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Grades 1 to 12 School BONUAN BOQUIG NHS Grade Level Grade 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher MAY ANN P. MACARAEG Learning Area Philippine Politics and
Teaching Dates and Time Week1 Quarter 1st Quarter
Aug. 22-25/Aug. 29-Sept.1, 2022


August 22/29 August 23/30 August 24/31 August 25/September 1


The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political ideologies, power, states, nations, and
A. Content Standards globalization.

The learners shall be able to clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Articulate the definition of Explore the connection between the Recognize the Students differentiate government
Competencies/Objectives politics. and phenomenon (politics) and the method of value of politics. from governance.
Write the LC code for each Differentiate the various views on inquiry (Political
politics. Science) HUMSS_PG12-Ia-4 HUMSS_PG12-Ia-5
1.1 The meaning of politics. 1.1 The connection between 1.1 The value of 1.1 The difference between
II. CONTENT 1.2 Various views on Politics and Political Science. Politics. governance and government.


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

B. Other Learning Resources Philippines Politics and Philippines Politics and Philippines Politics and
Governance by: Rhene Governance by: Rhene Tabajen and Governance by:
Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma, Erlinda Pulma, Rhene Tabajen and Erlinda
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j Pulma
QK0Xbfel-M http://youtube/ukqBly7AZSc

A. Reviewing previous (5 minutes) (2 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes)
lesson or presenting the Teacher welcomes the class Think-Pair-Share
new lesson and introduces himself/herself. 4 Pics 1 Word: Four pictures will be Each student “KAW NA” . Name of the
Initializing… shown to students at a time. The should take a student will be flashed and will
Teacher tells the students: “I students shall find the connection of partner wherein be asked questions to review
am the teacher and I am the the pictures. A word that connects the partner A previous lessons.
boss in this class, so you will pictures will be guessed reviews information
have to follow me…” by the studen with partner B for 1
ts. minute and vice versa.
Pair and Share They have to discuss
Ask the students to pair with Answer: NATION what they think about
their seatmate and share what the phenomenon
they felt after hearing the (politics) and the
teacher’s remark.. method of inquiry
(Political Science)

Answer: DEBATE

B. Establishing a purpose for the (5 minutes) Video Clip (10 minutes) (4 minutes)
lesson Viewing Before teacher Role Group the class into four groups and A short video clip will be shown
plays a 5minute video ask them to identify an article from the (5 minutes) to present about government
clip, he poses the newspaper about politics based on the Picture Analysis and governance.
following questions: lesson taken yesterday. From their chosen The teacher presents http://youtube/ukqBly7AZSc
a. how did the speaker article, a representative from each group will a picture to the class.
define politics? have to share awareness our present The learners answers
b. what are the politics. the following guide
concepts cited to explain questions:
what politics is?
1. What can be
seen in the
2. What does the
picture depict?
C. Presenting (5 minutes) (10 minutes) ( 5 minutes ) (10 minutes)
examples/instances of Semantic Web Map Present a video clip that discusses A WORLD WITHOUT GRAFFITI .Each group will be
the new lesson Ask the students to give political science POLITICS: asked to write significant words
words associated to the The student will that will describe the video they
word “ Politics”. Ask: engage themselves saw on the cut-out paper and
Why do you think we study politics? What with an analysis of stick it to the wall.
are the differences and the connection different scenario in
between politics and Political Science? different type of
organization where in
the student can see
the value of politics.
1. Barangay
2. Classroom
3. Family
4. Work Colleagues
5. Peer (Barkadahan)
D. Discussing new concepts and (30 minutes) (8 minutes) (20 minutes) . (5 minutes)
practicing new skills #1 Based on the Semantic Group Mo, Post Mo: Group the With the aid of a power PICK MO ‘TO. Two representative
Web Map you have class to three teams. Concepts point presentation the from each group will have to pick and
conceptualized, define that define politics and Political teacher will identify one significant word which
politics in relation with Science are jumbled. Those discuss the following refers to government and another to
the terms provided by concepts are written separately governance.
the students. in pieces of bond paper which The values of politics.
will be given to each group. Each 4. Politics helps you to
Discussion: student is given the chance to know your rights
The meaning of politics post the concepts where they 5. Politics clarifies what
• Politics is the study belong, whether to politics or you yourself believe.
of (who gets what, when Political Science. A time limit is 3 .Politics is a living, breathing
and how) as Harold set on this game. subject.
Laswell states. 6. Politics helps you to
• Politics is the understand our nation’s
exercise of power, the - the actual process of how parties.
science of government, humans interact in 7. Politics prepares you
the making of collective groups for adult life.
decisions, the allocation - constitute man’s activities POLITICAL SCIENCE
of scarce resources and in the real world 8. the scientific study of politics
the practice of - the practices of elective 9. study of politics, political
deception and and non-elective political systems, and governments
manipulation. systems
10. focuses on the theory and
- the process by which practice of government
Characteristics of
people try to influence
politics the government 11. theory of state and
( Shieveley, 2013) government
- the process by which the
government decides 12. seeks to study the origin,
1. Politics always which policies will be nature and functions of the
involves the making of enacted state, government and its all
collective decisions for organs universal studied by
group of people. - the practice of state and
2. Those decisions are government
made by some - issues, problems, and
members of the group, activities taking place in
exercising power over society
other members of the -
E. Discussing new concepts and (5 minutes) Pass the Mic: Characteristics of good ( 7 minutes)
practicing new skills #2 The teacher will show in governance: The teacher will discuss with the aid
detail the different ( UNESCO for Asia and the of a power point presentation about
definitions of politics and Political Pacific) the concept of governance which is
Science. Each student will be 1. Participation defined as the process of decision-
asked to read the concept one- making and the process by which
2. Rule of Law
by-one while passing the mic. decisions are implemented. While
3. Transparency government is defined as the group
4. Responsiveness of people with the authority to govern
5.Consensus Oriented a country or state; a particular
6. Effectiveness and efficiency ministry in office. (Oxford
Accountability Dictionary)

F. Developing mastery (leads (7 minutes) (10 minutes) ( 5 minute ) (5 minutes)

to Formative Assessment Group Work: May Konek: The students will (GAME) Like or Unlike Read and recite. IT BULAGA! The
3) Politikanta be grouped to 6 teams. Each The students will be student will have to answer the
team will answer the question in presented with different question
The class is divided into four a manila paper. scenarios and they will stick under their table, if they got a
groups. Each group shall determine if it show the value smiley face then they WON and
think of a line from a Tagalog Ask: “Explain the connection or of politics or not. needs to answer the question on
song depicting political relation of politics and Political their paper.
statement. A representative Science.” I.
would present and explain to
the class what is political
about the song’s lyrics that
they have chosen.
G. Finding practical (5 minutes) (5 minutes) ((20 minutes) (10 minutes)
applications of concepts a. How would you use Ask the students: THE WORLD WITH The teacher will facilitate a
and skills in daily living the concepts in politics to POLITICS ROLE PLAYING. SYMPOSIUM where each group will
improve relationships with Why do you think that it is The student have to discuss the government
your family and friends? necessary for students who will be divided into 4 groups assigned to them (
b. How is politics aspire to be lawyers to take and will present how politics is MARCOS, C. AQUINO, ,RAMOS,
practiced in getting what Political Science? valued in each organization MACAPAGAL-ARROYO , B.
you want? assigned to them. AQUINO & DUTERTE) and the kind
of governance it practiced in the
1. Family Philippines.
10 pts - Content GUIDE QUESTIONS:
5 pts – Creativity 2. Classroom/ School
1. Is there a governance
5 pts – Showmanship 3. Peer (Barkadahan)
structure in place?
20 pts TOTAL 4. Barangay 2. If so, what it is? Does it work?
5. Work Place How does it work? How it can be
(colleagues) improved?
3. If not, what do you think might
be needed?
H. Making generalizations 2 minutes (5 minutes) (4 minutes) ( 5 minutes) Ask the students: What
and abstractions about The teacher will facilitate is the difference of government and
the lesson Ask the students: “Minute Papers” will allow an governance?

Politics is about human What is your own definition of end-of-class reflection in

relationships. It is how politics and of Political Science? which the students write GOVERNMENT is merely an
humans behave differently briefly to answer the instrument for the purpose of
when dealing with others Politics is the actual process of questions: “What did you governance while GOVERNANCE is
when there is cooperation, how humans interact in groups learn today?”” And What the exercise of political, economic,
competition and conflict. while political science is the questions do you still have?” and administrative authority to
*(and other social study of the fromer. manage a nation’s affairs..
interactions Governance embraces all of the
methods--- good and bad ----- the
societies use to distribute power and
manage public resources and
I. Evaluating learning (10 mins) (5 minutes) ( 7 min) ( 6 minutes)
QUIZ (True of False) Slogan Making
Essay: 1. Politics is the actual ( 5 groups) QUIZ(10 PTS.)In a ½ cross-wise
Song Analysis process of how humans Create a SLOGAN that will paper, the students will have to
interact in groups. established how the good illustrate a
A music video will be 2. Political Science is the politics can be applied in our VENN DIAGRAM of government and
played. Students will process by which people daily life. SLOGAN shall be governance.
analyze by answering the try displayed in the classroom for
question; “How is politics to influence their at least 2 weeks.
defined in Philippine setting government.
and what is your political The activity will be scored
3. Political science seeks to
view about the music with the following rubrics:
study the origin, nature
video?” and functions of the
State, Government and RUBRICS for the SLOGAN
Criteria for Grading its all organs. 10 pts - Relevance to the
Content - 60% (12 Topic
4. Politics is universal and is
points) 5 pts – Creativity
always the same.
Grammar - 20% (4 5 pts – Neatness
points) 5. Politics involve issues,
20 pts TOTAL
Clarity - 20% (4 problems, and activities
points) taking place in the
100% 20 society.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
J. Additional activities for Assignment: Bring any old Assignment: Review the lesson (3 minutes)
application or remediation newspaper for tomorrow’s
activity. ASSIGNMENT:
Ask the student to bring a picture of a
known political leader may it be local.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:


Teacher III



Principal III


Assistant Principal

Reviewed & Checked by:


Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level 11 or 12
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area Philippine Politics and
PLAN Governance
Covered Date Week 2 Semester First

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political ideologies, power, states,
A. Content Standards nations, and globalization

B. Performance The learners shall be able to clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied

1. Learning Identify the basic tenets of major political ideologies (i.e., Differentiate the political ideologies
Competencies/ liberalism, socialism, conservatism, etc.)
Objectives HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-6 HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-6

1. Define ideology and

political ideologies Identify the different Differentiate the political ideologies
2. Identify the different political ideologies
characteristics of ideology and its functions
2. Political Ideologies
II. CONTENT 2.1 The basic tenets of the major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism, conservatism, etc.)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning

Resource (LR)
B. Other https://m.youtube.com/watch? http”//www.peoplepress.org/quiz/
Learning v=vzszuwRgAE politicaltypology/
Politics Without Borders” by Mendoza and Politics
Politics Without Borders” by Melegrito, pages 24- 36 Politics Without Borders” Without
Mendoza and Melegrito, pages 24- by Borders”
36 Mendoza and Melegrito, by
pages 24- Mendoza
36 and
pages 24-

A. Reviewing (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Review Activity: (10 minutes) (5
previous Activity: “5 Minute Review”: Engage ACROSTIC: Let the students give characteristics Activity: Pick-tell: minutes)
lesson or students as partners to discuss and of ideology based from the letters of the word I- Jumbled pictures will be Activity:
presenting review material. D-EO-L-O-G-Y. available at the Three-
the new Procedure: teacher’s table and each Two-One
lesson 1. Pick a partner. One person is partner A Example: group will select a (3-2-1)
and the other is partner B. 2. Partner A I- initiates improvements and projects D- representative to pick Writing
reviews information with partner B for one evelops projects one and give them time Activity
minute. Partner A must talk for the entire one E- evolution of to collaborate their ideas
minute. After one minute, partner B reviews O- ffer solutions in relation
information with Partner A for one minute students
L- ead people to
without stopping. ideologies write: 3
O- rganize programs
3. Partners continue to switch jobs two and political ideologies. key terms
G- eared towards unity
more times, now for 30 seconds each. Example: from what
Y- outh working together
4. Partners now switch two more times they have
for 15 seconds each to sum up the lessons. just
1. Anarchism learned, 2
ideas they
2. Fascism would like
to learn
3. about, and
Socialism 1 concept
or skill
they think
4. Liberalism they have

B. Establishing (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5
a purpose Group Activity: “Kwentongbahay” Let the students take the Activity: 4 pics-1 word: minutes)
for the “Political Typology Quiz” Pictures that represent Activity:
lesson the different Colored
will be
Divide the class by giving by the Pew Research political ideologies: the teacher and each
numbers to each student Centre Example: student will pick one color
1 to 5. Have each Title: Are You Liberal or that represents his/her
student go to their group Conservative or own perspective of political
that has his/ her number. Somewhere in Between? ideology.
All students with number Blue- Anarchism
1 go to 1, etc. Ask the Yellow-Socialism
Instruction: Take the quiz below to find out at
students: How do your Pink-Liberalism
which point in the political spectrum are you more
parents manage your Green-Conservatism
oriented to. Give yourself a score of one (1) point
household? What are the Black- Fascism
if you agree, and a score of zero (0) point if you
things you wish to
disagree with each of the statements. If you are
change the way your
uncertain with your answer, then choose what
household is managed?
comes closest to your view.
Select a volunteer to
The quiz was
share their collaborated
efforts. adopted from the 1.
(Please see attached “Political Typology Quiz” by the Pew Research
rubric: Centre but was modified to apply to the Philippine
socio-political context. The full Political
Appendix D)
Typology Quiz can be
accessed online through
the link
. The interpretation of scores for the quiz is not



on any known or
used scale.
(Please see
Appendix A)

C. Presenting (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 ) (5 minutes)

examples/instances Present a video clip about ideologies. After taking the minutes Group themselves
of the new lesson (https://m.youtube.com/watch? quiz, students Jumble according to the papers
v=vzszuwRgAE). Remind the students before will be assessed Rearrange the words to find the
Words of the same color and
the video be presented in classthat based from if they are answers to the make them justify their
it, answer the following questions: conservative or questions choice. Select a
3.1. How do we acquire political beliefs? liberal based on correct representative from the
3.2. How people will be affected by these their scores from below: group to present their
beliefs? the Political
LIERALISMB insights.
Typology Quiz.
D. Discussing new (15 minutes) (5 minutes) (20 minutes) (20 minutes)
concepts and From the four (4) groups, conduct the activity Guide Questions: Present the different political Slogan-
practicing new skills entitled “Mix and Match”. The teacher will Ask the ideologies and their making:
#1 provide phrases based from the definitions of students, 1. perspectives of the state Let each group create
the following and the students will try to post What is through a power point their own slogan based
where these definitions belong. ideology? presentation. Provide the on political ideology
2. What are the students with a handouts. they belong.
A. IDEOLOGY different types of
a : a systematic body of concepts especially ideologies?
about human life or culture b : a manner or (Please see Appendix C) (Please see Appendix F
the content of thinking characteristic of an for the rubric)
individual, group, or culture c : the
integrated assertions, theories and aims that
constitute a socio-political program

d : is a more or less coherent

set of ideas that provides the
basis for organized political
action, whether this is intended
to preserve, modify or overthrow
the existing system of power.

B. Political Ideologies
• is a set of related beliefs
about political theory and
policy held by an individual,
group of individuals or a
particular social class
• political ideologies form the
basis of how they view the
world around them and the
proper role of government in
the world.
• (a)offer an account of the
existing order, usually in the
form of a ‘world-view’, (b)
advance a model of a
desired future, a vision of
the ‘good society’, and (c)
explain how political change
can and should be brought
about- how to get from A to
B. (Heywood 2003, 12)
E. Discussing new (10 minutes) (15 minutes)
concepts and practicing Discuss through a power Activity: Jumbled
new skills point presentation the Letters Students will
#2 different characteristics of be given set of
ideologies. jumbled letters and
• Ideologies provide an they will try to
explanation for problems compose the different
that confronts modern ideologies from it.
societies by providing Purpose: Introduce
futuristic visions.
different political
• Ideology is action- ideologies such as:
oriented. 1. Anarchism
• Ideologies mobilize a 2. Socialism
large number of people. 3. Liberalism
4. Conservatism
5. Fascism
After introducing the
different political
ideologies, please see
Appendix B for the
discussion of the
functions of Political
F. Developing mastery (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes)
(leads to Activity: “One-sentence Ask the students: “Compare and Contrast”
Formative summary” Oral Recitation Presentation of ‘Role Playing Have students describe different
Assessment 3) Summarize the definition of 1. What is the about political ideologies’. political ideologies. Compare and
ideology and political ideologies role to the state by generate list of similarities. Contrast
by doing “one- sentence each political (based from their assignment) the objects and generate a list of
summary”. Students are asked ideology? differences. Determine significant
to write a single summary 2. Can you see (Please see attached Rubric, likenesses and differences of
sentence that answers “( what any pattern or trend Appendix F) political ideologies.
and why ” questions about the among the five types
topic. of ideologies Political similaritie difference
regarding the role of ideologie s s
Possible answers: the state? s
What: For me, ideology is Ask: How would each
the thinking characteristic of ideology answer a
an individual, group, or question: Is the state
culture. Why: For me, a means to an end, or
Ideologies are important is the state the end in
because it provides an itself?
explanation for problems that
confronts modern societies
by providing futuristic visions.
( Please see attached Rubric
Individufor al Work, Appendix
G. Finding practical Ask : Ask: (5 minutes) Write a short biography to share
applications of How would each The teacher will enumerate with the class that addresses
concepts and skills 1. Compare the ideologies of ideology answer a different known organizations this guiding question:
in daily living your mother and father. question and the students will identify on
what political ideology/ 1. Why is this individual a
2. 2. Given such experience
“Political ideology Is ideologies they belong. great leader?
from your parents, who
among them are you in the state a means to 2. How is his/her political
favor? Why? an end, or is the state Example: belief linked to the
the end in 1. National Democratic Front Philippine politics?
itself?” (NDF)
2. Malayang Kilusan ng
Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA)-
3. Opus Dei (Work of God)- Rodrigo Duterte
4. Philosophical Association
of the
Philippines- liberalism

Ask: Which political ideology

best describes the nature of
democracy in the Philippines,
and why?
Benigno Aquino III

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

H. Making (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 Minutes) Sum (15 minutes)
generalizations Activity: DYAD Activity: BOGGLE It Up! Activity: KEY CHART
and abstractions 1. Ask the students to End the lesson by 1. Today I have learned that Using a chart, identify the major
about the lesson choose a partner and letting the students _____________________. key concepts of different political
share what they summarize the three 2. The topic that is NOT clear ideologies. Students will be
understand with these functions of political to me is/are grouped into 5.
words: ideology thru an ________________.
“To be clear: ideology is a activity entitled (Please see attached Rubric,
belief system with an “Boggle”. Appendix D)
inadequate Instructions:
basis in reality; religion is a 1. Allow
belief system with no basis, students two
in reality, whatever.” – minutes in which to
Martin Amis. review their notes.
2. Allow
students two
minutes in which to
jot down any facts
they can recall from
their notes 3. Allow
students two
minutes to share
information in their
group. Each
student can
add to his or her list
gained in this sharing
4. Allow one
student from each
group to move to
another group for two
minutes in order to
compare information.
Record a point for
every item your team
shares with another
(Teams who
accumulate the most
points may be
5. Allow teams
to share in large
group with the
teacher for two

(Please see attached

rubric, Appendix C)
I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blanks: Answer the following: Think about it! Answer the following:
1. ______________ is a 1. It is a 1. Sees the state as the
political philosophy that systematic “Ideologies gives us the picture neutral arbiter – liberalism
tends to support the body of of the existing reality, answering 2. Has contrasting views of the
status quo and concepts “what is wrong, what went state – socialism
advocates change only in especially wrong and why”
3. Rejects the state outright –
moderation. about human
2. ______________ is an life or culture? Students will write their answer
Ideology in ½ sheet of yellow paper. 4. Has contrasting view of the
economic, social, and state – socialism
political system seeking 2. Set of related
government ownership of beliefs about 5. Sees the state as the
the means production political theory supreme ethical ideal -
and services directed by and policy fascism
a process of scientific Political ideology
administration and 3. In your own
universal assent. understanding
3. ___________ is derived what is the
from the italian word importance of
fasces which means a political
bundle of rods with an ideology?
axe blade protruding that
signified the authority of
magistrates in imperial
4. _____________ is
derived from the latin
word femina meaning
women or female.
5. _____________ is an
economic and political
doctrine advocating
governmental ownership
and direction of
production and services.
J. Additional activities Assignment: Assignment:
for application or
remediation Group Dynamics: Group Dynamics: Interview
Roleplaying Interview a politician in your
Group the students community regarding their
into two, decide a advocacy and belief. Based on
scenario and let them his/her advocacy and belief,
pick one political identify the kind of ideology that
ideology and be the
he/she believes in.
basis for a role play.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other
Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level 12
DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area Philippine Politics and
PLAN Governance
Covered Date Week 3 Day 1 –Day 4 Semester First

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political ideologies,
A. Content Standards power, states, nations, and globalization.

The learners shall be able to clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.
B. Performance Standards

1. Learning Competencies/
Objectives Write the LC code
for each examine the relationship between political ideologies critique ideas that have a analyse how political
and configurations of political communities direct impact on how we ideologies impact on the
HUMSS_PG12Ib-c-8 try to manage social and political life of
ourselves as a political Filipino
community HUMSS_PG12Ib-c-10
HUMSS_PG12Ib-c-9 3

II. CONTENT 2. Political Ideologies

2.1 The basic tenets of the major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Politics without Borders (Phoenix Publishing House) by Mendoza and Melegrito pages 24- 36
Philippine Politics and Governance by Renan Ramos pages 16-35


A. Reviewing previous lesson or (5 mins.) (5 mins.) (5 mins.)

presenting the new lesson Teacher reviews the past
Quiz Bee Connect the previous lesson through oral
As a review, the teacher discussion with the new recitation.The assignment
will divide the class with 5 one by conducting a may be used as a
members each. They will game entitled “ “springboard” for the
show their knowledge by Cooperative Review” lesson set for the day.
answering the questions in wherein the students will
boards they have to raise. be grouped to take turns
asking other groups
1. What are the major questions. Often conducted
political ideologies? Identify
as a game where points
each and
are awarded.
B. Establishing a purpose for the (3 mins.) (5mins.) (2 mins.) (5 mins.)
lesson The teacher facilitates a
Brainstorming Session The teacher will facilitate Say: “In our last FACT or BLUFF game
on the following: “ Noon at Ngayon” discussions, we have by stating political
wherein the students will established the relationship practices/events of the
Ask: Why is it important to be asked to compare and of political ideologies and Philippines.
examine and study the contrast differences on political communities. For
relationship between today, we are going to go
how we try to manage
political ideologies and deeper by looking into
ourselves as a political
configurations of political the factors that influence
community how we behave
communities?. Process the
politically in our
answers of the students.
community and how we
manage our political

C. Presenting (10 mins.) (3 mins.) (7 mins.)

examples/instances of the
new lesson
Crossword puzzle A Picture Puzzle and The teacher presents
group of six the students Jumbled Word pictures of historical
will create their own Activities political events reflecting a
crossword puzzle with the Volunteer students will be specific ideology in the
corresponding definition asked to form the pictures Philippines. The students
below. Then, they will out of the pieces and must will be asked to brainstorm
answer the work of the match it with a set of in groups to share their
other group. jumbled words that they knowledge of the said
have to form. (example: event and how they think
List of words that should election, rallies, law
be in the puzzle: 1. such event has made an
enforcement, political
Political Ideologies impact in the lives of
assemblies and meetings,
2. Anarchism peace talks, political Filipinos. Ideas will be
3. Absolutism organizations). presented using a graphic
4. Liberalism
5. Conservatism Ask: “What is common
about these pictures? Can
6. Socialism you give other
political activities that
people usually take part
D. Discussing new concepts and (20 mins.) (10 mins.) (5 mins.)
practicing new skills #1
Discussion through a Process the question by The teacher processes the
PowerPoint presentation. asking the factors that have activity by bridging the
Discuss the relationship led to such political activity knowledge of the students
between political in reference to Filipino and by giving concrete
ideologies and traits, values, and culture. examples to emphasize
configurations of political Criticizing of the ideas will that each ideology has an
communities take place
impact on the lives of
in this part of the
discussion. Art of
questioning must take
place to get good answers
from students.

E. Discussing new concepts and (10 mins.) (30 mins.) (15 min.)
practicing new skills #2
Students can be given a Draw lots (different NEWS ANALYSIS. The
copy of a Semantic Web performances) class will be divided in
where they can organize -talk show Trios. The teacher
ideas/concepts -pageant presents current and timely
about the discussion -role play national issues that are
-news casting political in nature. The trio
- chooses one issue and are
commercial/advertiseme nt tasked to determine and to
critic the factors that have
led to such issue.
Presentation of each
group that showcases the
relationship of
political ideologies and
configurations of political
F. Developing mastery (leads to (5 mins.) (15 mins.)
Formative Assessment 3)
Ask: Reflection Paper: My
1. Which political Understanding of what
ideology is most skeptical Political ideologies and
about democracy and its configurations of political
processes? communities
2. In the previous
week, we have identified
organizations for each
ideology. Discuss how the
organization is influenced
because of the ideology
they follow.

G. Finding practical applications (2mins.) (5mins.) (3 mins.)

of concepts and skills in daily Ask: “What do you think is
living Give one reference Ask: How does political the best ideology to

group of the following: ideologies and be applied in the Philippine

1. Liberalism configurations affect our set-up?”
2. Socialism political communities?
3. Conservatism

H. Making generalizations and The political ideology and Political ideologies mirror There are ideas that have a Political ideologies affect
abstractions about the lesson the configuration of a the configurations of a direct impact on how we try our daily lives as Filipino
political community are political to manage ourselves as a citizens.
related. organization/community. political community.
I. Evaluating learning (5mins.) The dramatization and the (25 mins.) (40 mins.)
reflection paper serves as
1. Choose one political for the day. Facilitation of a test with at Poster Making: The
group in the country and least 25 points. (Definition students will be grouped
discuss how their ideology of Terms, Modified True or according to the ideologies.
influences their actions or False, Essay). Their task is to create a
advocacies. poster in a 1/4 illustration
Rationalizations will be board showing the
discussed right after. assigned ideology impacts
our present society if
followed. Outputs will be
presented and explained
right after and will be
evaluated by their peers
and teacher with the use of
a rubric.

J. Additional activities for ASSIGNMENT/ ASSIGNMENT: ASSIGNMENT:

application or remediation AGREEMENT: Interview a government The students will be asked
The teacher can ask the official to bring materials that are
students to prepare for the (barangay/municipality/ city to be used for the activity
activity for the next day. official and ask him/her on the next day.
about her advocacies.
From the responses, the
will determine the ideology
that the official adheres to.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.
of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Unit Test No.1
Second Semester SY 2017-2018

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Section: _________________________________________Teacher:______________________

I.Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose the letter of your answers from the box. All answers should be in capital letters. No erasures.

A. Politics F. Inputs K. Collectivism

B. Individualism G. Fascism L. Liberalism
C. Ideology H. Environmentalism
D. People I. Government
E. Globalization J. Anarchism

__________ 1. Is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the allocations of scarce resources and the practice of deception and
__________ 2. This term was conceived in 1796 by French Philosopher Destutt de Tracy to refer to new science that endeavored to uncover origins of conscious thought and
__________ 3. It is the belief in the supreme importance of the individual over any social group or collective body.
__________ 4. Is a movement that stands for outmoded, repressive social and political conditions rejecting democracy, repudiates constitutionalism and stresses that all values
arise from the state against which individual has no rights.
__________ 5. Is an ideology focusing on the idea that environment is endangered and must be preserved through regulation and lifestyle changes. __________ 6. Is the term
generally used to describe the formal institutions through which a group of people is ruled or governed.
__________ 7. It refers to those whom the state is obliged to protect and provide services.
__________ 8. An ideology that is based on the belief that government and laws are not necessary.
__________ 9. A central tenet of socialism that is the belief in the capacity of human beings for collective action.
__________ 10. An ideology that stands in opposition to capitalism and proposes an alternative which is more humane and equitable.
III . Classify the following Ideologies with their Perspectives stated on each item by writing A for Anarchism, S for Socialism, L for Liberalism, C for Conservatism and F for

__________ 11. As the state is inherently evil and oppressive, all states have the same essential character.
__________ 12. This ideology has contrasting views of the state.
__________ 13. It rejects the state outright, believing it to an unnecessary evil.
__________ 14. Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing interests and groups in society, a vital guarantee of social order.
__________ 15. Links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline ad to protect society from chaos and disorder, hence their traditional preference for a strong
__________ 16. An ideology that sees the state as a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the undifferentiated interests of the national community, hence their belief in
__________ 17. This kind of ideology links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline and to protect society from chaos and disorder.
__________ 18. An ideology that saw the state more as a vessel that contains, or tool that serves, the race or nation.
__________ 19. Regard the state as an embodiment of the common good and thus approve of interventionism in either its social-democratic or state collectivist form.
__________ 20. This ideology stressed the link between the state and the class system, seeing it either as an instrument of class rule or as a means of ameliorating class

III. Essay: Explain and elaborate your answers. (5 points)

20-25 – How does political ideology shape the condition of the political community? Is the current state of the Philippines reflective of the role of political ideology
in shaping the way of life of Filipinos? Explain your answers?
Page 1 of 5
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment.
(3 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (3 minutes)
A. Reviewing previous
Ask students about their Ask: What is power? Review of the past lesson. Ask students who can deliberate all
lesson or presenting the
understanding about political important facts in consonance to
new lesson ideologies. power, dimensions, types, and
(7 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (7 minutes)

Class Activity: PICTOpinion Class Activity: PasaDeBola Class Activity: Class Activity: Truth or
The teachers shows pictures of Ask students about the significant Ask students to present the
prominent world leaders. details learned from the previous pictures of different powerful Procedure: Two students will
topics. personalities. represent of their group. One of
Ask: What do these have in them will ask a question according
B. Establishing a purpose common? How they differ from this (A ball shall be passed while the to the topic that has been
for the lesson commonality? Why? music theme for the movie Power discussed about power. If the
Rangers is played. When the student answered incorrect, his/her
Group Work: Jumbled Letters music stops, the students who group will sing three lines of
(Power) holds the ball shall give his Nationalistic song with action. If the
insights from the previous topics.) answer is correct they will receive a
Divide students into 3 groups. Each Hep, Hep, Hurray Clap.
group will choose 5 representatives
to rearrange the jumbled letters in 1

Page 2 of 5
(10 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes)

Group Work: Concept Mapping Group Work: 4 Pics One Word Class Activity: Class Activity: Video Clip
Concept to map: What is power? Present activity about the nature, Discuss on the power of the
dimensions, types, and personalities discussed by the Present an actual footage or a
(Based from the processing of the consequences of powers students. If possible, encourage video clip downloaded from the
group the class to give comments to social website (YouTube) which
concept maps of ‘power’, the KWL ensure student-to-student portrays the application of power in
C. Presenting chart will be filled initially.) leading and influencing people
examples/instances of the (People Power 1986)
new lesson
Know Want Learn
Encourage the students to evaluate
the video clip.

Ask: What more you want to know

about the concept of POWER?

(15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Group Work: Making Sense Group Work: Small Group Class Activity: Filtering Group Work: VideoChikahan
The students will brainstorm on a Present a digested political article Let the students discuss by
definition of POWER. Discuss the nature, dimensions, about the nature, dimensions, themselves the video clip, which
types and consequences of types, and consequences of portrays the application of power in
D. Discussing new Guide Questions: power by giving reading text to power leading and influencing people.
concepts and practicing • Is power always positive? each group. Guide questions Let the students criticize the article After group discussion, the leader
new skills #1 negative? both? must be provided. presented and gather their ideas of each group will sum up their
or opinions. discussion in front of the class.
• What is the purpose of power?
Each group will be given time to Encourage them to filter the
present their work. substance of power based on the Guide questions:
article. • What is the main content of
the video?
• What do you think is the
most significant part in the
Page 3 of 5
• What power projected in the
video clip?
• How can power exercise in
different situations?
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Group Work: Likes and dislikes Group Work: Affirming Class Activity: Group Work:

Ask the students to define power Three Dimensions of Power: Let the class perform an Have the class identify situations in
according to their own The channels of power are the analytical and critical discussion their locality where officials have
understanding. way in which power is enacted. about the nature, dimensions, applied their power. Let them
They can perhaps more readily be types, and consequences of evaluate the use of their power.
E. Discussing new (Critique of the definition of each remembered as 'head, hands and Each of the group will present their
power based on the articles,
concepts and practicing group should follow after every group heart'. work.
which are to be utilized.
new skills #2 has presented. If possible each • Physical power
group will have a group to critique) • Informational power
• Emotional power Types of
• Coercive Power
• Reward Power
• Legitimate Power
• Expert Power

(10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)

Group Work: Hugot/ Pick-up Lines Group Work: After the Image Individual Work: Short Essay Group Work: Slogan Writing

Have each group arrive at a ‘hugot Present images of different Ask: Create a short essay Let the students create a short
line’ or ‘pick up line’ about the leaders in the society. Let the presenting and discussing the slogan about the use of power.
F. Developing mastery
concept of POWER. students recognize the dimension facts and their critical analysis on
(leads to Formative and types of power from the
They should present these in front. the nature, dimensions, types, and
Assessment 3 images presented.
consequences of power.
• Supreme Student
• Teacher
• Bato dela Rosa
• Rodrigo Duterte
Page 4 of 5
(3 minutes) (10 minutes) (2 minutes) (5 minutes)

Class Activity: If given the chance Group Work: Group students Class Activity Class Activity
and make them discuss by
G. Finding practical Ask: If given a chance to assume themselves on how to recognize Ask: Considering the present Ask the following:
applications of concepts government position, what would it the dimension of power. situation, here in our country how • How does the overuse and
and skills in daily living be? How are you going to exercise would you describe the power of misuse of power affects to
the power vested in you? our leaders? the people?
• What do you think are the
consequences of overuse
and misuse of power?
(2 minutes) (5 minutes) (3 minutes) (7 minutes)

Class Activity: The Best Ka Class Activity: One-Liner Class Activity Group Work: ArtThrob, Pusuan
Mo Bes!
H. Making generalizations Ask: We have many different Create a one-liner statement Ask: In every decision we make
and abstractions about the definition of power. Based on the which will sum up the significant there is always a negative and Let the students draw an image or
lesson given definition what is the best facts of the lesson (5 minutes) positive effect. We have to think an illustration representing
definition of power for you? Why? wisely before we come up to our application of power in leading and
decision. influencing people in his/her
community and in a broader sense,
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (3 minutes)

Individual Work:3-2-1 Individual Work: FBpost Individual Work: Hugot Line Individual Work: Short Quiz

I. Evaluating learning Let the students fill the 3-2-1 chart: Make a statement or a saying Ask: What do you think is the most Give a 10-item quiz about the
3 things learned regarding the types and significant lesson you get from our week’s topic
2 most important facts still in mind consequences of power which you discussion?
1 question remains in mind can post in your Facebook wall. Cite one HUGOT LINE to describe
your learning.
Assignment: Research

J. Additional activities for Bring pictures of different powerful

application or remediation personalities.
The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal. Encourage them to make their journals personalized and
Page 5 of 5
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Page 6 of 5
Page 1 of 9
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lT0Tkpq6Kk&t=15s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0CdoXp8x44

IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment.
(5 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes) (2 minutes)

Review: Ask the following. Review: Ask the following. Review: SONA (State or Nation, Review: Making Sense
• What is a nation? Arrange!
• What is power? • What is a state? Ask: What is globalization?
• How should one exercise • What is a nation-state? Let the students categorize each
his/her power? concept written in meta-cards if it
• Who have powers in the falls under the concept of nation
or state.
A. Reviewing previous country?
lesson or presenting the Ask the following:
new lesson Most Possible Responses: People,
• What is the difference
Government between a nation and
state? (Students may give
(Such responses are important words/phrases as
springboards to connect the concept answers. These can be
of power to the next topic on the organized in a Venn
definition of state and nation) diagram on the board).
• How are these two
concepts related?

Page 2 of 9
(8 minutes) (15 minutes) (5 minutes) (6 minutes)

Class Activity: ‘Made’ of the Group Work: Word Play (The teacher ensures the Class Activity: PictoQuiz
Philippines connection between the review
Let the students present their and this portion of the lesson. For Have the class identify images to
acrostics. Each of the 5 groups example the teacher may find which they refer.
Ask: What makes up the Philippines will be given 3 minutes to present. relating one of the criteria in Example:
as a country? considering a state which is
international recognition, which
somehow be made later as an
Most Possible responses:
entry concept about every
B. Establishing a purpose • Territory country’s immersion in the global
for the lesson • People arena such as the essence of the
• Leaders activity below.)
• Filipinos Ask: How do these relate with the
• Land Dyad: SHOPares concept of globalization?
• Sea
Have the students go through with
(Catapult from these responses that the things they have, particularly
a country is a meaningful entity) looking at the labels and listing
the countries where those things
were made.

Ask the following:

• How do you find the

discovery of the things
being used by your pair?
Speak your thoughts. No
holds barred. Do you find
him/her nationalistic or
not? DO you find him/her
out of fad or not? etc.
• How do we usually call the
things we buy in our
How do you understood it?
• How about those people

Page 3 of 9
buying imported products?
How do we regard them?
(7 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)

Class Activity: Class Activity: Making Class Activity: LaraONE Class Activity: Video Analysis
WordHUNT/WordSMITH Sense/Initializing…
Have the students find the Play a short video about
Have the class coin the terms Ask the following processing oneness between the images globalization. (Make sure that
NATION and STATE to which the questions regarding the students’ below. such video will show pros and
term ‘country’ is seemingly acrostics. cons about it.)
synonymous. • What are the noticeable
differences mentioned in Processing:
(It could be thru jumbled letters or in the acrostics? • What is the video about?
the form of a game where letters are • How is nation different from • What does it try to tell us?
to be provided to students grouped state?
into two and race towards coining • How is nation related with
C. Presenting the terms in a given time limit) state?
examples/instances of the
new lesson (The teacher accepts answers and
writes them under the “Know”
column of the
KWL chart.)
(By this time, the students could
Ask: What questions about the already easily grasp the next
point of the lesson, which is to
difference between a nation and a
coin the word
state you have in mind? (Put their
GLOBALIZATION from jumbled
responses in the “Want” column.
Know Want Learn
Ask the students now; what
concepts they can associate with
the term
Globalization. (They should
organize the

responses in a concept map)

Page 4 of 9
(10 minutes) (7 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes)

Group Work: Making Sense Class Activity: Video Clip Group Work. KaWHOLEgan Group Work:
of the Viewing
Definitions Distribute copies of meanings (The teacher ensures that the presentation
Video: Nation versus of globalization to each group. is able to clarify to the learners that globalization has its
Display the definitions of the State They will brainstorm on the pros and cons because these will serve as springboards
terms STATE and NATION. meaning and highlight its in identifying its influences to a nation-state such as the
Guide Questions: keywords/s. (The teacher Philippines)
Lead the class in identifying • What are the should ensure that such
the key concepts underlying underlying highlighted keyword be written Have the students Identify current issues in the country,
these definitions. characteristics on the board or in meta-cards which has reached global attention. For example, the war
(Discuss this key concepts) distinguishing state on drugs. The students write these on meta-cards and
D. Discussing new posted on the board so that
from nation? Write classify them by posting on the board on the appropriate
concepts and synthesis of the given column.
Guide Question key concepts meanings interpreted by each
practicing new skills
• Which do you think (significant terms).
#1 group will be facilitated
between a nation and • Can nation be state, POLI ECON RELI SOCI
a state is cultural? vice versa? TICA OMIC GIOU O-
political? functional? L S CULT
legal? URAL
psychological? Why?

(The teacher should have

pictures to serve as buffer in
the activity particularly on the
following concepts: cultural,
political, functional, legal, and

Page 5 of 9
(10 minutes) (5 minutes) (6 minutes) (15 minutes)

Group Work: Definition Map Group Work: W-Diagram Processing. Making Sense Group Work: Boon or Bane?
E. Discussing new
Give the students meta- Ask the following: After brainstorming, have the students complete the
concepts and
cards where they will write • What is common following graphic organizer.
practicing new
concepts from the video among the given meanings?
skills #2
clips regarding the Why?
differences and similarities • How would you define
of a nation and a state.
Organize the

concepts in a w-diagram. globalization based on the

following concepts?
(The teacher guides the class in
arriving at the following
synthesizing definition of Boon Bane
globalization) (Pros) (Cons)
Globalization is a process of Group 1.
forging international political, Political
Processing Questions: economic, religious, and socio- Group 2.
• What makes a nation cultural interconnections. Economic
different from a state? Group 3.
• How do these two concepts Religious
relate? Group 4.
(Students have to identify concepts (At this point, the teacher guides
related to state and nation. They will the students in distinguishing
have to give their own definition of between a nation and a state.
the concepts and later be associated Discuss the elements of a state
with the definition of authorities as that distinguishes it from a nation.)
already discussed.)
Video: Elements of a State

Page 6 of 9
(5 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Class Activity: 3 in 1 Group Work: T- Group Work: PERS time (The students present their group
Diagram work.)
Students will guess each term based Illustrate or identify scenarios how
on 3 pictures shown to them. Have each as a state
group using the
justify globalization works in Philippine Processing: Making Sense
Philippines as T- a nation and context in terms of:
diagram. • Political Ask the following:
F. Developing mastery THE PHILIPPINES as a • Economic • Which of the issues
(leads to Formative as a State • Religious; and influenced by globalization
Assessment 3 • Socio-cultural strike you the most? Why?
interconnections • How would you describe
globalization’s influences to
Take note: Students can be the country in general?
provided with newspapers and
S O V E R E I G N T Y consider articles related to the
mentioned aspects. Relate this to
the class for simple discussion.)

Page 7 of 9



Page 8 of 9
I N T E R N A T I O N A La

(After the activity, the teacher will

point out that these play part in
understanding about nation and a
state; but does not necessarily
expound since a topic regarding
this will be discussed next day)

Ask: Which between nation and

state is related to the following
concepts? Why?
(5 minutes) n (8 minutes) (7 minutes) (7 minutes)

Class Activity: What does learning Group Work: Isip-Daluyong! Group Work: #GoGlobal Group Work: What Now?
about the definition of nation and #GoGLobal or #GoLocal?
state contribute i your well-being as Members shall discuss and come Have the students write a group
a student? up with what benefits do people statement of going global. Let
get for being members of a nation/ them post their work on the board Have the students contemplate on
a state. for the whole class to see. Give their previous statement about
G. Finding practical each student a like and a dislike going global and present them the
applications of concepts icon and post it to the statements concept of going local? Let them
and skills in daily living of their choice. rewrite their work on the board and
post likes and dislikes icon.
Processing Question:
• Which garnered the most Processing Question:
likes? dislikes? • Which garnered the most
• Why it garnered the most likes? dislikes?
likes? • Why it garnered the most
dislikes? likes?

H. Making generalizations (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (7 minutes) (5 minutes)

and abstractions about the
lesson Ask: What significant learning have Class Activity: Interpret the Group Work: Ask the following:
you had about the lesson? following image/diagram. ContraDICTIONARY • How can we benefit from
Page 9 of 9
Possible Statements: Ask: What does the following Each group conceives a • How can we be harmed by
• State and Nation are diagram tell about our topic? consensual definition of globalization?
concepts pertaining to a globalization based on their
country. understanding. Have these written Possible Statements:
on manila papers and posted on • We can benefit from
• State is political while nation the board.
is cultural. globalization through trade.
(Each group gives its approval
and disapproval of another
group’s definition.)

• Globalization can cause

Possible Statements: cultural transformation.
• Globalization is the
interconnection of nation-
• Globalization is concerned
with the relationships of
Possible Statements:
countries of the world.
• State and Nation are two
distinct terms but
interrelated concept.s
• The concept of state
encompasses the
concept of nation.
I. Evaluating learning (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)

Individual Work: Give a short quiz Class Activity: Have the class Individual Work: Explain the Individual Work. Evaluate the
(5-item True or False) about the go back to the KWL Chart and concept of globalization. influences of globalization to the
concepts discussed. complete the “Learn” column. Philippines. (The students can
• A nation is political in nature. focus on one issue.)
• A nation is a community of Know Want Learn
• A state is cultural in nature.
• A state relates with the
concept of government.
• A nation is bounded by a Ask: What makes a state? How is
common interest.
Page 10 of 9
nation different or related with the
Answer Key: concept of state?
• False Rubric
• True
• False
• True
• True

Agreed Group Work: Word Play Optional Research Work: Optional Individual Work: Can I Optional Individual Work:
Identify countries, which are not live without China? “Wordle”
The class is divided into 5 groups. yet recognized as “states”. Learn (Doodle with Word/s)
Each group will prepare acrostics of about their status specifically on Challenge the learners to answer
the terms: how it affects the lives of their the following question: Can I live Agree with the students in making a
nation and state. people. without China? ‘wordle’ about globalization.

• 1st 2 groups- NATION The students have to list all things

J. Additional activities for made in China in their house and
• 2nd 2 2 groups-STATE
application or remediation be able to refrain from using them
• Last group-NATION-STATE
for a week. The students have to
(The teacher reminds the students journal their experiences and be
that the acrostics should connect to able to write a final reaction about
the concepts of their experience.
Nation and a State.)
The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal. Encourage them to make their journals personalized and
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
Page 11 of 9
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Page 12 of 9
Page 1 of 5
the chart with the he Philippine coming of the Spaniards? Era? (from barangay to the
following : (barangay) Central
about know Government)
1. Things they know and
about t politics and
2. Things they want
to know about
Philippine politics
Topi K W

(5minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)

Picture perfect Video clips: Spanish Colonial Event Chain: Transition from the Mannequin Challenge
Government. Spanish Government to the
The teacher will show
B. Establishing a purpose The students will be shown a Present Government. 1. Pre-colonial government
pictures of th e following?
for the lesson video clip about Spanish 2. Spanish Government
1. Picture of a Datu Colonization and would be asked 3. American Government
2. Trial by Ordeal
their reactions about the video 4. Present System
3. Gavel
(5 minutes) g about the (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
C. Presenting The students will now tell When the Spaniards colonized What is the difference between Hugot Lines/ (Pick-up or hugot
examples/instances of the somethin pictures they us, what changes did they the Spanish form of government lines) about how the government
new lesson saw. introduce in our political system? to our present government? evolved

D. Discussing new (15 minutes) CAL .(15 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes)
concepts and practicing DEMOCRATIC
PowerPoint Presentation: Discussion on Government PowerPoint Presentation: Post-colonial Governments
new skills #1
HISTORI During the
(Note : this is a two day lesson)
BACKGROUND OF Spanish Colonization
Page 2 of 5

1. Barangay Government

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

(5 minutes) (15 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Jigsaw puzzle: each group will be Debate: Which is better, the early Role Play: Significant event/s Family Resistance History Tree.
given a scenario based on the forms of government or the from the Precolonial Government Students will be asked to write their
barangay form of government present government? to the Present Government. family tree based on their relatives
F. Developing mastery who revolted against the Spaniards
Rubrics : Rubrics to be attached.
(leads to Formative or Japanese.
Assessment 3 1. Organization of Thought = 5 pts
Rubrics :
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 pts.
1. Accuracy = 5 pts.
3. Presentation = 5 pts. 2. Organization = 5 pts.
3. Presentation = 5pts.

(5minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)

The teacher asks the students about What practices in the pre-colonial Think-Pair-Share. The students In our present form of government,
G. Finding practical the similarities/difference of our government is still applicable in will be grouped and they will what significant changes
applications of concepts present barangay to the pre-colonial our present form of government assign among themselves a have you observed?
and skills in daily living barangays? leader and a presenter.
“What were the effects of Spanish
Page 3 of 5
Colonization to our present form
of government”

(10minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes)

H. Making generalizations How did politics and governance Ask: How did the pre-colonial Our present form of government have passed through several stages
and abstractions about the evolve in the Philippines? government change from the pre- which molded our government into what it is right now
lesson colonial government to the
The government of the Philippines
Spanish Colonial Government?

evolved from the pre-colonial form When the Spaniards colonized the
(barangay) to our present form of country in 1565, they re-organized
government the barangays into tows and
municipalities for easy
administration and management

(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)

5-item formative assessment. Essay : “What were the effects of One-Minute Paper : The students Historical Timeline
1. The form of government in the Spanish Colonization in our will be asked to write their
The students will be asked to draw
pre-colonial period (barangay) present form of government? comment/reaction to the
a historical timeline stating forth the
statement/s below
2. The ruler of the barangay Rubrics : significant events which transpired
(datu) 1. What were the changes from the Pre-Colonial Era to the
1. Content = 4 pts. that you observed from the present form of government.
3– 5 State the roles/powers of the 2. Organization of Thought = Spanish Colonial
I. Evaluating learning Datu 4 pts. Government to our present
3. Chief Executive 3. Grammar and Presentation government? Rubrics :
= 2 pts.
4. Chief Legislator 1. Accuracy = 5 pts.
Rubrics :
2. Organization = 5 pts.
5. Chief Judge
1. Content = 4 pts 3. Presentation = 5pts.
2. Organization of thought = 4 pts.
3. Grammar and Presentation = 2
J. Additional activities for The teacher will give an assignment
Page 4 of 5
Government During the Spanish
application or remediation
The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal. Encourage them to make their journals personalized and
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Page 5 of 5
Page 1 of 4
3. Guardia Civil
4. Governor-General
(10 minutes)
Game Ka Na Ba? The students will
be grouped into groups of five or six
members. They will be given
illustration boards to write their

1. What was the government

before the
Spaniards came? (barangay)
2. Who rules the barangay
B. Establishing a purpose before (datu)
for the lesson 3. When did the Spaniards
officially conquer the
Philippines (1565)
4. Who ruled the Philippines
during the Spanish
5. The form of government of

C. Presenting (10 minutes) (5 minutes)

examples/instances of the
Debate : Positive and Negative Picture Analysis
new lesson
Effects of Spanish Colonization
The teacher will give pictures to
the students prior to their
knowledge on political evolution
Rubrics :
in the Philippines.
1. Organization of Thought = 5 pts

2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 pts.

Page 2 of 4
3. Presentation = 5 pts.

(15 minutes) (15 minutes)

D. Discussing new Powerpoint Presentation : Effects of Powerpoint Presentation :
concepts and practicing Spanish Colonization Governments after the Spanish
new skills #1 Colonization

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

(10 minutes) (10 minutes)

F. Developing mastery Events Chain (Transition from the Semantic Maps: Characteristics
(leads to Formative pre-colonial government to the of the postcolonial governments.
Assessment 3 Spanish Colonial Government

(10 minutes) (5 minutes)

Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Essay: “What will be your
Ngayon contributions to the present form
G. Finding practical
(comparison of the pre-colonial
applications of concepts of government” Rubrics :
society and the Spanish
and skills in daily living
Government) 1. Content = 4 pts.
2. Organization of Thought =
4 pts Grammar and Presentation
Page 3 of 4
= 2 pts (5 minutes)

( 5 minutes) (5 minutes)
What are the effects of the Spanish What made the Filipinos revolt
Colonization? against Spain?
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the
lesson The Spanish Colonization brought The Filipinos revolted against
about significant changes particularly Spain because of the oppressive
from the barangay government to leaders and corrupt officials. This
the Spanish Colonial brought about the birth of the
Government. (governor-general) Revolutionary Government and
the other governments

(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) (30 minutes) Summative Test

Ask: What are the effects of the Talk Show . The students will be
previous governments to our grouped corresponding to the
I. Evaluating learning Concept Mapping : The students
present government? different stages of the
will be writing a concept map
Philippine Government
illustrating the various effects of
Spanish Colonization
Brainstorming . The students will
be grouped according to their
J. Additional activities for presentation the following day
application or remediation
The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal. Encourage them to make their journals personalized and
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
Page 4 of 4
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Page 5 of 4
Page 1 of 5
of government 3. Control Power Estrada down to Rodrigo Roa
4. Military Power Duterte.
5. Veto Power

(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) (5-10 minutes)

KWL Chart Concept Map Mix and Match
(The teacher will ask the students if (Powers of the President)
they have an existing idea about the
roles and power of the President) The students will be shown
“taglines” and the students will tell
during whose tenure as President
the tagline corresponds to.
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson To K W L 1. “ERAP Para sa Mahirap”
pic (Joseph
2. “ Strong Republic”(Gloria
3. “Daang Matuwid” (Benigno
Aquino III)
4. “Oplan Tokhang” (Rodrigo

C. Presenting (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

examples/instances of the
Headline Analysis Picture Perfect “Think-Pair-Share”
new lesson
The students will be shown some (The students will be shown The students will be asked the
headlines and the teacher will asked pictures and they will determine question “In your own opinion, did
the students to answer what power what power of the President is the following presidents exercise
of the President is being exercised. being shown) their powers effectively or not?”

Page 2 of 5
( 15 minutes) ( 15 minutes)
Powerpoint Presentation on the : Powerpoint Presentation/Lecture-
Discussion : Programs of the ff.
D. Discussing new Roles and Powers of the Philippine
Presidents :
concepts and practicing President
new skills #1 1. Joseph Estrada
2. Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo
3. Benigno Aquino III
4. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Page 3 of 5
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

(10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Dramatization Present a scene Informal Debate : Granting Data Retrieval Sheet.
depicting a power of the President Emergency Powers to the
The student will be asked to fill-in a
Rubric: DRS which illustrates the Programs
Rubrics : and Issues and Controversies
1. Understanding of topic =5 pts.
during the incumbency of the said
1. Organization of Thought = 5
2. Believability of role =5pts. president.
Presiden Program Issues and
3. Cooperation =5 pts.
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 t Controversie
F. Developing mastery
pts. s
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3 3. Presentation = 5 Joseph
pts. Estrada
Aquino III

Page 4 of 5
( 5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) (5 minutes)
How do the powers of the president 1. If you were the President, which The students will be asked “What
G. Finding practical affects your life as a student? Cite among the given powers will you are their views on Oplan
applications of concepts examples prioritize? Tokhang?” The students will be
and skills in daily living writing their answers on a ¼ sheet
of paper.

( 5 minutes) Different presidents have their own

ways of exercising their powers.
From the question in the activity, the students will be asked What is
H. Making generalizations
Executive Power? Executive Power is the power to administer,
and abstractions about the
implement, and execute the laws enacted by the Legislature. It is vested
by the Constitution on the President of the Philippines

Write an essay on how the president can properly utilize the power given Journal Entry/Reflective Essay Debate:
to him.( 5 minutes)
The students will be asked to “The Effectiveness of Dutere as a
reflect on whether our current President”
president is executing his power
I. Evaluating learning Rubrics :
1. Organization of Thought = 5
Rubrics :
1. Content = 4 pts.
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5
2. Organization of Thought = 4 3. Presentation = 5 pts.
3. Grammar and Presentation
= 2 pts.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation The topic will be taught for two days
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to
Page 5 of 5
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Page 6 of 5
Grades 1 to 12 School SHS Region 3 MTOT Grade Level 12
DAILY LESSON Teacher HUMSS Class D Group 6 Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
Teaching Dates and Week 7 (day 1-4) Quarter 2nd or 4th Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day



The learners demonstrate an understanding of citizenship

A. Content

The learners shall be able to propose a project on political engagement and youth empowerment.
B. Performance

C. Learning Identify issue related Determine programs that Asses an existing program that addresses an issue related to political engagement and
Competencies/ to political address the issues related to youth empowerment .
Objectives engagement and political engagement and youth
Write the LC youth empowerment. empowerment.
code for each
HUMSS_PG12-IIe-f- HUMSS_PG12-IIe-f-17

13.INTEGRATION-13.1 How the concepts/ideas learned in a class can be utilized in actual experiences.


A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
6: Social Media school?
Ex. (Possible Answers: Glee
Club, Science Club, Sports
Club)-Youth Empowerment
3. What are three most loved
activities that were initiated
by SSG?
(PROMENADE, Teachers’ Day
Celebration, Gift Giving during

D. Presenting (7mins.) (5minutes) (15mins.)

examples/instan "THINKING OUT Questions after the Video “Data Retrieval Chart” The
ces of the new LOUD" Presentation students will fill up the concept
lesson Based on the activity 1.If you were in the shoes of the map about youth empowerment
done earlier each group youth in the video presentation, and political engagement based
will be given a minute to what would you do or your last on yesterday’s discussion.
share their observation resort?
to the whole class. Youth PROGRAM
Parish YFC
DSWD Sagip Tambay
at Rugby Boy
Smoke Free Balanga City,
Tobacco Free
Violence Against PREDA

Women and
Political PROGRAM
School SSG

Barangay S.K.

E. Discussing (20mins.) (10minutes) (10mins.) (10Mins.)

new concepts "DISCUSSION & Group the class into 5 and let a.“K-W-L CHART” Presentation of the interview conducted.
and practicing REPORT" them brainstorm on the According to the groups in the class,
new skills #1 Each group will be given programs that could help save the students must complete the a.“K-W-L CHART”
a Reading Material with the youth ( refer to the Issues “KW-L CHART” about the programs According to the groups in the class, the students
guide questions. The presented yesterday) Ask and in the data retrieval chart done must complete the “K-W-L CHART” about the
students will answer the guide them to come up with earlier. Example: programs in the data retrieval chart done earlier.
guide questions and different
share Organizations and Programs
their ideas about that address different issues
political engagement
empowerment that were T YOUTH TO MENT E FOR Possible
identified earlier JOIN IN THE EVERY Answers)
Let recorded video be shown as a basis for
(Teachers will provide a template for answering and assessing WHAT I LEARNED
Parental Consent, Principal’s COLUMN.
Approval and Proper Brgy.

Assign the groups accordingly.

(See attached Questionnaires and

F. Discussing (10Minutes)
new concepts Presentation of outputs
and practicing Sample Programs
new skills #2 .1. “Civic organizations
a.Parish Involvement and
other church related

b.Youth Organizations such as
S.K. , Purok Youth
Organizations and the Like.
c. School organizations such
as SSG and the like.
3.Other related Group for
a.Adopt-a-child program
c. Sagip tambay at rugby
boy Program.
d. Violence against
women and children.
G. Developing (10 mins.) (10 Minutes) (20 Mins.)
mastery "CONTEXTUALIZATION “Paint a Picture “ A.”MusiKabataan”
(leads to " According to the group Let the group pick one issue Base on their assessment of the interview, each
Formative created earlier, each regarding political involvement group will make a music video that shows the best
Assessment group will identify and and issues about youth of practices of the existing program.
3) share issues related to today. The Video should last for 3mins.
political engagement and (ex.
youth empowerment in Drug Dependence, Bullying (10Mins.)
their locality or and etc.) Ask them to paint a B.”AnneBisyosa”
community. picture what program should Students Presentation of the output.
be in charge of the issue and
their action giving them time (See attached Rubric)
to move –act and freeze after
the count of ten.
H. Finding practical (5mins.)
applications of "WHAT'S ON YOUR
concepts and MIND" The students will
skills in daily post a groupie with hash
living tag about their issue
assigned to their group.

I. Making (5mins) (5 minutes) (5MINS.) (5mins.)

generalizations "Tell Us Quickly" In case that you were Name some of the existing “Open-Ended Statement”
and Identify issues related to physically, emotionally and programs that were discussed Complete the statement:
abstractions political engagement and sexually abuse, whom you will earlier and its characteristics. “There are many programs for the
about the youth empowerment ask for help and how will you empowerment and political
lesson based on the lesson cope up? engagement of the youth but for me, the best
discussed. *Ask assistance to government practice in those is
and nongovernment agencies _______________________________
such as the DSWD and because________________________________.”

and other counselling “I would like to commend the

agencies. ** The duty of the _____________________ because
youth is to open up with the _____________________________.”
parents and make daily
*** accept that we are different
individuals with different
opportunities. Our role is to
make a difference in a positive
J. Evaluating (5MINS.) (15 Minutes) (5Mins.) (5mins.)
learning "MOST LIKED A short film is to be watched “Reflection” "MOST WATCHED GROUP"
GROUP" entitled “Teen-Ager” Ask them Upload the Video on YOUTUBE.
Based on the posted “ If you were in the Lead Write your reflection about the
groupie with hashtag Character’s Shoes, to whom government program giving
the students should will you run and be comforted? condom to high school students.
gather likes, hearts
and happy faces. Rubric:
Rubric: Comprehensiveness of Ideas -
Creativity of the Photo-5 5
Most liked Photo- 5 Discussion of the ideas-
Group Cooperation- 5 5
Correct format of writing-
15 5_ Total

K. Additional for Agreement Assignment

activities or (2mins.) (2mins.)
application B.Now I’ve Seen Everything "MOST WATCHED GROUP"
remediation Ask the student to conduct an
interview to their respective Within a day the most watched video with
communities or school about comments will get the highest points. Creativity
existing programs about of the Video -5
empowerment and Most liked Video- 5
political engagement of the youth Clearness of audio and video 5
to answer the WHAT I LEARNED Group Cooperation- ______5___
Column. 20
(to be checked the following day
It must recorded through a video
as a basis for the conduct of
interview which has a theme of
the program assigned to each
group. The program will be

Let the student plan and share

ideas about this.



A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other


1. What is the main issue in your reading material?

2. Share the idea/s in your reading material with the class.
3. What could be the ways to change the perspective of the youth if he is experiencing a problem like this?

Broken Families

The problems begin at home. Since the 1950s, the number of single parent homes has consistently increased to the point of catastrophe. Today, 14 million
single parents are responsible for 28 million children. Raising a child is difficult enough in a two parent home, especially in tough economic conditions. The
situation is even direr when there is only one parent. Economically, a single parent is likely to bring less income home. This equates to fewer opportunities
for such vital necessities as education. Trying to make ends meet also takes time – time that is spent away from children who need a parent’s
guiding/influence. Absent a parent’s diligent guidance, children become subject to higher dropout rates, higher risk of dangerous sexual behaviors and
pregnancies, higher chances of drug and alcohol abuse –etc. It truly takes a village to raise a child.
Drug/Alcohol Abuse

There was a time in cinematic history where virtually every actor/actress was portrayed on screen with a cigarette in hand. Smoking, it was implied, was
cool. As a result everyone was doing it, including kids. Well, as awareness to the danger of smoking increased, “cool” images of smoking disappeared.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about drugs and alcohol. These vices are staples in everyday media. Simply, drinking and using drugs is shown as
being cool. The numbers bear the tale. 21% of high school seniors say they get high and 41% of the same group report drinking alcohol. Our kids are
literally moving around in an intoxicated daze. Immature behavior is then amplified due to being under the influence. Drunk driving, poor grades and
attendance, anti-social and violent behavior and the list goes on.


A child’s education is the foundation from which he or she will be able to go forth out into the world and build a life. Schools play a major role in this
endeavor, and therefore it is reasonable to expect that these places of learning would be safe havens for the children while they are preparing for
adulthood. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In many instances, especially in low income, urban settings, schools can be a war zone. We are not
talking about minor bullying, but rather serious violence. Consider that in the last decade 284 kids were murdered due to school violence – these were
shootings, stabbings, fighting and suicides. Growing up is tough enough without having to be worried about being killed while going to math class.
Grades 1 to 12 School SHS Region 3 MTOT Grade Level 12
DAILY LESSON Teacher HUMSS Class D Group 6 Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
Teaching Dates and Week 8 (Day 1-4) Quarter 2nd or 4th Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day



The learners demonstrate an understanding of citizenship

A. Content

The learners shall be able to propose a project on political engagement and youth empowerment.
B. Performance

C. Learning Conduct a research for a draft proposal on political engagement and youth empowerment
Competencies/ HUMSS _PG12-IIe-g-20
Write the LC
code for each
13.INTEGRATION-13.1 How the concepts/ideas learned in a class can be utilized in actual experiences.


A. References

1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Editorial Cartoon, Data Retrieval Video 1: Daily Routine of the Filipino High
Resources School Student



A. Reviewing (5 Mins.) (5 minutes.) (5 minutes)

previous lesson or "GENIUS HAT": The students “TELL ME…SHARE”. The students will Recall the process and types of research
presenting the will sing "TATLONG BIBE" write about his/her ‘DAILY ROUTINES’
new lesson while passing the genius hat and
when the teacher tapped the
table the song will be stopped
and the one who is wearing the
genius hat will give one word
about research. (e.g.
B. Establishing a (3mins.) ( 3 minutes) (10 minutes)
purpose for the "PICTELL" The class will be A video presentation regarding “Routine “Family Feud”
lesson divided into three groups. Each activities” will be presented. Guess the assessment of your fellow students about the following
group will be given an editorial empowerment and political engagement of the youth in our school.
cartoon about issues that can be
used in research wherein these Example: According to 50 surveyed students:
groups will identify the editorial What are three most loved activities that were initiated by
cartoon assigned to them and SSG?
give some of their observations
(PROMENADE, Teachers’ Day Celebration, Gift Giving during
Christmas)-Political Engagement
their group.-
Group 1: Study Habits
Group 2: Political Leaders
Group3: Violence

C. Presenting (10mins.) (5minutes)

examples/instan "THINKING OUT LOUD" Based Questions after the Video Presentation
ces of the new on 1. What can you say about the
lesson the activity done earlier each video? (15mins.)
group will be given a minute to 2. Do you have the same routine? “Data Retrieval Chart” The students will fill up the concept map
share their observation to the Why? about research.
whole class.

Parish YFC
DSWD Sagip Tambay at
Rugby Boy
Smoke Free Tobacco Free
Violence Against PREDA
Women and
Political PROGRAM
School SSG
Barangay S.K.

D. Discussing (20mins.) (20minutes)

and practicing Each group will be given a “Process and Type of Research” (20Minutes)
new skills #1 Reading Material with guide Each class will be divided into three Presentation of outputs
questions. The students will groups and present a draft proposal GROUP WORK:
answer the guide questions and research about the following topics: Form a group of three. Think your own title about the following
share their ideas about nature , a. Political engagement topics:
importance and characteristics of b. Youth empowerment a. Political engagement
b. Youth empowerment

E. Discussing
new concepts
and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing (10 mins.) (10 Minutes) (30 minutes)
mastery (leads "CONTEXTUALIZATION" “SHARE IT “ Presentation of the output
to Formative According to the group created Let the group share their chosen draft a. A Draft proposal research per group.
Assessment 3) earlier, each group will identify proposal research about the given topic
and share issues related to and explain it to the class.

G. Finding
applications of
concepts and
skills in daily
H. Making (5mins) (5 minutes) (15 MINS.)
generalizations "Tell Us Quickly" Tell Us Quickly" Tell Us Quickly"
and Identify issues related to Identify the different process and types Enumerate the different title for each strand based on the topic given.
abstractions research based on the lesson of research.
about the discussed.

I. Evaluating (5MINS.) (5 Minutes) (15Mins.)

learning Questions: “ Research is a systematically & “Reflection”
1. Why is there a need to cyclical”. This means that you need to
conduct a research? follow a step by step process to Write your reflection about the result of the research that you have
2. What practical benefits successfully conduct a research study. conducted.
can you get from
research? Rubric:
Comprehensiveness of Ideas - 10
Discussion of the ideas- 10
Correct format of writing-
10_ Total

J. Additional for ( 2 minutes)

activities or Assignment:
application If you’re an athlete or an artist,
remediation do you still need to conduct
Why or why not?



A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

➢ Is a systematic application of the scientific inquiry in order to find solutions to problems and contribute to


1. Gather relevant information

2. Understand history
3. Improve quality of life
4. Personal and professional development

Characteristics of research

1. Empirical
2. Analytical
3. Systematic
4. Cyclical
5. Original




Grades 1 to 12 School SHS Region 3 MTOT Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON Teacher HUMSS Class D Group 4 Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
Teaching Dates and Time Week 9 (Day 1-4) Quarter 1st or 2nd Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic

A. Content Standards politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance

The learners shall be able to explain the roles of different political institutions
B. Performance
C. Learning Discuss the roles and responsibilities of Assess the performance Appraise the impact of Congress’s performance Articulate a position or
Competencies/Obje the of the Philippine on Philippine development advocacy to a Philippine
ctives Philippine Senate and the House of Congress HUMSS_PG12-Ii-29 legislator through a formal
Write the LC code Representatives HUMSS_PG12-Ii-28 correspondence
for each HUMSS_PG12-Ii-27 HUMSS_PG12-Ii-30

The roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials http://www.icivs.org/node/1366/resource Philippine Politics http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/06/1550

from Learning www.slideshare.net Democratic Ideals And 240/belmonte-cites-accomplishments-
Resource (LR) Realities; Chapter 3, p. outgoingcongress
Diana J. Mendoza
Ateneo De Manila
University Press

portal Copyright 2010

B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing previous (2min) (3min) (3min) (3min)

lesson or Recitation: Review: Match Me Up What are the roles and responsibilities of the Cite some
presenting the new Identify the roles of the Present pictures that depict the roles of Philippine Senate and the House of accomplishments of the
lesson president. the congress. Let the students identify Representatives? Philippine congress.
these roles.
(Use the same pictures yesterday)

B. Establishing a (3min) (3min) (3min)

purpose for the Does the president have the What are the impacts of Zero Waste Show pictures of the
lesson sole power to rule the Management Program in our school that is current situation of your
country? If no, who rules implemented by the Yes-O Organization? barangay that need
with the president? immediate solution.
(Senate and the House of

C. Presenting (7min) (2min) (5min)

examples/instances Using a graphic organizer, Ask the students to identify the Ask students to present examples of
of the new lesson give 5 names of senators current representative/ congressman ordinances in their barangays, which they think
and 2 congressmen that (woman) in their district. create immense impact on their daily lives.
they know.

Upper Lower
Hous Hous
•e •e

D. Discussing new (10min) (15min) (10min) (5 min)

concepts and practicing Activity: PicTell Provide news clips (current) pertaining Discuss the accomplishments of the Philippine Present sample and
new skills Divide the class into 8 on the roles of the Congress. Based on Congress through PowerPoint. discuss the
#1 groups and distribute the those news clips, the group assess the characteristics of an
pictures. responsibilities of the Congress using House of Representatives articulated advocacy or
Each the checklist below. www.congress.gov.ph/download/16th/perfreport position through the use
group is .16th.congress.firstregression of PowerPoint.
tasked Responsibilities Put a ✓ if
to of the performed Senate
describe Congress https://www.franken.senate.gov/files/documents
the pictures assigned to /Franken_Record_of_Accomplishment.pdf
them. Approve the
government http://ledac.neda.gov.ph/wp-
Undertake the
projects under
Appointment of public the CDF

to the
powers for the
Appointment of
public officials.
Sample news clips:

Authorize limited emergency

powers for the

Approve the government



adopt bills

Propose amendments to the


Allow for
The group will report on their work.

E. Discussing new (20min) (4min)

concepts and The teacher will discuss the Video presentation on Congress’
practicing new skills following through powerpoint accomplishments:
#2 presentation: • House of Representatives
1. The basic structure of the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y
Legislative branch. VhOEehUyIA
2. The roles and responsibilities of
the congress and how a bill • Senate
becomes a law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k

F. Developing Group Activity: Find My Partner (20min) (10min)

mastery Divide the class into 2 groups. Walk through the assessments Group activity:
(leads to Formative Distribute the sets of pictures to done by the students in the Make a graphic organizer or diagram
Assessment 3) one group and listed roles to the previous activity. showing the Congress’ program and their
other group. Each student will find advantages and disadvantages to Philippine
the role that matches the picture. development.

A representative of each group shall present

their graphic organizer.

G. Finding (3min) (10min) (5min) (5min)

practical Ask: Open Letter: Group dynamics: Group activity:
applications Why do we need to know the roles Group students by three’s. Each Each group shall create a program that is Each group shall develop an
of concepts and responsibilities of the group will construct a letter beneficial to the school. advocacy or position that is
and skills in congress? addressed to their respective advantageous to the
daily living Congressman to air a particular community.

H. Making (5min) (5min) (3min) (5min)

generalizations Ask: Ask: What can you say about the Group dynamics:
and abstractions What is the main role or function of Why do we need to assess the Congress’s performance on Each group shall present their
about the lesson the Congress? performance of the congress? Philippine Development advocacy or position stressing its
(The main function of the (Assessment on the performance benefits to the community.
Congress is to make laws.) of the congress is needed to Statement:
determine whether they really The initiated program of our
rendered an effective service to Congress’s evidently improved the
our countryman.) lives of the people in our country.
I. Evaluating learning (10min) (5min) (7min) (10min)
Formative assessment: Rate the performance of our district Essay: Summative test (10 items) on the
10 item quiz. representative using the following Evaluate the importance of the K-12 legislative branch of the Philippine
Fill in the blanks: scale: program to the over-all development government.
1. The Philippine’s legislative (1 = lowest; 5=highest) of our country.
department is also known as the
______.Phil. Congress
2. The congress is composed of the
Upper and the Lower house
which is also known
as the _____Senate and
______House of Represe
3. The senate is composed of ____
4. The Lower House is composed of
____ 200 district representatives.
5. Approve the government
6. Undertake _____ projects
under CDF.
7. Propose, review, and adopt bills
for enactment into ______.law
8. Overturn____ a
presidential veto with respect to
proposed legislation.
9. Allow for ______.referenda
10. Propose _____ amendments
to the constitution.

J. Additional activities Assignment:

for application Research on the complete list of
or current senators of the country and
remediation district representatives in their
respective provinces.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:

Allan D. Salvador – Pampanga Medelyn T. Valiente – Nueva Ecija Sharon P. Alvarez -


Conrado V. Ayunon Jr. – Bulacan Nelly M. Alejandro – Nueva Ecija

Franchesca S. Valenzuela – Bulacan Pilita J. Garcia – Angeles City

Jeremy S. Patillano – Bulacan Rechelle V. Guilas – Tarlac Province

Grades 1 to 12 DAILY School SHS Region 3 MTOT Grade Level 12

LESSON LOG Teacher HUMSS Class D Group 4 Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
Teaching Dates and Time Week 10 (Day 1-4) Quarter 1st or 2nd Quarter



The learners demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of the Philippine democratic, politics, the executive, the
A. Content Standards legislative the judiciary and decentralization and local governance

The learners shall be able to explain the roles of the different political institutions.
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Identify the role and responsibilities of the Discuss how the Judiciary exercises Evaluate the performance To assess students’
Competencies/Objectives Write Philippine Judiciary political neutrality and fairness of the Philippine Judiciary performance
the LC code for each as a dispenser of justice covering
HUMSS_PG12-Ij-31 HUMSS_PG12-Ij-32 and protector of competencies
constitutional safeguard to acquired in the 1st
freedom. quarter.

The Judiciary Summative

II. CONTENT 8.1 The role and responsibilities of the Philippine Judiciary Assessment
( Quarterly Exam)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Politics and Governance with 1987 Philippine Constitution,
Josielyn M. Mendoza et al. page 181-188

Philippine Politics and Governance,

Rhene C. Tabajen and Erlinda B. Pulma, page 81-87


A. Reviewing previous lesson or ( 3 min ) ( 5 min )

presenting the new lesson Oral Recitation Human Chain Reaction Game

Identify the fundamental roles of the As a form of review the students shall
Executive and participate in a
Legislative Branches of the Philippine game.
The teacher will start discussing the
first part of the lesson then he/she will
select one student to give additional
concept from the lesson. The student
will call on another student, and so on
and so forth to complete the concept of
the previous lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose for the ( 5 min ) ( 3 min )

lesson Graphic Organizer Interpretation Picture Analysis Performance Task:

The student will interpret the graphic The student will interpret the picture DEBATE:
organizer. with the aid of guide questions.
The class will be split into
Executive two groups and will be
having a debate on the
following issue:
Goverment With the current campaign
of President Duterte’s War
Judiciary Legislative
on Drugs, are you in favor
or against the said
campaign? Do you think
this Campaign reflects the
true nature of justice?
What is the relationship of the 3 branches
of the Philippine Government as shown in
the graphic organizer?
1.) What are the symbolisms that
are evident in the sculpture?
What do they represent?
2.) How do these symbols illustrate
the meaning of “equal justice
and law”?

C. Presenting examples/instances ( 5 min ) ( 5 min )

of the new lesson Picture Analysis Concept Map
“Injustice in my society”
The student will be presented with the
picture of President Rodrigo Duterte, The students will give examples of
Senator Leila De Lima and Chief Justice injustices that they have experience or
Maria Lourdes Sereno. seen firsthand in their own community.

What are the issues or cases that are How do you feel about the people that
attributed to the personalities in the have been deprived of justice?
pictures shown?

D. Discussing new concepts and ( 5 min ) ( 10 min )

practicing new skills #1
Lecture Discussion aided by Cornell Meaning of Political Neutrality
Method Video Presentation
The Philippine Judiciary OGV8
Meaning of Judicial Power

E. Discussing new concepts and ( 15 min ) ( 10 min )

practicing new skills #2 AGRAM about
(Discussion with the Aid of PPT) Discussion using a Equality
Roles and Responsibilities of the VENN DI and Fairness
Philippine Judiciary
Scope of judicial powers EQUALITY FAIRNESS
(1) Adjudicatory
(2) Power of Judicial Review
(3) Incidental Power
Discussion of the Organizational Structure
of the Judiciary Branch of the Philippine
and their particular function.
F. Developing mastery (leads to ( 7 min ) ( 5 min )
Formative Assessment 3) Collaborative Activity Reflective Paper
- Fill in the BOX -
What do you think are the major factors that
The student will be divided into 5 group contribute to the problem of slow
with 3 members each. They are task to administration of justice in the country?
write on the manila paper their ideas
about the 3 scopes of judicial power Expound your answer with a minimum
following the format given below. sentence of 3 to 5 sentences.


Judicial Review


They will be posting the output on

board and the class will critic the work of
their classmates.
G. Finding practical applications of ( 5 min ) ( 10 min )
concepts and skills in daily living Essay Classroom Relationship Management

As a SHS Student how can you show that The class will be having a forum with
you value virtue justice in your day today regards to their classroom relationships
life? Cite at least 2-3 example. (e.g. class behavioral environment like
bullying, rapport, etc.). The following
issues that arise from the forum shall be
( rubrics for essay ) addressed by a class resolution which
will be agreed and approved by
everyone in the class. Taking into
consideration the value of justice and
neutrality while creating the resolution.
H. Making generalizations and How does the judiciary check the other In your opinion what changes in the
abstractions about the lesson branches of the government? legal system must be initiated to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency
The Judiciary settles disputes and has the of our judicial system.
power to mediate conflicts between the
other branches of the government. One of the changes in the legal system
that must be initiated to improve the
( 5 min) effectiveness and efficiency of our
judicial system is to declutter the file
cases that every court has, or fast track
some cases that needs to be address
immediately like those pending cases
involving senior citizen.

( 5 min )

I. Evaluating learning ( 10 min ) ( 7 min)

Pen and Paper Slogan Making
( 5 groups)
Fill out the graphic organizer with the role Create a SLOGAN that will established
and responsibilities of the Supreme Court. how the judiciary system exercise
political neutrality and fairness.

SLOGAN together with the written

RESOLUTION created shall be
displayed in the classroom as a
reminder of the resolution they have
done in relation with the previous

The activity will be scored with the

following rubrics:
10 pts - Relevance to the Topic
5 pts – Creativity
5 pts – Neatness
20 pts TOTAL
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:

Allan D. Salvador – Pampanga Medelyn T. Valiente – Nueva Ecija Sharon P. Alvarez -


Conrado V. Ayunon Jr. – Bulacan Nelly M. Alejandro – Nueva Ecija

Franchesca S. Valenzuela – Bulacan Pilita J. Garcia – Angeles City

Jeremy S. Patillano – Bulacan Rechelle V. Guilas – Tarlac Province

Political Typology Quiz
Title: Are You Liberal or Conservative or Somewhere in Between?
Instruction: Take the quiz below to find out at which point in the political spectrum are you more oriented to. Give yourself a
score of one (1) point if you agree, and a score of zero (0) point if you disagree with each of the statements. If you are
uncertain with your answer, then choose what comes closest to your view.
The quiz was adopted from the “Political Typology Quiz” by the Pew Research Centre but was modified to apply to the
Philippine sociopolitical context. The full Political Typology Quiz can be accessed online through the link http”//www.people-
press.org/quiz/political-typology/. The interpretation of scores for the quiz is not based on any known or used scale.
The government must regulate business to protect public interest.
Government regulation causes more harm than good.
Most people can succeed if they work hard.
Hardwork does not guarantee success in life.
This country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.
This country has neglected the environment.
The use of military force is the best way to defeat terrorism.
Reliance on the use of military force to defeat terrorism causes hatred that leads to more terrorism
Discrimination against women leads to injustice in society.
Women are to be blamed for their situation in society.
Business corporations in the country make too much profit.
Most business corporations in the country make a fair and reasonable amount of profit.
The government provides sufficient social services.
The government is inadequate in providing social services.
Government must intervene for population control.
Government must let couples decide on how many children they want.
The government is always underrated for its performance.
Too much power is in the hands of a few elites/oligarchy.
Power in society must be distributed fairly.
The best way to ensure peace is through military strength.
Good diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace.
One must have a religion to be moral and have good values.
Filipinos are naturally independent and hardworking.
Filipinos need government support to succeed in life.
Homosexuality should be accepted by society.
Homosexuality should be discouraged by society.
Filipinos must give up their privacy and freedom to be protected from terrorism.
Filipinos should not give up their privacy and freedom to be protected from terrorism.
Government aid to the poor does more harm than good, by making people too dependent on government assistance.
Government aid to the poor does more good than harm, because people can’t get out of poverty until their basic needs are
Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and leads to lost economic opportunities.
Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.
Our country has made the changes needed to promote and protect the rights of members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transsexual) community.
Our country needs to do more to promote and protect LGBT rights.
Intermarriages between Filipinos and other races are good for the society.
Intermarriages between Filipinos and other races are not good for the society.
For the purpose of the quiz, the higher your score, the more conservative you are; the lower your score, the more liberal TOTAL
you are.

Functions of Political Ideologies:

1. It offers an analysis of the status quo by examining what works and what does not work as well as other various issues and
problems that the state and the broader society are confronted with.

2. It evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order.
3. It specifies the means by which the preferred or desired social order can be achieved
Different Ideologies and their Perspectives of the State
Political Perspectives on the State
Anarchism • Rejects the state outright, believing it to be an unnecessary evil
• The sovereign, compulsory, and coercive authority of the state is seen as a nothing less than legalized
oppression operating in the interests of the powerful, propertied, and privileged
• As the state is inherently evil and oppressive, all states have the same essential character
• Endorses direct democracy and call for continuous popular participation and radical decentralization
• Electoral or representative democracy is merely a façade that attempts to conceal elite domination and
reconcile the masses to their oppression.
Socialism • Has contrasting views of the state
• Marxists have stressed the link between the state and the class system, seeing it either as an instrument of
class rule or as a means of ameliorating class tensions.
• Other socialists, however, regard the state as an embodiment of the common good and thus approve of
interventionism in either its social- democratic or state-collectivist form.
• Traditionally endorses a form of radical democracy based on popular participation and the desire to bring
economic life under public control, dismissing liberal democracy as simply capitalist democracy
• Nevertheless, modern social democrats are now firmly committed to liberal-democratic structures.
Liberalism • Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing interests and groups in society, a vital guarantee of
social order
• While classical liberals treat the state as a necessary evil and extol the virtues of a minimal or nightwatchman
state, modern liberals recognize the state’s positive role in widening freedom and promoting equal
• Understands democracy in individual terms as consent expressed through the ballot box, democracy being
equated with regular and competitive elections
• While democracy constrains abuses of power, it must always be conducted within a constitutional framework
in order to prevent majoritarian tyranny
Conservatism • Links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline and to protect society from chaos and
disorder, hence, their traditional preference for a strong state
• However, whereas traditional conservatives support a pragmatic balance between the state and civil
society, neoliberals have called for the state to be “rolled back” as it threatens economic prosperity and is
driven, essentially by, bureaucratic self-interest

• Endorses liberal-democratic rule but with qualifications about the need to protect property and traditional
institutions from the untutored will of “the many”
• The new right, however, has linked electoral democracy to the problems -f over- government and economic
Fascism • Particularly in the Italian tradition, sees the state as a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the undifferentiated
interests of the national community, hence their belief in totalitarianism
• The Nazis, however, saw the state more as a vessel that contains, or tool that serves, the race or nation.
• Embraces the ideas of totalitarian democracy, holding that a genuine democracy is an absolute dictatorship
as the leader monopolizes ideological wisdom and is alone able to articulate the true interests of the people.
• Party and electoral competition are thus corrupt and degenerate
• Source; adapted from Heywood, A 2003, Political Ideologies, New York, palgrave Macmillan, p 192 and p 46.

RUBRIC FOR GROUP WORK (Group Discussions, Role Play, etc)

Advanced Competent Progressing Beginning

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Contributions/ Always willing to help and do Cooperative; usually Sometimes cooperative; Seldom cooperative;
participation more; routinely offered useful offers useful ideas; and sometimes offers useful rarely offers useful
Attitude ideas; and always displays generally ideas; and rarely displays ideas; and is disruptive
positive attitude displays positive attitude positive attitude

Working with Does more than others; is highly Does part of the work; is Could have done more of Seldom cooperative;
others/ productive; assumes leadership cooperative; the work – has difficulty; rarely offers useful
Cooperation role as necessary; and works works well with others; requires structure; ideas; and is disruptive
extremely well with others. and rarely argues directions and leadership;
sometimes argues
Focus on task Tries to keep people working Does not cause problems Sometimes not a good Did not do any work –
/commitment together; almost always focused in the group; focuses on team member; does not contribute;
on the task and what needs to the task and what needs sometimes focuses on does not work well with
be done; is very self-directed; to be done most of the the task and what needs others; usually argues
and participated in all group time; participated in most to be done; must be with teammates
meetings group meetings; and prodded and reminded to
provides leadership when keep on task; and
asked participated in some
group meetings.
Communication/ Always listens to, shares with, Usually listens to, shares Often listens to, shares Provided no
listening and supports the efforts of with, and supports the with, and supports the leadership; often is not
Information others; provides effective efforts of others; efforts of others; usually a good team member;
sharing feedback to other members; and sometimes talks too does most of the talking – does not focus on the
relays a great deal of related much; provides some rarely listens to others; task and what needs to
information. effective feedback to provides little feedback to be done; lets others do
others; and relays some others; and relays very the work; and
basic related information. little related information participated in few or
no group meetings


Rubric for Individual Work

Exemplary Sufficient Minimal Beginning

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Self-disclosure / Student demonstrates an in- Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates
Depth of reflection depth reflection on, and general reflection on, and minimal reflection on, a lack of reflection on,
personalization of the theories, personalization of, the and personalization of, or personalization of,
concepts, and/or strategies theories, concepts, the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts,
presented in the course and/or strategies and/or strategies and/or strategies
materials. Viewpoints and presented in the course presented in the course presented in the
interpretations are insightful and materials. Viewpoints materials. Viewpoints course materials.
well supported. Clear, detailed and interpretations are and interpretations are Viewpoints and
examples from personal supported. Appropriate unsupported or interpretations are
experiences are provided, as examples are provided supported with flawed missing, inappropriate,
applicable. from personal arguments. Examples and/or unsupported.
experiences, as are not provided or are Examples are not
applicable. irrelevant to the provided.
Connection to Student makes in-depth Student goes into some Student goes into little Student merely
outside synthesis of thoughtfully detail explaining some detail explaining some identifies some
experiences selected aspects of specific ideas or issues specific ideas or issues general ideas or
experiences related to the topic from outside experiences from outside experiences issues from outside
and makes clear connections related to the topic and related to the topic and m experiences related to
between what is learned from makes general very few connections the topic.
outside experiences and the connections between between what is learned
topic. what is learned from from outside experiences
outside experiences and and the topic.
the topic.
Connection to Student makes in-depth Student goes into more Student goes into little Student identifies
readings synthesis of thoughtfully detail explaining some detail explaining some some general ideas or
selected aspects of readings specific ideas or issues specific ideas or issues issues from readings
related to the topic and makes from readings related to from readings related to related to the topic.
clear connections between what the topic and makes the topic and makes Readings are
is learned from readings and general general
the topic. Includes reference to connections between connections between only those assigned for
at least two readings other than what is learned from what is learned from the topic.
those assigned for class. readings and the topic. readings and the topic.
Includes reference to at
least one reading other
than those assigned for
Connection to Student synthesizes, analyzes Student synthesizes Student attempts to Student has difficulty
class discussions and evaluates thoughtfully clearly some directly synthesize some directly restating some general
selected aspects of ideas or appropriate ideas or appropriate ideas or ideas or issues from
issues from the class discussion issues from the class issues from the class the class discussion as
as they relate to this topic. discussion as they relate discussion as they relate they relate to this topic.
to this topic. to this topic.

Rubric in Slogan Making

4 3 2 1
Craftsmanship The slogan is The slogan is attractive The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably attractive distractingly messy.
in terms of terms of neatness. though it may be a bit
neatness. Well Good messy.
constructed and not construction and not
messy. very messy.
Creativity The slogan is The slogan is creative The slogan is creative The slogan does not
exceptionally creative. A and a good amount of and some thought was reflect any degree of
lot of thought and effort thought was put into put into decorating it. creativity.
was used to make the decorating it.
Originality Exceptional use of new Good use of new ideas Average use of new No use of new ideas
ideas and originality to and originality to create ideas and originality to and originality to create
create slogan. slogan. create slogan. the slogan.


The Meaning of Power

• Politics always involves the exercise of power by one person or persons to another person or
persons (Shively, 2012)
• Power is the ability to get someone to do something he/she wants to accomplish thus making
things happen in the way he/she wants. In having such ability, along with the exercise of power
is an influence.
➢ Influence is the process by which a person’s affects the behavior and feeling of another
➢ In order to influence a person there must an authority which is the right to change
another person.
 Power is a well prime ingredient of politics (Roskin et.al.,2012).

Sources of Power
1. Organizational Power is a power derived from a person’s position in an organization and
from control over valuable resources afforded by that position.
➢ Reward power. It is the extent to which a leader can use extrinsic and intrinsic
rewards to control the influence other people.
➢ Coercive power. It is the degree to which a leader can deny desired rewards or
administer punishments to control other people and let them follow his wants.
➢ Legitimate power. It is the extent to a leader can use subordinates ‘ internalized
values or beliefs that the boss has a right of command to control his subordinates’
behavior. That id legitimacy is lost, authority will not be accepted by subordinates. It
is otherwise known as formal hierarchical authority.
➢ Information power. The leader has the access to and control of information.This
complements legitimate hierarchical power.This could be granted to specialists and
managers in the middle of the information system. The people may protest
information in order to increase their power,
➢ Process power. The leader has full control over the methods of production and
analysis. Thereby, placing an individual in the position of influencing how inputs are
transformed int outputs as well as managing the analytical process used to make
➢ Representative power. The legal right conferred to speak by the firm as a
representative of a potentially significant group composed of individuals from
departments or outside the firm. Helps complex organizations deal with a variety of
2. Individual Power or personal power is a power derived from personal characteristics
that are of value to the organization.
➢ Expert power
 The ability to control another person’s behavior through the possession of
knowledge , experience, or judgement that the other person needs but not
 Is relative, not absolute.
➢ Rational persuasion
 The ability to control another person’s behavior by convincing the ther
person of a desirability of a goal and a reasonable way of achieving it.
 Much of a supervisor’s daily activity involves rational persuasion.
➢ Referent power
 The ability to control another behavior because the persons wants to
identify with the power source.
 Can be enhanced by linking to morality and ethics and long term vision.

Symbols of Power
A. Kanter’s Symbols of Power
The primary characteristic of Kanter’s seven symbols of power is that they
provide an ability to aid or assist another person. .Her symbols are active and other-
The symbols are:
1. Ability to intercede for someone in trouble.
2. Ability to get placements for favored employees
3. Exceeding budget limitations
4. Procuring above-average raises for employees
5. Getting items on the agenda at meetings
6. Access to recent information
7. Having top managers seek out one’s program

B. Kanter’s Symbols of Powerlessness

Powerlessness is a lack of power, which may have different symptoms in
managers at various levels of the organization.

C. Karda’s Symbols of Power

Korda’s symbol of power are easy to determine, and they include office
furnishings, time power and standing by.

➢ Ways to expand power (Shermerhorn, 2003)

 Clearly define roles and responsibilities
 Provide opportunities for creative problem solving coupled with the discretion to act.
 Emphasize different ways of exercising influence
 Provide support to individuals to they become comfortable with developing their power.
 Expand inducements for thinking and acting, not just obeying.

Two Faces of Power

Mccelland takes a stand for the use of authority in a right or wrong fashion.
1. Personal power is use for personal gain and involves the in a win-lose approach.
2. Social control involves the use of power to create motivation or to accomplish group

Types of Authority (Weber in Ethridge & Handelman, 2004)

1. Charismatic Authority. It is an influence possessed by person by virtue of their personal
magnetism. They have the capacity to gain respect and even adulation to the point of
moving followers to make great sacrifices. It flows not from the legal basis of one’s power
but an individual.

2. Rational-Legal Authority. It is a leadership based on established law. People obey the leader
or executive because they accept his or her power under the law.
3. Traditional Authority. The leadership is based on from the culture that is people often give
allegiance to the one who occupy the institutional positions.
4. Coercive Authority. The power to use force such as police or military force to demand
obedience from the subordinate.

States Nations and Globalization

Concept of a State
State taken from the Latin stare (to stand) a state is a political community that occupies a
definite territory; having an organized government with the authority to make and enforce laws
without the consent of a higher authority. It is also defined as a self-governing political entity.

Elements of a State
1 People - also known as population or inhabitants.
2. Territory - refers to the portion of the earth which composed of aerial (air space above),
fluvial (waters around and connecting the islands of the archipelago) and the terrestrial
(landmass) domains.

Maritime terms:
a. Territorial Sea - coastal states have sovereignty, including exclusive fishing
rights (12 nautical miles)
b. Contiguous zone- coastal state can enforce its customs, immigration, and
sanitation laws and exercise “hot pursuit” out of its territorial waters (24
nautical miles) .
c. Exclusive Economic Zone - state has recognized rights to explore, exploit,
conserve, and manage the natural resources (200 nautical miles).
d. Continental Shelf - countries have exclusive rights to natural resources up to
350 nm.
e. High Seas - beyond EEZ - “common heritage of humankind.”

3. Sovereignty - refers to supreme and absolute power within its territorial boundaries.

Types of Sovereignty
1. internal is the power of the state to rule within its territory
2. External is the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without subjection
to or control by other states.

Characteristics of Sovereignty
1. Sovereignty is absolute from the legal point of view.
2. Sovereignty is permanent
3. Sovereignty of the state is universal
4. Sovereignty is inalienable
5. Sovereignty cannot be divided between or shared by a plurality
6. Sovereignty is exclusive
4. Government – refers to the institution or agency or instrumentalities through which the state
maintains social order, provide public services, and enforces binding decisions. International
recognition, e.g. by the UN

Forms of Government
1. Distribution of Power
a. Unitary government power is held by one central authority. Example: Philippines,
Denmark, Italy, Finland Peru.
b. Confederation it is a voluntary association of independent states that often only
delegate a few powers to the central government. Weak or loose organization of
states agrees to follow a powerful central government.
Examples: The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) formerly known as the
Soviet Union, Switzerland’s canton system.
c. Federal government power is divided between one central and several regional
authorities. Example: Malaysia, USA, Nigeria, Australia
2. Citizen Participation
a. Autocracy. Form of government wherein one person possesses unlimited power.
The citizen has limited, if any, role in government. The leader is from a family or
from a social class or from a strong party. In addition, Monarchy is a government in
which a supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns over a
state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right; the monarch may be
wither a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign – such a king, queen, or prince – with
constitutionally limited authority.

Form of Autocratic Government

1. Absolute or Totalitarian Dictatorship. The ideas of a single leader glorified.
Government tries to control all aspects of social and economic life. Moreover,
the government is not responsible to the people. Thus, the people lack the
power to limit their rulers. Examples: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph
2. Absolute Monarchy. The king, queen, or emperor exercises the supreme and
unlimited powers of government wherein the position is usually inherited.
Absolute monarch rules by divine right are rare today but from the 1400s to the
1700s they rule most of Western Europe. Example: King of Saudi Arabia. The
counterpart of absolute monarchy is limited monarchy wherein the ruler has a
limited power as mandated by the constitution.

b. Oligarchy. It is the government by the few. Sometimes a small group exercises

control, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The group gets its power from
military power, social power, wealth, religion or a combination. In here, the citizen
has a very limited role. Thus, political opposition is usually suppressed-sometimes
violently. Example: Communist countries such as China, Leaders in the party and
armed forces control government.

Note: Autocracy and oligarchy sometimes claim they rule for the people
but in reality, the people have very little say in both types of
government. They may hold elections which only one candidate or control
the results in various ways. Moreover, even when the government have a
legislature or national assembly, they often only approve decisions made by the

c. Democracy. It is a government based on the consent of the governed. The people

are the sovereign, thud, they hold the highest political authority. Citizens have
freedom to criticize their leaders because they are the one who elected them in the
position. People have high a degree of participation in every government processes.

Democracy has two forms: Indirect democracy or representative democracy is a

form of democratic government wherein the people directly elect their leaders who
will govern them and perform governmental functions; and Direct democracy is a
form of government wherein the people will convene in a mass assembly and
directly formulate an expressed the will of the state

3. Legitimacy

a. De jure. It is a form of government wherein it has the peoples support and

possess constitutional mandate. Therefore, it is a legitimate government.

b. De facto. It is a form of government supported by the people but no

constitutional mandate or legal support.

Executive and Legislative Relationship

a. Presidential – a form of government in which executive branch exists separately from

the legislature. The president is constitutionally independent from the legislature
because they are elected directly by the people.
b. Parliamentary – a form of government in which members of an executive branch (the
cabinet and its leader - a prime minister are nominated to their positions by a
legislature or parliament, and are directly responsible to it)
An Independent State

➢ Has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries.

➢ Has people who live there on an ongoing basis.
➢ Has economic activity and an organized economy. A country regulates foreign trade
and domestic trade and issues money.
➢ Has the power of social engineering, such as education
➢ Has a transportation system for moving goods or services.
➢ Has a government which provided public services and police power.
➢ Has sovereignty. No other state should have the power over the country’s territory.
➢ Has external recognition. A country has been “voted into the club” by other
Origins of the State

1. Evolution Theory – States evolved from family units. The families grew into a large
extended family that heads of the family served as a government. Eventually evolved
into tribal councils with a hierarchy of authority.
2. Force Theory - Governments, emerged when people were brought under the control of
some power. States emerged from the conquest of other families or tribes.
3. Divine Right - Belief that kings are chosen to rule the Ancient state by a deity examples
include Egyptians and Aztecs.
4. Social Contract - It existed during the 17th Century and the Age of Enlightenment.
People begin to challenge the monarchy and the idea of Divine Right.
Concept of Nation

➢ Nation (Anderson 1991, Poggi 2008) is the social construction of a collective identity. It
is an imagined political community that is imagined as both inherently limited and
➢ It is also defined as a group of people who share the same territory, geography,
language, customs and sometimes religion.

Distinction between the State and Nation (Murali, et.al. 2005)

State Nation
Exited not only at present but also in the ancient Modern phenomenon.
It is legal political. It is racial cultural.
People organized for law within a definite People psychologically joined together with
territory. common will to live together.
A state must be sovereign. People continue as a nation even if they do not
remain sovereign.
Inhabited by heterogeneous groups of Inhabited by homogenous groups of people.

Concept of Globalization

Globalization also known as global industrialism is a process of forging international political,

economic, religious, and socio-cultural interconnections. The concept of sovereign nation-states
is increasingly being challenged by globalization.

1. He serves as chieftain, legislator and judge in his barangay.

a. maharlika c. datu
b. timawa d. umaklolohan

2. He was appointed by the King of Spain as his official representative in the colony.
a. alcalde mayor c. gobernadorillo
b. governor-general d.cabeza

3. Which of the following statement is false?

a. Acta de Tejeros contained a resolution nullifying the result of the Tejeros convention.
b. Aguinaldo first established a dictatorial government wherein the chief of state was called
the Dictator.
c. The treaty of Paris states that the Spain will turn over the Philippines to the US for the sum
of $20,000,000.
d. Through the Philippine Assembly, Filipinos were able to participate in the making of laws for
the country.

4. What significant event happens on 1986?

a. Philippine Constitution was drafted and ratified by the people through plebiscite.
b. Assassination of Senator Benigno Aquino
c. Declaration of Martial Law
d. Snap election and first EDSA revolution

5. It serves as a transitional government preparatory to the resumption of the Philippine

a. Commonwealth Government c. Malolos Constitution
b. Schurman Commission d. Constitutional Convention

6. Arrange into chronological sequence of event

1. Biak na Bato Republic 3. Revolutionary Government
2. Malolos Republic 4. Civil Government

a. 1,3,2,4 b. 3,2,1,4 c. 1,2,3,4 d. 2,1,3,4

7. Executive Power is defined as _________________
a. the authority under the Constitution to make laws and subsequently, when the need arise
to alter and repeal them.
b. the power to administer, implement, and execute the laws enacted by the legislature.
c. the power to ratify treaties, and declare state of war.
d. the power to apply the laws, to contests or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or

8. He is the shortest serving President of the Philippines.

a. Diosdado Macapagal c. Joseph Estrada
b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Sergio Osmeña

9. The actor Robin Padilla, upon the order of the president was released from prison. What power of
the President was exercised?
a. Appointing power c. Pardoning Power
b. Removal power d. Veto Power

10. Former president Joseph Estrada was subject to Impeachment trial on the following grounds
a. bribery c. graft and corruption
b. betrayal of public trust d. treason

11. The president known for his Philippines 2000 policy.

a. Corazon Aquino c. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
b. Fidel Ramos d. Benigno Aquino Jr.

12. All of the following are powers of the President, except for ?
a. Pardoning Power c. Referent Power
b. Borrowing Power d. Appointing Power

13. The Katipunan was a secret society that precipitated our glorious revolution on August 26, 1896 and
it was organized by
a. Emilio Jacinto c. Apolinario Mabini
b. Andres Bonifacio d. Antonio Luna
14. He is the longest serving President of the Philippines who declared Martial Law.
a. Diosdado Macapagal c. Joseph Estrada
b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Sergio Osmeña
15. It established a government intended to be popular, representative and responsible.
a. Commonwealth Government c. Malolos Constitution
b. Schurman Commission d. Constitutional Convention

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