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2 authors, including:
Ramesh Kempepatil
Visvesvaraya Technological University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ramesh Kempepatil on 27 June 2023.
Abstract- Numerous shortest path graph analysis algorithms fall within the single source, single destination, or all pairs' categories.
When there is a single source, one such approach that fits into the first category is Dijkstra's algorithm, which can be used to
determine which node has the lowest cost. Negative weight cannot be used, though. In some scenarios, it can merely fail to deliver
the desired consequences. However, we must identify the shortest route between the networks in this project. For this, a number of
algorithms exist, including Bellman-Ford, A*, and Floyd-Warshall. It is a single source shortest path issue in Bellman-Ford, similar
to Dijkstra's, However, it has edges with negative weight. In the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, each node has the ability to function as
a source and can be used to find the shortest path between source and destination nodes, Floyd-Warshall will accurately assert that
there is no least weight path in the event of a negative cycle since the negative weight is unbounded. To put it briefly, Floyd-
Warshall is a suitable method for our system and will be used to generate the best route for every node pairing.
Networks can develop in a variety of contexts and ways, including in the ubiquitous Our daily lives are impacted by the
transportation, power, and communication networks. The representations of networks frequently used to solve issues in a variety of
fields, including resource management, project planning, facility location, transportation, production, and distribution of oil, among
others. It offers strong conceptual and visual support that is utilized to illustrate the interactions between the parts of systems in
almost every area of scientific, social, and economic effort. The extraordinarily quick advancement in both the technique and
implementation of network optimization models over the past few years has been one of the most fascinating breakthroughs in
operation research. Data structure and effective data manipulation have greatly benefited from a number of algorithmic innovations.
due to algorithms and Since software is now easily accessible, many formerly completely impractical routines can now be resolved.
The model takes into account everya component of the company, assisting management in planning and choosing varying degrees
at variousphases to the industry, such asknowing what to pay and what to charge. Because it aids in determining and observing the
flow of commodities from the industry to their destination, a network representation is crucial to an industry.
Graph theory has emerged as a significant tool for representing and analyzing a range of real-world issues. A graph in this sense is
composed of vertices.known as nodes and the connecting lines known as edges. In this project, the shortest path algorithm is being
used to find asolution for our system. In general, Any shortest path algorithm's categories can be split into three groups: single
source, single destination, and all pairings. The shortest route in a directed graph from each vertex to The single source leads to a
single destination.approach. By flipping the arcs, it can also be understood as a single source of issues. The final group, all pairs of
vertices, findevery pair of vertices' shortest path, if there are negative edges present, the one source problem can be handled using
algorithms like Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford. The goal of every pair method, including Floyd-Warshall, is to identify the shortest
pathamong each pair of vertices. On the other hand, Floyd-Warshall is more helpful when dealing with thick graphs, such as actual
road networks.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
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Solution: Assign 𝑢1 = 0. Take it as permanent node. From node-1 it can reach node-3, node-2, and node-4. 𝑢2 = 𝑢3 = 𝑢4
Node (2) =𝑢2 = min(𝑢2 , 𝑢1 + 𝑑12 )
= min (m, 0+2)
𝑢2 = 2
Dijkstra’s Algorithm:
Dijkstra's algorithm is one of the most popular methods for finding the shortest path between any two vertices on a graph or for
solving a variety of single-source shortest path issues with non-negative edge weight in graphs.
Dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra, a talented Dutch computer scientist and software developer, developed and published this technique.
His innovative technique was described in a three-page article he wrote in 1959 titled "A comment on two problems in connection
with graph"
Dijkstra's Algorithm's fundamentals
• The source node you choose is where Dijkstra's Algorithm begins, andexamines the graph to identify the node's shortest
route to each other node in the network.
• The algorithm modifies the reported shortest distance between each node and the source node if it finds a shorter path.
• Once the algorithm has identified the shortest path between a node and another node, the node is added to the path and
marked as "visited"
• The process will continue until all of the graph's nodes have been added to the path. Now we have a path that in this way
connects the source node to every other node.
Only positive weight graphs can be used with Dijkstra's algorithm. This is because in order to identify the shortest path, the weight
of the edges must be applied during the procedure.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
The algorithm won't function properly if the network contains a negative weight. The current route to a node is designated as the
quickest route to that node once it has been registered as "visited." And if the total weight is reduced after this step, negative weights
can change this.
Define dij > 0, and let ui be the shortest distance between source node 1 and node i. The algorithm specifies the label for a node j
that succeeds it immediately as the length of r (i, j).i.e, [uj , i] = [ui + dij , j],dij ≥ 0
The initial node's label reads [0, -], designating it as the predecessor. There are two sorts of labels in the Dijkstra algorithm: 1.
Temporary 2. Consistent
1. If the shortest path to the node can be found otherwise, a temporary label at a node is changed to a permanent one.
2. Permanently affix the label [0 -] from set i=1 to source node 1.
Basic Actions
1. calculate the interim labels [ui +dij , j] for each node j with dij > 0 provided j is not permanently labeled. If node j already
has an existing temporary label [uj ,k] through another node k and if [ui +dij , j]< ui replace [uj ,k] with [ui +dij , j]
2. If every node has a permanent label, the operation should be stopped; otherwise, choose the temporary label [ur ,s] with
the shortest distance from all the other temporary labels, set i=r, and go back to step 1.
The network provides a path that is permeable as well as their lines in kilometers between city 1 (node 1) and seven other cities
(node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7, node8) The shortest path between city1 and each of the other five cities should be
Solution;Put [0 -] as the label's permanent form.
Iteration 1:
The list of labelled nodes becomes shorter since Node A (the last permanent labelled node) can be reached from Nodes B and C.
(temporary and permanent).
A [0 A] Permanent
B [0+6, A] Permanent
C [0+7, A] Temporary
Because node B is closer to the two temporary labels [6, A] and [7, A] (uB =6), its status has been changed from temporary to
Iteration 2:
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Since Node B permanent labelled node can be reached from Nodes C and E, the list of labelled nodes becomes (temporary and
Node C is a temporary label [7, A] received in iteration 1 remains the same since node 3 retains another label [10, B] in iteration2
and the label [7, A] has the lowest distance.
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [17, B] Temporary
Since node C offers the smallest distance, uC =7, it has been made permanent.
Iteration 3:
Node E is temporary labeled from iteration2 is thus [14,C] obtained from iteration 3. Thus Node E yields shortest distance 𝑢𝐸 = 14
thus we change node E to permanently labeled. The list of labeled becomes;
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
D [15,C] Temporary
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Iteration 4:
Node E connected to Node F and node H. Thus, the list of labeled node becomes;
Node F submit the shortest distance from node E, thus node F 𝑢𝐹 =16 becomes permanent. The list of label becomes;
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
D [15, C] Temporary
F [16,E] Permanent
H [21,E] Temporary
Iteration 5:
Node F is connected to node G and node H. The list of labeled node becomes;
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
D [15, C] Temporary
F [16,E] Permanent
H [21,E] Temporary
G [16+2, F] Temporary
H [16+4,F] Temporary
Node H is temporary labeled [20, F] obtained from iteration 5, [21, E] is obtained in iteration 4 indicates the shortest route through
nodeE. The shortest distance is node G (𝑢𝐻 =20) labeled [20,F], thus we have
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
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D [15, C] Temporary
F [16,E] Permanent
H [20,F] Temporary
G [18, F] Permanent
In iteration 5 Node H is temporarily labeled [20,F], in iteration 6 it is [25,G], then the smallest one is [20,F]
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
D [15, C] Temporary
F [16,E] Permanent
H [20,F] Permanent
G [18, F] Permanent
Iteration 7:
A [0, A] Permanent
B [6, A] Permanent
C [7, A] Permanent
E [14, C] Permanent
D [15, C] Temporary
F [16,E] Permanent
H [20,F] Permanent
G [18, F] Permanent
We make node D (uD =15) status permanent because node D can only be accessed by node C.
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A A 0
B A-B 6
C A-C 7
D A-C-D 15
E A-C-E 14
F A-C-E-F 16
G A-C-E-F-G 18
H A-C-E-H 21
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Graph input with src as the source vertex
Shortest distance from src to all vertices is the output. The shortest distance is not determined and a negative weight cycle is given
if there is one.
1. In this stage, the distance to the source is set to 0 and the distances to all other vertices are initialized as infinite. These values
will be kept in the array dist [] of size v.
2. In order to determine the shortest distances, multiply the following by |v|-1 Follow these steps for each edge u-v
If dist. [v] >dist. [u] + weight of u-v
dist. [v] = dist. [u] + the weight of the u-v
3. This stage informs you if the graph has a negative weight cycle.
Follow these steps for each edge u-v
There is a negative weight cycle in the graph if dist. [v] >dist. [u] + weight of edge u-v.
Take A as the source vertex, which we will set to 0. Set all source distances to their initial values. Since there are 6 total vertices in
the graph, all edges must be processed 4 times.
0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
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Process all edges as follows: (A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, E), (C, B), (C, E), (D, C), (D, F) (E, F). When all edges are first processed,
the following distances are obtained. Using the equationdist. [v] =dist. [u] + weight of edge u-v
dist[B] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-B dist[C] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-C
Taking from (A, D) Taking from (B, E)
d(B)= 0+6= 6 d(C)= 0+4=4
dist[D] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-D dist[E] = dist[B] + weight of edge B-E
Taking from (D, C)
Taking from (C, E)
d(D)= 0+5= 5 d(E)= 6-1= 5
dist[C] = dist[D] + weight of edge D-C
dist[E] = dist[C] + weight of edge C-E
Taking Taking
d(C)= from
5-2= (E,
3 F)
d(E)= from
2 F)
dist[F] = dist[D] + weight of edge D-F dist[F] = dist[E] + weight of edge E-F
Taking from (C, B)
d(F)= 5-1=4 d(F)= 5+3=8
dist[B] = dist[C] + weight of edge C-B
d(B)= 5-1=4
Taking the minimum distance from the above distance
0 1 3 5 5 4
1 5
Process all edges as follows: (A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, E), (C, B), (C, E), (D, C), (D, F) (E, F). When all edges are second processed,
the following distances are obtained. Using the equation
Taking from
dist. [v] (A, [u]
= dist. B) + weight of edge u-v Taking from (A, C)
dist[B] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-B dist[C] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-C
d(B)= 0+6=(A,
Taking from 6 D) d(D)= 0+4=4
Taking from (B, E)
dist[D] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-D dist[E] = dist[B] + weight of edge B-E
Taking from (C, E) Taking from (D, C)
d(D)= 0+5= 5 d(E)= 1-1= 0
(D, F)+ weight of edge C-E Taking from
dist[C] (E, F) + weight of edge D-C
= dist[D]
dist. [F] = dist. [D] + weight of edge D-F
d (F)=3+3=
5-1=4 6 dist[F]5-2=
d(C)= = dist[E]
3 + weight of edge E-F
d(F)= 0+3=3
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
0 1 3 5 0 3
1 0
5 3
Taking from (A, B) Taking from (A, C)
dist[B] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-B dist[C] = dist[A] + weight of edge A-C
d(B)= 3-2=1
1 0
After third iteration, the second and third iteration are same there is no need to perform all iteration. The values remain same.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is also known as Floyd's and Roy-Warshall algorithms.The shortest path in a weighted graph can be
found using this graph analysis approach, which is also used to identify the transitive closure of the relation R. Edge weights on a
weighted graph might be either positive or negative ( but with no negative cycle). A single execution of the procedure calculates
the total length of all the shortest paths connecting every single pair of vertices in the graph; as a result, it does not return information
about the actual paths. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm will be applied to locate every pair of vertices in the graph. This approach
uses adjacency matrices rather than adjacency lists and is competitive for dense graphs. Consider the following example of TSP
provided by W: Display the directed, edge-weighted adjacency matrix of the graph.
𝑤11 𝑤12 𝑤13
(𝑤21 𝑤22 𝑤23 )
𝑤31 𝑤32 𝑤33
𝑤𝑖𝑗 is the edge's weight (i,j), or infinite if there isn't an edge at all.
Give back a matrix D with each entry being dij is d(i,j). might potentially return a predecessor matrix, P, where each item,pij ,
represents j's shortest-path predecessor on the left. Think about a path's intermediate vertices;
Assume for the moment that we are aware of the shortest path's length, which only has intermediate vertex numbers 1, 2, 3, k-1.
Floyd's algorithm, which finds the shortest path between any two network nodes, is more versatile than Dijkstra's approach. The
approach yields the finite distance d ij from node I to node j and represents a n node network as a square matrix. If I and j are
directly connected and ∞otherwise.
It is shortest to go through k when there are three nodes, I j, and k, with connection lengths listed on.
𝑑 𝑖𝑗
If 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 = 𝑑𝑖𝑗
Applying this triple operation exchange on the distance is done using the following steps:matrix in order to replace the direct route
from i to j with the indirect route I to k, k to j,
(i → k → j)
Step 1: Set k=1 and defineD0 as the shortest distance matrix and node square matrix, respectively.
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1 2 3 …… j ….. n
D0 = 1 - 𝑑12 𝑑13 …… 𝑑1𝑗 ….. 𝑑1𝑛
2 𝑑21 - 𝑑23 …… 𝑑2𝑗 ….. 𝑑2𝑛
1 2 … . .𝑗 …… 𝑛
− 2 …… 𝑗 …… 𝑛
1 − …… 𝑗 …… 𝑛
3 ⋮ : − : : :
: : : : : : :
: 1 2 …… 𝑗 …… −
Step 2 : Apply the triple operation to each element d ij in D (k-1) for all I & j such that. Define row k and column k as pivot rows
and pivot columns.
𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑗𝑘 < 𝑑𝑖𝑗 (𝑖 ≠ 𝑘, 𝑗 ≠ 𝑘) &(𝑖 ≠ 𝑗)
Step 3 : S (k-1) becomes s k by substituting s ij with k. By expressing D (k-1) here, row k and column k determined by the current
pivot row and columnDij =min(Dij , DiK +DjK ), step 2 of the method can be described. Set k = k+1, If k = m+1 then halt, else repeated
step 2.
If some of the pivot row & column is less than the related intersection, the triple operation can be used. The direction refers to it as
a portion of the pivot distance while determining the quickest route from node I to node j using the matrixDn &Sn
Find shortest distance for all-pairs of vertices
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
-3 -4
Make a matrix of size 5*5, with 5 representing the number of vertices. The numbers I and j are listed for the row and column,
respectively. The graph's vertices are I and j.
There is a distance from vertex I to vertex j in each cell D[i][j]. The cell is left as infinity if there is no path connecting the ith and
jth vertex.
1 2 3 4 5
𝐷0 = 1 - 6 ∞ 7 ∞
2 ∞ - 5 8 -4
3 ∞ -2 - ∞ ∞
Now select first row and first column
4 ∞ ∞ -3 - 9
5 21 2∞ 7
3 4 ∞ 5-
𝐷0 =
1 - 6 ∞ 7 ∞
2 ∞ - 5 8 -4
3 ∞ -2 - ∞ ∞
4 ∞ ∞ -3 - 9
5 2 ∞ 7 ∞ -
Create matrix D 1 now by utilizing matrix D 0. The first row and column's component are left in their current state.Then finding
the remaining value by using formula 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = min(𝑑𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 )
Where 𝑑𝑖𝑘 &𝑑𝑘𝑗 are corresponding elements of selected row and column.
𝑑23 = min(5, ∞ + ∞) = 5,
min(8 (5,
, 7 +∞∞)
+=∞) 8 = 5, 𝑑42 = min(∞, 6 + ∞) = ∞,
𝑑25 = min(−4, ∞ + ∞) = −4
𝑑𝑑32 ==min(−2,
min(86, + 7 ∞)
+ ∞)= −2
=8 𝑑43 = min(−3 , ∞ + ∞) = −3
𝑑34 = min(∞, 7 + ∞) = ∞
𝑑35 = min(∞, ∞ + ∞) = ∞
𝑑25 replacing
= min(−4, ∞ + ∞) = −4 𝑑45 = min(9, ∞ + ∞) = 9
Now value with minimum value
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5 2 8 7 9 -
Now, create a matrix 𝐷2 using matrix 𝐷1 . The element in first row and first column are left as it is. Then finding the remaining value
by using formula 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = min(𝑑𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 )
Where 𝑑𝑖𝑘 &𝑑𝑘𝑗 are corresponding elements of selected row and column.
𝑑15 =
Now min(∞,
replacing 6 −with
value 4) minimum
=2 value 𝑑45 = min(9, −4 + ∞) = 9
1 2 3 4 5
𝑑31 = min(∞, ∞ − 2) = ∞ 𝑑51 = min(2, 8 + ∞) = 2
𝐷2 = 1 - 6 11 7 2
𝑑34 = min(∞, 8 − 2) = 6 2 𝑑∞ - 5 8 -4
53 = min(7,8 + 5) = 7
Now select third row and third column 3 ∞ -2 - 6 -6
𝑑35 = min(∞, −4 − 2) = −6 4 𝑑1∞
54 = 2min(9,8
∞ -3 +4-8) =599
51 2- 68 711 79 2-
= 2 ∞ - 5 8 -4
3 ∞ -2 - 6 -6
4 ∞ ∞ -3 - 9
5 2 8 7 9 -
Now, create a matrix 𝐷3 using matrix 𝐷2 . The element in first row and first column are left
as it is. Then finding the remaining value by using formula 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = min(𝑑𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 )
Where 𝑑𝑖𝑘 &𝑑𝑘𝑗 are corresponding elements of selected row and column.
Now = min(2,11 − 6)
value with = 2 value
minimum 𝑑45 = min(9, −3 − 6) = −9
Now, create a matrix 𝐷4 using matrix 𝐷3 . The element in first row and first column are left as it is. Then finding the remaining
value by using formula 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = min(𝑑𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 )
Where 𝑑𝑖𝑘 &𝑑𝑘𝑗 are corresponding elements of selected row and column.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
Now, create a matrix 𝐷5 using matrix 𝐷4 . The element in first row and first column are left as it is. Then finding the remaining
value by using formula 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = min(𝑑𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖𝑘 + 𝑑𝑘𝑗 )Where 𝑑𝑖𝑘 &𝑑𝑘𝑗 are corresponding elements of selected row and column.
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ISSN: 2455-2631 June 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 6
The shortest path is the most intriguing research topic. Here, we discuss shortest-path issues. It summarizes how various algorithms
have been applied. Bellman Ford in addition to the single-source Dijkstra algorithm is used when there is a negative loop. A dynamic
programming algorithm is the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. It locates the two vertices' shortest path. After examining every method,
we have come to the conclusion that the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is the most accurate for routing. Floyd-Warshall algorithm gives
appropriate time and space for the aforementioned problem. However, it is the most time-consuming and slow method.
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