Complet Project
Complet Project
Complet Project
Present by:
Mari Caro
(Sutamarchan, Tinjaca and Raquira) in a foreign language for the convenience of visitors from
- To design this route for foreign tourists by providing information on different cultural
- To identify the tourist attractions of the municipalities that can be linked in the design
- To create tools as Reels and thougth social network to encourage the development
Tourism is a very important tool for the economic development of countries, which has
Sutamarchan was founded in 1556, this is a town well known for its agriculture, mainly
the cultivation of tomatoes, gulupa, curuba. A negative aspect that has this population is the lack
of tourism promotion since it does not have a specialized office that offers information on
Tinjacá was founded in 1556, this is a town near Sutamarchan, Chiquinquira and Raquira,
known for the manufacture of arepas, wrapped and its climate. Also like the previous town
Ráquira was founded in 1580, known for its handicrafts made of clay and has attractive
sites for tourists such as monuments based on handicrafts. Very few authorities pay attention to
the tourist being this a source of great resources for the economy of the population.
and governmental authorities at the national level should take a look at these important
municipalities are very well known and frequented by national and foreign tourists.
On weekends, holidays or vacation days, visitors from other countries come to visit
Boyacá and especially to Villa de Leyva, even knowing that there are municipalities with
tourism potential close to this town. Each town seeks strategies to attract tourists according to
Gheorghe, Tudorache & Nistoreanu (2014) “this helps the development and welfare of its
The main problem is the lack of knowledge for tourists from other countries, since there
is no information in some social networks where they can be informed in a foreign language
(English) about some cultural and gastronomic activities, nor are there specialized offices that
can provide general information about the tourist area of these towns (Sutamarchan, Tinjacá and
Therefore, this project has been focused in order to help the economic and cultural
development of the mentioned towns. Promote this route to generate more resources where the
visitor from another country can feel at ease and thus attract more tourists. Attracting all public
interested in knowing, acquiring and taking advantage of the resources and products of these
To solve the above, it is necessary to find a way for the municipality to develop means to
inform the visitor about the tourist potential of the town, by means of informative brochures,
videos, etc...
Villa de Leyva has a great reputation in terms of tourism in Boyacá, even so there are
these places, that is why it seek to encourage tourism in Raquira, Sutamarchán and Tinjacá
through digital platforms such as social networks, focused mostly to foreign tourists with a
dialect foreign to the region, what is sought to offer with these platforms is a simple and basic
idea of what can be found in these towns, with some characteristic activities of the people or the
most recommended.
It seeks to make it through virtual or digital means since today anyone can have a mobile
device and access to social networks in this way contributes the collection of this information,
and this in turn will be offered for free without generating any cost for obtaining this type of
information, taking into account that foreign tourists in some cases are overcharged for very
common activities of the region, leaving a bad impression of certain places, which is why it
seeks to offer these alternative tourist routes and free of charge seeking a pleasant welcome to
It is also important that the authorities pay attention to the improvement of the road
structure of both national and rural roads. Raise awareness of the good treatment that should be
given to the tourist in relation to the different kinds of services that the community has.
However, nowadays we have difficulties that affect the towns, such as the lack of
tourists, the improvement of the road and hotel infrastructure, and also the staff that provide
This project is necessary for the economic development of the region at the same time of
the welfare of its inhabitants and to publicize the location of the municipality within the region
that has great tourist attractions. In this way this proyect is looking for more tourists to visit our
1 Tourism in Colombia
2 Tourist route
3 Types of tourism.
3.4 Sutamarchán.
3.5 Tinjacá.
3.6 Ráquira.
Brida in 2011, mentions that tourism is a branch of economic activity that represents
approximately 10% of the world PIB, and also mentions that tourism in Colombia has increased
in the last decades. Tourism for the national PIB for 2011 is expected to increase by 100%.
It is one of the most dynamic economic sectors in the world in terms of employment
generation, foreign exchange earnings and its contribution to regional development (Aguilera
María, 2006).
It is part of one of the main economic sectors in the world and operates as a source of
therefore, cultural, natural and heritage resources form a network of great value and wealth,
which must be planned, designed, managed, promoted and marketed in a sustainable manner
with the aim of improving the socio-economic development of local populations, and above all,
seeking the conservation of resources (Márquez and Casas, 2017; Orgaz, 2016; Pagliara et al.,
The creation of tourist routes everywhere is evidence that local development strategies
are now being carried out in accordance with global trends in international tourism (Aguilar
Encarnación, 2003).
These tourist routes, which take on different names such as corridors, routes, circuits,
paths or itineraries, try to differentiate themselves from their competitors by highlighting certain
resources that are present in the territory or that are imagined and artificially created. In the first
case, the visitor is invited to follow a route in which a certain heritage category predominates, be
industrial heritage or natural spaces. Examples of these products would be gastronomic and
oenological routes, which base their offer on the tourist use of the agricultural and livestock
According to Colombia, 2023 "The Andean Region has attractions such as the cultural
landscape of the coffee region, the archaeological parks of Tierradentro and San Agustín and
The Andean region comprises 10 departments in which we can find altitudes ranging
from 200 metres to 5,125 metres, a region dominated by the majesty of its mountains and
crystalline rivers that run along its slopes in search of the valley. A great diversity of flora and
fauna, where the cultivation of coffee adorns the landscape of a large part of these departments.
The department of Boyacá, with its capital Tunja, is located in the centre east of
Colombia, with a surface area of 23.189 km2. Due to its topography, it has diverse climates,
with warm and cold areas, even with snow-capped mountains, which allows it to compete in the
tourism sector as it can offer multicultural and biodiverse attractions; in addition, it is worth
highlighting that it is a standard bearer of the cultural, historical and architectural diversity of
(DANE) for the year 2020, distributed in 123 municipalities; where trends by age group and sex
show a noticeable decrease in population, mostly in rural areas. The migration mainly of young
people to the municipal capitals or to the cities of the department is a relevant variable in this
analysis. It is directly related to the imaginary of its inhabitants, who point out that there are no
job opportunities in the countryside, that there is no improvement in the quality of life and that
the development of the tourism potential of the region can only be achieved by people who come
Tourism is one of the most important economic activities not only in Colombia but
positively to the economic and social development of several municipalities. Boyacá has many
different tourist attractions. This is mainly due to the volume and variety of attractions offered to
Nini Johana Cruz in 2021 poses that tourism is generally recognised as a sustainable
mechanism for regional development, especially in regions rich in untapped resources, such as
the Department of Boyacá in Colombia, known for its cultural and ecotourism potential.
Ecotourism, rural tourism, green tourism, alternative tourism and many other terms describe
The enormous diversity of tourism in Colombia would not be possible without the
country's geographical and cultural conditions. Colombia is the solution for all types of tourism
in Colombia, including gastronomic, cultural and sports tourism, as well as continuous urban
growth and improvement, and important health and economic developments (Colombia travel,
Another of the motivations for travelling can be to delight the palate and to get to know
In terms of gastronomic tourism studies, Kivela & Crotts (2006) define and affirm that
gastronomy is a complex and interdisciplinary activity that has its roots in culture. These authors
highlight the mistake of considering gastronomy exclusively as the art of cooking and good food
and come to a broader definition according to Schlüter (2009) where gastronomic tourism
corresponds to that tourist activity in which people participate whose choice of destination to
Corresponds to trips that are made with the desire to get in touch with other cultures and
Places full of entertainment, services and amenities that ensure tranquillity, comfort and
with high rates of poverty and unemployment. The Rural Tourism Line was proposed as an
economic activity that generates employment and high income, strengthens their identity,
empowers the rural population and facilitates their participation in the organisational process.
Alto Ricaurte has artisans who have developed the craft since the time of their ancestors and
continue to work in the traditional way. Wool weavers, artisans, peasants; they learned their
The province of Ricaurte comprises the Bajo and Alto Ricaurte, which is the one that
Tinjacá, Ráquira, Gachantivá and Santa Sofía (Boyaca, 2002-2003). Alto Ricaurte is an area
with agricultural and livestock activities, but land use has changed, including activities such as
mining. In the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in mining activity, especially
for limestone and coal. As a result, artisanal mining is becoming more decentralised and has a
significant impact on the environment. Similarly, tourism activity in Boyacá increased during
the 1970s and 1980s, with some towns such as Villa de Leyva receiving large numbers of
tourists during high season, on weekends and being settled by foreign immigrants. (Casas L,
economic, social and cultural development that promotes values respectful of communities and
importance in the 16th century, as the Virgin of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá was worshipped in
its territory on the site of the Aposentos. Its name corresponds to the Spanish indigenous
composer founded by "SUTA", which in the Chibcha language means "Sovereign" and
"MARCHAN" with respect to Captain Pedro de Merchán de Velasco. It bears the name of the
Spanish Captain Pedro Merchán de Velasco. In this way, from the 18th century onwards, the
name Sutamarchán was given to the town, which is still known today (Mejía Alejandra, 2019).
of Alto Ricaurte, located in the central area of the department, towards the northwest. It is
considered to have the best climate in the world and is famous for its longaniza, tomato
cultivation, vineyards and the Sanctuary of Santo Eccehomo, which is a national monument
The municipality of Tinjacá was founded on the 7th of November 1556, Tinjacá is
always highlighted as the municipality with the best climate in Boyacá. The environmental
conditions it offers are very pleasant. In terms of culture, one of the most significant events are
the fairs and festivities in honour of San Blas, which take place in February (El diario Boyacá,
Ráquira was founded on 18 October 1580. Historically, it is said that this municipality
was called "Ruaquira". Its name combined the Chibcha words RUA (pot) and QUIRA (village)
which means "village of pots" or "village of pots" and which gives us to know that, since its
beginnings, Ráquira is and has been an artisan territory (Artesanías de Colombia, 2015).
This municipality is nationally recognised as the most important ceramic crafts centre in
the country. Craft production, more than a commercial use, has been conceived, since
prehispanic times in the Muisca settlements, as a form of social organisation with a symbolic
Taking into account the general objective which is to develop a tourist, cultural and
foreign language for the convenience of visitors from other countries, when they want to visit
some of these towns and find the appropriate information. This article identifies the focus of the
project and its methodology framework, where the steps of the order and procedure of the
Taking into account Instagram as the main network and where this project will be carried
out to provide information to visitors from other countries about cultural, gastronomic and tourist
activities in these municipalities (Sutamarchan, Tinjacá and Ráquira), the context of the target
- It allows you to learn about history and different tourist sites through reels and images.
tourist attractions of these municipalities (Sutamarchan, Tinjacá and Ráquira) since none of these
3 municipalities has a specialised tourism office, which provides information about these
that preferentially or exclusively use qualitative data, the purpose of which is to obtain detailed
Artesanias de Colombia, 2015 “Colombia artesanal: Ráquira, manos que le dan vida al
-Brida, J. G., Monterubbianesi, P. D., & Zapata-Aguirre, S. (2011). Impactos del turismo
Castellanos María, Mendoza María (2018) “Plan de mejoramiento para la ruta: Anillo
Cruz Rodríguez Nini Johana, 2021 “Ecoturism and cultural tourism: positive and negative
El diario Boyacá (2017) “¡A disfrutar del mejor clima del país en Tinjacá!” Disponible
Gheorghe, Tudorache & Nistoreanu, (2014). Gastronomic tourism, a new trend for
Kivela, J. & Crotts, J. (2006) “Tourism and gastronomy: gastronomy´s influence on how
tourists experience a destination”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (3): 354-377
Pinilla Daniela y Rojas Natalia (2018) “Ruta turística de las artes y los oficios, enfocada
sustentabilidad” En: Ferrari, G.; Mondéjar, J.; Mondéjar, J. A. & Vargas, M. (coord.) Principales