Moravec, H. (1990) Mind Children
Moravec, H. (1990) Mind Children
Moravec, H. (1990) Mind Children
The Future of Robot and *"
Human Intelligence
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in 2010
Mind Children
The Future of Robot
and Human Intelligence
Hans Moravec
Moravec, Hans P.
Prologue 1
1 Mind in Motion 6
2 Powering Up 51
3 Symbiosis 75
5 Wildlife 125
6 Breakout 147
Bibliography 197
Acknowledgments and
Illustration Credits 203
Index 207
Intelligence on Earth 18
Walking Machine 27
Five Legs 28
Three Fingers 30
Autonomous Navigation 33
Object Finding 35
A General-Purpose Robot 38
The Retina 54
Comparative Computational Power and Memory 61
A Century of Computing 64
E NGAGED for billions of years in a relentless,
arms race with one another, our genes have finally out-
smarted themselves. They have produced a weapon so powerful it
will vanquish the losers and winners alike. This device is not the
hydrogen bomb widespread use of nuclear weapons would merely
delav the immensely more interesting demise that has been engi-
What awaits is not oblivion but rather a future which, from our
present vantage point, is by the words "postbiological"
best described
or even "supernatural." It which the human race has
is a world in
been swept away by the tide of cultural change, usurped by its own
artificial progeny. The ultimate consequences are unknown, though
many intermediate steps are not only predictable but have already
been taken. Today, our machines are still simple creations, requiring
the parental care and hovering attention of any newborn, hardly
worthy of the word "intelligent." But within the next century they
will mature into entities as complex as ourselves, and eventually into
something transcending everything we know in whom we can take —
pride when they refer to themselves as our descendants.
Unleashed from the plodding pace of biological evolution, the
children of our minds will be free to grow to confront immense and
fundamental challenges in the larger universe. We humans will benefit
for a time from their labors, but sooner or later, like natural children,
they will seek their own fortunes while we, their aged parents, silently
fade away. Very little need be lost in this passing of the torch — it will
be in our artificial offspring's power, and to their benefit, to remember
almost everything about us, even, perhaps, the detailed workings of
individual human minds.
Mi)id Children
The process began about 100 million years ago, when certain gene
lines hitupon a way to make animals with the ability to learn some
behaviors from their elders during life, rather than inheriting them
all at conception. It was compounded 10 million years ago when
find itself out of a job, having lost the evolutionary race to a new kind
of competition.
Our biological genes, and the flesh and blood bodies they build,
will play a rapidlv diminishing role in this new regime. But will our
minds, where culture originated, also be lost in the coup? Perhaps
not. The coming revolution may liberate human minds as effectively
as it liberates human culture. In the present condition we are un-
comfortable halfbreeds, part biology, part culture, with many of our
biological traits out of step with the inventions of our minds. Our
minds and genes may share many common goals during life, but there
is a tension between time and energy spent acquiring, developing,
devastating for our other half. Too many hard-earned aspects of our
mental existence simply die with us.
It is easy to imagine human thought freed from bondage to a mortal
specialized photocell eve that searched for the distinctive black cover
plate of wall outlets, where it would plug itself m to feed. The Beast
inspired a number of imitators. Some used special circuits connected
to televisioncameras instead of photocells and were controlled bv
assemblies oi (then new) transistor digital logic gates, Uke those that
can now be found, in thousands and millions, in the integrated circuits
of ever\- computer Some added new motions such as "Shake to
untangle recharging arm" to the repertoire of basic actions.
The field of cybernetics thrived less than two decades. As is so
often the case, it was eclipsed bv a relative, the artificial intelligence
Mind Children
Pioneers like Alan Turing, one of the creators of Colossus, and John
von Neumann, who was involved with the first American machines,
harbored the hope that the ability to think rationally, our unique
asset in dealing with the world, could be captured in a machine.
Our minds might be amplified by computers just as our muscles
had been amplified by the steam engines of the industrial revolution.
Programs to reason and to play intellectual games like chess were
designed by Claude Shannon of MIT and by Turing in 1950, but the
earliest computers were too limited and expensive for this use. A few
poor checker-playing programs did appear on the first commercial
machines of the early 1950s, and equally poor chess programs showed
up in the last half of that decade, along with a good checker player
by Arthur Samuel of IBM. Then in 1957 Allen Newell and Herbert
Simon of Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon University) and John
Shaw of the RAND Corporation demonstrated the Logic Theorist, the
first program able to reason about arbitrary matters by starting with
any of the then-current pure reasoning programs programs which.
10 Mind Children
Not all robots, nor all people, idle away their lives in universities.
Many must work for a living. Even before the industrial revolution,
before any kind of thought was mechanized, partially automatic
machinery, powered by wind or flowing water, was put to work
grinding grain and cutting lumber. The beginning of the industrial
revolution in the eighteenth century was marked bv the invention
of a plethora of devices that could substitute for manual labor in a
precise, and thoroughly inhuman, wav. Driven by shafts turned by
water or steam, these machines pumped, pounded, cut, spun, wove,
stamped, moved materials and parts, and much else, consistently and
each machine did one job and one job onlv Consequentiv, the product
produced by the machine often became obsolete before the machine
had paid back its design and construction costs. This problem had
become particularly acute by the end of World War II.
In 1954 the inventor George Devol filed a patent for a new kind of
industrial machine, the programmable robot arm, whose task could
be altered simply by changing the stream of punched program cards
that controlled its movement. In 1958, with Joseph Engelberger, Devol
founded a company named Unimation (a contraction of "universal"
and "automation") to build such machines. The punched cards
soon gave way to magnetic memory, which allowed the robot to be
programmed simply by leading it once by the hand, so to speak.
Mind in Motion 11
through its required paces. The first industrial robot began work in
a General Motors plant in 1961. To this day, most large robots that
weld, spray paint, and move pieces of cars are of this type.
Only when the cost of small computers dropped to less than $10,000
did robotics research at the universities begin to influence the design of
industrial robots. The first industrial vision systems, able to locate and
identify parts on conveyor belts, and usually coupled with a new class
of small robot arms, appeared in the late 1970s. Robots able to see and
feel, after a fashion, now play a modest but quietly booming role in
the assembly and inspection of small devices like calculators, printed
circuit boards, typewriters, and automobile water pumps. Indeed,
industrial needs have strongly influenced university research. What
was once a negligible number of smart robot projects has swelled to
the hundreds on campuses across the country. And while cybernetics
may now be relatively dormant, its stodgy parent, control theory, has
been quite active since the war in an effort to meet the profitable needs
of the aerospace industry. Elaborate methods developed to control
aircraft, spacecraft, and weapons are now influencing the design of
industrial robots.
In 1987 I was treated to a tour of the factory in Fremont, California,
where Apple's Macintosh computers are assembled. I found most
of the plant well organized but unremarkable. Many assembly steps
were done manually. The most efficient machines were probably those
that inserted components into circuit boards. Acting something like
sewing machines, these "board stuffers" take components strung on
tapes like machine-gun ammunition and "stitch" them into printed
circuit boards at blinding speed, several components per second, with
the board sliding rapidly into position for each part, front and back,
left and right. The machines are marvels of computerized control,
and very cost-effective for high-volume production, but they left me
vaguely disappointed. In one small niche, however, I saw a quite
different device inserting components that the high-speed machines
could not handle. The were old-fashioned inductors small
parts —
metal cans containing a coil of wire. Each can had metal tabs that were
to fit into slots in the board, and the coils ended in wires intended for
small holes. Unlike the precisely shaped components on the feed tapes
of the other machines, the inductors, supplied neatly arrayed on tex-
tured plastic trays, often had slightly bent tabs and wires that would
simply be mangled by a blind attempt to push them into a board.
12 Mind Children
The first reasoning programs needed very little data to do their work.
a plan was like proving a theorem, the initial state of the world being
the axioms, primitive actions being the rules of inference, and the
desired outcome playing the role of the theorem. One complication
was immediately evident: the outcome of an action is not always what
one expects (as when the block does not budge). Shakey had a limited
ability to handle such glitches by occasionally observing parts of the
world and adjusting its internal description and replanning its actions
if the conditions were not as it had assumed.
less than 100 thousand years old. We have not yet mastered it. It is
not all that intrinsically difficult; it just seems so when we do it.
Organisms that lack the ability to perceive and explore their environ-
ment do not seem to acquire anything that we would call intelligence.
We need make only the grossest comparison of the plant and animal
kingdoms to appreciate the fact that mobile organisms tend to evolve
the mental characteristics we associate with intelligence, while immo-
bile ones do not. Plants are awesomely effective in their own right, but
they have no apparent inclinations toward intelligence. Perhaps, given
much more time, an intelligent plant could evolve — some carniverous
and "sensitive" plants show that something akin to nervous action is
their early work and instead set their sights directly on the intellectual
acme of human thought, in experiments running on large, stationary
mainframe computers dedicated to mechanizing pure reasoning. This
"top-down" route to machine intelligence made impressive strides
at first but has produced disappointingly few fundamental gains in
over a decade. While cybernetics scratched the underside of real
intelligence, artificial intelligence scratched the topside. The interior
bulk of the problem remains inviolate.
All attempts to achieve intelligence in machines have imitated
natural intelligence, but the different approaches have mimicked
different aspects of the original. Traditional artificial intelHgence
attempts to copy the conscious mental processes of human beings
doing particular tasks. Its limitation is that the most powerful aspects
of thought are unconscious, inaccessible to mental introspection, and
thus difficult to set down formally. Some of the cyberneticists,
taking a different tack, had focused on building models of animal
nervous systems at the neural level. This approach is by
the astronomical number of cells in large nervous systems and by
the great difficulty of determining exactly what individual neurons
do, how they are interconnected, and what nerve networks do. Both
traditional AT and neural modeling have contributed insights to the
Mind ill Motion 17
enterprise, and no doubt each could solve the whole problem, given
enough time. But with the present state of the art, 1 feel that the fastest
progress can be made by imitating the ezvlution of animal minds, by
striving to add capabilities to machines a few at a time, so that the
The modern robotics effort is just twenty years old, and for only the
last ten of those have computers been routinely available to control
robots. The recapitulation of the evolution of intelligent life is at a
very early stage — robotic equivalents of nervous systems exist, but
they are comparable in complexity to the nervous systems of worms.
Nevertheless, the evolutionary pressures that shaped life are already
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20 Mind Children
top-down route more than half way, ready to provide the real-
world competence and the commonsense knowledge that has been so
frustratingly elusive in reasoning programs. Fully intelligent machines
will result when the metaphorical golden spike is driven uniting the
two efforts. A reasoning program backed by a robotics world model
will be able to visualize the steps in its plan, to distinguish reasonable
situations from absurd ones, and to intuit some solutions by observing
them happen in its model, just as humans do. Later I will explain why
1 expect to see this union in about forty years. For the moment, let us
group and was seminal in the later boom in smart robot arms for
industrial uses. A modest investment in mobility was added when
Les Earnest, SAIL's technically astute chief administrator, learned of a
vehicle abandoned by Stanford's mechanical engineering department
after a short stint as a simulated remote-controlled lunar rover. At
SAIL became the Stanford Cart, the first mobile robot controlled by
a large computer that did not reason, and the first testbed for computer
vision in the cluttered, haphazardly illuminated world most animals
inhabit. The progeny of two PhD theses (one of them my own), the
Stanford Cart slowly navigated raw indoor and outdoor spaces guided
by TV images processed by programs quite different from those in
Shakey's world.
Mind in Motion 21
found belts, whose routes are difficult to change, too restrictive. Their
robots could be rapidly reprogrammed for different jobs, but the
material flow routes could not. Several large companies worldwide
dealt with theproblem by building what they called Automatically
Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that navigated by sensing signals transmitted
by wires buried along their route. Looking like forklifts or large
bumper cars, they can be programmed to travel from place to place
and be loaded and unloaded by robot arms. Some recent variants
carry their own robotic arms. Burying the route wires in concrete
factory floors is expensive, and alternative methods of navigation are
being sought. As with robot arms, the academic and industrial efforts
to develop mobile robots have merged, and a mind-boggling number
of directions and ideas are being energetically pursued.
microwave ovens do not fill the void in families where all the adults
work outsidethe home. The need has existed for many decades: When
will there be a robot to help around the house?
For many years I believed that robot servants, ubiquitous in science
were unlikely in the near future. Households are complex
(or rent) for much less. Worse yet, safe and effective operation
in the often chaotic home environment is a lot more difficult than
in controllable factory settings. Existing robots offer mostly blind,
repetitive, potentially lethal motions at a price comparable to that of
home within ten years. The change in my attitude comes partly from
research developments of the last few years and partly from a new
appreciation of the implications of the concept "general purpose."
Today's industrial robots are more flexible than the fixed automation
they sometimes displace, but they do so very few things well that the
term "general purpose" hardly applies. Indeed, individual robots are
usually bolted to a fixed station, equipped with grippers and some-
times sensors specialized for a certain task, which they henceforth
execute, again and again, perhaps for the rest of their existence. The
narrowness of their repertoire, besides being boring, greatly limits the
number that can be sold. There are less than 100 thousand robots
(other than toys) of all makes world today. Compare this with
in the
100 million cars, 500 million television sets, or 20 milHon computers.
So few units sold can support only a limited amount of engineering
thought and development. The result is a less-than-optimal design
at a high price. But not forever. As the number of units produced
grows, so does the opportunity and incentive to improve the design
of the robots and the details of their production. The costs drop,
and the robots become better, incidentally expanding the market and
increasing the number of units sold, leading to further improvements.
The graph of declining unit cost versus number of units produced is
24 Mind Children
require optional hardware attachments for the robot, special tools and
sensors (such as chemical sniffers), protective coverings, and so on.
It may be that writing applications programs for successive genera-
Almost everyone many skills, and each skill can
has, or can develop,
be a potential source of royalties when encoded as a program. Many
competing versions of each skill will be marketed and purchased
on the basis of utility, cost, personal taste, fashion, and advertising.
Each program will have a limited lifetime, destined to be eclipsed by
replacements that are either simply better or are designed to operate
a more sophisticatednew generation of robot. A large secondary
industry will spring up to help in the programming process.
Before long programs will be created that make general-purpose
robots good by leading them through
learners, teachable, for instance,
the motions of the task, or by example. The accumulating library
of such programs will eventually be a motherlode of encoded hu-
man, nonverbal knowledge which can be tapped by the waves of
autonomous robots that will follow the breakeven gener-
The expert-systems industry has already begun encoding verbal
knowledge in this fashion.
Breakeven Locomotion
market for themselves, with each drop in price bringing a more than
proportional increase in the number of economical applications and
units in demand.
Even in highly urban settings, regions of flat, hard ground form an
archipelago in a sea of terrain that is variously rough, soft, stepped,
or totally impassable. A machine unable to navigate this sea will be
trapped on a single island, its potential uses enormouslv restricted.
Our breakeven criterion thus calls for a drive system more capable
than standard wheels. Robots with legs are just now showing signs
of practicality. The most convincing demonstration to date is by
a California company called Odetics, whose six-legged, spiderlike,
electrically driven robot can climb out of its truck, onto a hatbox,
squeeze through a door, then show off by one end of the truck
but lift its feet over obstacles and up stairs. On rough ground it might
plod along slowly in a full walk.
Hitachi, the Japanese electronics giant, experimented in the early
1980s with a particular! v simple version of the wheel-foot idea. For
use in nuclear reactors, the Hitachi system has five simple "legs," each
a vertical, motorized post that telescopes up and down out of the
body. The legs are arranged uniformly around the robot, in a regular
pentagon. Each ends in a wheel able to steer and drive. Five legs
are the minimum that allow a robot to stand stably with any one leg
raised, without shifting its weight. The Hitachi machines climb stairs
by rolling up to them on five wheels, raising the leading one to the
height of the first stair, driving forward until the raised leg is securely
over the step, lowering it slightly until the contact is firm, and then
continuing with the next nearest leg. On narrow stairs the robot may
have its wheels resting on up to three successive steps at the same
Walking Machine
The Odetics "Odex" can walk, climb, squeeze through doorways, or
spread for stability. But its power consumption limits it to an hour
of mobility per battery charge.
28 Mind Children
Five Legs
This design for mobility from Hitachi, five steerable wheels on tele-
scoping legs, has more limitations than one with fully articulated
legs, but it gets much better mileage on flat surfaces.
Mind in Motion 29
Breakeven Manipulation
Few useful jobs can be accomplished if the robot simply moves about.
Productive work calls for the holding and transporting of ingredients,
parts, and other things. Industrial manipulators, the most
numerous and successful robots to date, have arms that can reach
where needed by using about six rotary or sliding joints. If we neglect
fine points of weight, power, and control, some of the smaller designs
are nearly adequate for the reach needed in the breakeven robot. Since
many jobs require bringing pairs of objects into contact, our robot
will probably come with at least two arms. A third arm would be
Robot hands are not as well developed as robot arms. The industrial
manipulators manage to grasp and hold with special fixtures for
particular objects or with a simple two-fingered kind ofhand called
a parallel-jaw gripper. Such grippers are easy to operate but can
safely grasp only some kinds of rugged object. They are incapable
of controlling or changing the orientation of something being held.
Our universal robot needs more flexibility.
Breakeven Navigation
and planned a path to its destination that staved clear of them. The
program then moved the robot about a meter along that path, looked,
mapped, planned, and moved again. In repeated cautious lurches, the
Cart was to creep safelv to its destination.
Unfortunately, the program didn't work. About one lurch in four,
the part of the program that attempted to estimate the robot motion
from the changing image made a mistake, misidentified areas being
tracked, reported an incorrect robot motion, and messed up the slowly
building map. The chance of successfully crossing a large room, a
journey of perhaps thirty lurches, was so small as to be negligible. In
1979 I tried again, with a new program aided by a small amount of
new hardware, a mechanism that precisely moved
the camera from
side to side along a track. With it, program was able to
the driving
obtain several images of the scene without moving the whole robot.
32 Mind Children
much as a human obtains two images, one from each eye. By carefully
exploiting the extra information to prune away errors, the program
improved the success rate for a single lurch to nearly 100%. The robot
was now often able to successfully complete the thirty lurches to cross
a room to the desired destination and show a correct map on a display
screen. About one time in four, however, it failed, either because the
aggressive error-pruning had removed a real obstacle from the map
and the robot had collided with it, or because, in spite of the pruning,
errors had crept in and confused the robot's idea of its position. Good
enough for my thesis, perhaps, but not good enough for a robot to do
complex tasks that would, at the minimum, require it to cross rooms
many times.
In 1980 I moved to Carnegie Mellon University, to continue the re-
search under the auspices of its new Robotics Institute. Two graduate
students. Chuck Thorpe and Larry Matthies, examined and greatly
improved the old program, increasing both its speed and its accuracy
tenfold. When everything went well, it was now able to report the
position of the robot (a new one we call Neptune) to a few centimeters
accuracy. Unfortunately, things did not always go well, and the failure
rate remained stubbornly unchanged. The robot still crossed the room
correctly only about three times out of four.
In 1984 our group agreed to do some research for a new company.
Denning Mobile Robotics, Inc., in Massachusetts, that was developing
a robot security guard (more accurately, a roving burglar alarm).
Instead of a camera, the robot was equipped with a beltlike ring
of sonar range sensors like those found in Polaroid cameras. These
had already been found to be very useful for detecting the presence
and general direction of nearby obstacles, thus allowing the robot
to avoid them. Our aim was more ambitious, however. Instead
of merely sensing imminent collisions, could the continuously active
sonar system be used to build a map of the surroundings that could
direct accurate point-to-point navigation, as (three times out of four)
our vision-guided programs could do? The sonar units each emit an
ultrasonic chirp of sound over a wide cone and report the time to
the first echo they hear. This time is proportional to the distance of
the nearest object within the cone. The distance to the object may be
accurate to better than a centimeter, but since the cone subtends an
angle of about 30°, the side-to-side position is still highly uncertain.
This is very different from the almost pinpoint measurements possible
Mi)id in Motion 33
from TV cameras, and so the program methods developed for the Cart
could not be used.
Although a single sonar reading can tell a program only a little
about the position of the thing that caused the echo, it maps out a
large volume of empty space in front of that thing. When readings
from different sensors overlap, the emptv region indicated by one
Autonomous Navigation
Tlie Denning Sentnj is a commercial product that can patrol a large
warehouse or office complex evenj night for months without human
intervention, guided by light-emitting beacons and a sonar image of
its surroundings. By day, it recharges itself in a special booth.
34 Mind Children
on these ideas and were astonished when it droxe the robot much
more reliably than the old TV-guided program. Yet another student,
Bruno Serrey, along with Larry Matthies, then found a way to use
the probabilistic approach for TV data and again discovered that it
Breakeven Recognition
The sensory system has another vital function: the recognition and
localization of specific objects in the robot's surroundings. Recognized
objects may be small things destined later to be picked up by one of
the hands or large objects that serve as landmarks or work locations.
Imagine a process whereby objects are described by shape and surface
characteristics and the robot's recognition system looks for one object
at a time. A tentative identification can be confirmed by viewing
the scene from a different point. The result is a description of the
position and orientation of the object suitable for use by the program
that controls grasping by the hands.
Object Finding
3DPO (for Three-Dimensional Parts Orientation) is a program that
finds particular parts in a clutter of other parts. This sequence of
images is: (1)a three-dimensional computer model of the part to be
found; (2) a TV picture of a jumble of actual parts; (3) a computer
image of the same parts where brightness now indicates how close to
the camera is each bit of visible surface; (4) the computer's deduction
of the major surface boundaries of the jumble; and (5) the computer's
fit of the part model to actual occurrences of the part in the jumble.
36 Mind Children
the overlapping parts mostly lay flat. It was too slow and unreliable
to be practical in production, but it did demonstrate feasibility. In
the last several years many groups in the United States and Japan
have unveiled programs that can identify simple objects on the basis
of three-dimensional data obtained from a camera looking at a scene
illuminated by special devices that generate stripes or grids of light.
A Sensible Robot
leg-wheels of the Hitachi design and has two arms with Salisbury
hands. Topped by a pair of color TV cameras, it has an unobtrusive
array of sonar sensors to sense the world in directions not covered
by the cameras. It carries an inexpensive laser gyroscope to help with
navigation, and it is controlled by a computer system able to do at least
a billion operations per second. Integral with the computer hardware
is a software operatingsystem that allows multiple simultaneous pro-
cesses. Built-in programs permit objects in the world to be described,
visually identified in or out of clutter, and picked up. A navigational
system can be asked to build, store, retrieve, and compare maps of
the surroundings and to bring the robot to specific locations.
Readers familiar with personal computers may recognize the sim-
ilarity to operating-system utility functions, especially the graphic
toolbox in the Apple Macintosh. These capabilities in the robot are
twentv square meters, bounded on three sides, and there are three
small objects in front of me") and "Why did you do that?" ("I turned
right because I didn't think 1 could fit through the opening on the
left.") In our lab, the programs we have developed usually present
such information from the robot's world model in the form of pictures
on a computer screen a direct window into the robot's mind. In
these internal models of the world I see the beginnings of awareness
in the minds of our machines —
an awareness I believe will evolve into
consciousness comparable with that of humans.
The term convergent evolution is used by evolutionary biologists
whenever species that are only very distantly related independently
develop similar characteristics, presumably in response to similar en-
vironmental pressures. Eyes are an example of convergent evolution;
they have evolved over 40 different times in the animal kingdom.
What was necessary was the presence of light-sensitive cells and
selection pressures favoring the survival of animals that could see,
however dimly at first. If a function of the nervous svstem as complex
as vision can evolve so many different times when environmental
pressures are right, what about emotions and consciousness? Unlike
vision, these features of the human mind have no incontrovertible
external manifestation and indeed lack a precise definition. Their
existence in animals, and even in humans, has been questioned bv a
generation of behavioral psychologists. Yet animal ethologists such as
Donald Griffin find the concepts useful in explaining animal behavior.
If an animal acts as I do when I am afraid, is it not reasonable to call
Check the robot's surroundings for doors
Add one to the variable DOOR-NUMBER each time a new door is located
Step 1: Record the current location of the robot in the variable START-
Step 2: Set the variable DOOR-NUMBER to zero
Mind in Motion 41
Step 5: Cause the robot to face the location in the variable DOOR-
Step 6: If the robot is facing an open door, go to Step 10
Step 7: If the robot is not facing a door, subtract one from DOOR-NUMBER
and go to Step 4
Step 9: If the door fails to open, say "knock knock" and go to Step 6
to Step 15
Step 12: Record the location of the nearest cup in CUP-LOCATION
Step 13: Drive the robot to within reach of the CUP-LOCATION
Step 14: Pick up the cup at CUP-LOCATION; if this fails go to Step 15
Step 17: If the door fails to open, say "knock knock" and go to Step 16
Step 18: Drive the robot through the open door
Step 19: Return to START-LOCATION
Step 20: Put the robot to sleep
through. This fourth door, sadly, leads to the stairwell, and the poor
robot, unequipped to travel on stairs, is in mortal danger.
Fortunately, there is another module in our concurrent program-
ming system called DETECT-CLIFF. This program is always running
and checks ground position data incidentally produced by the vision
processes and also requests sonar and infrared proximity checks on
42 Mind Children
a meal can be diverted by subtle threats of danger in just the way the
robot was. The invertebrate octopus also happens to have a nervous
system that evolved entirely independently of our own vertebrate
version. Yet most of us feel no qualms about ascribing qualities like
passion, pleasure, fear, and pain to the actions of the animal. I believe
that we have in the behavior of a person, an octopus, and a robot a
case of convergent evolution. The needs of the mobile way of life have
conspired in all three instances to create an entity that has modes of
operation for different circumstances and that changes quickly from
mode to mode on the basis of uncertain and noisy data prone to
Mind in Motion 43
44 Mind Children
mind, consciousness, and even life itself. Here is how imagine some
When tickled, the sea slug Aplysia withdraws its delicate gills into
its body. If the tickling is repeated often, with no ill effect, Aplysia
gradually learns to ignore the nuisance, and the gills remain deployed.
If, later, tickles are followed by harsh stimuli, such as contact with a
strong acid, the withdrawal reflex returns with a vengeance. Either
way, the modified behavior is remembered for hours. Aplysia has
been studied so thoroughly in the last few decades that the neurons
involved in the reflex are well known, and the learning has recently
been traced to chemical changes in single synapses on these neurons.
Larger networks of neurons can adapt in more elaborate ways, for
instance by learning to associate specific pairs of stimuli with one an-
other. Such mechanisms tune a nervous system to the body it inhabits
and to its environment. Vertebrates owe much of their behavioral
flexibility to an elaboration of this arrangement, systems that can be
activated from many locations that encourage and discourage future
repetitions of recent behaviors. Though the neural architecture of these
Mind in Motion 45
might be worthwhile if the robot could learn to favor a longer but more
reliable path. A job might be done more effectively if the changing
location of a needed ingredient could be learned or even anticipated
from subtle clues. It is impossible to explicitly program the robot for
every such eventuality, but much could be accomplished by a unified
conditioning mechanism which increased the probability of decisions
that had proven effective in the past under similar circumstances and
decreased it for ones that had been followed by wasted activity or
The conditioning software I have in mind would receive two kinds
of messages from anywhere within the robot, one telling of success,
the other of trouble. Some — for instance indications of batteries, full
conditions occurred that was similar to those that had often preceded
pain (or pleasure) in the past, the recognizer would itself issue a
somewhat weaker pain (or pleasure) message. In the case of pain, this
warning message might prevent the activity that had caused trouble
before. In time the warning messages themselves would accumulate
in the catalog, and the robot would begin to avoid the steps that led to
the steps that caused the original problem. Eventually a long chain of
associations like this could head off trouble at a very early stage. There
are pitfalls, of course. If the strength of the secondary warnings does
not weaken sufficiently as the chain lengthens, pain could grow into
an incapacitating phobia and pleasure into an equally incapacitating
Besides allowing the robot to adapt opportunistically to its environ-
ment, a pleasure-pain mechanism could be exploited by applications
programs in more directed ways. Suppose the robot has a spoken
word recognizer. A module that simply generates a pleasure signal
on hearing the word "good" and a pain message on hearing "bad"
would allow a customer to easily modify the robot's behavior. If the
robot was making a nuisance of itself by vacuuming while a room
was in use, a few utterances of "bad!" might train it to desist until
conditions changed, for instance at a different time of day or when
the room was empty.
A robot with conditioning software could be programmed to train
itself. If a task in an application program required that a certain kind
of container be opened, it would be possible to write a detailed list of
instructions describing just how to hold, turn, and pull to get the job
done. Alternatively, a robot at the factory could be programmed to
pick up many such one after another, and randomly push,
twist, shake, and pull each one until it either opened or broke. The
trainingprogram would recognize both situations and issue a pleasure
message in one case and a pain signal in the other before going on to
the next container. Gradually the conditioning system would inhibit
those sequences that caused breakage and facilitate those that were
successful. An abstracted version of the training catalog for the session
could then be inserted into the final application program in place of
Mind in Motion 47
described earlier, you may have noted that if the robot finds the door
closed and is unable to open it, it simply stands there and repeats
"knock knock" without letup until someone opens the door for it. A
robot that often behaved this way — and many present-day robots do
would do poorly in human company. Interestingly, it is possible to
trick insects into such mindless repetition. Some wasps provide food
for their hatching eggs by paralyzing caterpillars and depositing them
in an underground burrow. The wasp normally digs a burrow and
seals its entrance, then leaves to hunt for a caterpillar. Returning with
a victim, she drops it outside the burrow, reopens the entrance, and
then drags it in. If, however, an experimenter moves the caterpillar
a short distance away while the wasp is busy at the opening, she
retrieves her prey, and then again goes through the motions of opening
the already open burrow. If, while she is doing this, the experimenter
again moves the caterpillar away, she repeats the whole performance.
This cycle can apparently be repeated indefinitely, until either the
wasp or the experimenter drops from exhaustion. A robot could
be protected from such a fate by a module that detects repetitious
behavior and generates a weak pain signal on each repetition. In
the example, the door knocking would gradually become inhibited,
freeing the robot for other pending tasks or inactivity. The robot will
have acquired the ability to become bored.
Modules that recognize other conditions and send pain or pleasure
messages of appropriate strength would endow a robot with a unique
character. A large, dangerous industrial robot with a human-presence
detector sending a pain signal would become shy of human beings and
thus be less likely to cause injury. A module that registered pleasure
on encountering new debris, and pain on seeing it subsequently, might
enable a cleaning program to become very creative and aggressive in
its battle against filth.
Mind in Motion 49
simulators will come from the factory loaded with generic knowledge,
but they will also be required to leam the idiosyncrasies of each new
location. Advanced robots may find themselves working with other
robots and with people. Such interaction could be made more effective
if the simulators on these machines could predict the behavior of
others to some extent. Part of the prediction might involve roughly
modeling the other's mental state, so that its reactions to alternative
acts could be anticipated. A rich new arena opens up once there
is an internal model of another being's state of mind. For instance,
a module that generated pain messages when it detected distress in
a mental model in the simulator would condition the robot to act
in a kindly manner. And a robot might find itself admonished for
inappropriately ascribing "robotomorphic" feelings and intentions to
other machines, or to humans!
It program robots to commit crimes
would, of course, be as easy to
power to run low. Suppose it finds itself locked out of its owners'
home, its battery charge fading. The robot's simulator will chum
through different scenarios furiously, searching for a solution —
combination of actions that will result in a recharge. As combinations
of conventional behaviors fail to get it closer to its goal, the simulator
search expands to more unusual possibilities. The neighbors' house is
nearby, its door may be open, and there will be power outlets inside
the simulator discovers a scenario that takes the robot to those outlets.
There is pain associated with leaving home territory, and with the
trouble it may cause, but it is more than balanced by the pleasureand
great release from pain in the possibility of finding a recharge. The
robot repeatedly runs a simulation of the trespass of the neighbors'
house, each time strengthening its conditioning for the steps involved,
making the act itself increasingly Ukely. Eventually the conditioning
is sufficient, and the robot begins on a course that is likelv to lead it
into more trouble than its imperfect simulator anticipated. It will not
be the first creature to have been driven to a desperate act by a great
50 Mind Children
in the aftermath of the Apollo moon landings and the Vietnam war,
leaving the universities to limp along with aging equipment. The
same conditions caused a recession in the technical industries: unem-
ployed engineers opened fast-food restaurants instead of designing
computers. The initially successful problem-solving thrust in artificial
intelligence had not yet run its course, and it still seemed to many that
existing machines were powerful enough —
if only the right programs
52 Mind Children
stage was ignited in the present decade by the Japanese leap into
the American marketplace. The Japanese industrial successes focused
attention worldwide on the importance of technology, particularly
computers and automation, in modern economies. American indus-
tries and government responded with research dollars. The Japanese
stoked the fires, under the influence of a small group of senior re-
searchers, by boldly announcing a major initiative toward future com-
puters, the so-called Fifth Generation project, which would expand in
the most promising American and European research directions. The
Americans responded with more money.
Besides this economic boon, integrated circuitry had evolved far
enough by the 1980s that an entire computer could fit on a chip. Sud-
denly computers were affordable by individuals, and a new generation
of computer customers and manufacturers came into being. On the
other end of the scale, supercomputers, once reserved for a handful
of government labs and agencies, became fashionable in hundreds
of industrv and research settings. Across the spectrum of size, the
computer industry became lucrative and competitive as never before,
with new generations of faster, cheaper machines being introduced at
a frenetic rate.
How much must this evolution proceed until our machines
are powerful enough to approximate the human intellect? Too little is
known about both the overall functioning of the human brain and how
an intelligent computer would operate to make this estimate directly.
I have approached the problem indirectly by comparing a fragment of
Neural Circuitry
The retina is really an elongated extension of the brain. But its location
at the back of the eyeball, some distance from the bulk of the brain, has
made it comparatively easy to study, even in living animals. Removed
from the body, it can be kept functioning for hours, with its inputs
and outputs highly accessible. Transparent and thinner than a sheet
of paper, the retina can be stained with dyes to make specific neurons
visible to light and electron microscopes. For these reasons, the retina
is probably the best-studied piece of the vertebrate nervous system.
We will look at it in some detail, but first some background about
nerve cells.
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Powering Up 55
they seem incapable of generating much more than 100 signals per
second. These days, electronic switches, always vastly simpler and
now smaller than neurons, can switch as fast as 100 billion times per
second. The great speed advantage of electronics will allow us to
get by with fewer electronic switches than the number of neurons in
the human nervous system. Electronics is also exceptionally precise,
allowing things to be done systematically and efficiently.
small areas and would provide a sharp picture on the TV. Some of
the bipolar cells also receive inputs from nearby horizontal cells and
then compute a difference between the small bipolar center areas and
the large horizontal surround. Viewed on our TV, their picture would
Powering Up 57
look much paler than the original, except at the edges of objects and
patterns, where a distinct bright halo would be seen.
The bipolar cell axons connect to complicated multilayer synapses
on the axonless amacrine cells. Each gauglion cell collects inputs from
several of these amacrine synapses and produces a pulsed output,
which travels up its long axon. Each amacrine cell connects to several
bipolar and ganglion cells, and some of the junctions appear to both
send and receive signals. Some amacrine cells enhance the "center
surround" response; others detect changes in brightness in parts of the
image. On the TV, some of these would show only objects moving
left to right, while others would reveal other directions of motion.
Each ganglion cell connects to several bipolar and amacrine and
covers less than 1% of the visual field, the fovea employs perhaps one
quarter of the retinal circuitry and one quarter of the optic nerve fibers.
about 1 million times faster than the medium-size machines that now
60 Mind Children
drive my robots, and 1,000 times faster than today's best supercom-
Estimates like these are vulnerable to attack from many directions
(see Appendix 1). After all, controversy flares when one merely
compares similar electronic computers, whose internal operations are
well understood and whose performance can be tested in detail.
Hence it would be foolish to expect consensus opinion about a
comparison of radically different systems executing dimly understood
functions. Nevertheless, my estimates can be useful even if they are
only remotely correct. Later we will see that a thousandfold error in
the ratio of neurons to computations shifts the predicted arrival time
of fully intelligent machines a mere 20 years.
Having settled on a lO-trillion-operation-per-second (10 teraops) com-
puter as a sufficiently powerful host for a humanlike mind, we still
have to decide how much memory to include. In 1953 the IBM 650
computer performed and was equipped
1,000 instructions per second
with 1,000 "words" memory, each able to store one number, or
one instruction. In 1985 the Cray 2 ran at up to 1 billion instructions
per second and was packed with up to 1 billion words of memory.
This ratio, shared by most computers, of about one memory word for
each instruction per second of speed was shaped by the market and
probably indicates the size necessary to contain problems sufficiently
large to keep a computer busy for seconds to hours at a time rates —
comfortable for human programmers. If it had this ratio, a humanlike
computer would require 10 trillion words of memory, about 10'"" bits.
(A bit, or binary digit, is a tiny unit of information that encodes a
choice between two equal possibilities. Computer words today are
between 16 and 64 bits long. Larger machines tend to have longer
But is this number compatible with what is known about the
nervous system? During the last decade Eric Kandel of Columbia
University and others have studied the cellular changes that occur
in the sea slug Aplysia when it is conditioned by irritating stimuli.
They found that learning manifests itself as long-lasting chemical
changes in individual synapses between neurons, changes that affect
store only one such strength, and then only with limited precision.
If we —
assign 10 bits enough to represent a number to three decimal
places of accuracy — to each synapse, and if this storage method is
substantially correct for larger nervous systems, then the 10'"' bit
10 Microwave
§ channel
i Macintosh Video recorder
12 15 18
10 10 10 10 10 10
Capacity (bits)
62 Mind Children
Comparing Computers
route was not open to me, since most of the machines I hoped to
include in my curve no longer exist. I did know how long most of the
machines took add and to multiply
to two numbers, how many words
of memory each had and the size of a word, and the approximate size
of each machine's instruction repertoire. Processing power was to be
the amount of computation done by the machine in a given time. If I
could estimate how much computation each instruction accomplished,
on the average, I would merely have to multiply by the number of
instructions executed per unit time to get total power. So the problem
reduced itself to estimating the work done by a single instruction.
Suppose a child's story begins with the words: Here's my cat. It
has fiir. It has claivs... Pretty boring, right? Imagine, now, another
story that starts out with: Here's my cat. It wears a hat. It totes a
($886l/P^0D3s/siiq) }soD 4iun jad laMod iBuoi4C4ndui03
Powering Up 65
the project and the tender state of the mechanical art (components
were still typically hand fitted) made it unlikely that he could have
succeeded in his lifetime. Precision interchangeable parts were much
more common by the early twentieth century, and in 1910 Babbage's
youngest son was able to demonstrate a working portion of the central
calculating unit, although he did not complete the entire machine. I
small bacterium in 1980. In the same period, the basic switching speed
rose a millionfold and the cost declined by the same huge amount. I
cannot tell you exactly what developments will yield the additional
factor of a million project I —
such predictions are impossible for many
reasons. Entirely new and unexpected possibilities are encountered in
the course of basic research. Even among the known contenders, many
techniques are in competition, and a promising line of development
may be abandoned simply because some other approach has a slight
edge. I can tell you that there are experimental components in lab-
70 Mind Children
of liquid oxygen from air, and it is cheap (unlike the much colder
liquid helium). Uneven clumping of key impurities results in erratic
component values as circuits get smaller, so more precise methods
for implanting them are being developed. Quantum effects become
more pronounced, creating new problems and new opportunities.
Superlattices — multiple layers of atoms-thick regions of differently
doped silicon made with molecular beams are such an opportunity.
They allow the electronic characteristics of the material to be tuned
Powering Up 71
X HE robot who
century will have some interesting properties.
will work alongside us
in half a
reasoning abilities
le Mind Children
large banks of dial switches, called function tables, intended for storing
precomputed mathematical results needed during a calculation. They
might be set up, for instance, with square roots or logarithms or
with more specialized functions. Von Neumann suggested that these
switches could be used in a different way, namely, to hold sequences
of instructions, encoded as numbers, that would direct the machine's
operation. The regular hardwired program would be set up, once and
for all, in such a way that it could read these instructions from the
function tables one after another and do what the numbers indicated.
Thenceforth the machine could be programmed for new tasks simplv
by dialing commands into the function tables.
The rat's nest of wires at the left are the machine's original program-
ming hoards. The banks of switches on the right were intended
to hold mathematical function tables but were soon enlisted as a more
convenient way to represent programs.
Symbiosis 77
This new mode of programming was much easier and neater than
the original scheme. Instead of a rat's nest of wires, a program
consisted of neat columns of numbers. The numerical encoding
system for machine operations came to be called machine language.
It was one small step for user-friendly computers, a giant leap for
computer organization.
All digital computers after ENIAC incorporated an expanded version
of this stored program idea. Not only were programs represented
as sequences of numbers, but the numbers were kept in the same
memory used for calculations and could be loaded at high speed
from input devices such as punched paper-tape readers. This unity of
memory allowed a computer to modify its own program in midrun,
an intriguing technique that was used extensively at first but is less
common now. ENIAC used a large roomful of vacuum tubes to store
fewer than fifty numbers, and could carry out about one thousand
calculations per second.
ENIAC's successors were able to store entire programs in their
working memory because new methods were invented for more
densely and cheaply storing the electronic tally marks that constituted
the memory. In some, a device much like a television picture tube was
able to retain thousands of such "bits" as tiny areas of electric charge
on its glass face. A
sweeping electron beam could both sense and alter
the contents of each area. In others, thousands of bits were encoded
as a recirculating stream of acoustic pulses that traveled down a long
column of mercury, to be sensed electronically at the end of their
journey, amplified, re-injected back into the head of the column.
Another approach was to record the bits magnetically on the surface
of a rapidly spinning drum or disk. Magnetic disks evolved into the
bulk external storage devices still in use today, but they were too slow
to survive long as the internal working memory of computers.
The most successful method turned out to be one that used tiny
donuts of a specially developed magnetic material strung on the inter-
sections of a net of fine wires. Each of these magnetic cores could store
one encoded as either a clockwise or counterclockwise magneti-
any one of the active programs would not notice the fractional second
Si/mbiosis 81
all to himself, albeit one that was a little slower than the raw machine.
The hackers' intensive and varied computer use called for efficient
ways to find, start, and stop many different programs, to scan, read,
and modify information files, to interact with other users, and to ask
the computer to do many things automatically In an evolutionary
process, the command languages with which users at their terminals
communicated with time-sharing operating systems were given these
abilities. Designed by experts for experts, with layer upon laver of
Magic Glasses
The graphical interface that makes the Macintosh and its imitators
so much more pleasant to use than earlier machines demonstrates
the value of engaging the sensor}^ capabilities of humans in the
dialogue between them and their machines. Alan Kay's Dynabook,
though wonderful in manv ways, would be unable to go much
further than existing svstems in this nonverbal direction because of its
High-resolution color displays, one for each eye, with optics that
cover the entire field and make the image the computer presents
appear to be focused at a comfortable distance. The glasses may
into magic glasses. This model was developed in 1986 for a Boeing-
Sikorsky experimental helicopter project. Data from the aircraft's
instruments are projected into the pilot's field of view. Radar blips,
for instance, are made to appear at the actual locations of the objects
being tracked.
Mind Children
the hand. Compared with the gloves, and especially the glasses, the
coat is simplicity itself. But in early versions of the magic wardrobe,
the coat may become hardware that
a convenient repository for all the
does not fit into the smaller and more complex glasses and gloves. It
may even have to be attached to an immobile seat: a real "armchair."
Robot Proxy
This robot proxy was developed in 1986 at the Naval Ocean Systems
Center Hawaii. The motions of the operator on the left are copied
by the robot on the right, and the images from the robot's camera eyes
are delivered to the operator's (bulky) magic glasses. The operator has
the subjective sensation of being in the robot's body.
Symbiosis 89
Finding Oneself
1 don't know about you, but I often get lost. Lacking a good built-
in sense of direction, I long for a pocket navigational aid that would
not only tell me where I am (electronicmaps now appearing in cars
already do this) but would guide me to my destination, remember
where I've been, and remind me of my grocery list when it notices I'm
close to the store. The glasses contain a navigation system, probably
a combination of a device that measures the distance to ground and
orbiting beacons by radio and one that notes acceleration forces to
deduce motion. However it is done, the navigator knows where you,
the wearer of the glasses, are at any time.
Robin and the family have changed summer places since the last time
you visited and now live somewhere in the backwoods. This is unfamiliar
territory, and for once you really appreciate the glowing green line generated
by the Yellow Brick Road program that guides you down the highway. The
line veers into the right-hand lane, heading into a turnoff about a half-mile
ahead. Just in case you didn't notice, a flashing right turn arrow hovers
over the intersection, and the program whispers "Turn approaching, slow
to 30" into your ear. A mile after the turn the asphalt becomes gravel,
presaged by a color change in the guideline from green to a more cautious
(and metaphorically correct) yellow. Later still, the line becomes red, and the
road dirt. The program announces "Switching to private map" indicating
that the Rand McNally database does not yet contain this little trail; the
data comes from Robin's personal files. "Four miles to Robin's," the program
offers, momentarily interrupting the old Beatles tune it's been playing.
It's getting dark. "Initiate phone — Robin," you say to the computer
on your nose. This starts a telephone program that connects via the
cellular/satellite network. The Yellow Brick Road program continues in
parallel. "Tm almost there," you tell Robin. "Great. Dinner's just about
ready. Do you like rice or potatoes?" "Both?" "Ok, see you!" "Bye."
"Bye." The phone program terminates. The red guideline winds among the
90 Mind Children
trees. The headlights are on but don't penetrate very far. Suddenly the car
lurches to the left. You've hit something, perhaps a rock in the road, and
now your front wheel is stuck in a muddy rut. Trying to drive out mires
you more firmly. "Display map," you ask of the navigation program. The
requested map hangs in the air before you. A little picture of your car on
it shows you about two miles from your destination as the road meanders,
though less than a half mile on a straight path through the woods.
"Hi Robin, me again. I'm in trouble." After considering the predicament,
Robin suggests an adventurous dinner-saving course. "We can deal with the
car in the morning. Last week Marty and I found a short-cut to near where
you are. You should be able to walk here in under half an hour." Hardy soul
that you are, you The record of the path is transferred from Robin's
computer to yours over the phone connection. Your navigation program links
the short-cut route with the road data, and the original guideline is replaced
by one that runs down the road for a distance, then snakes off into the woods.
You lock your car and follow the line.
your glasses are run at maximum sensitivity and deliver enhanced images
to the screens, added to the output of the navigator. You see that the red
guideline follows a faint trail through the woods. Except for a few scratches,
the walk is uneventful. The meal is warm and delicious.
Going Places
Transportation and communication have improved awesomely in the
last 500 years. Yet geography, while no longer being the major
determinant of commerce, still restricts how and with whom most
known to the stay-at-home, the field agent would relax and allow the
remotely controlled suit motors to do the job as if possessed by a —
A proxv meeting need not be in the real world — many things can
be done better in computer simulation. Computer generated "unreal
estate" has no intrinsic limits either in extent or in physical properties.
It is world where magic is routine. Today's computer screens
allow peeks into this world car designers examine future models,
physicists view the interior of nuclear explosions, and Macintosh users
rearrange their files on an unreal space called a "desktop." With a
magic wardrobe, we will be able to go boldy into such worlds and
explore them from the inside.
arrives: "Hi there. I've got a tentative design. Do you have time to look it
over?" "You bet!" "Ok, lets switch to the site. Initiate Scene M5." After
a few seconds the computer in your glasses prompts "Allow scene change?"
"Allow," you confirm.
A pretty good rendition of the lot and its neighborhood surrounds you. "I
thought we'd put the house over here. That gives a nice front and rear yard,
92 Mind Children
and room for driveway and garage on the right." An outline of the house
appears on the ground. "Hallway, guest washroom, living and dining room,
kitchen, and stairwell on the first floor." A labeled floor plan shows up in the
outline. You presume the architect's view of the scene is more complicated
than your own and includes display controls. "Lets put up the first floor."
The floor plan sprouts walls. Your point of view becomes higher, and you see
a second floor plan on top of the truncated building. "Two bedrooms, two
baths and an office at this level." The second floor grozvs into place. "The
third floor is attic, with potential for two bedrooms and a bath." The roof
Symbiosis 93
too far out of line with the neighbors, but I think I can give you 15 feet."
Bare-Hands Programming
Skilled practitioners in many fields report that they see or feel the
object of their work as they think about it. This is not a great
surprise in occupations that concern physical objects or situations
sculpture or sports, say, or mechanical design. It is less expected
in supposedly abstract fields like music, language, mathematics, or
theoretical physics. Yet Einstein, for instance, reported that he could
often feel the meaning of his equations in his arms and his body as if
The familiar landscape of the top level of your file system lies ahead. In
boulder cause it to expand and to open a portal in its side. Wlmt might
be taken for an asteroid belt is visible through the portal. One of the rocks
floating in the blackness is labeled "Skyhooks." You drift up to it, knock
twice, and enter. A pretty blue and white earth, and some less pretty bits of
variously shaped debris, greet you. This is an unfinished project, and some
of your less successful experiments have yet to be laid to rest.
Today's problem is to develop a simulation of a long and strong cable
orbiting the earth. The cable has mass and a certain stretch. It can be
approximated (you've learned) by stringing together large numbers of simple
springs and even simpler weights. A simple spring joins tzvo points and
exerts a force on them proportional to the amount of elongation from a rest
length. A mass has a position and a velocity that changes in proportion to an
applied force in accordance with Nezvton's three laws of motion. The formula
its unstretched length. K is the spring constant: a larger K makes the spring
harder to stretch. F is the force exerted by the spring on its endpoints. This
relation is among the debris that litters the landscape. You begin by choosing
Symbiosis 95
You fetch a length arroiv; it looks like a line with an arrozvhead at each
end and a number (its length) in the middle. Fasten its two heads to your
two points and it calculates the distance between them. Taking it for a spin,
you grab one of the points and move it around. The arrow follows the point
and the length number changes obediently. Tapping it you say "Call this
L." The dimension changes to the syynbol L. "Attach spring formula," you
command, and a copy of the formula springs from the landscape, settles
nearby, and begins to respond to the distance between the points. Slots for
the variables K and L^-^ appear, and you give them values. "Vectorize" is
fixed. Wlien you reach to grab one or the other, it tugs on your hand — the
farther you go, the harder it pulls back toward the fixed position of the other
point. Only a few kinds of quantity can be directly experienced this way.
You add mass to the endpoints. This allozcs them to move independently,
under control of momentum and applied forces, such as the spring force.
With its ends released, the spring vibrates. The vibration does not diminish
until you add a damping term to the force equation that diminishes the force,
depending on the rate of change ofL. Now the spring behaves reasonably, and
you sproing it a few times for fun. Invoking the compiler converts the spring
into a single object and greatly improves the efficiency of the underlying
program. You edit the spring's image to make it look like a stretchy coil, with
black disks representing mass on the ends. A dozen duplicates of the spring
strung together end-to-end make a rather stretchy rope. Your simulation is
off to a good start, but it's lunchtime. After lunch you'll make a longer
section, alter the parameters in the various parts, and instrument it, perhaps
by plotting the stretch of the various sections in a graph. Then you'll turn on
the earth models gravity and put the string into orbit around it ami watch
what happens.
96 Mind Children
Elementary Physics
The "Gravity" portal opens onto a brightly sunlit pastoral scene. A tree-
lined country road winds into distant hills, fluffy clouds dot the sky, birds
are chirping somewhere. A few of the trees bear apples, and from time to
time one falls to the ground. Some distance down the road a bewigged figure
comes into view, sitting under one of the apple trees. You recognize Sir Isaac
Newton. He looks just like he did in the "Laws of Motion" chapter.
"Greetings, young friend," says Sir Isaac. "I've been puzzling over the
nature of the attraction of the earth for various objects. This apple, for
instance, tugs at the hand with a certain force." He hands you the apple;
sure enough, it has weight. "An apple with twice the substance pulls twice
as strongly." The apple gets bigger and heavier. "The great Galileo observed
that, when released, an object falls toward the ground with a constantly
increasing velocity, independent of its weight." Galileo's demonstrations
with falling balls in "Laws of Motion" come to mind. "Yes, yes, get on
with it." Newton, with a slight frown, continues. "We can conclude that
each particle of an object is attracted to the center of the earth with a force
proportional to its mass. Does this attraction change with distance from the
earth? One can conjecture that the influence extends to great distances and
holds the Moon in its monthly circuit. If the same lazes apply to celestial
bodies as to the mundane, then our studies on the motion of objects indicates
that a force in the direction of the earth's center suffices to bend the moon's
path. Yet the required force is almost 4,000-fold weaker, per particle of mass,
than is experienced by the apple you hold."
As he speaks the ground swells at a fantastic rate, and you, Newton, and
the tree are on the summit of a hill rising like a rocket. "Consider the path
of an object thrown horizontally from a great height; your apple, perchance."
Taking the hint, you launch the apple with a smart upperhand throw. (In the
real word, the motors in your jacket and gloves hum momentarily as they
resist your moving arm, simulating the forces of the apple's inertia). The
apple arcs sknvly toward the ground and strikes near the horizon. The hill
has stopped growing, but you are very high, and the spherical shape of the
planet is evident. You can make out several continental outlines. This is
98 Mind Children
obviously a miniature scale model of the earth. Sir Isaac hands you another
apple and recommends a harder throw. It arcs beyond the horizon, in a curve
almost paralleling the ground. You hear a splat through the ground under
your feet. A yet harder launch results in no impact at all, and after a while
the apple whizzes past your head from behind and goes round once again.
A miniature side view of you, hill, earth, and apples makes all this clearer;
each launch traces out an ellipse that returns to its starting point unless it
intersects the ground first. Newton recalls Kepler's laws of planetary motion
and claims they hold for the apples only if the attraction drops as the square
of the distance from the planet's center. You're skeptical, so the two of you
experiment with other rules. Some cause the apples to trace out nonrepetitive
patterns. Those that do give ellipses violate Kepler's second law, that the line
joining the planet center to the orbiting body sweeps out equal areas in equal
times. After a while your throwing arm gets tired, and you say you're
But sometimes your skepticism leads to questions that stump your host.
You remember Newton once responding, "A curious puzzle. Let me ponder
it awhile." Several visits later he came puffing after you with the answer,
coattails flying, one hand holding down his wig and trailing a cloud of dust.
(You presume the book's software, unprepared to answer the question the first
time, had issued a message about it to the book's authors. The authors then
created entries in the book's database that allowed your pending query, and
any similar ones Isaac encounters in future, to be answered.)
The hill shrinks back to flatness, and you're on the road again. Next stop is
a pasture where some of the more formal parts of the lesson will be discussed.
A half dozen exotic creatures are already gathered there. Many people the
world over are reading this book, and the world network makes it possible
for those who wish to associate to be mutually aware of each other during
the course of the study. In such associations most people take advantage of
the freedom of the simulation to assume forms different from their physical
bodies, for anonymity and whim. Your group has a Wolf, Floating Eye, Tin
Man, Giant Butterfly, Dragon, and Small Tank. You yourself appear to them
as a rather stylish Dwarf with axe and tasseled hat. Some former classmates
who began this physics book with you are no longer in your cohort because
they sped ahead or fell behind your pace or took a different turn at a subarea
branchpoint. From time to time you pick up new traveling companions as
of common interest" of this kind. The group sizes range from two to several
thousand. Often, of course, it's good to walk the paths of learning and
Symbiosis 99
After the lesson you glance farther down the road. In the distance is a
railway platform with a stopped passenger train. Looking carefully, you note
in the window of one of the cars the somewhat disheveled profile of the world's
most famous scientist. But you're tired, and so you disconnect for the day.
replace humans
HAT happens when ever-cheaper machines can
any situation? Indeed, what will I do when a com-
puter can write this book, or do my research, better than I? These ques-
tions have already become crucial ones for many people in all kinds
of occupations, and in a few decades they will matter to everybody.
By design, machines are our obedient and able slaves. But intelligent
machines, however benevolent, threaten our existence because they
are alternative inhabitants of our ecological niche. Machines merely as
clever as human beings will have enormous advantages in competitive
situations. Their production and upkeep cost less, so more of them
can be put to work with the resources at hand. They can be optimized
for their jobs and programmed to work tirelessly.
Grandfather Clause Wl
Humans will not necessarily become fewer at this stage; the machines
will just multiply faster, becoming ever more competent with each new
generation. Imagine the immensely lucrative robot factories that could
be built in the asteroids. Solar-powered machines would prospect
and deliver raw materials to huge, unenclosed, automatic processing
plants. Metals, semiconductors, and plastics produced there would be
converted by robots into components that would be assembled into
other robots and into structural parts for more plants. Machines would
be recycled as they broke. If their reproduction rate is higher than the
wear-out rate, the factories will grow exponentiallv, like a colony of
bacteria, on a Brobdingnagian scale. A harvest of a small fraction of
the output of materials, components, and whole robots could make
investors incredibly rich.
Eventually humans, whether workers, design engineers, managers,
or investors, willbecome unnecessary in space enterprises, as the
and technical discoveries of self-reproducing superintelligent
Robot Bushes
The human world has been shaped by human hands, which are still
our most effective general-purpose tool. Yet many useful and easily
described tasks are beyond human dexterity (pull tightly on both ends
of the string, while holding the knot between your fingers, lift the
bundle, wrap the ends around it tightly four times...). If such actions
are attempted at all, it is with varying degrees of success using special
tools and fixtures.
A Robot Bush
104 Mind Children
of each branch can be traded off for more levels. Each joint would have
sensors to measure its position and also the force it exerts. Although
made of branches, each with a rigid mechanical character, the overall
structure would have an "organic" flexibility because of the great
multitude of ways its parts could move.
A robot of this design could be self-constructing. Tiny bushes, only
a few millionths of the weight of the final device, would be "seeded"
to start the process. These would work in groups to build the next
larger sprigs from available raw materials, then join themselves to
their constructions. The resulting larger bushes would join to build
even larger branches, and so on until a small crew (of large members)
met to assemble the stem. At the other end of the scale, a sufficiently
large bush should be able to organize the necessary resources to build
the tiny seeds to start the process all over again (or simply to repair or
extend itself). It could make the smallest parts with methods similar
to themicromachining techniques of current integrated circuitry. If its
smallest branchlets were a few atoms in scale (with lengths measured
in nanometers), a robot bush could grab individual atoms of raw
material and assemble them one by one into new parts, in a variation
of the nanotechnology methods mentioned in Chapter 2.
To make things more concrete, we can do an actual design. Suppose
that the basic structure is a large branch that splits into four smaller
ones, each half the scale. If we start with a stem a meter long and
ten centimeters in diameter and carry the branching to twenty levels,
have a remarkable sensor. There are a trillion leaf fingers, each able
to sense a movement of perhaps a tenth of a micron and a force of
Grandfather Clause 105
human, using precise and well-timed hand and body motions, each
able to change direction at most a few times in a second, with a
precision no better than a few percent of the total movement, could
conceivably affect the world at a net rate of a thousand bits per
second —a fast typist, for instance, produces less than one hundred
bits per second of text. The potential data rate of a robot with one
trillion fingers, each able to move a million times per second, is more
than a quadrillion times greater. Such high data rates imply
the stem. If the branches also contained their own power source (think
rechargeable battery) and a way
communicating remotely (radio, or
sound vibrations of a few thousand synchronized cilia, would do), the
bush could break into a coordinated swarm of smaller bushes. The
smaller the individual bush, the less intelligent and less powerful it
would be. It would be preprogrammed, and charged up, by its home
stem to perform some function and then return as soon as possible to
report and receive new instructions.
Small size would frequently be an advantage: a smaller robot can
squeeze into smaller spaces. A tiny machine has a greater surface-
area-to-weight ratio: while a large bush could walk securely along the
floor, using its branches as so many nimble toes, a smaller machine
should be able to walk on ceilings like a fly, with the tiny cilia
holding onto microscopic cracks in the paint or sticking by molecular
adhesion. Bushes could burrow by loosening particles of dirt and
passing them backward, and swim efficiently by assuming a tight,
streamlined shape, with the cilia forming a skin that pumps fluid to
propel and also responds to the flow to prevent turbulence. Extremely
small machines will have so much surface area for their weight that
they can fly like insects, beating their cilia in patterns optimal for
moving air.
The contribution of the bigger branches to the power and intel-
A, and right side of plane B, and apply net force vector V to object; East
bush stay on right of A and B, and resist any motion more than 10 cm
from the axis; South bush — right of A, left of B, apply force negative V;
West bush — left of A and B, and resist. If a subproblem, as passed to a
small bush, cannot be solved, a complaint would be sent back to the
originating branch, which would then go back to the drawing board
to try something else.
the face of intention and will. As with no magician that ever was,
impossible things will simply happen around a robot bush. Imagine
inhabiting such a body.
Genetic engineering may seem an easy option. Successive gen-
erations of human beings could be designed by mathematics, com-
puter simulations, and experimentation, like airplanes, computers,
and robots are now. They could have better brains and improved
metabolisms that would allow them to live comfortably in space. But,
presumably, they would still be made of protein, and their brains
would be made of neurons. Away from earth, protein is not an
ideal material. It is stable only in a narrow temperature and pressure
range, is very sensitive to radiation, and rules out many construction
techniques and components. And it is unlikely that neurons, which
can now switch less than a thousand times per second, will ever be
boosted to the billions-per-second speed of even today's computer
components. Before long, conventional technologies, miniaturized
down to the atomic scale, and biotechnology, its molecular inter-
second-rate kind of robot, designed under the handicap that its con-
by DNA-guided protein synthesis. Only in the
struction can only be
eyes of human chauvinists would it have an advantage because it —
retains more of the original human limitations than other robots.
Grandfather Clause 109
there any chance that we — you and I, personally — can fully share
in the magical world to come? This would call for a process that
endows an individual with all the advantages of the machines, without
loss of personal identity. Many people today are alive because of a
growing arsenal of artificial organs and other body parts. In time,
especially as robotic techniques improve, such replacement parts will
be better than any originals. So what about replacing everything,
that is, transplanting a human brain into a specially designed robot
body? Unfortunately, while this solution might overcome most of our
physical limitations, it would leave untouched our biggest handicap,
the limited and fixed intelligence of the human brain. This transplant
scenario gets our brain out of our body. Is there a way to get our
mind out of our brain?
You've just been wheeled into the operating room. A robot brain surgeon
is in attendance. By your side is a computer waiting to become a human
equivalent, lacking only a program to run. Your skull, but not your brain,
is anesthetized. You are fully conscious. The robot surgeon opens your
brain case and places a hand on the brain's surface. This unusual hand
bristles with microscopic machinery, and a cable connects it to the mobile
computer at your side. Instruments in the hand scan the first few millimeters
of brain surface. High-resolution magnetic resonance measurements build
a three-dimensional chemical map, while arrays of magnetic and electric
moment, the pulses flashing among the neurons. These measurements, added
to a comprehensive understanding of human neural architecture, allow the
surgeon to write a program that models the behavior of the uppermost layer
of the scanned brain tissue. This program is installed in a small portion of
the waiting computer and activated. Measurements from the hand provide
it with copies of the inputs that the original tissue is receiving. You and
the surgeon check the accuracy of the simulation by comparing the signals it
produces with the corresponding original ones. They flash by very fast, but
any discrepancies are highlighted on a display screen. The surgeon fine-tunes
the simulation until the correspondence is nearly perfect.
compare it with the functioning of the original tissue. WJien you press
it, arrays of electrodes in the surgeon's hand are activated. By precise
no Mind Children
inject the output of the simulation into those places where the simulated
tissue signals other sites. As long as you press the button, a small part
position. The process is repeated for the next layer, and soon a second
simulation resides in the computer, communicating with the first and with
the remaining original brain tissue. Layer after layer the brain is simulated,
then excavated. Eventually your skull is empty, and the surgeon's hand
rests deep in your brainstem. Though you have not lost consciousness, or
even your train of thought, your mind has been removed from the brain and
transferred to a machine. In a final, disorienting step the surgeon lifts out
his hand. Your suddenly abandoned body goes into spasms and dies. For a
moment you experience only quiet and dark. Then, once again, you can open
your eyes. Your perspective has shifted. The computer simulation has been
disconnected from the cable leading to the surgeon's hand and reconnected
to a shiny new body of the style, color, and material of your choice. Your
metamorphosis is complete.
For the squeamish, there are other ways to work the transfer of
human mind to machine. A high-resolution brain scan could, in one
fell swoop and without surgery, make a new you "While-U-Wait."
If even the last technique is too invasive for you, imagine a more
psychological approach. A kind of portable computer (perhaps worn
like magic glasses) is programmed with the universals of human
mentality, your genetic makeup, and whatever details of your life are
conveniently available. It carries a program that makes it an excellent
mimic. You carry this computer with you through the prime of your
life; it diligently listens and watches; perhaps it monitors your brain
and learns to anticipate your every move and response. Soon it can
fool your friends on the phone with its convincing imitation of you.
Grandfather Clause 111
When you die, this program is installed in a mechanical body that then
smoothly and seamlessly takes over your life and responsibilities.
If you happen to be a vertebrate, there is another option that
thicker than the optic nerve or the spinal cord. Cut the optic nerve and
the victim is utterly blind; sever the spinal cord and the body becomes
limp and numb. But slice the huge cable between the hemispheres
and nothing bad happens. Well, almost nothing. If the name of an
object, like "brush," is flashed in the right half of the visual field of
view of a "split-brain" person, the person is unable to select the object
from among others with the lefthand but has no difficulty making
the choice with the right hand. Sometimes in the left-handed version
of the task, the right hand — apparently in exasperation— reaches over
to guide the left to the proper location!
Neuroanatomy suggests some of the explanation. The nerv^es direct-
ing the muscles of the left side of the body, as well as those portions of
the optic nerve viewing the left half of the visual scene, are connected
only to the right side of the brain. Conversely, the left side of the
brain controls the right side of the body and sees the right half of the
scene, as illustrated in the figure on page 113. Normally the two brain
halves work in an intimate partnership, and information discovered by
one is rapidly available to the other through the agency of the corpus
is broken. The
callosum. In a split-brain person, this information flow
two brain halves must discover things independently. The left hand
knows not what the right is doing. The two halves still seem to be
aware of each other's emotions, however, from information apparently
relayed through intact connecting nerves in the brainstem.
Roger Sperry of the California Institute of Technology, who received
a Nobel Prize in 1981 for his discoveries on the function of the corpus
callosum, found that in split-brain subjects each brain half seems to
host an independent, fully conscious, intelligent human personality. In
112 Mind Children
intact brains some of the corpus callosum fibers are known to handle
basic functions such as recombining the halves of the visual fields
of the eyes, but others must communicate higher mental concepts
between the hemispheres. There is every reason to believe the corpus
callosum provides a neatly organized and very wide window into the
mental activities of both hemispheres. Suppose in the future, when the
function of the brain is sufficiently understood, your corpus callosum
is severed and cables leading to an external computer are connected
to the severed ends. The computer is programmed at first to pass the
traffic between the two hemispheres and to eavesdrop on it. From
what it learns by eavesdropping, it constructs a model of your mental
activities. After a while it begins to insert its own messages into
the flow, gradually insinuating itself into your thinking, endowing
you with new knowledge and new skills. In time, as your original
brain faded away with age, the computer would smoothly assume
the lost functions. Ultimately your brain would die, and your mind
would find itself entirely in the computer. Perhaps, with advances
in high-resolution scanning, it will be possible to achieve this effect
without messy surgery: you might simply wear some kind of helmet
or headband that monitored and altered the interhemispheric traffic
Many Changes
Whatever style of mind transfer you choose, as the process is com-
pleted many your old limitations melt away. Your computer has
a control labeled "speed." It had been set at "slow," to keep the
simulations synchronized with the old brain, but now you change it
to "fast," allowing you to communicate, react, and think a thousand
times The entire program can be copied into similar machines,
field trip, you might devise a way to build a robot there of neutron
stuff, then transmit your mind to it. Since nuclear reactions are
about a million times quicker than chemical ones, the neutron-you
might be able to think a million times faster. You would explore,
acquire new experiences and memories, and then beam your mind
back home. Your original body could be kept dormant during the
trip and reactivated with the new memories when the return message
arrived —
perhaps a minute later but with a subjective year's worth
of experiences. Alternatively, the original could be kept active. Then
there would be two separate versions of you, with different memories
for the trip interval.
Your new abilities will dictate changes in your personality. Many of
the changes will result from your own deliberate tinkerings with your
own program. Having turned up your speed control a thousandfold,
you notice that you now have hours (subjectively speaking) to respond
to situations that previously required instant reactions. You have time,
during the fall of a dropped object, to research the advantages and
disadvantages of trying to catch it, perhaps to solve its differential
equations of motion. You will have time to read and ponder an entire
on-line etiquette book when you find yourself in an awkward social
situation. Faced with a broken machine, you will have time, before
touching it, to learn its theory of operation and to consider, in detail,
the various things that may be wrong with it. In general, you will
even the most extreme intellectuals. Having done that, you will find
tablishes a time and place for the remembered event. Merging should
be possible not only between two versions of the same individual but
also between different persons. Selective mergings, involving some
of another person's memories and not others, would be a superior
form of communication, in which recollections, skills, attitudes, and
personalities can be rapidly and effectively shared. Your new body
will be able to carrv more memories than your original biological one,
but the accelerated information explosion will ensure the impossibility
of lugging around all of civilization's knowledge. You will have to
pick and choose what your mind contains at any one time. There
will often be knowledge and skills available from others superior
to your own, and the incentive to substitute those talents for yours
will be overwhelming. In the long run you will remember mostly
other people's experiences, while memories you originated will be
incorporated into other minds. Concepts of and identity
life, death,
will lose their present meaning and those of
as your mental fragments
others are combined, shuffled, and recombined into temporary asso-
ciations, sometimes large, sometimes small, sometimes long isolated
and highly individual, at other times ephemeral, mere ripples on the
rapids of civilization's torrent of knowledge. There are foretastes of
this kind of fluidity around us. Culturally, individual humans acquire
What Am I?
The idea that a human mind can be transferred to a new body
sometimes meets the following strong objection from people who do
not dispute the theoretical possibility: "Regardless of how the copying
is done, the end result will be a new person. If it is Iwho am being
copied, the copy, though it may think of itself as me, is simply a self-
have been killed. That the copy may then have a great time exploring
the universe using my name and my skills is no comfort to my mortal
This point of view, which 1 will call the bodi/-identiti/ position, makes
life extension by duplication considerably less personally interesting.
I believe the objection can be overcome by acceptance of an alternative
Grandfather Clause 117
If solid objects, why not a person? Just stick him in the transmitter,
turn on the scan, and greet him when he walks from the receiver. But
is he really the same person?If the system works well, the duplicate
and an identity apart from the machinery that runs the program.
The duahsm will be especially apparent if we consider some of the
different possibilities for encoding.
Some supercomputers have myriads of individual computers inter-
the worst aspect of personal death. In the long run, our survival will
require changes that are not of our own choosing. Parts of us will
have to be discarded and replaced by new parts to keep in step with
changing conditions and evolving competitors. Surviving means play-
ing in a kind of cosmic Olympics, with each year bringing new events
and escalated standards in old events. Though we are immortals, we
must die bit by bit if we are to succeed in the the qualifying event
continued survival. In time, each of us will be a completely changed
being, shaped more by external challenges than by our own desires.
Our present memories and interests, having lost their relevance, will
at best end up in a dusty archive, perhaps to be consulted once in
a long while by a historian. Personal death as we know it differs
from this inevitability only in its relative abruptness. Viewed this way,
personal immortality by mind transplant is a technique whose primary
benefit is to temporarily coddle the sensibility and sentimentality of
122 Mind Children
the same direction whether or not we transplant our minds and join
the robots.
The ancestral individual is always doomed as its heritage is nibbled
away to meet short-term environmental challenges. Yet this evolu-
tionary process, seen in a more positive light, means that we are
already immortal, as we have been since the dawn of life. Our genes
and our culture pass continuously from one generation to the next,
subject only to incremental alterations to meet the constant demand
for new world records in the cosmic games. And even within our
personal life, who among us would wish to remain static, possessing
for a lifetime the same knowledge, memories, thoughts, and skills we
had as children? Human beings value change and growth, and our
artificial descendants will share this value with us — their survival, like
The ability to transplant minds will make it easy to bring to life anyone
who has been carefully recorded on a storage medium. But what
if some of the transcription has been lost? It should be possible to
reconstruct many missing pieces from other information — the person's
genetic code, for instance, or filmstrips of the person in life, samples of
handwriting, medical records, memories of associates, and so on. Very
effective sleuthing should be possible in a world of superintelligences
with astronomical powers of observation and deduction. The pattern-
identity position implies that a person reconstructed by inference
would be just as real as one reconstituted from an intact tape. The only
difference is that in the former case some of the person's pattern was
temporarily diffused in the environment before being reassembled.
But what if no tape existed at all? Archaeologists today make
plausible inferences about historical figures from scraps of old docu-
ments, pottery sherds, x-ray scans of mummified bodies, other known
historical facts, general knowledge about human nature, and whatever
else they can find. Creators of historical fiction use such data to
construct detailed scenarios of how things might have happened.
Superintelligent archaeologists armed with wonder-instruments (that
might, for instance, make atomic-scale measurements of deeply buried
objects) should be able to carry this process to a point where long-dead
Grandfather Clause 123
the atmosphere over the entire globe. New aircraft designs, nuclear
into a body in the simulation and "upload" back into the real world
when our mission is accomplished. Alternatively, we could bring
124 Mind Children
of individuals constituted
T HE postbiological world will host a great range
from libraries of accumulated knowledge.
In its earlv stages, as it evolves from the world we know, the scale and
function of these individuals will be approximately that of humans.
But this transitional stage will be just a launching point for a rapid
evolution in many novel directions, as each individual mutates by
dropping unneeded and adding new ones from the growing
126 Mind Children
With some reluctance, we decided to destroy all the copies of the card
(after a few hours of testing, there were many copies of each of several
variations of it around!). I like to think we did the right thing simply
because of our good sense of values, but the probability that we would
not remain anonymous must have weighed into the decision.
Programs sold for profit are easy to copy and often make their way
to machines other than those of the original paying customers. This is
certainly the case now in the era of personal computers, but even in the
sixties and seventies it was perceived as a problem with large systems.
assaulted by a more subtle variety of Trojan horse. The intent was not
to vandalize or terrorize but to gain unauthorized access. In this case
the program acts like a spy and uses its special location to uncover
information, such as a victim's secret passwords, which it then records
in a location accessible to its author.In some attacks the program
mimics the computer operating system's "log-in" procedure, by which
users gain access to the computer by typing their identification and a
secret password. Another form of attack exploits the property of most
operating systems that a running program acquires all of its user's file-
access rights. A program whose cover is some useful service can then,
surreptitiously, rummage through the victim's disk files for wanted
information. In a successful attack, the victim remains oblivious of
the breach.
In the late 1970scheap personal computers created a new medium
for software and software diseases. The spread of both was facilitated
by computer bulletin boards, systems maintained by enthusiasts that
allowed other computer owners to dial up and post messages and
programs that could be accessed by anyone else who dialed in. Such
facilities offered both anonymity and promiscuous sharing of data
and, as with the sexual revolution, a raft of opportunities for disease.
By the early 1980s the newspapers began to report instances of random
havoc in personal computers caused by programs downloaded from
computer bulletin boards, programs that purported to be games,
accounting software, or whatever.
The most virulent known form of software wildlife has been called
a virus —
a program fragment that, once inserted into a large program,
acts to copy itself into other programs, just as a biological virus is a
piece of genetic code that, once inserted into a cell, acts to copy itself
into other cells. The analogy is a strong one, because today's milUon-
bit computer programs have about the same information content as
the genetic codes of bacteria, and the few thousand bits of a typical
computer virus is a good match for the small genetic code of a
biological virus. When a program containing a virus is invoked,
the virus is momentarily activated. It looks through its unsuspecting
victim's files for uninfected but accessible programs and inserts a copy
of itself into one or more of them. These newly infected programs will
repeat the process when they are themselves activated. Experimental
tests of this idea conducted in the mid-1980s by Fred Cohen of the
University of Southern California resulted in almost total infection of
supposedly secure computer systems in less than a day. The infections
easily spread from restricted users to ones with greater access to
the files System managers are exposed when, in keeping
of others.
abreast of developments on their machines, they try out new programs
announced by their users. Once a manager's programs are infected,
the rest of a system quickly succumbs.
A virus that merely spreads is a minor nuisance, taking up a
little storage space in its many copies and a little of the computer's
time in its reproductive activities. One quiet little virus created in
1978, that infects only the operating system, has apparently spread to
virtually every Apple II system disk in existence. But, as with a Trojan
horse, a virus can carry with it instructions for espionage, sabotage,
or theft. Several variants of a virus created as an act of terrorism
were detected spreading among IBM personal computers in Israel
early in 1988. Examination of the virus revealed that it was a time
bomb programmed to erase files on Israel's 40th Independence Day.
It was discovered early because it had a flaw it could repeatedly —
Wildlife 129
infect the same program. In time infected disks became nearly full
because their files were bloated with multiple copies of the virus.
Botched attempts of this kind have made the news from time to time.
can propagate itself to every program in the system that the original
virus can reach, its many copies will eventually be at every possible
site of infection of the prey virus, able to immediately
quash it
if it The killer virus could be left around indefinitely,
conferring a permanent immunity against the prey virus, or it could
be programmed to remove itself after a specified time or on receiving
a signal, to save space and running time.
Program B
Virus , jSyx
Program B
Virus Virus ^
1 1 -i
2: Infection! Program B
Virus JK"
1 /-
Program A Program B fl"
Virus ,^^; .Virus- ;;^.
Virus , ^ ,
1 : ?5i
1 -
.; 1 V"" .;
ithad alreadv been infected and refrain from duplicating the infection.
But an intervening infection from a second \'irus might confuse this
test and allow the first virus to insert a second copv of itself. Similarly,
the new copv of the first virus might free the second virus to insert
another copv, and so on, as in the figure on page 130, eventually
bloating the program into uselessness. Even a viral predator might
become entangled this wav with a virus it failed to recognize.
Attempts by software manufacturers to protect their copyrights with
time bombs have proven highly unpopular. But computer viruses may
help their cause in a different way. Software downloaded from public
bulletin boards or copied from friends is now always suspect it may —
be a carrier of many contagions. But software purchased directly
from a publisher can carrv^ a guarantee of sterility backed bv the
publisher's reputation. Computer viruses mav thus have the same
effect on software piracy that the AIDS epidemic is having on sexual
Spontaneous Generation
distances by being handed rapidly from IMP to IMP. There are many
possible indirect routes from point A to point B in the net. Depending
on fluctuating traffic, sometimes one route is faster, sometimes another.
To help make instantaneous routing decisions, each IMP maintains a
table that records how long it takes recent messages to travel from the
IMP through alternative routes to other sites. The table is updated
with information obtained partially from the tables of neighboring
IMPs. The network is monitored and maintained under contract by
stop, examine the contents, reload, and generally fiddle with any IMP
on the net through special priority messages routed via the net itself.
This generally works well, and even the most serious problems (such
as large power outages IMPs) are handled smoothly.
affecting several
In 1972 (and again in 1980, and probably other times as well) a
plague hit the ARPAnet. The symptoms were that net traffic became
hopelessly congested around a site in the Los Angeles area (in the 1980
incident the locus was Boston). Network control, suspecting some
glitch in the program of the machine at the focus of the congestion,
shut it down, reloaded its program, verified that it was working
correctly, and reconnected it to the network. The problem persisted.
Indeed, it seemed to be spreading outward from the original IMP.
Shutting down and reloading larger numbers of IMPs did not fix
things either; the congestion continued its spread and returned to
the original sites as soon as they were reactivated.- The network
seemed be haunted by a very persistent ghost. Many unsuccessful
experiments later, order was finally restored by shutting down the
entire network, clearing all the memories of all the IMPs, reloading
their programs, and starting fresh —
like sterilizing a whole planet with
IMP than directly, since its negative delay more than made up for
the extra hops. IMPs connected to those then decided it would be
best to transmit via Los Angeles, and so on. The error in the initial
IMP rapidly spread to the routing tables across the land. Wiping
out the memories of a few IMPs did not clear the problem, because
Wildlife 135
the erroneous numbers would spread back from IMPs that were
still affected. Or infected. In fact, the network was inhabited by
a spontaneously evolved, quite abstract, self-reproducing organism.
This organism was formed by random mutation of a normal,
a simple,
sanctioned piece of data. It did not even involve a programming
The plague was easily spotted and eradicated because its effects
were so devastating. If it had been more subtle in its action, it might
have lived much longer Among programs without masters there
is a strong natural-selection criterion: reproduce but lie low. It is
even acquire the ability to systematically copy and try out fragments
of code from other programs and other viruses —
the beginnings of
computer-virus sex!
Such examples merely demonstrate the limits of our imagination.
The most effective organisms would be much more subtly encoded
and would escape detection entirely. From time to time one might
expect one to surface because it developed a nasty side effect. That
kind of mutation would generally prove fatal for the organism. As
programs progresses, we should also expect program
intelligence in
fragments that can plan and act in a deliberate, calculating, and
creative manner to enhance their survival. The data realm will host
like the Peace Corps, be doing well by doing good. They may be
traders trying to open new markets, to much the same effect, at
least until it comes time to negotiate the price. They may simply
be looking for pen pals. They may have dark designs on the rest
of the universe and be seeking to inexpensively eliminate some of
the more gullible competition. Or, their motives may be totally
incomprehensible. Simply examining the message is not enough;
it is not, in general, possible to deduce the effect of complicated
that promises to benefit its hosts. It would be only fair if part of the
138 Mind Children
Wildlife 139
Pestilence as Positive
organisms reproduce sexually (or had ancestors that did). That is how
they got to be higher organisms so quickly. The asexual organisms,
for the most part, are still swimming around as single cells or in
small colonies. Acceleration of the evolutionary rate can be viewed
as a long-term advantage of sexuality. In the short run, though, sex
is a liability, because it increases the cost of reproduction. Instead
of simply dividing whenever conditions seem right and producing a
daughter that carries 100% of oneself, one must go to the trouble of
finding a mate to produce an offspring that is only 50% true. Why,
then, would sex ever arise? And if it did, why does it not disappear
in a few generations under the onslaught of the more effective asexual
Enter disease. In asexual reproduction, according to an evolutionary
theory first developed by William D. Hamilton, each individual is an
identical copy — a clone — of every other one. If a parasite evolves that
can breach the defenses of one individual, then it can conquer every
other. Like a wildfire, it can destroy a whole community in short
order. In a sexual population, though, each individual is the result of
a unique shuffle of genes taken from a large pool and is, in general,
differentfrom every other individual. A parasite that has the key to
one lock finds that the next one is subtly different and thus harder to
open. In a pest-filled world, the diverse sexual population does better
than the homogeneous asexual community.
If disease made us sexy and sexiness made us smart, we can expect
Wildlife 141
that digital wildlife will similarly make the data world more hardy,
more diverse, and much more interesting.
Selfish Altruism
Selfish Martians
Wildlife 143
battery or light that will be of use since good and bad units are
in making the world a nicer place in the near term? Axelrod observes
that cooperation can arise even in populations oi defectors. It does
not depend on anv intelligence in the participants — simple natural
selection is a perfectlv adequate driver. It does require that a certain
minimal number oi cooperators appear simultaneouslv to benefit from
one another's niceness. Getting a critical mass of cooperators mav
take a long time. Intelligence can help because it allows individuals
to anticipate the long-term advantages of initiating pleasantries. The
long memories oi the long-li\"ed individuals who will inhabit the
postbiological world are also likelv to enhance the advantages of
being nice, since no interaction is likelv to be the last. Beyond the
scope of Axelrod's tournament, intelligence allows one individual
to learn about another's character bv obser\'ing its interaction with
third parties. The computer scientist Douglas Hofstadter goes so far
as to imagine that in games between superintelligences, cooperation
will be the rule even when no future interactions are expected. Each
player will reason that all the players, being rational, would make the
same decision as himself. Thus a defection will be met by defection
and cooperation by coop>eration. Maybe so, but there is alwavs the
possibility- that a cooperator will be suckered bv a devious opponent
and in the long run at every level, there will be occasional appearances
of nasty little parasites. Permanent structures analogous to immune
systems and police forces will undoubtedly be a part of large organ-
isms. 1 expect a future world friendly overall, but with pockets of
fruitful chaos at most levels.
temperature, like that of any expanding gas, has been dropping. From
unimaginably high temperatures just after the big bang, the universe
has cooled to a very chilly average of four degrees above absolute
zero. If the universe continues its expansion, its temperature will
continue to fall, edging ever closer to absolute zero, a state where all
molecular motion would cease. This may not sound like progress,
but luckily for our superintelligent descendants, the energy required
to unambiguously send or record a signal also falls as temperature
drops. Molecules and radiation in the surroundings jostle less as they
cool, creating less background noise to be overcome. Therefore, the
148 Mind Children
enough total mass in the universe. But even if the universe turns out
to be fated for an eventual recompression, an inverse of the process
described above might be possible. Mirrors surrounding a stored
vacuum could derive increasing amounts of energy by shrinking
under the rising pressure of a collapsing cosmos. A subjective infinity
of thought might be done in the finite time to collapse by using this
growing power to think faster and faster as the end draws nigh. The
trick here is to repeatedly do an amount of thinking T in half the
Breakout 149
American column (now collected in his book Wheels, Life and Other
Diversions) and sparked activity at scores of university computer cen-
ters. The Life automaton tended to produce certain easily recognizable
patterns, and these were rapidly given names: "blocks," "loaves," and
"beehives" are stable; "blinkers" flip back and forth between a short
horizontal line and a vertical one; "gliders" go through a series of
four contortions, ending up displaced diagonally one space, poised
to do it again; larger "spaceships" travel twice as far as ghders but
purely horizontally or vertically; the "R pentomino" starts out tiny
but grows to a writhing mass that peters out after 1,500 time-steps to
a collection of blocks, loaves, beehives, and blinkers, having shot off
five gliders.
Conway did not construct Life to embody von Neumann's goal of a
self-reproducing machine. Rather, Conway conjectured that Life was
not universal; specifically, he suspected that any finite pattern, though
it might grow innumber of active cells for a while, would eventually
exhaust itself, thus making replicators impossible. An especially
vigorous group of Life hackers at the MIT Artificial Intelligence lab
disproved by constructing patterns called "ghder guns"
this conjecture
that slowly oscillated and expelled a new glider at the end of each
long cycle, so producing an endless stream of gliders. Then they built
"puffer trains" that traveled while their patterns cvcled and which
left behind regular puffs of debris. Ultimately they were able to
combine these approaches into a large pattern that chugged along
like a puffer train, but whose puffs turned into glider guns that
immediately began to issue a stream of gliders. After a time this
pattern produces a wedge of space filled with gliders. In these studies
the group developed methods components of
for constructing all the
a von Neumann replicator in the Life space, though no one has yet
built such a huge machine in toto.
252 Mind Children
Once in a long while the transition rules are violated, and a cell that
operator. From the messages and their context they manage to decode
Breakout 153
a bit of the operator's language. Taking a gamble, and after many false
starts, the Cellticks undertake an immense construction project. On
Newway's screen, in the dense clutter of the Life display, a region of
The MIT group that showed Life to be universal worked with a clever
and efficient simulation program. The ease and speed with which
they could examine the evolution of Life patterns was one of their
advantages over other communities of Life hackers. Instead of simply
mapping an entire Life grid into an array of bits in the computer's
memory, the MIT program stored a large space as small patches and
simply skipped empty regions. The computation to advance each
patch to its next state depended on the pattern patches holding
common predictable patterns like blocks or gliders were done by swift
looks in a table. Only in uncommon or complex areas did the program
resort to the laborious application of the transition rules. It worked
quite well, as witnessed by the group's discoveries. Yet there was
an annoying sense of things undone. The entries in the fast-update
table were all specified in advance, by hand. What if some important
patterns had been overlooked? Could a program be devised that
Breakout 155
learned such things from its own experience? In 1982, a decade after
the Life-hacking at MIT had ceased. Bill Gosper, the premier theorist
of the group, now in California, devised a solution.
The state of a Life cell depends only on its own state and that of
its immediate neighbors at the last time instant. Thus patterns creep
over the surface no faster than one cell per instant, a velocity called
the speed of light. The future of the interior of a large square portion of
a larger Life space can be predicted up to a certain time simply from
its past The predictable area shrinks with time as the pattern is
Spacetime Pyramid
A "spacetime" diagram way of presenting the evolution of a
is one
cellular automaton (or any other physical system). Here, the initial
state of a Life world is represented by the square base of the pyramid.
Successive layers on this base represent the world at successive times.
The state of a cell in Life depends only on its own state and the
states of its immediate neighbors at the last instant. A large square
of Life cells completely determines its own next state except for an
outer boundary one cell thick. If we trim away these corrupted outer
cells, what remains is a smaller square, that again fully predicts a
still smaller square one time-step later. If we continue this way, the
ever-smaller squares form a pyramid of spacetime. Every cell in the
pyramid is an indirect consequence of the pattern at the pyramid's
Pyramid of predictability
answer plateau'
/I » V
Initial configuration
of Life array
Breakout 157
the hash table. A complete picture of the Life pattern can thus be
built. Since only the portion to be displayed must be constructed, the
program can handle extremely large spaces. Gosper often simulated
Life universes a billion cells on a side!
But what if one wants to see the calculation in progress, as in
the Newway story? At first Gosper tried simply displaying the
partial answers as they were computed. The results were bizarre.
The program advances the simulated time in different portions of
the space at different rates. Sometimes it even retreats in places,
because some regions are described by more than one pyramid,
and the different pyramids are not computed at the same times.
A single glider advancing across the screen would cause a display
where gliders would appear and disappear in odd places almost at
random, sometimes several in view, sometimes none. Constraining
the program so it never reversed time in any displayed cell improved
things only slightly.
The best solution turned out to be not to display at all until the
calculation was finished. The pattern might start out a billion cells
It wasn't there at 50,000. Nor at 75,000. Aha! This collision just before
80,000 generated it. Let's look at that step by step...
Acknowledgments &
Illustration Credits
Al Retinas and
T HE discussion in Chapter 2 comparing neural
with computer calculations makes many assumptions and
may have raised some questions. It is difficult enough to compare
different electronic computers, let alone such fundamentally dissimilar
Justhow representative of the whole brain are the structures in the retina?
As suggested in Chapter 2, the size constraints and great survival
value of the retinal circuitrv have probably made it more efficient
than the average brain assembly. In efficiency, it mav be similar to
the wiring found in animals with small nervous svstems, which have
been mapped in recent years, where each neuron seems to play an
important role. A lot of evolutionary design time has been available
to get the most out of a relatively small number of neural connections.
The larger, newer structures in the human brain are likelv to use
their neurons less effectively, on the average. The same considerations
can apply to artificial intelligences. Small subsystems can be highly
optimized, but larger, less structured processes may have to loaf along
with more fat; there simply is not time to optimize huge pieces of
program so well.
264 Mind Children
In your ratio, 10'^ calculations per second does the job of about 20" neurons.
This budgets only 100 calculations per second for each neuron. Surely this
is an underestimate. Many neurons integrate thousands of inputs and can
respond in hundredths of a second. It would be an underestimate if
neurons. But the computer can be used more efficiently when single
optimized programs do the functions of large groups of neurons. For
example, consider a retinal horizontal It makes thousands of
brightness of the field. The analogous job for a robot might be done
by a computer program that adds together thousands of pixels from
the robot's TV camera. If done for every horizontal cell, that would
be a lot of adding. But there is a way to avoid most of the effort.
The following idea works well on a two-dimensional image, but I will
present it in one dimension because it is easier to explain.
Let's say we have a million photocells all in a row, with a horizontal
cell connected to every adjacent group of 1,000 of them. Thus, the
first horizontal cell attaches to photocells 1 through 1,000, the second
covers 2 through 1,001, and so on, making a total of slightly fewer
than a million horizontal cells. Each horizontal computes the
first photocell value and adding the 1,001st. Similarly, the third sum
is calculated from the secondby subtracting photocell 2 and adding
photocell 1,002. And so on. Instead of a thousand calculations, each
additional horizontal cell costs only two. This technique works for
computers, but it cannot be exploited in a nervous system design
for two reasons. Since each sum depends on the one before it,
minutes! Even then the answer would be wrong because small errors
in the sum would rapidly accumulate down the long chain. On the
computer, however, the technique works very well because each step
takes only about a microsecond, and the arithmetic is done entirely
without error. Our robot vision programs are filled with shortcuts of
this kind, which exploit the great speed and precision of computer
operations. Nervous systems, on the other hand, are filled with rich,
overlapping interconnections, exploiting the power of self-replicating
genetic construction machinery.
Maybe those tricks work for the retina, but there is no guarantee that they
will work for all the diverse structures in the brain. It is possible that
some parts of the brain use their neurons so cleverly that a computer
program cannot do better than to simulate individual neurons and
synapses, but it is unlikely. The retina example illustrates two general
principles. The first is that the slow switching speed and limited
signaling accuracy of neurons rules out certain solutions for neural cir-
cuitry that are easy for computers. Second, a smooth function applied
repeatedly on overlapping inputs can be decomposed into subparts in
such a way that the subparts can be used more than once. Many
neural structures in the brain involve regular cross connections of
many inputs to many outputs, making them candidates for this kind of
economy. The human cerebral cortex, one of the largest structures, is
a crumpled disk about 2 millimeters thick and 20 centimeters in diam-
eter, containing 10 billion neurons arranged into a half-dozen layers,
wired quite repetitively. The well-studied one or two percent of this
sheet that handles vision carries further the processing begun in the
retinas, apparently using similar methods. Edges and motion in differ-
ent directions are picked out cleanly in the first few layers, and those
feed layers that respond to more complex patterns such as corners.
166 Mind Children
thisargument may not hold for small nervous systems such as that of
the much-studied sea slug Aplysia, which has about 100,000 neurons
clumped into 100 ganglia. Several of the ganglia have been mapped,
and the neurons and their interconnections seem to be exactly the
same from animal to animal, with each junction playing a unique
and important role in the animal's behavior. It is plausible that the
few billion bits in Aplysia's genetic code contain special instructions
for wiring each of its several million synapses. If it should turn out
that a direct neural simulation is necessary for particularly irreducible
parts of the vertebrate brain, it would still be possible to stay on
my time track. A general-purpose computer suffers a thousandfold
handicap over my retinal conversion number if forced to simulate
individual neurons. The speed could be regained, however, at the cost
of flexibility, by building special-purpose neuron-simulating machines
using about the same amount of circuitry as the general-purpose
computer. I'm betting it won't be necessary.
The retina is forever stuck with doing its one computation. The difference
isonly one of convenience and speed of reprogramming. The retina
can and has been reprogrammed many times during the course of
our evolution. The computation done by the retina of a particular
individual organism is fixed in the same sense that the computation
of a running computer is fixed by the program it happens to contain at
that moment. The set of all possible programs that the computer may
contain is analogous to the set of all possible ways a given amount
of neural tissue could be connected. Evolution selected a certain
configuration of neuron properties and interconnections within one
set in the same sense that our research is selecting a certain program.
information-passing mechanism the release of chemicals that affect
the outer membranes of other cells —
seems to be a very primitive one
that can be observed in even the simplest free-swimming bacteria.
Animals seem to be stuck with this arrangement because of limitations
in their design process. Darwinian evolution is a relentless optimizer
of a given design, nudging the parameters this way and that, adding
a step here, removing one there, in a plodding, tinkering, way. It's
not much of a redesigner, however. Fundamental changes at the
foundation of its creations are out of reach, because too many things
would have to be changed correctly all at once. By contrast, human
designers are quite good at keeping the general shape of an idea, while
changing all its parts. Calculators were once built of cogs and levers.
168 Mind Children
What assumptions went into the placement of the animal nervous systems
Things that compute massively can alter their internal variables, and
their outputs, in unexpected ways. We can say a stationary rock, or
even a rolling one, or the adder array described in the last paragraph,
does littlecomputing because it is so predictable, while a mouse
scurrying in a maze must be doing quite a bit. Claude Shannon's
information theory is built on a way of quantifying the amount of
surprise, or information, in a message. The more unexpected the next
270 Mind Children
Information per transition = 2^ - Pi logj p, hits
i= 1
I Pit,
The units are bits per second. This measure also is reduced by
Measuring Computer Power 171
(six bits worth) that are mixed in equal proportion. If each memory
location is equally likely to be addressed in an instruction, then the
information it contributes is equal to the logarithm of the memory
size. an upper bound. Since the contents of memory locations
This is
themselves can change, the data stored there are also a source of
surprise, but only if the data are read rather than being simply
overwritten. If we assume that half the instructions read data, this
channel contributes a maximum of half of a word size of information.
In a parallel machine controlled by a single instruction stream, the
aggregate word size of the parallel data streams would be considered,
and this would be the major component of total information.
Another issue is timing. Once again, obtaining great detail is
difficult. Two readily available numbers, however, are the average
memory + word /2
Power = —+
6 logT
(7 X
-^ -—
T^ multiply If O
A Nautical Metaphor
if the course of the boat is constrained, for instance if the boat must
sail due east/west or north/south instead of being able to make a
beeline to its destination. Some computations are like a trip to a
known location on mapless search
a distant shore; others resemble a
for a lost island. computing is like having a fleet of small
boats: it helps in searches and in reaching multiple goals, but may
not help very much in solving problems that require a sprint to a
distant goal. Special-purpose machines trade a larger engine for less
rudder control. Attaching disks and tapes to a computer is like adding
secondary fuel tanks to the boat. The capacity, and thus the range, is
increased, but if the connecting plumbing is too thin, it will limit the
fuel flow rate and thus the effective power of the engine. Input/output
devices are like boat sails. They capture power and capacity in the
environment. Outside information is a source of variability and thus
power, by our definition. More concretely, it may contain answers
that would otherwise have to be computed. The external medium can
also function as extra memory, increasing capacity.
1x10^ 2x10' 40 6x10' 6x102 2x10-' 8x102 2x10-6
1908 —
Hollerith Tabulator (mechanical
5x105 8x10' 30 5x10' 2x102 4x10' 2x103 7x10-7
1910 —
Analytical Engine (mechanical)
9x10^ 1x10' 200 9x10'^ 6x10' 8x10" 2x105 8x10-7
174 Mind Children
Table 2 (cont.)
Measuring Computer Power 175
Table 2 (cont.)
176 Mind Children
Table 2 (cont.)
Measuring Computer Power 177
Table 2 (cant.)
The Outer Limits of Computation 179
single detail of the beheld and may well choose to skip the boring
parts, to jump to conclusions that are obvious to it, to approximate
other steps, and to lump together alternatives it does not choose to
distinguish. Human authors of fiction do this every day as they create
adventures for the characters in their books — our superintelligent
being is different only in that its imagination works at such a level
of detail that its simulated people are fully real. Like an author of
fiction, the being can think in a time-reversed way; it may choose a
conclusion and then reason backwards, deciding what must have pre-
ceded it. Perhaps the superintelligent being prefers to imagine certain
kinds of situations and contrives to maneuver its mental simulations
to make them happen. By failing to flesh out unimportant details
in the simulation and steering events toward particular conclusions,
our intelligent being may create enough peculiarities in the simulated
world to attract the notice of the simulated person.
Quantum mechanics, a cornerstone of modern physics, seems to
imply that in the real world as we know it, unobserved events happen
in all possible ways (another way of saying no decision is made as to
which possibility occurs), and the superposition of all these possibili-
ties itself has observable effects, including mysterious coincidences at
remote times and places. Is there any connection between these ideas?
Once again have argued myself into a conundrum, though
I this time
one that has some possibility of being answered eventually.
Nondeterministic Thinking
I Think, Therefore I Am
A simulated Descartes correctly deduces his own existence. It makes
no difference just who or what is doing the simulation — the simulated
world is complete in itself.
The Outer Limits of Computation 181
shown grow as the cube of the size, or fourth, or some other power.
Problems whose solution can be computed in times proportional to
(or less than) some fixed power of the problem size are said to be of
polynomial time, or P, type. In the computer era they are considered
Another important class of computations turned out to be much
harder. One example is the so-called traveling-salesma7i problem, which
involves finding the shortest path that passes through each of a given
set of cities exactly once. The best exact solutions that anyone has
found require that the program check almost every possible route,
then pick the best one. The possible routes are enumerated by
generating all permutations of the cities. Each permutation itself
has been found, and it is not known if such a solution exists. This
so called P=NP? question is a central one because some extremely
important problems, for instance in the design of optimal hardware
and software, and automatic reasoning, are NP. Since exact solutions
are much, much too slow, present design systems limp along with
approximate methods that do not guarantee the best answer, and
sometimes do quite badly.
Let's suppose, as seems likely, that there is no shortcut to NP
problems. No matter how fast the conventional machine we use
to solve them, small increases in problem size will swamp it. An
intelligence designing improvements for itself will encounter many NP
issues. The efficiency of its designs, and thus its future, will depend
directly on how well it can handle these problems, so heroic methods
are warranted.
say!). One such computer would reproduce, to become two, the two
would become four, the four eight, the eight sixteen, and so on, in an
exponential growth to astronomical numbers matching, up to a point,
Two-Slit Experiment
A photon picked up by a detector at screen S might have come through
slit A or through slit B — there is no way to distinguish. In quantum
mechanics the "amplitudes" for the two cases must be added. At some
points on the screen they add constructively, making it likely that a
photon will end up there; at nearby points the amplitudes cancel, and
no photons are ever found.
j+trj+tr II
The Outer Limits of Computation 185
But waves of what? Each photon starts from one place and lands in
one place; isn't it at just one place on every part of its flight? Doesn't
it go through one slit or the other? If so, how does the presence of the
other slit prroent it from landing on the screen? For if
at a certain place
one slit is blocked, the total number of photons landing on the screen
is halved, but the interference pattern vanishes, and some locations
that received no photons with both slits open begin to register hits.
Quantum mechanics' answer is that during the tlight the position of
the photon is unknown and must be modeled bv a complex valued
wave describing all its possible locations. This ghostlv wave passes
through both slits (though it describes the position of only a single
photon) and interferes with itself at the screen, canceling at some
points. There the wave makes up its mind, and the photon appears in
just one of its possible locations. This wave condition of the photon
Waves out of phase
— quiet
Waves in phase
- loud
186 Mind Children
called a hidden-variables theory; that is, the system has a definite state
at all times, but some parts of it are temporarily hidden from some
The joke is on the critics. Many
most "absurd" thought
of the
experimental results have been observed in mind-boggling actuality
in clever (and very modern) experiments carried out by Alain Aspect
at the University of Paris. These demonstrations rule out the simplest
and most natural hidden variables theories, local ones, in which, for
instance, the hidden information about which slit the photon went
through is contained in the photon itself, or ones in which the state
of health of Schrodinger's cat is part of the fehne.
Nonlocal hidden-variables theories, where the unmeasured informa-
tion is distributed over an extended space, are a possibility. It is easy to
construct theories of this kind that give results identical with ordinary
quantum mechanics. Most physicists find them uninteresting: why
introduce a more complicated explanation with extra variables when
the current, simpler equations suffice? Philosophically, also, global
hidden-variables theories are only slightly less puzzling than raw
quantum mechanics. What does it mean that the "exact position" of a
particle is spread out over a large chunk of space? This question was
the subject of a lively controversy among the founders of quantum
mechanics in the early part of this century. It has recently become of
widespread interest again.
The Outer Limits of Computation 187
But perhaps the failures are an enormous stroke of luck. New calculations
suggest that the machine is powerful enough to trigger a collapse of the
vacuum to a lower energy state. A cosmic explosion might radiate out at the
speed of light from the accelerator's collision point, eventually destroying the
entire universe. Wliat a close call!
Or was it? If the universe had been destroyed, there would be no o}ie left
to lament the fact. Wliat if the many-worlds idea were correct? In some
universes the machine would have worked. For all practical purposes those
worlds would have ceased to exist. Only in the remaitider would a pair of
puzzled physicists be scratching their heads, zvondering what had gone wrong
this time. Given so many nearly identical uniz^erses, the destruction of a few
seems of small consequence. An idea strikes them. Wliy not reinforce the
weak points in the machine so that a random failure within it is extremely
unlikely, then wire it to a detector of a nuclear attack, like the doomsday
machine in Stanley Kubrick's film Dr. Strangelove.^ Ati attack would be
met by the destruction of the offending universe. Only those universes in
which the attack had not happened, for some reason (the commanding general
had a heart attack, the missile launch system failed, the piremier had a fit
of compassion...), would live to wonder about yet another close call. The
machine in Strangelove was ineffective as a deterrent unless the other side
was aware of it. Not so the many-worlds version. No attack (that anyone will
notice) can occur so long as it operates, no matter how secret its existence.
The Outer Limits of Computation 189
again. Keep doing this until you find a path length L such that the
machine finds an answer with a guess of L, but interrupts itself when
the guess is L-1. The L-length solution is an optimal answer to your
problem. The search for a proper L can, of course, be incorporated into
the program itself to make the process fully automatic. An optimal
strategy for doing this, called a binary search, can finish the search
in anumber of steps proportional to the logarithm of L, a mere 20
stepswhen L is a million. Each step, which involves generating each
random answer, takes polynomial time. So the answer is yes, a many-
worlds version of quantum mechanics can be used to solve arbitrarily
hard NP problems in modest times.
190 Mind Children
simply a kind of illusion and that there is only one world. Here
is an outline of a model where the uncertainties at any location, or the
hidden variables, are simply "noise" from the rest of the universe.
Imagine, somewhere, there is a spherical volume uniformly filled
with a gas made up of a huge but finite number of particles in motion.
Pressure waves pass through the gas, propagating at its speed of
sound, s, and suppose no faster signal can be sent. The sphere has
resonances that correspond to wave trains passing through its entire
volume at different angles and frequencies. Each combination of a
particular direction and frequency is called a wave mode. There is
a mathematical transformation called the (spatial) Fourier transform
that arranges these wave modes very neatly and powerfully. The
Fourier transform combines the pattern of pressures found over the
original volume of the sphere {V) in various ways to produce a new
spherical set of values (f ). At the center of F is a number representing
the average density of V. Immediately surrounding it are (complex)
numbers giving the intensity of waves, in various directions, whose
wavelength just spans the diameter of V. Twice as far from the center
of F are found the intensities of wave modes with two cycles across
V; these are surrounded by another shell containing modes whose
wavelength is one third the diameter of V, and so on. Each point
in F describes a wave filling V with a direction and a number of
cycles given by the point's orientation and distance from the center
of F. Another way of saying this is: direction in F corresponds to
direction in V; radius in F is proportional to frequency in V. Since each
wave is made of periodic clusterings of gas particles, the interparticle
spacing sets a lower bound on the wavelength, thus an upper bound
on frequency, and a limit on the radius of the F sphere. The closer the
particles, the larger F must be.
A theorem about Fourier transforms states that if sufficiently high
frequencies are included, then F contains about as many points as
V has particles, and all the information required to reconstruct V is
reflected as a component
motion of every particle of V.
If the particles in V bump into one another, or interact in some
other nonlinear way, then energy can be transferred from one wave
mode to another that is, one point in f can become stronger at
the expense of another. There will be a certain amount of random
transference among all wave modes. Besides this, there will be a
more systematic between "nearby" wave modes those
interaction —
very similar in frequency and orientation, thus near each other in the
F space. In V, such waves will be in step for large fractions of their
length. Because the gas is nonlinear, the periodic bunching of gas
particles caused by one mode will influence the bunching ability of a
neighboring mode with a similar period.
So nearby points in F interact systematically, distant points do not.
The interaction can be considered a physics of the f world. If the
physics is rich enough, it may be able to support the basis of complex
structures, life and intelligence, just as does ours. Imagine a physicist
made of f stuff, for whom points in f are simply locations, not
complicated functions of another space. We can deduce some of the
"laws of physics" this inhabitant of F will find by reasoning about
effects in V, and translating back to F. In the following list, such
reasoning is in italics:
a long portion of their length, and the nonlinear bunching effects will be
roughly the same cycle after cycle along the length. Wave modes distant
from one another, on the other hand, whose crests and troughs are not
correlated, will lose here, and gain there, and in general appear like mere
random buffetings to each other.
a cycle. An effect which happens in a similar way at each cycle can have
distributed over V, exactly which smaller volume is not defined —and thus
the measurement is uncertain. As the time and the summation volume
increase all the possible sums converge to the average, and the uncertainty
When all is said and done — that is, if the information from the entire
wavetrain is collected — the total interaction can be interpreted as the sum
of the cycle-by-cycle interactions. Sometimes energy will be transferred one
way by one cycle and the opposite way by a distant one, so the alternatives
can cancel as well enhance one another.
steps than a move along adjacent wave modes, these extra dimensions
will appear to have a much smaller extent than the basic three. The
greater the energy involved, the more harmonics may be activated and
the higher the dimensionahty. Most physical theories these days have
tightly looped extra dimensions to provide a geometric explanation
for the basic forces. Ten and eleven dimensions are popular, and
new forces suggested by some theories may introduce more. If
The Outer Limits of Computation 195
Big Waves
In the earliest moments of the universe, the speed would have been
astronomically faster.
Brooks, J., and G. Shaw. 1973. Origin and Development of Living Systems. New
York: Academic Press.
Buchsbaum, Ralph. 1948. Animals without Backbones. 2nd ed. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Feigenbaum, Edward A., and Juhan Feldman, eds. 1963. Computers and
Thought. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Fichtelius, Karl-Erik, and Sverre Sjolander. 1972. Smarter than Man? Intelli-
198 Bibliography
Lane, Frank W. 1962. Kingdom of the Octopus: The Life History of the Cephalopoda.
New York: Pyramid Publications.
Marsh, Peter. 1985. Robots. New York: Crescent Books.
Mayr, Ernst. 1982. The Growth of Biological Thought. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
McCorduck, Pamela. 1979. Machines Who Think. San Francisco: W. H.
Minsky, Marvin, ed. 1985. Robotics. New York: Doubleday
1986. The Society of Mind. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Moynihan, Martin. 1985. Communication and Noncommunication by Cephalopods.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Nilsson, Nils, ed. 1984. Shakey the Robot: Artificial Intelligence Center Technical
Note 323. Menlo Park: SRI International.
Pawson, Richard. 1985. The Robot Book. London: W H Smith & Son.
Pratt, Vernon. 1987. Thinking Machines: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence.
Chapter 2: Powering Up
Babbage, Charles. 1961. Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engines. Edited
by Philip Morrison and Emily Morrison. New York: Dover Publications.
Berkeley, Edmund C. 1949. Giant Brains or Machines That Think. New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
Booth, Andrew, and Kathleen Booth. 1956. Automatic Digital Calculators.
London: Butterworths.
Cale, E. G., L. L. Gremillion, and J. L. McKenney. 1979. "Price/performance
patterns of U.S. computer systems." Communications of the ACM 22(4):
Dertouzos, Michael L., and Joel Moses, eds. 1979. The Computer Age: A
Twenty-Year Review. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Dowling, John E. 1987. The Retina: An Approachable Part of the Brain. Cam-
bridge: Harvard University Press.
Bibliography 199
Hubel, David, ed. 1979 (September). The Brain — Scientific American, special
issue, 241(3).
Rosen, Saul. 1971. ACM 71: A Quarter-Century View. New York: Association
for Computing Machinery.
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Turn, Rein. 1974. Computers in the 1980s. New York: Columbia University
Weik, Martin H. 1957. A Second Sun^ey of Domestic Electronic Digital Computing
Systems. Aberdeen, Maryland: Army Ballistic Research Laboratories,
report no. 1010.
Wolfe, Jeremy M. 1986. The Mind's Eye: Readings from Scientific American. New
York: W. H. Freeman.
Wolken, Jerome J. 1975. Photoprocesses, Photoreceptors, and Evolution. New
York: Academic Press.
Chapter 3: Symbiosis
Chapter 5: Wildlife
Axelrod, Robert. 1984. The Ez'olution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books.
Cohen, Fred. 1984. Computer Viruses. Los Angeles: University of Southern
Dewdney A. K. 1984 (May), 1985 (March), and 1987 (January). "Core wars."
Scientific American 250:14-17, 252:14-23, 256:14-18.
Dawkins, Richard. 1976. The Selfish Gene. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1982. The Extended Phenotype. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ACM 27(8):761-763.
Chapter 6: Breakout
Barrow, John D., and Frank J. Tipler 1986. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dyson, Freeman. 1979. Disturbing the Universe. New York: Harper & Row.
1988. Infinite in all Directions. New York: Harper &c Row.
Gardner, Martin. 1983. Wheels, Life and Other Mathematical Amusements. New
York: W. H. Freeman.
Bibliography 201
Hawking, Stephen W. 1988. A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black
ory isn't up
to the task of
HIS book has roots deep in my
acknowledging them individually, but
childhood. My mem-
my thanks
go to the authors of science and science fiction, teachers, librarians, science
fair organizers and friends who helped shape my mental world through
four decades. My memory is good enough to recall that my younger sisters
Elizabeth and Alice were the long-suffering sounding boards for many years
of my long-winded speculations.
In late 1971, when I arrived as a graduate student at the Stanford Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory', a lively debate was just winding down that had been
sparked bv a proposal from Dick Fredericksen in his self-published newsletter,
A Word in Edgeunse. Over several he had developed the concept of
bit by bit, with a more durable artificial equivalent. The exchange interested
me greatly because the idea had occurred to me years before, in high school,
but had suffered from lack of a receptive audience. At SAIL, Fredericksen's
proposal had polarized those who took it seriously. Bruce Baumgart was
its chief proponent, while Larry Tessler found it dehumanizing. My own
thoughts about the future of intelligent machinerv' crystallized in discussions
with Rod Brooks, Bruce Bullock, Mike Farmwald, Bob Forward, Don Gennery,
Erik Gilbert, Bill Gosper, David Grossman, Brian Harvey, Marc Le Brun,
Robert Maas, John McCarthy, Ed Mcguire, Dave Poole, Jeff Rubin, Clem Smith,
Russ Taylor, Lowell Wood, and quite a few others. In 1975 I wrote an essay
on the subject that evolved over the years into several articles and, eventually,
into this book.
The discussions continued when I came to Carnegie Mellon University
in 1980. Here it is my pleasure to acknowledge mind-stretching exchanges
with Mike Blackwell, Kevin Dowling, Alberto Elfes, Larry Matthies, Pat Muir,
Gregg Podnar, Olin Shivers, and Richard Wallace. I would also like to thank
the administration of the Robotics Institute, especially Raj Reddy and Takeo
Kanade, for maintaining an environment that allows me to pursue long-range
goals. I am equally grateful to the Office of Naval Research, and my program
director, Alan Meyrowitz, for providing the steady funding that has supported
my basic research since 1981.
Though I vaguely intended to develop my ideas to book length in 1975,
it was only in 1985 that 1 seriously began to work on a manuscript. By an
amazing coincidence, within two weeks of undertaking the project I received a
letter from Howard Boyer, the newly arrived Editor for Science and Medicine
The first hurdle — to produce a detailed outline that would pass editorial
muster at Harvard Press — was surmounted with the aid of extensive reviews
written by Vernor Vinge. The many drafts of the manuscript which followed
were greatly improved by the Press's referees, whose comments were var-
iously encouraging, informative, and stern. 1 thank Rod Brooks, Richard
Dawkins, Kee Dewdney, Bruce Donald, John Dowling, Bob Forward, John
McCarthy, Pamela McCorduck, and others whose identity 1 have not learned.
The most dramatic improvements in the book occurred when it was put in
the hands of my manuscript editor, Susan Wallace. Susan reorganized the text
from a ragged collection of ideas into a cohesive whole, setting the stage for
and coaching to completion a rewrite that made a night-and-day difference
in the book's quality.
With exceptions noted below, the line art in the book was drawn by me
on a Macintosh II from Apple Computer. The programs used were Cricket
Draw from Cricket Software and SuperPaint from Silicon Beach Software, with
occasional dips into digitized clip-art collections — the McPic! packages from
Magnum Some art
Software and ClickArt packages from T/Maker Graphics.
was scanned from hand drawings and photographs with the Thunderscan
program and hardware from Thunderware. Earlier versions of many of
the drawings had been produced on smaller Macintoshes with MacPaint,
MacDraw, FuUPaint, and MacDraft.
Mike Blackwell redrew "Intelligence on Earth" (page 18) in Cricket Draw
from my MacDraw original. "The Retina" (page 54) was drawn on a Macintosh
SE by Mary Jo Dowling, using Adobe Illustrator from Adobe Systems. She
worked from an illustration which appeared in The Retina by John Dowling (no
relation). The gear and integrated circuit icons in "A Century of Computing"
(page 64) were drawn by Gregg Podnar using MacPaint. "A Robot Bush"
(page 103) was produced by a program which wrote with help from Mike
compute. The "Selfish Martians" cartoon (page 142) was drawn by Kimberlee
Faught with Cricket Draw. The pictures of the Cart, Pluto, and Neptune in
Acknowledgments & Illustration Credits 205
"Robot Pals" (page 202) are digitized and touched-up renderings of pencil
drawings by Bill Nee. The picture of Uranus is a digitized photograph touched
A for Andromeda, 137 Bacteria, 18-19, 43, 61, 69, 144, 167, 183
Abstract thought, 16 Barrow, John, 148
Abstraction, 39, 131-135, 141, 145, 178 Basic, 40
Addition, 120, 164-165, 172 Batch mode, 80
Address, 78, 155, 172 Bees, 43, 61, 138, 151, 168
Adept, 12 Bell Laboratories, 66, 71, 82, 132
208 Index
17, 48-50, 55, 82, 100, 115, Hand, 9, 29, 34, 86-88, 102, 109-111,
119, 122, 136-140, 149, 154, 158, 163, 158-159, 180
Galileo, 97
IBM, 8, 67, 80, 128
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), 64, 71
IBM 1130, 126
Game theory, 141-143
IBM 650, 60
Games, 122, 128
Icon, 82-84
Ganghon, 19, 54, 57-59, 166
Idea, 116, 138-139, 196
Gardner, Martin, 151
Identity, 109, 115-120, 171
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 120
Imagery, 47
General Motors, 11, 24, 36
Imagination, 48, 133-135, 139, 179
General-purpose robot, 22-25, 38 Imaging eye, 19
General relativity, 154 121-124, 148, 182
Immortality, 5,
Genetic code, 128 Indeterminism, 183, 187, 191-194
Genetic engineering, 108 Industrial manipulator, 29, 40
Genetic information, 3 Industrial revolution, 2, 8-10, 65
Genetic takeover, 3-4 Industrial robot, 11, 23, 36, 47
Genetics, 72, 110, 115, 136 Industrial vision system, 11
Genome, 166 Infinite in All Directions, 148
Germanium, 71 Information, 63, 114-116, 119, 137, 163,
Ghosts, 131-134, 185 166-173
Giant squid, 19, 115 Information retrieval, 81
Gosper, Bill, 155-158 Information theory, 63, 169
Gravity, 95-97 Integrated circuit, 7, 55, 64, 67-73, 104,
Gribbin, John, 188-190 168
Griffin, Donald, 39, 43 Intelligence, 16-19, 106, 114, 136, 145,
Life, 44, 111, 115-116, 123-125, 134-137, 114-116, 119-122, 135, 145, 158, 167,
"One would be making a mistake to let Mind Children recede unopened into
a guiltless oblivion. It's a tonic book, thought-provoking on everv page. And
it reminds us that, in our accelerating, headlong era, the future presses so
close upon us that those who ignore it inhabit not the present but the past."
— Brad Leithauser, Nezv Yorker
"A comprehensive and highly readable survey of the state of the art in
—M. Mitchell Waldrop, New York Times Book Review
"Moravec, by his ownis an intellectual joyrider, and riding his
runaway an exhilarating experience
trains of thought is This is an intel-
. . .
lectual party that shouldn't be pooped, no matter how much it may disturb
the neighbours and encourage over-indulgence."
Brian WooUey, Guardian
"[Mind Children] has the accuracy of a college text and the can't-put-it-down
appeal of a good novel. Moravec has turned the flights of mind of one of the
world's foremost roboticists into hard copy. And he has written a tremen-
dously good book in the process."
— Eric Bobinsky, Bifte