Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
City of Mandal
Tel. no. 53-60-85 Fax. no.532-71-17
E-Mail Address: depecmendahongyamalcom
Official Website:
TO: Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD and CID
Education Program Supervisors
Principal of ERIS and ILIS
DATE: September 28, 2015
1. Enclosed is the Unnumbered DepEd-NCR Memorandum from Dr. Luz S.
Almeda, Director IV and DepEd Order No.38, s.2015 from Br. Armin A.
Luistro, Secretary, Department of Education, dated September 4, 2015 and
August 19, 2015 re: Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for
the Special Education (SPED) Program, for information and guidance of
those concerned.
2. Particular attention is invited to the guidelines (see attachment).
3. Concerned schools shall submit the following reports:
3.2. WFP through PMIS
3.3. Status of Implementation
3.4 Physical & Financial Accomplishment Report
4, Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is desired.
Officer-In-Charge soy
Office of the Schools Division SuperintendentRepublika ng Pilipinas
(Republic of the Philippines)
(NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) P€Partmentof Education
Daang Misamis, Bago Bantay, Lungsod Quezon Natforil Capital Region
(Misamis St, Bago Bewtas, Quezon Cty} RECORDS AND PUBLICATION UNIT
Time :_*
Director IV Director ti
Pasay City Marikina City (ES only)
Quezon City Navotas City (ES only)
Caloocan City Malabon City (ES only)
Makati City Las Pifias City (ES only)
Valenzuela City Taguig City/Pateros (BS only]
Manila San Juan City (BS only)
Mandaluyong City
Muntinlupa City
Parafiaque City
Pasig City
DATE : September 24, 2015
1, Attached is Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2015 dated
August 19, 2015 from Br. Armin A. Luistro, Secretary, Department
of Education on the above subject, for information and guidance.
ion Offices concerned are requested to download a
complete copy of the said Order, for reference.
3. Particular attention is invited to Item No. 5 of Enclosure No. 1
specifically 5.1 to 5.4 on the procedures.
For strict compliance.snctoais Ho. 2 to Deptt Order te, 3 8 , 52015
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——— ir y=Republic of the Dhilipnines
Department of Education
DepEd ORDER 19 AUG 2015
No. 38, s. 2015
To: — Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
Mamcant® Department of Education (DepEd) through the Bureau of Elementary
Education (BEE) and the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) issues the enclosed
Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the Special Education (SPED)
2, _Pursuant to DECS Order No. 26, s. 1997 entitled Institutionalization of SPED
Program in All Schools, the support funds aims to enhance the operation of the Program
and augment the regular Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of all
recognized SPED Centers for elementary and secondary schools with classes for
Jeamers with special needs. Specifically, it aims to enhance access to and upgrade the
quality of SPED programs and services, as well as to raise the efficiency of their
S.__ The mechanisms and procedures constituting the downloading of support funds
shall guide school recipients on proper utilization, which shall be used for eligible
SPED related activities and expenses as stated in the enclosure.
4. __ All orders and other related issuances, rules and regulations, and provisions
which arc inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded or modified
Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance wih this Order is directed.
Encl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: (No. 26, s. 1997)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:
F SCHOOLSZaclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order‘No. 38, s. 2015)
Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Special Education Program
‘Table of Contents
Bee PP
Definition of Terms
Policy Statement
5.1 Planning Phase
5.2 Release of Funds
5.3. Liquidation Process
5.4 _ Eligible Activities and Expenses
Monitoring and Evaluation
Annex 1 ~ Minimum Equipment and Material Requirements for Special Education
Page 1 of 7Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the
‘Special Education (SPED) Program
1. Rationale
1.1 Improving Special Education (SPED) Programs should go hand in hand
with national initiatives to improve educational outcomes (UNESCO, 2005}.
It is on this premise that the Department of Education (DepEd), through
the SPED Division continues to address the significant keys in special
education namely:
a. Early Intervention — ensuring those children with disabilities and their
parents has access to suitable help and care.
b, Removing Barriers to Learning - embedding inclusive practice in all
schools and early years.
c. Raising Expectations and Achievement — developing teaching skills and
strategies and focusing on progress children make; and
4. Delivering Improvement in Partnership - a hands-on approach on
collaboration with parents and the community.
1.2 For FY 2015, a target of 300,307 elementary learners and 8,014 secondary
learners (based on enrolment per school) with special needs shall be served
in 448 recognized SPED Centers and 173 regular schools with SPED
classes, respectively. It is for this reason that regular teachers have also
been given financial assistance. Likewise, secondary schools with programs
for students with special needs are given financial assistance based on the
number of enrollees served.
1.3. In the last five (5) years of providing support funds to SPED Centers,
significant improvement has been observed. However, much remains to be
done to provide quality education to learners with special needs who tend
to be unseen, unheard, and uncounted. Hence, the continuation of support
funds is desired.
2. Scope
2.1 Recognized SPED Centers, regular elementary schools with SPED classes,
and secondary schools with SPED programs in seventeen (17) regions are
covered by this policy.
Definition of Terms
3.1 Transition Program - A set of coordinated activities for a student designed
within an outcome-oriented process that promotes movement from school
to out-of-school activities, vocational training, integrated employment
(including supported employment), continuing and adult education,
independent living, or community participation. A transition program
focuses on appropriate intervention for children with intellectual
disabilities who have completed the intermediate level or who are over-aged
for the elementary/secondary level.
Page 2 of 74. Policy Statement
4.1. The ultimate goal of special education is the inclusion of children with
special needs into the regular school system and eventually in the
community. The Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) through the
Special Education Division therefore would like to give specific support
services for inclusion through the financial subsidy granted to every SPED
Modification and adaptation of physical environment, curriculum,
timetables, and evaluation procedures.
Supply of special teaching aids, materials, and equipment.
Access to assistance by peers (buddy system), parents, and volunteers.
Access to support personnel in health services and guidance and
5.1 Planning Phase
5.1.1 The total amount of Two Hundred Forty Million, Two Hundred
Forty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Pesos (P240,245,600.00)
allocated for all SPED Centers in elementary schools shall be based
on the SY 2014-2015 enrolment from the EBEIS, number of pupils
mainstreamed, children with learning disabilities in the regular
classes and satelite schools who have children with special needs
(CSNs) in their classes. This will be computed at Bight Hundred
Pesos (P800.00) per pupil.
5.1.2 For secondary schools with SPED classes, the total allocation of
‘Thirty Million, Fifty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Pesos
(P30,053,400.00) was computed based on the fixed cost of One
Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Pesos (P125,000.00) and a
variable cost of One Thousand Fifty-One Pesos and Seventy-One
centavos (P1,051.71) per student.
5.1.3 The recipient SPED Centers and schools are contained in Enclosure
Nos. 2a and 2b for elementary and secondary schools, respectively.
Furthermore, the names of the satellite schools in the elementary
level must be reflected in Enclosure No. 2a. Summaries of total
allocations to be received and of corresponding fund sources are
reflected in Enclosure No. 2c.
5.1.4 The SPED Center or the school ‘shall also submit its approved
‘Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) that indicates the activities
relevant to its operation and related activities.
5.1.5 Upon the issuance of these guidelines, the Regional Office (RO) shall
communicate to the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) concerned, the
availability of funds and the need to prepare the Work and Financial
‘Plan (WFP). The SDO immediately issues a call for the submission of
individual “WEP of the ‘recipient schools through the Program
‘Management Information System (PMIS).
Page 3 of 752
5.1.6 \Using the prescribed offline Excel-template which shall be directly
generated by the recipient schools or the SDOs from the PMIS or
through online encoding in the system, the recipient schools shall
prepare and submit WFP, which shall be subject to the SDO's
appraisal. Projects and activities chargeable to the fund may be
culled out from the approved AIP of the schools.
Once appraised, the SDO shall communicate to the school any
feedback or clarification. In turn, the school shall provide an
explanation or justification as applicable, and revise the workplan
based on agreement using the PMIS. Once the WFP is approved by
the SDO team, the SDO through the Division Planning Officer, shall
confirm the WFP's approval in the system. Once the workplan is
confirmed, the RO-PPRD may view or monitor the status of each
WFP submitted by the recipient schools in their respective regions.
The SDO shall subsequently revise the Monthly Disbursement
Program (MDP) using the Financial Plan format in Enclosure No. 3
and submit the same to the RO-Finance Division.
The RO-PPRD, in coordination with the Regional Supervisor in
charge of the Program, shall endorse the submitted and SDO-
approved physical and financial plan and the list of recipient schools
to the RO-Finance Division for the release of funds.
Release of Funds
To effect the revision in cash programming, the RO-Finance Division
shall submit a revised MDP to the concerned DBM-RO. To fast-track
release of funds, the RO-Finance Division may simultaneously effect
the transfer of the allotment to the respective units through
issuance of Sub-Allotment Order (Sub-ARO) as follows:
SDOs for Non-Implementing Units (Non-IUs}; and
ii, Implementing Units ([Us)
Once the funds are released, the RO-Finance Division shall record
the details of Sub-ARO release to the PMIS in order to notify the
recipient units of the fund release.
Upon receipt of the Sub-ARO, the SDOs and/or the IUs shall record
receipt of the Sub-ARO and obligation of allotment in the Registry of
Allotments and Obligations for MOOE (RAOMO) being maintained by
the respective units. Simultaneously, recipient units shall confirm
the receipt of the fund release in the PMIS prior to fund utilization.
The SDOs, thru the Division Accountant, shall confirm the receipt of
the fund in behalf of Non-IUs while the School Heads (SHs) of IUs
shall confirm the receipt of funds for their schools. The SDOs
and/or [Us shall request release of Notice of Cash Allotment (NCA)
from DBM, supported by copies of Sub-AROs corresponding to the
amount as reflected in these guidelines.
Upon receipt of the NCA, the SDOs shall effect the transfer of the
allocated amount to the heads of the Non-IUs in the form of cash
advance. The cash advance shall specify the name of the school to
Page 4 of 7which the subsidy is allocated and the purposes for which the
subsidy is to be applied.
5.2.5 For Noss with lgree allocations, the SDOs may release the c
advance in tranches depending on the timelines in the appr
work plan. Subsequent cash advance(s) may be given, provided that
at least 75% of the previous cash advances have been liquidated.
5.2.6 In cases where school heads could not draw a cash advance due to
legal and administrative impediments, the Schools Division
Superintendent shall take immediate appropriate action to ensure
that such schools will not be deprived of the subsidy.
5.2.7 For IUs, the funds shall be disbursed in accordance with the
schedule as indicated in the approved WFP.
5.2.8 All funds received shall be utilized according to the eligible activities
and expenses specified in Item 5.4 of this Enclosure.
Liquidation Process
5.3.1 Beery loth day_of “the monthi after the conduct of an activity, td
.IUs shall submit their utilization and/or liquidation report
‘their respective SDOs using the disbursement report form for
verification and proper reporting, monitoring, and consolidation. The
amount specified in the liquidation report shall be the basis for the
monthly financial accomplishment that will be reported in the PMIS.
5.3.2. The supporting documents needed for liquidation are the following:
i, Official Receipts or Cash Invoices;
ii, Reimbursement Expense Receipts (RERs);
iii, Petty Disbursement Register (PDR);
iv. Other supporting documents to vouch for related transactions
5.3.3 Supporting documents of IUs regarding the utilization and/or
liquidation reports shall be retained in their respective schools.
However, a report copy must be submitted to the SDO to serve as
means of verification for the financial accomplishment report that
will be recorded by IUs in the PMIS. All supporting documents of!
Non-IUs shall be retained in their respective Divisions. |
5.3.4 The school head shall be accountable for the judicious
disbursement, allocation, and liquidation of downloaded funds
subject to the usual accounting and auditing requirements.
Eligible Activities and Expenses
5.4.1 Pupil development activities such as camp activities, educational
visits, stakeholders’ SPED-activity orientations, pupil participation,
sports, and training in SPED-related activities;
5.4.2 Procurement of the following: (a) early intervention materials; (b)
manipulative materials/ resources for the gifted and talented and
Page 5 of 7other disabilities; (c) psychological and other assessment tests and
materials; (d) payment for services of psychologists and
psychometricians in the screening and identification of CSNs;
(e) supplies for the Transition Program; and (f) maintenance and
minor repairs of existing devices/facilities, e.g., science models,
apparatuses, etc. The list of eligible items can be seen in Annex 1.
Items listed in Annex 1 should be purchased at one time only and if
Travel expenses relative to teachers and school heads or
supervisors’ participation in and attendance to activities relevant to
the implementation of the program and their professional growth.
6. Progress Monitoring and Reporting
6.1 The SPED Center or the school shall submit to the BEE and BSE basic
“data on its status of implementation.
‘The ‘ecipient schools shall encode and \submit a monthly Physical and
Financial Accomplishment Report to the PMIS, on or before every 2nd day
‘of the following month.
The SDO, thru the Program Supervisor in charge of SPED, shall review the
reports and the supporting documents received from the recipient schools
for quarterly verification in the system on or before Sth day of the
first month of the succeeding quarter and provide technical assistance as
‘These reports will be automatically available in the system.
‘The detailed process flow of implementation is reflected in Enclosure No.
4. Instructions on filling up the required templates are provided in the
respective enclosures.
7. References
‘The significant keys in special education were from the UNESCO 2005
report entitled, Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for
All, printed in UNESCO, Paris, France.
DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2012 - Guidelines on the Utilization of the Support
Funds for the Recognized Elementary Special Education (SPED) Centers
Guidelines on the Utilization of the Support Funds for the Recognized
Elementary Special Education (SPED) Centers; DepEd Order No. 27, s.
2012 — Changes in and Additional Provision to DepEd Order No. 98, s.
2011 (Revised Guidelines on the Utilization of the Financial Support Fund to
the Secondary Schools Special Education |SPED] Program), and DepEd
Order No. 39, s. 2013 - Guidelines on the Utilization of Financial
Assistance to the Special Education Program.
‘The basis for the list of eligible items in Annex 1 were specifically indicated
in the 2010 Edition of the DepEd Educational Facilities Manual (Revised
Edition of the 2007 Handbook on Educational Facilities - Integrating Disaster
Risk Reduction in School Construction), Chapter 4: School Furniture,
Page 6 of 7Equipment, and Other Facilities, Section Q. Special Education Facilities, pp.
Page 7 of 7
;Annex 1
Minimum Equipment and Material Requirements for Special Education
The Special Education (SPED) program of the Department of Education (DepEd)
aims to meet the special needs of exceptional /differently-abled students in connection
with their education and training. Special education is carried out by SPED teachers
who are especially trained to teach children with exceptional needs. SPED classes
require special facilities. Below is the minimum number of students required per
exceptionality as shown in Table 1:
Table 1: Type of Bxceptionality and Minimum Number of Students Required
[___Bxeeptionality finimum No. of Students _|
‘Autism spectrum dis
Behavior problems
‘Chronically ill
Developmentally handicapped t
Hearing impairment |
[Intellectual disability is
[Muteste handicapped 5
‘Orthopedically handicapped — 10
‘Speech defective 10
Visual impairment, See SEEN
Listed further below are the minimum equipment and material requirements for
five (5) exceptionalities classified under SPEI
A. For a class of § to 10 pupils/students with Visual Impairment:
Facilities Quantity
1. Abacus 10 units
2. Adapted P.E. apparatus~-~ ~| tet
3. Algebra frame: 10 pes,
4. Braille clock-~~ Tunit
5. Braille paper as many as needed
6, Braille protractors~-~~~ - vem | 10 Pes,
7. Braille slates and stylus: 10 sets
8. 10 copies
9. Lunit
10. 10 pes.
i 10 sets
12. Vunit
13. 1 set
4 | 4 sets
13. 3 sets
16. 10 pes.
17. | several
18. 1 set
19. 10 sets
20. Sense-training materials (sound, tactile, olfactory. kinetic) | 1 set
21. Spur wheel/tracer« | 10 units
22. Tape recorder and tapes” | Qunits
23, White cane: 10 units
Page 1 of 2Annex 1
Minimum Equipment and Material Requirements for Special Education
B. For one pupil/student with Low Vision who is into a class:
Facilities Quantity
Quantity __|
‘Special kit containing feathers, balloons, small spatula,
teaspoon, drinking glass, small mirror, and cotton pledgets: | 1 kit
Speech train
9. Tape recorder/cassette, with tapes
10._Wall mirror flife size) «
D. For a class of 8 to 15 pupils/students with Mental Retardation:
[ Facilities ‘Quantity
i. Adapted P-E. apparatuses: “| Tset
2. Aquarium /fishbow! Lunit
3. Miniature toy household appliances (such as st
refrigerator, sink, cupboard, ironing board) « 4 sets
4. Radio/cassette, with taping~ 1 unit
5. Stuffed toy animals (local) 8 pes.
6. __ Wooden hollow blocks” 6 sets
E. For a Class of 10 to 15 pupils/students with Orthopedic Handicaps:
Facilities ‘Quantity
7. Adapted P.-E. apparatuses: =
2. Cassette tape recorder, with tapes 2 units
as 1 pe.
4 2 pes.
5 Lunit
‘The lists above were modified from those originally stated in the 2010 Edition of the
DepEd Educational Facilities Manual (Revised Edition of the 2007 Handbook on
Educational Facilities-Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction in School Construction),
Chapter 4: School Furniture, Equipment, and Other Facilities, Section Q. Special
Education Facilities, pp. 124-126. This is to avoid duplication in the procurement and
purchase of items classified under Capital Outlay like, for example, storage containers
(cabinets and shelves), tables, and chairs.
Page 2 of 2oeptd onerxe, 3B, «2016
.s2 Support te SPED Centers and Implementing Elementary Schoolé
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Page 3063Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 38 , s. 2015
Bnclosure 2c: Summary of Total Allocations for Elementary and Secondary Schools Implementing SPED Program
Blemantary Becondany
No. of Eatinates/_|1o. or senoot ee recall Total of
Region Schools Physical ‘Allocated with SPED | Total Number
per | Targets Tere? | orznrolment | variable Cont | Fixed Cost Total
Regent [37 ae TeRIOTRI| LATE OOOO 18,340 90737
Region | 20 303,94405 12,420,944.08
‘Region mt | 50
Region VA a4
Region 1V-B] 10 1,000,000.00] 3,720,889.00
Region V_ | 19 d 1,500,000.00}
Region VI | 34 74,000,000 350,000.00
Region vit | 38 22,000,000) 24,676,249,21
Region vi | 16 |
‘Region IX | 28]
Region x [18]
Region x1 | 26,
Region Xi | 26 7,000,000.00]
CARAGA | 16 375,000.00] 927,585.48]
“ARMAE 2 F z Fl
CAR 3 i {625,000.00} 841,052.16] _7,941,682.16
NOR 37 z 2, oof” 3,755,280.86| _33,788,280.86
[Overall Total 448 '21,628,000.00| 30,053,400.00 _270,299,000.00
Page 1 of 1Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2015
Department of Education
FY 2015 Financial Plan
Division Name: Division ID (EBEIS): UACS Code: Funding Source:
Sehost mane Sz | ha | (Reman ae wer eee
ween" | onal ce [rae [mr [tou [ ar
fee = Se = =
Ctr buss it = ss
Prepared by: Approved by:
‘sion Planning Officer Division Office Head
Page 1 of 2Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2015
(MDP}* sh:
ies culled from their approved Annu
B, Column 1 shall reflect the School Name of non-implementing unit
{non-IUs}, both elementary and secondary, and implementing units (1Us).
. Column 2 shalll reflect the School ID of each school identified from the EBEIS,
D. Col
n 3 shall reflect UACS Code of each school.
E. Column 4 shall reflect the Total Cash Program (TCP)
F. Column 5 shall reflect the estimated requirements pertaining to remittance of taxes through the Tax Remittance Advice (TRA). The estimated taxes
shall be based on the following: a) for Personal Services (PS), 8% withholding tax for salaries; and, b) for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE)/Capital Outlay (CO), 5% withholding tax.
G. Column 6 shall reflect the Net Program or the difference between the TCP and TRA (Column 4 - Column 5),
Jumns 7, 8, & 9 shalll reflect the corresponding Monthly Estimated Cost
mn 10 shalll reflect the corresponding Total Estimated Cost for the first quarter of each school.
J. Columns 11, 12, & 13 shall reflect the corresponding Monthly Estimated Cost of each school for the second quarter.
K. Column 14 shall reflect the corresponding Total Estimated Cost for the second quarter of cach school.
L, Columns 15, 16, & 17 shall reflect the corresponding Monthly Estimated Cost of each school for the th ter.
M, Column 18 shall reflect
he corresponding Total Estimated Cost for the t
ed quarter of each school.
N. Columns 19, 20, & 21 shall reflect the corresponding Monthly Estimated Cost of each school for the fourth quarter.
Column 22 shall reflect the corresponding Total Estimated Cost for the fourth quarter of cach school.
‘orm shall be accomplished and submitted to the Regional Office (IRO) by the SDOs wit
in the the Ist and 2nd week of March.
Page 2 of 2(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2015)
Special Education Program Implementation Process Flow
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