Oxy Reports

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MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING  Pleurodesis (may be performed using

(Oxygenation) either a thoracoscopic approach or

a chest tube).
 Surgical pleurectomy (insertion of a
Pleurisy (Pleuritis) refers to inflammation of small catheter attached to a
both layers of the pleurae (parietal and drainage bottle for outpatient
visceral). The result is severe, sharp, knife- management).
like pain.
Empyema is an accumulation of thick,
Medical Management: purulent fluid within the pleural space, often
with fibrin development.
 Analgesic agents and topical
applicators of heat or colds provide Clinical Manifestations:
symptomatic relief.
 Fever
 NSAIDS may provide relief while
 Night sweats
allowing the patient to take deep
 Pleural pain
breaths and cough more effectively.
 Cough
 If the pain is severe, an intercostal
 Dyspnea
nerve block may be required.
 Anorexia
Pleural Effusion is a collection of fluid in  Weight loss
the pleural space and is rarely a primary
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings:
disease process, usually secondary to other
diseases.  Chest auscultation
 Chest CT
Normal pleural space contains a
 Diagnostic thoracentesis (often with
small amount of fluid (5-10 mL) which acts
ultrasound guidance)
as a lubricant that allows the pleural surfaces
to move without friction. Medical Management:
Clinical Manifestations: (usually the  Thoracentesis (needle aspiration)
clinical manifestations are caused by  Tube Thoracostomy (chest drainage
underlying disease) using a large-diameter intercoastal
tube attached to waster-seal
 Fever
 Chills
 Pleuritic chest pain Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
 Malignant effusion may result in (ARDS) can be thought of as a spectrum of
dyspnea, difficulty lying flat, and disease, progressing from mild to moderate
coughing. to its most severe, fulminant form.
Medical Management: Mild ARDS (>200mmHg but ≤
 Thoracentesis (to remove fluid, to
Moderate ARDS (>100mmHg but ≤
obtain specimen for analysis, and to
200 mmHg
relieve dyspnea and respiratory
Severe ARDS (≤100mmHg)
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings:
 Plasma brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP) levels
 Echocardiography
 Pulmonary artery catheterization
Medical Management:
 ET Intubation
 Mechanical ventilation
 Circulatory support, adequate fluid
volume, and nutritional support are
Nursing Management:
A patient with ARDS is critically ill and
requires close monitoring in the ICU.
 Oxygen administration
 Nebulizer therapy
 CPT and ET Intubation or
 Mechanical ventilation
 Suctioning
 Bronchoscopy
Pulmonary Edema (Noncarcinogenic) is
the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the
lung tissue, the alveolar space, or both. It is
a severe, life-threatening condition.

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