Assignment2 L6-L10
Assignment2 L6-L10
Assignment2 L6-L10
July 2023
Assignment 2
1. Which one of the following is the correct specification to compute 𝑦 =
√𝑒𝑥𝑝( 𝑥) + 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 3/2 − 4000 and what is its value for x = 17?
a. y<-function{x}{sqrt(exp(x)+x^2)+x^3/2-4000}, y=3371.298
b. y<-f(x)[sqrt(exp(x)+x^2)+x^(3/2)-4000] , y=984.481
c. y<-function(x){sqrt(exp(x)+x^2)+x^3/2-4000}, y=3371.298
d. y<- function(x){sqrt(exp(x)+x^2)+x^(3/2)-4000}, y
2. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of z(14,11) of the function spe
cified as z=function(x,y){sqrt(x^3-y^3+log(x))+log(-(5*x^-2+6*y^-
2-60))-(x^3-y^2)^(3/4)} ?
a. -4511644550
b. -324.8028
c. -2758.699
d. None of these
3. Which one of the following is the correct command to obtain the following matrix?
21 24 27
𝑥 = (22 25 28)
23 26 29
a. x=matrix(21:29,3,3,byrow=T)
b. x=mat(21:29,3,3, byrow=T)
c. x=matrix(21:29,3,3,byrow=F)
d. x=mat(21:29,3,3,byrow=F)
4. Which one of the following is the correct command to obtain the following matrix?
15 11 17
𝑧=( )
8 19 12
5. Which one of the following is the correct command to obtain the third column and
first row of the following matrix?
10 20 30
𝑥 = (40 50 60)
70 80 90
6. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of the command X[3,2] for
the matrix constituted by the commands X<-matrix(61:69,3,3,byrow=F)?
a. 63
b. 66
c. 67
d. 68
Solution: The command x[nrow, ncol] provides the nrow-th row and ncol-th
column element in the matrix x.
7. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of the commands dim(x) and
dim(y) for the matrices obtained by x<-matrix(101:150,25,2,byrow=T)
and y<-matrix(201:250,25,2,byrow=F) ?
a. 25 2 and 2 25 respectively.
b. 2 25 and 25 2 respectively.
c. 2 25 and 2 25 respectively.
d. 25 2 and 25 2 respectively.
5 5
a. 𝑥 = ( )
0 5
0 5
b. 𝑥 = ( )
5 0
5 5
c. 𝑥=( )
5 5
5 0
d. 𝑥=( )
0 5
9. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of the command t(x) for
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 30 32 34
[2,] 31 33 35
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 30 31
[2,] 32 33
[3,] 34 35
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 30 33
[2,] 31 34
[3,] 32 35
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 30 31 32
[2,] 33 34 35
10. Which one of the following is the correct command to obtain the multiplication of
two matrices x and y of the same order?
a. x**y
b. *%*y
c. x%*%y
d. x%**%y
Solution: The command x%*%y provides the matrix multiplication of matrices x and y
in R.
11. Which one of the following is the correct command to obtain the multiplication of
4 7 12 13
two matrices 𝑥=( ) and 𝑦 = ( ) along with its correct answer?
8 2 16 11
a. x*y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 48 128
[2,] 91 22
b. x*%*y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 48 91
[2,] 128 22
c. x%*%y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 160 129
[2,] 128 126
d. x%%*%%y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 160 128
[2,] 129 126
Solution: The command x%*%y provides the matrix multiplication of matrices x and y
in R.
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 147 144 141
[2,] 138 135 132
[3,] 129 126 123
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 147 138 129
[2,] 144 135 126
[3,] 141 132 123
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 141 132 123
[2,] 144 135 126
[3,] 147 138 129
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 129 126 123
[2,] 138 135 132
[3,] 147 144 141
Solution: The command a*x provides the scalar multiplication of matrix x with scalar
a in R.
13. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of the addition of two matrices
4 8 12 16
𝑥=( ) and 𝑦 = ( ) along with its correct answer?
7 2 13 11
x + y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 16 24
[2,] 20 13
x %+% y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 16 24
[2,] 20 13
x %%+%% y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 20 13
[2,] 16 24
x %+%+ y
and its correct answer is
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 20 13
[2,] 16 24
Solution: The command x+y provides the matrix addition of matrices x and y in R.
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 66 80 96 112
[2,] 68 84 100 116
[3,] 72 88 104 120
[4,] 76 92 108 124
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 66 82 98 114
[2,] 70 86 102 118
[3,] 74 90 106 122
[4,] 78 94 110 126
c. Error...
d. None of these
Solution: The command x%*%y provides the matrix multiplication of matrices x and y
in R. A scalar and matrix are not compatible in this multiplication.
15. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of X[3 ,] for the matrix
specified by
a. [1] 30 60 90
b. [1] 35 75 15
c. [1] 90 60 30
d. None of these
Solution: The command x[nrow, ] provides the nrow-th row of the matrix x in R.
16. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of x[1:2,2:3] for the matrix
specified by x<- matrix(nrow=4, ncol=4, data=16:31, byrow=T)?
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 21 22
[2,] 17 18
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 17 18
[2,] 21 22
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 17 21
[2,] 18 22
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 17 18
[2,] 22 21
20 30
17. Which one of the following is the correct command to get the matrix (50 60)
80 90
from the matrix specified by
a. X[2:3, 1:3]
b. X[1:3, 2:3]
c. X[1:1, 2:2, 3:3]
d. X[3:3, 2:2, 1:1]
13 1 12 5
4 20 14 6
18. If 𝑥 = ( ) then which one of the following is the correct
5 3 16 7
16 8 12 8
command and its outcome for obtaining the inverse of the submatrix of the matrix x
with first three rows and last three columns?
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.02777778 0.05555556 -0.02777778
[2,] 1.69444444 0.11111111 -1.30555556
[3,] -3.86111111 -0.27777778 3.13888889
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.02777778 0.05555556 -0.02777778
[2,] 1.69444444 0.11111111 -1.30555556
[3,] -3.86111111 -0.27777778 3.13888889
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.02777778 1.6944444 -3.8611111
[2,] 0.05555556 0.1111111 -0.2777778
[3,] -0.02777778 -1.3055556 3.1388889
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.02777778 1.6944444 -3.8611111
[2,] 0.05555556 0.1111111 -0.2777778
[3,] -0.02777778 -1.3055556 3.1388889
19. Suppose x is any vector as x=c(10, 80, 90, 101:200, NA) then
which one of the following is the correct outcome of the command mean(x)?
a. 147.8641
b. 96.2
c. Error...
d. NA
20. Which one of the following is the correct outcome of the command
(x < 15) || (x > 12) & (x < 15) && (x > 12)||(x == 17) when
x = 13 and when x = -13 ?
Solution: Using the Boolean algebra, (x < 15) || (x > 12) and (x < 15)
returns TRUE in both cases when x=13, and -13. (x > 12)||(x == 17) returns
TRUE when x=13, and FALSE when x=-13. Because of the OR argument after (x <
15) it returns TRUE no matter what other arguments are.
21. Suppose x = 13:16 then which one of the following is the correct outcome of
the command
22. Suppose x = 3:18 then which one of the following correctly specifies the
outcome of the following statement: x[(x > 14) & (x < 17)] and x[(x < 5)
| (x < 8)] ?
Solution: It follows using basic inequality that first expression gives numbers
between 14 and 17. The second expression gives less than 8.
23. Suppose x = 10:50 then which one of the following is the correct command to
know that which of the values in x are more than 30 and less than 40?
24. Suppose x = 45 then which one of the following is the correct outcome
of (x > 80) & (x < 70) and (x > 80) | (x < 70) ?
Solution: It follows using the Boolean algebra that first expression results in FALSE
& TRUE. Second expression results in FALSE | TRUE
25. Suppose x = 13:17 then which one of the following is the correct outcome of
c. 13 14 15 16 17
d. 17 16 15 14 13
Solution: It follows using the fact that elements in x that are either greater than 12 or
less than 15 contains every element of x.
Answers of Assignment 2
1. d
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. c
11. c
12. a
13. a
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. b
18. a
19. d
20. b
21. a
22. b
23. a
24. d
25. c