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Novel Five-Level ANPC

Bidirectional Converter for Power
Quality Enhancement during
G2V/V2G Operation of Cascaded
EV Charger

Jorge Lara, Lesedi Masisi, Concepcion Hernandez , Marco A. Arjona and Ambrish Chandra

Special Issue
Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technologies 2021
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Sekyung Han and Prof. Dr. Moses Amoasi Acquah

Novel Five-Level ANPC Bidirectional Converter for Power
Quality Enhancement during G2V/V2G Operation of Cascaded
EV Charger
Jorge Lara 1, * , Lesedi Masisi 2 , Concepcion Hernandez 1 , Marco A. Arjona 1 and Ambrish Chandra 3

1 División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, TNM Instituto Tecnológico de La Laguna,

Torreón 27000, Mexico; coni.hernandez@ieee.org (C.H.); marjona@ieee.org (M.A.A.)
2 School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg 2000, South Africa; lesedi.masisi@wits.ac.za
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada;
* Correspondence: jorge_lara_c@yahoo.com

Abstract: This paper presents a novel single-phase (SP) active-neutral point clamped (ANPC) five-
level bidirectional converter (FLBC) for enhancing the power quality (PQ) during the grid-to-vehicle
(G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation of an electric vehicle (EV) charger connected in series. This
EV charger is based on a dual-active half-bridge DC-DC converter (DAHBC) with a high frequency
isolation transformer. Unlike the comparable ANPC topologies found in literature, the proposed one
has two more switches, i.e., ten instead of eight. However, with the addition of these components,
 the proposed multilevel converter not only becomes capable of properly balancing the voltage of the

DC-link split capacitors under various step-changing conditions but it achieves a better efficiency, a
Citation: Lara, J.; Masisi, L.; lower stress of the switching devices and a more even distribution of the power losses. The resulting
Hernandez, C.; Arjona, M.A.; grid-tied ANPC-SPFLBC and DAHBC are accurately controlled with a cascaded control strategy
Chandra, A. Novel Five-Level ANPC and a single-phase shift (SPS) control technique, respectively. The simulation results obtained with
Bidirectional Converter for Power MATLAB-SimPowerSystems as well as the experimental results obtained in laboratory validate the
Quality Enhancement during
proposed ANPC-SPFLBC for a set of exhaustive tests in both V2G and G2V modes. A detailed
G2V/V2G Operation of Cascaded EV
power quality analysis carried out with a Fluke 43B alike demonstrates the good performance of the
Charger. Energies 2021, 14, 2650.
proposed topology.

Academic Editor: Sekyung Han

Keywords: single-phase five-level converter; ANPC topology; DC-link split capacitors voltage
balancing; power quality enhancement; electric vehicle charger; G2V/V2G operation modes
Received: 24 March 2021
Accepted: 27 April 2021
Published: 5 May 2021
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral The detrimental environment pollution due to the use of conventional sources of
with regard to jurisdictional claims in energy, the continuous increases in the price of oil and the expected eventual exhaustion of
published maps and institutional affil- fossil fuels have fostered the rapid development of electric vehicles, both battery-based
iations. (BEV), hybrid (HEV), plug-in (PEV) and fuel cell-based (FCEV) [1,2]. Some European
countries, such as Norway and Sweden have scheduled banning all petrol-powered cars
in the next 3–4 decades. The EVs inherently linking the transport and the electricity
sectors have given rise to emerging technologies such as superchargers (G2V) and grid-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. support (V2G) [3–5]. These EVs are grid-connected through a power converter, hence
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. requiring of advanced power conversion and control techniques and a deep analysis
This article is an open access article of the grid impact, the converter behavior, the stability, the harmonic emission and the
distributed under the terms and electromagnetic interference (EMI) [6]. There exists a wide variety of EV battery charger
conditions of the Creative Commons topologies [7]. The dual active full bridge (DAFB) and the dual active half bridge (DAHB)
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// DC-DC topologies are especially practical because they include a higher frequency (HF)
transformer in between that provides a galvanic isolation for safely connecting the EV

Energies 2021, 14, 2650. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14092650 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2021, 14, 2650 2 of 19

batteries with the mains through the grid-tied power converter [8,9]. Furthermore, bearing
in mind that the physical size and in turn the weight of the required transformer reduces
with the increasing of the operating frequency [10], this topology is fairly attractive for EV
applications where space and burden constraints are critical. Despite the fact that in the
DAHB topology only the SPS control technique can be applied, it is widely utilized due
to its low cost, volume and weight as well as its global reduction in switches, drivers and
cooling system [11].
The interaction of modern power converters with the smart grid is a main issue
regarding power quality aspects [12]. The use of multilevel power converters (ML) is
increasingly preferred since they provide a high-quality output voltage with a lower
harmonic content, a lower dV/dt, a lower switching frequency and consequently a higher
efficiency [13]. The cascaded H-bridge (CHB), the flying capacitor (FC) and the neutral-
point-clamped (NPC) including its subtopology of active-NPC (ANPC) are the main
types of conventional multilevel topologies [14]. The NPC-based configurations have the
advantage of requiring only one isolated DC source but also the inconvenient that its
DC-link split capacitors undergo the voltage unbalance phenomenon and consequently
they need implementing balancing compensation techniques [15–18]. It is possible to get
rid of this unbalancing issue by using two independent DC voltage sources instead of
capacitors but at the expense of a higher cost and a bigger system complexity [19] or well
in certain photovoltaic (PV) applications [20].
Over the last years various topologies of single-phase ANPC five-level (FL) converters
have been devised. In [21], authors propose a single-phase hybrid Si/SiC ANPC FL inverter
with an improved modulation scheme for reducing the conduction losses. Although the
inherent voltage unbalancing problem is not mentioned, its undesirable effect is present but
it could have been reduced by considerably increasing the capacitance of the electrolytic
split capacitors. Due to the absence of redundant vectors for the states that output half
of the DC bus voltage, the voltage balancing in this topology is simply not possible.
In [22], authors propose a single-phase ANPC FL inverter and its three-phase version.
The modulation strategy is based on an unipolar pulse-width modulation (PWM) for
the high-frequency switches and on the polarity of the modulating signal for the low-
frequency switches. Owing to the consecutive alternation of the redundant switching states
for the high-frequency switches, the split capacitors are equally charge and discharge at
each switching period, thus accurately maintaining a zero average neutral current and
consequently achieving a fairly good voltage unbalancing compensation. Nevertheless, the
alternation of the redundant states at twice the switching frequency increases the power
losses and the stress of the high frequency switches, thus reducing the overall efficiency.
In comparison with [21,22], the single-phase (SP) ANPC-FL converter proposed in this
paper is based on a novel topology consisting of ten switches instead of eight. However,
with the addition of these two switches, it not only becomes capable of properly balancing
the voltage of the DC-link split capacitors under different step-changing conditions but
it achieves a better efficiency, a lower stress of the switching devices and a more even
distribution of the power losses. Thanks to this voltage balancing, the power quality
of the proposed ANPC-FL converter output voltage and in turn of the grid current are
considerably enhanced during the G2V and V2G operation of the cascaded DAHB converter
working as a bidirectional EV charger.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the topology details of the
proposed ANPC SPFLBC, its current flowing paths and its voltage balancing strategy.
Section 3 examines the cascaded control strategy for the proposed grid-tied SPFLBC while
analyzes the DAHB converter and its SPS control technique. Section 4 shows the transient
and steady state simulation results obtained with MATLAB-SimPowerSystems whereas
the experimental results obtained in laboratory are presented in Section 5. For this, several
tests and measurements under different conditions have been carried out including also the
power quality and power losses distribution analyses. Section 6 provides the discussion.
Finally, the conclusion and some important remarks are given in Section 7.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 3 of 19

2. Proposed Single-Phase ANPC Five-Level Bidirectional Converter

Figure 1 shows the three five-level ANPC topologies analyzed in this paper. It can be
noted that the proposed topology has ten switches whereas the other two topologies have
only eight. However, these two extra switches allow it to carry out a fairly good voltage
balancing of the split capacitors not only in inverter (V2G) and rectifier (G2V) modes but
also achieving a higher efficiency, a lower stress of the switching devices and a more even
distribution of the power losses. The ANPC FL converter presented in [21] is uncapable of
balancing the capacitors voltage since it simply does not have redundant vectors for the
states that output half of the DC bus voltage. Regarding the topology presented in [22],
it has four switches withstanding with the full DC bus voltage and although they switch
at the low frequency of the modulating signal, the remaining switches operating at the
switching frequency concentrate big stress and large power losses. Unlike [22], in the
proposed topology there are only two switches that withstand with the full DC bus voltage
while the power losses are lower and more evenly distributed. In high power applications,
this represents the advantage of a lower stress in the power devices, thus making possible
the utilization of MOSFETs inherently capable of switching more efficiently and at higher
frequencies than IGBTs [23]. Table 1 shows a comparison of these three topologies in terms
of the number of components and the voltage balancing characteristics.

Figure 1. Topologies of single-phase ANPC five-level converters: (a) [21], (b) [22], (c) Proposed.

Table 1. Comparison of single-phase five-level ANPC topologies.

Five-Level Number of Components Voltage Balancing

ANPC Split Power Clamping
Topology Total Capability Stress Efficiency
Capacitors Switches Diodes
[21] 2 8 0 10 NO LOWEST HIGHEST
[22] 2 8 0 10 YES HIGHEST LOWEST
Proposed 2 10 0 12 YES MIDDLE MIDDLE

Current Flowing Paths of Proposed ANPC SPFLBC and Voltage Balancing Strategy of DC-Link
Split Capacitors
Figure 2 shows the current flowing paths for the seven switching states of the proposed
ANPC SPFLBC while Table 2 summarizes the states of the ten switches, the converter
output voltage as well as the devised voltage balancing strategy. It can be noted that
the unbalancing problem just arises in states where the current flowing path involves
only one of the two capacitors, i.e., in states 2 and 4. This is because one of the capacitors
charges/discharges and its voltage changes while the voltage of the other capacitor remains
constant and unaltered. Given that in states 1 and 5, there is no neutral current and the
same current flows through both capacitors, they charged/discharged equally and then
there is no unbalancing.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 4 of 19

Figure 2. Current flowing paths for the seven switching states of the proposed ANPC SPFLBC.
(a) Proposed topology, (b) State 1 [+Vdc ], (c) State 2U [+Vdc /2] from upper capacitor, (d) State 2L
[+Vdc /2] from lower capacitor, (e) State 3 [0], (f) State 4U [−Vdc /2] from upper capacitor, (g) State 4L
[−Vdc /2] from lower capacitor, (h) State 5 [−Vdc ].
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 5 of 19

Table 2. Switching states and voltage balancing strategy for the proposed ANPC SPFLBC.

FLBC Voltage Capacitors FLBC Output

Switching State of Switches Output Balancing Unbalance Current
State Voltage Algorithm Voltage (iFLBC )
S1 S3 S5 S7 S9 S2 S4 S6 S8 S10 (VFLBC ) Activated (∆V)∗[sgn(ibat )] ∗[sgn(ibat )]
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 +Vdc
2U 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 YES + +
+Vdc /2
2L 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 NO/YES OTHERWISE
3 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
4U 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 NO/YES OTHERWISE
−Vdc /2
4L 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 YES − −
5 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 −Vdc

Likewise, in state 3, the split capacitors keep the same initial voltage since no current
is flowing. For carrying out the balancing of the split capacitors in both inverter and
rectifier modes, the following three factors have to be considered: (a) the voltage unbalance
∆V = VCup − VClow , (b) the output current i FLBC of the SPFLBC and (c) the current flow
direction or sign (sgn) of the battery current ibat . In state 2, if the balancing algorithm is
activated and {(∆V ) ∗ [sgn(ibat )]} ≥ 0 and {(i FLBC ) ∗ [sgn(ibat )]} ≥ 0, then the switching
state 2U has to be applied, otherwise the 2L has to be selected. Similarly, in state 4, if the bal-
ancing algorithm is activated and {(∆V ) ∗ [sgn(ibat )]} < 0 and {(i FLBC ) ∗ [sgn(ibat )]} < 0,
then the switching state 4L has to be applied, otherwise the 4U has to be selected. By
evaluating these simple conditions of Table 2, the proposed ANPC SPFLBC is capable of
keeping the capacitors voltage at the same value even under step changing conditions of
the battery current in V2G and G2V modes, under DC bus voltage sudden variations as
well as under grid sags and swells phenomena as it will be demonstrated in simulation
and experiments in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.

3. Control of Proposed Grid-Tied ANPC SP Five-Level Converter and Cascaded DAHBC

Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and
the EV charger based on the DAHB converter with HF isolation transformer. For ease
of readability, the details of the cascaded control strategy block included in Figure 3 are
shown in the diagram of Figure 4.

Figure 3. Block diagram of the proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC, the cascaded DAHB converter as
EV charger and their control strategies.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 6 of 19

Figure 4. Detailed diagram of the cascaded control strategy block included in Figure 3.

Figure 5 shows the scheme of the cascaded control strategy carried out for regulat-
ing the DC bus voltage Vbus and the grid-current i g using two controllers connected in
series [24]. For this, the PLL first synchronizes with the grid voltage Vg and provides a unit
sinusoidal reference signal. Then, it multiplies with the output from the HCV (s) compen-
sator of the outer voltage for generating the grid current reference i g ∗ that becomes the
input of the cascaded current inner loop. Later, the output from the current compensator
Hi (s) is subtracted from the grid voltage for providing the reference VFLBC ∗ of the mul-
ticarrier phase-disposition PWM [24,25]. Finally, the resulting state is sent to the voltage
balancing block that generates the ten switching signals S1−10 of the ANPC SPFLBC.

Figure 5. Block diagram of cascaded control strategy for the proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC [24].

The maths behind the cascaded controller are described in the following. The outer
loop voltage error eV and the inner loop current error ei are defined as:

eV = Vbus ∗ − Vbus (1)

ei = i g ∗ − i g (2)
where the superscript * means a reference signal. In the outer loop there is a proportional
integral (PI) voltage compensator whereas in the inner loop there is a proportional-resonant
(PR) current controller, respectively. By applying the Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the
power circuit of Figure 3 consisting in the ANPC SPFLBC connected with the single-phase
AC grid through an RL line, the following equation is obtained:

di g (t)
LL + R L i g (t) + VFLBC (t) − Vg (t) = 0 (3)
where the variables R L and L L represent the line resistance and line inductance while i g , Vg
and VFLBC mean the grid current, the grid voltage and the ANPC SPFLBC output voltage,
respectively. The converter output voltage can also be expressed as a function of the duty
cycle δ as follows:
VFLBC (t) = δ(t)·Vbus (t) (4)
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 7 of 19

By substituting (4) in (3) and assuming an average value for the grid current and the
respective duty cycle, the small signal model of the grid current is given by:

Vg (s) − δ·Vbus (s)

i g (s) = (5)
[ R L + L L ·s]

Assuming that the inner current loop is ten times faster than the outer voltage loop,
Vg is seen as a constant value that does not vary with time and consequenlty Vg (s) = 0.
Hence, the transfer function Hi (s) for the inner current loop is written as:

i g (s) −Vbus (s)

Hi (s) = = (6)
δ [ R L + L L ·s]

Bearing in mind that the inner loop deals with the grid current that is an ac quantity,
thus a proportional-resonant controller with a zero-steady state error and a theoretical
infinite gain at the resonance frequency has been used [26]. The transfer function HCi (s) of
this current controller is given by:

k iC · s
HCi (s) = k pC + (7)
s2 + ω1 2
After applying the Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) at the node P in the power circuit of
Figure 3, the following equations are obtained:

ibus (t) − icap (t) − i FLBC (t) = 0 (8)

ibus (t) = δ(t)·i g (t) (9)

d[Vbus (t)]
icap (t) = C · (10)
VFLBC (t) − Vg (t)
i FLBC (t) = (11)
where icap is the split capacitors current and C = Cup /2 = Clow /2. By substituting (4) into
(11) and the resulting (9)–(11) into (8) while assuming an average value for the grid current
and the duty cycle, the small signal model that links up the dc bus voltage with the grid
current is found as:

δ· R L ·i g (s) − [ R L ·C ·Vbus (s)]·s − VFLBC (s) + Vg (s) = 0 (12)

By considering in (12) the same assumption as in the inner loop, i.e., Vg (s) = 0, the
transfer function HV (s) for the outer voltage loop is derived as:

Vbus (s) δ· R L
HV (s) = = (13)
i g (s) [δ + R L ·C ·s]

Bearing in mind that the outer loop deals with the bus voltage that is a dc quantity,
thus a classical proportional-integral controller has been used. The transfer function HCV (s)
of this voltage controller is given by:

k iV
HCV (s) = k pV + (14)
By programming the transfer functions of the plants (6), (13) and the compensators
(7), (14) in MATLAB code and using the single-input single-output (SISO) design tool, the
gains of the controller have been accurately tuned until obtaining a good response [24].
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 8 of 19

Dual Active Half-Bridge DC-DC Converter

The EV bidirectional charger studied in this paper is based on the dual-active half-
bridge DC-DC converter which has an advantageous isolation high-frequency transformer
in between. As shown in Figure 3, the EV battery bank is connected on the low-voltage
side of the DAHBC whereas the proposed ANPC SPFLBC is connected on the high-voltage
side. The topology of this DAHB converter consists of one arm with two switches and
another arm with two split capacitors. The set of these two arms are found at either side
of the HF transformer [27]. The DAHBC can either increase or decrease the voltage from
either side, thereby it is capable of working as a bidirectional Boost/Buck voltage converter.
The direction and magnitude of the power flow is controlled by shifting the relative phase
between the voltages on either side of the HF transformer. In comparison with the dual
active full bridge converter (DAFBC), the DAHBC replaces four of its switches with four
capacitors. This reduction in the number of power switches represents a limitation in terms
of the available degrees of liberty for controlling the power flow. However, it becomes
an important advantage regarding the inherent lower switching and conduction losses.
Furthermore, in the DAHBC the unique four power switches available also experiment a
lower stress since they have to endure only half of the DC bus voltage. Another advantage
of this simplified topology is that in steady state, the magnetizing current of the HF
transformer does not contain any dc component, thereby not increasing the core losses or
giving rise to flux saturation [28].
The DAHB converter and its control blocks are shown in Figure 3. The switching
signals G1 and G2 = not( G1 ) = G1 as well as G3 and G4 = not( G3 ) = G3 are obtained by
comparing the triangular carrier signal f c = f sw with zero, thus both sides of the DAHBC
operate at a fixed-duty cycle of 50%. However, the phase of pulses G3 /G4 are shifted with
respect to G1 /G2 within the SPS block in accordance to the desired battery current and
its sign. During the V2G mode, the pulses G1 /G2 lag G3 /G4 whereas in the G2V mode,
the pulses G1 /G2 lead G3 /G4 . The current flowing paths for the different switching states
of the DAHBC can be found in [29]. According to the experimental sizing of the ANPC
SPFLBC, the DAHBC, the EV batteries bank and the variac connected to the grid, the main
parameters of the HF transformer have been determined by simulation. Figure 6 shows the
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) HF transformer used in the prototype of the DAHBC built
in the laboratory.

Figure 6. Various views of the HF transformer used in the DAHBC prototype and size comparison
with a one-dollar morgan coin.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 9 of 19

4. Simulation Results
With the aim of validating and evaluating the performance of the proposed grid-tied
ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC, the full system presented in Figure 3 has been
simulated in MATLAB-SimPowerSystems. For this, the following five tests have been
carried out: (a) A step-change in the battery current under the V2G mode, (b) A step-
change in the battery current under the G2V mode, (c) A grid voltage sag/swell under
the V2G mode d) A DC bus voltage step-change under the G2V mode and (e) A swept
of the capacitance of the DC-link split capacitors. The obtained results are presented in
Figures 7–11.

Figure 7. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed grid-
tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a step-change in the battery current under the
V2G mode.

Figure 8. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed grid-
tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a step-change in the battery current under the
G2V mode.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 10 of 19

Figure 9. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed grid-tied
ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a grid voltage sag/swell under the V2G mode.

Figure 10. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a DC bus voltage step-change under the
G2V mode.

In the first test, as it is shown in Figure 7, the battery current reference ibat ∗ has been
step-changed from +4.75 A to +9.5 A and back to +4.75 A after 75 ms. Bearing in mind that
the sign of the battery current is positive, thus the power is flowing from the battery to the
grid. i.e., V2G mode, and the grid current i g is out-of-phase with the grid voltage Vg . It can
be observed that from t = 0.2 s when the voltage balancing strategy is activated, the voltage
of split capacitors becomes equal and thus the levels of the ANPC SPFLBC output voltage
VFLBC become symmetric and undistorted. Note also that the SPS control technique applied
to the DAHBC properly regulates the battery current with a fast response, equivalent to
a good dynamic on the grid side. The DC bus voltage is alike fairly good maintained at
500 V in spite of the abrupt changes in the current flowing through the five-level converter.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 11 of 19

Figure 11. Dynamic response of the voltage balancing strategy and the vector control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a swept of the capacitance of the DC-link
split capacitors.

In the second test, as it is shown in Figure 8, ibat ∗ has been step-changed from −3.75 A
to −7.5 A and back to −3.75 A after 75 ms. Bearing in mind that the sign of the battery
current is negative, thus the power is flowing from the grid to the battery. i.e., G2V mode,
and the grid current i g is in-phase with the grid voltage Vg . Note that the −7.5 A from
the battery is equivalent to a grid current with a peak value of around 20 A. This is due
to the different voltage ratio between the DC bus and the AC grid. The parameters of the
simulated and the experimental prototype can be consulted in Table 3. As in the V2G mode,
the voltage balancing alike improves the power quality of VFLBC and in turn of i g while the
DC bus voltage and the battery current are properly controlled.
In the third test, as it is shown in Figure 9, ibat ∗ is kept constant at +9.5 A (V2G mode)
while the peak value of the grid voltage is first decreased from 390 V to 340 V and later
increased back to 390 V. These sag and swell are equivalent to 12.8% and 14.7%, respectively.
It can be noted how before t = 0.2 s, the voltage unbalance increases with the grid voltage
reduction. However, once the voltage balancing strategy is activated, it makes equal the
voltages of the upper VCup and lower VClow capacitors in spite of the grid voltage variations.
Additionally, the effect on the DC bus voltage regulation becomes negligible.
In the fourth test, as it is shown in Figure 10, ibat ∗ is kept constant at −7.50 A (G2V
mode) while the DC bus voltage reference Vbus ∗ is step-changed from 500V to 550 V and
back to 500 V. These variations are equivalent to 10% and 9.1%, respectively. As in the
previous tests, the voltage balancing strategy also makes that the split capacitors voltages
accurately match, and in turn it allows achieving a fairly good symmetry of VFLBC and a
considerable reduction in the harmonic distortion of i g .
In the fifth test, as it is shown in Figure 11, the capacitance of the DC-link split
capacitors Cup = Clow has been linearly varied following the profile of a triangular wave
with peak values of 1 mF and 100 µF. The total harmonic distortion (THD) as well as
the split capacitors voltage waveforms for the V2G and G2V modes have been obtained
with a battery current refence ibat ∗ of +9.5 A and −7.5 A, respectively. It can be observed
that the highest THD and maximum capacitors unbalance occur when the capacitance is
minimum, i.e., at 100 µF. However, it is important to remark how even under the worst
conditions in both operation modes, the proposed voltage balancing strategy significantly
narrows the capacitors voltage difference from around 200 V to less than 6 V. In the same
way, the maximum THD of VFLBC in the V2G and G2V operations modes quite decreases
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 12 of 19

from 9.4% and 10.0% to around 1.5% in both cases. Likewise, the highest THD of i g in
the V2G and G2V operation modes fairly reduces from 19.9% and 27.4% to only 4.3% and
4.5%, respectively.

Table 3. Parameters of simulation and experimental grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and cascaded DAHBC.

Parameter Symbol Units
Simulation Experimental
Switching frequency of FLBC f sw/FLBC 5 5
Switching frequency of DAHB f sw/DAHB 50 10 kHz
Line resistance RL 0.1 0.1 Ω
Line inductance LL 5 2.5
HF transformer magnetization inductance Lm 10 8.3
HF transformer leakage inductances L1T , L2T 0.01 0.082 mH
Inductance of the battery inductor Lb 50 5
Grid voltage (peak) Vg 340 21 | 7 *
DC bus voltage Vbus 500 24 V
Battery nominal voltage Vbat/nom 360 22
Battery rated current capacity Ibat/Ah 66 120 Ah
Grid frequency fg 60 60 Hz
Capacitance of FLBC split capacitors Cup , Clow 350 128
C1 , C2 350 680
Capacitance of DAHB split capacitors µF
C3 , C4 10 165
Capacitance of battery side capacitor Cb 1 100
Sampling time/Time-step Ts 20 100 µs
* Note: The grid voltage Vg is 21V in the G2V mode and 7V in the V2G mode, respectively.

5. Experimental Results
In order to validate and evaluate the performance of the voltage balancing and cas-
caded control strategies for the proposed grid-tied SPFLBC as well as of the SPS technique
for the battery current control through the DAHBC, they have been built and tested on the
same basis of the simulations described in Section 4. The parameters of these converters
are summarized in Table 3. Figure 12 shows a photograph of the full experimental setup
built in laboratory whereas Figures 13–19 show the obtained results.

Figure 12. Experimental setup built in the laboratory: (a) Novel single-phase ANPC five-level
bidirectional converter, (b) Dual active half-bridge DC-DC converter, (c) Drivers of power converters,
(d) Auxiliary DC voltage sources, (e) Grid connectors board, (f) Line inductor, (g) Grid variable
autotransformer, (h) Tektronix Hall current probes, (i) Multimeters, (j) Lead-acid rechargeable battery
bank, (k) Voltage/current Hall sensors and signal conditioning stage, (m) DSP/FPGA-based control
cards, (n) Control dashboard, (p) Tektronix/Agilent digital scopes and Fluke 43B, (q) PC-Windows
10/i7/8Gb RAM.
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 13 of 19

Figure 13. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a step-change in the battery current under
the V2G mode.

Figure 14. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a step-change in the battery current under
the G2V mode.

Figure 13 shows the performance of the ANPC SPFLBC and the DAHBC during a
step-change in the battery current under the V2G mode. At t = 1.5 s, the battery current
reference ibat ∗ is changed from +0.175 A to +0.350 A and back to +0.175 A after 2 s. This
sequence repeats at half the full-time scale, i.e., at t = 5 s when the voltage balancing is
activated. It can be observed how the voltage unbalance of split capacitors increases with
the battery current. However, the voltage balancing strategy is very effective by making
practically equals the voltages of the upper capacitor VCup and the lower capacitor VClow .
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 14 of 19

Figure 15. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a grid voltage sag/swell under the
V2G mode.

Figure 16. Performance of the voltage balancing strategy and the SPS control for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the cascaded DAHBC during a DC bus voltage step-change under the
G2V mode.

Figure 17. Fluke 43B-based power quality analysis of proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC without
(Top) and with (Bottom) DC-link split capacitors voltage balancing under the V2G mode. (a) SPFLBC
output voltage VFLBC and grid current i g . (b) Grid powers, grid factors, Vg and i g . (c) Spectrum of
VFLBC . (d) Spectrum of i g .
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 15 of 19

Figure 18. Fluke 43B-based power quality analysis of proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC without
(top) and with (bottom) DC-link split capacitors voltage balancing under the G2V mode. (a) SPFLBC
output voltage VFLBC and grid current i g . (b) Grid powers, grid factors, Vg and i g . (c) Spectrum of
VFLBC . (d) Spectrum of i g .

Figure 19. Normalized power losses distribution for the three different single-phase ANPC five-level
topologies under study. (Left) V2G mode. (Right) G2V mode.

During this time, the DC bus voltage is accurately maintained at 24V in spite of the
disturbances caused by the sudden variations in the current flow from the battery to the
grid. It can also be noted that initially the output voltage waveform from the ANPC
SPFLBC is asymmetric due to the unbalance in states 2 and 4 while the grid current is
severely distorted. Thanks to the proposed voltage balancing, the ANPC SPFLBC provides
a voltage signal with high symmetry that in turn allows flowing a high-quality grid current
with very low harmonic content. Furthermore, i g accurately remains out-of-phase with the
grid voltage Vg since the grid is receiving the power from the battery. It is important to
clarify that the voltage and current spikes observed in the waveforms do not belong to the
real measurements but to the EMI induced in the probes of the TPS2024B Tektronix scope.
Given that this instrument does not incorporate any kind of filtering, the displayed signals
are purely raw.
Figure 14 shows the performance of the ANPC SPFLBC and the DAHBC during a step-
change in the battery current under the G2V mode. At t = 1.5s, the battery current reference
ibat ∗ is changed from −0.175 A to −0.350 A and back to −0.175 A after 2 s. It is noteworthy
how after the activation of the voltage balancing strategy at t = 5 s, the voltage of split
capacitors properly overlaps, the ANPC SPFLBC output voltage becomes symmetric and
the grid current distortion fairly reduces. Also, i g accurately remains in-phase with the
grid voltage Vg since now the grid is sending the power to the battery.
Figure 15 shows the performance of the ANPC SPFLBC and the DAHBC during a
grid voltage sag/swell under the V2G mode. The grid voltage variations have peak values
of 15 V and 11 V. Therefore, the tested sag and swell are of approximately 27% and 36%,
respectively. During the test the voltage balancing strategy is always on while the DC bus
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 16 of 19

voltage reference Vbus ∗ and the battery current reference ibat ∗ remain at 24 V and +0.35 A,
respectively. It is noteworthy how both of the split capacitors stay all the time at the same
voltage in spite of the sag/swell disturbances, hence the SPFLBC continuously provides
an output voltage with high symmetry and low distortion. It is also remarkable that the
voltage sag as well as the voltage swell have an unnoticeable effect on the DC bus voltage
regulation and the battery current control.
Figure 16 shows the performance of the ANPC SPFLBC and the DAHBC during a
DC bus voltage step-change under the G2V mode. During the test the voltage balancing
strategy is always on while the peak value of the grid voltage Vg and the battery current
reference ibat ∗ remain at 25 V and −0.35 A, respectively. First, the DC bus voltage is
increased from 24 V to 29 V and later decreased from 29 V to 24 V. These variations are
equivalent to 21% and 17%, respectively. It is noteworthy how the DC bus voltage step-
changes have a negligible influence on the battery current regulation and practically no
effect on the voltage balancing of split capacitors. Thus, the SPFLBC output voltage always
remains symmetric while the amplitude of its levels simply changes accordingly.
Figures 17 and 18 show the experimental results obtained from the power quality
analysis of the ANPC SPFLBC output voltage VFLBC as well as of the grid current i g for
the V2G and G2V operation modes. In each of these figures, the time signals and their
resulting spectra are compared without and with the activation of the proposed voltage
balancing strategy. It can be observed how in both V2G and G2V modes, when the voltage
balancing strategy is off, the signals VFLBC and i g are severely distorted, the levels of VFLBC
are fairly unequal and the power factor is very poor. Once the voltage balancing is on,
the following improvement are obtained: (a) In the V2G mode, the THD of VFLBC and i g
reduces from 14.1% and 23.4% to only 2.9% and 3.6%, respectively, whereas in the G2V
mode, it reduces from 14.5% and 26.1% to only 1.8% and 3.1%, respectively. (b) In the V2G
mode, the reactive power reduces from 1.1 Vars to 0.5 Vars whereas in the G2 V mode, it
reduces from 3.5 Vars to only 1.5 Vars. (c) In the V2G mode, the power factor increases
from −0.95 to −0.99 whereas in the G2V mode, it increases from 0.93 to 0.99. In general, it
is noteworthy that when the voltage balancing is on, the levels of VFLBC become symmetric,
the harmonic content of VFLBC and i g fairly reduces, the reactive power on the grid side
decreases and the power factor notably improves.
The power losses distribution and the efficiency for the three different single-phase
ANPC five-level topologies under study are shown in Figure 19 and Table 4, respectively.
For ease of comparison, the set of graphs in both V2G and G2V modes has been normalized
while the notation of the switches match with the letters A-J used in topologies of Figure 1.
It can be observed that the ANPC-FLC of [21] with only eight switches is the more efficient
with 96.4% in the V2G mode and 95.8% in the G2V mode. In spite of presenting the
lower power losses, this topology is inherently uncapable of balancing the voltage of split
capacitors because it does not count with redundant vectors for the states that generate an
output of half the DC bus voltage.

Table 4. Comparison of efficiency for different five-level ANPC topologies.

Five-Level ANPC Efficiency (%)

Topology V2G G2V
[21] 96.4 95.8
[22] 93.5 94.1
Proposed 95.0 94.5

Unlike [21], the ANPC-FLC of [22] having also eight switches is capable of properly
balancing the capacitors voltage. Nevertheless, although in this converter the four switches
A–D that withstand the full DC bus voltage commutate at low frequency, such topology
presents the lower efficiency due to the higher stress in the remaining switches, i.e., G-H in
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 17 of 19

the V2G mode and E-F in the G2V mode. According to Table 4, its efficiency in the V2G
and G2V modes is 93.5% and 94.1%, respectively.
In comparison with [21,22], the proposed ANPC-FLBC has two more switches, i.e., a
total of ten. However, unlike [21] it is capable of balancing the capacitors voltage whereas in
contrast with [22], it not only achieves a better efficiency but a lower stress of the switching
devices and a more even distribution of the power losses. The efficiency of the proposed
topology is 95.0% in the V2G mode and 94.5% in the G2V mode.

6. Discussion
In comparison with the conventional two-level converters, the multilevel converters
are characterized for providing a lower distortion voltage signal and achieve it with lower
switching frequencies. These are two big advantages in terms of a lower cost and volume
of the required output passive filter as well as a switching losses reduction. Thus, with the
aim of increasing the efficiency of multilevel converters, the switching frequency must be
kept low but not too much because it can deteriorate the fundamental output signal used
for control purposes and compromise the performance of the converter application. In the
present work, the switching frequency f sw/FLBC of the FLBC has been set to 5 kHz in both
simulation and experiments. The results shown in Sections 4 and 5 validate the selection
of this frequency by obtaining a good control performance and an efficiency even higher
than with the topology proposed in [22]. A summary of the parameters for the proposed
grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC is shown in Table 3. The selection of f sw/FLBC is also based on [24].
This research works deals with a single-phase five-level converter that implements the
same multicarrier phase disposition method used in the present paper.
The parameter discrepancies and drifts due to temperature and aging of the inductive
and capacitive components in the power system shown in Figure 3 do not have an influence
on the accuracy and performance of the proposed voltage balancing strategy. Nevertheless,
the gain and offset of the Hall-effect voltage sensors used for measuring the voltage of
the upper and lower capacitors have a significant effect on the voltage balancing. In the
same way, the parameter variations due to temperature in the resistors connected to the
operational amplifiers in turn contained within the signal conditioning stage that interfaces
the Hall-effect voltage sensors with the analog-to-digital converters of the DSP alike affect
the voltage balancing.
With the aim of providing accurate voltage measurements of the split capacitors to the
voltage balancing control loop, a digital calibration curve that compensates the nonlinearity
and gain mismatch from the voltage sensors as well as an automatic routine that digitally
removes their initial voltage offsets have been programmed within the DSP. It important
to remark that before taking the initial voltage measurements, the split capacitors are first
discharged through a resistor. In spite that the experimental results presented in Section 5
were obtained at various times in different days as well as under different conditions
and scenarios, they exhibited repeatability since the initialization routine has been always
performed before starting up the ANPC SPFLBC. Thanks to the nonlinearity, gain mismatch
and offset compensations carried out on the voltage sensors, the remaining parameters
variations undergone by the full power system during the days of tests have been minor
and practically unnoticeable.

7. Conclusions
A novel single-phase ANPC SPFLBC that enhances the power quality during the
G2V and V2G operation of a cascaded EV charger has been presented in this paper. The
simulation and experimental results obtained from a set of exhaustive tests validate the
good performance of the developed balancing strategy for keeping equal the split capacitors
voltages even under step-changing disturbances. In the same way, the cascaded control
and the SPS control strategies implemented with a DSP/FPGA for controlling in real-time
the grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC and the DAHBC have alike shown a good performance. It
has been also demonstrated that the proposed grid-tied ANPC SPFLBC not only is capable
Energies 2021, 14, 2650 18 of 19

of achieving a very low THD of the grid current but a higher efficiency, a lower stress of
the switching devices and a more even distribution of the power losses in both V2G and
G2V modes.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.L., L.M., C.H., M.A.A. and A.C.; Formal analysis, J.L.,
L.M., C.H., M.A.A. and A.C.; Investigation, J.L., L.M., C.H., M.A.A. and A.C.; Methodology, J.L., L.M.,
C.H., M.A.A. and A.C.; Validation, J.L., L.M., C.H., M.A.A. and A.C.; Writing—review & editing,
J.L., L.M., C.H., M.A.A. and A.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico
(CONACYT) through its “Postdoctoral Fellowship Program” under grants 2019-000006-01NACV-
00062 and 2020-000022-01NACV-00108.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not Applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not Applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not Applicable.
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to thank TNM Instituto Tecnológico de La Laguna for its
partial support in this research.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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