Performance Task in Statistics and Probability 11

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Performance Task in Statistics and Probability 11

I. Title:
Performance in General Mathematics of Grade 11 Students in their MST and Quarter Exam: A Quantitative
II. Objectives:

a) To learn and appreciate the principles of random variables, probability distributions, and the mean and
variance of discrete probability distributions.
b) To apply in actual settings and conditions.
c) To formulate and calculate the distribution of the provided data (MST and Quarter Exam of Grade 11
students in DBTI) and to make a Quantitative analysis with the use of statistical properties in terms of
Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation.
III. Procedure:
A. Your subject teacher will give you an excel that has raw data of students’ scores in their General
Mathematics subject.
Raw Data (This is a sample raw scores of Grade 11 students in DBTI)
B. Make a Quantitative Analysis using the raw data.
What is a Quantitative Analysis? A Quantitative analysis is based on describing and interpreting objects
statistically and with numbers. Quantitative analysis aims to interpret the data collected for the
phenomenon through numeric variables and statistics. Quantitative analysis includes computational and
statistical methods of analysis.
C. For computation
a) Using Frequency table (You may limit your score interval into 5) Ex. Lowest scores will be 5, so
the score interval will be 25-21, 20-16, 15-11, and 10-5, respectively.
For excel tutorial:
b) Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
c) Histogram, Line charts, or bard Graphs you may use excel or try to explore SPSS (Note: A very
helpful application to your research subject)
Free download for SPSS:
d) Data analysis
The following statistical tools were used in the data analysis:
Percentage. Rate, number, or amount in each hundred, it is any proportion or share in relation to
a whole (Google Dictionary, n.d).
Average or mean. An average is the result obtained by adding two or more amounts together
and dividing the total by the number of amounts or by another total. Mean will be used to
describe the level of performance and academic achievement of the students.

D. Discussion
In your paper, you may follow the format provided or add some important discussion. Since this
is a group project, you may work as a group and collaborate critically and analytically with your
findings. A face-to-face presentation will be conducted based on the scheduled PETA. For clarifications
or concerns about this project, you may email or message your subject teacher in your subject time.
Final Deadline of paper and PowerPoint Presentation: March 17, 2023.
Format and layout:
I. Introduction about the Project
II. Computation and Graphs (Histogram, Line Chart, and Bar Graphs)
Discuss the result, comparison of the data, and answer the guided question.
*Guided Question to insert
1. How many students who got a passing and failing scores? (Percentage form). Also describe the students who
got a lowest, retained, and highest scores.
2. What will be your recommendation to the students as well as to the subject teacher to maintain or improve
the scores of the students?
3. What do you think the problem of getting a lowest or highest scores of the students?
4. Explain the mean and standard deviation of your results and compare it to each other. Is there a significant
factor that might affect the scores of each student in their MST and Quarter Exam with two quarters?
5. Compare the behavior of MST and Quarter scores of students, do you think MST results can predict the result
of the Quarter exam? Also compare the behavior of First Quarter scores of students, do you think First Quarter
results can predict the result of Second Quarter?

III. Conclusion, Presentation and Recommendation

You may further discuss your result here.

Long, Clear, Green sliding Folder.

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Margin – all sides 1

The performance task will grade according to the following criteria:

Criteria/Points 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-0 Total

The solution The solution The solution The solution did
completely completely addresses some not address
addresses all addresses all not all mathematical
mathematical mathematical mathematical components
Understanding components components components presented in the
presented in the presented in the presented in the task
task task with minimal task
Uses a very Uses a strategy Uses strategy that There were so
efficient and that leads to a is partially useful, many errors in
sophisticated solution of the leading some way mathematical
Strategies strategy leading problem but with toward a solution, procedures that
&Procedures directly to a minimal errors. but not top a full the problem could
solution solution of the not be solved
Makes a Verifies solution Present No conclusions
mathematically and/or evaluates conclusions drawn and
relevant the without valid evidence of
observations reasonableness of evidence/s of mathematical
Reasoning and/or the solution but mathematical reasoning not
connections with insufficient reasoning presented
supported with evidence/s
Several One or two of the The No new
ideas/contents on ideas/contents ideas/contents are ideas/contents
the paper reflect used on the paper made by the made by the
Originality and an exceptional reflect student student but are student are
Creativity degree of student creativity in their based on the included.
creativity in their creation and/or designs or ideas
creation and/or display. of others/existent.
There is a clear, There is an There is an There is no use,
effective appropriate use of incomplete mostly
explanation accurate explanation, it may inappropriate use
detailing how the mathematical not be clearly of mathematical
and Presentation task is done. presentation but presented. terminology and
with minimal notation.
Total 100
Performance in General Mathematics of Grade 11
Students in their MST and Quarter Exam: A
Quantitative Analysis

A Quantitative Analysis presented to

The SHS-Statistics and Probability 11 teacher of
Don Bosco Technical Institute-Tarlac

Performance Task in


I. Introduction about the Project

Hello, everyone! Today we are going to analyze the data that we have collected about the 1 and 2 Quarter
st nd

MST and Exam. You might be asking “why do we need to know about this?” The reason is actually quite

simple. It is for us to know how many students are struggling with their studies and to see how many of them

are actually improving. With this we can see what kind of practices we need to do so we can maintain or even

improve our scores for the next batch of tests.

II. Computation and Graphs (Histogram, Line Chart, and Bar Graphs)

1. How many students got passing and failing scores? (Percentage form). Also describe the students who got the

lowest, retained, and highest scores.

2. What will be your recommendation to the students as well as to the subject teacher to maintain or improve

the scores of the students?

I encourage you to find your own motivation. This is an important aspect as it drives us to keep moving

forward. If you don't have a goal, it wouldn't matter if you know all the right methods and strategies for

learning. It does not matter what your goal is, but you have to find something that motivates you. Once you find

your motivation, never forget it and always remember it. You also have to accept the difficulties that come with

learning. I often hear people giving advice to have fun in what they are doing, but that is not always the case. I

myself don't always find joy in learning different formulas or whatever. Sometimes you have to accept that

opening a book or learning isn't always fun, but it's beneficial at the end of the road.

Having good study habits can also help you maintain or improve your score. A good example of this is when

you try to understand what you read instead of memorizing it. In this way, one student reads the same book over

and over while the other student makes notes of what they have understood. As you can see, one will memorize

your notes and the other will learn what you read, and you also need to give yourself a reasonable time or
schedule as to when you should get the work done. People need to manage their schedules because it can be

overwhelming with all the work you have to do.

3. What do you think is the problem of getting the lowest or highest scores of the students?

4. Explain the mean and standard deviation of your results and compare them to each other. Is there a

significant factor that might affect the scores of each student in their MST and Quarter Exam with two quarters?

5. Compare the behavior of MST and Quarter scores of students, do you think MST results can predict the result

of the Quarter exam? Also compare the behavior of First Quarter scores of students, do you think First Quarter

results can predict the result of Second Quarter?

III. Conclusion, Presentation and Recommendation

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