Expert System For Ice Hockey Game Prediction Data

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International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making

Vol. 15, No. 4 (2016) 763–789

°c World Scienti¯c Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S0219622016400022

Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction:

Data Mining with Human Judgment

Wei Gu
Donlinks School of Economics and Management
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing 100083, China

Thomas L. Saaty
Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh 15206, PA, USA

Rozann Whitaker
Creative Decisions Foundation
Pittsburgh 15213, PA, USA

Published 25 July 2016

This paper describes an expert system to predict National Hockey League (NHL) game out-
come. A new method based on both data and judgments is used to estimate the hockey
game performance. There are many facts and judgments that could in°uence an outcome.
We employed the support vector machine to determine the importance of these factors before
we incorporate them into the prediction system. Our system combines data and judgments
and used them to predict the win–lose outcome of all the 89 post-season games before they
took place. The accuracy of our prediction with the combined factors was 77.5%. This is to
date the best accuracy reported of hockey games prediction.

Keywords: Prediction; expert system; hockey game; data analysis; judgment.

1. Introduction
Does investigating the past aid foretelling the future? Bohr1 has ¯ttingly put it
\Prediction is very di±cult especially with regard to the future". Indeed, predicting
the outcome of sports competition is very di±cult, but it has been given close and
extensive attention for a long time. Research on sports competition has evolved into
a serious ¯eld of investigation whose major goal is to achieve high accuracy. The
outcome of a sports game is unknown until the last \second" of play. There are many

764 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

primary factors that in°uence the outcome: luck, psychological factors, refereeing,
the strength of a team, etc. Most factors are uncertain as to how much they in°uence
the outcome of the game, which makes the outcome harder to predict. It is commonly
believed that group sports such as basketball, football, and hockey are much harder
to predict than individual sports (e.g., badminton, ping pong and tennis). The
uncertainty of the outcome of competitive games increases the attractiveness and
excitement of sports competition.
Di®erent from basketball (NBA) and football (NFL), on which considerable re-
search has been done over the years, research on hockey has been sparse.2 Weissbock
et al. found no previous work in the machine learning (ML) community has pre-
dicted the winner in a hockey game. There are more uncertain factors in hockey
than in other games, which make ice hockey harder to analyze and to forecast. This
is because (i) more players play for a short while and rest for a short while, (ii)
higher speed, (iii) collisions and combat being allowed and (iv) the desultory nature
of play. Except for the work by Saaty and Zhang3 on basketball, the literature
on sports has relied solely on past data to predict the outcome of future games.
No judgments about intangible factors were quanti¯ed in a meaningful way for use
in prediction.
In this research, we developed an expert system to predict the outcome of the
National Hockey League (NHL) game. The system is developed based on 1,230 games
(2,460 records) results, standings, statistics and match details, with equal emphasis
on judgments and experiences of the experts. We aim to create a comprehensive and
highly accurate system to forecast hockey game performance.
The uniqueness of this paper is fourfold:

(a) We are the ¯rst to predict hockey game outcome using a method integrating
both the data and judgments.
(b) The factors adopted for prediction are validated for their usefulness in producing
an accurate outcome based on historical data analysis.
(c) The data from the data analysis are used to form expert judgments alongside
with intangible, knowledge and experience.
(d) The accuracy of our prediction with the combined factors was 77.5%
which to the best of our knowledge is the best accuracy of hockey game

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2 reviews related research,
including sports prediction accuracy. In Sec. 3, we identify the key factors in°uencing
the outcome of ice hockey games. Section 4 details our expert system of predictions,
which incorporates both data and judgments. We describe in Sec. 5 our predictive
results, and compare them with other methods commonly used in other sports (e.g.,
basketball and soccer). Finally, in Sec. 6, we discuss the e®ectiveness of this approach
and conclude this research.
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 765

2. Literature Review
2.1. Methods for sports game prediction
Only a handful of researchers have endeavored to predict hockey games. Voyer &
Wright,4 used regression analysis to estimate the relationships among the variables.
Regression analysis helps one understand how the expected value of the dependent
variable changes when the independent variable varies while holding other inde-
pendent variables constant. They considered players' performance in shooting,
scoring goals, getting the puck, etc. However, they did not consider the interactions
and feedback of factors.
Weissbock et al.2,5 and Weissbock and Inkpen6 from University of Ottawa have
studied the NHL teams. They applied ML to predict hockey game performance
by jointly considering previous games, pre-game textual reports and opinions of
pre-game reports. They contribute to the application of ML to game prediction.
However, their best accuracy is only at 62%, an upper bound limited by the nature of
ML in this application.
Pischedda (2014) extended Ottawa's data to continuous and categorical classes,
and use his model for real life betting. The model heavily depends on commentators'
opinions. Alternatively, Depken et al.7 and Kolev et al.8 predicted the NHL regular
season game using shootouts; while Morgan et al.9 used the decision tree to predict
with 64.3% accuracy.
Neural networks is another technique widely used to predict the outcome of sports
games,10 such as soccer,11 NFL,12,25 and basketball (NBA).13,14 The reported pre-
dictive accuracy of the neural network approach is in the range of 74–78%. Finally,
Zimmermann et al.15 compared various ML techniques, and concluded Bayesian
theory outperforms other procedures (e.g., decision tree, neural networks).
In summary, the conventional regression model is ill-suited for subjective judg-
ments. On the other hand, ML is the most popular method. Yet, it relies heavily on
subjective opinions and textual contents, which often results in low prediction ac-
curacy. In this research, we integrate expert judgment and information derived from
historical data to construct the expert system for ice hockey game predictions. We
comprehensive consider both the tangible and intangible factors a®ecting the game
outcomes and take experts knowledge and experience into account. The prediction
accuracy of the proposed expert system is not limited by the upper bound inherent in
the ML method.

2.2. Factors in°uencing the outcome of sports game

Numerous factors could in°uence sports game's outcome. In identifying factors, Feltz
and Lirgg,16 focused on team-based model. They used e±cacy, belief and judgment
to predict hockey players' performance. They ¯nd that if a team wins, its e±ciency
improves; otherwise its e±ciency drops. Players' e®ectiveness, however, is not af-
fected by win or loss.
766 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

To help with hiring decision, Perlini and Halverson,17 examined criteria such as
size/strength, skating/speed/power of stride, shot/scoring, etc. They found emo-
tional intelligence, intrapersonal competency, and general mood have an equally
signi¯cant in°uence on the outcome of a game. On the other hand, Buttrey et al.
(2011) found that goals in NHL teams depend on the strength of opponents, the
home-ice advantage, and players' skills and dexterity. Macdonald,19 proposed new
statistics such as face-o®s and hits as predictors of goal scoring; they also found that
many predictor variables are highly correlated.
Then again, Saaty and Zhang3 propose an integrated method using both proba-
bilities (Bayes theory) and judgments, to deal with prediction; and apply it to NBA
basketball games prediction. Unlike basketball and football, where players are po-
sitioned in pair, in hockey each player in the team o®ends and defends simulta-
neously while collaborating with each other. Also, in the post season of the hockey
game, the game performances are sequentially dependent. Therefore, it is important
to identify an e®ective way to address interdependence when predicting collaborative
sports games.
To address the need of hockey game prediction, we developed an expert system
based on both the historical team performances and expert judgments. Through the
inclusions of the subjective and objective information in the analytic network process
(ANP) framework, we allow for the inclusion of interdependence and feedback in the
model to tackle the intricacy of competitive NHL hockey games.

3. Preparation of Diverse Information for the Expert System

There are many available data that can be collected for hockey games. A per-
formance metric is a measure that shows a team's performance and accomplish-
ment. These numbers come in many forms: percentages, goals scored, shots on
goal, etc. These metrics is complicated as sometimes larger numbers are better
(Goals scored), while other times smaller numbers are better (Goals against). The
performance metrics in this research is a team metrics, that in some cases have to
be aggregated from individual player's metrics (e.g., shots on goal, faceo® wins, or
blocked shots). These are numbers obtained by counting or combining counts
or statistics. Some metrics are not performance related, they are simply categorical
data about the game being played (e.g., home versus away game; regular versus
post season; referees' names; coaches' names; the number of attendees; whether
teams change coaches in the course of the season). Others are compound metrics
obtained by combining simple metrics. For example, Corsi counts di®erent
kinds of shot attempts and is the sum of on-goal shots, missed shots and blocked
Figure 1, presents the framework of this research and the schema of the expert
system, we developed for hockey game prediction. In the following, we detail each
step of the expert system, which corresponds to the section numbers below.
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 767

Process of constructing the prediction model

The Analytic Network Process

System Procedure Process Output

1. Software collect data • Performance metrics

Objective data
automatically everyday § 3.1 Assembling data • Categorical Judgment process
2. Querying and filtering Information of the
3. Wilcoxon rank-sum
4. Analyze the impact
§ 3.2 Deciding the • Positive indicators Formation of the Supermatrix
of performance metrics
performance indicators • Negative indicators
on the outcome of the

§ 3.3 Validating the • Accuracy rating

5. Support vector Predicting the outcome of each
performance factors when predicting with
machine method game
the factors

§ 3.4 Obtaining correlation • Correlation

6. Correlation analysis coefficients for each of the key coefficients for the
factors factors with respect to
7. Grouping the key
performance indicators
§ 3.5 Grouping the factors for
into categories • Clusters of ANP
the ANP structure model for prediction
8. Add intangible

Fig. 1. The framework of expert system of the ice hockey game prediction.

3.1. Assembling the data

There were 1,230 regular season games in the 2014–2015 season, equivalent to 2460
sets of metrics, as it takes two teams to play in each game. The metrics for each team
in a game constitute a record. Many data overlapped in di®erent websites, and data
often are presented in di®erent formats. To ¯lter/manage data so as to ensure
compatibility, we developed a software program to automate the data search and
collection process. When overlapping occurs (e.g., Corsi metric containing several
overlapped info), we have to eliminate the overlapped metrics through additional
procedure. We also eliminated shootout metrics because they result from very dif-
ferent game-time situations that occur erratically. The metrics for the penalty times
was included, but not given special treatment. We ended up with 30 metrics (factors)
shown in Table 1, of which the ¯rst four are observational factors and the remaining
24 are performance metrics. A sample of raw material teams records is shown in
Table 2.

3.2. Reducing the 24 performance metrics to 17 key

performance metrics
We used the Wilcoxon rank-sum test to check the signi¯cance of each individual
factor. For each performance metric, we divide the records into two groups: win and
loss, then we use the rank-sum test to compare each performance metrics from all
games won to those lost. In the rank-sum test we used 0 and 1 to indicate win and loss
respectively for each of the two teams involved in a game. We found that seven of the
performance metrics are not signi¯cant in predicting the game performance. The 17
768 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

Table 1. Thirty situational and performance data factors.

Item Explanation Item Explanation

Team Team name BSF Blocked shots for

Season Season type BSA Blocked shots against
R/H Road game or home game SF% Shots on goal for percentage
Date Game date SF Shots on goal for total
Dec Decision of the game SA Shoot on goal against total
SV% Save percentage Shoot% Shooting percentage
CF% Corsi%: The percentage of on-ice shot attempts (on goal, FO% Faceo® winning percentage
missed, or blocked) versus shot successes (goals)
CF Corsi for total FO W Faceo® won
CA Corsi against total FO L Faceo® lost
FF% Fenwick for percentage of total HIT Hits
FF Fenwick for total HIT- Hits taken
FA Fenwick against total PN Penalties
MSF Missed shots for PN- Penalties drawn
MSA Missed shots against Pen-D Penalties di®erential

factors that were found to be signi¯cant in predicting the game results are shown in
Table 3 as TRUE. The \þ" sign means the indicator is the more the better (the save
percentage), The \"sign means the indicator is the less the better (the shots

Table 2. Sample of raw data team records for the 24 performance metrics.


Road/ R R R R H H H H
Date 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8 2014/10/8
Dec W W W L W L L L
Sv% 92 88.9 100 93.9 95 86.7 87.5 87.9
CF% 52.6 50.4 46 43.1 56.9 54 49.6 47.4
MSF 6 15 15 9 10 19 10 7
MSA 7 10 19 10 9 15 15 6
FF% 54.9 56 45.9 40.3 59.7 54.1 44 2
FF 39 47 45 29 43 53 37 4
FA 32 37 53 43 29 45 47 L
SF% 56.9 54.2 46.9 37.7 62.3 53.1 45.8 43.1
SF 33 32 30 20 33 34 27 25
SA 25 27 34 33 20 30 32 33
FO% 38.6 58.7 59.2 41 59 40.8 41.3 61.4
FO W 27 37 42 25 36 29 26 43
FO L 43 26 29 36 25 42 37 27
BSF 11 11 13 15 15 15 20 13
BSA 13 20 15 15 15 13 11 11
Sht% 12.1 12.5 13.3 5 6.1 0 11.1 8
HIT 16 21 22 26 23 30 35 32
HIT- 32 35 30 23 26 22 21 16
PN 6 2 6 4 6 5 2 5
PN- 5 2 5 6 4 6 2 6
PenD 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 769

Table 3. Results from the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Factors Direction Whether a®ect Factors Direction Whether a®ect


CF%  TRUE Shoot% þ TRUE

3.3. Validating the 17 key performance metrics

We now employed a ML technique, support vector machine (SVM) to validate the
usefulness of the 17 variables (performance metrics) selected above. SVM is a dis-
criminative classi¯er using a supervised ML model for pattern recognition, classi¯-
cation, and prediction. We use the 17 \important" game performance metrics
derived in §3.2 as inputs to the SVM (see Table 3).
 the historical game data set S ¼ fðx ; y Þ;
We built an SVM classi¯er from i i

i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; mg, X ¼ x 1 ; x 2 ; . . . ; x n where m represents the number of instances

i i i i

(m ¼ 1230), and n is the number of input performance metrics (n ¼ 17Þ. z is a linear

combination of the attributes (x i Þ multiplied by corresponding weights (! i Þ, plus a
noise term (b).
Z ¼ ! 1 x 1 þ ! 2 x 2 þ    þ ! n x n þ b; ð1Þ
where X i denotes the inputs of the 17 performance metrics for game i. y ¼ 1
indicates a loss, while y ¼ 1 indicates a win. Eq. (1) can be determined by the
sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm (Platt, 1998), the fastest ap-
proach to solve SVM. If Z > 0, the analyzed team is expected to win the game;
otherwise, a loss is expected for that team.
The training set is comprised of 1,230 randomly selected game records, and the
remaining 1,230 records constitute the test set. We found the resulting trained SVM
classi¯er can correctly classify 88.3% of the test data set. Thus, we conclude that the
performance metrics (factors) we selected are valuable in predicting NHL games.

3.4. Obtaining correlation coe±cients for each of the key factors

We then identify the correlations between the win/loss outcomes and each of the 17
metrics for the 2,460 regular season game records (Table 4).
When several factors are found to be signi¯cantly correlated with the response
variable, it is necessary to use correlation analysis to understand their linear
770 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

Table 4. Correlation coe±cients for the factors

with respect to winning.

Factors Correlation Factors Correlation

Gþ/ 0.803 SF% 0.103

Save% 0.566 SF 0.103
CF% 0.027 SA 0.163
CF 0.076 Shoot% 0.229
CA 0.112 FO% 0.048
MSF 0.022 HIT 0.090
MSA 0.041 HIT- 0.000
BSF 0.136 Pen D 0.077
BSA 0.005

The correlation coe±cients is shown in Table 4. We used these coe±cients from

the regular season as references for experts when employing the proposed expert

3.5. Grouping the factors for an ANP structure

We structure an ANP model by ¯rst grouping the key performance indicators into
categories. Next, we add intangible factors that are not from data collected earlier, as
they are important judgments from experts.



1 Offence

blocked shots missed shots S% - Shoo ng

Corsi (-) Hits against(+)
for(-) for(-) percentage(+)

2 Defense

blocked shots missed shots SV% - Save

Corsi against(+) Hits(-) Take away(+)
against(+) against(+) percentage(+)
3 Posi ve

FO% - Faceoff
Power play
percentage(+) 4 Nega ve 5 Others

Home/Road Trend to win/

Give away(-) Penalty mes(-) Season type
game lose

6 Coach
7 The players’ state and
tac cs

mentality physical
Alterna ves


Fig. 2. The ANP network for predicting NHL playo® matches.

Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 771

Table 5. Clusters for prediction.

Clusters Factors Type

O®ense Corsi* (−) Data

Missed shots for(−) Data
Blocked shots for(−) Data
Hits against(þÞ Data
S% - Shooting percentage(þÞ Data
Defense Corsi against(þÞ Data
Missed shots against(þÞ Data
Blocked shots against(þÞ Data
Hits(−) Data
Take away(þÞ Data
SV% - Save percentage(þÞ Data
Positive Power play opportunity(þÞ Data
FO% - Faceo® win percentage(þÞ Data
Negative Penalty times(−) Data
Give away(−) Data
Others Season type Fact
Home/Road game Fact
Trend is winning or losing Judgment
Coach(tactics) Tactics Judgment
The player's state and Includes the state of physical and mental readiness Judgment

Notes: Corsi* means on-ice shot attempts (on goal, missed, or blocked).

The factors of Table 3 are grouped into four clusters: (1) O®ense, (2) Defense, (3)
Positive and (4) Negative (see Fig. 2). In addition, (5) situational indicators (Home/
Road game, season type and trend to win/lose) form the ¯fth cluster named Others
in Fig. 2. Finally, (6) Coach as well as (7) Players' mental/physical states, which are
subjectively judged, constitute the last two clusters of Fig. 2.
The seven clusters in all contain 20 indicators (see Table 5). O®ense comprises
factors that are indicative of a team's strength in attack. Defense includes factors
that signify a team's ability in guarding against the opponent. Table 5 shows that the
¯rst four clusters employ the information from data, the Others cluster contains
Fact, while the rest clusters use judgments.

4. Model of the System-the Analytic Network

Process used for Prediction
Each regulation game of the NHL is played between two teams for 60 min consisting
of three 20 min periods. The international ice hockey federation (IIHF) also has
postgame rules for how to handle ties. At the end of the 60 min of regulation time, the
team with the most goals wins the game. If a game is tied after regulation time
is over, overtime rules ensue. During the regular season, there is overtime play
that lasts for 5 min with four-players (plus the goalie) on each side and the game
772 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

terminates when one team scores (known as sudden death). If there is no score, the
game enters a shootout in which a player from one team gets one shot at the goal
which is defended by the goalie of the other team. Then a player from the other team
gets a shot at the goal defended by the goalie of the ¯rst team. This continues for
three rounds until one team scores more goals than the other in a shootout round and
wins the game. If tied, they continue until one of them scores a goal and the other
does not. The team with the most goals during a three-round shootout wins the
game. If the game is still tied after the three shootout rounds, the shootout continues
but becomes sudden-death with the ¯rst team to score thereby winning the game.
There are no shootouts during the Playo®s. Instead, multiple sudden-death, 20 min
¯ve-on-¯ve periods are played until one team scores.
The NHL is a professional ice hockey league composed of 30 member clubs: 23
in the United States and 7 in Canada. Teams play a total of 82 games each regular
season from October to April for a total of 1,230 games. There are 2 conferences with
three divisions with ¯ve teams belonging to each division. Within each division, the
teams confront each other six times a year with a total of 24 games for each team
within the division; within the conference each team confronts 10 teams outside its
division but in its conference only four times. In the remaining 18 games, it plays at
least once each of the 15 teams in the other conference and three of them twice
bringing the total to 82. At the end of a regular season, the top eight teams from each
conference qualify for the next round competition. The eventual winner wins four best-
of-seven series in an elimination tournament and becomes the Stanley Cup Champion.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)20 developed by Saaty20 is a new scienti¯c
decision method based on hierarchical structures and making judgments. Saaty21
elaborated it into the ANP,21,22 based on network structures with dependence and
feedback. In the ANP, networks of clusters of elements are used instead of the
hierarchic levels of elements of the AHP. An ANP model can o®er a solution to
complex multi-criteria problems that have little objective supporting data.23 Thus, it
is thus appropriate to analyze a complex problem such as predicting team sports
game outcomes.
To predict the winner of a match before the game, an expert (or experts) answers
questions about the relative importance of the indicators and about the relative
performance of the teams based on historical data. Using judgments, we can calcu-
late the in°uence priority of the elements in an alternative cluster on the elements in
a criterion cluster with respect to each control criterion and predict who will win in
each match. Thus, the ANP can be used as a prediction model in the expert system
for ice hockey games.
We combine judgments and data in an ANP model to predict the outcome of each
of the 89 playo® games in the NHL 2014–2015 season. We use the same ANP
structure for every game but customize it with data for the two teams playing. The
process is explained in the following section.
The fundamental scale used for judgments in the ANP is shown in Table 6.
A number from the fundamental scale is chosen to represent the intensity of the
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 773

Table 6. Fundamental scale Saaty, 1982.

1 Equal importance
3 Moderate importance of one over another
5 Strong or essential importance
7 Very strong or demonstrated importance
9 Extreme importance
2,4,6,8 Intermediate values
Use reciprocals for inverse comparisons

relationship between the factors with respect to the criterion resulting in a judgment
matrix from which the vector of priorities is obtained using the principal eigenvector
of the judgment matrix.

4.1. Assembling the data

The decision-making network of criteria and alternative outcomes is constructed
as shown in Fig. 2. The object is to predict which team will win in their next matchup
in a playo® game by incorporating expert judgment with historical data about the
two teams. Table 3 shows the seven clusters of key factors, that are chosen using
statistical methods as explained earlier. The factors are organized into clusters: of-
fense, defense, positives, negatives, coach (teams' tactics), players' state, and other
factors (e.g., season type, Home or Road game, trend, i.e., lucky streak). In the ANP
network, factors in clusters are connected. For example, in the o®ense cluster, the
Corsi (-) factor is a®ected by the tactics of the coach (in another cluster) and the
physical and mental readiness of players (in another cluster) and the missed shots for
(-) and blocked shots for (-) within the o®ense cluster. Another example, one of the
o®ense factors is Corsi ¼ shots on goal þ missed shots þ blocked shots. What's more,
the nodes in the defense cluster a®ect other nodes inside the same cluster, as do the
coach and players' state factors. There are similar relationships among other clusters.
We show here an example: the Chicago Blackhawks (CHI) and Tampa Bay
Lightning (TBL) were compared for which is better regarding the physical factor.
The \Coach Tactics" and \Players' State" nodes (physical and mental) are linked to
the two teams and also to the data metrics. Thus, the data factors have one set of
priorities resulting from comparisons of their importance with respect to the goal,
and two more sets of priorities when they are compared with respect to Team A and
Team B. In this feedback type of comparison, the question to be asked is: for the CHI,
\Are they better at coach (tactics) or at Players state?". This is a subjective judg-
ment that takes into account the current state of the team and how well the tactics
are going lately. It results in two more sets of priorities for the two factors, one for
CBH and another for TBL. Similar judgments are made throughout the network
where the connections are. The limiting supermatrix of the ANP combines all the
priorities in the network, and synthesizes them to give the outcome in the form of
priorities for CHI and TBL. For instance, the synthesis might be 0.68 for Chicago
774 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

Fig. 3. O®ense factors cluster expanded (factors linked from Goal).

and 0.32 for Tampa Bay. Thus the likelihood is that Chicago will win and that would
be the prediction.
In Fig. 3, the goal is linked to the O®ense cluster, which must be pairwise com-
pared with respect to the goal for importance. In this particular set of comparisons,
the judgments were made by experts in hockey games who arrived at their consensus
judgments by examining data about the importance of these factors and interpreting
it in the form of an AHP/ANP fundamental scale judgment (numbers from 1 to 9).
The data about the factors was transformed into correlation coe±cients derived from
the aggregate performance of all the teams in the regular season. We detail it next.

4.2. Judgment process for both the data and judgment factors
In order to obtain judgments from ice hockey experts about games and teams based
on their knowledge and experience, which is mostly not easy to obtain, we used a
questionnaire format for the experts to ¯ll out. In order to obtain judgments from ice
hockey experts about games and teams based on their knowledge and experience,
which is mostly not easy to obtain, we used a questionnaire format for the experts to
¯ll out. Four experts are chosen to respond to the questionnaires. Two of them have
studied and predicted ice hockey game for more than 10 years in Pittsburgh and the
other two are ice hockey amateurs in Washington, D.C. with a great deal of expertise
about the teams and sports. All the four respondents are very knowledgeable on NHL
teams and ice hockey games. Namely, the experts participated in this research are
knowledgeable and experienced.
The pairwise comparisons of relative importance of factors in all seven clusters are
made before the playo® games start. The prediction of all games in the playo® is
conducted before every game. As shown in Fig. 4, we ask experts to ¯ll out ques-
tionnaires in order to elicit their subjective judgments combined with information
from the correlation coe±cients.
For example, blocked shots for 0.136 was considered moderately more impor-
tant than Corsi for 0.076. A correlation coe±cient of zero means not related. It is
more important for a team to block a lot of shots than to receive a low Corsi score.
Figure 4 exhibits the merged expert judgments with data.
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 775

Fig. 4. Entering the judgments merged expert judgment with data.

As four experts are asked about the potential performance of each team involved
in the playo® games, we need to integrate the judgments of all experts. In this study,
we take experts as equal to derive group judgment through geometric mean; any
inconsistency has been improved by consulting with the group when it occurs.
In this way, judgments were entered for all elements with respect to the goal. This
resulted in one set of priorities for the criteria. The next step in our ANP model is to
link all the criteria to the alternative teams (Chicago and Tampa Bay) and enter
judgments based on comparing their statistical data (see Table 7). Saving percen-
tages ALL vary in a narrow range (89.9% and 94.5%), so it takes the judgment of an
expert, by looking at the data, to decide that Chicago (at 92.5%) is equally and
moderately better than TB (at 91.1%).
The ice hockey commentators and pundits said Chicago was going to exert more
physical pressure in this game. Information like this from various sources was con-
sidered and used to form the judgment inputs. The experts' judgments relied on data
of past performance. Again we take the match between Chicago (CHI) and Tampa

Table 7. Match up data between CHI and TB in the

2014–2015 season.


GF 289 324 BSF 1858 1511

GA 246 268 BSA 1401 1481
Gþ/- 43 56 SF% 51.7 51.2
Save% 92.5 91.1 SF 3500 3159
CF% 53.5 50.6 SA 3266 3016
CF% 53.5 50.6 Shoot% 8.3 10.3
CF 6597 5833 FO% 52.3 49.3
CA 5744 5685 HIT 2030 2594
MSF 1239 1163 HIT- 3293 2593
MSA 1077 1188 PenD 56 26
776 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

Fig. 5. Entering the merged expert judgments about \save percentage".

Bay (TBL) as an example to demonstrate the judgment process. First, there are
some factors that are certain such as Home/Road game, Season type, for which
experts can form judgments deterministically. Second, for other performance indi-
cators, experts can make the judgment according to historical performance data (see
Table 7), which is helpful for the experts to determine through this factor which team
is better. In o®ence, the CHI has moderate advantage over TBL. While in defense,
CHI is much stronger than TBL. Therefore, we have the judgment that TBL is
equally to moderately more preferred (with the value 2 shown in Fig. 5) to CHI with
respect to blocked shots; CHI is moderately more important (with the value 3 shown
in Fig. 6) than TBL with respect to Corsi; and TBL is moderately more important
(with the value of 3) than CHI with respect to Hits. In addition, there are no data to
help the experts to make judgment about other indicators, such as trend to win/lose,
mental state, and physical state, so they must use subjective judgment according to
their best understanding of the game, of the teams, and of the current situation. As
for the status of the teams, TBL can play more quickly, while CHI is slow according
to historical performance. However, the players and teamwork of CHI are all very

Fig. 6. Entering the merged expert judgment with data.

Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 777

powerful particularly with groups 3 and 4, and also in the third period of the match
when they are often able to reverse the outcome of the game. In the regular season
games, the two teams played against each other twice, each winning one game. In the
second game, without star player Patrick Kane CHI lost 0:4. Similarly, the judg-
ments with respect to all the other elements were made. In the experiment, input
judgments of the experts' consistency were all less than 0.1 which means the judg-
ments were very reliable.

4.3. Formation of the super matrix

Assume that there are p 1 ; . . . p c ; . . . p n ðc ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n Þ criteria in the control level of
the ANP model. We have a system of N clusters or components in network layer,
whereby the elements in each component interact or have an impact on or are
themselves in°uenced by some or all of the elements of that component or of another
component with respect to a property governing the interactions of the entire sys-
tem, such as energy or capital or political in°uence. Assume that component h,
denoted by C h , h ¼ 1; . . . ; N , has n h elements, that we denote as e h1 ; e h2 ; . . . ; e hn h . A
priority vector derived from paired comparisons in the usual way represents the
impact of a given set of elements in a component on another element in the system.
When an element has no in°uence on another element, its in°uence priority is zero
because there is no link to it.
The priority vectors derived from pairwise comparison matrices are each entered
as a part of some column of a supermatrix. The supermatrix represents the in°uence

C1 C2 CN
e11e12 e1n e21e22 e2n eN1eN2 eNn (j1) (j2) (jnj)
1 2 N Wi1 Wi1 Wi1
C1 e12
W11 W12 W1N
e1n (j1) (j2) (jnj)

e22 W21 W22 W2N Wij = Wi2 Wi2 Wi2
(j ) (j ) (jn )
CN Wini1 Win2i Wini j

Fig. 7. The supermatrix of a network and detail of a matrix in it.

Table 8. Example of pairwise comparing o®ense elements for importance with respect to tactics.

Blocked Corsi() Hits Missed S%(þ) Priorities

shots for() against(þ) shots for()

Blocked shots for() 1 1/5 1/3 1 1/9 0.0449

Corsi() 5 1 1/3 4 1/8 0.1222
Hits against(þÞ 3 3 1 5 1/5 0.1906
Missed shots for() 1 1/4 1/5 1 1/7 0.0448
S %(þÞ 9 8 5 7 1 0.5973

Note: Inconsistency index ¼ 0.09710.


Table 9. Limit matrix.

Blocked Corsi () Hits Missed S% (þÞ Blocked Corsi Hits () Missed SV% (þÞ Take
shots against(þÞ shots shots against (þÞ shots away (þÞ
for () for () against (þÞ against (þÞ

Blocked shots for() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Corsi () 0.4545 0.0000 0.0000 0.4545 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Hits against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Missed shots for() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
S% (þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

Blocked shots against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Corsi against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4545 0.0000 0.0000 0.4545 0.0000 0.0000
Hits() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Missed shots against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
SV% (þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Take away(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
FO% (þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Power play opportunity(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Give away() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Penalty times() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Home/Road 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Season type 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Trend to win/lose 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Tactics 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Mentality 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Physical 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
A 0.3712 0.7500 0.6667 0.3712 0.6667 0.3636 0.6667 0.2500 0.3636 0.6667 0.3333
B 0.1742 0.2500 0.3333 0.1742 0.3333 0.1818 0.3333 0.7500 0.1818 0.3333 0.6667
Table 9. (Continued)
FO% (þÞ Power Give Penalty Home/Road Season Trend to Tactics Mentality Physical
play (þÞ away() times() game type win/lose

Blocked shots for() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0070 0.0254 0.0183
Corsi () 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0307 0.0576 0.0550
Hits against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0297 0.0453 0.0473
Missed shots for() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0070 0.0181 0.0092
S %(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0930 0.0990 0.1062
Blocked shots against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0322 0.0176 0.0173
Corsi against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0494 0.0292 0.0251
Hits() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0056 0.0028 0.0032
Missed shots against(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0111 0.0118 0.0068
SV% - Save percentage(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1048 0.0476 0.0495
Take away(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0217 0.0082 0.0127
FO% (þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0129 0.0172 0.0175
Power play opportunity(þÞ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0904 0.1201 0.1224
Give away() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0017 0.0014 0.0018
Penalty times() 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0116 0.0110 0.0108
Home/Road game 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Season type 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Trend to win/lose 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Tactics 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Mentality 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Physical 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
A 0.7500 0.5000 0.5000 0.6667 0.2500 0.7500 0.6667 0.3056 0.3097 0.3127
B 0.2500 0.5000 0.5000 0.3333 0.7500 0.2500 0.3333 0.1859 0.1781 0.1843
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction
780 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

priority of an element on the left of the matrix on an element at the top of the matrix.
A supermatrix along with an example of one of its general entry i; j block are shown
in Fig. 7. The component C i alongside the supermatrix includes all the priority
vectors derived for nodes that are \parent" nodes in the C i cluster.
As an example for the pairwise comparisons here, tactics is one of the key factors
that can in°uence the o®ence, defense, the negative and positive aspects of teams and
games. Choose the O®ence cluster, with respect to tactics, to take a pairwise com-
parison of the indicators. The comparisons are shown in Table 8. The priority column
is in the unweighted supermatrix where the row is elements in O®ence cluster and the
head of the list is tactics which indicates signi¯cance of the in°uence with respect to
In the same way, input judgment of other experts' consistency test results are all
less than 0.1 in which case the comparison matrix is acceptable and the unweighted
supermatrix is formed.
Under the criteria p c , make a comparison of the relative importance of the clusters
C 1 ; . . . ; C N , we will get the weighting matrix A of clusters. The cluster matrix is
shown in Table 9. Then the weighted supermatrix is W  ¼ ðW  ij Þ where W
 ij ¼ a ij W ij ,
i ¼ 1; . . . ; N , j ¼ 1; . . . ; N .
The ¯nal priority of the elements is derived from raising the weighted super-
matrix to powers until it stabilizes at the limiting supermatrix. In this case until
each column is the same and identical. Solving the supermatrix is a very cumber-
some and di±cult process. The solutions in this paper were calculated by the Super
Decisions (SD) Software. Table 8 gives a pairwise comparison judgment matrix
along with its calculated priority vector. The limit matrix of our model is shown in
Table 9.

4.4. Example of predicting the outcome of a match

In the case under study, the alternatives are two teams who are about to face each
other in an upcoming match. The object is to pick the winning team. Table 10 shows

Table 10. The result of the example of the game between CHI and TBL.

Name Normalized by cluster Limiting

Blocked shots for() 0.07634 0.01186

Corsi () 0.22482 0.034926
Hits against(þÞ 0.18672 0.029007
Missed shots for() 0.07981 0.012398
Shooting percentage(þÞ 0.43232 0.067161
Blocked shots against(þÞ 0.14539 0.019623
Corsi against(þÞ 0.22575 0.030468
Hits() 0.03345 0.004515
Missed shots against(þÞ 0.05373 0.007252
Save percentage(þÞ 0.43743 0.059038
Take away(þÞ 0.10425 0.01407
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 781

Table 10. (Continued )

Name Normalized by cluster Limiting

Faceo® win percentage(þÞ 0.13868 0.009934

Power play opportunity(þÞ 0.86132 0.061698
Give away() 0.15759 0.001973
Penalty times() 0.84241 0.010547
Home/Road game 0.23639 0.00211
Season type 0.0819 0.000731
Trend to win/lose 0.68172 0.006085
Tactics 1 0.117642
Mentality 0.66667 0.091008
Physical 0.33333 0.045504
CHI 0.62822 0.227697
TB 0.37178 0.134753

Table 11. Comparison of prediction accuracy of sports game.

Paper work Sports Data Method Accuracy

Weissbock and Inkpen Ice hockey 720 NHL games in the Machine learning 60.25%
2012–2013 NHL short-
ened season
Morgan et al.9 Hockey Eight elite female hockey Machine learning 64.3%
players in two sessions
Huang and Chang25 Soccer 2006 World Cup Neural networks 76.9%
Kahn, 2003 Football NFL football game for the Neural networks 75%
Loe®elholz et al.13 Basketball 620 NBA games Neural networks 74.33%
Miljkovic et al. 2010 Basketball NBA Naive Bayes Multivari- 67%
ate linear regression
Yang and Lu, 2012 Basketball NBA SVM 86.75%
Weissbock et al.2 Ice Hockey 2012–2013 season for a total SVM 59.8%
of 517 games between 16
February and 28 April
Our paper Ice hockey 1,230 regulation games in Data and judgment 77.5%
NHL 2014–2015 season
for predicting 89 post
season games

the overall result. Under the \Normalized by cluster" column, we ¯nd CHI will win
over Tampa Bay with a 63% advantage. Thus, we predict that CHI will win. After
the actual match which score was Chicago 2, and Tampa Bay 1 (which is fairly close
to 0.66 to 0.33 of our prediction). After the actual match, we collected information
about the game, shown in Table 12, and we compared it with prediction which we
had made prior to the game.
Table 12. The information of practical match of the CHI and NBL.

Date Visitor Home R/H Prediction Dec Sv%/sv%-a CF/CA MSF/MSA BSF/BSA SF/SA Sh% FO% HIT/HIT- PenD 782

2015/6/3 CHI T.B R W >1 >1 >1 <1 >1 9.5 >50% <1 >0
GF GA outcome Dec Sv% sv%-a CF CA MSF MSA BSF BSA SF SA Sh% FO% HIT HIT- PN PN- PenD
2 1 W 95.7 90.5 52 45 16 11 15 11 21 23 9.5 47.4 21 29 2 3 1

Table 13. The prediction of NHL in 2014–2015 season playo® games.

Date Visitor Home R/H GF GA Prediction Dec Sv% sv%-a CF CA MSF MSA BSF BSA SF SA Shoot% FO% HIT HIT- PN PN- PenD
W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

2015/4/15 NYI WSH R 4 1 W W 96 85.2 65 55 21 11 17 19 27 25 14.8 37.1 36 46 2 3 1

2015/4/15 CHI NSH R 4 3 W W 94.4 90.5 93 84 19 14 32 16 42 54 9.5 38.6 28 39 6 6 0
2015/4/15 OTT MTL R 3 4 W L 89.7 90.9 70 63 16 10 21 14 33 39 9.1 49.4 44 42 3 4 1
2015/4/15 CGY VAN R 2 1 W W 96.7 93.3 54 61 11 11 13 20 30 30 6.7 45.8 25 22 3 1 2
2015/4/16 PIT NYR R 1 2 L L 94.7 96.0 51 55 4 6 22 11 25 38 4 57.6 32 32 5 1 4
2015/4/16 MIN STL R 4 2 W W 90.5 86.2 49 58 6 17 14 20 29 21 13.8 41.9 25 22 2 5 3
2015/4/16 WPG ANA R 2 4 L L 87.9 92.6 42 67 9 20 6 14 27 33 7.4 37.5 37 46 4 3 1
2015/4/16 DET T.B R 3 2 L W 95.7 78.6 28 68 6 9 8 13 14 46 21.4 41.3 25 38 7 4 3
2015/4/17 CHI NSH R 2 6 W L 82.9 92.3 65 59 16 8 23 16 26 35 7.7 51.2 25 19 6 4 2
2015/4/17 CGY VAN R 1 4 L L 87.5 95.7 46 56 11 9 12 15 23 32 4.3 50 19 30 9 4 5
2015/4/17 OTT MTL R 2 3 L L 92.9 93.5 57 80 8 14 18 24 31 42 6.5 47 53 41 6 3 3
2015/4/17 NYI WSH R 3 4 L L 88.6 85.7 51 82 19 20 11 27 21 35 14.3 49.1 38 59 1 1 0
2015/4/18 DET T.B R 1 5 L L 83.3 95.8 58 48 13 8 21 10 24 30 4.2 55.8 25 34 6 6 0
2015/4/18 MIN STL R 1 4 L L 85.2 96.0 47 50 10 9 12 14 25 27 4 42.3 36 36 3 1 2
2015/4/18 WPG ANA R 1 2 L L 94.9 96.6 56 62 12 15 15 8 29 39 3.4 47.5 33 48 5 4 1
2015/4/18 PIT NYR R 4 3 L W 88.5 81.8 37 62 8 16 7 20 22 26 18.2 50 21 25 7 4 3
2015/4/19 MTL OTT R 2 1 L W 97.1 95.9 89 65 15 11 25 20 49 34 4.1 44.8 36 61 3 7 4
2015/4/19 VAN CGY R 2 4 L L 85.2 92.0 65 56 10 10 30 19 25 27 8 50 18 32 9 7 2
2015/4/19 NSH CHI R 2 4 L L 86.7 94.6 62 59 8 9 17 20 37 30 5.4 42.4 53 37 3 3 0
2015/4/19 WSH NYI R 1 2 L L 95.2 96.0 57 76 8 10 24 24 25 42 4 50.8 43 44 3 3 0
2015/4/20 NYR PIT R 2 1 L W 95.8 92.3 50 55 10 14 14 17 26 24 7.7 45.9 37 43 4 5 1
Table 13. (Continued )

Date Visitor Home R/H GF GA Prediction Dec Sv% sv%-a CF CA MSF MSA BSF BSA SF SA Shoot% FO% HIT HIT- PN PN- PenD

2015/4/20 ANA WPG R 5 4 W W 88.6 83.3 56 62 9 12 17 15 30 35 16.7 48.8 44 61 4 4 0

2015/4/20 STL MIN R 0 3 L L 87.5 100.0 47 55 12 12 18 19 17 24 0 50.8 26 28 4 0 4
2015/4/21 VAN CGY R 1 3 L L 86.4 96.6 70 38 12 7 29 9 29 22 3.4 46.8 18 29 4 3 1
2015/4/21 T.B DET R 0 3 L L 85.7 100.0 41 34 9 8 10 5 22 21 0 50 26 48 5 7 2
2015/4/21 WSH NYI R 2 1 L W 97.3 93.3 66 78 12 20 24 21 30 37 6.7 50.8 38 50 4 1 3
2015/4/21 NSH CHI R 2 3 L L 93.8 96.2 78 105 7 18 19 39 52 48 3.8 46.6 66 50 5 4 1
2015/4/22 STL MIN R 6 1 W W 94.4 76.9 57 43 22 10 9 15 26 18 23.1 50 16 26 1 2 1
2015/4/22 NYR PIT R 2 1 L W 95.7 91.7 50 50 9 8 17 19 24 23 8.3 42.9 42 28 3 3 0
2015/4/22 ANA WPG R 5 2 W W 92.6 85.7 54 54 10 12 9 15 35 27 14.3 53.5 35 45 3 1 2
2015/4/22 MTL OTT R 0 1 W L 96.9 100.0 43 66 4 17 11 17 28 32 0 45.1 29 34 2 3 1
2015/4/23 T.B DET R 3 2 W W 91.7 89.7 46 44 7 8 10 12 29 24 10.3 55.4 34 30 6 6 0
2015/4/23 CHI NSH R 2 5 W L 82.8 93.3 57 60 12 17 15 14 30 29 6.7 46.9 16 36 7 5 2
2015/4/23 NYI WSH R 1 5 L L 87.8 95.7 60 67 19 10 18 16 23 41 4.3 36.7 49 49 6 3 3
2015/4/23 CGY VAN R 1 2 L L 95.3 95.2 50 66 12 7 17 16 21 43 4.8 50.8 25 15 2 3 1
2015/4/24 PIT NYR R 1 2 W L 94.4 97.4 74 65 17 16 19 13 38 36 2.6 52.9 28 36 3 3 0
2015/4/24 OTT MTL R 5 1 W W 97.8 80.0 49 82 5 10 19 26 25 46 20 45.6 50 39 5 6 1
2015/4/24 MIN STL R 4 1 W W 97.3 78.9 39 72 7 17 13 18 19 37 21.1 46.8 19 22 3 3 0
2015/4/25 VAN CGY R 4 7 L L 78.8 81.8 58 55 13 11 23 11 22 33 18.2 50.7 15 32 3 2 1
2015/4/25 WSH NYI R 1 3 L L 92.1 97.4 65 66 12 10 14 18 39 38 2.6 54.8 32 46 7 10 3
2015/4/25 NSH CHI R 3 4 L L 87.5 88.0 42 55 7 8 10 15 25 32 12 50 53 36 3 3 0
2015/4/25 DET T.B R 4 0 L W 100 86.7 46 59 6 17 10 14 30 28 13.3 35.9 32 26 4 4 0
2015/4/26 STL MIN R 1 4 L L 81 96.8 65 38 11 11 23 6 31 21 3.2 47.2 12 15 2 3 1
2015/4/26 MTL OTT R 2 0 W W 100 90.0 44 70 15 12 9 15 20 43 10 58.5 23 45 4 1 3
2015/4/27 T.B DET R 5 2 W W 91.7 82.1 43 53 7 16 8 13 28 24 17.9 55.2 27 29 11 6 5
2015/4/27 NYI WSH R 1 2 L L 92.3 90.9 47 60 18 14 18 20 11 26 9.1 39.6 53 46 0 1 1
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction

Table 13. (Continued )

Date Visitor Home R/H GF GA Prediction Dec Sv% sv%-a CF CA MSF MSA BSF BSA SF SA Shoot% FO% HIT HIT- PN PN- PenD

2015/4/29 DET T.B R 0 2 L L 88.2 100.0 56 33 9 8 16 8 31 17 0 50.9 31 22 5 4 1

2015/4/30 WSH NYR R 2 1 W W 96.9 93.1 60 65 16 14 15 19 29 32 6.9 44.3 32 34 3 3 0
2015/4/30 CGY ANA R 1 6 L L 82.9 95.8 57 64 14 15 19 14 24 35 4.2 48.4 22 27 6 5 1
2015/5/1 MIN CHI R 3 4 K L 88.6 90.9 52 55 7 8 12 12 33 35 9.1 44.1 36 34 1 3 2
2015/5/1 T.B MTL R 2 1 W W 97.7 94.3 77 85 8 14 34 27 35 44 5.7 38.2 32 43 3 4 1
2015/5/2 WSH NYR R 2 3 L L 91.4 93.8 59 63 15 13 12 15 32 35 6.2 51.7 38 30 4 1 3
2015/5/3 CGY ANA R 0 3 L L 91.2 100.0 60 63 10 11 20 18 30 34 0 46 35 39 5 4 1
W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

2015/5/3 MIN CHI R 1 4 L L 87.1 96.8 51 63 11 14 9 18 31 31 3.2 47.5 42 39 2 2 0

2015/5/3 T.B MTL R 6 2 W W 93.1 75.0 35 54 1 9 10 16 24 29 25 45 21 28 5 13 8
2015/5/4 NYR WSH R 0 1 L L 95.5 100.0 69 49 12 15 27 12 30 22 0 31 31 39 2 2 0
2015/5/5 ANA CGY R 3 4 W L 81 85.7 45 57 15 18 9 18 21 21 14.3 67.8 21 26 7 3 4
2015/5/5 CHI MIN R 1 0 W W 100 95.5 41 65 9 16 10 19 22 30 4.5 62.7 11 20 3 1 2
2015/5/6 MTL T.B R 1 2 L L 89.5 96.8 69 41 21 12 17 10 31 19 3.2 51.7 24 28 3 2 1
2015/5/6 NYR WSH R 1 2 L L 93.3 96.6 66 49 12 12 25 7 29 30 3.4 43.3 31 37 5 7 2
2015/5/7 MTL T.B R 6 2 L W 91.7 85.0 56 41 6 6 10 11 40 24 15 51.5 29 30 4 4 0
2015/5/7 CHI MIN R 4 3 W W 91.9 84.0 53 64 14 13 14 14 25 37 16 50 6 24 3 2 1
2015/5/8 ANA CGY R 4 2 W W 92.6 86.2 67 52 15 11 23 14 29 27 13.8 49.3 25 27 3 4 1
2015/5/8 WSH NYR R 1 2 W L 95.3 96.6 56 66 6 10 21 13 29 43 3.4 52.3 24 32 2 2 0
2015/5/9 T.B MTL R 1 2 W L 93.1 96.0 54 62 10 16 19 17 25 29 4 47.4 44 30 5 2 3
2015/5/10 NYR WSH R 4 3 L W 93.3 85.7 55 96 12 17 15 34 28 45 14.3 45.9 30 36 4 3 1
2015/5/10 CGY ANA R 2 3 L L 93.6 89.5 40 90 12 16 9 27 19 47 10.5 37.7 31 33 6 5 1
2015/5/12 MTL T.B R 1 4 L L 85.7 94.7 40 47 10 7 11 12 19 28 5.3 41.9 22 33 2 2 0
2015/5/13 WSH NYR R 1 2 L L 94.9 97.2 68 74 13 14 19 21 36 39 2.8 59.5 26 32 4 3 1
2015/5/16 T.B NYR R 1 2 L L 93.3 95.8 50 61 11 14 15 17 24 30 4.2 56.6 18 30 2 4 2
2015/5/17 CHI ANA R 1 4 L L 85.2 97.0 70 53 15 17 22 9 33 27 3 48.1 34 44 1 3 2
Table 13. (Continued )

Date Visitor Home R/H GF GA Prediction Dec Sv% sv%-a CF CA MSF MSA BSF BSA SF SA Shoot% FO% HIT HIT- PN PN- PenD

2015/5/18 T.B NYR R 6 2 W W 94.6 76.9 41 63 5 9 10 17 26 37 23.1 45.6 26 28 6 7 1

2015/5/19 CHI ANA R 3 2 W W 96.8 94.6 115 129 24 38 35 29 56 62 5.4 47.3 45 71 5 5 0
2015/5/20 NYR T.B R 5 6 L L 85 82.1 58 64 17 10 13 14 28 40 17.9 45.8 33 41 3 5 2
2015/5/21 ANA CHI R 2 1 L W 96.4 92.6 46 67 10 12 9 27 27 28 7.4 48.5 45 27 5 2 3
2015/5/22 NYR T.B R 5 1 W W 97.4 79.2 42 61 9 13 9 9 24 39 20.8 43.6 30 32 9 10 1
2015/5/23 ANA CHI R 4 5 L L 87.5 92.2 78 92 7 18 20 34 51 40 7.8 45.5 60 52 5 3 2
2015/5/24 T.B NYR R 2 0 W W 100 90.9 42 58 9 8 11 24 22 26 9.1 61.5 29 29 5 4 1
2015/5/25 CHI ANA R 4 5 L L 82.1 85.7 66 54 17 15 21 11 28 28 14.3 40 23 41 2 2 0
2015/5/26 NYR T.B R 7 3 L W 92.3 79.4 55 65 9 9 12 17 34 39 20.6 53 27 22 4 4 0
2015/5/27 ANA CHI R 2 5 L L 78.3 93.8 57 54 6 8 19 23 32 23 6.2 34 43 38 3 3 0
2015/5/29 T.B NYR R 2 0 W W 100 92.0 44 53 7 11 12 20 25 22 8 37.5 25 29 2 0 2
2015/5/30 CHI ANA R 5 3 W W 92.1 80.8 51 68 11 15 14 15 26 38 19.2 50 15 37 2 4 2
2015/6/3 CHI T.B R 2 1 W W 95.7 90.5 52 45 16 11 15 11 21 23 9.5 47.4 21 29 2 3 1
2015/6/6 CHI T.B R 3 4 L L 83.3 89.7 49 48 11 12 9 12 29 24 10.3 64.8 28 33 3 3 0
2015/6/8 T.B CHI R 3 2 L W 94.7 90.6 51 67 5 10 14 19 32 38 9.4 41.8 46 27 3 3 0
2015/6/10 T.B CHI R 1 2 L L 89.5 96.0 61 45 13 9 23 17 25 19 4 34.5 46 34 3 4 1
2015/6/13 CHI T.B R 2 1 W W 96.9 93.1 56 61 11 11 16 18 29 32 6.9 58.1 15 37 1 2 1
2015/6/15 T.B CHI R 0 2 L L 93.8 100.0 60 58 10 14 25 12 25 32 0 32.3 56 32 3 1 2
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction
786 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

5. Results and Discussion

Using data analysis and judgment models, we predicted the outcomes of all the 2014–
2015 season playo® games. The prediction results are shown in Table 13. There are
89 games, of which we predicted in advance with 69 correct game outcomes, giving us
an accuracy rate of 77.5%. Compared with the results found by the University of
Ottawa, ours appeared to achieve better accuracy, i.e., better than the upper bound
of 62% they stated.
When analyzing data of the NHL 2014–2015 season, factor analysis approach
could be used to show that the star players, which is primarily what people are
concerned with, are actually not determinant attributes in the game. We did this,
but the explanation is long and we do not include it in this paper.
In terms of players' state in the game, the mentality of players is more important
than the physical state. The mentality, we proposed represents psychological factors,
intelligence factors and sentiment as well. The physical power of players, if they are
not totally disabled, are subordinate to their mental state. Psychological factors play
an important role in the game as favorable mentality will improve attention, con¯-
dence and the capacity to endure strain. That's why adjusting the players' mentality
before the game and consciously cultivating their mental attitude during training
exercises should be taken seriously. The result concludes that the state of players and
teams should also be taken into account in predicting sports outcomes. The SVM
result was important to demonstrate that the factors we included in the paper can
achieve a high degree of accuracy in prediction.
For more comparisons of how our results stand compared to others, we refer to
previous literature about prediction in sports (see Table 11). Basketball, football and
soccer can attain a higher accuracy in prediction because they have many more
events than does ice hockey, so it can lead to higher accuracy in prediction. Though
SVM achieved a very high accuracy of 86.75% in predicting basketball, the accuracy
lowered to 59.8% when predicting hockey. We can see that ML techniques are limited
to data and depend on the sensitivity of the input information. What is more, in the
previous ice hockey predictions, the data are from published reports. Compare that
to the judgment process, this paper directly interpreted primary data from experts.

6. Conclusion
In this paper, we collected data of 1230 NHL regular season games in 2014–2015 from
diverse sources on players, teams and game performances. We ¯lter and reduce the
54 metrics to 17 factors that were important for estimating game performance
through rank-sum tests. These factors then become the tangible criteria in the
proposed expert system. Next, we con¯rm that the chosen indicators are indeed
signi¯cant by applying SVM to validate the regular season games for which the
outcomes were known. Integrated with tangible performance metrics derived in
Sec. 3, we incorporate intangible criteria (i.e., coach tactics, mental and physical
Expert System for Ice Hockey Game Prediction 787

states) into the expert system. In this way, the ANP model incorporates both data
and judgments.
We use the proposed ANP model to predict each of the 89 post-season NHL games
in 2014–2015 season. The results are quite accurate. Speci¯cally, we correctly predict
77.5% of the matches before they took place. We hope to test the methodology
further in the coming seasons. Compared with previous methods used in sports
prediction, the model we proposed has the following advantages:

(1) We are the ¯rst to predict hockey games using a combination of both tangible
data and judgments on intangibles. Prior to this study, there were predictions-
based solely on tangible data, or predictions by commentators that relied solely
on intangibles to speculate which team is more likely to win. Our research is the
¯rst to o®er an e®ective and e±cient model that successfully combines both
tangible and intangible information. This study has the potential to make full
use of the knowledge and experience of experts, while also incorporating ML and
surpassing its forecasting accuracy. In addition, the expert system framework
which makes use of factor analysis, SVM, and the ANP, can be employed in
other settings, where intangible and tangible indicators are earnestly needed to
produce better estimates.
(2) The factors used in our prediction have been validated for their usefulness in
producing accurate outcomes. Using rank-sum tests, we showed that the criteria
used in the ANP model signi¯cantly in°uence the game results. Furthermore, we
use SVM to con¯rm that the factors adopted can derive high accurate prediction.
Finally, through correlation coe±cients between the set of tangible factors and
win/loss outcome, we know the relative importance of each factor. Compared
with other ML methods which depend on the text analysis of collected sports
comments, the proposed expert system based on both data and judgment seems
more reliable, as forecasting accuracy has been greatly improved.
(3) The objective judgments in the model were evidence-based, in which the experts
use the information from the numerical analysis to support their judgments
(e.g., correlation). When the experts evaluate the two teams based on factors
such as shooting percentage, shots, hits, giveaways, and takeaways, they are
making more structured and fact-based assessment, which often results in higher
accuracy. Along with subjective judgments such as commentators' views,
interpretations of the players physical/mental status, and their general knowl-
edge of the game. The expert system o®ers a more transparent and justi¯able
assessment framework and insights for sports performance prediction.

There are also limitations in this research that need to be improved in future work.

(1) To ensure minimum change in the teams and players between the regular season
and the playo® season, we limited our NHL data to just one season (2014–2015).
In subsequent study, more historical data will be taken into consideration.
788 W. Gu, T. L. Saaty & R. Whitaker

(2) When looking for factors that in°uence game outcomes, we studied all games of
all teams in NHL. Thus, the key factors identi¯ed are common factors for all
teams. However, for a speci¯c game, if we focus on the two competing teams'
historical data, we may be able to identify distinctive factors uniquely suitable
for such match and better able to predict the game outcome.
(3) The intangible judgments heavily relied on the experts' backgrounds, knowledge
and experience. In the future, we can explore whether subjective judgments
could be further improved with additional evidence-based historical data. In
future research into sports game prediction, big data24 may provide richer
references for experts to make the judgments. We can also collect the judgments
from experts then use group decision-making approaches to combine their
judgments. By using group questionnaires and synthesizing the judgments
from more experts with access to evidence-based data, we may be able to achieve
ever-higher accuracy.

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (71572011), the fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

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