JeanAubry IsaacAlbeniz18601909 1917
JeanAubry IsaacAlbeniz18601909 1917
JeanAubry IsaacAlbeniz18601909 1917
Author(s): G. Jean-Aubry
Source: The Musical Times , Dec. 1, 1917, Vol. 58, No. 898 (Dec. 1, 1917), pp. 535-538
Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd.
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deeply of their own race, they are but the more human,
the more universal. point. But psychologically the tendency one w
other has especial significance. In seeking a p
His was one of the great, rare voices which, at rare
repose the falling fifth, since music became a f
intervals, earth gives to men to sing of the beauty of
earth and of the joys of mankind. speech, has exercised a supreme effect. The
divisions of the old Church Modes-Authentic and
Plagal-were provided with distinctive cadences, in
PRINCIPLES OF MODERN COMPOSITION. which the resting-point was approached from either
side of the fifth circle:
BY G. H. CLUTSAM. Authentic. Plagal.
(Continuedfrom November number, page 489.)