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Test Report



Brand Name: SERVO

Model No: AMS/ 03-2K21/ 2889

Prepared by: J C KATARIA


Plot No. 1902, G.I.D.C., Phase IV, Vithal Udhyognagar – 388121
Phone N0. (02692) (O) 230517


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EN 61558-2
Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products — Part
1: General requirements and tests
EN 61558-2
Part 2: Particular requirements and tests for variable transformers and power supply
units incorporating variable transformers
Report No. ....................................... :

Tested by (name + signature).......... : .............................

Approved by (name + signature) ..... : ......................................................

Date of issue .................................... :

Testing Laboratory........................... :

Address ............................................ :

Testing location................................ :
Applicant’s name ........................... :
Address ............................................ :

Test specification:
Standard .......................................... : IEC 61558-2-12:2011 Used in conjunction with
EN 61558-1:2005+A1:2009
Test procedure ............................... .: LVD
Non-standard test method…….…..: N/A
Test item
Description ……………………..……: 120KVA DIGITAL SERVO STABILIZER (OIL COOLED),
Trademark …………………….….…:
Model and/or type reference…….…:
Rating(s) ………………………..……: Input: 160-250Vac, 50/60Hz;
Output: 210-230Vac, 50/60Hz, 72.7A Max;
Capacity: 20KVA
Manufacturer ……………………..….:

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Particulars: test item vs. test requirements

Protection electric shock…………………………..: Class I equipment

Short-circuit protection…………………...………..: --

Protection against ingress of water …………….: IP20

Equipment mobility ………….……..……………: Stationary

Operation condition …………………………..….: Continuous

Intended use………………………………………: Variable auto transformer

Mass of equipment (kg) .......................................: --

Possible test case verdicts:

- test case does not apply to the test object …..: N/A

- test object does meet the requirement …….: P (Pass)

- test object does not meet the requirement ..: F (Fail)

General remarks:
The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested.
This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Issuing testing
laboratory. "(see Enclosure #)" refers to additional information appended to the report.
"(see appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report.

Throughout this report a comma / point is used as the decimal separator.

When determining for test conclusion, measurement uncertainty of tests has been considered.
The test report only allows to be revised only within the report defined retention period unless standard or
regulation was withdrawn or invalid.
The test sample(s) was(were) provided by client.
The clause which indicated with * is the subcontract test item. (if there is subcontracting test)
General Product Information

Mark 1: All modes were based on Model no.

Mark 2: All models are the same except the power.

Model no. Input: 160-250Vac, 50/60Hz; Output: 210-230Vac, 50/60Hz, 36.3A Max;
Capacity: 10KVA
Model no. Input: 160-250Vac, 50/60Hz; Output: 210-230Vac, 50/60Hz, 54.5A Max;
Capacity: 15KVA

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Copy of marking plate:

Paste here the plate picture

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

The transformer shall cause no damage to P
persons or surroundings.


The performed according to Cl. 5, e.g. nature P
of supply, sequence of testing, etc.

6.101 The rated output voltage shall not exceed P

– 1 000 V a.c. or 1 415 V ripple-free d.c. for Variable auto transformer: P

variable auto- and separating transformers; 210-230Vac
– 500 V a.c. or 708 V ripple-free d.c for variable N/A
isolating transformers; the rated output voltage may
exceed these limits in order to be in accordance
with the national wiring rules, however, it shall not
exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 415 V ripple free d.c.;

– 250 V a.c. for portable autotransformers, N/A

portable separating transformers and independent
isolating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. for N/A

variable safety isolating transformers.
The rated output voltage shall exceed: N/A

– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c. for variable N/A

independent auto- and independent separating
transformers. (EN61558-2-14)
6.102 The rated output shall not exceed the P
following, (EN61558-2-14)

– 40 kVA for single-phase Single-phase variable P

variable auto-transformers; auto-transformer: 20KVA
– 200 kVA for poly-phase N/A
variable auto-transformers;
– 1 kVA for single-phase variable N/A
separating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

– 5 kVA for poly-phase variable N/A

separating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

– 25 kVA for single-phase variable N/A

isolating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

– 40 kVA for poly-phase variable N/A

isolating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

– 10 kVA for single-phase variable safety N/A

isolating transformers; (EN61558-2-14)

– 16 kVA for poly-phase variable safety N/A

isolating transformers. (EN61558-2-14)
Transformers without limitation of the rated output N/A
shall be subject to agreement between the
purchaser and the manufacturer. (EN61558-2-14)
6.103 The rated supply and internal operational Not exceed 500 Hz P
frequencies shall not exceed 500 Hz. (EN61558-2-
6.104 The rated supply voltage shall not exceed 1 000 160-250Vac P
V a.c. (EN61558-2-14)

7.1 Transformers are classified according to P
protection against electric shock: Class I, II, III
7.2 According to protection against abnormal use : P
-inherently short-circuit proof N/A
-non-inherently short-circuit proof N/A
-non-short-circuit proof P
-fail safe N/A
7.3 According to protection against harmful ingress IP20 P
of water in according with IEC 529:
7.4 According to their mobility: Fixed transformer P
7.5 According to their time of operation Continuous P
7.6 According to their intended use: Associated P
7.7 Optionally, tw N/A
7.8 According to the environmental conditions where P
they are intended to be used:
normal environment P
special environments N/A


8.1 Transformer marked with: P
a) rated supply voltage or voltage range (V) .......... : 160-250Vac P

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

b) rated output voltage range in volts or 210-230Vac P

kilovolts; (EN61558-2-14)
For transformers incorporating a rectifier, the rated N/A
output voltage range after the rectifier shall be
marked with the arithmetic mean value. If, however,
the output voltage is given as an r.m.s. value, this
shall be stated. (EN61558-2-14)
c) rated output (VA, kVA or W)................................ : 20KVA P
d) rated output current (A) ....................................... : 72.7A Max P
e) rated frequency (Hz)............................................ : 50/60Hz P
f) rated power factor (if not 1) .................................. : 0.8 P
g) symbol or abbreviation AC for alternating AC P
current or DC for direct current output;
h) Relevant graphical symbols shown in 8.11 P
indicating the kind of transformers; (EN61558-2-14)
i) manufacturer's name or trademark GUANGDONG EAST P
j) model or type reference ZTY-20KVA P
k) vector group according to IEC 60076-1 (for N/A
three-phase transformer if required);
l) symbol for class II construction, for class N/A
II transformers only;
m) symbol for class III construction, for class III N/A
transformers only;
n) index IP (if not IP00) or ordinary transformer IP20 P
o) rated max. ambient temperature ta (if not 25℃) : 40℃ P
p) rated minimum ambient temperature tamin ,if N/A
lower than + 10 °C and if a temperature sensitive
device is used.
q) short-time operation or intermittent N/A
operation: rated operating and resting time
r) for tw-marked transformers N/A
s) transformers to be used with forced air cooling N/A
where the fan is not a part of the transformer shall
be marked with “AF” followed by the air speed
t) purchaser with the following information N/A
for stationary transformers with a rated output Fixed transformer N/A
exceeding 1 000 VA, the short-circuit voltage
expressed as a percentage of the rated supply
the electrical function of the transformer N/A
8.2 Marking for transformers IP00 or for associated P
transformers: type and trademark, instruction sheets

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

8.3 Adjusted voltage easily and clearly discernible P

8.4 For each tapping or winding: rated output voltage 210-230Vac P
and rated output
8.5 Symbol for short-circuit proof transformers or Non-short-circuit proof N/A
non-inherently short-circuit proof transformers
Rated current (A or mA) and symbol for time N/A
current characteristics of the fuses for non-
short-circuit proof transformer with incorporated
fuses and non-short-circuit proof transformer ........ :
Manufacturer's model or type reference and rating N/A
of the device for non-inherently short-circuit proof
transformers with incorporated replaceable
protective device (other than fuses)
8.6 Terminals for neutral: "N" P
Terminal for earthing P
Terminals of input and output windings shall be P
clearly identified.
If any point of a winding or a terminal is connected N/A
to the frame or core, it shall be marked with the
relevant symbol
8.7 Clearly marking indicating the manner in which P
the transformer shall be connected;
8.8 Instruction sheet for type X, Y, Z attachments N/A
8.9 Transformer for indoor use shall be marked on P
the label or in the instruction sheet with the
words: "for indoor use only"
8.10 Symbol for Class II construction not confused N/A
with maker's name or trademark
8.11 Correct symbols are used P
8.12 Figures, letters or other visual means for different P
positions of regulating devices and switches
OFF position indicated by figure 0 P
Greater output, input etc. indicated by higher figure P
8.13 Marking not on screws or other easily P
removable parts
Marking clearly discernible (transformer ready P
for use)
Marking for terminals clearly discernible if P
necessary, after removal of the cover
Marking for interchangeable protective devices N/A
clearly discernible after removal of cover and
protective device
8.14 Special information for installation if necessary N/A
8.15 Marking durable and easily legible P

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

8.101 An instruction sheet showing the method of P

operation, use and maintenance shall be
supplied with each transformer (EN61558-2-14)
If the variable transformer is not short-circuit proof, P
the information shall be given in the instruction
sheet for use. (EN61558-2-14)
The overload protection and short-circuit protective P
devices in the primary circuit of variable
transformer cannot provide adequate overload
protection in the secondary circuit. It is, therefore,
always necessary to provide secondary circuit
protection. (EN61558-2-14)
8.102 The short-circuit voltage at a certain position of the P
current collector shall be marked, when it is subject
to an agreement between purchaser and
manufacturer. (EN61558-2-14)


9.1 Protection against contact with hazardous live parts P
9.1.1 A live part is not a hazardous live part if it is P
separated from the supply by double or reinforced
insulation and the requirements of or are met when the transformer is supplied at
rated supply voltage. The voltage shall not exceed 35 V a.c. peak or 60 P
V ripple free d.c. Where the voltage exceeds 35 V (peak) a.c. or 60 N/A
V ripple free d.c., the touch-current shall not

– for a.c.: 0,7 mA (peak)

– for d.c.: 2,0 mA. The discharge shall not exceed 45 µC for stored N/A

voltages between 60 V and 15 kV, or The energy of discharge shall not exceed 350 mJ N/A
for stored voltages exceeding 15 kV.
9.1.2 Transformers shall be constructed to P
provide adequate protection against
accessibility to hazardous live parts.
Class I and II transformers shall be so constructed P
and enclosed that there is adequate protection
against accidental contact with hazardous live parts.
For class I transformers, accessible parts shall be P
separated from hazardous live parts by at least
basic insulation.

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

Class II transformers shall be so constructed and N/A

enclosed that there is adequate protection against
accessibility to basic insulation and to conductive
parts separated from hazardous live parts by basic
insulation only
Hazardous live parts shall not be accessible N/A
after removal of detachable parts except for:

– lamps having caps larger than B9 and E10

– type D fuse-holders.

The insulating properties of lacquer, enamel, P

paper, cotton, oxide film
openings in class II transformers, and openings in N/A
class I transformers other than those in conductive
parts connected to a protective earth terminal
It shall not be possible to touch bare hazardous live P
parts or hazardous live parts protected only by
lacquer, enamel, paper, cotton, oxide film or sealing
9.1.3 Non hazardous live parts of the output circuit P
isolated from the input circuit by double or
reinforced insulation may be accessible under the
following conditions:
for no-load output voltages not exceeding 35 V peak N/A
a.c. or 60 V ripple-free d.c., both poles may be
for no-load output voltages exceeding 35 V peak P
a.c. or 60 V ripple-free d.c. and not exceeding 250
V a.c., only one of the poles may be accessible.
9.2 For transformers with a primary supply plug, the N/A
pins of the plug shall not be hazardous live
measured 1s after withdrawal of the plug.
For transformers without a primary supply plug, P
the terminals provided for connecting the
transformer to the supply source shall not be
hazardous live measured 5 s after disconnection of
the supply source.
if the nominal capacitance across the pins does N/A
not exceed 0,1 µF, no test is conducted.
The primary supply switch of the transformer, if N/A
any, is in the off-position, unless it is more
unfavourable in the on-position.
The test shall be carried out 10 times or with a P
device used to switch off at the most unfavourable
electrical angle of the supply voltage.

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

The voltage is measured between the input P

terminals or between the supply leads or between
the pins of the supply plug used for the connection
to the supply source after 1 s or 5 s.
If the voltage exceeds 60 V ripple free d.c., the N/A
discharge is measured in the same conditions
and shall not exceed 45 µC.


Voltage setting not possible to change without a N/A
Indication of input voltage when ready for use. N/A


11.1 Difference from rated value (without rectifier; with rectifier): P
a) inherently short-circuit proof transformers with N/A
one rated output voltage for output voltage:

b) inherently short-circuit proof transformers with N/A

one more than 1 rated output voltage for highest
output voltage:
c) different for other output voltages: N/A
d) other transformers for output voltages: P
For transformers with rectifiers, the N/A
above percentage values are raised by
11.101 When the transformer is connected to the rated P
supply voltage, at the rated supply frequency, and
loaded with the rated output current, at the rated
power factor, the maximum output voltage shall not
differ from the rated value by more than 10 % at the
highest output voltage. (EN61558-2-14)
The output voltage is measured when the P
transformer is connected to the rated supply
voltage, at the rated supply frequency, and loaded
with the rated output current, at the rated power
factor and with the current collector in a position
which will produce the highest voltage drop in
steady state condition. In case of variable auto-
transformer, the measurement is made with the
current collector in the middle of the input winding.
The current collector should be placed in the N/A
most unfavorable position when tapings or
elevated voltage are included in the
construction. (EN61558-2-14)

12 NO-LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE (see supplementary requirements in Part 2) P

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

The no-load output voltage is measured when the P

transformer is connected to the rated supply voltage
at the rated supply frequency at ambient
temperature. (EN61558-2-14)
12.101 The no-load output voltage shall not P
exceed: (EN61558-2-14)

– 1 000 V a.c. or 1 415 V ripple-free d.c for P

auto- and separating transformers; (EN61558-2-
– 500 V a.c. or 708 V ripple-free d.c for isolating N/A
transformers. The no-load output voltage and the
rated output voltage may be up to 1 000 V a.c. or
1 415 V ripple free d.c. for special applications;

– 50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c for N/A

safety isolating transformers(EN61558-2-14)
For independent transformers, this output voltage N/A
limitation applies even when output windings, not
intended for interconnection, are connected in
series. (EN61558-2-14)
The no-load output voltage shall exceed: N/A

– 50 V a.c. for variable independent auto- and N/A

variable independent separating transformers or
120 V ripple-free d.c.; (EN61558-2-14)

– variable independent auto- and variable N/A

independent separating transformers and power
supply units intended to be used by technically
skilled or trained personnel are considered as
associated transformers and associated power
supply units and may have a rated output voltage
less than 50 V a.c. (EN61558-2-14)
12.102 The difference between the no-load output P
voltage and the output voltage under load shall
not be excessive. (EN61558-2-14)


If there is a short-circuit voltage marking N/A
corresponding to a certain position of the current
collector, the measured short-circuit voltage shall
not deviate from the marked short-circuit voltage by
more than 20 %.(EN61558-2-14)

14.1 Transformers and their supports shall not P
attain excessive temperature in normal use.

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

The test and the measurements are made in a P

draught-free location having dimensions such that
the test results are not influenced. If the
transformer has a ta rating, the test is conducted
at ta ±5 °C
Portable transformers are placed on a dull black N/A
painted plywood support. Stationary transformers
are mounted as in normal use, on a dull black
painted plywood support. The support is
approximately 20 mm thick, and has dimensions
which are at least 200 mm in excess of those of the
orthogonal projection of the specimen on the
Transformers which are provided with integral pins N/A
intended to be introduced into fixed socket-outlets
Transformers with a protection index other than P
IP00 are tested in their enclosure.
Transformers with terminals for type X attachment N/A
with a specially prepared cord and for type Y and
type Z attachments shall have the connections
subjected to a pull of 5 N immediately before the
heating test is carried out.
Transformers are supplied at the rated supply P
voltage and loaded with an impedance producing
the rated output, at the rated output voltage and, for
a.c. current, at the rated power factor.
Associated transformers are operated under P
the conditions occurring when the appliance or
other equipment is operated under the
conditions of normal use as indicated in the
relevant specifications
The temperatures of windings are determined by P
the change of resistance method.
At the beginning of the test, the windings shall be at P
ambient temperature.
For transformers with more than one input or output N/A
winding, or a tapped input or output winding, the
results to be considered are those showing the
highest temperature.
Other temperatures are determined by means of Thermocouples P
thermocouples so chosen and positioned that they
have the minimum effect on the temperature of the
part under test.
The temperature rise on the heating elements of N/A
protective devices touching insulating material shall
also me measured
During and after the test, the electrical connections P
shall not be loose, creepage distances and
clearances shall not be reduced to less than the
values specified

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

14.2 Application of 14.1 or 14.3 according to the insulation system P

14.2.1 If the manufacturer has stated which class of N/A
insulation system has been used, the measured
temperature of the winding shall not exceed the
relevant value
14.2.2 If the manufacturer has not stated which class of P
insulation system has been used the measured
temperature of the winding shall not exceed the
14.2.3 If the manufacturer has not stated which class of N/A
insulation system has been used and the
measured temperature of the winding exceeds the
14.3 Accelerated ageing test for undeclared class of insulation system P
The specimens are subjected to 10 test cycles P
14.3.1 Heat run P
14.3.2 Vibration P

– duration: 30 min;

– amplitude: 0,35 mm;

– frequency range: 10 Hz, 55 Hz, 10 Hz;

– sweep rate: approximately one octave per

14.3.3 Moisture treatment for two days (48 h) P
14.3.4 All the following measurements and tests are P
made and conducted before the cycling and after
each complete cycle:

– the no-load input current or its ohmic value P

– the insulation resistance P

– a dielectric strength test P

– the test for transformers with a rated supply P

frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz
During the above tests, there shall be no P
14.101 The temperature of the winding at the P
winding/current collector point in its most
unfavorable position is measured by the use of
thermocouples or other suitable means and shall
not exceed the values(EN61558-2-14)


15.1 Transformers shall not become unsafe due to short P
circuits and overloads which may occur in normal
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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

1,1 times the rated supply voltage or supply voltage 1.1 times the rated supply P
between 0,9 times and 1,1 times the rated supply voltage
voltage for non-inherently short-circuit proof

– for inherently short-circuit proof transformers, N/A

by the tests of 15.2;

– for non-inherently short-circuit proof N/A

transformers, by the tests of 15.3;

– for non-short-circuit proof transformers, by P

the tests of 15.4;

– for fail-safe transformers, by the tests of 15.5; N/A

– for transformers combined with a rectifier, N/A

the tests of 15.2 or 15.3 are carried out twice

– for transformers with more than one output N/A

winding or a tapped output winding
For the tests of 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4, the P
temperatures shall not exceed the values
During the test, the transformer shall not emit P
flames, molten metal, poisonous or ignitable gas in
hazardous amounts, and temperatures shall not
exceed the values
After the tests, the insulation system, when it has P
cooled down to approximately ambient
temperature, shall withstand the dielectric strength
15.2 For inherently short-circuit proof transformers N/A
short-circuit of the output terminals until
steady- conditions.
15.3 For non-inherently short-circuit proof transformers N/A
15.3.1 short-circuit or output terminals N/A
15.3.2 If protected by a fuse according to IEC 60 269-2 N/A
or IEC 60 269-3 or a technically equivalent fuse,
transformer is loaded as in table 4.
15.3.3 If protected by a fuse according to IEC 60 127 N/A
or ISO 8820 or a technically equivalent fuse,
transformer is loaded as specified.
15.3.4 If protected by a circuit-breaker according to IEC 60 N/A
898 or a technical equivalent circuit-breaker, the
transformer is loaded as specified.
15.3.5 If protected by a protecting device other than stated N/A
in 15.3.2, 15.3.3, 15.3.4, the transformer is loaded
by a current equal to 0.95 times the value that
causes the device to operate.

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

15.3.6 During test 15.3.2, 15.3.3, 15.3.4 the fuse-link N/A

is replaced by a link with negligible resistance.
15.4 Non-short circuit proof transformers are tested as P
indicated in 15.3 with the current collector placed in
the most unfavorable position.(EN61558-2-14)
15.5 For fail-safe transformers: N/A
- Upri (V): 1,10 times rated supply voltage .............: N/A
- Isec (A): 1,5 times rated output current ................: N/A
- time until steady-state conditions t1 (h) ...............: N/A
- ....................: N/A
During the test: N/A
- no flames, molten material, etc. N/A
- temperature rise of enclosure 175 ℃ N/A
- temperature rise of plywood support 125℃ N/A
After the test: N/A
- electric strength (Cl. 18, 1 min, test voltage: 35% N/A
of specified value); no flashover or breakdown for
primary-to-secondary only for safety isolating,
isolating and separating transformer and for
primary-to-body for all kinds of transformer
- bare hazardous live parts not accessible by N/A
test finger through holes of enclosure

16.1 After tests of 16.2 and 16.3 and 16.4: P
- no damage P
- hazardous live parts not accessible by test pin P
according to 9.2
- no damage for insulating barriers P
- handles, levers, etc. Have not moved on shafts N/A
16.2 For stationary and portable transformers: 3 P
blows, impact energy 0,5 Nm
16.3 For portable transformers: 100 falls, 25 mm N/A
16.4 Portable Transformers with integrated pins, the following tests are carried out: N/A
a) plug-in transformers: tumbling barrel test: 50 N/A

b) torque test of the plug pins with 0,4 Nm N/A

c) pull force according to table 5 for each pin N/A

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

16.101 The transformer is loaded with an impedance N/A

producing the rated output current when the current
collector is set at the maximum output voltage
setting within the range.(EN61558-2-14)


17.1 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP N/A
The enclosure of a transformer shall provide the N/A
degree of protection against ingress of dust, solid
objects and moisture
Compliance is checked by the appropriate test N/A
specified in 17.1.1, and for other IP ratings by the
appropriate test specified in IEC 60529.
Transformers shall be mounted and wired as in N/A
normal use
Transformers not provided with an external flexible N/A
cable or cord are fitted with external wiring
fixed transformer intended for mounting with its N/A
body in contact with a surface shall be tested on a
Transformers with enclosure having provisions for N/A
draining water by means of drain holes shall be
mounted with the lowest drain hole open
Portable transformers wired as in normal use N/A
shall be placed in the most unfavorable position
of normal use
After completion of the tests, the transformer shall N/A
withstand the dielectric strength test specified in
18.3 and inspection shall show:
a) no deposit of talcum powder inside enclosures N/A
for dust-proof transformers
b) no deposit of talcum powder inside enclosures N/A
for dust-tight transformers
c) no trace of water on live parts N/A
d) no accumulation of water inside the enclosures N/A
of drip-proof, spray-proof, splash-proof and jet-proof
e) no water or trace of water entered inside the N/A
enclosure of a watertight transformer
f) no entry into the transformer enclosure by the N/A
relevant test probe for solid-object-proof
17.1.1 Tests on transformers with enclosure N/A

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

A Solid-object-proof transformer (first characteristic N/A

IP numeral 2)
B Solid-object-proof transformers (first N/A
characteristic IP numerals 3 and 4)
C Dust-proof transformers (first characteristic IP N/A
numeral 5)
D Dust-tight transformers (first characteristic IP N/A
numeral 6)
E Drip-proof transformers (second characteristic IP N/A
numeral 1)
F Drip-proof transformers (second characteristic IP N/A
numeral 2)
G Spray-proof transformers (second characteristic N/A
IP numeral 3)
H Splash-proof transformers (second characteristic N/A
IP numeral 4)
I Jet-proof transformers) N/A
J Powerful jet-proof transformers N/A
K Water-tight transformers (second characteristic N/A
IP numeral 7)
L Pressure watertight transformers (second N/A
characteristic IP numeral 8)
17.2 Transformers shall be proof against humid P
conditions which may occur in normal use.
The humidity treatment humidity maintained P
between 91 % and 95 %, 20 °C and 30 °C within 1
– two days (48 h) for transformers with P
protection index IP20, or lower;

– seven days (168 h) for transformers with N/A

other protection index
After this treatment and the tests of Clause 18, P
the transformer shall show no damage within the
meaning of this standard.


18.1 The test specified in 18.2 to 18.4 is made P
immediately after the test of 17.2
18.2 Insulation resistance according to table 7. See appended table P
18.3 Dielectric strength test according to table 8 See appended table P
18.4 U pri (V): 2 times rated input voltage; no load; P
frequency (Hz): 2 times rated frequency; duration
(min): 5 min .............................................................:
No breakdown between: P
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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

- turns of winding P
- input and output windings P
- adjacent input or output windings N/A
- windings and iron core P
During the test of insulation between winding it N/A
is allowed to isolate the current collector from
the windings.(EN61558-2-14)
18.5 Touch current and protective earth conductor P
The touch current and protective earth conductor P
current are measured with the transformer loaded
as described in Clause 14 and the measurements
are made at steady state condition.
18.5.1 Touch current P
The touch-current is measured with the switch p P
in both position and the following combination of
switches e and n:

– switches n and e in the on position; P

– switch n in the off position and switch e in the P

on position;

– switch n in the on position and switch e in the P

off position
18.5.2 Protective earth conductor current P
The protective earth conductor current is 0.1Ω P
measured with the transformer connected as
described in Clause 14
The protective earth conductor current (s) shall P
not exceed the values

19.1.1 Variable auto-transformers(EN61558-2-14) P Plug connected auto-transformers where the rated N/A
input voltage is higher than the rated output
voltage, shall not have any potential to earth at the
output socket higher than the rated output voltage.
(EN61558-2-14) Polarized input and output plug and socket- N/A
outlet system(EN61558-2-14)
In this case, an instruction shall be given for not N/A
using such a transformer with a non-polarized plug
and socket-outlet system. (EN61558-2-14) Polarity detecting device (for non polarized input N/A
and output plug and socket-outlet system)

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

A polarity detecting device shall only energize the N/A

output circuit when the potential to earth at the
poles of the output socket does not exceed the
rated output voltage. The contact separation of the
breaking device shall be at least of 3 mm in each
pole. (EN61558-2-14)
19.1.2 Variable separating transformers (EN61558-2-14) N/A The input and output circuits shall be electrically N/A
separated from each other, and the construction
shall be such that there is no possibility of any
connection between these circuits, either directly or
indirectly, via other conductive parts, except by
deliberate action. (EN61558-2-14) The insulation between the input and output N/A
winding(s) shall consist of at least basic insulation
(rated for the working voltage). (EN61558-2-14) For transformers with intermediate conductive parts N/A
(e.g. the iron core) not connected to the body and
located between the input and output windings, the
insulation between the intermediate conductive
parts and the input windings and between the
intermediate conductive parts and the output
windings, shall consist of at least basic insulation
(rated for the working voltage). (EN61558-2-14) Parts of output circuits may be connected N/A
to protective earth. (EN61558-2-14) There shall be no connections between the N/A
output winding and the body, unless

– for associated transformers - allowed by the

relevant end product standard. (EN61558-2-
14) Protection against direct contact with the live N/A
parts (contact path and drive) shall be ensured.
19.1.3 Variable isolating and safety isolating N/A
transformers(EN61558-2-14) The input and output circuits shall be electrically N/A
separated from each other, and the construction
shall be such that there is no possibility of any
connection between these circuits, either directly or
indirectly, via other conductive parts, except by
deliberate action. (EN61558-2-14) The insulation between input and output winding(s) N/A
shall consist of double or reinforced insulation
(rated for the working voltage). (EN61558-2-14)

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict For transformers with intermediate conductive parts N/A

(e.g. the iron core) not connected to the body and
located between the input and output windings the
insulation between the input windings and any
intermediate conductive parts shall consist of at
least basic insulation, and the insulation between
the output windings and any intermediate
conductive parts shall consist of at least
supplementary insulation (both basic and
supplementary insulations rated for the working
voltage). (EN61558-2-14) For class I transformers not intended for N/A
connection to the mains supply by means of a
(EN61558-2-14) There shall be no connection between output N/A
circuits and the protective earth, unless this is
allowed for associated transformers by the
relevant equipment standard. (EN61558-2-14) There shall be no connection between output N/A
circuits and the body, unless this is allowed for
associated transformers by the relevant equipment
standard. (EN61558-2-14) The input and output terminals for the connection N/A
of external wiring shall be so located that the
distance measured between the points of
introduction of the conductors into these terminals
is not less than 25 mm. If a barrier is used to
obtain this distance, the measurement shall be
made over and around the barrier which shall be
of insulating material and permanently fixed to the
(EN61558-2-14) Portable transformers having a rated output not N/A
exceeding 630 VA shall be class II. (EN61558-2-
In case of variable transformer intended to be used N/A
by technically skilled or trained personal, it is
allowed to have a class I transformer. (EN61558-2-
14) For transformers for connection to the mains by N/A
means of a plug of any type (incorporated or not),
the alternative with basic insulation plus protective
screening is not allowed. (EN61558-2-14)
19.2 Fiercely burning material shall not use in P
Wood not used as supplementary or P
reinforced insulation.
19.3 Portable transformer: short-circuit proof or fail-safe Not portable N/A
19.4 Class II transformers: contact between accessible No accessible metal parts N/A
metal parts and conduits or metal sheaths of
supply wiring impossible

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

19.5 Class II transformers: part of supplementary or N/A

reinforced insulation, during reassembly after
routine servicing not omitted, or cannot be removed
without being seriously damaged.
19.6 Class II and I transformers: creepage distances and P
clearances over supplementary or reinforced
insulation if wire, screw, nut, etc. become loose or
fall out of position not 50% specified values (Cl. 26)
19.7 Conductive parts connected to accessible N/A
conductive parts by resistors or capacitors shall be
separated from the hazardous live parts by double
insulation or reinforced insulation
19.8 Resistors or capacitors connected between hazardous live parts and accessible N/A
metal parts consist of at least two separate components or one class Y1 capacitor.
-Two resistors comply with 14.1 of IEC 60065 N/A
-Two capacitors complying with IEC 60384-14, N/A
class Y2.
-One capacitor complying with IEC 60384-14, N/A
class Y1.
19.9 Insulation between input and output shall P
be resistance to ageing.
Creepage N/A
19.10 If contact against hazardous live part is ensured by an insulating coating, N/A
the insulating coating shall pass:
a) ageing test N/A
b) impact test N/A
c) scratch test N/A
19.11 Handles, levers, knobs shall be separated from hazardous live part by N/A
supplementary insulation
19.12 Windings construction P
19.12.1 Precautions shall be taken to prevent: P
- undue displacement of input or output windings P
or turns thereof
- undue displacement of internal wiring or wires P
for external connection
- undue displacement of parts of windings or of P
internal wiring in the event of rupture of
19.12.2 If serrated tape is used as insulation, the N/A
reduced values of dti of table 13.C.1,D.1 may be
19.12.3 Insulated windings wires, shall meet the following requirements N/A
a) Winding wire with basic or supplementary insulation: N/A
- N/A

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- the insulation of the conductor: two layers N/A

b) Winding wire with double or reinforced insulation: N/A
- comply with Annex K N/A
- the insulation of the conductor: three layers N/A
- two adjacent insulated wires are considered to N/A
be separated by double insulation.
c) Routine dielectric strength test by manufacturer: N/A

for insulating windings giving double or reinforced insulation the following N/A
additional test and requirements shall be fulfilled.

- thermal cycling test according to 14.3 N/A

- test according to 27.3 N/A
- Table 13, C.1,D.1, box 2) c), not applicable N/A
19.13 Handles, operating levers and the like shall be P
fixed in reliable manner, and not work loose
19.14 Covers providing insulation, shall be fixed by Enclosure is securely fixed P
two separate means.
19.15 Transformer with pins for fixed socket-outlets: N/A
no strain on socket-outlet
Additional torque 0,25 Nm N/A
19.16 Portable transformer ≤ 200VA, shall be an ordinary N/A
transformer or IP 20 or higher.
Ordinary transformer and transformer with IP X0 N/A
shall state in instruction sheet that the transformer
is only for indoor use.
Portable transformer > 200VA but ≤ 2.5 kVA N/A
(single-phase) or ≤ 6.3 kVA ( poly-phase),
≥ IP X4
Portable transformer > 2.5 kVA (single-phase), or > N/A
6.3 kVA ( poly-phase), ≥ IP 21
19.17 Transformers IPX1-IPX6 shall have a drain hole N/A
(diameter 5 mm or 20 mm² with width 3 mm);
drain hole not required for transformer completely
filled with insulating materials
Transformers IPX7 totally enclosed N/A
19.18 Transformers ≥IPX1 with a molded, if any N/A
19.19 Class I transformers with a non-detachable flexible N/A
cable or cord with earthing conductor and a plug
with earthing contact
19.20 Live parts of SELV and PELV-circuits shall be P
electrically separated from each other and
other circuits.
19.20.1 Live part of SELV-circuits shall not be connected to: P

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-Earth P
-Live part P
-Protective conductors forming part of other circuits P
19.20.2 Protection against PELV-circuits by insulation N/A
withstanding test as double or reinforced
insulation according to table 8.
19.21 Protection against FELV-circuits by insulation N/A
corresponding to the minimum test voltage
required for the primary circuit.
19.22 No earthing in Class II transformers N/A
19.23 No earthing in Class III transformers N/A

Components such as switches, plugs, fuses, lamp (see appended table ) P
holders, capacitors and flexible cables and cords
shall comply with the relevant IEC standard as far
as it reasonably applies
20.1 Appliance couplers for mains supply shall comply N/A
with the IEC 60320 series for IPX0 transformers
and IEC 60320-2-3 or IEC 60309 for other
20.2 Automatic controls shall comply with IEC 60730 N/A
series and the appropriate parts 2 unless they are
tested with the transformer
20.3 Thermal links shall comply with IEC 60691 as far P
as reasonable.
20.4 Switches forming part of the transformer assembly N/A
shall comply with Annex F
20.5 There shall be no unsafe compatibility between the N/A
socket-outlets in the output circuit and a plug
intended for direct connection to a socket-outlet
which could be used for the input circuit in relation
to installation rules, voltages, and frequencies.
20.6 Thermal cut-outs, thermal links, overload N/A
relays, fuses and other overload protective
devices shall have adequate breaking capacity.
20.6.1 Fuses according to IEC 60127 and IEC 60269 N/A
are allowed to be continuously loaded by a
current not exceeding 1,1 times the rated value
20.7 Thermal cut-outs shall meet the requirements N/A
of and 20.7.2, or and 20.7.2.
20.7.1 Requirements according to IEC 60730-1 N/A Thermal cut-outs when tested as separate N/A
components shall comply with the appropriate
requirements and tests of IEC 60730-1

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict A thermal cut-out when tested as part of N/A

a transformer shall:

– have at least micro-interruption (type 1C or type N/A

2C) or micro-disconnection (type 1B or 2B)
according to IEC 60730-1;

– be aged for 300 h N/A

– be subjected to a number of cycles of N/A

automatic operation
The tests are carried out on three samples N/A
After the tests, there shall be no damage to the N/A
thermal cut-out and the transformer in the sense of
this standard
20.7.2 Thermal cut-outs shall have adequate N/A
breaking capacity A transformer with a non-self-resetting thermal N/A
cut-out is supplied at 1.1 times rated input voltage
and the output terminals are short-circuited until
the thermal cut-out operates A transformer with a self-resetting thermal cut-out N/A
is supplied at 1,1 times the rated input voltage with
the output terminals short-circuited A PTC resistor of indirect heating type is N/A
considered to be a non-self-resetting thermal
cut-out by this standard.
20.8 Thermal-links shall be tested in one of the P
following two ways.
20.8.1 The thermal-links, when tested as separate P
components, shall comply with the requirements
and tests of IEC 60691

– the electrical conditions P

– the thermal conditions P

– the ratings of the thermal-link P

– suitability of the sealing compounds, P

and impregnating fluids or cleaning
20.8.2 The thermal-links when tested as part of a N/A
20.9 Self-resetting thermal protective devices shall not N/A
be used unless no mechanical, electrical, or other
hazards occur from their operation during and
after the tests of this standard
20.10 Thermal cut-outs intended to be reset by soldering N/A
operation shall not be used for overload protection

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

20.11 Overload protective devices shall not operate when P

the supply voltage is switched on

21.1 Internal wiring and electrical connections protected P
or enclosed
Wireways smooth and free from sharp edges P
21.2 P
1,5mm) or bushings of insulating material
21.3 Bare conductors: distances adequately maintained N/A
21.4 When external wires are connected to terminal, P
internal wiring shall not work loose
21.5 Insulation of heat-resistant and non- N/A
hygroscopic material for insulated conductors
subject to temperature rise > limiting values
given in 14.2


22.1 Cables, cords and connecting means referred P
in clause 22 shall have appropriate ratings
22.2 Input and output wiring inlet and outlet openings N/A
for external wiring: separate entries without
damage to protective covering of cable or cord
Input and output wiring inlet and outlet openings for N/A
flexible cables or cords: insulating material or
bushing of insulating material
Bushings for external wiring: reliably fixed, not N/A
such they are likely to be damaged.
22.3 Fixed transformer: P
- possible to connect after fixing P
- Appliance inlets not allowed on permanently N/A
connected to fixed wiring.
- fitting of cover without damage to conductors P
- contact between insulation of external supply P
wires and live parts of different polarity and live
parts of output circuit not allowed
22.4 Portable transformer other than direct plug-in N/A
shall have power supply cord.
Length of cord 2 to 4 m, except for transformer N/A
that are allowed to have cross-sectional area of
22.5 Power supply cords of both transformers with N/A
protection index of IPX0 and transformers for
“indoor use only” with protection index higher than
IPX0, shall be as follows:
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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

– for transformers with a mass not exceeding 3 kg N/A

– for transformers with a mass exceeding 3 kg N/A

22.6 Power supply cords may be cord sets fitted with N/A
appliance couplers in accordance with IEC 60320,
provided the transformers are single-phase
portable transformers with input current not
exceeding 16 A at the rated output
22.7 Nominal cross-sectional area (mm²); input current N/A
(A) at rated output not less than shown in table 9
22.8 Class I transformer with Power supply cord: N/A
green/yellow core connected to earthing
Plug for single-phase transformer with input current N/A
at rated output 16 A according to IEC 60 083, IEC
Plug for other portable transformers complying N/A
with IEC 60309
22.9 Type X, Y, or Z attachments allowed N/A
22.9.1 For type Z attachment: molding enclosure and N/A
Power supply cord cable do not affect insulation of
22.9.2 Inlet openings or inlet bushing: without risk of N/A
damage to protective covering of Power supply cord
Insulation between conductor and enclosure: N/A
- for Class I transformer: insulation of conductor N/A
at least basic insulation
- for Class II transformer: insulation of conductor N/A
at least double or reinforced insulation
22.9.3 Inlet bushings: N/A
- no damage to Power supply cord N/A
- reliably fixed N/A
- not removable without aid of tool N/A
- not be natural rubber, except as an integral part N/A
of cord for type X with a special cord and type Y
and Z for class I transformer.
22.9.4 For transformers with cords which are moved while operating: N/A
- cord protected against excessive flexing. N/A
-cord guard of insulating material N/A
-cord guard reliably fixed N/A
-flexing test ad shown in figure 7, loaded with 10 N N/A
if cord area ≥ 0.75 mm2 , 5 N for others, flexing
20000 times for Z attachments, 10000 for others.

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

22.9.5 Transformer for use with external flexible cable or N/A

cord shall have cord anchorage that relief from
strain, twisting and abrasion.
- glands in portable transformers not used unless N/A
possibility for clamping all types and sizes of
- molded-on designs, tying the cable into a knot N/A
and tying the end with string not allowed
- labyrinths, if clearly how, permitted N/A
Cord anchorage for type X attachment: N/A
- replacement of cable easily possible N/A
- protection against strain and twisting clearly how N/A
- suitable for different types of cable unless only N/A
one type of cable for transformer
- the whole flexible cable or cord with covering can N/A
be mounted into the cord anchorage
- if tightened or loosened no damage N/A
- no contact between cable or cord and accessible N/A
or electrically connected clamping screws
- cord clamped by metal screw not allowed N/A
- one part securely fixed to transformer N/A
- screws do not serve to fix any other N/A
component unless if omitted or incorrectly
mounted the transformer is inoperative or
clearly incomplete; compliance or parts not
removable without tool
- for Class I transformer: insulating material N/A
or insulated from metal parts
- for Class II transformers: insulating material N/A
or supplementary insulation from metal parts
Cord anchorages for type X, Y, Z attachments: cores of external flexible cable or N/A
cord insulated from accessible metal parts by:
- basic insulation (Class I transformers) N/A
- supplementary insulation (Class II transformers) N/A
Cord anchorages for type X with special cord and Y attachments: N/A
- replacement of external flexible cable or cord N/A
does not impair compliance with standard
-cable capable of being mounted into the N/A
cord anchorage
-cord unlikely to be damaged when tightened N/A
and loosened.
-cord not clamped by screws directly on cord N/A
-knots in cord not used. N/A
- labyrinths, if clearly how, permitted N/A

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

-protection against strain and twisting N/A

-not possible to push cable into transformer N/A
- N/A
- mass (kg); pull (N); torque (Nm)............................: N/A
-during test: cable not damaged N/A
- after test: longitudinal displacement 2 mm for
cable or cord and 1 mm for conductors in terminals
specified in Cl. 26
22.9.6 Space for supply cables or Power supply cord cable for fixed wiring and for type X,
and Y attachments:
- before fitting cover, possibility to check
correct connection and position of conductors
- cover fitted without damage to supply cords N/A
- for portable transformers: contact with
accessible metal parts if conductor becomes
loose not allowed unless for type X, Y
attachments terminations of cords do not slip free
of conductor
For fixed wiring and for type X attachment and for connection to fixed wiring, in
- conductor easily introduced and connected N/A
- Access to terminal for external conductor only
after removal of cover with aid of tool


23.1 Transformers intended to be permanently N/A
connected to fixed wiring, and transformers other
than those provided with external flexible cords
with type Y or Z attachments shall be provided
with terminals in which connection is made by
means of screws, nuts or equally effective
Terminals that are an integral part of the N/A
transformer shall comply with IEC 60999-1 under
the conditions prevailing in the transformer.
For transformers with type X attachment, N/A
For transformers with type Y and Z attachments N/A
23.2 Terminals for type X attachment with a special N/A
cord, and types Y and Z attachments shall be
suitable for their purpose
23.3 Terminals other than Y and Z attachment: the N/A
terminal not work loose, no stress on internal
wiring, cr. cl not reduced below values in 26 during
normal use.

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

23.4 Terminals other than Y and Z attachment: clamped N/A

with sufficient contact pressure, and without
damage to the conductor
23.5 Terminals for fixed wiring and for type X N/A
attachment: located near the associated terminal
for the different polarity and earthing terminal, if
23.6 Terminal blocks not accessible without the aid of N/A
a tool
23.7 Terminals for X attachment: stranded conductor (8 N/A
mm) not in contact with accessible metal part (
class I transformer ) or metal part separated by
supplementary insulation ( class II transformer)
23.8 Terminals without pressure plate shall be provided N/A
with at least two clamping screws if the current
exceeds 25 A
23.9 Terminal screws, other than screws of terminals for N/A
the connection of protective earth conductors shall
not come into contact with any accessible
conductive parts


24.1 Class I transformers: accessible parts connected to P
earthing terminal which may become live in the
event of an insulation fault
Class II transformers: no provision for earthing N/A
24.2 Protective earthing terminal for connection to fixed N/A
wiring and for type X attachment transformers:
comply with Cl. 23, adequately locked, not possible
to loosen without a tool
24.3 No risk of corrosion from contact between metal P
of earthing terminal and other terminal
In case of earthing terminal body of Al, no risk P
of corrosion from contact between Cu and Al
Body of earthing terminal or screws/nuts of brass or P
other metal resistant to corrosion
24.4 Resistance of connection between earthing terminal P
and metal parts 0,1Ω with a min. 25A or 1,5times
rated input current at 1min
24.5 Class I transformers with external flexible cables or N/A
cords shall the current-carrying conductors
becoming taut before the earthing conductor


25.1 Screwed connections withstand mechanical P

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

Screws transmitting contact pressure or likely to be N/A

tightened by the user or having a diameter <
2,8mm, shall screw into metal
Screws of insulating material: not used for P
electrical connection
Screws not of insulating material if their P
replacement by metal screws can impair
supplementary or reinforced insulation
Screws to be removed (replacement etc. of cord) P
not of insulating material if their replacement by
metal screws can impair basic insulation
No damage after torque test: diameter (mm); P
torque (Nm); ten times
No damage after torque test: diameter (mm); N/A
torque (Nm); five times
25.2 Screws in engagement with thread of insulating material: N/A
- length of engagement 3mm + 1/3 crew diameter N/A
or 8 mm
- correct introduction into screw hole N/A
25.3 Electrical connections: contact pressure P
not transmitted through insulating material
25.4 In case of use of space-threaded (sheet N/A
metal) screws for connection of current-
carrying parts: clamping and locking means
Thread-cutting (self-tapping) screws used for the N/A
connection of current-carrying parts allowed if they
generate a full form machine screw thread and if
not operated by the user
Space-threaded and thread-cutting screws used N/A
for earthing continuity allowed if at least 2 screws
for each connection are used and it is not
necessary to disturb the connection in normal use
25.5 Screws for current-carrying mechanical connections P
locked against loosening
Rivets for current-carrying connections subject P
to torsion locked against loosening
25.6 After the test, the transformer and the glands P
shall show no damage


26.1 Creepage distance, clearances and distance P
through insulation not less than specified in table
26.2 Potting test if creepage distance per pollution N/A
degree 1.
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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

26.3 Distance through insulation shown in square N/A

brackets in box 2 and 7 of table 13, C1, D1 may be
sued if the insulation layer consist of at least three
layers, fulfills thermal material classification per
IEC60085 and IEC 60216 and pass the mandrel


27.1 Resistance to heat P
All parts of the transformer made of P
insulating material shall be resistant to heat
The test is not carried out for cables and small N/A
27.1.1 External accessible parts N/A
The test is carried out at a temperature of (70 ± 2) N/A
°C, or at a temperature of (T + 15 ± 2) °C where T
is the temperature of the relevant part during the
test of 14.2, whichever is higher
27.1.2 Internal parts P
Internal parts of insulating material retaining P
current carrying parts in position shall be resistant
to heat
The test shall be performed at a temperature of Connector : 125°C P
± 2) °C, or at a temperature of (T + 15 ± 2) °C
where T is the temperature of the relevant part
during the test of 14.2, whichever is higher
27.2 Resistance to abnormal heat under fault conditions P
Transformers with protection index IP20 or higher, N/A
under fault conditions, shall not act as a source
of ignition, and the insulation between the
windings shall not result in breakdown; moreover,
hazardous live parts shall not be accessible
Compliance is checked by the tests of 27.2.1 and N/A
27.2.2. This test is not required on fail
safe transformers as they are covered by
27.2.1 Portable transformers shall be placed on a dull N/A
black painted plywood support
Stationary transformers, not designed to be built N/A
in, shall be mounted in the most unfavorable
position under normal use
For this test, the input circuit shall be protected N/A
by a fuse or circuit-breaker with a rated current 10
times the rated current of the transformer, but at
least 16 A
The transformer, with its protective devices when N/A
applicable, shall be tested as specified above for
15 days but without load

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Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

For transformers with self-resettable protective N/A

devices, all the protective devices are short-
During the test, no flames shall occur, and the N/A
transformer shall not act as a source of ignition
for the surroundings
27.2.2 After the test of 27.2.1 and after cooling down N/A
to ambient temperature, the following applies.
a) Transformers where a definitive interruption in N/A
the input circuit has occurred shall withstand a
dielectric strength test, the test voltage being 35 %
of the values according to Table 8a of Clause 18
b) Transformers where no definitive interruption N/A
has occurred after the cycling test shall withstand
the test voltages according to Table 8a of Clause
27.3 Resistance to fire P
All parts of the transformer made of insulating P
material shall be resistant to ignition and spread of
27.3.1 External accessible parts N/A

– 650 °C for enclosures N/A

– 650 °C for parts retaining current carrying N/A

(keeping in position) parts in position and
terminals for external conductors which carry a
current up to 0,2 A during normal operation

– 750 °C for parts retaining (keeping in position) N/A

current carrying parts in position and terminals for
external conductors with fixed connection (e.g.,
soldering) which carry a current exceeding 0,2 A
during normal operation

– 850 °C for parts retaining (keeping in position) N/A

current carrying parts in position and terminals for
external conductors with non-fixed connection
which carry a current exceeding 0,2 A during
normal operation
27.3.2 Internal parts P

– 550 °C for internal insulating material not N/A

retaining (not keeping in position) current carrying
parts in position

– 650 °C for coil formers (bobbins) N/A

– 650 °C for parts retaining (keeping in position) N/A

current carrying parts in position and terminals for
external conductors which carry a current up to
0,2 A during normal operation

Page 33 of
EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

– 750 °C for parts retaining (keeping in position) N/A

current carrying parts in position and terminals for
external conductors with fixed connection (e.g.,
soldering) which carry a current exceeding 0,2 A
during normal operation

– 850 °C for parts retaining (keeping in position) Connector P

current carrying parts in position and terminals for
external conductors with non-fixed connection
which carry a current exceeding 0,2 A during
normal operation

27.4 Resistance to tracking N/A

For transformers with an IP rating other than N/A
IPX0, insulating parts retaining current carrying
parts in position shall have resistance to tracking
corresponding to at least material group IIIa if
they are exposed to pollution degree 3
No flashover or breakdown between electrodes N/A
shall occur before a total of 50 drops has fallen


Ferrous parts protected against rusting N/A


Methods of measuring creepage distances and P


Methods have to pick out samples for testing N/A
a series.


Clearance and creepage distance table for N/A
material group II ( 400<=CTI 600)


Clearance and creepage distance table for N/A
material group I ( >=CTI 600)

Glow-wire test is carried out in accordance with IEC P

Page 34 of
EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict


F.1 Test separately per IEC 1058 N/A
Tested as a part of apparatus and withstand the test N/A
specified in F.2, F.3 and F.4,


Test methods to specify the CTI index. N/A


H.5 General notes on test: N/A
H.5.1 All clause of part 1 apply to electronic circuits N/A
H.5.2. To avoid accumulation of stress resulting from test, N/A
it may be necessary to replace components.
H.15 Short-circuit and overload protection N/A
H.15.6 Electronic circuits shall be so designed and N/A
applied that it will not render the transformer to
become unsafe during fault condition
During and after test: no high temperatures, and N/A
the transformer shall comply with clause 15.1
H.15.7 Fault conditions are not made on circuits that is N/A
a low-power circuit or the protection against
electric shock does not rely on the electronic
H.15.8 Fault condition on electric circuits: N/A
a) short-circuit if cl, cr < clause 29 N/A
b) open circuit of a component N/A
c) short circuit of capacitor, unless they comply N/A
with IEC384-14
d) short-circuit of any two terminals of an N/A
electronic component as specified
e) any failure of an integrated circuit as specified N/A
During the test the transformer is supplied N/A
with 0.94-1.06 times the rated supply voltage
The test is carried out until steady condition N/A
If the transformer is incorporate an electronic circuit N/A
that operates to ensure compliance with clause 15,
the relevant test is repeated with a single fault
PTC and NTC is not short circuit if they is used N/A
within manufactured declared specification.
H.15.9 If a miniature fuse complying with IEC 127 secure N/A
the safety of the transformer the current shall be
measured during fault condition

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EN 61558-2

Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict

- if current < 2,1 times rated current, the test N/A

is repeated with the fuse short circuit.
- if current < 2,75 times rated current, the circuit N/A
is considered to be adequately protected.
- if current < 2,1 times rated current, the test is N/A
repeated with the fuse short circuit for the time:
30 min for a quick acting fuse and 2 min for time
lag fuse.
H.26.1 The distance on conductive pattern on printed N/A
circuit board between different polarity may be
reduced if the track index of the PTC is at least
material group IIIa to:-150 V/mm if protected
against dirt.
The distance may be less if the transformer N/A
complies with clause H.15 if the distance is short
H.26.2 Test is carried out at a temperature of 50K in N/A
excess of the maximum temperature measured in
clause 14 and 15.


K.1 Wingding shall be insulated with two or more N/A
K.2 The wire shall pass the following five test K.2.1 N/A
to K.2.5
K.2.1 Dielectric strength test, test 13 of IEC 851-5 applies N/A
K.2.2 Adherence and flexibility, test 8 of IEC 851-3 N/A
applies followed by test K.2.1
K.2.3 Heat shock, test 9 of 3.1 or 3.2 of IEC 851-6 N/A
applies followed by test K.2.1
K.2.4 Retention of dielectric strength after bending, test N/A
13 of 4.6.1 of IEC 851-5 applies followed by test
K.2.5 Resistance of abrasion, test 11 of IEC 851-3 is N/A
K.3 Routine test, the wire shall be subjected by the wire N/A
manufacturer to 100% dielectric strength testing
according to IEC 851-5

Page 36 of
11 TABLE: output voltage and output current under load; no-load output voltage P
Clause 11 12
rated output rated voltage sec. voltage delta Use Use V delta Use further
V V % no-load output no-load output information
Cl11 required
210-230Vac 160-250Vac 227 -1.3% 297 30.8%
Cl12 required

14 TABLE: heating P
t1 (℃) 25.0 --
t2 (℃) 25.1 --
Test voltage (V) 275VAC --
Winding temperature rise measurements: P
Parts dT (K) Limited
Metal enclosure 5.1 --
AC connector 10.4 --
Internal wire 18.9 105-40=65
PCB 22.7 130-40=115
Capacitor 30.6 105-40=65
Relay 25.7 --
Ambient 25.0 --
Temperature rise dT R1(Ω) R2(Ω) dT (K) Insulation
winding class
Transformer winding 1355 1604 58.7 --
Note: The temperature rise limit is based on max. ambient operating temperature 40℃.

15 TABLE: short-circuit and overload protection s.c= short circuit, d.c.=disconnect P

circuit, MUL=most unfavorable load)
ambient temperature (℃) .......................................: 25℃ —
No Component No Fault Test voltage Test time Fuse No Fuse result
(V) current
1 Transformer s.c 275Vac 1S --- -- Unit shut down, no hazards
2 Transformer overload 275Vac 4H --- -- No hazard.


Insulation resistance R between: R(MΩ) Require R(MΩ)
Basic insulation >50 2


Page 38 of
Appendix 5


Test voltage applied between: Test voltage (V) Breakdown

Basic insulation 2100 No

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