The Story of Cinderella
The Story of Cinderella
The Story of Cinderella
When Cinderella entered the palace, everyone was stunned by her beautiful face. In fact, no one
recognized her because she was so different. Cinderella was so pretty with the dress and the glass
slippers. A handsome prince also saw Cinderella and he fell in love. He met Cinderella and asked, “Do
you want to dance?” And she said, “yes, I want to dance with you”. Prince and Cinderella danced during
the night and she was so happy at that night. She forgot the fairy godmother warning that she should go
home in the middle of the night. At the last moment, Cinderella remembered her promise to the fairy
godmother and went home. “I must go!”, said her. She ran quickly and one of her glass slippers left but
she did not come back to pick it up.