide as a replacement a person of equivalent or better

 If the GHB finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct or
have been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable
cause to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the
Consultant shall, at the GHB’s written request specifying the grounds thereof, provide
as a replacement a person with qualifications and experience acceptable to the GHB.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 68


 The Consultant will have to make his own arrangements for office, utilities,
accommodation and transport and should include cost of all these elements in his
Financial Offer. It is necessary to set up site office in the vicinity of each project site.


 The consultant will prepare and submit the following reports (as given below) to the
Employer on the format prepared by the Consultants and as APPROVED by the
Employer /Engineer in charge.

Sr. Report Frequency Due Date/Time No. of

No Copie
. s
1. Inception Report One time 15 days after 3
commencement of
2. Detailed Progress Report Every month / Monthly-By 7th of the 3
(weekly) indicating Every 15 days following month.
details as mentioned and Fortnightly-by 21st of
Fortnight Report every month.
indicating details as
3. Quarterly Report Every Quarter By 10th of the Quarter 3
4. Final Report One time Within 15 days of 3
completion of

 The Commencement Report shall contain the details of all meetings held with the
Employer/Engineer –in-charge and the Contractor and decisions taken therein, the
resources mobilized by the Consultants as well as the contractor and the Consultants’
perception in the management and supervision of the maintenance works. The Report
shall also include the Work Programme and Resource Mobilization for the Project.

 The monthly Progress Report shall contain details of all meetings, decisions taken
therein, mobilization of resources (Consultants’ and the Contractor), detailed
compliance report of each activity, progress and the projected progress for the
forthcoming periods. The Report shall clearly bring out the delays, if any reasons for
such delay(s) and the recommendations for corrective measures.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 69

Final Report

 The Consultant will prepare a comprehensive final completion report with progressive
photograph after completion of the work. The report shall incorporate summary of the
method of maintenance supervision performed, problems encountered and solutions
undertaken thereon and recommendations for future projects of similar nature to be
undertaken by the Employer.

Additional Services:

 The PMCs shall, if so required by the Gujarat Housing Board, provide any additional
services at man month rates mutually agreed upon as a variation order.

Performance Bond:

 The Consultant shall be required to submit acceptable Bank Guarantee for an amount
equal to 5% of the accepted consultancy cost towards Performance Bond
proportionately in the currencies of payment asked for in the bid proposal within 15
days of signing the Agreement (please also refer next para applicable for this section)
The validity of the Bank Guarantee(s) shall cover the entire duration of the
Consultancy period plus 3 months or DLP of contractor whichever is greater. The
format of the Bank Guarantee(s) shall be got APPROVED by the consultant from the
Employer/Engineer In-Charge. The Bank Guarantee(s) shall be released after
satisfactory completion of the assignment.

 At the time of signing the Agreement, the Bank Guarantee shall be submitted by
selected PMC according to the work order released for execution of work as
mentioned above. Upon subsequent release of work order, the selected PMC shall
provide additional Bank Guarantee in proportion to the total consultancy fee of the
subsequent work order. This subsequent Bank Guarantee will be released upon
satisfactory completion of assignment of this subsequent site.

 Bank Guarantee, in the name of the Employer shall be from the banks as specified in
the notice.


 The Gujarat Housing Board may conduct independent quality monitoring and
checking of works executed by the PMC Consultant. If such checks disclose that
works carried out by the Consultant do not meet the specified requirement, the
Employer will not pay the Consultancy fees for the affected portion.

 If the service of a team member provided by the Consultant is not acceptable to the
Gujarat Housing Board, the Consultant shall immediately replace the team member on
request of Gujarat Housing Board. If the Consultant fails to quickly deploy/replace a
team member as instructed by the Employer, the Employer may make temporary
arrangement. The temporary deployment/replacement shall be paid by the Gujarat

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 70

Housing Board and same shall be recovered from PMC’s periodical bills after
adjusting reduction in the person month scope of the PMC Contract.

 This will however be a temporary arrangement and if the Consultant fails to deploy
the requisite personnel or replace any member as instructed, the Consultant shall be
liable for action for termination of Contract and or black listing.

Terms & Payment Schedule:

 For each of service in the scope of work, the Consultant shall be paid at the following
stages consistent with work. Payments made to the Consultant are ‘On account’ and
shall be adjusted against the final amount payable. The schedule of payment shall be
as per details given below. All payments shall be made by the Employer to the PMC
in Indian Rupees

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 71



SELECTION, Engineering REVIEW & APPROVAL services

Sr. Description of Breakup in % of

On stage of completion
No. services offered rate

1 Pre-Contract 07 % On completion of Pre-Contract

Stage(Master works (Master Planning of site,
Planning of Concept Architectural Design).
site, Concept - 3.5% on approval of
Architectural architectural concept design
Design) and master planning.
- 3.5% on approval of plan and
Rajachithi from local authority
including necessary NOC’s.
2 Contractor 03 % Upon selection of Contractors
Selection (tendering phase).

3(a) Architectural 12 % This shall be payable in pro-rata base in

and Engineering accordance with the actual progress of
REVIEW & Design & Drawing submission & approval.
APPROVAL For Architectural and Engineering
Services Design Review/Approval works
prorated progress payments up to 75%
of total amount of this stage shall be
paid upon achieving Code 2 approvals
of the drawings, balance payment shall
be made in line with milestone based
payment of Contractor work.

3(b) --do-- 03 % On submission and approval of Code-1 &

as build Drawings (Drawing & Design).

(B) Project management services at site.

Breakup in
Description of
Sr. No. % of Remarks
offered rate

1 PMC & 67 % This shall be payable in pro-rata base in

Supervision accordance with the actual physical progress
of work as per milestone payment to the

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 72

consultancy etc. contractor of the work.

2 --do-- 05 % This shall be payable on issue of completion

certificate of the work.

3 ---do--- 03 % On completion of the defect liability period

i.e. as per TOR

Total 100%


 Payment to the Consultant shall be made proportionate to the completed cost.

 Deduction of Income tax at the time of payment shall be made from Consultant’s bill as
per the applicable law.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 73



Agreement between Gujarat Housing Board And ………………… ……… …………

………… …………………………………………………… ……… ………………
…………… ………………………………… for Multistoried Residential Buildings
including Development Works at various places for Gujarat Housing Board. This agreement
entered into at ……………………………………………………. On ……………
……………… ………… ……………. between Gujarat Housing Board., a Government of
Gujarat Organization registered under the Societies Act 1956 having its registered Office at
Gujarat Housing Board, Pragatinagar, Naranpura, Ahmedabad. Hereinafter called the
“Gujarat Housing Board” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context, include its
legal representative, successors and assigns), of the one part.

AND ………………………………………………………………., a Consultant (which term

shall include its executors, administrators, administrator, successors, legal representatives and
assigns) having its office:

WHEREAS ---------------------------intends to develop the project: Multistoried Residential

Buildings including Development Works at Various places for Gujarat Housing Board in the
state of Gujarat and hire professional Services of
………………………………………………….. for the said project.

AND WHEREAS …………………………………………………….. has offered and

willing to render its professional services as Project Management Consultant hereinafter
referred to as “PMC” for the said project.

NOW THIS PRESENTS WITNESS, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties here to
as follows:

The Employer hereby appoint and engage the services of ………………………………. as

PMC in connection with selection of the consulate for architect concept design, master
planning, contractor selection, project management consultancy (PMC) services including
construction supervision for high-rise & low-rise housing project-phase-
IV& VI At various places for Gujarat Housing Board, the cost of which is approximately
Rs.5163.77 lac for stipulated scope of services as mentioned etc. The PMC having
represented to the Employer that they have the required professional skills, personnel, and
technical resources, have agreed to provide the services on the terms and conditions set forth
in the Contract. The PMC hereby accepts the said appointment as PMC -on the terms and
conditions set out in this agreement as well as Letter of intent No. …………………………
as part and parcel of this agreement.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 74


1. The PMC is required to provide services in respect of monitoring, supervision,

implementation, execution of work of Contractor for the following activities in consultation
with Employer/Engineer –in-charge:

1.1 Architect concept design, master planning, contractor selection, project

management consultancy (PMC) services including construction supervision for
high-rise & low-rise housing project. Architectural drawing Survey works, Civil,
Structural works and any other works required for the project.
1.2 External development and landscaping
1.3 Electrical, Mechanical and HVAC Installation works.
1.4 Security system
1.5 Safety operations like Fire Fighting Systems development.
1.6 Plumbing Services
1.7 Environment Aspects and Green Building requirements & Compliance
1.8 Interior works, Ambience and Furniture works
1.9 Material testing and all related installations.

2. Any work/s related to completion of the project as assigned by Gujarat Housing Board or
by its Authorized representation as and when required.

The works mentioned in terms of reference are part of scope of work. All reports to be
furnished accordingly. The PMC shall carry out the services with the provisions of the


The Employer will make payments to the PMC in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract. The fee is also inclusive of to & fro transportation to visit site, boarding and
lodging and recruitment of technical Staffs / Engineers and other incidental expenses.
Payment made by, Gujarat Housing Board for all the services mentioned above are part
of comprehensive services which are planned to take up and no other claim whatsoever
shall lie against Employer in respect of services herein agreed.


1 The PMC shall work and represent Gujarat Housing Board and get necessary
permission, interact all concerned authorities on behalf of Gujarat Housing Board.

2 PMC will declare the name of the team which will be on site with their address,
telephone no., qualification, experience, etc. The site in charge should be conversant
with English in writing and speaking.

3 PMC will prepare documentation in form of Video, Photographs, survey etc. before

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 75

execution/during the execution/ post execution and submit a copy to Gujarat Housing
Board from time to time.

4 PMC will be required to attend personally all meetings called either by Government
or Gujarat Housing Board.

5 The PMC shall be responsible for the direction and integration-of the Architect /
Consultant & Contractors work. The PMC, shall be fully responsible for the
implementation of the detailed design, day to day inspection and evaluation of the
work entrusted work. The PMC shall not make any deviations, alterations or
omissions from the REVIEWED & APPROVED drawings, involving financial
implications without prior consent of the Gujarat Housing Board. The PMC shall
supervise and get the work implemented for structural soundness of the works by the

6 PMC shall, regularly, check the’ progress of the work and shall submit the progress
report to the Gujarat Housing Board, mentioning there in the progress of the work,
quality of the work, etc. PMC may also point out in the report as to whether the
Contractor has carried out the work, as per design and specification and materials of
APPROVED quality and quantity or not.

7 PMC shall not assign, sub-let or transfer their interest in this agreement

8 Drawing, plans and specification are the property and ownership of the Gujarat
Housing Board, irrespective of whether the work has been executed or not.


The Gujarat Housing Board will endeavor to clear all the bills of PMC within Thirty (30)
days from the date of receipt of the bills/compliances necessary for clearances whichever
is applicable/later. PMC will comply with the queries / objections if any.


The Gujarat Housing Board reserves the right to make changes in the project including
revision in the total value of the project.

In case of the discontinuation of the project, the payment would be made to PMC
according to the services rendered only.


Where any difference or dispute arises out of these conditions of agreement or as to

interpretation of any terms of this agreement including scale of professional fees and
charges, the parties shall first Endeavour to co-operate to resolve the dispute or
controversy by mutually determined otherwise such difference or dispute shall be
referred to the sole arbitrator as provided in Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as
mentioned in contract.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 76

If any terms, clause or provision of this agreement shall be judged, to be invalid for any
reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other
term, clauses or provisions of this agreement and such invalid terms, clause or provision
shall be deemed to have been deleted from this agreement and a valid term, clause or
provision be substituted with retrospective effect, if necessary.


This agreement together with the details of schedules, annexure/appendix, exhibits and
conditions executed by the parties hereto constitute the entire agreement between the
parties with respect to the subject matter.
No forbearance, indulgence or relaxations by any party at any time to require
performance of any provision of this agreement shall' in any way affect, diminish or
prejudice the right of such party to require performance of the provision and any waiver
by any party shall not be construed as a waiver or an amendment of the provisions itself,
or a waiver of any right under or arising out of this agreement.


The business or services PMC shall not affect the services agreed to be offered to the
Gujarat Housing Board and PMC shall not offer the same services of the project to any
other party.


Neither party shall directly or indirectly, offer employment or take on employment to the
employees of the other party, who were involved in the works under this agreement,
either during the subsistence of this agreement or after the termination of the agreement
for a period of one year thereafter.


All notices, requests, demands and other communications under this agreement or in
connection therewith shall be given to or made upon the respective parties as follows:


To, Gujarat Housing Board,

The Executive Engineer Pragatinagar, Naranpura,
Ahmedabad:380 013
Ph. No. (079) 27474726
Fax No. (079) 27470477
Or to such other person or address as any of the parties shall have notified to the others. All
notices, request, demands and other communications given or made in accordance with the

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 77

provisions of this agreement shall be in writing.



 Owner may at any time, should Owner deem it necessary to do so for any valid
reason, suspend all or part of the Services giving not less than fourteen days
written notice to PMC. Such notice of suspension shall specify the part of
Services to be suspended and the effective date of suspension. PMC shall
suspend Services on the date or dates specified by Owner in any notice under
this clause and shall use every reasonable effort to recommence Services with
the least possible delay upon receipt of Owner's notice to resume.
GHB will not make any payment for such suspended services to consultant.

 PMC may, by giving not less than one month written notice to Owner, suspend
the Services, if Owner fails to fulfill its obligations under this Contract, and such
non-fulfillment persists even after giving the written notice of 45 days by PMC.
PMC will not claim any payment for suspended work.

 If all or part of the Services is suspended then the amounts due and payable to
PMC for services rendered shall be settled as mutually agreed to compensate


 Owner may, at any time, should Owner deem it necessary to do so, terminate
this Contract forthwith by giving one month written notice to PMC.

 In the event of termination, PMC shall carry out any reasonable instructions of
Owner in connection with such termination.

 Termination of this CONTRACT shall not relieve either PARTY of their

obligations imposed by this CONTRACT with respect to the SERVICES
performed by either PARTY prior to such termination.

 In the event of termination, OWNER shall pay to PMC for all the SERVICES
performed by PMC under this CONTRACT upto the date of termination such
compensation as may be mutually agreed upon and proportionate to the
percentage progress of Services as indicated in the latest progress report

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 78




Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms wherever used in this Contract
have following meanings:

a) "Applicable Law" means the laws and any other instruments having the force of law in
India as they may be issued and in force from time to time.

b) "Employer" means the Gujarat Housing Board.

c) "Consultants" means____________________________ (Name of the consultant)

d) "Contract" means the Contract signed by the Parties, together with all
documents/Appendices attached hereto and includes all modifications made in terms of the
provisions of Clause 2.2 hereof,

e) "Operator" means any person or entity who are employed by the Employer for
f) "Effective Date" means the date on which the Contract comes into force and effect
pursuant to Clause 2.1 hereof ;
g) "Government" means the Government of India /Gujarat

h) "Local Currency" means the Indian Rupees

i) "Personnel" means persons hired by the Consultants as employees and assigned to the
performance of the Services or any part thereof.

j) "Party" means the Employer or the Consultants, as the case may be, and "Parties" means
both of them.

k) "Services" means the work to be performed by the Consultants pursuant to this Contract
for the purpose of operations & maintenance work and stipulated scope of works.

l) "Starting Date" means the date referred to in Clause 2.3 hereof;

m)“Architect / Consultant” shall mean the agency appointed by the Gujarat Housing Board
or its body to assist in preparing conceptual layout, tender site preparation, evaluation of the
agency, approval of all drawings and design. Inspection and assist in contractual matters
related to appointing the Contractor for said project and assist in any other contractual matters
arising during ongoing works as directed by the Employer.

n) “Engineer-in-Charge” shall mean person / official employed by Employer.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 79

Law Governing Contract

This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the Parties shall be
governed by the Applicable Laws of the Government of India and State Government.


This Contract has been executed in English Language, which shall be the binding and
controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning of interpretation of this Contract.


The headings shall not limit, alter or affect the meaning of this Contract.

Deployment of staff for site supervision

It shall be done as per requirement of site and mutual understanding between and PMC.


Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this
Contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent shall be deemed to have
been given or made when delivered in person to an authorized representative of the Party to
whom the communication is addressed, or when sent by registered mail, telex, to such Party
at the addresses specified as under:

For the Employer :


For the Consultants:

Attention: _____________________(Name of Authorized Representative)
Address: _______________________
Name and address of the consulting firm.

Notice will be deemed to be effective as follows:

a) In the case of personal delivery or registered mail, on delivery;

b) In the case of telexes, (24) hours following confirmed transmission;


The services shall be performed at such locations as are/to be specified in TOR hereto and as
the Employer may approve & inform.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 80

Authorized Representatives

Any action required or permitted to be taken and any document required or permitted to be
executed under the Contract by the Employer or the Consultants be taken or executed by the
officials as under :

For the Employer : Executive Engineer or his designated representative

For the Consultants : Authorised Representative or his designated representative

Taxes and Duties

The consultant and the personnel shall pay the taxes and other impositions levied under the
existing amendment or enacted laws during life of this contract and the Employer shall
perform such duties in regard to the deduction of such taxes as may be lawfully imposed.



Effectiveness of Contract

This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date (The "Effective Date") of the
Employer's notice to this effect to the Consultants.

Termination of Contract for Failure to Become Effective

If this Contract has not become effective within Two (2) months of the date hereof, either
Party may, by not less than two (2) weeks written notice to other Party, declare this Contract
to be null and void, and in the event of such a declaration by GHB, no payment of PMC but
in case of PMC, EMD/SD shall be forfeited or Housing commissioner decision is final.

Commencement of Services

The Consultants shall commence the Services not later than on a date (Starting Date) three
(3) days after the signing of the Agreement.

Expiration of Contract

Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause hereof, the Contract shall expire when pursuant
to the provisions hereof, the services have been completed and payments of remuneration and
reimbursable expenditure have been made.

Entire Agreement

This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the Parties. No
agent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall not be
bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 81


Modifications of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of the
scope of the services, may only be made by written agreement between the Parties. Pursuant
to 2.5 (iii) & forms & SC 6.2,7.2 hereof, however, each Party shall give due consideration to
any proposals for modifications made by the other Party.

Force Majeure

Force Majeure shall mean in respect of any Party an event beyond the reasonable control of
such Party which prevents or delays such Party from performing its obligations under this
Agreement (except for the obligation to pay money) or which materially increases its costs of
performing those obligations. Examples include, to the extent they otherwise meet the
foregoing definition, the following: war, hostilities, civil disturbances, any kind of local or
national emergency, riot, fire, flood, hurricane, storm, earthquake, concealed or subterranean
conditions at the Site that could not be discovered by a reasonable inspection of the Site,
power failure or power surge, epidemic, explosion, sabotage, act of God, acts or failures to
act by Governmental Authorities (including failure to issue, delays in issuing beyond the
period provided by law (or if no such period is provided, beyond the customary period), or
revocation of Governmental Authorizations, except to the extent any such failure, delay or
revocation is due to the negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant or its Affiliates),
failure of the Expert consultants or Key personnel to perform or deliver on a timely basis, to
the extent such failure is due to a force majeure condition affecting the Consultant, strike,
slowdown or other lab our unrest (other than a localized strike against an individual
employer), delay of carriers, failure of the usual modes of transportation, embargo, change in
any applicable Law from that in effect on the date hereof, any condition at the Site that
requires remediation under any applicable Law related to the environment, or expropriation
or confiscation of facilities. Force Majeure shall not include breach of contract by Expert
Consultants. The rights and obligations of the Affected Party shall be suspended to the extent
they are affected by the Force Majeure. EMPLOYER shall not be liable to make any
payments to the Agency for it being affected on account of Force Majeure. EMPLOYER
reserves the right to terminate the contract if the Force Majeure continues for more than 15
(Fifteen) days at a stretch.


The Employer may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultants, suspend all payments
to the Consultants hereunder if the Consultants fail to perform any of their obligations under
this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services, provided that such notice of
suspension (i) shall specify the nature of the failure, and (ii) shall request the Consultants to
remedy such failure within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days after receipt by the
Consultants of such notice of suspension.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 82


By the Employer

The Employer may, by not less than fifteen (15) days written notice of termination to the
Consultants (except in the event listed in paragraph (f) below, for which there shall be written
notice of not less than thirty (30) days), such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of
the event specified in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this Clause, terminate this Contract.

a) If the Consultants fail to remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations

hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to Clause, hereinabove, within
fifteen (15) days of receipt of such notice of suspension or within such further period as the
Employer may have subsequently REVIEW & APPROVED in writing;

b) If the Consultants or if any of their members become insolvent or bankrupt or enter into
any agreement with their creditors for relief or debt or take advantage of any law for the
benefit of debtors or go into liquidation or receivership whether compulsory or voluntary;

c) If the Consultants fail to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration
proceedings pursuant to Clause hereof;

d) If the Consultants submit to the Employer, a statement which has a material effect on the
rights, obligations or interests of the Employer and representation or statement,
made/submitted by the Consultants of any part thereof is found to be false;

e) If, as a result of Force Majeure, the Consultants are unable to perform a material portion of
the services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days;

f) If the Employer, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to terminate
this Contract;

g) If the Consultants, in the judgment of the Employer has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing the Contract.

For the purpose of this Clause :

Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to
influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution.
"Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a selection
process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer, and includes
collusive practice among Consultants (prior to or after submission of proposals) designed to
establish prices at artificial noncompetitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the benefits
of free and open completion.

By the Consultants

Consultants may, by not less than thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the
Employer (except in the event listed in the paragraph (e) below for which there shall be
written notice of not less than thirty (30) days), such notice to be given after the occurrence of

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 83

any of the events specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this Clause terminate this

a) If the Employer fails to pay any money due to Consultants pursuant to this Contract and
not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause of Govt of contract hereof within thirty (30) days
after receiving written notice from the Consultants that such payment is overdue;

b) If the Employer is in material breach of its obligations pursuant to this Contract and has
not remedied the same within forty five (45) days (or such longer period as the Consultants
may have subsequently APPROVED in writing) following the receipt by the Employer of the
Consultants notice specifying such breach;

c) If as a result of Force Majeure, the Consultants are unable to perform a material portion of
the services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days; or

d) If the Employer fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration
pursuant to Clause hereof

e) If the Consultants, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever decides to terminate
the Contract.

Cessation of Rights and Obligations

Upon termination of this Contract, pursuant to Clauses hereof, or upon expiration of this
Contract pursuant to Clause hereof, all rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall
cease, except (i) such rights and obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination
or expiration (ii) the obligation of confidentiality set forth in Clause hereof, (iii) the
Consultants' obligations to permit inspection, copying and auditing of their accounts and
records set forth in Clause hereof, (iv) the Consultants' obligations regarding default in
performance of the service in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and for any loss
suffered by the Employer, whereof, as a result of such default, and (v) any right which a Party
may have under the Applicable Law.

Cessation of Services

Upon termination of this Contract, by notice of either Party to the other, pursuant to Clauses
hereof, the Consultants shall, immediately upon dispatch or receipt of such notice, take all
necessary steps to bring the services to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and shall
make every reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a minimum. With
respect to documents prepared by the Consultants and equipment and materials furnished by
the Employer, the Consultants shall proceed as provided, respectively by Clauses hereof.

Payment under Termination

Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses hereof, the Employer shall make the
following payments to the Consultants (after offsetting against these payments any amount
that may be due from the Consultants to the Employer):

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 84

i. Remuneration pursuant to Clause hereof for Services satisfactorily performed prior to the
effective date of termination:

ii. Reimbursable expenditures pursuant to Clause hereof for expenditure actually incurred
prior to the effective date of termination; and

iii. Except in the case of termination pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (d) of Clause hereof,
reimbursement of any reasonable cost incidental to the prompt and orderly termination of the
Contract including the cost of the return travel of the Consultants personnel and their eligible

Disputes about Events of Termination

If either Party whether an event specified in Clause hereof has occurred, such Party may,
within forty-five (45) days after receipt of notice of termination from the other Party, refer the
matter to arbitration, pursuant to Clause hereof, and this Contract, shall not be terminated on
account of such event except in accordance with the terms of any resulting arbitral award.



Standard of Performance

The Consultants shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations hereunder with all
due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted professional
techniques and practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ
appropriate advanced technology and safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and
methods. The Consultants shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract,
or to the Services, as faithful advisers to the Employer, and shall at all times support and
safeguard the Employer's legitimate interests in any dealing with Engineer-in-charge and
Architect / Consultant.

Law Governing Services

The Consultants shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable Law and shall
take all practicable steps to ensure that any of the Personnel and agents of the Consultants,
comply with the Applicable Law.

Conflict of Interests

Jurisdiction :

Jurisdiction of the court should be Ahmedabad only.

Consultants not to benefit from Commissions, Discounts, etc.

The remuneration of the Consultants pursuant to Clause hereof shall constitute the
Consultants' sole remuneration in connection with the contract or the services, and subject to
Clause hereof, the Consultants shall not accept for their own benefit any trade commission,

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 85

discount or similar payment in connection with activities pursuant to this Contract or to the
Services or in the Discharge of their obligations hereunder, and the Consultants shall use their
best efforts to ensure that any of the Personnel and agents of either of them, similarly shall
not receive any such additional remuneration.


If the Consultants, as part of the Services, have the responsibility of advising the Employer,
on the procurement of goods, works or services, the Consultants shall comply with any
applicable procurement guidelines of the Employer and shall at all times exercise such
responsibility in the best interest of the Employer.

Consultants and Affiliates not to engage in certain activities.

The Consultants agree that during the term of this Contract and after its termination, the
Consultants and any entity affiliated with the Consultants, shall be disqualified from
providing goods, works or services (other than the Services and any continuation thereof) for
the project to the Services.

Prohibition of Conflicting Activities

Neither the Consultants nor their Sub-Consultants/Experts nor the personnel of either of them
shall engage, either directly or indirectly, during the term of this Contract, in any business or
professional activities in India which would conflict with the activities assigned to them
under this Contract.


The Consultants, their Sub-Consultants/Experts and the Personnel of either of them shall not,
either during the term or within two (2) years after the expiration of this Contract, disclose
any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract
or the Employer's business or operations without the prior written consent of the Employer.

Liability of the Consultants

Subject to additional provisions, as under, the Consultants liability under this Contract shall
be as provided by the Applicable law. a) Except in case of gross negligence or willful
misconduct on the part of the Consultants or on the part of any person or Consultant acting on
behalf of the Consultants in carrying out the services, the Consultants, with respect to damage
caused by the Consultants to the Employer's property, shall not be liable to the Employer:

i. For any indirect or consequential loss or damage; and

ii. For any direct loss or damage that exceeds (A) total payments for Professional Fees and
Reimbursable Expenditures made or expected to be made to the Consultants hereunder or (B)
the proceeds, the Consultants may be entitled to receive from any insurance maintained by
the Consultants to cover such a liability, whichever of (A) or (B) is higher.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 86

b) This limitation of liability shall not affect the Consultants liability, if any for damage to
Engineer –in-charge and Architect / Consultant caused by the Consultants or any person or
Consultant acting on behalf of the Consultants in carrying out the Services.

Accounting, Inspection and Auditing

The Consultants (i) shall keep accurate and systematic accounts and records of the Services
hereunder, in accordance with internationally accepted accounting principles and in such
form and detail as will clearly identify all relevant time charges and cost, and the basis
thereof (ii) shall permit the Employer or its designated representative periodically and up to
one year from the expiration or termination of this Contract, to inspect the same and make
copies thereof as well as to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Employer.

Consultants' Actions requiring Employer's prior Approval

The Consultants shall obtain the Employer's prior approval in writing before taking any of the
following actions:

a) Deployment of personnel as listed .

b) Appointing such number of Personnel as are not listed herewith. ("Consultants, Sub-
Consultants"/Experts and "Consultants Key Personnel");

c) Substitution of any personnel if required on grounds beyond reasonable Control of the


d) Purchase of equipment required for performing the services.

Reporting Obligations

The Consultants shall submit to the Employer reports and documents specified herewith
hereto in the form and the numbers and within the time period set forth in the stipulated

Documents prepared by the Consultants to be the Property of the Employer

All data /details related to plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other
documents prepared, reviewed & APPROVED by the Consultants in performing the Services
shall become and remain the property of the Employer, and the Consultants shall, not later
than upon termination or expiration of this Contract, deliver all such documents to the
Employer, together with a detailed inventory thereof. The Consultants may retain a copy of
such documents but shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract
without the prior written approval of the Employer.

Equipments and Materials to be retained by PMC.

i. Telephone for official use with STD facility.

ii. Office with tables, chairs, storage cabinets etc.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 87

iii. Computer, Printer, Fax, Photocopier.



The Consultants shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Personnel as are
required to carry out the Services.

Description of Personnel

a) The list of Consultants key personnel and their estimated periods of engagement have been
described herewith..

b) If additional work is required beyond the scope of the Services specified in TOR the
estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set forth in may be increased by
agreement in writing between the Employer and the Consultants.

Approval of Personnel

The Key Personnel listed by title as by name in Datasheets are hereby APPROVED by the
Employer. In respect of other personnel whom the Consultants propose to use in carrying out
of the Services, the Consultants shall submit to the Employer for REVIEW and approval of a
copy of their biographical data. If the Employer does not object in writing (stating the reasons
for the objection) within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of such
biographical data and (if applicable) such Personnel shall be deemed to have been
APPROVED by the Employer. The removal and/or replacement of personnel is covered
under Clause hereof.

Working Hours, Overtime, Leave etc.

a) Working hours and holidays for the Consultants' Personnel shall match with that of the
Employer/ Contractor/Architect / Consultant/Engineer-in-charge. In case of any emergency,
the Consultants' Personnel will have to work on Saturdays, Sundays or any other holidays and
these leaves shall not be compensated by Employer by any means.

b) The Personnel shall not be entitled to be paid for overtime nor to take paid sick leave or
vacation leave. The Consultant's remuneration shall be deemed to cover these items. Any
taking of leave by personnel shall be subject to the prior approval by the Employer and the
Consultant shall ensure that absence for leave purposes will not delay the progress and
adequate supervision of the Services.

c) The man months shown against each personnel shall be exclusive of leave period. The
period for which the Consultant’s personnel will be on annual leave or on sick leave shall not
be charged on the bill. The work of the personnel of the Consultants will have to be adjusted
within the regulatory working hours, without any overtime according to the requirement at

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 88

d) The PMC consultant shall have to match the duly working hours of their personal to
contractor working on site for which no extra payment shall be eligible.

Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel

a) No changes shall be made in the Key Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable
control of the Consultants, it becomes necessary to replace any of the Personnel, the
Consultants shall forthwith provide as a replacement a person of equivalent or better
qualifications and experience acceptable to the Employer. Such replaced person shall be
inducted only after approval by the Employer.

b) If the Employer (i) finds that any of the Personnel has committed serious misconduct or
has been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) has reasonable cause to be
dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the Consultants shall, at the
Employer's written request specifying the grounds therefore, forthwith provide as a
replacement a person with qualifications and experience acceptable to the Employer. Such
person shall be inducted only after approval by the Employer.

c) Any of the Personnel provided as a replacement under Clauses (a) and (b) above, the rate
of remuneration applicable to such person as well as any reimbursable expenditures
(including expenditures due to the number of eligible dependents) the Consultants may wish
to claim as a result of such replacement, shall be subject to the prior written approval by the
Employer. Except as the Employer may otherwise agree, (i) the Consultants shall bear all
additional travel and other costs arising out of or incidental to any removal and/or
replacement, and (ii) the remuneration to be paid for any of the Personnel provided as a
replacement shall not exceed the remuneration which would have been payable to the
Personnel replaced.


Assistance and Exemptions

Unless otherwise specified, the Employer shall use its best efforts to ensure that the
Government shall:

a) Provide the Consultants, and Personnel with work permits and such other documents as
shall be necessary to enable the Consultants, or Personnel to perform the Services;

b) assist for the Personnel and, if appropriate, their eligible dependents to be provided
promptly with all necessary entry and exit visas, residence permits, exchange permits and any
other documents required for their stay in Government’s country;

c) Advise on clearance through customs of any property required for the Services and of the
personal effects of the Personnel and their eligible dependents;

d) Issue to officials, agents and representatives of the Government all such instructions as
may be necessary or appropriate for the prompt and effective implementation of the Services;

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 89

e) Assist the Consultants and the Personnel employed by the Consultants for the Services
from any requirement to register or obtain any permit to practice their profession or to
establish themselves either individually or as a corporate entity according to the Applicable

f) Grant to the Consultants, and the Personnel of either of them the privilege, pursuant to the
Applicable Law, of bringing into Government’s country reasonable amounts of foreign
currency for the purposes of the Services or for the personal use of the Personnel and their
dependents and of withdrawing any such amounts as may be earned therein by the Personnel
in the execution of the Services; and

g) Provide to the Consultants and Personnel any such other assistance as may be specified in
the contract.

Access to Land and building

The Employer warrants that the Consultants shall have free and unimpeded access to all
portions of the land and building in respect of which access is required for the performance of
the Services and shall indemnify the Consultants and each their personnel in respect of
liability for such damage which is caused by the default or negligence of the Consultants or
the Personnel of either of them.

Change in the Applicable Law

If after the date of signing of agreement there is any change in the Applicable Law with
respect to taxes and duties which increases or decreases the cost of reimbursable expenses
incurred by the Consultants in performing the Services, then the remuneration and
reimbursable expenses otherwise payable to the Consultants under this Contract shall not be
increased or decreased accordingly for stipulated duration of the Project.

Facilities to be provided by the Employer

The Employer shall nominate an authorized representative to liaise with the Consultants on
all matters connected with this agreement. In turn, the Resident/Project engineer of the
Consultants for the work shall act as the Liaison Officer for the Consultants to liaise with the
representative of the Employer.


In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultants under this Contract the
Employer shall make to the Consultants such payments and in such manner as is provided in
Clause of the Contract.


Payments to the Consultants

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 90

All payments shall be made by the Employer to the Consultants in Indian Rupees as per data
sheet and TOR ON MONTHLY BASIS within 30 days after submission and its subsequent
approval by the competent authority of Gujarat Housing Board for of project fees. For
Engineering review & approve and Project management services at site remaining 10% fees
shall be paid on issue of completion certificate.

Currency of Payment:

All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees.

Duties and Taxes:

The consultants, Sub-consultants /Experts and the Personnel shall pay the taxes, duties, fees,
levies and other impositions levied under the existing, amended or in acted laws during life of
this contract and the Employer shall perform such duties in regard to the deduction of such
taxes as may be lawfully imposed.


Good Faith

The Parties undertake to act in good faith in respect to each other's rights under this Contract
and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the objectives of this

Operation of the Contract:

The Parties recognize that it is impractical in this Contract to provide for every contingency
which may arise during the life of the Contract and the Parties hereby agree that it is their
intention that this contract shall operate fairly as between them and without detriment to the
interest of either of them and that if during the term of this Contract either Party believes that
this Contract is operating unfairly, the Parties will use their best efforts to agree on such
action as may be necessary to remove the cause or causes of such unfairness but on failure to
agree on any action pursuant to this Clause shall have the right of dispute subject to
arbitration in accordance with Clause thereof.


Amicable Settlement

The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in
connection with this Contract or the interpretation thereof.

Right to Arbitration and Rules of Procedure

Mutual Discussions

If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever (a "Dispute") arises between the Parties in
connection with, or arising out of, this Agreement, the Parties within 30 days shall attempt to

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 91

settle such Dispute in the first instance by mutual discussions between Employer and

Further Procedures

If the Dispute cannot be settled within 7 days by mutual discussions, then the Dispute shall be
finally settled under the provisions of the Section. If the Parties fail to resolve any dispute
through discussions within 15 Business Days, either Party shall have the right to provide
written notice of the Dispute to the President or Chairman of the Committee of the other
Party. Upon a timely referral, the Senior Management of the Parties shall consider the
Dispute, REVIEW such relevant information as they may determine and issue their decision
(which decision shall be confirmed in writing) within 5 Business Days after receiving the
referral. If the Senior Management of the Parties cannot resolve the issue within the five
Business Day period, then the Parties shall have the rights set forth below in Contract


Subject as hereinafter provided, any Dispute arising out of or in connection with, this
Contract and not settled by above may (regardless of the nature of the Dispute) be submitted
by either Party to arbitration and finally settled in accordance with Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory amendment thereof.

Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Ahmedabad and the language of the arbitration
proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall be

The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both parties. The
expenses of the arbitrators as determined by the arbitrators shall be shared equally by the
Employer and the Contractor. However, the expenses incurred by each party in connection
with the preparation, presentation, etc., of its case prior to, during and after the arbitration
proceedings shall be borne by each party itself

During the conduct of dispute resolution procedures pursuant to the Clause the Parties shall
continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement, and no Party shall
exercise any other remedies hereunder arising by virtue of the matters in dispute.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 92

Annexure: IV

Form of Bank Guarantee for Performance Security



Ref: _______________ Bank Guarantee: ________________

Date: _______________

AHMEDABAD - 380 013

Dear Sir,
In consideration of “______________________” (hereinafter referred as the “Employer”,
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include it
successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/s. ____________________
(hereinafter referred to as the “PMC” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), a contract
by issue of Employer’s Contract Agreement No. ________________ dated __________ and
the same having been unequivocally accepted by the PMC, resulting in a Contract valued at
___________________ for (name of the project)
_____________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Contract”) and the
PMC having agreed to furnish a Bank Guarantee to the Employer as Performance Security as
stipulated by the Employer in the said contract for performance of the above Contract
amounting to ____________________ (in words and figures).

We _____________ (Name of the Bank) having its Head Office at _______________

(hereinafter referred to as the Bank), which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators executors and assigns) do hereby
guarantee and undertake to pay the Employer immediately on demand any reservation,
contest, recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the PMC. Any such demand made
Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 93
by the Employer on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference
between the Employer and the PMC or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal,
Arbitrator or any other authority. We agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall be
irrevocable and shall continue to be enforceable till the Employer discharges this guarantee.
The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, from time to time to vary the advance or to extend the time for
performance of the contract by the PMC. The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without
affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in
them or of any right which they might have against the Employer and to exercise the same at
any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forebear to enforce any covenants,
contained or implied, in the Contract between the Employer and the PMC any other course or
remedy or security available to the Employer. The bank shall not be relieved of its obligations
under these presents by any exercise by the Employer of its liberty with reference to the
matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of
omission or commission on the part of the Employer or any other indulgence shown by the
Employer or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under law would but for this
provision have the effect of relieving the Bank. The Bank also agrees that the Employer at its
option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the
first instance without proceeding against the PMC and notwithstanding any security or other
guarantee that the Employer may have in relation to the PMC’s liabilities.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is limited
to _______ and it shall remain in force up to shall be extended from time to time for such
period (not exceeding one year), as may be desired by M/s. ________________ on whose
behalf this guarantee has been given.

Dated this ________ day of ____ 20____at __________________________

(signature) (signature)
(Name) (Name)
(Official Address) Designation (with Bank stamp) 61
Attorney as per Power of
Attorney No. ______________

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 94

Dated ___________________
Strike out, whichever is not applicable. @ The date will be eighteen months after the date of
commencement of services.

Note 1: The stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of bank
who issues the “Bank Guarantee”.

Note 2: The Bank Guarantee will be accepted which is issued by State Bank of India
or its subsidiaries or any Indian Nationalized Bank. If the Bank Guarantee is
drawn on a foreign bank it will be accepted by MNIT only if such Guarantee
is also accepted either by State Bank of India or any of its subsidiaries or any
Indian Nationalized Bank

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 95

Annexure: V


In accordance with the provisions and conditions of Bid Notice for the work of
“________________”, Sri.______________________________(name & Address of the
Contractor) shall deposit with the Employer / Gujarat Housing Board ( a bank guarantee to
guarantee his proper and faithful Performance under the said contract an amount of (Amount
of Guarantee) (in words)*_________________________________________________

We, the _________________________ (Bank or Financial Institution) as requested by the

contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligatory and as
surety merely, the payment to the Employer / Gujarat Housing Board on his demand without
what so ever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Employer /
Gujarat Housing Board for recovery of the whole or part of the E.M.D from the contractor
under the contract.

We further agree to change add to or other modifications of the forms of the contract or of
works to be performed there under or of any of the contract document which may be made
between the Employer / Gujarat Housing Board, and the contractor shall in any way release
us from any liability under this guarantee and we here by waive notice of any such change,
addition or modification.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period of bid
validity specified in the Form of Bid.

If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Department during the
period of validity.

Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Contract in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders, if required; or fails or refuses to furnish the balance EMD and additional
performance Security in accordance with the instructions of PMC.

We undertake to pay to the Department up to the above amount upon receipt of his first
written demand, without the Department having to substantiate his demand, provided that in
his demand the Department will note the amount claimed by him is due to him owning to
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date** …………………… after
the dead line for submission of Tenders as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to
Tenders or as it may be extended by the Department, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank
is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later
than the above date.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 96

Yours truly,

Signature & Seal

(Name of the Bank)

WITNESS……………….. SEAL………………………………………………..

(Signature, Name and Address)

* The Tenderer should insert the amount of the EMD in words and figures denominated in Indian

This figure should be the same as shown in the Contract Document. ** 6 months from the deadline
date for submission of Tender [As specified in Contract Document].

The Tender will be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of tender as mentioned
in clause.

Any proposal shall be automatically disqualified if it does not contain the requisite EMD as per clause


The Client reserves the right to accept or reject any applications/tender(s) for prequalification without
assigning any reasons therefore. The Client reserves the right to increase or decrease the scope of
work as deemed necessary. Decision of Client shall be final and binding.


Letter of Acceptance for selection of Project Management Consultant will be issued to the BIDDER
whose tender has been accepted by the GHB.

Once the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) of the tender is sent, then it is considered as acceptance of

The selected BIDDER should arrange to submit Security Deposit as specified and sign the Agreement
within SPECIFIED days from the date of receipt of LOA.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 97



Agreement for the……………………………………………………………


Gujarat Housing Board

Represented by…………………………………,


This CONTRACT is made this ___________ day of ____________ Two Thousand and Sixteen
between ………………………………………………………. (herein after called “the Consultant”).
Which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context shall include his
successors in office of the one part

AND the Gujarat Housing Board (hereinafter called “the Client” which expression shall unless
excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context shall include his successors in office and assigns of
the other part).

WHEREAS the Client intends to proceed with the work of SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR

Described in the first Schedule Hereto (hereinafter called “the project”) and has requested the
Consultant to undertake and perform the service described in the second Schedule hereto (hereinafter
called “the Services”) which the Consultant has agreed to do upon and subject to the terms and
conditions set out in this Contract.

NOW this contract witnessed as follows:

(1) In this Contract, words and expressions shall have the same meanings, as are respectively
assigned to them, in the conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.

(2) The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form and be read and construed
as an integral part of this Contract:

(a) Notice Inviting Proposal

(b) Scope of work

(c) General Conditions of Contract.

(d) Project Schedule, Fees and Payment.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 98

(e) The Site Topography & Weather conditions

(f) Project Brief.

(g) Minimum Requirements

(h) Instructions to the Consultant.

(i) Stage wise submission of Drawings/Documents

(j) Form of Declaration and Undertaking.

(k) The letter of Acceptance given by the GHB

(3) The mutual rights and obligations of the Client and the Consultant shall be as set forth in the

Contract, in particulars:

(a) The Consultant shall carry out the services in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract; and

(b) The Client shall make payments to the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ………………………………………………… acting for and behalf of

and by order and direction of the Gujarat Housing Board have signed this contract as of the day first
above written, in accordance with the Laws.

In the presence of: Acting for and behalf of and by order and direction of the Gujarat Housing Board.

Executive Engineer.


For and on behalf of ………………………………………………….


[Authorized Representative]


(Authorized Representative)

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 99



Consultancy fee per sqm.
Sr. No. Description of services of carpet area
In figure In words



- Actual amount to be paid to PMC as per work order given to agency. Pre-contract stage
payment will be done on base of estimated cost of work and same shall be settled as per the cost
of work actually executed.

- For all required fees to be paid at local authority will be borne by G.H.B.

I/We am/are willing to carry out the work at above mentioned rates.

Name of the company Signature:

Name of authorized person:

Company seal: Designation

(NOTE: - This amount is inclusive of applicable GST, Income Tax and other taxes)

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 100



Annexure III : Format of Covering Letter

Form FIN-1 : Remuneration: Proposed billing rates for experts

Form FIN-2 : Out-of-Pocket expenditure proposed

Form FIN-3 : Summary of Cost Estimates

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 101




[Name & Address of the Consulting Firm] [Name & Address of the Client]



Regarding Financial Proposal

1. I/We …………………… the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services of the above
Project in accordance with your request for proposal dated [________] and my/our proposal.
My/Our attached financial proposal is for Rs………………. Per sqm. of carpet area [Amount in
words and figures]. This amount is excluding of all taxes.

2. My/Our financial proposal shall be binding upon me/us subject to the modifications resulting
from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the proposal or the date
extended by me/us i.e. [Date].

3. I/We certify that I/we have not engaged any Agents, nor I/we have paid any fee to any Agent for
procuring this consulting service.

4. I/We understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

Yours Faithfully,


Full Name:



(Authorized Representative)

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 102

Form FIN-1


Minimum Required Project Monitoring and Engineering REVIEW & APPROVAL
Cell at Ahmedabad

(A) Key personal

Position Expert’s Name Nos. Rate Per Month Months Total Rs.
1 Project Manager 1
(Team leader)
2 Sr. Structure 1
3 Sr. Architect 1
4 Environmental 1
5 MEP Engineer (one 1
6 for each field) 1
7 1
(B) Supporting staff
1 Structure Engineer Name not 1
required at
bidding stage
2 Architect ---do--- 1
Total Cost Rs.


Minimum Required Field staff at various project sites (All).

(A) Key Personal

No. of Expert’s Rate

Sr. Reqd. Total
Position Expert Per Months
No Name Nos. Rs.
1 Resident 01
construction manger

2 ---do--- 02
3 ---do--- 03
4 ---do--- 04
5 ---do--- 05

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 103

(B) Supporting Staff
No. of Expert’s Name
Sr. Expert not required at Reqd. Rate Per Total
Position Months
No Nos. Month Rs.
bidding stage
01 Site Engineer 01 ---do---
02 ---do--- 02 ---do---
03 ---do--- 03 … ---do---
04 ---do--- 56 ---do---
05 MEP Engineer 01 ---do---
06 ---do--- 02 ---do---
07 ---do--- 03 ---do---
08 ---do--- 04 ---do---
09 ---do--- 05 ---do---
10 ---do--- 06
11 ---do--- 07
12 Safety Engineer 01 ---do---
13 ---do--- 02 ---do---

14 ---do--- 03 ---do---

15 ---do--- 04 ---do---

16 ---do--- 05 ---do---

17 Quality engineer 01 ---do---

18 ---do--- 02 ---do---

19 ---do--- 03 ---do---

20 ---do--- 04 ---do---

21 ---do--- 05 ---do---

22 Firefighting 01 ---do---
23 ---do--- 02 ---do---

24 ---do--- 03 ---do---

25 ---do--- 04 ---do---

26 ---do--- 05 ---do---

Total Rs

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 104

Form FIN-2




For Project Monitoring and Engineering REVIEW & APPROVAL Cell at Ahmedabad

Sr. No. Description Unit Cost Rs.
Cost Rs.
1. Travel for Mobilization and Demobilization
2. Miscellaneous Travel Expenses
3. Overheads
4. Report preparation, production
5. Provisional Sums
6. Equipment
7. Purchase books of specifications/codes
8. Holding of Training and workshops
9. Other Costs
Total Cost Rs.

For Field staff at various (all) project sites.
Sr. No. Description Unit Cost Rs.
Cost Rs.
1. Travel for Mobilization and Demobilization
2. Miscellaneous Travel Expenses
3. Overheads
4. Report preparation, production
5. Provisional Sums
6. Equipment
7. Purchase books of specifications/codes
8. Holding of Training and workshops
9. Other Costs
Total Cost Rs.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 105

Form FIN-3



Project Monitoring and Engineering REVIEW & APPROVAL Cell at Ahmedabad

Sr. Description Cost Rs. %age derived of

No. the Project Cost
1 FIN-1. Remuneration to Professional (Key)
Personnel & Support Staff
2 FIN-2. Out of Pocket Expense of all staff
3 Total of 1 & 2
4 Add GST
5 Fee or Profit
Total (3+4+5) Cost in Figure
Total Cost in Words

Field staff at various project sites.

Sr. Description Cost Rs. %age derived of

No. the Project Cost
1 FIN-1. Remuneration to Professional (Key)

Personnel & Support Staff

2 FIN-2. Out of Pocket Expense

3 Total of 1 & 2

4 Add GST

5 Fee or Profit

Total (3+4+5) Cost in Figure

Total Cost in Words

Note: - Details in FIN-1, FIN-2 & FIN-3 is only supporting data for justification of rate quoted
per sqm. It should not be linked with quoted rate in any circumstances. These costs are
not payable by the client.

Signature of Bidder/s Executive Engineer, GHB Page 106

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