Computer Security

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Entry…………………………………………………………… 3

2. System software, its composition......................... 4

2.1. Operating systems, their ....................................... 5

2.2. Control Systems file.................................................. 7

2.3. Utilities, their functions and type.................................................... 8

2.4. Programming Systems...................................................... 10

2.5. System software requirements...... 113. Conclusion………………………………………………………….. 12

4. List of used ……………………………….... 13

Introduction 1. Software is a set of programs designed to solve problems on a PC, which is an integral
part of the computer system. It is a logical extension of technical means. The scope of a specific
computer application is defined by the software created for it. Computer software includes millions of
programs - from game-based pre-science. All software, can be divided into two categories: system
software and application software. In my research, I looked at system software, which provides effective
control of the components of a numerical system and helps to control computer manipulation and
computer system. System software is a necessary component for a data processing machine (computer).
The purpose of the study was to study in detail system software and its components: operating systems,
file management systems, utilities and programming systems.

2. System software, its composition. System software is a complex of programs that provide efficient
management of numerical system components such as the processor, RAM, I-O channels, network
hardware, Acting as «interlayer interface» on the one hand which hardware, and on the other hand the
user’s application. Unlike application software, the system does not solve specific application tasks, but
only supports other programs, manages computer system hardware resources, etc. System software
manages computer system resources and allows users to program in more expressive languages than
computer computer language. The composition ofthe system software has little influence onthe nature
ofthe tasks the user performs. This class of software products is closely related to the type computer
and is an integral part of it. The software products of this class are general in nature, regardless of the
specific field. The system software products have high requirements for reliability and manufacturability,
usability and efficiency of use.

System software includes:

operating systems;

interface shells for user interaction with OS;

file management systems;

programming systems;


System software is designed for:

Creating an operating environment for other programs (in other words, for organizing program

automation of development (creation) of new programs;

ensuring reliable and efficient operation of the computer and numerical network;

conducting diagnostics and prophylaxis of computer hardware and numerical networks;

supporting process (copying, archiving, recovery of program and database files, etc.).

2.1. Operating systems, their functions. Operating system - a set of software tools, providing control of
computer hardware and application programs, as well as their interaction between themselves and the
user. In most computing systems, operating systems are a basic part of system software.The operating
system acts as a link between computer hardware on the one hand, and running programs, as well as by
the user, on the other side. The operating system will normally be stored in the computer’s external
memory - on disk. When the computer is turned on, it is read from disk memory and placed in RAM. This
process is called operating system boot. The operating system can be called a software extension of the
computer control device. It hides from the user complex details of interaction with hardware, forming a
layer between them. As a result, people are freed from the very laborious work of organizing interaction
with computer hardware. The operating system, on the one hand, acts as an interface between the
hardware of the computer and the user with its tasks, on the other hand, is designed for the efficient
use of the resource computing system and the organization of reliable computing.

Main functions of operating systems:

Loading applications into RAM and running them.

Standardized access to peripherals (I-O-devices).

Memory management (distribution between processes, virtual memory).

Managing access to data on non-volatile media (such as a hard disk, CD-ROM, etc.) organized in a file

User Interface.

ːNetwork operations, support of the protocol stack.

Parallel or pseudo-parallel execution of tasks (multitasking).

Interaction between processes: data exchange, mutual synchronization.

Protection of the system itself, as well as user data and programs of actions of users (malicious or
ignorant) or applications.

Differentiation of access rights and multi-user mode of operation (authentication, authorization).

Different computer models use different operating systems with different architectures and capabilities.
They require different systems. They provide different levels of service for programming and work with
finished programs. Depending on the number of simultaneously processed tasks and the number of
users the OS can serve, there are four main classes of operating systems:

Single-user one-task, which support one keyboard and can only work with one (at the moment) task;

• Single-user single-tasking with background printing, which, in addition to the main task, allow one
additional task oriented, as a rule, to print information. This speeds up the work when issuing large
volumes of information for printing;

• Single-user multitasking, which allows a single user to process multiple tasks in parallel.

For example, a coded computer can connect several printers, each of which will work on "its" task;

• multiuser multitasking, allowing multiple users to run multiple tasks on one computer. These operating
systems are very complex and require significant machine tools.

The most common operating systems are:

Mac OS is an Apple operating system.

OS/2U is an IBM operating system.

Windows is a Microsoft operating system.

Linux is the common name for Unix-like operating systems on the core kernel and the libraries and
system programs compiled for it, developed under the GNU Project.

2.2. File management systems. File management systems are designed to provide more convenient
access to data, organized as files. Instead of low-level data access with specific physical addresses, file
management allows logical access with a file name. Any file management system does not exist on its
own - it is designed to work with a specific operating system and file system. The filesystem - is part of
the operating system, the purpose of the filesystem is to provide the user with a user-friendly interface
when working with data stored on disk, and ensure file sharing by multiple users and processes.

Main file systems:

FAT is the simplest file system. The disk formatted into the FAT file system, is divided into clusters, the
size of which depends on the volume growth. The basis of the FAT system is the file allocation table,
which is placed at the beginning of the volume.
HPFS - supports FAT directory structure in this filesystem and added file sorting by name. The file
consists of «data® and special attributes, in addition to them, there is also information about creation
and making changes, as well as date and time of access.

2.3. Utilities, their functions and types. Support programs are also important classes of system programs
- utilitas (utility). Utilities are utilities that perform ancillary data processing or computer maintenance
operations and extend standard hardware and operating system capabilities to a narrow range of
specific tasks. Utilities provide access to features (parameters and settings), that are not available
without them, or make the process of changing some parameters easier, i.e.

Utilities are used for:

sensor performance monitoring and equipment performance monitoring -processor temperature

monitoring, video adapter;

hard disk reading;

control of equipment parameters - limiting the maximum rotation speed of the CD drive;

Changing the speed of rotation of the agents.

Indicator monitoring - reference integrity check;

correct data recording.

extensions - formatting and/or repartition of the disk with data storage, deletion without possibility of

The utilities include:

Control, testing and diagnostics programs that use to check the correct operation of computer devices
and to detect faults during operation;

indicate the cause of the failure;

driver programs, that enhance the capabilities of the operating system to manage I-O devices, RAM,

with the help of drivers it is possible to connect to the computer with new features or non-standard use
of existing ones;

wrappers (archivers), that allow you to write information on disks more tightly, and to combine copies of
several files into one archive file;

antivirus programs, designed to prevent computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of infection
with virus;

Disk optimization and quality control programs;

data recovery, formatting, data protection programs;

Computer-to-computer communication programmes;

Memory management software, provides more flexible use of RAM.

It should be noted that some of the utilities are part of the operating system, and the other part
operates autonomously.

2.4. Programming systems. System software includes systems of programming. This is a set of
specialized software products that are developer tools. Software products of this class support all stages
of the process of programming, debugging and testing of created programs. The programming system
includes the following programme components:

text editor;

A translator from the relevant language;

linker (link editor);


subroutine library.

Note that any programming system can only work with the appropriate OS, for which it is created,
however, it can allow the development of software for other OS. The translators are designed to convert
programmes written in programming languages into machine-language programmes. A program
prepared in a programming language, is called a source module. As input information, the translators
use the initial modules and, as a result of their work, form object modules which are input information
for the link editor. The object module contains the program text in the machine language and complete
information that allows the module to be configured for local download and to be integrated with other
independent broadcast modules into a single program. The translators are divided into two classes:
compilers and interpreters. Compilers translate the entire source module into machine language.

The interpreter translates successively into the machine language and executes the operators of the
source module. The coupling - system processing program or the coupling editor edits and combines
object (previously converted) modules into single boot modules, ready-to-implement software modules.
The boot module can be placed with OS memory and is executed. The debugger allows you to manage
the program execution process,is a tool for finding and fixing bugs in the program.The programming
systems that focus on creating Windows applications are: Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Basic,
Borland C++ .

2.5. System software requirements. System software has high requirements for reliability and
workability, usability and efficiency. System programs must meet the following requirements:

transparency of work;
guaranteed reliability according to the specifications;

maximum execution speed;

Minimal storage of machine codes

support of standard communication tools with applications.

The effectiveness of system programs depends on the time of their creation and the reliability of the
executable code. The performance requirement of system programs results in special Assembler-type
machine-oriented languages and high-level C or C++.

3. Conclusion.Most of the general (system) software is part of the OS. A part of the general software is
part of the computer itself (part of the OS programs and monitoring tests is written in the ROM or PPU,
installed on the system board). Some of the general software is separate and separate. Thus, during the
training and familiarization I have been able to study in detail the functions, the purpose and
composition of system software, which performs important functions when working with
computers.Also, I learned a lot of new and useful information about operating systems, file
management systems and utilities. I am sure that theoretical and practical knowledge will be useful in
the future.

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