An Investigation Into India's Online Trading System
An Investigation Into India's Online Trading System
An Investigation Into India's Online Trading System
This study explores the new trend in online trading in relation to businesses and brokerages. One of the key components of the
Indian economy that affects the nation's financial health and rate of economic growth is the stock market. In the modern world,
there are millions of internet users, many of whom come from rural backgrounds. GPL (Globalization, Privatization, and
Liberalization) and the internet have had a significant impact on people's views during the past 30 years, starting in 1991. The
sole factor determining a company's success is client pleasure. The goal of the current study is to determine consumer
knowledge of internet trading. The study's primary goal is to comprehend how internet trading functions. The main
justification for investing in the stock market is compelling and simple to understand.
This publication is open access (OA), and all articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which permits others to remix, modify, and build upon the work in noncommercial
ways as long as proper attribution is given and the new works are licensed in accordance with the same terms.
Online trading involves the purchasing and selling of different equities using various online platforms and methods.
These companies that operate online trading platforms play a significant role in new industries, having a stronger impact on
several financial institutions and the economy. Because of the internet, all of these enterprises have a successful history and
will continue to have an impact for years to come. Online trading includes the purchasing and selling of bonds, shares, mutual
funds, debts, gold, and many other items. Many companies have moved online in order to save time, provide consumers with
convenience, and make money. This has had a significant impact on sales and establishing a successful company. This
company begins offering greater discounts on a variety of goods and services, satisfying the needs of internet businesses.
Additionally, it became required to compute the risk and examine the procedure. Anyone can buy and sell shares, money, and
other commodities using an online trading platform from the comfort of their own home.
Anyone can use the internet platform; no special knowledge or training is required. The market's functioning and
investors' methods of accessing it have changed as a result of online trading, which has been made possible by the internet.
Trading has moved online almost everywhere, and the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange successfully
undertake online trade.
The most crucial element in internet commerce was probably connectivity, and India has made significant progress
toward achieving connectivity across the country. You can use email or a mobile device to verify the status of your trade when
trading online.
The diagram up top shows the percentage of internet trading in India. Online trading peaked in FY 2018 at 26%,
reaching a high of 22% in 2014, then falling to 11% the following year. After 2015, online trading started to rise.
construct psychology, in their own words or personal constructions. Abdul Rahim (2013) 2 explains the relationship between
SEBI and NSE in his research paper "Problems and Prospects of Online Share Trading Practices in India, International Journal
of Marketing, Financial Services, and Management Research". NSE has implemented online trading of securities in accordance
with SEBI regulations. In his research, he also included the advantages of investing in stocks or equity-oriented mutual funds
over a longer period of time. In his research paper "Benefits and Drawbacks Of Online Trading," Petric Loana Ancuta (2015) 3
explains that investment and financial services companies should use other factors that influence the decision to switch from
traditional to online trading to guide their marketing campaigns to attract more investors to online platforms. Additionally, he
asserts that when investors have extensive stock market expertise, greater education, and computer savvy, they will convert to
online trading. In his work "Impact of Internet Growth on Online Stock Trading in India," Dr. Sarika Srivastava (2016) notes
that the internet has reduced geographical boundaries for customers and increased their knowledge of financial products and
services. This research paper's main goal is to examine how the expansion of the internet has affected stock market trades. The
current condition of internet trading in India, in particular the size of the online trading market there, is also covered in the
study. Professor Aadil Bade (2017) In the Department of Commerce's "Analysis: Demat Account and Online Trading,", in this
work, which was published in the Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor Aadil Bade has examined
Demat Account and Online Trading. He claimed that online trading is still in its infancy in India. 20 | P a g e
Management Journal for Advanced Research
ISSN (Online): 2583-1747
Volume-3 Issue-3 || June 2023 || PP. 19-22 DOI: 10.54741/mjar.3.3.3
The world market Customers now have a platform that allows them to trade freely and anywhere in the world, thanks
to online trading. Boundary restrictions have been dismantled by online trading. Obtaining investment through the worldwide
market is simple.
January. Trading apps like Robin Hood are experiencing a boom in demand. Many unemployed individuals "feel it is a method
they can use to replace the lost income," he said. He added that because of all the extra time, people are engaging in activities
they ordinarily wouldn't.
1. Online trading's market share has increased since 2015.
2. Online trading must adhere to a well-structured methodology.
3. Online trading is simple to manage but involves some risk.
4. Across all organizations, the number of people using online commerce for the first time is rising in 2019.
5. There is a lack of awareness of online trading in India.
Contribution to the capital market is crucial because it closes the gap between capital revenue and deficit. Therefore,
we need to enhance the variety of ways we invest. Everyone should support internet trade since it is essential to the growth of
the economy. Online trading is drawing an increasing number of investors looking for profits. Tax advantage. To educate the
client about online trading, numerous educational programs should be established. Online transactions must always be safe and
have a sufficient backup and recovery plan. Access should be made fair and open as the primary goal. The investor should
become knowledgeable about market developments. Investors should be aware that trading can have both positive and negative
impacts before making an investment in the stock market.
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