Memo Report

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Interoffice Memorandum
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20.6.1 Informational Report
An intormational report presents the data, facts, problem, condition or situation withot
any analysis or interpretation. It doesn't contain conclusion or recommendation(s). Th
writer only collects, compiles and organizes facts for the reader(s). It generally
the report of meeting held, an incident, situation etc.

You President of Debating Club of your college. The club
recently organized an intra-
college debate competition in the college. You are to submit a report to the
event. Draft the report with necessary detail. Principal on the

New Delhi

Interoffice Memorandum
Date: 02August 2018

To: Principal
From: President, Debating Club

Subject: Report on Debate Competition.

The Debating Club of the
college organized an
Intra-college Debate Competition on 28 July
2018 at 12:30PM in the seminar hall of
the college. Here is the report on the event for your
Topic of the debate: MONEY IS ALL IMPORTANT IN LIFE.
he participants were judged by three teachers- Dr. Sushma Sharma (Deptt. of Chemistry),
D AVtar Singh (Deptt. of Hindi), and Dr. Anuradha Ghosh (Deptt. of English). The students
were allowed to
speak either in Hindi or English.
in the
A petition started at 12:30PM. Twenty six students participated
it was
O them presented their views forcefully., All the students were good at speaking.
the prizes:
t for the judges to decide the prizes, But the following students got
1st semester. (1"
Payal Singhal, the student of B.A. (prog.),
(2na Prize)
Mr. Susha i dnt Bhatia, the student of B.Com., 3rd
prize, Rs. 1000.
was Rs. 2000, and the second
The first prize

All the students were enthusiastic andparticipated with great zeal. We are planning siuclch events
students can excel the art of debating.
time to time so that

Mayank Sharma

20.6.2 Analytical Report

An analytical report presents data with analysis and interpretation. The writer objectivel
investigates and analyses the situation, condition(s) or problem(s) and puts the conclusior
and recommendation(s) in the report. At first, s/he identifies the problem, collects data
analyses it, tries to find the reasons, draws conclusion and incorporates suggestion(s) o
recommendation(s) towards its solution. If a report presents the facts, pertinent to asituatio
or issue, only, it is an informational report, but if writer analyses the facts, draws conclusion
and makes recommendation(s), it is described as analytical report. It is also known a
interpretative' or 'investigative' report. Project report, feasibility report and research repo
are some of the examples of analytical report. It is easier to write an informational repor
as compared to analytical one, because the writer needs to compile the facts only and prese.
them in the report. But writing of an analytical report is difficult because the writer nee
to collect data, evaluate it, draw conclusion, and make recommendation(s).

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