D1082-00 (Reapproved 2011)
D1082-00 (Reapproved 2011)
D1082-00 (Reapproved 2011)
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D1082 − 00 (2011)
5.2 Select a suitable electrode arrangement from the follow- The two outer electrodes shall be provided with a
ing: rubber tube attached to 1⁄8-in. (3.2-mm) steel tubes located at
5.2.1 Steel Electrodes—Three electrodes made of stainless the bottom of each electrode. Small vent holes shall be
steel or nickel-plated tool steel will be required. The electrodes provided in the top of the outer electrodes to permit the escape
shall be cylindrical in shape and of a diameter sufficient to of entrapped air as the mercury rises. The center electrode shall
provide the minimum specified capacitance (Note 2). The be filled through a 1⁄8-in. steel tube projecting approximately 1⁄8
upper and lower electrodes shall have a minimum axial length in. above the top of the electrode and extending three fourths of
of 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) and the center electrode shall have a the way down inside the steel ring. Vent holes shall be provided
maximum length of 1⁄4 in. (6.35 mm). A low-resistance contact on either side of the projecting steel tube to permit entrapped
and conductor to the electrode is essential for dissipation factor air to escape as the mercury rises. With the test specimens
measurements in the order of 0.0001. The upper and lower clamped in position, the electrodes shall be in good alignment.
electrodes shall be electrically connected together, thus form- As in the case of the flat, steel electrodes, a two-terminal
ing a two-terminal capacitor, with the center electrode serving capacitor is formed with the center electrode serving as the
as the active or measuring terminal. The surfaces of the active or measuring terminal with the outer electrodes that are
electrodes adjacent to the specimen shall be ground and connected together by the steel yoke at the ground.
polished optically flat, and shall be parallel to each other. The
NOTE 3—Mercury electrodes having diameters of 13⁄4 in. (44.5 mm)
upper electrode shall be provided with a recess for a steel ball, have been found satisfactory for mica specimens 2 by 2 in. by 0.001 to
so that the applied pressure will be uniformly distributed. The 0.030 in. (51 by 51 mm by 0.025 to 0.76 mm).
electrodes shall be carefully and accurately aligned without NOTE 4—Conducting paint electrodes can be substituted for mercury
scratching the surface of the mica specimen. It is recommended electrodes.
that a slotted V-shaped jig be provided to aid with the aligning 5.2.3 Lead-Foil Electrodes—The use of lead-foil electrodes
of the electrodes. 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm) in thickness and 2.0 in. (51 mm) in
NOTE 2—Steel electrodes having diameters of 3⁄4 , 1, 11⁄4, and 11⁄2 in. diameter is satisfactory for block mica 0.015 to 0.030 in. (0.38
(19, 25, 32, and 38 mm) have been found satisfactory for practical to 0.76 mm) in thickness. (See also metal-foil electrodes
thicknesses of mica specimens. described in the Section of Test Methods D150 under Electrode
5.2.2 Mercury Electrodes—Three hollow, stainless steel or Systems).
nickel-plated cold-rolled steel electrodes mounted with the axis 5.3 The apparatus for the rapid, direct-reading method is set
horizontal so that the test specimens are in a vertical plane, will forth in Appendix of Specification D748. This technique is for
be required as shown in Fig. 1. The electrode assembly shall be use only where classification of relative magnitude of dissipa-
cylindrical in shape and of the same outside diameter, which tion factor (or its reciprocal Q value) of block mica or films is
shall be large enough to provide the minimum specified desired.
capacitance (Note 3). Two adjustable electrodes having axial
5.4 Thickness-measuring apparatus shall conform to the
lengths of approximately 3⁄4 in. (19 mm), provided with
requirements set forth in Test Method A of Test Methods D374
suitable cavities, shall be mounted on screws in a solid
which describes a machinist’s micrometer caliper with a
stainless steel or nickel-plated cold-rolled steel rectangular
ratchet or friction thimble.
yoke. A center, or fixed, electrode consisting of a hollow ring
approximately 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm) in length shall be mounted at the
center of the steel yoke on a support of insulating material such 6. Specimen Preparation and Conditioning
as polystyrene, hard rubber, low-loss ceramic, or quartz. All 6.1 The dielectric properties of mica are affected by
electrodes shall taper from the inside to rather sharp edges temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. Therefore, preparation
approximately 1⁄64 in. (0.4 mm) in width. and conditioning of the specimen shall be made in the
following manner:
6.1.1 With the exception of the specimens used in 5.4,
thoroughly and carefully clean the surfaces of the specimen
with a camel’s-hair brush dipped in petroleum ether or vapor
degrease using trichloroethylene. Subsequent to the cleaning,
exercise care not to contaminate the surfaces in handling.
(Warning—Petroleum ether and trichlorethylene may be haz-
ardous. Use adequately ventilated work areas and observe all
procedures for the safe handling of these liquids. Keep away
from open flames.)
6.1.2 After cleaning, place each specimen in an air oven
maintained at 105 to 110°C, for a period of 1 h. Upon removal
from the oven, immediately store the specimen in a desiccator
until ready for the test.
6.2 Prepare two similar test specimens of approximately
equal and uniform thickness for each measurement when using
FIG. 1 Mercury Electrode Test Assembly steel or mercury electrodes (see Section 5).
D1082 − 00 (2011)
6.3 Only one test specimen is needed for testing with relative permittivity of various specimens of mica, it may be necessary to
lead-foil electrodes. investigate such properties over a wide frequency range. However, it is
recommended that at least one measurement be made at 1000 kHz and a
6.4 Obtain specimens from the same block or splitting when temperature of 25 6 5°C, at a pressure of 1000 psi if flat steel electrodes
two specimens are used. Each specimen shall have a sufficient are used.
area and thickness to give a total capacitance of not less than 8. Calculation
200 pF. Test a sufficient number of specimens to obtain
representative data. 8.1 Since two specimens are used in each measurement
when using steel or mercury electrodes, use the equivalent
7. Procedure “parallel thickness” in calculating the relative permittivity as
7.1 When steel, mercury, or lead-foil electrodes are used, follows:
determine the dissipation factor and relative permittivity of the T e 5 1/ @ ~ 1/t 1 ! 1 ~ 1/t 2 ! # (1)
mica in accordance with Test Methods D150 except for size
and type of electrode.
Te = equivalent parallel thickness,
7.2 Warning—Mercury metal vapor poisoning has long t1 = thickness of the upper specimen, and
been recognized as a hazard in industry. The exposure limits t2 = thickness of the lower specimen.
are set by governmental agencies and are usually based upon
recommendations made by the American Conference of Gov- 9. Report
ernmental Industrial Hygienists.5 The concentration of mer- 9.1 Report the following information:
cury vapor over spills from broken thermometers, barometers, 9.1.1 Identification of the mica tested,
and other instruments using mercury can easily exceed these 9.1.2 The date of testing,
exposure limits. Mercury, being a liquid with high surface 9.1.3 The test conditions, including frequency of the applied
tension and quite heavy, will disperse into small droplets and voltage, specimen temperature during testing, voltage stress on
seep into cracks and crevices in the floor. This increased area the specimen, relative humidity during testing, type, and size of
of exposure adds significantly to the mercury vapor concen- electrodes used.
tration in air. The use of a commercially available emergency 9.1.4 The applied pressure if flat steel electrodes are used,
spill kit is recommended whenever a spill occurs. Mercury 9.1.5 Capacitance of each specimen,
vapor concentration is easily monitored using commercially 9.1.6 The “parallel thickness” of each specimen,
available sniffers. Make spot checks periodically around op- 9.1.7 A plot of dissipation factor versus pressure if flat, steel
erations where mercury is exposed to the atmosphere. Make electrodes are used,
thorough checks after spills. 9.1.8 A plot of permittivity versus pressure if flat, steel
7.3 Certain types of micas are affected by pressure; electrodes are used,
therefore, when flat, steel electrodes are used, apply a sufficient 9.1.9 The value of the dissipation factor and the relative
range of pressures (Note 5) so that curves of pressure in permittivity for each specimen,
pounds-force per square inch versus dissipation factor and 9.1.10 The method of measurement from Test Methods
relative permittivity may be plotted. D150, if applicable, and
9.1.11 The method used if techniques from Specification
NOTE 5—Pressures in the order of 100 to 10 000 psi may be readily
D748 were used.
obtained by the use of an automobile-type hydraulic jack equipped with a
pressure gauge. 10. Precision and Bias
7.4 Mercury and lead-foil electrodes give capacitance val-
10.1 This test method has been in use for many years, but no
ues comparable with those obtained at the highest pressures
information has been presented to ASTM upon which to base
when using flat, steel electrodes (Note 6). Use clean mercury
a statement of precision. No activity has been planned to
that has a bright surface that is free of scum. Observe health
develop such information.
hazard precautions when using mercury, particularly at el-
evated temperatures. 10.2 Bias—This test method has no bias because the values
for dissipation factor and capacitance are determined solely in
NOTE 6—In order to satisfactorily compare the dissipation factor and terms of this test method.
11. Keywords
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc.
(ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Dr., Suite 600, Cincinnati, OH 45240. 11.1 dissipation factor; mica; permittivity
D1082 − 00 (2011)
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