Pass Res B1plus ST 8A
Pass Res B1plus ST 8A
Pass Res B1plus ST 8A
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 4 Rewrite the active sentences in the passive.
1 We expect you to ____________ the payment for 1 They haven’t repaired our car yet.
the goods by 14th May. ___________________________________________
2 I can’t ____________ to buy this jacket. It’s far too 2 They’re going to build a new sports centre in our
expensive for me. neighbourhood.
3 If you ____________ in the wrong PIN number ___________________________________________
again, your card will be blocked. 3 Somebody is preparing the new catalogue.
__ / 3 ___________________________________________
4 They don’t produce this model any more.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct ___________________________________________
prepositions. 5 Nobody informed me about the meeting last week.
1 Good education can be expensive, but it pays ___________________________________________
______ in the long run.
__ / 5
2 Pete occasionally goes ______ a shopping spree
and spends all the money he has. 5 Complete the second sentence so that it means
3 My aunt needed to take ______ a small loan from the same as the first. Use have something done.
the bank to buy some new furniture. 1 They deliver the newspapers to my house every
__ / 3 morning.I _______________________ to my house
every morning.
3 Translate the words and phrases in brackets into
English. 2 My hairdresser dyed my hair black yesterday.
Yesterday, I _______________________ black.
1 I just hope my dentist won’t ____________ 3 They are redecorating our bathroom at the
(obciąży opłatą) me too much for doing a filling. moment.
2 Could you ____________ (przelać) the money into We _______________________ at the moment.
my account by the end of the week? 4 Some builders will repair our roof when the
3 She’s so materialistic! All she cares about are weather gets better.
________________________ (dobra materialne). We _______________________ when the weather
4 It’s important to teach young people to gets better.
____________ (zarządzać) their money. 5 An optician has tested my eyes recently.
__ / 4 I _______________________ by an optician
__ / 5