Business in Global Economy

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Companies have enjoyed success but at the detriment of the environment and these Companies
have offered little or no solution to the damage they are causing to the environment.
Pollution is a major issue resulting from Company activities. Pollution can be very dangerous to
human health as it can lead to serious health problems. Communities where some of this
industrial organizations are located are known to often experience significant damage to their
natural habitat. For example, oil spillage caused by refineries, pipelines, tankers, rigs and storage
facilities condemns their food and water and as a result, members of the communities battle with
failing health. Citizens of rural Nigeria haven been constantly victimized by the oil Companies
for so many years and rather than addressing the issues directly, The Companies just pay off the
authorities in that region, leaving the poor and helpless citizens continue dealing with their
complains. The United States Government in a 2013 report stated that:
There are no consistent figures of the quantity of crude oil spilled in the Niger
delta, but it is widely believed that an estimated 13 million barrels (1.5
million tons) of crude oil have been spilled since 1958 from over 7000 oil
spill incidents; a yearly average of about 240,000 barrels. (Health)
Furthermore, Co2 emissions from the industrial processes and the burning of fossil fuels
sometimes results in climate change which affects the environment. Production of
things like plastics, iron, steel, electronics, as well as mining and other industrial
processes all emit harmful gases to the atmosphere, While some industries have now
begin to fund science research on how to address global warming, others are less
concerned as they are more focused on making profit.

In addition to the global warming issues, the over-extraction of the natural resources
that are available in these communities usually result in significant depletion of the
availability of these resources. This is another cause of distress in the communities.
Works Cited
Health, National Institute of. The human health implications of crude oil spills in the Niger delta, Nigeria:
An interpretation of published studies. United States of America. :, 2013.

JustDiggit. "What is Climate Change." 2023.


1. World Bank Group’s report named the effect of Multinational Enterprises on Climate
Change focuses analysis on 157 large MNEs identified by Climate Action 100+, whose
supply chains jointly make up most of the world’s carbon emissions (The effect). Climate
Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate
greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change (Climate Action 100+).

2. This report finds that a number of MNEs are a major driver of global Greenhouse Gas
emissions. The total emissions of 157 large MNEs jointly account for up to 60 percent of
total industrial emissions. While their own activities jointly account for 10 percentage
points of global industrial emissions, their supply chains could add up to another 50
percentage points of global emissions (The effect).

3. The energy sector tends to be the biggest polluter (via oil and gas, utility companies, or
coal), but some regions dominate in transport, industrials, or consumer goods and
services (The effect).
1. Break Free From Plastic’s brand audit report presents an analysis of all five years of global
brand audit data findings (2018-2022) and its mission is to identify the top polluting corporations
to hold them accountable and demand real solutions for the plastic pollution crisis (Brand audit
7). The analysis of five years of brand audit data reveals the following corporations as the Top 10
Global Corporate Plastic Polluters: The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Nestlé, Unilever,
Mondelez International, Mars, Inc., Procter & Gamble, Philip Morris International, Danone, and
Ferrero Group (Brand audit 2). These are leading companies in multinational fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG) industry. They have the largest market share and generate the most
plastic. In line with the product types produced by these companies, food and beverage wrappers,
followed by bottles and sachets, have been the top category recorded every year across all
regions (Brand audit 18)

2. Recycling systems cannot keep up with the volume of plastic produced. PET bottles, known
for being the most widely recyclable plastic item globally, have simultaneously been the second
most common item recorded in our global brand audits every year - just after food and beverage
wrappers. More than 90% of all the plastic ever produced has wound up either being burned in
incinerators, landfilled, exported, or discarded into streets, waterways, oceans, etc. In the United
States, only 5-6% of plastic gets recycled each year (Brand audit 18).

3. Today, thanks to the data gathered from the annual global brand audits, we have successfully
challenged this false narrative to tell the true story of plastic pollution. The top plastic polluters
are not countries, but rather fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies headquartered in
Europe and the United States, which produce millions of tons of single-use plastic packaging
annually (Brand audit 15).

4. What they say – What they do:

What Coca-Cola Says: What Coca-Cola Does:
 Make 100% of our packaging  Produce More Plastic:
recyclable globally by 2025 3,224,000 metric tons
 Use at least 50% recycled material produced annually.
Coca-cola in our packaging by 2030
 Reduce our use of virgin plastic  Greenwash: The Coca-
Top 1 Polluter with derived from non-renewable Cola Company has
85,035 items recorded sources by a cumulative 3 million proactively lobbied
across 78 countries metric tons by 2025 against packaging
(Brand audit 18) regulation around the
 Have at least 25% of all beverages world for
worldwide by volume sold in more than a decade
refillable / returnable glass or (Brand audit 18).
plastic bottles or in fountain
dispensers with reusable packaging
by 2030 (Brand audit 18)
Climate Action 100+. “About.” Climate Action 100+, Accessed 14 Oct 2023.
Victor Steenbergen and Abhishek Saurav. The effect of Multinaltional Enterprises on
Climate Change. World Bank.
a366-e01331481c99/content. Accessed 14 Oct 2023.
Brand audit report 2018 -2022. Break free from plastics.
brand-audit-report-2022.pdf. Accessed 14 Oct 2023.

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