Ijhs 14257+674 689
Ijhs 14257+674 689
Ijhs 14257+674 689
Ahmad, F., Akhlaq, S., Fiaz, I., Bhutto, A. A., Khan, I., Ajmal, A., & Ahmad, J. (2023).
Determination of scums in medicine materials. International Journal of Health
Sciences, 7(S1), 674–689. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v7nS1.14257
Ijaz Khan
Master in Chemistry, Comsats University Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: kijaz689@yahoo.com
Amina Ajmal
Assistant Professor, Dental Section NIMS, Pakistan
Email: amnakayani072@gmail.com
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) [4-8] and the Food and Drug Administration
[9-10]. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has also placed an emphasis,
under general notices [11], on the regulation of foreign substances and other
contaminants. ICH, the FDA, and other organizations have amassed a lot of
information on pollutants. The synthesis of drug ingredients and drug products is
increasingly subject to titer constraints and stringent controls due to
advancements in technology, as mandated by the international regulatory
community, pharmacopoeias, and the multinational sponsors of regulated
products. These tendencies call for permanent adherence to the highest quality
standards. Guidelines on impurities in new drug products [6] require the
identification of degradation products detected at concentrations greater than t,
while guidelines on impurities in new drug substances [5] require the
characterization of impurities detected at concentrations greater than 0.1%
(depending on the daily dose, calculated using the response factor of the drug
Types of Impurities
Impurities may broadly be classified into three classes as given in Table 3 [1].
First, there are organic impurities, which can be anything from raw materials to
process byproducts to intermediates and even degradation products.
Salts, catalysts, ligands, and heavy metals or other residual metals are all
examples of inorganic impurities.
c) Production and/or recrystallization residual solvents (organic and inorganic
would be tested for and analyzed for serious contaminants as part of this
Literature Review
Sources of Impurities
Impurities in drug substances may include the impurity present in the starting
material or the intermediates and bye-products formed during synthesis which
may be brought into the API as impurities or become a source of other
impurities resulting from them. The impurities related to the inert ingredients
(excipients) and solvents used during the synthesis may also become a
source of impurities in the API. Impurities in the drug products can be
introduced from the drug substances or from the excipients used for
formulating a drug product or can be brought into the drug product through
the formulation process or by contact with the packaging [15]. A number of
impurities can produce during storage (shelf life) or shipment of drug
products. It is essential to carry out stability studies to predict, evaluate and
ensure drug product safety [2].
These belong to a class of drugs known as 1,4-benzodiazepines and are widely used as
minor tranquilizers, sleep inducers, sedatives and muscle relaxants [35-37]. The
drugs may also be used as antitumor antibiotics, antithrombotics and antipsychotics
[38]. Recent studies on diazepam have shown that it also inhibits shock induced
ultrasonic vocalization in adult rats [39]. Benzodiazepines are usually given orally
and are well absorbed by this route. Since the benzodiazepines are weak bases, they are
less ionized in the relatively alkaline environment of the small intestine and,
therefore, most of their absorption takes place at this site [40]. The presence of the
pyridine moity in the molecule is responsible for their unique physicochemical
properties. Their main metabolic routeinvolveshydroxylationand hydrolysis[41].
Table 3
Physicochemical properties of diazepam and bromazepam Excremental Work
Physicochemical Compounds
Properties Diazepam Bromazepam
Appearance A white or White or
yellowish yellowish
Crystallinepowder crystallinepowder
Solubility Slightly soluble in water, Practically insoluble in
soluble in 1 in 25 of water, sparingly soluble
ethanol in alcohol and in
Molecular formula C16H13C1N2O C14H10BrN3O
Molecular weight 284.75 316.2
pK avalue 3.33(200) 2.9,11.0.
Meltingrange 131-1350C 237o to 238.5o
• Put on sterile gloves and safety goggles to protect yourself from any
potential hazards.
• Obtain a small piece of the medicinal material suspected of containing
• Use scissors or a scalpel to cut the material into smaller pieces, no more
than 1 cm in size.
• Place a small piece of the material on a clean glass slide.
• Add a drop of distilled water to the material on the slide.
• Carefully place a cover slip over the material and gently press down to
flatten it.
• Place the slide under a microscope with a magnification of at least 400x.
• Observe the material under the microscope, looking for any visible scums or
other foreign materials.
By injecting six replicas of the parent compound sample spiked with the known
concentration of each impurity, we were able to verify the method's accuracy.
Good precision was shown by a 3% RSD for both the original chemical and each
To test how well this approach can quantify parent chemicals and related
contaminants in manufactured goods, we ran a series of standard addition and
recovery tests. Each degradation impurity was tested at three different
concentrations: 50%, 100%, and 150% of the parent chemical or impurity. Since
the overall mean of the recovery is between 97-103%, the accuracy of the method
is satisfactory for both the parent chemical and its primary degrading impurities
within the range of 50-150% of the prescribed level.
Table 1
Linearity data of bromazepam and its major impurities (n = 3)
This table provides the linearity data for Bromazepam and its major impurities,
based on three measurements. The data shows that Bromazepam has a slope of
0.76355 and a y-intercept of 0.00217, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9998.
Impurity A has a slope of 3.33758 and a y-intercept of -0.0599, with a correlation
coefficient of 0.99989. Impurity D has a slope of 5.5976 and a y-intercept of
0.00925, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9998. These correlation coefficients
indicate a strong linear relationship between the analyte concentration and the
detector response, with a high degree of accuracy. The linearity data in this table
suggests that the analytical method used to measure Bromazepam and its major
impurities is precise and reliable, with high percentages of correlation coefficients
ranging from 99.98% to 99.99%
Table 2
Recoveries of bromazepam from spiked samples
Table 3
Repeatability results of bromazepam and ts major degradation impurities
Table 3 shows the repeatability results of Bromazepam and its major degradation
impurities. The table lists six sample numbers, and the percentages of
Bromazepam and its major impurities A and C in each sample. The table also
shows the % mean and % RSD values. The % mean indicates the average
percentage of each component in the samples, and the % RSD indicates the
relative standard deviation of the results. The % mean values indicate that the
average percentage of Bromazepam in the samples was 99.96%, the average
percentage of Impurity A was 100.0%, and the average percentage of Impurity C
was 100.3%. These values suggest that the analytical method used to measure
the components in the samples was consistent and reliable.
The % RSD values indicate the degree of variation among the six samples. The %
RSD value for Bromazepam was 0.763%, which indicates low variability. However,
the % RSD values for Impurity A and Impurity C were 1061% and 1.796%,
Table 4
Linearity data of diazepam and its major impurities (n = 3)
Table 4 shows the linearity data for diazepam and its major impurities. The table
lists three components, including diazepam and two impurities (A and B). For
each component, the table provides the slope, y-intercept, and correlation
coefficient values. These values can help to determine the linearity of the
analytical method used to measure these components. The slope value indicates
the relationship between the concentration of the component and the response of
the analytical method. The y-intercept value indicates the response of the
analytical method when the concentration of the component is zero. The
correlation coefficient value indicates the strength of the relationship between the
concentration of the component and the response of the analytical method.
The correlation coefficient values for all components were high, ranging from
0.9996 to 0.9997, indicating a strong linear relationship between the
concentration of each component and the response of the analytical method. The
slope values for diazepam and impurity B were similar, indicating that the
analytical method had similar sensitivity for these two components. However, the
slope value for impurity A was much smaller than for the other two components,
indicating that the analytical method may have lower sensitivity for measuring
this impurity. Overall, the data in this table suggests that the analytical method
used to measure the linearity of diazepam and its major impurities is reliable, as
indicated by the high correlation coefficient values. However, the difference in
sensitivity between the components suggests that the analytical method may need
to be optimized for measuring impurity A
Table 5
Recoveries of diazepam from spiked samples
Table 5 shows the recoveries of diazepam from spiked samples. Three different
nominal contents (50%, 100%, and 150%) were analyzed, and for each nominal
content, three samples were tested. The amount added, amount found, and
percentage recovery were recorded for each sample. The mean percentage
recoveries were calculated for each nominal content, which were 100.48%,
99.97%, and 100.06% for 50%, 100%, and 150% nominal contents, respectively.
Overall, the results indicate good recoveries of diazepam from the spiked samples.
Table 6
Repeatability results of diazepam and its major degradation impurities
Table 6 shows the repeatability results of diazepam and its major degradation
impurities. Six samples were analyzed, and the percentage of diazepam and its
two impurities (C and D) were recorded. The mean percentage of diazepam was
found to be 100.52%, while the mean percentage of impurities C and D were
100.64% and 100.92%, respectively. The %RSD (relative standard deviation)
values were calculated to determine the precision of the results. The %RSD for
diazepam was 0.698%, which indicates good precision. The %RSD for impurities
C and D were 1.147% and 1.454%, respectively, which are also within acceptable
limits. Overall, the results suggest that the method used for the analysis of
diazepam and its impurities is precise and reliable.
Impurity A 6.21
Impurity E 3.63
4 Cefazolin Sodium 6.41
Impurity A 4.12
Impurity E 2.21
5 Simvastatin 2.72
Impurity A 1.22
Impurity C 6.51
6 Lovastatin 4.71
Impurity B 7.15
Impurity C 8.82
The following sections detail the amount of active ingredients and key degrading
impurities found in various medicines. These numbers would reveal the extent of
contamination in samples from diverse origins. It is necessary to assess the
presence of contaminants when they are identified in concentrations higher than
those allowed by ICH guidelines (> 0.1%). Synthetic methods, shipping, bad
storage, and other factors can all contribute to medication degrading impurity.
The drug's efficacy, safety, and utility in compounded goods could be
compromised by the presence of certain contaminants. The quality of the raw
material and the final formulated products might be negatively impacted when
the producer does not always disclose the nature and concentration of undesired
contaminants contained in their products. By analyzing the drug's degradation
impurities, the producer can learn how to optimize its synthetic methods and
storage settings to reduce the amount of these contaminants, increase the drug's
stability over time, and guarantee the quality of the finished product. The next
sections contain assay results for samples that were kept in their original
packaging and kept at room temperature (25 1 0C) for a full year after their date
of manufacture.
Overdosing on one contaminant can cause a cascade effect, wherein more, similar
impurities are produced in the dose form. Water, which can cause hydrolysis of
the medicine, and air, which can cause oxidation of the drug, are the most
common reactive species. Metal contaminants may hasten the breakdown of a
pharmaceutical compound. The drug's photosensitivity increases the risk of
radical generation and degradation in several contexts. Predicting the stability
properties of a pharmacological material through reformulation research can help
the formulator select the most stable formulation and storage conditions. The
contaminants introduced during degradation may be similar to those introduced
during the manufacturing process. One possible foundation for the management
of such contaminants is knowledge of their degradation mechanisms.
The purification process for the drug ingredient can be carried out meticulously to
get the item in its purest form possible by removing any solvent residues,
unwanted moisture, and associated contaminants. If these substances were
absent, any potential interactions that could lead to a degrading impurity would
not take place. Maintaining a verified process and adhering to good
manufacturing procedures would guarantee that the hypothesized contaminants
would not make it into the final product. Regulations [15] and concerns about
quality and safety suggest that frequent determination of significant
contaminants may be necessary. It is difficult to devise an effective impurity
control approach without first understanding the stability of pharmaceuticals and
formulated goods and the pathways by which they degrade. Many authors
[53,96,100-103] supply such details for the formulator's convenience.
Loss of activity, effectiveness, and safety can result from the presence of
contaminants in pharmacological ingredients and finished products. Guidelines
for limiting the presence of contaminants in pharmaceutical ingredients have
been established by official compendia and regulatory bodies. Bromazepam,
diazepam, Cefixime trihydarte, cefazolin sodioum, simvastatin, and lovastatin, as
well as their formed products, were analyzed in this work to characterize and
evaluate key degradation impurities. The study's major findings can be summed
up as follows:
The parent medicines and their degrading impurities were characterized in this
investigation using high-performance liquid chromatography. Separation between
a drug and its impurities is excellent, with tR values for both the parent
pharmaceuticals and the degradation impurities falling within 20 minutes of one
The specificity, linearity, accuracy, and precision of the HPLC techniques from the
European Pharmacopoeia for the individual pharmaceuticals have been verified
and applied to the assessment of these compounds and the corresponding
degrading impurities. Impurity concentrations in the percent range over the
reporting limitations of ICH and other regulatory organizations need
consideration. Overall, the test method was determined to have an RSD of 3% or
below. There is no interference in the assay of either compound from the parent
chemicals or the degradation impurities.
Each drug substance was tested for two primary degrading impurities in this
investigation. Different manufacturers' finished products and the raw materials
used to make them have varying amounts of these contaminants. Different
environmental elements, drug-excipient interactions, drug-impurity interactions,
or differences in the synthesis processes itself could all have a role.
Some medications have been subjected to H2O2 and 80 degrees Celsius to speed
up their breakdown in an acidic or alkaline medium. This has led to significant
degradation and suggests the production of potentially detrimental contaminants
during extended storage or under bad storage circumstances. Hydrolytic
processes are the primary pathway for the breakdown of these medicines, but
oxidative degradation may also occur.
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