Ech11 - Chapter Quiz (Basic)

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Chapter 11 Quiz (Basic)

Sensing the Environment

Name: ________________ Class: ___________ ( ) Result: ________________

Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a sense?

A. Touch

B. Pain

C. Sound

D. Hot and cold

2. Which of the following are the common characteristics of structures A and B?

(I) Transparent

(II) Protect the eyes

(III) Help focus light

A. (I) and (II) only

B. (I) and (III) only

C. (II) and (III) only

D. (I), (II) and (III)

3. Which of the following instruments CANNOT be used to extend our vision?

A. Binoculars

B. Electron microscope

C. Astronomical telescope

D. Sunglasses

4. Which of the following descriptions about long sight is/are correct?

(I) Long-sighted people can see near objects clearly.

(II) Long sight can be treated by wearing spectacles with convex lens.

(III) Long sight can be caused by a short eyeball.

A. (II) only

B. (I) and (III) only

C. (II) and (III) only

D. (I), (II) and (III)


Jane Ivan Dennis

Jane and Ivan are using a simple string telephone to chat with each other. Dennis is

standing next to Ivan. Why can Ivan hear Jane’s voice but Dennis cannot?

A. Jane’s voice is transmitted through the string of the phone.

B. The vibrations cannot be transmitted from the paper cups to outside.

C. The vibrations are too weak when they reach Dennis.

D. Vibrations can be transmitted through both gases and solids.

6. There is a tuning fork which can produce a sound of 300 Hz. If there is another tuning

fork that is shorter, which of the following is a possible frequency of the sound it


A. 100 Hz

B. 200 Hz

C. 300 Hz

D. 400 Hz

7. Sound level can be measured by using a

A. speaker.

B. signal generator.

C. decibel meter.

D. hearing aid.

8. Which of the following are the functions of our brain?

(I) Motor function

(II) Detecting stimuli

(III) Coordination

A. (I) and (II) only

B. (I) and (III) only

C. (II) and (III) only

D. (I), (II) and (III)

9. Illusion can be caused by

(I) drinking alcohol.

(II) drug abuse.

(III) wrong interpretation of signals in the brain.

A. (I) and (II) only

B. (I) and (III) only

C. (II) and (III) only

D. (I), (II) and (III)

10. Which of the following is NOT an effect of drug abuse?

A. Cataract

B. Decreased heartbeat rate

C. Depression

D. Loss of memory

Fill in the Blanks (10 marks)

1. The (a)____________________ on taste buds detect the (b)____________________

in food and send (c)____________________ to the brain.

2. In a dark environment, the pupil becomes (a)____________________ so that more

(b)____________________ can enter the eyes.

3. There are three parts of our brain: (a)____________________,

(b)____________________ and (c)____________________.

4. A person sees a spider and decides to stay away from it. This is an example of the

(a)____________________ and (b) ____________________ functions of the brain.

Short Question (5 marks)

Look at the diagram showing Peter’s eyeball below.


(a) Peter is short-sighted. When he looks at a distant object, will the image of the object

be formed at A, B or C? (1 mark)


(b) When he looks at a near object, will the image of the object be formed at A, B or C?

(1 mark)


(c) Peter decides to wear a pair of spectacles to treat his short sight. By drawing the path

of light and the lens on the spectacles, show how the lens helps to focus the light

from a distant object in the eye. (3 marks)

Long Question (9 marks)

Alan gets a cold and he has a stuffy nose (鼻塞). He finds the food tasteless when he is

having dinner.

(a) A certain sense is weakened, leading to this situation. What is it? (1 mark)


(b) Describe how this sense is produced when the stimuli are detected. (3 marks)




(c) Why is this sense weakened when a person gets a cold? (3 marks)




(d) Besides this sense and the sense of taste, another sense can also help us distinguish

different foods. What is it? How does it help us? (2 marks)



Chapter 11 Quiz (Basic) Answer Sheet
Sensing the Environment

Name: ________________ Class: ___________ ( ) Result: ________________

Multiple Choice Questions

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______

6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______

Fill in the Blanks

1. (a) ______________________________

(b) ______________________________

(c) ______________________________

2. (a) ______________________________

(b) ______________________________

3. (a) ______________________________

(b) ______________________________

(c) ______________________________

4. (a) ______________________________

(b) ______________________________

Short Question

(a) ___________

(b) ___________


Long Question





Chapter 11 Quiz (Basic) Answers
Sensing the Environment

Name: ________________ Class: ___________ ( ) Result: ________________

Multiple Choice Questions

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C

6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A

Fill in the Blanks

1. (a) receptors

(b) chemicals

(c) signals

2. (a) larger

(b) light

3. (a) cerebrum

(b) cerebellum

(c) medulla (any order)

4. (a) sensory

(b) motor

Short Question

(a) A

(b) B


Long Question

(a) Sense of smell

(b) When chemicals in air enter our nose, they dissolve in the moist layer inside the nose.

The smell receptors in the nose are stimulated to produce signals. The signals are sent

through the nerve to the brain where the signals are interpreted to give us the sense of


(c) When a person gets a cold, the amount of mucus inside the nose increases. The mucus

blocks the chemicals in food from reaching the receptors in the nose. Thus the sense of

smell is weakened.

(d) Sense of sight. It can help us distinguish the kinds of food by their appearance and



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