FME Transformer Reference Guide

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FME® Transformer

Reference Guide
FME and Data Transformation
Moving data between different formats and applications often involves more than a format-to-format translation.
Datasets can contain more complex components that may not fit the requirements of the destination system. To preserve
key aspects of the data and load it seamlessly into the target application, you may need to adjust the data model,
contents, descriptive elements, and/or the coordinate system. This is known as data transformation and it is one of
FME’s core capabilities.
FME ® contains over 500 transformers that perform different types of data operations. In the FME Workbench interface,
transformers are stored in the Transformer Gallery and grouped in categories based on their function. You can also
search for transformers by keyword.

This guide provides a high-level summary of FME Workbench, data inspection, and each transformer’s
functionality. For detailed information, select FME Transformers from the FME Workbench Help menu,
select a transformer on the canvas and press F1, or visit

FME Workbench Overview

FME Workbench is a powerful tool for data conversion, sharing, transformation, validation, and integration.
Workbench elements are represented graphically on the Workbench canvas , and saved as a workspace. By default,
the workspace workflow reads from left to right: the reader (source data) is on the left, the transformers are in the
center, and the writer (destination data) is on the right. Connections between each item represent the flow of data:
connections can branch in different directions, and through different objects.


1 Navigator: Shows a hierarchical view of workspace objects.

2 Parameter Editor: Shows configurable settings for any object selected on the canvas.
3 Transformer Gallery: Contains over 500 transformers to restructure features between source and destination data.
4 Canvas: Displays a graphical workflow of the objects and connections that represent data and data transformation.
5 Translation Log: Contains details about the workspace translation.

FME Transformer Reference Guide 1

FME Data Inspector Overview
The FME Data Inspector is used primarily to preview data before translation and verify data after translation, but it can
also be used to check data at any point during translation.
One of FME’s key abilities is the communication between Workbench and the Data Inspector – an Inspector
transformer can start the Data Inspector at almost any point while a workspace is running, and inspection tools
allow feature-by-feature analysis.

1 2

1 Display Control: Shows a list of open datasets and their feature types.
2 View: Displays a single dataset, or multiple datasets at the same time.
3 Feature Information: Displays information about a queried feature, including feature type, attributes, and
geometry details.
4 Table View: Displays the Feature Information values that are exposed to the end user, in tabular format.

Components of a Simple FME Workspace

In a workspace, translation components are represented in a visible, related hierarchy. Hierarchy is important because it
affects how components are added to a translation and, more importantly, how they are controlled. Components consist
of (but are not limited to):
■ Readers (source format and data)
■ Writers (destination format and output data location)
■ Reader and Writer Feature Types (in FME, feature types represent a subset of records; for example, layer, table,
or sheet)
■ Attributes
■ Transformers

This guide is primarily a transformer resource – but it’s also important to see why transformers are key to FME’s power
and versatility. A very simple workspace example on page 4 shows how transformers work; and the rest of this guide
describes what each transformer can do.

The Basics: Placing and Editing Transformers
There are many ways to place a transformer on the Workbench canvas. To start, however, you can simply double-click a
transformer name in the Transformer Gallery and it will appear in the workspace.
Every transformer has a Properties button. This button is color-coded to show the status of its parameters.

If the Properties button is the same color as the transformer, you can use the
transformer with its existing parameters.

A yellow Properties button indicates that the transformer contains default settings, but
you have not yet accepted them. You can use the transformer in this state, but your
workspace might produce unexpected results.

A red Properties button means that there is at least one parameter for which FME
cannot supply a default value. You must provide a value for all required fields before you
can use the transformer in the workspace.

When you click a Properties button, the dialog that appears will usually have some of the common elements shown in
this example. The content of this dialog depends on the transformer, and sometimes even on connections to the
transformer. Most transformers have some common user interface elements, however, and those are described here.

You can edit the default

transformer name.

Required parameters are


Transformer parameter
menu button.

The Defaults menu gives you Click OK to accept changes

options for using default and close the dialog.
values. (This button is disabled if
required parameters have
not been populated.)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 3

Working with Transformer Parameters
Most transformer parameters can be integrated with other pieces of a workspace. This means that the parameters
can be easily configured to work with elements of the source data as well as with other transformers. More advanced
functions, such as text and arithmetic editors, are also available in some transformers.
In most cases, you can use a transformer with its displayed default values.

For detailed information on transformer parameters, see the FME Transformers help, or select a
transformer on the Workbench canvas and view the Help tab in the bottom pane.

The Basics: Setting up and Running a Simple Workspace

This simple example shows how to set up a new workspace. The source data used for this example contains information
about 80 city parks.

Set up a new workspace by clicking

File > Generate Workspace. Then:

1. Select the format and location of the source data

(the Reader),
2. Specify the format and location for the destination
data (the Writer), and
3. Accept the defaults in the remaining dialog fields.

Click OK. Workbench reads the data, and generates the

initial workspace.

The objects on the canvas represent the data and data flow. The Reader Feature Type shows that the data contains an
attribute called DogPark.

DogPark attribute

Because we want to determine which parks allow dogs,
we add two transformers: a Tester transformer (to filter
data) and an Inspector transformer (to view results).
The Tester parameters are set to filter only parks that
allow dogs, and the Inspector transformer opens the
Data Inspector to show the results on a map.

Click the Run tool.

The resulting workspace shows that 7 parks allow dogs. These results are sent through the port
of the Tester transformer to a Writer Feature Type that we have added and named DogParks.
The workspace also shows that 73 parks do not allow dogs, and we have directed these results through the
port of the Tester transformer to the original Parks writer feature type.

Because we added an Inspector transformer to the Tester transformer’s Passed port, the Data Inspector opens
automatically. Here, the Background Map option allows us to view the exact locations of the 7 dog parks.

FME Transformer Reference Guide 5

Workbench Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac
General Viewing
Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
New (create a new workspace) Ctrl+n command +n
Generate workspace Ctrl+g Shift+command +n
Open (workspace) Ctrl+o command +o
Exit (workbench) Ctrl+q command +q
Close (workspace) Ctrl+w command +w
Change to next tab Ctrl+Tab
Change to previous tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Select tab number Ctrl+number_key
Close current tab Ctrl+F4 command +w
Open containing folder (datasets) Ctrl+o command +o
Maximize canvas to current Shift+F11 shift+F11
window size
Maximize canvas to full screen F11 F11
Zoom-in Ctrl+ command +
Zoom-out Ctrl- command -
Zoom 100% Ctrl+0 command +0
Zoom in and out Ctrl+scroll wheel command +scroll wheel
Zoom to next/previous bookmark Space/Ctrl+Space
Note: Show Bookmark Navigator
must be enabled on the toolbar.
Pan Click scroll wheel (or middle mouse
button) and drag cursor.
Return cursor to action arrow Right-click anywhere on the Right-click anywhere on the canvas.
Search: Ctrl+f command +f
- Workspace if the focus is in the F3
workspace or the Navigator
- Log if the focus is in the Log window
Connection Style Ctrl+Shift+C command+Shift+C
Print Ctrl+p command +p
Help Select an object, then F1 Select an object, then F1

Viewing Data in Visual Preview
Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
Toggle automatic inspect on selection Ctrl+ Alt+A option +command +A
Toggle Display Control Ctrl+Alt+` option +command +`
Toggle Table View Ctrl+Alt+1 option +command +1
Toggle graphics View Ctrl+Alt+2, option +command +2,
Ctrl+Alt+3, option +command +3,
Ctrl+Alt+4 option +command +4
Show/hide Feature Information Ctrl+Alt+F option +command +F
Open in Data Inspector Ctrl+Alt+D command +Shift+D

General Editing
Cut Ctrl+x command +x
Copy Ctrl+c command +c
Paste Ctrl+v command +v

Redo Ctrl+y shift+command +z

Save Ctrl+s command +s
Select All Ctrl+a command +a
Undo Ctrl+z command +z
Smart Delete (repair connections) Delete key delete key

Delete (without repair) Shift+Delete key Shift+delete key

Readers, Writers, and Transformers

Add Reader Ctrl+Alt+r option +command +r
Add Writer Ctrl+Alt+w option +command +w
Show Parameters Select an object, then Enter Select an object, then Enter.

Connect Inspector Select the object(s), then Select the object(s), then
Ctrl+Shift+I control+shift+i
Connect Logger Select the object(s), then Select the object(s), then
Ctrl+Shift+L control+shift+l
Create custom transformer Select one or more transformers, Select one or more transformers,
then Ctrl+t then command +t

FME Transformer Reference Guide 7

Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
Duplicate transformer Ctrl+d command +d
Using Quick Add:
If you add a transformer and want
to add the same transformer again,
press the slash “/” key. The Quick
Add box will appear showing the
last selected transformer. Press
Return to include it, then press
Return again to edit its parameters.
Rename Select an object, then F2 Select the object, then F2

Search for a transformer by name Slash “/” key. Slash “/” key.

Other Workspace Authoring

Add Bookmark Ctrl+b command +b
Attach annotation Select the object(s), then Ctrl+k Select the object(s), then
command +k
Show summary annotation Select the object(s), then Select the object(s), then
Ctrl+Shift+K shift+command +k
Insert Junction Ctrl+Shift+J shift+command +j

Enable/disable objects (including links Ctrl+e command +e

feature types)

Running Workspaces
Run translation F5 F5
Rerun entire workspace Shift+F5 Shift+F5
Enable Prompt for User Parameters Ctrl+Alt+F5
Prompt and run Ctrl+r command +r

Enable feature caching Ctrl+F5 command +F5

Run with feature caching + “Run From F6 F6
Run with breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F5 command +Shift+F5
Toggle breakpoints Select connection, then F9

Transformer Categories
3D Attributes
3DAffiner 15 Aggregator 16 EllipsePropertyExtractor 28
3DArcReplacer 15 AttributeCompressor 18 ExpressionEvaluator 28
3DForcer 15 AttributeCopier 18 GeometryExtractor 30
3DInterpolator 15 AttributeCreator 18 GOIDGenerator 32
3DRotator 15 AttributeDecompressor 18 H3HexagonalIndexer 32
AppearanceExtractor 16 AttributeDereferencer 18 HoleCounter 32
AppearanceMerger 16 AttributeExploder 19 LeftRightSpatialCalculator 36
AppearanceRemover 16 AttributeExposer 19 LengthCalculator 36
AppearanceSetter 16 AttributeFileReader 19 LengthToPointCalculator 36
AppearanceStyler 16 AttributeFileWriter 19 ListHistogrammer 38
Bufferer 21 AttributeKeeper 19 ListRangeExtractor 38
CityEngineModelGenerator 23 AttributeManager 19 MeasureExtractor 39
Creator 25 AttributeRemover 19 MeasureGenerator 39
CSGBuilder 25 AttributeRenamer 19 ModuloCounter 39
CSGEvaluator 25 AttributeSplitter 20 NetworkCostCalculator 41
DEMDistanceCalculator 26 BulkAttributeRemover 21 NetworkTopologyCalculator 41
DEMGenerator 26 BulkAttributeRenamer 21 OrientationExtractor 42
DimensionExtractor 26 DatabaseJoiner 25 PartCounter 42
ElevationExtractor 28 Deaggregator 26 PointCloudExpressionEvaluator 43
Extruder 28 ListBuilder 37 PointCloudPropertyExtractor 44
FaceReplacer 28 ListConcatenator 37 PointCloudStatisticsCalculator 44
GeometryInstantiator 31 ListCopier 37 PointPropertyExtractor 45
GeometryPartExtractor 31 ListExploder 38 RandomNumberGenerator 45
GeometryPropertyExtractor 31 ListExpressionPopulator 38 RasterAspectCalculator 45
GeometryPropertyRemover 31 ListIndexer 38 RasterBandMinMaxExtractor 46
GeometryPropertyRenamer 31 ListPopulator 38 RasterBandPropertyExtractor 46
GeometryPropertySetter 31 ListRenamer 38 RasterCellValueCalculator 47
IFCPropertySetDefinitionCreator 33 ListSorter 38 RasterExpressionEvaluator 47
IFCQuantitySetDefinitionCreator 33 NullAttributeMapper 41 RasterPropertyExtractor 49
MeshMerger 39 RasterSingularCellValue
MeshSimplifier 39 Calculated Values Calculator 50
MRF3DCleaner 40 Aggregator 16 RasterStatisticsCalculator 50
Offsetter 42 AngleConverter 16 ReprojectAngleCalculator 50
PipeReplacer 42 AngularityCalculator 16 ReprojectLengthCalculator 50
PlanarityFilter 43 ArcPropertyExtractor 17 StatisticsCalculator 54
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 AreaCalculator 18 StreamOrderCalculator 54
RasterDEMGenerator 47 AttributePivoter 19 StreamPriorityCalculator 54
RasterHillshader 48 AttributeRounder 19 StringLengthCalculator 55
RasterSlopeCalculator 50 BaseConverter 21 SubstringExtractor 55
Scaler 51 BoundsExtractor 21 TempPathnameCreator 56
SecondOrderConformer 51 CenterPointExtractor 22 TextLocationExtractor 57
SharedItemAdder 51 CircularityCalculator 23 TextPropertyExtractor 57
SharedItemIDExtractor 52 CoordinateConcatenator 24 TextureCoordinateSetter 57
SharedItemIDSetter 52 CoordinateExtractor 24 UUIDGenerator 58
SharedItemRetriever 52 Counter 25 VertexCounter 59
SolidBuilder 53 CRCCalculator 25 VolumeCalculator 59
SurfaceBuilder 55 DateTimeCalculator 26 Cartography and Reports
SurfaceDissolver 55 DateTimeConverter 26
SurfaceDraper 55 DateTimeStamper 26 AreaAmalgamator 17
SurfaceFootprintReplacer 56 DecimalDegreesCalculator 26 ChartGenerator 23
SurfaceModeller 56 DEMDistanceCalculator 26 CommonLocalReprojector 23
SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer 56 DensityCalculator 26 Curvefitter® 25
SurfaceSplitter 56 DimensionExtractor 26 DGNStyler 26
TINGenerator 57 DMSCalculator 27 Displacer 27
VolumeCalculator 59 ElevationExtractor 28 DWGStyler 28

FME Transformer Reference Guide 9

ExcelStyler 28 GtransReprojector 32 SpatialRelator 53
FeatureColorSetter 28 LatLongToMGRSConverter 36 SpikeRemover 53
Generalizer 30 LocalCoordinateSystemSetter 38 SummaryReporter 55
GeometryColorSetter 30 MGRSToLatLongConverter 39 Tester 56
HTMLLayouter 33 PROJAttributeReprojector 45 TestFilter 56
HTMLReportGenerator 33 PROJReprojector 45 VertexCounter 59
ImageRasterizer 34 RasterGCPExtractor 47
KMLPropertySetter 35 RasterGCPSetter 47 Filters and Joins
KMLRegionSetter 35 RasterGeoreferencer 48 AggregateFilter 16
KMLStyler 35 ReframeReprojector 50 Aggregator 16
KMLTimeSetter 35 ReprojectAngleCalculator 50 AreaOnAreaOverlayer 18
KMLTourBuilder 35 ReprojectLengthCalculator 50 AttributeFilter 19
KMLViewSetter 35 Reprojector 51 AttributePivoter 19
Labeller 35 RubberSheeter 51 AttributeRangeFilter 19
LabelPointReplacer 36 Scaler 51 ChangeDetector 22
MapboxStyler 38 SecondOrderConformer 51 ClosedCurveFilter 23
MapInfoStyler 38 TextureCoordinateSetter 57 ConvexityFilter 24
MapnikRasterizer 39 VertexCounter 59 DatabaseJoiner 25
MapTextLabeller 39 VertexRemover 59 Deaggregator 26
MapTextStyler 39 DuplicateFilter 27
MSWordStyler 40 Data Quality FeatureJoiner 28
NumericRasterizer 41 AngularityCalculator 16 FeatureMerger 29
PDFPageFormatter 42 AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner 18 FeatureReader 29
PDFStyler 42 AttributeValidator 20 FeatureTypeFilter 29
PowerPointStyler 45 ChangeDetector 22 GeometryFilter 30
RasterHillshader 48 CircularityCalculator 23 LineOnAreaOverlayer 37
SherbendGeneralizer 52 ClosedCurveFilter 23 LineOnLineOverlayer 37
TextAdder 57 CommonSegmentFinder 24 ListBasedFeatureMerger 37
TextPropertySetter 57 ConvexityFilter 24 MultipleGeometryFilter 40
TextStroker 57 CRCCalculator 25 NeighborhoodAggregator 41
WebMapTiler 59 DimensionExtractor 26 NLPClassifier 41
DuplicateFilter 27 NLPTrainer 41
Coordinates ElevationExtractor 28 PlanarityFilter 43
2DForcer 15 FeatureTypeFilter 29 PointCloudFilter 43
3DAffiner 15 GeometryFilter 30 PointCloudMerger 43
3DForcer 15 GeometryValidator 31 PointOnAreaOverlayer 44
Affiner 15 HoleCounter 32 PointOnLineOverlayer 44
AttributeReprojector 19 Inspector 34 PointOnPointOverlayer 44
BMGReprojector 21 JSONValidator 35 RasterMosaicker 48
CenterPointExtractor 22 ListDuplicateRemover 37 Sampler 51
CommonLocalReprojector 23 ListElementCounter 38 SpatialFilter 53
CoordinateConcatenator 24 ListHistogrammer 38 SpatialRelator 53
CoordinateExtractor 24 Matcher 39 Tester 56
CoordinateRounder 24 MRF2DCleaner 40 TestFilter 56
CoordinateSwapper 24 MRF2DConflator 40 TraitMerger 58
CoordinateSystemDescription MRF2DDangleRemover 40
Converter 24 MRF2DDuplicateRemover 40 Format Specific
CoordinateSystemExtractor 24 MRF2DExtender 40 AttributeFileReader 19
CoordinateSystemRemover 24 MRF2DGeneralizer 40 AttributeFileWriter 19
CoordinateSystemSetter 24 MRF2DIntersector 40 DatabaseDeleter 25
CsmapAttributeReprojector 25 MRF2DJoiner 40 DatabaseUpdater 26
CsmapReprojector 25 MRF2DShortGeometryRemover 40 DGNStyler 26
DecimalDegreesCalculator 26 MRF3DCleaner 40 DWGStyler 28
DimensionExtractor 26 NullAttributeMapper 41 EsriReprojector 28
DMSCalculator 27 PartCounter 42 ExcelStyler 28
ElevationExtractor 28 PlanarityFilter 43 FeatureReader 29
EsriReprojector 28 Sampler 51 FeatureWriter 29
GridInquestIIReprojector 32 Snapper 52 GeometryExtractor 30
GridInquestReprojector 32 Snipper 52 GeometryReplacer 31
GtransAttributeReprojector 32 SpatialFilter 53 GeoRSSFeatureComposer 31

GeoRSSFeatureReader 32 AreaAmalgamator 17 TextAdder 57
GMLFeatureComposer 32 AreaBuilder 17 Tiler 57
HTMLLayouter 33 AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner 18 TINGenerator 57
HTMLReportGenerator 33 BoundingBoxReplacer 21 Triangulator 58
HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 CenterLineReplacer 22 VertexCreator 59
IFCPropertySetDefinitionCreator 33 CenterPointReplacer 22 VertexRemover 59
IFCQuantitySetDefinitionCreator 33 Chopper 23
JSONExtractor 34 CityEngineModelGenerator 23 Integrations
JSONFlattener 34 CoordinateRounder 24 ArcGISOnlineConnector 17
JSONFormatter 34 CoordinateSwapper 24 AutodeskA360Connector 20
JSONFragmenter 34 CSGBuilder 25 AutodeskBIM360Docs
JSONTemplater 34 Curvefitter® 25 Connector 20
JSONUpdater 35 Densifier 26 AzureBlobStorageConnector 20
JSONValidator 35 Displacer 27 AzureFileStorageConnector 20
KMLPropertySetter 35 Dissolver 27 AzureQueueStorageConnector 20
KMLRegionSetter 35 DonutBridgeBuilder 27 BMGReprojector 21
KMLStyler 35 DonutBuilder 27 BoxConnector 21
KMLTimeSetter 35 DonutHoleExtractor 27 CityEngineModelGenerator 23
KMLTourBuilder 35 EllipsePropertySetter 28 CKANConnector 23
KMLViewSetter 35 FaceReplacer 28 CsmapAttributeReprojector 25
MapboxStyler 38 Generalizer 30 CsmapReprojector 25
MapInfoStyler 38 GeometryCoercer 30 Curvefitter® 25
MapTextLabeller 39 GeometryExtractor 30 DatabaseDeleter 25
MapTextStyler 39 GeometryRefiner 31 DatabaseUpdater 26
PDFPageFormatter 42 GeometryRemover 31 DirectTweeter 26
PDFStyler 42 GeometryReplacer 31 DropboxConnector 27
RCaller 50 H3HexagonalIndexer 32 Emailer 28
WebMapTiler 59 HullReplacer 33 EsriReprojector 28
XMLAppender 59 Intersector 34 EthereumConnector 28
XMLFeatureMapper 59 LabelPointReplacer 36 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29
XMLFlattener 60 LineBuilder 36 FMEServerJobWaiter 29
XMLFormatter 60 LineCloser 36 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29
XMLFragmenter 60 LineCombiner 37 FMEServerNotifier 29
XMLNamespaceDeclarer 60 LineExtender 37 FMEServerResourceConnector 30
XMLSampleGenerator 60 MeasureRemover 39 FTPCaller 30
XMLTemplater 60 MeasureSetter 39 Geocoder 30
XMLUpdater 60 MeshMerger 39 GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32
XMLValidator 60 MeshSimplifier 39 GoogleDriveConnector 32
XMLXQueryExploder 60 MinimumAreaForcer 39 GridInquestIIReprojector 32
XMLXQueryExtractor 60 MinimumSpanningCircle GridInquestReprojector 32
XMLXQueryUpdater 60 Replacer 39 GtransAttributeReprojector 32
XSLTProcessor 60 MultipleGeometrySetter 40 GtransReprojector 32
OffsetCurveGenerator 42 HDFSConnector 32
Geometries Orientor 42 HTMLExtractor 33
2DArcReplacer 15 PathBuilder 42 JMSReceiver 34
2DBoxReplacer 15 PathSplitter 42 JMSSender 34
2DEllipseReplacer 15 PipeReplacer 42 KinesisReceiver 35
2DForcer 15 PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 KinesisSender 35
2DGridAccumulator 15 PointPropertySetter 45 MRF2DCleaner 40
2DGridCreator 15 Rotator 51 MRF2DConflator 40
3DArcReplacer 15 RubberSheeter 51 MRF2DDangleRemover 40
3DForcer 15 Scaler 51 MRF2DDuplicateRemover 40
3DInterpolator 15 SherbendGeneralizer 52 MRF2DExtender 40
3DRotator 15 Snapper 52 MRF2DGeneralizer 40
AffineWarper 16 Snipper 52 MRF2DIntersector 40
AnchoredSnapper 16 SolidBuilder 53 MRF2DJoiner 40
AngleConverter 16 SpikeRemover 53 MRF2DShortGeometryRemover 40
ArcEstimator 17 SurfaceDissolver 55 MRF3DCleaner 40
ArcPropertySetter 17 SurfaceFootprintReplacer 56 OneDriveConnector 42
ArcStroker 17 SurfaceSplitter 56 PROJAttributeReprojector 45

FME Transformer Reference Guide 11

ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45 ChartGenerator 23 RasterRegisterer 49
PROJReprojector 45 DEMDistanceCalculator 26 RasterReplacer 49
RabbitMQConnector 45 GoogleVisionConnector 32 RasterResampler 49
RCaller 50 ImageFetcher 34 RasterRGBCreator 49
ReframeReprojector 50 ImageRasterizer 34 RasterRotationApplier 49
S3Connector 51 MapnikRasterizer 39 RasterSegmenter 49
SalesforceConnector 51 NumericRasterizer 41 RasterSelector 49
SharePointOnlineConnector 52 PointCloudOnRasterComponent RasterSharpener 50
SlackConnector 52 Setter 44 RasterSingularCellValue
SNSSender 53 PointOnRasterValueExtractor 45 Calculator 50
TCPIPReceiver 56 RasterAspectCalculator 45 RasterSlopeCalculator 50
TCPIPSender 56 RasterBandAdder 45 RasterStatisticsCalculator 50
TransporterReceiver 58 RasterBandCombiner 45 RasterSubsetter 50
TransporterSender 58 RasterBandInterpretation RasterTiler 50
TrelloConnector 58 Coercer 45 RasterToPolygonCoercer 50
Tweeter 58 RasterBandKeeper 46 RCaller 50
TweetSearcher 58 RasterBandMinMaxExtractor 46 TextStroker 57
TweetStreamer 58 RasterBandNameSetter 46 VectorOnRasterOverlayer 59
TwitterStatusFetcher 58 RasterBandNodataRemover 46 WebMapTiler 59
WhiteStarLeaseBuilder 59 RasterBandNodataSetter 46
RasterBandOrderer 46 Spatial Analysis
Point Clouds RasterBandPropertyExtractor 46 AffineWarper 16
DEMGenerator 26 RasterBandRemover 46 AnchoredSnapper 16
GeometryCoercer 30 RasterBandSeparator 46 AreaAmalgamator 17
PointCloudCoercer 43 RasterCellCoercer 46 AreaBuilder 17
PointCloudCombiner 43 RasterCellOriginSetter 46 AreaOnAreaOverlayer 18
PointCloudComponentAdder 43 RasterCellValueCalculator 47 BoundingBoxAccumulator 21
PointCloudComponentCopier 43 RasterCellValueReplacer 47 Bufferer 21
PointCloudComponentKeeper 43 RasterCellValueRounder 47 CenterLineReplacer 22
PointCloudComponentRemover 43 RasterCheckpointer 47 CenterPointReplacer 22
PointCloudComponentRenamer 43 RasterConsumer 47 Clipper 23
PointCloudComponentType RasterConvolver 47 ContourGenerator 24
Coercer 43 RasterDEMGenerator 47 DEMDistanceCalculator 26
PointCloudConsumer 43 RasterExpressionEvaluator 47 Displacer 27
PointCloudCreator 43 RasterExtentsCoercer 47 Dissolver 27
PointCloudExpressionEvaluator 43 RasterExtractor 47 DonutBridgeBuilder 27
PointCloudExtractor 43 RasterGCPExtractor 47 FeatureReader 29
PointCloudFilter 43 RasterGCPSetter 47 HullAccumulator 33
PointCloudMerger 43 RasterGeoreferencer 48 Intersector 34
PointCloudOnRaster RasterHillshader 48 NeighborFinder 41
ComponentSetter 44 RasterInterpretationCoercer 48 NeighborhoodAggregator 41
PointCloudPropertyExtractor 44 RasterMosaicker 48 NeighborPairFinder 41
PointCloudReplacer 44 RasterNumericCreator 48 NetworkCostCalculator 41
PointCloudSimplifier 44 RasterObjectDetectionModel NetworkFlowOrientor 41
PointCloudSorter 44 Trainer 48 NetworkTopologyCalculator 41
PointCloudSplitter 44 RasterObjectDetector 48 Offsetter 42
PointCloudStatisticsCalculator 44 RasterObjectDetectorSample PointOnAreaOverlayer 44
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 Generator 48 PointOnLineOverlayer 44
PointCloudThinner 44 RasterObjectDetectorSample PointOnPointOverlayer 44
PointCloudTransformation Preparer 49 PointOnRasterValueExtractor 45
Applier 44 RasterPaletteAdder 49 SectorGenerator 51
SurfaceDraper 55 RasterPaletteExtractor 49 ShortestPathFinder 52
SurfaceModeller 56 RasterPaletteGenerator 49 Snapper 52
RasterPaletteInterpretation SpatialFilter 53
Rasters SpatialRelator 53
Coercer 49
AppearanceExtractor 16 RasterPaletteNodataSetter 49 SpatialSorter 53
AppearanceMerger 16 RasterPaletteRemover 49 SurfaceBuilder 55
AppearanceRemover 16 RasterPaletteResolver 49 SurfaceDissolver 55
AppearanceSetter 16 RasterPropertyExtractor 49 SurfaceDraper 55
AppearanceStyler 16 RasterPyramider 49

SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer 56 AutodeskBIM360Docs RekognitionConnector 50
TopferIndexCalculator 58 Connector 20 S3Connector 51
TopologyBuilder 58 AWSIoTConnector 20 SalesforceConnector 51
VectorOnRasterOverlayer 59 AzureBlobStorageConnector 20 SharePointOnlineConnector 52
VoronoiCellGenerator 59 AzureComputerVision SlackConnector 52
VoronoiDiagrammer 59 Connector 20 SNSSender 53
AzureFileStorageConnector 20 SQSConnector 54
Strings AzureIoTConnector 20 TCPIPReceiver 56
AngleConverter 16 AzureQueueStorageConnector 20 TCPIPSender 56
AttributeCompressor 18 AzureTextAnalyticsConnector 20 TrelloConnector 58
AttributeDecompressor 18 BoxConnector 21 Tweeter 58
AttributeEncoder 18 CesiumIonConnector 22 TweetSearcher 58
AttributeExploder 19 ChartGenerator 23 TweetStreamer 58
AttributePivoter 19 CKANConnector 23 TwitterStatusFetcher 58
AttributeRangeMapper 19 ComprehendConnector 24 WebMapTiler 59
AttributeReprojector 19 Decelerator 26 WebSocketReceiver 59
AttributeRounder 19 DirectTweeter 26 WebSocketSender 59
AttributeSplitter 20 DropboxConnector 27 XMLAppender 59
AttributeTrimmer 20 Emailer 28 XMLFeatureMapper 59
AttributeValidator 20 EthereumConnector 28 XMLFlattener 60
AttributeValueMapper 20 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29 XMLFormatter 60
BaseConverter 21 FMEServerJobWaiter 29 XMLFragmenter 60
BinaryDecoder 21 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29 XMLNamespaceDeclarer 60
BinaryEncoder 21 FMEServerNotifier 29 XMLSampleGenerator 60
CharacterCodeExtractor 22 FMEServerResourceConnector 30 XMLTemplater 60
CharacterCodeReplacer 22 FTPCaller 30 XMLUpdater 60
CoordinateConcatenator 24 Generalizer 30 XMLValidator 60
CoordinateSystemDescription Geocoder 30 XMLXQueryExploder 60
Converer 24 GeoRSSFeatureComposer 31 XMLXQueryExtractor 60
DateTimeConverter 26 GeoRSSFeatureReader 32 XMLXQueryUpdater 60
DimensionExtractor 26 GoogleBigQueryConnector 32 XSLTProcessor 60
ElevationExtractor 28 GoogleCloudPubSubConnector 32
ExpressionEvaluator 28 GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32 Workflows
FilenamePartExtractor 29 GoogleDriveConnector 32 ArcGISOnlineConnector 17
HTMLExtractor 33 GoogleIoTConnector 32 AttributeFileReader 19
HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 GoogleLanguageConnector 32 AttributeFileWriter 19
ListDuplicateRemover 37 GoogleVisionConnector 32 AutodeskA360Connector 20
ListSearcher 38 HDFSConnector 32 AutodeskBIM360Docs
ListSummer 38 HTMLExtractor 33 Connector 20
NLPClassifier 41 HTMLLayouter 33 AzureBlobStorageConnector 20
NLPTrainer 41 HTMLReportGenerator 33 AzureFileStorageConnector 20
NullAttributeMapper 41 HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 AzureQueueStorageConnector 20
RandomNumberGenerator 45 HTTPCaller 33 BoxConnector 21
StringCaseChanger 54 IBMIoTConnector 33 CKANConnector 23
StringConcatenator 54 JMSReceiver 34 Cloner 23
StringFormatter 54 JMSSender 34 Creator 25
StringLengthCalculator 55 JSONExtractor 34 DatabaseDeleter 25
StringPadder 55 JSONFlattener 34 DatabaseUpdater 26
StringPairReplacer 55 JSONFormatter 34 Decelerator 26
StringReplacer 55 JSONFragmenter 34 DropboxConnector 27
StringSearcher 55 JSONTemplater 34 EnvironmentVariableFetcher 28
SubstringExtractor 55 JSONUpdater 35 EthereumConnector 28
TextDecoder 57 JSONValidator 35 FeatureHolder 28
TextEncoder 57 KafkaConnector 35 FeatureReader 29
MQTTConnector 39 FeatureTypeExtractor 29
Web FeatureWriter 29
OneDriveConnector 42
AmazonAthenaConnector 16 ParameterFetcher 42 FMEFunctionCaller 29
ArcGISOnlineConnector 17 ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29
AttributeEncoder 18 RabbitMQConnector 45 FMEServerJobWaiter 29
AutodeskA360Connector 20 RasterPyramider 49 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29

FME Transformer Reference Guide 13

FMEServerNotifier 29 TimeWindower 57
FMEServerResourceConnector 30 TransporterReceiver 58
FTPCaller 30 TransporterSender 58
GeometryExtractor 30 TrelloConnector 58
GeometryReplacer 31 VariableRetriever 58
GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32 VariableSetter 58
GoogleDriveConnector 32 WebSocketReceiver 59
HDFSConnector 32 WebSocketSender 59
HTMLExtractor 33 WorkspaceRunner 59
HTTPCaller 33 XSLTProcessor 60
ImageFetcher 34
InlineQuerier 34
Inspector 34
LicenseChecker 36
Logger 38
LogMessageStreamer 38
OneDriveConnector 42
ParameterFetcher 42
Player 43
ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45
PythonCaller 45
PythonCreator 45
RabbitMQConnector 45
RasterCheckpointer 47
Recorder 50
S3Connector 51
SalesforceConnector 51
Sampler 51
SchemaMapper 51
SharePointOnlineConnector 52
SlackConnector 52
Sorter 53
SpatialSorter 53
SQLCreator 54
SQLExecutor 54
SummaryReporter 55
SystemCaller 56
TclCaller 56
TCPIPReceiver 56
TCPIPSender 56
TempPathnameCreator 56
Terminator 56

Symbol Reference

◪ Transformers with this symbol are available at extra cost. Please contact Safe Software for more information.
Transformers with this symbol are downloadable from FME Hub.
NEW Transformers with this symbol are new in this version of FME.

2DArcReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature
with a two-dimensional arc whose
shape is set by the parameters, which
can be either constant floating point
values or the values of existing
attributes. (Geometries category)

2DBoxReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional box whose
minimums and maximums are fixed values or are taken from attributes in the
original feature. (Geometries category)
2DEllipseReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with a two-dimensional ellipse whose shape
is set by the parameters, values, or the values of existing attributes.
(Geometries category)
2DForcer Removes any elevation (Z) coordinates which may (or may not) have been
present on the original feature. (Coordinates, Geometries categories)
2DGridAccumulator Replaces the input features with a grid of two-dimensional point or polygon
features that have the specified spacing and which cover (at least) the
bounding box area of all features that enter the transformer.
(Geometries category)
2DGridCreator Creates a grid of two-dimensional point or polygon features, at the origin and
uses the offsets specified. Each created feature has a row and column
attribute that indicates its position in the grid. (Geometries category)
3DAffiner Performs 3D affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature. An affine
transformation preserves parallelism of lines and planes in geometry. Affine
transformations include translations, rotations, scalings, and reflections.
(3D, Coordinates categories)
3DArcReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with a two-dimensional arc whose shape is
set by the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or
the values of existing attributes. (3D, Geometries categories)
3DForcer Turns two-dimensional data into three-densional data by adding a z-value to
every coordinate. (3D , Coordinates, Geometries categories)
3DInterpolator Interpolates elevation values along a non-aggregated linear feature from a
starting value to an ending value. The resulting feature’s elevation
monotonically increases (or decreases) from the starting value to the ending
value. If the feature was two-dimensional, it becomes three-dimensional. If the
feature was three-dimensional, its previous elevations are removed and
replaced. (3D, Geometries categories)
3DRotator Rotates features according to the right-hand rule, and in a counter-
clockwise direction about the specified axis of rotation.
(3D, Geometries categories)
Affiner Performs an affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature.
(Coordinates category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 15

AffineWarper Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to
adjust a set of observed input features according to a spatial transform defined
by a set of control vectors. (Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
AggregateFilter Routes features differently depending on whether their geometry consists of
an aggregate of several primitive geometries or a simple, single piece of
geometry. (Filters and Joins category)
Aggregator Combines feature geometries into heterogeneous or homogeneous
aggregates. Alternatively, combines feature attributes without any
geometry. (Attributes, Calculated Values, Filters and Joins categories)

AmazonAthenaConnector Accesses Amazon’s Athena service to run queries on S3 datasets.

(Web category)
AnchoredSnapper Takes a series of features that match the input specification and performs
snapping on the features that lie within the specified tolerance from other
features that match the input specification.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

AngleConverter Converts angles of a feature’s geometry and/or attributes from one

representation to another.
(Calculated Values, Geometries, Strings categories)
AngularityCalculator Calculates the “angularity” of a linear or area feature. Angularity indicates the
degree of curvature of a feature. The higher the value, the more curved its
geometry. (Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
AppearanceExtractor Extracts appearance style(s) from the front and/or back side of
the geometries. (3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceMerger Sets the front and/or back appearance style(s) of specified geometries to
be identical to that which is on a specific source geometry.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceRemover Removes appearances from the front and/or back side of geometries.
Removing the appearance of a geometry causes that geometry to inherit its
appearance from its parent, if a parent with an appearance exists.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceSetter Sets appearance style(s) onto the front and/or back sides of geometries.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceStyler Creates an appearance style that can later be applied to a surface (using
the AppearanceSetter, for instance).
(3D, Rasters categories)

ArcEstimator Replaces the geometry of the feature
with a two-dimensional circular arc
whose shape is estimated from the
first, middle, and last point of the
linear feature passed in.
(Geometries category)
ArcGISOnlineConnector Accesses the Esri ArcGIS Online content stored by a user as a file storage service to
upload, update, download, delete, or list information about items from a user’s Esri

ArcGIS Online content. It can also be used to change the sharing settings of an item
or publish items as hosted feature layers.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
ArcPropertyExtractor Sets the given attributes to the properties of an arc geometry and works on a
single feature at a time. (Calculated Values category)
ArcPropertySetter Sets the properties of an arc geometry to those specified.
(Geometries category)
ArcStroker Converts arc features into lines
replacing the feature geometry with a
series of edges interpolated along the
arc boundary. Ellipse features are
converted into polygons by
interpolating edges along the
elliptical boundary.
(Geometries category)
AreaAmalgamator Generalizes polygonal input by connecting nearby geometries. The
AreaAmalgamator accepts polygonal geometries – including donuts – as
input, and produces triangles that join input features into connected pieces,
or amalgams.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
AreaBuilder Takes a set of topologically connected linework and creates topologically
correct polygon features where the linework forms closed shapes.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 17

AreaCalculator Calculates the area of a polygonal object and stores the value in an attribute.
The area is calculated in square map units, whatever they are.
(Calculated Values category)

AreaGapAndOverlap Repairs area topologies by resolving gaps and overlaps between adjacent
Cleaner areas. An overlap occurs where two or more areas intersect each other,
creating an region covered by multiple areas. A gap occurs where two or
more areas fail to meet at a boundary.
(Data Quality, Geometries categories)
AreaOnAreaOverlayer Performs an area-on-area overlay so that all input areas are intersected
against each other and resultant area features are created and output. The
resultant areas have all the attributes of all the original features in which
they are contained. (Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

AttributeCompressor Compresses and (optionally) encrypts the values of the specified attributes.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeCopier Copies existing attributes to new attributes with user-specified names. The
existing attribute remains intact and a new attribute is created that has a
different name, but the same values. (Attributes category)
AttributeCreator Adds one or more attributes to the feature and optionally assigns a value derived
from constants, attribute values, and expressions. Values can reference adjacent
features. (Attributes category)
AttributeDecompressor Decompresses and decrypts the values of the specified attributes that were
compressed and encrypted by the AttributeCompressor.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeDereferencer Copies the value of the attribute whose name is held in the source attribute to
a newly created attribute. (Attributes category)
AttributeEncoder Encodes the values of the specified attributes to the desired encoding.
(Strings, Web categories)

AttributeExploder Creates a new pair of attributes (attribute name/attribute value) from each
attribute on the input feature and either outputs these on a new feature or
adds them as a list element to the original feature. In both cases, it is possible
to either conserve or delete the original attributes and geometry.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeExposer Exposes attributes in Workbench so they can be used by downstream
transformers and writers. (Attributes category)
AttributeFileReader Reads the contents of a file and stores them as the value for the specified
attribute. (Attributes, Format Specific, Workflows categories)
AttributeFileWriter Writes the contents of the specified attribute to a file.
(Attributes, Format Specific, Workflows categories)
AttributeFilter Routes features to different output ports depending on the value of an
attribute. (Filters and Joins category)
AttributeKeeper Removes all attributes and list attributes, except the specific ones you specify
to be retained. (Attributes category)
AttributeManager Alters multiple attributes through adding, renaming, copying, deleting and
re-ordering. Sets values for new, existing, and modified attributes to any
combination of constants, attribute values, conditionals, expressions, and
parameters. Values can reference adjacent features. (Attributes category)
AttributePivoter Restructures and regroups incoming features based on specified “Group by
attributes” and calculates summary statistics based on a designated
“Attribute To Analyze” in order to form a Pivot table output.
(Calculated Values, Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
AttributeRangeFilter Performs a lookup on a range-based lookup table and routes the feature to the
appropriate output port. (Filters and Joins category)
AttributeRangeMapper Performs a lookup on a range-based lookup table and stores the resulting value, or
writes the value to, a new output attribute. (Strings category)
AttributeRemover Removes the selected attributes and list attributes from the feature.
(Attributes category)
AttributeRenamer Renames one or more attributes, retaining the attribute’s current values.
(Attributes category)
AttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another.
(Coordinates, Strings categories)
AttributeRounder Rounds off an attribute to the specified number of decimal places.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 19

AttributeSplitter Splits a selected attribute into a list attribute. Each item in the list will
contain a single token split from the list. You would use this transformer, for
example, to separate an attribute that has a comma-separated value list into
its component pieces. (Attributes, Strings categories)

AttributeTrimmer Removes leading and trailing trim characters from the selected attributes.
(Strings category)
AttributeValidator Validates any number of attributes against specific test conditions and
routes the feature according to the outcome of the test(s). Features that
fail one or more tests will have the reasons for failure documented on an
attribute and list attribute on the output feature.
(Data Quality, Strings categories)
AttributeValueMapper Looks up and assigns attribute values based on other attributes, and stores
the looked-up value in a new attribute. (Strings category)

AutodeskA360Connector Accesses the Autodesk A360 file storage service to upload or download files
or list file and folder information from a Autodesk A360 account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AutodeskBIM360 Accesses BIM 360 Docs to upload, download, or delete files and folders or
DocsConnector list file/folder information. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

AWSIoTConnector Connects to the AWS IoT Core messaging broker. Supports sending
(producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. (Web category)
AzureBlobStorage Accesses the Azure Blob Storage file storage service to upload, download,
Connector or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure
account. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureComputerVision Accesses the Azure Computer Vision Service to detect objects in images.
Connector (Web category)
AzureFileStorage Accesses the Azure File Storage file storage service to upload, download, or
Connector delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureIoTConnector Connects to Azure’s IoT Hub through the MQTT protocol. Supports publishing
device-to-cloud messages and receiving cloud-to-device messages as a
device. (Web category)
AzureQueueStorage Accesses the Azure Queue Storage service to send or receive messages.
Connector (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureTextAnalytics Accesses Azure’s Text Analytics Service for natural language processing on
Connector text. (Web category)

BaseConverter Converts an attribute’s value from one numeric system (base) to another,
putting the resulting value in a new attribute.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)

BinaryDecoder Decodes Base64 or HEX text to binary data.(Strings category)

BinaryEncoder Encodes binary data to text using Base64 or HEX encoding methods.
(Strings category)
BMGReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using
the Blue Marble Geographic Calculator library.
(Coordinates, Integrations categories)
BoundingBoxAccumulator Takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, and/or aggregate features and creates a
two-dimensional bounding box, which contains all features.
(Spatial Analysis category)

BoundingBoxReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with either its two-dimensional
bounding box or its two-dimensional minimum oriented bounding box.
(Geometries category)

BoundsExtractor Extracts the minimum and maximum values of the feature’s coordinates into
new attributes. (Calculated Values category)
BoxConnector Accesses the Box file storage service to upload, download, or delete files
and folders or list file/folder information from a Box account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Bufferer Creates a buffer zone of specified size around or inside input geometry. (3D,
Spatial Analysis categories)
BulkAttributeRemover Removes all attributes on incoming features that match a given regular
expression. It can also be used to remove large numbers of attributes that have
common naming. (Attributes category)
BulkAttributeRenamer Renames attributes by adding or removing prefixes or suffixes, or replacing
text in regular expressions or character strings. (Attributes category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 21

CenterLineReplacer Replaces area geometries with their approximate center lines, medial axes, or
straight skeletons. This transformer works best with long, narrow areas.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

CenterPointExtractor Extracts and outputs the specified x, y, z attributes of a feature’s point that is
either in the center of the feature’s bounding box, somewhere inside the
feature’s bounding box or at the center of mass of the feature.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)

CenterPointReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a point that is either in the center of
the feature’s bounding box, somewhere inside the feature’s bounding box or
replaces the geometry of the feature with a point at the center of mass of the
feature. (Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

CesiumIonConnector Uploads a folder dataset to the Cesium ion service as a new asset.
(Web category)
ChangeDetector Detects changes between two sets of
input features.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins

CharacterCodeExtractor Extracts the integral character code of the first character in the source string
attribute, and adds its integer value in the character set to the feature as another
attribute. This can be used to obtain the integer code of any Unicode character
(from Basic Multilingual Plane), including non-printable ones. (Strings category)
CharacterCodeReplacer Sets the result attribute to the character whose numeric code was contained in
the source code attribute (or the entered integer). (Strings category)

ChartGenerator Creates a raster Line, Bar, Scatter, Histogram or Pie chart based on the
values of selected attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Rasters, Web categories)
Chopper Breaks input features into points, lines, or areas. Chopped features contain the
same set of vertices as input features. (Geometries category)

CircularityCalculator Calculates the circularity of an area feature, which indicates how elongated
the feature is. (Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
CityEngineModel Generates 3D models from input geometries and ArcGIS CityEngine rule
Generator packages (*.rpk). (3D, Geometries, Integrations categories)
CKANConnector Connects to a CKAN open data portal using the CKAN Action REST API.

Supports reading and writing CKAN Dataset and Resource metadata,

downloading of file-based Resources, and uploading files to the CKAN
FileStore. Does not support row-based operations against CKAN DataStore
Resources. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Clipper Performs a geometric clipping operation. (Spatial Analysis category)

Cloner Makes the specified number of copies of the input features and outputs all
copies through its single output port. (Workflows category)
ClosedCurveFilter Checks if curves form closed loops. Curves include lines, arcs, and paths. This
transformer can also check aggregates of curves. An aggregate is closed if all of
its elements are closed. If any element of an aggregate is not a curve, the
aggregate is rejected. (Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
CommonLocalReprojector Reprojects a set of features to a local coordinate system with units of meters
centered on the bounding box of the features.
(Cartography and Reports, Coordinates categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 23

CommonSegmentFinder Tests to see which of the Candidate features have even one line segment in
common with any Base feature. (Data Quality category)
ComprehendConnector Accesses the Amazon AI Comprehend Service for natural language processing
on text. (Web category)
ContourGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines.
Contour lines are then generated from the triangulation.
(Spatial Analysis category)

ConvexityFilter Determines whether areas, surfaces, and solids are convex or concave. A
polygon is simple when it is not self-intersecting and has a non-zero area.
Simple polygons are convex if every internal angle is less than or equal to
180 degrees. All other polygons are considered concave.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
CoordinateConcatenator Retrieves the value of all of the feature’s coordinates into an attribute,
separated by the delimiter characters.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates, Strings categories)
CoordinateExtractor Retrieves the value of the x, y, and z coordinates at the specified index into
attributes. (Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
CoordinateRounder Rounds off the feature’s coordinates to the specified number of decimal
places. Any consecutive points that become duplicates as a result of the
rounding are thinned by removing the redundant points.
(Coordinates, Geometries categories)

CoordinateSwapper Swaps coordinate axes of the input features.

(Coordinates, Geometries categories)
CoordinateSystemDescription Converts coordinate systems between FME and AutoDesk WKT, EPSG, Esri WKT,
Converter Esri WKID, MapInfo, OGC WKT, Oracle SRID, and PROJ.4 representations.
(Coordinates, Strings categories)
CoordinateSystemExtractor Retrieves the feature’s coordinate system into an attribute.
(Coordinates category)
CoordinateSystemRemover Removes the coordinate system from all input features. This transformer does
not reproject features or otherwise modify their geometry.
(Coordinates category)
CoordinateSystemSetter Tags all features with the specified coordinate system. It does not reproject
features or otherwise modify their geometry. (Coordinates category)

Counter Adds a numeric attribute to a feature and assigns a value.
(Calculated Values category)
CRCCalculator Calculates a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value for a feature and
places the calculated CRC value into the attribute specified.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
Creator Creates features using the parameters supplied and sends them into the
workspace for processing. (3D, Workflows categories)
CSGBuilder Creates Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) from pairs of solid geometry
features which are input through the A and B ports.
(3D, Geometries categories)
CSGEvaluator Recursively replaces the geometry of a feature that has CSG (Constructive
Solid Geometry) by evaluating the tree of the CSG solid, effectively removing
the constructive aspect of the geometry. (3D category)
CsmapAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another using the
CS-MAP library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
CsmapReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using
the CS-MAP library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
Curvefitter® Smoothes lines derived from line segments, points, or raster data, and
replaces a series of line segments with the optimal combination of straight
lines and embedded arc segments required to create smooth curving lines.
This process provides a truer representation of real-world features and can
reduce file sizes by up to 80%. In addition to processing simple line features,
the Curvefitter preserves feature topology when smoothing boundaries of
adjacent area features.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Integrations categories)

DatabaseDeleter Delete rows in a database table based on the condition specified.
(Format Specific, Integrations, Workflows categories)
DatabaseJoiner Joins attributes from an external table to incoming features as they are being
processed through a translation. (Attributes, Filters and Joins categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 25

DatabaseUpdater Update fields in a database table based on the condition specified.
(Format Specific, Integrations, Workflows categories)
DateTimeCalculator Performs arithmetic on date, time, datetime, and interval values.
(Calculated Values category)
DateTimeConverter Converts a set of input date/time attributes from one format to another, in
place. (Calculated Values, Strings categories)
DateTimeStamper Adds a timestamp to a feature as a new attribute in the form of a date, time
(with or without UTC offset), or datetime (with or without UTC offset), in local or
UTC time. (Calculated Values category)
Deaggregator Decomposes an aggregate feature into its components.
(Attributes, Filters and Joins categories)

Decelerator Slows down the flow of features through the workspace.

(Web, Workflows categories)
DecimalDegreesCalculator Calculates a decimal degree value from separate degrees, minutes, and
seconds (DMS) values, stored in attributes.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
DEMDistanceCalculator Calculates the distance between a number of input vector lines and the
elevation values of a reference DEM raster. Outputs a new DEM raster per
input line. The data contained in the resulting DEM consists of the 3D
distance between the line being considered and the corresponding point on
the reference DEM. (3D, Calculated Values, Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)
DEMGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines.
That triangulation is then uniformly sampled to produce a digital elevation
model (DEM points). (3D, Point Clouds categories)
Densifier Adds vertices to each feature by interpolating new coordinates at fixed
intervals. (Geometries category)

DensityCalculator Determines the density of a group of Candidate features based on the area of a
corresponding Area feature. (Calculated Values category)
DGNStyler Prepares features for output to Bentley ® Microstation® Design V7/V8 by providing
a convenient interface to set a variety of format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
DimensionExtractor Returns the dimension of the feature as a new attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality, Strings categories)
DirectTweeter Sends a Twitter™ direct message from FME. (Integrations, Web categories)

Displacer Solves proximity conflicts between features using a variant of the Nickerson
displacement algorithm.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
Dissolver Dissolves area features by removing common boundaries to create larger
areas. Input attributes may be accumulated.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

DMSCalculator Calculates degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) from a decimal degrees value
stored in an attribute. (Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
DonutBridgeBuilder Builds connections between donut holes with the outer boundary of a donut,
resulting in a polygon-equivalent representation of the input donut.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
DonutBuilder Cuts holes in polygonal features by making polygons completely enclosed in
other polygons into holes of the containing polygon. (Geometries category)

DonutHoleExtractor Splits an area feature that has holes into its component rings.
(Geometries category)

DropboxConnector Accesses the Dropbox file storage service to upload, download, or delete
files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Dropbox account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
DuplicateFilter Detects duplicate features based on the value of one or more key attributes.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 27

DWGStyler Prepares features for output to AutoCAD® DWGTM/DXF TM by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of AutoCAD DWG/DXF format-specific
attributes. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
ElevationExtractor Extracts the elevation of the first coordinate and assigns it to the
named attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality, Strings categories)
EllipsePropertyExtractor Sets the given attributes to the properties of an ellipse geometry.
(Calculated Values category)
EllipsePropertySetter Sets the properties of an ellipse geometry. (Geometries category)
Emailer Sends one email per input feature via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
Both HTML and Plain Text emails may be sent, each with one or more
attachments. (Integrations, Web categories)
EnvironmentVariableFetcher Fetches the specified environment variable and includes it in
a new attribute. (Workflows category)
EsriReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another
using the Esri reprojection library.
(Coordinates, Format Specific, Integrations categories)
EthereumConnector Interacts with the Ethereum blockchain network. The functions include
reading transaction, address, or block information, sending transactions, or
interaction with deployed contracts.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
ExcelStyler Sets common Excel style attributes for a group of features destined for the
Excel Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
ExpressionEvaluator Performs a mathematical calculation on an expression that consists of FME
Feature Functions, String Functions, Math Functions, and Math Operators.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
Extruder Creates line, surface or solid
geometries with a fixed cross-
sectional profile taken from the
original geometry of the feature.
(3D category)

FaceReplacer Replaces the geometry of a feature from donut, raster or polygon to face.
(3D, Geometries categories)
FeatureColorSetter Assigns colors to incoming features. (Cartography and Reports category)
FeatureHolder Stores incoming features until they have all arrived and then releases them in
their original order. (Workflows category)
FeatureJoiner Joins features by combining the attributes/geometry of features based on
common attribute values, like a SQL join operation.
(Filters and Joins category)

FeatureMerger Copies and merges the attributes/geometry from one feature (or multiple
features) onto another feature (or multiple features).
(Filters and Joins category)

FeatureReader Reads features from any FME-supported format.

(Filters and Joins, Format Specific, Spatial Analysis, Workflows categories)

FeatureTypeExtractor Adds an attribute containing the original feature type of a feature.

(Workflows category)
FeatureTypeFilter Routes input features to different output ports based on their original feature
type. (Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
FeatureWriter Writes features to any FME-supported Writer.
(Format Specific, Workflows categories)
FilenamePartExtractor Extracts specified parts of a filename path and returns the results as
string attributes. (Strings category)
FMEFunctionCaller Calls the specified FME function, optionally putting the resulting value in the
Result Attribute. (Workflows category)
FMEServerJobSubmitter Submits FME jobs to be run on an FME Server. A job consists of a
workspace (housed within a repository on an FME Server) together with
values for each of its published parameters.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerJobWaiter Waits until submitted FME jobs are completely processed by an FME
Server. The list of jobs to wait for is identified by the job IDs of the input
features. When a job that the transformer is waiting for is completed, it
outputs the corresponding feature immediately.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerLogFileRetriever Accesses the translation log for a specified FME Server-run translation. The
translation log to access is identified by the job ID input parameter.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerNotifier Sends a notification to a specified FME Server. The notification may be used
for a variety of actions, such as triggering a downstream workspace, or
sending an email message to subscribed clients.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 29

FMEServerResourceConnector Accesses the FME Server file storage service to upload, download, or delete
files and folders or list information about files/folders from a FME Server
account. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FTPCaller Uploads and downloads data from an FTP server. (Integrations, Web,
Workflows categories)
Generalizer Transforms or measures geometry features based on a specified algorithm.
There are four algorithm types:
■ Generalizing algorithms reduce the density of coordinates by removing
■ Smoothing algorithms determine a new location for each vertex.
■ Measuring algorithms calculate the location of points and return a list of
these points (for example, to measure the sinuosity of a feature).
■ Fitting algorithms replace the original geometry completely, with a new
feature fitted to a specified line (for example, to minimize the orthogonal
distance to the original).
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Web categories)
Geocoder Uses various external web services to convert addresses to latitude/longitude
coordinates, or to find the closest addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates

(reverse geocode). Some services have additional information available, such

as time zone or elevation. (Integrations, Web categories)
GeometryColorSetter Sets colors, via appearances, on geometries (such as surfaces) that support
appearances, and match a Geometry XQuery. (Cartography and Reports category)

GeometryCoercer Resets the geometry type of the feature. (Geometries, Point Clouds categories)
GeometryExtractor Extracts the geometry of a feature according to the setting of the geometry
encoding parameter. The resulting encoded geometry is added to the
feature in an attribute. This attribute can later be restored as the feature’s
geometry using the GeometryReplacer transformer.
(Calculated Values, Format Specific, Geometries, Workflows categories)

GeometryFilter Routes a feature based on its geometry type.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
GeometryInstantiator Replaces a geometry definition with independent geometry instances that are
copies of the original geometry definition. The affine transformation that
defined the position of each instance in the geometry definition, including
position, scale, and rotation, is applied to each instance. (3D category)
GeometryPartExtractor Extracts or removes selected geometry parts based on a Geometry XQuery.
(3D category)
GeometryPropertyExtractor Extracts selected geometry names or traits to feature attributes.
(3D category)
GeometryPropertyRemover Removes selected geometry names or traits. (3D category)
GeometryPropertyRenamer Renames geometry names or traits. (3D category)
GeometryPropertySetter Sets selected geometry names or traits from feature attributes or constants.
(3D category)
GeometryRefiner Performs the following refinements on the feature’s geometry:
■ Any homogeneous IFMEAggregate becomes a multi (IFMEMultiCurve,
IFMEMultiArea, IFMEMultiPoint, or IFMEMultiText).
■ Any IFMEAggregate or multi with only one member is replaced by its
single part.
■ Any IFMEDonut with no holes becomes an IFMEPolygon or IFMEEllipse.
■ Any IFMEPath with only one segment is replaced by that segment.
■ Consecutive IFMELine segments within an IFMEPath are combined
(Geometries category)
GeometryRemover Completely removes the geometry of the feature, for example, if you want to
turn spatial data into non-spatial data. (Geometries category)
GeometryReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry according to the setting of the geometry
encoding parameter. This transformer is typically used to restore geometry
previously extracted into an attribute by the GeometryExtractor.
(Format Specific, Geometries, Workflows categories)
GeometryValidator Detects selected issues in input features, and optionally repairs detected
issues. Each input feature is processed individually.
(Data Quality category)

GeoRSSFeatureComposer Constructs GeoRSS documents from the input features and stores them in the
specified attribute for the features that are output by the GeoRSS port.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 31

GeoRSSFeatureReader Constructs features out of GeoRSS documents/URLs that are stored in a
specified attribute of the input features. The features from the GeoRSS
document/URL are output with the attributes from the original feature and are
merged, if desired. (Format Specific, Web categories)
GMLFeatureComposer Writes out GML features corresponding to feature types from existing GML
application schema. (Format Specific category)
GOIDGenerator Calculates a GOID (Geographic Object IDentifier) for each incoming feature, and
adds it as a new attribute. The GOID is a unique 128-bit number that incorporates
the position of a feature with other numbers. The result is a unique value that may
be used to distinguish features from each other. (Calculated Values category)
GoogleBigQueryConnector Accesses the Google BigQuery service to load or query tables from a Google
Cloud account. (Web category)
GoogleCloudPub Connects to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub service. Supports creation of topics and
SubConnector subscriptions and sending or receiving messages. (Web category)
GoogleCloudStorage Accesses the Google Cloud Storage file storage service to upload, download, or

Connector delete files and folders or list file/folder information from a Google Cloud Storage
account. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
GoogleDriveConnector Accesses the Google Drive file storage service to upload, download, or delete
files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Google Drive account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
GoogleIoTConnector Connects to the Google IoT Core. Supports sending (producing) and receiving
(consuming) messages. (Web category)
GoogleLanguageConnector Accesses the Google Natural Language and Google Cloud Translation API for text

analysis, such as language and sentiment detection. (Web category)

GoogleVisionConnector Accesses the Google Vision AI API for image recognition.
(Rasters, Web categories)
GridInquestIIReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the
Grid InQuestII reprojection library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GridInquestReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the
Grid InQuest reprojection library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GtransAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes holding coordinate values from one coordinate system to
another using the Gtrans reprojection library (from the National Land Survey of
Sweden), and the specified translation file. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GtransReprojector Reprojects features from one coordinate system to another using the Gtrans
reprojection library (from the National Land Survey of Sweden) and the
specified translation file. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
H3HexagonalIndexer Computes and manipulates numeric indexes from the hexagonal hierarchical
global spatial index grid known as Uber H3. Allows spatial data to be grouped

into hexagon grid cells for analysis and visualization.

(Calculated Values, Geometries categories)
HDFSConnector Accesses a HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) to upload, download, or
delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a HDFS service.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
HoleCounter Adds a new attribute whose value is the number of holes in the feature.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)

HTMLExtractor Extracts structured data from web page or other HTML sources that are
formatted for human readability (screen scraping), using CSS selectors to
extract portions of HTML content into feature attributes.
(Integrations, Strings, Web, Workflows categories)
HTMLLayouter Allows users to combine web reports generated by the HTMLReportGenerator into
a bootstrap grid or vertical layout.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Web categories)
HTMLReportGenerator Allows users to create a basic web report of vertically-stacked elements using
the geometry and selected attributes from features.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Web categories)
HTMLToXHTMLConverter Converts HTML document into valid XHTML document.
(Format Specific, Strings, Web categories)
HTTPCaller Accesses a URL via HTTP or HTTPS, performing a GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD,
PATCH or OPTIONS operation. (Web, Workflows categories)
HullAccumulator Creates convex or concave hulls for groups of features. One hull feature is
output for each unique combination of values of the attributes specified in the
Group By parameter. (Spatial Analysis category)

HullReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its hull.
(Geometries category)

IBMIoTConnector Connects to IBM’s Watson IoT Platform through the MQTT protocol.

Supports sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages.

(Web category)
IFCPropertySetDefinition Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC
Creator property set. The features output from this transformer are similar to the
PropertySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader.
(3D, Format Specific categories)
IFCQuantitySetDefinition Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC
Creator quantity set. The features output from this transformer are similar to the
QuantitySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader.
(3D, Format Specific categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 33

ImageFetcher Fetches an image by performing an HTTP GET operation on the specified
URL, and then returning the resulting data as the geometry of a raster
feature. (Rasters, Workflows categories)
ImageRasterizer Draws input point, line, and polygon features onto a color raster filled with the
background color. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
InlineQuerier Executes SQL queries against a temporary database consisting of tables
created from incoming features, returning the results as new features.
(Workflows category)

Inspector Sends features to the FME Data Inspector for display.

(Data Quality, Workflows categories)
Intersector Computes intersections between all input features, and breaks lines and
polygons wherever an intersection occurs.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

JMSReceiver Using the Java Message System (JMS), receives messages from a message
broker. (Integrations, Web categories)
JMSSender Using the Java Message System (JMS), sends messages to a message broker.
(Integrations, Web categories)
JSONExtractor Extracts portions of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted text into
feature attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFlattener Flattens JSON objects, extracting the object keys and values into FME feature
attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFormatter Provides options for formatting JSON text. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFragmenter Extracts portions of JSON formatted text into new FME features.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONTemplater Populates a JSON document with FME feature attribute values.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

JSONUpdater This transformer creates, modifies, replaces or deletes object and array values
in a JSON document. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONValidator Validates the syntax of JSON text.
(Data Quality, Format Specific, Web categories)
KafkaConnector Connects to an Apache Kafka cluster. Supports sending (producing) and
receiving (consuming) messages. (Web category)
KinesisReceiver Using the Amazon Kinesis service, receives data records from an Amazon
Kinesis stream. (Integrations category)
KinesisSender Using the Amazon Kinesis service, sends data records to an Amazon Kinesis
stream. (Integrations category)
KMLPropertySetter Sets common properties for groups of vector and raster features destined for the
OGCKML Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLRegionSetter Sets the region-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the
OGCKML Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLStyler Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the OGCKML writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLTimeSetter Sets the time-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the
OGCKML Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLTourBuilder Generates a KML Tour from the input features. The tour consists of tour stops
that correspond to each input feature.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLViewSetter Sets the view-related KML attributes for a group of features that are destined for
the OGCKML Writer. Creation of LookAt or Camera views are supported.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
Labeller Interpolates labels along a linear or polygonal feature.
(Cartography and Reports category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 35

LabelPointReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a label point. The insertion point of
the text is guaranteed to be inside (in case of polygons) or on (lines and points)
the original object. Note that since the text itself may be larger than an input
area feature, the bounds of the label may exceed the bounds of the area.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)

LatLongToMGRSConverter Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code based on the latitude
and longitude values supplied in a feature’s attributes.
(Coordinates category)
LeftRightSpatialCalculator Computes relative position of CANDIDATE input features relative to BASE input
features. The geometry of a BASE feature is restricted to lines.
(Calculated Values category)
LengthCalculator Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute.
(Calculated Values category)
LengthToPointCalculator Calculates the length of a feature from its start until the closest spot to a point
and adds it as a new attribute. The point coordinates are taken from attributes
in the original feature. (Calculated Values category)
LicenseChecker Checks whether the license file is valid and the specified product name is
licensed, based on a vendor key and vendor registration code.
(Workflows category)
LineBuilder Connects input point features in the order they enter, forming linear or
polygonal features. (Geometries category)

LineCloser Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end
point. (Geometries category)

LineCombiner Takes lines and connects them to form longer lines. Each connecting line must
meet at the exact same start/end point, but otherwise they must not intersect.
(Geometries category)

LineExtender Creates two-point extensions to linear features that extend the feature by a
user-specified length. This transformer can also output the original feature with
the first and last segments stretched by a user-specified amount.
(Geometries category)

LineOnAreaOverlayer Performs a line-on-area overlay. Each input line is split at any area boundaries
it intersects. (Filters and Joins category)

LineOnLineOverlayer Performs a line-on-line overlay in which all input lines are intersected
against each other and resultant line features are created and output.
(Filters and Joins category)
ListBasedFeatureMerger Copies and merges the attributes/geometry from one feature (or multiple
features) onto another feature (or multiple features).
(Filters and Joins category)
ListBuilder Combines attributes of the input features into a single list structure.
(Attributes category)
ListConcatenator Concatenates all values of a list into a single attribute. (Attributes category)
ListCopier Copies a complete attribute list, including all nested attributes, from one list
name to another. (Attributes category)
ListDuplicateRemover Removes all duplicate values from a list attribute. In the resulting list, only
distinct values for the list attribute will be present.
(Data Quality, Strings categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 37

ListElementCounter Stores the number of member elements found in the specified list into an
attribute. (Data Quality category)
ListExploder Explodes each list member on each input feature out into its own feature.
(Attributes category)
ListExpressionPopulator Populates a new list from a series of attributes, specified using a regular
expression. (Attributes category)
ListHistogrammer Computes a histogram of the values found in a list and returns these in a
new list attribute on the feature.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
ListIndexer Copies the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main
attributes of the feature. (Attributes category)
ListPopulator Populates a new list from a series of attributes. The attributes to be used are
specified by the prefix parameter. (Attributes category)
becomes a list myattrib{} containing entries myattrib{0}, myattrib{1},

ListRangeExtractor Extracts the minimum and maximum values found in a list.

(Calculated Values category)
ListRenamer Renames or promotes list names or components. (Attributes category)
ListSearcher Searches a list to find a value and returns the index of the value in the list.
(Strings category)
ListSorter Sorts the elements of the given list into a new list. (Attributes category)
ListSummer Computes the sum of all elements of a list. (Strings category)
LocalCoordinateSystemSetter Tags all features with the local coordinate system defined by the specified
parameters. It does not reproject features, or otherwise modify their
geometry. (Coordinates category)
Logger Logs each feature to the translation log. All attributes and geometry of the
feature will be output. (Workflows category)
LogMessageStreamer Captures messages from the FME logfile and/or the Logger transformer. The
messages are loaded onto features created by the transformer.Limitations:
Messages outside the lifetime of the transformer cannot be captured.
(Workflows category)
MapboxStyler Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the GeoJSON writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
MapInfoStyler Prepares features for output to Mapinfo® MIF/MID or MapInfo TAB by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)

MapnikRasterizer Draws input point, line, polygon, and raster features onto a raster using the
Mapnik toolkit. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
MapTextLabeller ◪ Creates text labels for features using the MapText Label Manager.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
MapTextStyler Prepares features for labelling by the MapTextLabeller by specifying no-label
zones around features. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
Matcher Detects features that are matches of each other. Features are declared to
match when they have matching geometry, matching attribute values, or
both. (Data Quality category)

MeasureExtractor Extracts the measures of geometries that match the given type, and places
them in attributes or list attributes. (Calculated Values category)
MeasureGenerator Creates a set of measures attached to the geometry of the feature, where each
value is the distance from the start of the line to that vertex, multiplied by the
given Multiplier. (Calculated Values category)
MeasureRemover Removes measures from a feature’s geometry. (Geometries category)
MeasureSetter Sets measure(s) on a point, line, arc, area geometry or a vertex of a linear
geometry to attribute value(s) of given attribute(s) or list attribute.
(Geometries category)
MeshMerger Merges mesh features (features with IFMEMesh geometries) into a single
output mesh. (3D, Geometries categories)
MeshSimplifier Simplifies mesh features (features with IFMEMesh geometries) to a reduced
level of detail. The amount of simplification can be specified as a ratio or as a
limit on the number of vertices. (3D, Geometries categories)
MGRSToLatLongConverter Converts Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code to longitude and latitude
coordinates. (Coordinates category)
MinimumAreaForcer Ensures that features with polygon geometry have an area that is equal to, or
in excess of, the specified minimum area. (Geometries category)
MinimumSpanningCircle Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its minimum
Replacer spanning circle. The minimum spanning circle is defined as the smallest circle that
encloses all vertices of the passed-in feature. (Geometries category)
ModuloCounter Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a sequence, restarting the count
at 0 whenever the sequence reaches the specified maximum value.
(Calculated Values category)
MQTTConnector Connects to an MQTT broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving

(consuming) messages. (Web category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 39

MRF2DCleaner ◪ Fixes geometric problems in input data, such as line overshoots and
undershoots within the user-specified tolerance. It is useful for multi-layer and
multi-tolerance two-dimensional data cleaning.
(Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DConflator ◪ Changes the geometry of a feature to match that of another, if the two have
approximately the same shape and location, and have matching endpoints.
(Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DDangleRemover ◪ Removes features that have at least one free endpoint and have lengths
smaller than (Dangle Factor * Cleaning Tolerance) or (Dangle Factor * value of
Feature Tolerance Attribute). (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DDuplicateRemover ◪ Deletes duplicated features. Features are considered to be duplicates if their
geometries are within tolerance and only features with a smaller tolerance will
remain after cleaning. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DExtender ◪ Extends arcs and lines that are within the specified tolerance to correct
undershoots while maintaining line-work direction.
(Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DGeneralizer ◪ Removes a number of vertices from lines. The number of vertices removed is
controlled by a weeding tolerance. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DIntersector ◪ Computes intersections between all input features, breaking arcs and lines
wherever an intersection occurs. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DJoiner ◪ Joins connected features to form longer ones. A pair of linear features become
candidates for joining only when the two are connected at a given node or end
point. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DShortGeometry ◪ Removes features that have lengths smaller than the specified tolerance, if
Remover Short Geometry Action is set to Remove. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF3DCleaner ◪ Fixes geometric problems in input data such as line overshoots and undershoots
within the user-specified tolerance. It is useful for multi-layer and multi-tolerance
three-dimensional data cleaning. (3D, Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MSWordStyler Prepares features for output to Microsoft Word Writer by providing a convenient
interface to set a variety of MSWord format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports category)
MultipleGeometryFilter Filters aggregate features based on the type of aggregate.
(Filters and Joins category)
MultipleGeometrySetter Provides the ability to set up an aggregate where each part is independent from
the others and is its own complete geometry. (Geometries category)

NeighborFinder Finds the closest Candidate feature within a specified maximum distance of
each Base feature. (Spatial Analysis category)

NeighborhoodAggregator Creates aggregates of features based on their proximity to each other.

(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

NeighborPairFinder Finds the closest two Candidate features within some maximum distance of
each Base feature and some minimum separation in heading between the
Candidates and the Base. (Spatial Analysis category)
NetworkCostCalculator Computes and assigns the cost of the shortest path from a source object to
each connected object as the Z-values or measure values of the input features.
(Calculated Values, Spatial Analysis categories)
NetworkFlowOrientor Fixes the flow (direction) of each edge or linear feature in the network to fit
the downstream direction to the destination node.
(Spatial Analysis category)
NetworkTopologyCalculator Finds the connected lines that belong to the same network graph.
(Calculated Values, Spatial Analysis categories)
NLPClassifier Classifies natural language text into different categories using a trained model.
(Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
NLPTrainer Trains a natural language processing (NLP) classification model based on the
user’s specifications and the provided data.
(Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
NullAttributeMapper Maps specified attributes on a feature to specified values. This transformer is
capable of mapping to and from null values, empty strings, and missing
attributes. (Attributes, Data Quality, Strings categories)
NumericRasterizer Draws input point, line, and polygon features onto a numeric raster filled with
the background value. The z coordinates of the input vector features are used
to generate pixel values. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 41

OffsetCurveGenerator Offsets the segments of linear features, and if necessary, connects them using
stroked arcs. (Geometries category)
Offsetter Adds offsets to the feature’s coordinates so that the feature shifts by the
specified amount. (3D, Spatial Analysis categories)

OneDriveConnector Accesses the Microsoft OneDrive file storage service to upload, download, or
delete files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Microsoft OneDrive
account. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
OrientationExtractor Returns a feature’s orientation. This will have different possible return value,
based on the input geometry type. (Calculated Values category)
Orientor Adjusts the orientation of a polygonal feature or the direction of a linear
feature. (Geometries category)

ParameterFetcher Adds an attribute to the feature and supplies it with the value of a previously
published parameter. (Web, Workflows categories)
PartCounter Returns the number of parts in the geometry. For multis and aggregates, this is
the number of parts, and for paths, this is the number of segments.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
PathBuilder Connects input linear features (arcs and lines) in the order they enter, forming
path features. (Geometries category)
PathSplitter Decomposes a path feature into its component segments. Each output feature
contains a copy of the source feature’s attributes. (Geometries category)
PDFPageFormatter Prepares features for output to PDF by providing a convenient interface to set
the scale and location of features on a page.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
PDFStyler Sets the common Adobe® PDF style attributes for a group of features destined
for the GeoSpatial PDF Writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
PipeReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a three-dimensional pipe created by

sweeping a stroked disk along the input curve. (3D, Geometries categories)

PlanarityFilter Filters features based on their planarity. To be planar, a geometry must have all
of its points situated in the same plane.
(3D, Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
Player Retrieves features stored in an FME Feature Store file and outputs them into
the workspace. (Workflows category)
PointCloudCoercer Coerces point cloud geometries into points or multipoints. This transformer
can be used to write a point cloud to a format that does not support point
clouds. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudCombiner Combines multiple geometries into a single point cloud.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Adds new components with constant values to a point cloud.
Adder (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Copies an existing component to a new component with the specified name.
Copier The existing component remains and a new component is created that has a
different name, but the same values. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Removes all components from a point cloud, except for the specified ones.
Keeper (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Removes specified components from a point cloud.
Remover (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Renames an existing component. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Converts the type of point cloud components. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudConsumer Requests the point(s) from the point cloud geometry but no actual operations
are performed on the point(s). (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudCreator Creates a new point-cloud feature with the specified size and components and
sends it into the workspace for processing. (Point Clouds category)

PointCloudExpression Evaluates expressions, such as algebraic operations or conditional statements,

Evaluator to set point cloud component values. (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudExtractor Serializes the geometry of the feature into the Blob Attribute based on the
selected writer format. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudFilter Filters a point-cloud feature into one or more parts based on evaluating
expressions. (Filters and Joins, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudMerger Merges component values from one point cloud to another.
(Filters and Joins, Point Clouds categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 43

PointCloudOnRaster Sets point cloud component values by overlaying a point cloud on a raster.
ComponentSetter (Point Clouds, Rasters categories)
PointCloudPropertyExtractor Extracts the properties of a point-cloud feature and exposes them
as attributes. (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with the geometry held in the Blob
Attribute. The blob is decoded according to the selected point cloud format.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSimplifier Outputs point cloud features that have fewer points than the original input
features while maintaining the original shape. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSorter Sorts a point cloud by the values of components. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSplitter Splits a single point cloud feature into multiple point cloud features, each having
a homogeneous value for the point component that governs the split.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudStatistics Calculates statistics on point cloud components and exposes them as
Calculator attributes. (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder Takes an input point cloud and reconstructs it into an output mesh.
(3D, Geometries, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudThinner Outputs point-cloud features that have fewer points than the original input
features. (Point Clouds category)

PointCloudTransformation Applies transformations on a point cloud. (Point Clouds category)

PointOnLineOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on lines. Each input line is split at its closest place to any
point within the specified point tolerance.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
PointOnAreaOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on areas.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
PointOnPointOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on points.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

PointOnRasterValueExtractor Extracts the band and palette values from a raster at the location of each input
point and sets them as attributes on the feature.
(Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)

PointPropertyExtractor Extracts point orientation to feature attributes. (Calculated Values category)

PointPropertySetter Adds or removes point orientation. (Geometries category)
PowerPointStyler Prepares features for output to the PowerPoint Writer by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of Microsoft PowerPoint format-
specific attributes. (Cartography and Reports category)
PROJAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another using the
PROJ library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
ProjectWiseWSGConnector Accesses ProjectWise through a Bentley Web Services Gateway (WSG)
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
PROJReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another
using the PROJ library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
PythonCaller Executes a Python script to manipulate the feature. A Python script can
perform specialized and complex operations on a feature’s geometry,
attributes, and coordinate system. (Workflows category)
PythonCreator Creates features using the Python script supplied, and sends them into the
workspace for processing. (Workflows category)
RabbitMQConnector Connects to an AMQP 0-9-1 broker. Supports sending (producing) and

receiving (consuming) messages. (Integrations, Web, Workflows category)

RandomNumberGenerator Generates a uniformly distributed random number. The random number is x,
where Minimum Value <= x <= Maximum Value.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
RasterAspectCalculator Calculates the aspect (direction of slope) for each cell of a raster. Aspect is
measured in degrees from 0 to 360, starting clockwise from the north.
(Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterBandAdder Adds a new band to a raster. The added band will have the same value in all
cells, and the same raster-level properties as other bands in the raster (that is,
number of rows/columns, cell spacing, cell origin, etc.). (Rasters category)
RasterBandCombiner Merges multiple overlapping raster features into a single raster feature.
(Rasters category)
RasterBandInterpretation Alters the underlying interpretation of the selected bands of the raster
Coercer geometry on the input features, using the specified conversion options.
(Rasters category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 45

RasterBandKeeper Removes all bands of a raster, except for those that are selected. The
RasterSelector can be used to modify the selection. (Rasters category)
RasterBandMinMaxExtractor Extracts the band minimum and maximum values, palette minimum and
maximum keys, and palette minimum and maximum values of a raster
feature, and exposes them as attributes.
(Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterBandNameSetter Sets the name of selected bands on a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterBandNodataRemover Removes the existing nodata identifier from the selected bands of a raster
feature. That is, any values that were previously equal to the nodata value
will now be considered valid data. (Rasters category)
RasterBandNodataSetter Identifies a value to act as a nodata identifier on a raster feature at the band
level. That is, values equal to the specified value will now be considered invalid,
and will not be affected by many operations (e.g. offsetting or scaling).
(Rasters category)
RasterBandOrderer Specifies the order of bands in a raster. Bands are reordered according to the
input band indices. (Rasters category)
RasterBandPropertyExtractor Extracts the band and palette properties of a raster feature and exposes them
as attributes. (Calculated Values, Rasters category)
RasterBandRemover Removes the selected band(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterBandSeparator Separates the bands and palettes from each input raster feature into one or
more output raster features based on the number of input bands and
palettes. (Rasters category)

RasterCellCoercer Decomposes all input numeric raster

features into individual points or
polygons. One vector feature is output
for each cell in the band.
(Rasters category)

RasterCellOriginSetter Sets the raster’s cell origin. (Rasters category)

RasterCellValueCalculator Performs an arithmetical operation on a pair of rasters. The first selected band
of raster A is combined with the first selected band of raster B, the second
selected band of raster A is combined with the second selected band of raster
B, and so on. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)

RasterCellValueReplacer Replaces a range of values in the source raster with a new single value.
(Rasters category)
RasterCellValueRounder Rounds off raster cell values. (Rasters category)
RasterCheckpointer Sets a checkpoint in the raster processing which forces previous processing
to occur immediately. Once complete, it saves the current state to disk.
(Rasters, Workflows categories)
RasterConsumer Requests the tile(s) from the raster geometry but no actual operations are
performed on the tile(s). (Rasters category)
RasterConvolver Accepts input features containing a raster geometry and outputs the features
after applying a convolution filter to all the bands. (Rasters category)
RasterDEMGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation
based on input points and breaklines.
That triangulation is then uniformly
sampled to produce a raster digital
elevation model (DEM raster).
(3D, Rasters categories)

RasterExpressionEvaluator Evaluates expressions on each cell in a raster, such as algebraic operations or

conditional statements. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterExtentsCoercer Replaces the geometry of input raster features with a polygon that covers the
extents of the raster. (Rasters category)
RasterExtractor Serializes the geometry of the feature into the Raster Blob Attribute based on
the selected writer format. (Rasters category)
RasterGCPExtractor Extracts the coordinate system and the Ground Control Points (GCPs) from the
raster feature and exposes them as attributes.
(Coordinates, Rasters categories)
RasterGCPSetter Sets the GCP on a raster with the specified Column (pixel), Row (line),
X Coordinate, Y Coordinate and Z Coordinate. (Coordinates, Rasters categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 47

RasterGeoreferencer Georeferences a raster with the specified parameters.
(Coordinates, Rasters categories)

RasterHillshader Generates a shaded relief effect, useful for visualizing terrain.

(3D, Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
RasterInterpretationCoercer Alters the underlying interpretation of the bands of the raster geometry on the
input features, using the specified conversion options. (Rasters category)

RasterMosaicker Mosaics multiple raster features into a single raster feature.

(Filters and Joins, Rasters categories)

RasterNumericCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value and
sends it into the workspace for processing. This transformer is useful for
creating a very large image with a user-specified width and height.
(Rasters category)
RasterObjectDetection Trains a custom raster object detection model based on the positive and

ModelTrainer negative samples. (Rasters category)

RasterObjectDetector Accepts a raster input and outputs rectangular geometries outlining the
detected object(s). (Rasters category)
RasterObjectDetector Aids in generation and preparation of positive and negative samples to be

SampleGenerator used by the RasterObjectDetectionModelTrainer.

(Rasters category)

RasterObjectDetector Aids in preparation of positive and negative samples provided by the user to be

SamplePreparer used by the RasterObjectDetectionModelTrainer. (Rasters category)

RasterPaletteAdder Creates a palette from an attribute and adds this palette to all selected bands
on a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteExtractor Creates a string representation of an existing palette and saves it to an
attribute. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteGenerator Generates a palette out of the selected band(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteInterpretation Alters the underlying interpretation of the palettes of the raster geometry on the
Coercer input features, using the specified conversion options. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteNodataSetter Identifies the nodata value on a raster feature at the palette level.
(Rasters category)
RasterPaletteRemover Removes the selected palette(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteResolver Resolves the palettes of the selected bands of the input raster features by using the
band cell values to look up the corresponding palette values, which then replace
the original band cell values in the raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPropertyExtractor Extracts the geometry properties of a raster feature and exposes them as
attributes. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterPyramider Creates a series of pyramid levels for each input raster feature by specifying
either the smallest pyramid level size or the number of pyramid levels to
generate. (Rasters, Web categories)
RasterRegisterer Transforms an image to minimize its difference with another.
(Rasters category)
RasterReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with the geometry held in the Raster Blob
Attribute. The blob is decoded according to the selected raster format.
(Rasters category)
RasterResampler Resamples an input raster using the desired dimensions, the desired cell size
in ground units, or a percentage of the size. (Rasters category)

RasterRGBCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with an RGB value and
sends it into the workspace for processing. (Rasters category)
RasterRotationApplier Applies the raster rotation angle on the input raster properties to the rest of the
raster properties and data values. (Rasters category)
RasterSegmenter Partitions a raster image into arbitrarily sized groups of cells from the input
image based on intensity differences in the input raster image cells.
(Rasters category)
RasterSelector Selects specific bands and palettes of a raster for subsequent transformer
operations. (Rasters category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 49

RasterSharpener Enhances the features of a raster image. The RasterSharpener enhances the
borders, lines, and curves while reducing noise in the flat areas of the raster
image. (Rasters category)
RasterSingularCellValue Performs an arithmetic operation on two operands: the cell values of a raster
Calculator and a numeric value. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterSlopeCalculator Calculates the slope (maximum rate of change in z) for each cell of a raster.
(3D, Rasters categories)
RasterStatisticsCalculator Calculates statistics on raster bands and exposes them as attributes. Bands
with palettes are valid. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterSubsetter Reduces a raster to a subset of its original size. This is essentially a clipping
operation using pixel bounds instead of ground coordinates.
(Rasters category)
RasterTiler Splits each input raster into a series of tiles by specifying either a tile size or a
number of tiles. (Rasters category)

RasterToPolygonCoercer Creates polygons from input raster features. One polygon is output for each
contiguous area of pixels with the same value in the input raster.
(Rasters category)
RCaller Executes an R script that has the ability to access feature data from a temporary R
data frame. Input data is set up in the form of tables that will become R data frames.
R data frames are tables similar to those of a relational database that support
columns of varying types. (Format Specific, Integrations, Rasters categories)
Recorder Saves a copy of all features that enter to a disk file. (Workflows category)
ReframeReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using
the REFRAME library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
RekognitionConnector Accesses the Amazon Rekognition Service AI computer vision service to
detect objects, faces, and text in images and to describe image contents and
faces. (Web category)
ReprojectAngleCalculator Converts a given angle from one coordinate system to another. The
transformer calculates the reprojected angle of a line starting at the first
coordinate in the feature, with the given length and angle.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
ReprojectLengthCalculator Converts a given distance from one coordinate system to another. The
transformer calculates the reprojected length of a line starting at the first
coordinate in the feature, with the given length and angle.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)

Reprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
(Coordinates category)

Rotator Rotates features in a counterclockwise direction about the specified point by

the rotation angle (measured in degrees). (Geometries category)
RubberSheeter Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used
to adjust a set of observed features so they more closely match a set of
reference features. (Coordinates, Geometries categories)

S3Connector Accesses the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) file storage service to
upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from
an S3 account. (Integrations, Web , Workflows, categories)
SalesforceConnector Retrieves data from the Salesforce customer relationship platform using
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) queries.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Sampler Preserves either a total number of features or a sampling of features,
depending on the Sampling Type selection.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Workflows categories)
Scaler The Scaler scales objects to make them bigger or smaller.
(3D, Coordinates, Geometries categories)
SchemaMapper Converts the existing schema (data model) of features to a new structure,
based on mappings defined in an external lookup table. (Workflows category)
SecondOrderConformer Performs a second-order conformal transformation on the feature’s geometry.
Depending on the input geometry, a 2D or 3D transformation is performed.
(3D, Coordinates categories)
SectorGenerator Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions
defined by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North).
(Spatial Analysis category)
SharedItemAdder Adds or replaces Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions in
the internal FMELibrary. (3D category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 51

SharedItemIDExtractor Extracts Shared Item IDs from the front and/or back side of geometries and
adds them as traits or a list attribute. (3D category)
SharedItemIDSetter Sets Shared Object IDs onto the front and/or back sides of geometries.
(3D category)
SharedItemRetriever Retrieves Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions from the
internal FMELibrary. (3D category)
SharePointOnlineConnector Accesses SharePoint Online to upload, download, or delete files and folders or

list file/folder information. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

SherbendGeneralizer Uses the Sherbend algorithm to simplify lines by reducing unnecessary details
based on the analysis of the line’s bends. The generalization process may
eliminate, reduce, or combine bends, while resolving conflicts.
In this example, three bends are combined into one:
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)

ShortestPathFinder Computes the shortest path of a line or lines containing a source and
destination node in a network based on the length of the input or the cost
(specified in an attribute) of each of the edges. (Spatial Analysis category)
SlackConnector Posts a message or uploads a file to the Slack group chat service.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Snapper Brings lines, segments, end points or vertex points of features together if they
are within a certain distance of each other and (optionally) if they have one or
more attributes in common.
(Data Quality, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

Snipper Shortens the geometry of a line feature from the ends by snipping specified
distances, indices, or measure values. It operates on features with simple line
geometry and polygons without holes. (Data Quality, Geometries categories)

SNSSender Using the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), sends messages to an
Amazon SNS topic. (Integrations, Web categories)
SolidBuilder Constructs solids from surfaces and cuts hollow regions, or voids, in solid
features with other solid features. A solid that is cut by another solid must
contain that second solid. (3D, Geometries categories)

Sorter Sorts features by an attribute’s value. (Workflows category)

SpatialFilter Filters point, line, area, and text
features based on spatial
relationships. Each input Candidate
feature is compared against all Filter
features, based on the given spatial
tests to meet.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Spatial
Analysis categories)
SpatialRelator Determines topological (spatial) relationships between sets of features. It tags
– but does not otherwise change – features when they have certain
relationships, such as touches, overlays, intersects, and so forth.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
SpatialSorter Sorts features geographically (by location).

(Spatial Analysis, Workflows categories)

SpikeRemover Cleans up feature geometries by removing spikes.
(Data Quality, Geometries categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 53

SQLCreator Generates FME features from the results of a SQL query against a database. One
FME feature is created for each row of the results of the SQL Query.
(Workflows category)

SQLExecutor Performs SQL queries against a database. (Workflows category)

SQSConnector Accesses the Amazon Simple Queue service to send or receive messages.
(Web category)
StatisticsCalculator Calculates statistics based on a designated attribute or set of attributes of the
incoming features and adds the results as attributes.
(Calculated Values category)
StreamOrderCalculator Computes the Strahler order and/or Horton order of streams in a river network.
(Calculated Values category)
StreamPriorityCalculator Calculates the primary and secondary streams of multiple stream networks.
(Calculated Values category)
StringCaseChanger Changes the case of text attributes to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title case, or Full
Title Case. (Strings category)
StringConcatenator Concatenates the values of any number of attributes, user parameters and/or
constants, and stores the result in a new attribute. (Strings category)

StringFormatter Reformats the data held in each specified attribute according to the Tcl format
command, which is similar to the C printf function. Attribute values can be
formatted into strings, characters, or numbers. (Strings category)

StringLengthCalculator Calculates the length of strings and the number of bytes in a blob.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
StringPadder Pads the selected attributes with a specified character, either on the right or
left side. (Strings category)
StringPairReplacer Replaces characters in the value contained in the source attribute based on
the replacement key-value pairs. (Strings category)
StringReplacer Replaces substrings matching a string or regular expression in the string
contained in the source attribute. (Strings category)
StringSearcher Performs a regular expression match on the specified expression.
(Strings category)
SubstringExtractor Extracts a substring from the source attribute.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
SummaryReporter Writes a summary report of incoming features to a disk file. Features are sorted
before they are summarized.
(Data Quality, Workflows categories)
SurfaceBuilder Cuts holes in surface features with other surface features. A surface that is cut by
another surface must be co-planar with that second surface, have compatible
orientation, and contain that second surface.
(3D, Spatial Analysis categories)

SurfaceDissolver Detects coplanar regions of input surfaces and dissolves them into single faces.
The output faces retain the attributes, traits, and appearances of the input.
(3D, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)


SurfaceDraper Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. Input
drape features will be overlaid onto the surface model, and output as draped
features. (3D, Point Clouds, Spatial Analysis categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 55

SurfaceFootprintReplacer Replaces the geometry of a feature with a planar representation of the feature’s
shadow. (3D, Geometries categories)
SurfaceModeller Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. It is
useful when you need multiple representations of the same model.
(3D, Point Clouds categories)

SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer Performs a surface-on-surface overlay so that all input surfaces are

intersected against each other and resultant surface features are created and
output. The output surfaces can retain all the attributes of the input features in
which they are contained. (3D, Spatial Analysis categories)
SurfaceSplitter Splits a double-sided input surface geometry into two single-sided surfaces
– one equal to the front side of the input surface and one equal to the back
side of the input surface. (3D, Geometries categories)
SystemCaller Runs a program or operating system command, and waits for it to exit before
continuing the translation. (Workflows category)
TclCaller Runs a Tool Command Language (Tcl) command and assigns its return value
to an attribute. (Workflows category)
TCPIPReceiver Receives raw data over TCP/IP. Produces a feature each time a specified
number of bytes is received or a particular sequence is detected.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
TCPIPSender Sends raw data to the specified host, which may be another FME workspace
running in a different process (located on the same machine or on a different
machine), or any client application that communicates over TCP/IP.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
TempPathnameCreator Reserves and returns a temporary file or directory path that will be deleted upon
translation completion. An optional basename and extension can be supplied to
further refine the filename portion of the resulting pathname.
(Calculated Values, Workflows categories)
Terminator Stops a translation when it detects detect non-valid situations or input data
conditions that should not exist. (Workflows category)
Tester Evaluates one or more tests on a feature, and routes the feature according to the
outcome of the test(s). The tests can consist of any FME-allowed operands.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
TestFilter Filters features by test conditions to one or more output ports.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)

TextAdder Sets the feature’s geometry to text using the previous geometry as the text
location. (Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)
TextDecoder Decodes a string from a number of different text encodings into plain text.
(Strings category)
TextEncoder Encodes a text string using URL, Unicode, XML, HTML, Base64, HEX, or Octal
methods. (Strings category)
TextLocationExtractor Sets a text feature’s geometry to the location of the text.
(Calculated Values category)
TextPropertyExtractor Extracts the values of text attributes from input text geometry features.
(Calculated Values category)
TextPropertySetter Sets the properties of a text geometry to the specified properties.
(Cartography and Reports category)
TextStroker Takes as input a font name, text padding and width multiplier, and outputs
aggregates that describe the outline of the text.
(Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)

TextureCoordinateSetter Assigns texture coordinates to surfaces.

(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
Tiler Chops the input features into a series of tiles. This transformer works with
raster, vector and point cloud data. (Geometries category)

TimeWindower Allows features in FME to be grouped based upon a period of time defined by
the user. (Workflows category)

TINGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. The
surface model may be output in a number of representations: a triangulated
irregular network (TIN), TIN vertices, TIN edges, and triangles.
(3D, Geometries categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 57

TopferIndexCalculator Takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, and/or aggregate features, and calculates
the Topfer Index based on the bounding box of the input features.
(Spatial Analysis category)
TopologyBuilder Computes topology on input point, line, and/or area features.
(Spatial Analysis category)

TraitMerger Moves the traits from one geometry onto another geometry. It can also move
the attributes from a feature onto a geometry as traits, or the traits from a
geometry onto a feature as attributes. (Filters and Joins category)
TransporterReceiver Receives features from another FME workspace running in a different
process, which may be located on the same or a different machine. Used in
conjunction with the TransporterSender. (Integrations, Workflows categories)
TransporterSender Sends features to another FME workspace running in a different process,
which may be located on the same machine or on a different machine. Used in
conjunction with the TransporterReceiver. (Integrations, Workflows categories)
TrelloConnector Accesses the Trello web service to create, update, archive, or list the contents

of Trello Boards, Lists, and Cards. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

Triangulator Breaks an input geometry into triangular units or a mesh.
(Geometries category)
Tweeter Sends a TwitterTM status update from Workbench.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TweetSearcher Runs a search for TwitterTM entries that contain the given query.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TweetStreamer Connects to a Twitter™ stream and outputs a new feature for each tweet.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TwitterStatusFetcher Retrieves the timeline for a particular Twitter™ user or list.
(Integrations, Web categories)
UUIDGenerator Calculates a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) for each incoming feature,
and adds it as a new attribute. An example UUID looks like: 7672aac8-fa0b-
464c-b0b8-3efa9ae9cd86 (Calculated Values category)
VariableRetriever Reads the specified variable and puts its value into the specified attribute.This
variable must have been previously set using the VariableSetter transformer.
(Workflows category)
VariableSetter Creates and sets the specified variable to the specified value. The variable
can later be read back into an attribute using the VariableRetriever
transformer. (Workflows category)

VectorOnRasterOverlayer Overlays vector features onto a single raster feature by drawing them onto the
resulting output raster. The properties of the output raster are identical to that
of the input raster. (Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)
VertexCounter Stores the number of a feature’s vertices into an attribute.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality categories)
VertexCreator Appends coordinates to null, point, text, line, and arc geometry, or replaces
existing geometry with point geometry. (Geometries category)
VertexRemover Removes one or more coordinates from the geometry of the feature.
(Coordinates, Geometries categories)
VolumeCalculator Calculates the volume of a solid object and stores the value in an attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values categories)
VoronoiCellGenerator Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions
defined by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North).
(Spatial Analysis category)
VoronoiDiagrammer Generates a Voronoi diagram or Thiessen polygon. Each polygon in the diagram
defines the area of space that is closest to a particular input point.
(Spatial Analysis category)

WebMapTiler Creates a series of image tiles that can be utilized by web mapping applications
such as Bing™ Maps, Google Maps™, or Web Map Tile Service.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Rasters, Web categories)
WebSocketReceiver Receives WebSocket messages from the specified WebSocket server. Produces a
feature each time a message is received, and places the contents of the message
into the specified attribute. (Web, Workflows categories)
WebSocketSender Sends WebSocket messages to the specified WebSocket server.
(Web, Workflows categories)
WhiteStarLeaseBuilder Posts a query to a WhiteStar Legal2Map™ WebServices (W3) server to obtain
points or polygons that match a list of legal land descriptions.
(Integrations category)
WorkspaceRunner Runs another FME Workbench workspace on the local computer by spawning
a new FME process. This transformer is useful for batch processing, especially
in conjunction with the Directory and File Reader. (Workflows category)
XMLAppender Assembles several XML documents into one.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFeatureMapper Constructs features from XML documents via xfMaps.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 59

XMLFlattener Flattens content of XML element(s) into feature attributes.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFormatter Provides various options for formatting and cleaning up XML documents.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFragmenter Maps elements from an XML document into XML fragments. Can decompose
large XML documents into parts, where these parts may be further operated
on via downstream XML, XQuery, XSLT or generic text processing transformers.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLNamespaceDeclarer Declares missing namespaces in XML documents by matching prefixes from
another sample XML file whose namespaces are fully declared.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLSampleGenerator This transformer generates an XML document based on an XML Schema (XSD)
file. While the sample document may not pass a schema validation, it will
provide a generate outline of what a valid XML document looks like. The XML
generated by this transformer can be used as a base for an XML template used
in the XMLTemplater transformer. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLTemplater Populates an XML document with FME feature attribute values. The document is
provided as a template, and the transformer will use XQuery to insert attribute
values and geometry information into the template.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLUpdater This transformer creates, modifies, replaces, or deletes XML elements and
attributes in an XML document. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLValidator Validates the syntax or schema of an XML file or text.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryExploder Uses XQuery expression to extract portions of XML text into new FME features.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryExtractor Uses XQuery expressions to extract portions of XML text into
feature attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryUpdater Provides updates to an XML document using XQuery Update expressions.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XSLTProcessor The XSLTProcessor uses an XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) stylesheet
to convert an XML document. Common output formats include text, RSS, SVG,
and CSV. (Format Specific, Web, Workflows categories)

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FME is a registered trademark of Safe Software Inc. All other product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Version 2021.0
FME® Transformer
Reference Guide
FME and Data Transformation
Moving data between different formats and applications often involves more than a format-to-format translation. Datasets can
contain more complex components that may not fit the requirements of the destination system. To preserve key aspects of the
data and load it seamlessly into the target application, you may need to adjust the data model, contents, descriptive elements,
and/or the coordinate system. This is known as data transformation and it is one of FME’s core capabilities.
FME ® contains over 500 transformers that perform different types of data operations. In the FME Workbench interface,
transformers are stored in the Transformer Gallery and grouped in categories based on their function. You can also search for
transformers by keyword.

This guide provides a high-level summary of FME Workbench, data inspection, and each transformer’s
functionality. For detailed information, select FME Transformers from the FME Workbench Help menu, select a
transformer on the canvas and press F1, or visit

FME Workbench Overview

FME Workbench is a powerful tool for data conversion, sharing, transformation, validation, and integration.
Workbench elements are represented graphically on the Workbench canvas , and saved as a workspace. By default, the
workspace workflow reads from left to right: the reader (source data) is on the left, the transformers are in the center, and the
writer (destination data) is on the right. Connections between each item represent the flow of data: connections can branch
in different directions, and through different objects.


1 Navigator: Shows a hierarchical view of workspace objects.

2 Parameter Editor: Shows configurable settings for any object selected on the canvas.
3 Transformer Gallery: Contains over 500 transformers to restructure features between source and destination data.
4 Canvas: Displays a graphical workflow of the objects and connections that represent data and data transformation.
5 Translation Log: Contains details about the workspace translation.

FME Transformer Reference Guide 1

FME Data Inspector Overview
The FME Data Inspector is used primarily to preview data before translation and verify data after translation, but it can also be
used to check data at any point during translation.
One of FME’s key abilities is the communication between Workbench and the Data Inspector – an Inspector transformer
can start the Data Inspector at almost any point while a workspace is running, and inspection tools allow feature-by-
feature analysis.

1 2

1 Display Control: Shows a list of open datasets and their feature types.
2 View: Displays a single dataset, or multiple datasets at the same time.
3 Feature Information: Displays information about a queried feature, including feature type, attributes, and
geometry details.
4 Table View: Displays the Feature Information values that are exposed to the end user, in tabular format.

Components of a Simple FME Workspace

In a workspace, translation components are represented in a visible, related hierarchy. Hierarchy is important because it
affects how components are added to a translation and, more importantly, how they are controlled. Components consist of
(but are not limited to):
■ Readers (source format and data)
■ Writers (destination format and output data location)
■ Reader and Writer Feature Types (in FME, feature types represent a subset of records; for example, layer, table or sheet)
■ Attributes
■ Transformers

This guide is primarily a transformer resource – but it’s also important to see why transformers are key to FME’s power and
versatility. A very simple workspace example on page 4 shows how transformers work; and the rest of this guide describes
what each transformer can do.

The Basics: Placing and Editing Transformers
There are many ways to place a transformer on the Workbench canvas. To start, however, you can simply double-click a
transformer name in the Transformer Gallery and it will appear in the workspace.
Every transformer has a Properties button. This button is color-coded to show the status of its parameters.

If the Properties button is the same color as the transformer, you can use the
transformer with its existing parameters.

A yellow Properties button indicates that the transformer contains default settings, but
you have not yet accepted them. You can use the transformer in this state, but your
workspace might produce unexpected results.

A red Properties button means that there is at least one parameter for which FME
cannot supply a default value. You must provide a value for all required fields before you
can use the transformer in the workspace.

When you click a Properties button, the dialog that appears will usually have some of the common elements shown in this
example. The content of this dialog depends on the transformer, and sometimes even on connections to the transformer. Most
transformers have some common user interface elements, however, and those are described here.

You can edit the default

transformer name.

Required parameters are


Transformer parameter
menu button.

The Defaults menu gives you Click OK to accept changes

options for using default and close the dialog.
values. (This button is disabled if
required parameters have
not been populated.)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 3

Working with Transformer Parameters
Most transformer parameters can be integrated with other pieces of a workspace. This means that the parameters can
be easily configured to work with elements of the source data as well as with other transformers. More advanced functions,
such as text and arithmetic editors, are also available in some transformers.
In most cases, you can use a transformer with its displayed default values.

For detailed information on transformer parameters, see the FME Transformers help, or select a transformer on
the Workbench canvas and view the Help tab in the bottom pane.

The Basics: Setting up and Running a Simple Workspace

This simple example shows how to set up a new workspace. The source data used for this example contains information about
80 city parks.

Set up a new workspace by clicking

File > Generate Workspace. Then:

1. Select the format and location of the source data

(the Reader),
2. Specify the format and location for the destination
data (the Writer), and
3. Accept the defaults in the remaining dialog fields.

Click OK. Workbench reads the data, and generates the initial

The objects on the canvas represent the data and data flow. The Reader Feature Type shows that the data contains an
attribute called DogPark.

DogPark attribute

Because we want to determine which parks allow dogs, we
add two transformers: a Tester transformer (to filter data) and
an Inspector transformer (to view results).
The Tester parameters are set to filter only parks that allow
dogs, and the Inspector transformer opens the Data
Inspector to show the results on a map.

Click the Run tool.

The resulting workspace shows that 7 parks allow dogs. These results are sent through the port of the Tester
transformer to a Writer Feature Type that we have added and named DogParks.
The workspace also shows that 73 parks do not allow dogs, and we have directed these results through the
port of the Tester transformer to the original Parks writer feature type.

Because we added an Inspector transformer to the Tester transformer’s Passed port, the Data Inspector opens automatically.
Here, the Background Map option allows us to view the exact locations of the 7 dog parks.

FME Transformer Reference Guide 5

Workbench Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Mac
General Viewing
Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
New (create a new workspace) Ctrl+n command +n
Generate workspace Ctrl+g Shift+command +n
Open (workspace) Ctrl+o command +o
Exit (workbench) Ctrl+q command +q
Close (workspace) Ctrl+w command +w
Change to next tab Ctrl+Tab
Change to previous tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Select tab number Ctrl+number_key
Close current tab Ctrl+F4 command +w
Open containing folder (datasets) Ctrl+o command +o
Maximize canvas to current Shift+F11 shift+F11
window size
Maximize canvas to full screen F11 F11
Zoom-in Ctrl+ command +
Zoom-out Ctrl- command -
Zoom 100% Ctrl+0 command +0
Zoom in and out Ctrl+scroll wheel command +scroll wheel
Zoom to next/previous bookmark Space/Ctrl+Space
Note: Show Bookmark Navigator must
be enabled on the toolbar.
Pan Click scroll wheel (or middle mouse
button) and drag cursor.
Return cursor to action arrow Right-click anywhere on the canvas. Right-click anywhere on the canvas.
Search: Ctrl+f command +f
- Workspace if the focus is in the F3
workspace or the Navigator
- Log if the focus is in the Log window
Connection Style Ctrl+Shift+C command+Shift+C
Print Ctrl+p command +p
Help Select an object, then F1 Select an object, then F1

Viewing Data in Visual Preview
Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
Toggle automatic inspect on selection Ctrl+ Alt+A option +command +A
Toggle Display Control Ctrl+Alt+` option +command +`
Toggle Table View Ctrl+Alt+1 option +command +1
Toggle graphics View Ctrl+Alt+2, option +command +2,
Ctrl+Alt+3, option +command +3,
Ctrl+Alt+4 option +command +4
Show/hide Feature Information Ctrl+Alt+F option +command +F
Open in Data Inspector Ctrl+Alt+D command +Shift+D

General Editing
Cut Ctrl+x command +x
Copy Ctrl+c command +c
Paste Ctrl+v command +v

Redo Ctrl+y shift+command +z

Save Ctrl+s command +s
Select All Ctrl+a command +a
Undo Ctrl+z command +z
Smart Delete (repair connections) Delete key delete key

Delete (without repair) Shift+Delete key Shift+delete key

Readers, Writers, and Transformers

Add Reader Ctrl+Alt+r option +command +r
Add Writer Ctrl+Alt+w option +command +w
Show Parameters Select an object, then Enter Select an object, then Enter.

Connect Inspector Select the object(s), then Ctrl+Shift+I Select the object(s), then
Connect Logger Select the object(s), then Ctrl+Shift+L Select the object(s), then
Create custom transformer Select one or more transformers, then Select one or more transformers,
Ctrl+t then command +t

FME Transformer Reference Guide 7

Task Shortcut (PC) Shortcut (Mac)
Duplicate transformer Ctrl+d command +d
Using Quick Add:
If you add a transformer and want to
add the same transformer again, press
the slash “/” key. The Quick Add box
will appear showing the last selected
transformer. Press Return to include it,
then press Return again to edit its
Rename Select an object, then F2 Select the object, then F2

Search for a transformer by name Slash “/” key. Slash “/” key.

Other Workspace Authoring

Add Bookmark Ctrl+b command +b
Attach annotation Select the object(s), then Ctrl+k Select the object(s), then
command +k
Show summary annotation Select the object(s), then Ctrl+Shift+K Select the object(s), then
shift+command +k
Insert Junction Ctrl+Shift+J shift+command +j

Enable/disable objects (including links Ctrl+e command +e

feature types)

Running Workspaces
Run translation F5 F5
Rerun entire workspace Shift+F5 Shift+F5
Enable Prompt for User Parameters Ctrl+Alt+F5
Prompt and run Ctrl+r command +r

Enable feature caching Ctrl+F5 command +F5

Run with feature caching + “Run From F6 F6
Run with breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F5 command +Shift+F5
Toggle breakpoints Select connection, then F9

Transformer Categories
3D Attributes
3DAffiner 15 Aggregator 16 EllipsePropertyExtractor 28
3DArcReplacer 15 AttributeCompressor 18 ExpressionEvaluator 28
3DForcer 15 AttributeCopier 18 GeometryExtractor 30
3DInterpolator 15 AttributeCreator 18 GOIDGenerator 32
3DRotator 15 AttributeDecompressor 18 H3HexagonalIndexer 32
AppearanceExtractor 16 AttributeDereferencer 18 HoleCounter 32
AppearanceMerger 16 AttributeExploder 19 LeftRightSpatialCalculator 36
AppearanceRemover 16 AttributeExposer 19 LengthCalculator 36
AppearanceSetter 16 AttributeFileReader 19 LengthToPointCalculator 36
AppearanceStyler 16 AttributeFileWriter 19 ListHistogrammer 38
Bufferer 21 AttributeKeeper 19 ListRangeExtractor 38
CityEngineModelGenerator 23 AttributeManager 19 MeasureExtractor 39
Creator 25 AttributeRemover 19 MeasureGenerator 39
CSGBuilder 25 AttributeRenamer 19 ModuloCounter 39
CSGEvaluator 25 AttributeSplitter 20 NetworkCostCalculator 41
DEMDistanceCalculator 26 BulkAttributeRemover 21 NetworkTopologyCalculator 41
DEMGenerator 26 BulkAttributeRenamer 21 OrientationExtractor 42
DimensionExtractor 26 DatabaseJoiner 25 PartCounter 42
ElevationExtractor 28 Deaggregator 26 PointCloudExpressionEvaluator 43
Extruder 28 ListBuilder 37 PointCloudPropertyExtractor 44
FaceReplacer 28 ListConcatenator 37 PointCloudStatisticsCalculator 44
GeometryInstantiator 31 ListCopier 37 PointPropertyExtractor 45
GeometryPartExtractor 31 ListExploder 38 RandomNumberGenerator 45
GeometryPropertyExtractor 31 ListExpressionPopulator 38 RasterAspectCalculator 45
GeometryPropertyRemover 31 ListIndexer 38 RasterBandMinMaxExtractor 46
GeometryPropertyRenamer 31 ListPopulator 38 RasterBandPropertyExtractor 46
GeometryPropertySetter 31 ListRenamer 38 RasterCellValueCalculator 47
IFCPropertySetDefinitionCreator 33 ListSorter 38 RasterExpressionEvaluator 47
IFCQuantitySetDefinitionCreator 33 NullAttributeMapper 41 RasterPropertyExtractor 49
MeshMerger 39 RasterSingularCellValue
MeshSimplifier 39 Calculated Values Calculator 50
MRF3DCleaner 40 Aggregator 16 RasterStatisticsCalculator 50
Offsetter 42 AngleConverter 16 ReprojectAngleCalculator 50
PipeReplacer 42 AngularityCalculator 16 ReprojectLengthCalculator 50
PlanarityFilter 43 ArcPropertyExtractor 17 StatisticsCalculator 54
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 AreaCalculator 18 StreamOrderCalculator 54
RasterDEMGenerator 47 AttributePivoter 19 StreamPriorityCalculator 54
RasterHillshader 48 AttributeRounder 19 StringLengthCalculator 55
RasterSlopeCalculator 50 BaseConverter 21 SubstringExtractor 55
Scaler 51 BoundsExtractor 21 TempPathnameCreator 56
SecondOrderConformer 51 CenterPointExtractor 22 TextLocationExtractor 57
SharedItemAdder 51 CircularityCalculator 23 TextPropertyExtractor 57
SharedItemIDExtractor 52 CoordinateConcatenator 24 TextureCoordinateSetter 57
SharedItemIDSetter 52 CoordinateExtractor 24 UUIDGenerator 58
SharedItemRetriever 52 Counter 25 VertexCounter 59
SolidBuilder 53 CRCCalculator 25 VolumeCalculator 59
SurfaceBuilder 55 DateTimeCalculator 26 Cartography and Reports
SurfaceDissolver 55 DateTimeConverter 26
SurfaceDraper 55 DateTimeStamper 26 AreaAmalgamator 17
SurfaceFootprintReplacer 56 DecimalDegreesCalculator 26 ChartGenerator 23
SurfaceModeller 56 DEMDistanceCalculator 26 CommonLocalReprojector 23
SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer 56 DensityCalculator 26 Curvefitter® 25
SurfaceSplitter 56 DimensionExtractor 26 DGNStyler 26
TINGenerator 57 DMSCalculator 27 Displacer 27
VolumeCalculator 59 ElevationExtractor 28 DWGStyler 28

FME Transformer Reference Guide 9

ExcelStyler 28 GtransReprojector 32 SpatialRelator 53
FeatureColorSetter 28 LatLongToMGRSConverter 36 SpikeRemover 53
Generalizer 30 LocalCoordinateSystemSetter 38 SummaryReporter 55
GeometryColorSetter 30 MGRSToLatLongConverter 39 Tester 56
HTMLLayouter 33 PROJAttributeReprojector 45 TestFilter 56
HTMLReportGenerator 33 PROJReprojector 45 VertexCounter 59
ImageRasterizer 34 RasterGCPExtractor 47
KMLPropertySetter 35 RasterGCPSetter 47 Filters and Joins
KMLRegionSetter 35 RasterGeoreferencer 48 AggregateFilter 16
KMLStyler 35 ReframeReprojector 50 Aggregator 16
KMLTimeSetter 35 ReprojectAngleCalculator 50 AreaOnAreaOverlayer 18
KMLTourBuilder 35 ReprojectLengthCalculator 50 AttributeFilter 19
KMLViewSetter 35 Reprojector 51 AttributePivoter 19
Labeller 35 RubberSheeter 51 AttributeRangeFilter 19
LabelPointReplacer 36 Scaler 51 ChangeDetector 22
MapboxStyler 38 SecondOrderConformer 51 ClosedCurveFilter 23
MapInfoStyler 38 TextureCoordinateSetter 57 ConvexityFilter 24
MapnikRasterizer 39 VertexCounter 59 DatabaseJoiner 25
MapTextLabeller 39 VertexRemover 59 Deaggregator 26
MapTextStyler 39 DuplicateFilter 27
MSWordStyler 40 Data Quality FeatureJoiner 28
NumericRasterizer 41 AngularityCalculator 16 FeatureMerger 29
PDFPageFormatter 42 AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner 18 FeatureReader 29
PDFStyler 42 AttributeValidator 20 FeatureTypeFilter 29
PowerPointStyler 45 ChangeDetector 22 GeometryFilter 30
RasterHillshader 48 CircularityCalculator 23 LineOnAreaOverlayer 37
SherbendGeneralizer 52 ClosedCurveFilter 23 LineOnLineOverlayer 37
TextAdder 57 CommonSegmentFinder 24 ListBasedFeatureMerger 37
TextPropertySetter 57 ConvexityFilter 24 MultipleGeometryFilter 40
TextStroker 57 CRCCalculator 25 NeighborhoodAggregator 41
WebMapTiler 59 DimensionExtractor 26 NLPClassifier 41
DuplicateFilter 27 NLPTrainer 41
Coordinates ElevationExtractor 28 PlanarityFilter 43
2DForcer 15 FeatureTypeFilter 29 PointCloudFilter 43
3DAffiner 15 GeometryFilter 30 PointCloudMerger 43
3DForcer 15 GeometryValidator 31 PointOnAreaOverlayer 44
Affiner 15 HoleCounter 32 PointOnLineOverlayer 44
AttributeReprojector 19 Inspector 34 PointOnPointOverlayer 44
BMGReprojector 21 JSONValidator 35 RasterMosaicker 48
CenterPointExtractor 22 ListDuplicateRemover 37 Sampler 51
CommonLocalReprojector 23 ListElementCounter 38 SpatialFilter 53
CoordinateConcatenator 24 ListHistogrammer 38 SpatialRelator 53
CoordinateExtractor 24 Matcher 39 Tester 56
CoordinateRounder 24 MRF2DCleaner 40 TestFilter 56
CoordinateSwapper 24 MRF2DConflator 40 TraitMerger 58
CoordinateSystemDescription MRF2DDangleRemover 40
Converter 24 MRF2DDuplicateRemover 40 Format Specific
CoordinateSystemExtractor 24 MRF2DExtender 40 AttributeFileReader 19
CoordinateSystemRemover 24 MRF2DGeneralizer 40 AttributeFileWriter 19
CoordinateSystemSetter 24 MRF2DIntersector 40 DatabaseDeleter 25
CsmapAttributeReprojector 25 MRF2DJoiner 40 DatabaseUpdater 26
CsmapReprojector 25 MRF2DShortGeometryRemover 40 DGNStyler 26
DecimalDegreesCalculator 26 MRF3DCleaner 40 DWGStyler 28
DimensionExtractor 26 NullAttributeMapper 41 EsriReprojector 28
DMSCalculator 27 PartCounter 42 ExcelStyler 28
ElevationExtractor 28 PlanarityFilter 43 FeatureReader 29
EsriReprojector 28 Sampler 51 FeatureWriter 29
GridInquestIIReprojector 32 Snapper 52 GeometryExtractor 30
GridInquestReprojector 32 Snipper 52 GeometryReplacer 31
GtransAttributeReprojector 32 SpatialFilter 53 GeoRSSFeatureComposer 31

GeoRSSFeatureReader 32 AreaAmalgamator 17 TextAdder 57
GMLFeatureComposer 32 AreaBuilder 17 Tiler 57
HTMLLayouter 33 AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner 18 TINGenerator 57
HTMLReportGenerator 33 BoundingBoxReplacer 21 Triangulator 58
HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 CenterLineReplacer 22 VertexCreator 59
IFCPropertySetDefinitionCreator 33 CenterPointReplacer 22 VertexRemover 59
IFCQuantitySetDefinitionCreator 33 Chopper 23
JSONExtractor 34 CityEngineModelGenerator 23 Integrations
JSONFlattener 34 CoordinateRounder 24 ArcGISOnlineConnector 17
JSONFormatter 34 CoordinateSwapper 24 AutodeskA360Connector 20
JSONFragmenter 34 CSGBuilder 25 AutodeskBIM360DocsConnector 20
JSONTemplater 34 Curvefitter® 25 AzureBlobStorageConnector 20
JSONUpdater 35 Densifier 26 AzureFileStorageConnector 20
JSONValidator 35 Displacer 27 AzureQueueStorageConnector 20
KMLPropertySetter 35 Dissolver 27 BMGReprojector 21
KMLRegionSetter 35 DonutBridgeBuilder 27 BoxConnector 21
KMLStyler 35 DonutBuilder 27 CityEngineModelGenerator 23
KMLTimeSetter 35 DonutHoleExtractor 27 CKANConnector 23
KMLTourBuilder 35 EllipsePropertySetter 28 CsmapAttributeReprojector 25
KMLViewSetter 35 FaceReplacer 28 CsmapReprojector 25
MapboxStyler 38 Generalizer 30 Curvefitter® 25
MapInfoStyler 38 GeometryCoercer 30 DatabaseDeleter 25
MapTextLabeller 39 GeometryExtractor 30 DatabaseUpdater 26
MapTextStyler 39 GeometryRefiner 31 DirectTweeter 26
PDFPageFormatter 42 GeometryRemover 31 DropboxConnector 27
PDFStyler 42 GeometryReplacer 31 Emailer 28
RCaller 50 H3HexagonalIndexer 32 EsriReprojector 28
WebMapTiler 59 HullReplacer 33 EthereumConnector 28
XMLAppender 59 Intersector 34 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29
XMLFeatureMapper 59 LabelPointReplacer 36 FMEServerJobWaiter 29
XMLFlattener 60 LineBuilder 36 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29
XMLFormatter 60 LineCloser 36 FMEServerNotifier 29
XMLFragmenter 60 LineCombiner 37 FMEServerResourceConnector 30
XMLNamespaceDeclarer 60 LineExtender 37 FTPCaller 30
XMLSampleGenerator 60 MeasureRemover 39 Geocoder 30
XMLTemplater 60 MeasureSetter 39 GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32
XMLUpdater 60 MeshMerger 39 GoogleDriveConnector 32
XMLValidator 60 MeshSimplifier 39 GridInquestIIReprojector 32
XMLXQueryExploder 60 MinimumAreaForcer 39 GridInquestReprojector 32
XMLXQueryExtractor 60 MinimumSpanningCircle GtransAttributeReprojector 32
XMLXQueryUpdater 60 Replacer 39 GtransReprojector 32
XSLTProcessor 60 MultipleGeometrySetter 40 HDFSConnector 32
OffsetCurveGenerator 42 HTMLExtractor 33
Geometries Orientor 42 JMSReceiver 34
2DArcReplacer 15 PathBuilder 42 JMSSender 34
2DBoxReplacer 15 PathSplitter 42 KinesisReceiver 35
2DEllipseReplacer 15 PipeReplacer 42 KinesisSender 35
2DForcer 15 PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 MRF2DCleaner 40
2DGridAccumulator 15 PointPropertySetter 45 MRF2DConflator 40
2DGridCreator 15 Rotator 51 MRF2DDangleRemover 40
3DArcReplacer 15 RubberSheeter 51 MRF2DDuplicateRemover 40
3DForcer 15 Scaler 51 MRF2DExtender 40
3DInterpolator 15 SherbendGeneralizer 52 MRF2DGeneralizer 40
3DRotator 15 Snapper 52 MRF2DIntersector 40
AffineWarper 16 Snipper 52 MRF2DJoiner 40
AnchoredSnapper 16 SolidBuilder 53 MRF2DShortGeometryRemover 40
AngleConverter 16 SpikeRemover 53 MRF3DCleaner 40
ArcEstimator 17 SurfaceDissolver 55 OneDriveConnector 42
ArcPropertySetter 17 SurfaceFootprintReplacer 56 PROJAttributeReprojector 45
ArcStroker 17 SurfaceSplitter 56 ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45

FME Transformer Reference Guide 11

PROJReprojector 45 GoogleVisionConnector 32 RasterRGBCreator 49
RabbitMQConnector 45 ImageFetcher 34 RasterRotationApplier 49
RCaller 50 ImageRasterizer 34 RasterSegmenter 49
ReframeReprojector 50 MapnikRasterizer 39 RasterSelector 49
S3Connector 51 NumericRasterizer 41 RasterSharpener 50
SalesforceConnector 51 PointCloudOnRasterComponent RasterSingularCellValueCalculator 50
SharePointOnlineConnector 52 Setter 44 RasterSlopeCalculator 50
SlackConnector 52 PointOnRasterValueExtractor 45 RasterStatisticsCalculator 50
SNSSender 53 RasterAspectCalculator 45 RasterSubsetter 50
TCPIPReceiver 56 RasterBandAdder 45 RasterTiler 50
TCPIPSender 56 RasterBandCombiner 45 RasterToPolygonCoercer 50
TransporterReceiver 58 RasterBandInterpretationCoercer 45 RCaller 50
TransporterSender 58 RasterBandKeeper 46 TextStroker 57
TrelloConnector 58 RasterBandMinMaxExtractor 46 VectorOnRasterOverlayer 59
Tweeter 58 RasterBandNameSetter 46 WebMapTiler 59
TweetSearcher 58 RasterBandNodataRemover 46
TweetStreamer 58 RasterBandNodataSetter 46 Spatial Analysis
TwitterStatusFetcher 58 RasterBandOrderer 46 AffineWarper 16
WhiteStarLeaseBuilder 59 RasterBandPropertyExtractor 46 AnchoredSnapper 16
RasterBandRemover 46 AreaAmalgamator 17
Point Clouds RasterBandSeparator 46 AreaBuilder 17
DEMGenerator 26 RasterCellCoercer 46 AreaOnAreaOverlayer 18
GeometryCoercer 30 RasterCellOriginSetter 46 BoundingBoxAccumulator 21
PointCloudCoercer 43 RasterCellValueCalculator 47 Bufferer 21
PointCloudCombiner 43 RasterCellValueReplacer 47 CenterLineReplacer 22
PointCloudComponentAdder 43 RasterCellValueRounder 47 CenterPointReplacer 22
PointCloudComponentCopier 43 RasterCheckpointer 47 Clipper 23
PointCloudComponentKeeper 43 RasterConsumer 47 ContourGenerator 24
PointCloudComponentRemover 43 RasterConvolver 47 DEMDistanceCalculator 26
PointCloudComponentRenamer 43 RasterDEMGenerator 47 Displacer 27
PointCloudComponentType RasterExpressionEvaluator 47 Dissolver 27
Coercer 43 RasterExtentsCoercer 47 DonutBridgeBuilder 27
PointCloudConsumer 43 RasterExtractor 47 FeatureReader 29
PointCloudCreator 43 RasterGCPExtractor 47 HullAccumulator 33
PointCloudExpressionEvaluator 43 RasterGCPSetter 47 Intersector 34
PointCloudExtractor 43 RasterGeoreferencer 48 NeighborFinder 41
PointCloudFilter 43 RasterHillshader 48 NeighborhoodAggregator 41
PointCloudMerger 43 RasterInterpretationCoercer 48 NeighborPairFinder 41
PointCloudOnRasterComponent RasterMosaicker 48 NetworkCostCalculator 41
Setter 44 RasterNumericCreator 48 NetworkFlowOrientor 41
PointCloudPropertyExtractor 44 RasterObjectDetectionModel NetworkTopologyCalculator 41
PointCloudReplacer 44 Trainer 48 Offsetter 42
PointCloudSimplifier 44 RasterObjectDetector 48 PointOnAreaOverlayer 44
PointCloudSorter 44 RasterObjectDetectorSample PointOnLineOverlayer 44
PointCloudSplitter 44 Generator 48 PointOnPointOverlayer 44
PointCloudStatisticsCalculator 44 RasterObjectDetectorSample PointOnRasterValueExtractor 45
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder 44 Preparer 49 SectorGenerator 51
PointCloudThinner 44 RasterPaletteAdder 49 ShortestPathFinder 52
PointCloudTransformationApplier 44 RasterPaletteExtractor 49 Snapper 52
SurfaceDraper 55 RasterPaletteGenerator 49 SpatialFilter 53
SurfaceModeller 56 RasterPaletteInterpretation SpatialRelator 53
Coercer 49 SpatialSorter 53
Rasters RasterPaletteNodataSetter 49 SurfaceBuilder 55
AppearanceExtractor 16 RasterPaletteRemover 49 SurfaceDissolver 55
AppearanceMerger 16 RasterPaletteResolver 49 SurfaceDraper 55
AppearanceRemover 16 RasterPropertyExtractor 49 SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer 56
AppearanceSetter 16 RasterPyramider 49 TopferIndexCalculator 58
AppearanceStyler 16 RasterRegisterer 49 TopologyBuilder 58
ChartGenerator 23 RasterReplacer 49 VectorOnRasterOverlayer 59
DEMDistanceCalculator 26 RasterResampler 49

VoronoiCellGenerator 59 AzureFileStorageConnector 20 SQSConnector 54
VoronoiDiagrammer 59 AzureIoTConnector 20 TCPIPReceiver 56
AzureQueueStorageConnector 20 TCPIPSender 56
Strings AzureTextAnalyticsConnector 20 TrelloConnector 58
AngleConverter 16 BoxConnector 21 Tweeter 58
AttributeCompressor 18 CesiumIonConnector 22 TweetSearcher 58
AttributeDecompressor 18 ChartGenerator 23 TweetStreamer 58
AttributeEncoder 18 CKANConnector 23 TwitterStatusFetcher 58
AttributeExploder 19 ComprehendConnector 24 WebMapTiler 59
AttributePivoter 19 Decelerator 26 WebSocketReceiver 59
AttributeRangeMapper 19 DirectTweeter 26 WebSocketSender 59
AttributeReprojector 19 DropboxConnector 27 XMLAppender 59
AttributeRounder 19 Emailer 28 XMLFeatureMapper 59
AttributeSplitter 20 EthereumConnector 28 XMLFlattener 60
AttributeTrimmer 20 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29 XMLFormatter 60
AttributeValidator 20 FMEServerJobWaiter 29 XMLFragmenter 60
AttributeValueMapper 20 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29 XMLNamespaceDeclarer 60
BaseConverter 21 FMEServerNotifier 29 XMLSampleGenerator 60
BinaryDecoder 21 FMEServerResourceConnector 30 XMLTemplater 60
BinaryEncoder 21 FTPCaller 30 XMLUpdater 60
CharacterCodeExtractor 22 Generalizer 30 XMLValidator 60
CharacterCodeReplacer 22 Geocoder 30 XMLXQueryExploder 60
CoordinateConcatenator 24 GeoRSSFeatureComposer 31 XMLXQueryExtractor 60
CoordinateSystemDescription GeoRSSFeatureReader 32 XMLXQueryUpdater 60
Converer 24 GoogleBigQueryConnector 32 XSLTProcessor 60
DateTimeConverter 26 GoogleCloudPubSubConnector 32
DimensionExtractor 26 GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32 Workflows
ElevationExtractor 28 GoogleDriveConnector 32 ArcGISOnlineConnector 17
ExpressionEvaluator 28 GoogleIoTConnector 32 AttributeFileReader 19
FilenamePartExtractor 29 GoogleLanguageConnector 32 AttributeFileWriter 19
HTMLExtractor 33 GoogleVisionConnector 32 AutodeskA360Connector 20
HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 HDFSConnector 32 AutodeskBIM360DocsConnector 20
ListDuplicateRemover 37 HTMLExtractor 33 AzureBlobStorageConnector 20
ListSearcher 38 HTMLLayouter 33 AzureFileStorageConnector 20
ListSummer 38 HTMLReportGenerator 33 AzureQueueStorageConnector 20
NLPClassifier 41 HTMLToXHTMLConverter 33 BoxConnector 21
NLPTrainer 41 HTTPCaller 33 CKANConnector 23
NullAttributeMapper 41 IBMIoTConnector 33 Cloner 23
RandomNumberGenerator 45 JMSReceiver 34 Creator 25
StringCaseChanger 54 JMSSender 34 DatabaseDeleter 25
StringConcatenator 54 JSONExtractor 34 DatabaseUpdater 26
StringFormatter 54 JSONFlattener 34 Decelerator 26
StringLengthCalculator 55 JSONFormatter 34 DropboxConnector 27
StringPadder 55 JSONFragmenter 34 EnvironmentVariableFetcher 28
StringPairReplacer 55 JSONTemplater 34 EthereumConnector 28
StringReplacer 55 JSONUpdater 35 FeatureHolder 28
StringSearcher 55 JSONValidator 35 FeatureReader 29
SubstringExtractor 55 KafkaConnector 35 FeatureTypeExtractor 29
TextDecoder 57 MQTTConnector 39 FeatureWriter 29
TextEncoder 57 OneDriveConnector 42 FMEFunctionCaller 29
ParameterFetcher 42 FMEServerJobSubmitter 29
Web ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45 FMEServerJobWaiter 29
AmazonAthenaConnector 16 RabbitMQConnector 45 FMEServerLogFileRetriever 29
ArcGISOnlineConnector 17 RasterPyramider 49 FMEServerNotifier 29
AttributeEncoder 18 RekognitionConnector 50 FMEServerResourceConnector 30
AutodeskA360Connector 20 S3Connector 51 FTPCaller 30
AutodeskBIM360DocsConnector 20 SalesforceConnector 51 GeometryExtractor 30
AWSIoTConnector 20 SharePointOnlineConnector 52 GeometryReplacer 31
AzureBlobStorageConnector 20 SlackConnector 52 GoogleCloudStorageConnector 32
AzureComputerVisionConnector 20 SNSSender 53 GoogleDriveConnector 32

FME Transformer Reference Guide 13

HDFSConnector 32
HTMLExtractor 33
HTTPCaller 33
ImageFetcher 34
InlineQuerier 34
Inspector 34
LicenseChecker 36
Logger 38
LogMessageStreamer 38
OneDriveConnector 42
ParameterFetcher 42
Player 43
ProjectWiseWSGConnector 45
PythonCaller 45
PythonCreator 45
RabbitMQConnector 45
RasterCheckpointer 47
Recorder 50
S3Connector 51
SalesforceConnector 51
Sampler 51
SchemaMapper 51
SharePointOnlineConnector 52
SlackConnector 52
Sorter 53
SpatialSorter 53
SQLCreator 54
SQLExecutor 54
SummaryReporter 55
SystemCaller 56
TclCaller 56
TCPIPReceiver 56
TCPIPSender 56
TempPathnameCreator 56
Terminator 56
TimeWindower 57
TransporterReceiver 58
TransporterSender 58
TrelloConnector 58
VariableRetriever 58
VariableSetter 58
WebSocketReceiver 59
WebSocketSender 59
WorkspaceRunner 59
XSLTProcessor 60

Symbol Reference

◪ Transformers with this symbol are available at extra cost. Please contact Safe Software for more information.
Transformers with this symbol are downloadable from FME Hub.
NEW Transformers with this symbol are new in this version of FME.

2DArcReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature
with a two-dimensional arc whose
shape is set by the parameters, which
can be either constant floating point
values or the values of existing
attributes. (Geometries category)

2DBoxReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional box whose minimums
and maximums are fixed values or are taken from attributes in the original feature.
(Geometries category)
2DEllipseReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with a two-dimensional ellipse whose shape is set
by the parameters, values, or the values of existing attributes.
(Geometries category)
2DForcer Removes any elevation (Z) coordinates which may (or may not) have been present
on the original feature. (Coordinates, Geometries categories)
2DGridAccumulator Replaces the input features with a grid of two-dimensional point or polygon
features that have the specified spacing and which cover (at least) the bounding
box area of all features that enter the transformer.
(Geometries category)
2DGridCreator Creates a grid of two-dimensional point or polygon features, at the origin and uses
the offsets specified. Each created feature has a row and column attribute that
indicates its position in the grid. (Geometries category)
3DAffiner Performs 3D affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature. An affine
transformation preserves parallelism of lines and planes in geometry. Affine
transformations include translations, rotations, scalings, and reflections.
(3D, Coordinates categories)
3DArcReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with a two-dimensional arc whose shape is set by
the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or the values of
existing attributes. (3D, Geometries categories)
3DForcer Turns two-dimensional data into three-densional data by adding a z-value to every
coordinate. (3D , Coordinates, Geometries categories)
3DInterpolator Interpolates elevation values along a non-aggregated linear feature from a starting
value to an ending value. The resulting feature’s elevation monotonically increases
(or decreases) from the starting value to the ending value. If the feature was
two-dimensional, it becomes three-dimensional. If the feature was three-
dimensional, its previous elevations are removed and replaced.
(3D, Geometries categories)
3DRotator Rotates features according to the right-hand rule, and in a counter-clockwise
direction about the specified axis of rotation.
(3D, Geometries categories)
Affiner Performs an affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature.
(Coordinates category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 15

AffineWarper Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to adjust
a set of observed input features according to a spatial transform defined by a set of
control vectors. (Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
AggregateFilter Routes features differently depending on whether their geometry consists of an
aggregate of several primitive geometries or a simple, single piece of geometry.
(Filters and Joins category)
Aggregator Combines feature geometries into heterogeneous or homogeneous
aggregates. Alternatively, combines feature attributes without any geometry.
(Attributes, Calculated Values, Filters and Joins categories)

AmazonAthenaConnector Accesses Amazon’s Athena service to run queries on S3 datasets.

(Web category)
AnchoredSnapper Takes a series of features that match the input specification and performs
snapping on the features that lie within the specified tolerance from other
features that match the input specification.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

AngleConverter Converts angles of a feature’s geometry and/or attributes from one

representation to another.
(Calculated Values, Geometries, Strings categories)
AngularityCalculator Calculates the “angularity” of a linear or area feature. Angularity indicates the
degree of curvature of a feature. The higher the value, the more curved its geometry.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
AppearanceExtractor Extracts appearance style(s) from the front and/or back side of
the geometries. (3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceMerger Sets the front and/or back appearance style(s) of specified geometries to be
identical to that which is on a specific source geometry.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceRemover Removes appearances from the front and/or back side of geometries. Removing the
appearance of a geometry causes that geometry to inherit its appearance from its
parent, if a parent with an appearance exists.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceSetter Sets appearance style(s) onto the front and/or back sides of geometries.
(3D, Rasters categories)
AppearanceStyler Creates an appearance style that can later be applied to a surface (using the
AppearanceSetter, for instance).
(3D, Rasters categories)

ArcEstimator Replaces the geometry of the feature
with a two-dimensional circular arc
whose shape is estimated from the
first, middle, and last point of the
linear feature passed in.
(Geometries category)
ArcGISOnlineConnector Accesses the Esri ArcGIS Online content stored by a user as a file storage service to
upload, update, download, delete, or list information about items from a user’s Esri ArcGIS

Online content. It can also be used to change the sharing settings of an item or publish
items as hosted feature layers.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
ArcPropertyExtractor Sets the given attributes to the properties of an arc geometry and works on a single
feature at a time. (Calculated Values category)
ArcPropertySetter Sets the properties of an arc geometry to those specified.
(Geometries category)
ArcStroker Converts arc features into lines
replacing the feature geometry with a
series of edges interpolated along the
arc boundary. Ellipse features are
converted into polygons by
interpolating edges along the
elliptical boundary.
(Geometries category)
AreaAmalgamator Generalizes polygonal input by connecting nearby geometries. The
AreaAmalgamator accepts polygonal geometries – including donuts – as input,
and produces triangles that join input features into connected pieces,
or amalgams.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
AreaBuilder Takes a set of topologically connected linework and creates topologically correct
polygon features where the linework forms closed shapes.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 17

AreaCalculator Calculates the area of a polygonal object and stores the value in an attribute. The area
is calculated in square map units, whatever they are. (Calculated Values category)

AreaGapAndOverlap Repairs area topologies by resolving gaps and overlaps between adjacent areas.
Cleaner An overlap occurs where two or more areas intersect each other, creating an
region covered by multiple areas. A gap occurs where two or more areas fail to
meet at a boundary.
(Data Quality, Geometries categories)
AreaOnAreaOverlayer Performs an area-on-area overlay so that all input areas are intersected against
each other and resultant area features are created and output. The resultant
areas have all the attributes of all the original features in which they are
contained. (Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

AttributeCompressor Compresses and (optionally) encrypts the values of the specified attributes.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeCopier Copies existing attributes to new attributes with user-specified names. The existing
attribute remains intact and a new attribute is created that has a different name, but
the same values. (Attributes category)
AttributeCreator Adds one or more attributes to the feature and optionally assigns a value derived from
constants, attribute values, and expressions. Values can reference adjacent features.
(Attributes category)
AttributeDecompressor Decompresses and decrypts the values of the specified attributes that were
compressed and encrypted by the AttributeCompressor.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeDereferencer Copies the value of the attribute whose name is held in the source attribute to a
newly created attribute. (Attributes category)
AttributeEncoder Encodes the values of the specified attributes to the desired encoding.
(Strings, Web categories)

AttributeExploder Creates a new pair of attributes (attribute name/attribute value) from each attribute
on the input feature and either outputs these on a new feature or adds them as a list
element to the original feature. In both cases, it is possible to either conserve or
delete the original attributes and geometry.
(Attributes, Strings categories)
AttributeExposer Exposes attributes in Workbench so they can be used by downstream transformers
and writers. (Attributes category)
AttributeFileReader Reads the contents of a file and stores them as the value for the specified attribute.
(Attributes, Format Specific, Workflows categories)
AttributeFileWriter Writes the contents of the specified attribute to a file.
(Attributes, Format Specific, Workflows categories)
AttributeFilter Routes features to different output ports depending on the value of an
attribute. (Filters and Joins category)
AttributeKeeper Removes all attributes and list attributes, except the specific ones you specify to be
retained. (Attributes category)
AttributeManager Alters multiple attributes through adding, renaming, copying, deleting and
re-ordering. Sets values for new, existing, and modified attributes to any
combination of constants, attribute values, conditionals, expressions, and
parameters. Values can reference adjacent features. (Attributes category)
AttributePivoter Restructures and regroups incoming features based on specified “Group by
attributes” and calculates summary statistics based on a designated “Attribute To
Analyze” in order to form a Pivot table output.
(Calculated Values, Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
AttributeRangeFilter Performs a lookup on a range-based lookup table and routes the feature to the
appropriate output port. (Filters and Joins category)
AttributeRangeMapper Performs a lookup on a range-based lookup table and stores the resulting value, or writes
the value to, a new output attribute. (Strings category)
AttributeRemover Removes the selected attributes and list attributes from the feature.
(Attributes category)
AttributeRenamer Renames one or more attributes, retaining the attribute’s current values.
(Attributes category)
AttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another.
(Coordinates, Strings categories)
AttributeRounder Rounds off an attribute to the specified number of decimal places.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 19

AttributeSplitter Splits a selected attribute into a list attribute. Each item in the list will contain a
single token split from the list. You would use this transformer, for example, to
separate an attribute that has a comma-separated value list into its component
pieces. (Attributes, Strings categories)

AttributeTrimmer Removes leading and trailing trim characters from the selected attributes.
(Strings category)
AttributeValidator Validates any number of attributes against specific test conditions and routes
the feature according to the outcome of the test(s). Features that fail one or
more tests will have the reasons for failure documented on an attribute and list
attribute on the output feature.
(Data Quality, Strings categories)
AttributeValueMapper Looks up and assigns attribute values based on other attributes, and stores the
looked-up value in a new attribute. (Strings category)

AutodeskA360Connector Accesses the Autodesk A360 file storage service to upload or download files or
list file and folder information from a Autodesk A360 account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AutodeskBIM360 Accesses BIM 360 Docs to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list file/
DocsConnector folder information. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

AWSIoTConnector Connects to the AWS IoT Core messaging broker. Supports sending (producing)
and receiving (consuming) messages. (Web category)
AzureBlobStorage Accesses the Azure Blob Storage file storage service to upload, download, or
Connector delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureComputerVision Accesses the Azure Computer Vision Service to detect objects in images.
Connector (Web category)
AzureFileStorage Accesses the Azure File Storage file storage service to upload, download, or
Connector delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an Azure account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureIoTConnector Connects to Azure’s IoT Hub through the MQTT protocol. Supports publishing
device-to-cloud messages and receiving cloud-to-device messages as a device.
(Web category)
AzureQueueStorage Accesses the Azure Queue Storage service to send or receive messages.
Connector (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
AzureTextAnalytics Accesses Azure’s Text Analytics Service for natural language processing on text.
Connector (Web category)

BaseConverter Converts an attribute’s value from one numeric system (base) to another, putting
the resulting value in a new attribute.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)

BinaryDecoder Decodes Base64 or HEX text to binary data.(Strings category)

BinaryEncoder Encodes binary data to text using Base64 or HEX encoding methods.
(Strings category)
BMGReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the
Blue Marble Geographic Calculator library.
(Coordinates, Integrations categories)
BoundingBoxAccumulator Takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, and/or aggregate features and creates a
two-dimensional bounding box, which contains all features.
(Spatial Analysis category)

BoundingBoxReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with either its two-dimensional bounding box
or its two-dimensional minimum oriented bounding box. (Geometries category)

BoundsExtractor Extracts the minimum and maximum values of the feature’s coordinates into new
attributes. (Calculated Values category)
BoxConnector Accesses the Box file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and
folders or list file/folder information from a Box account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Bufferer Creates a buffer zone of specified size around or inside input geometry. (3D, Spatial
Analysis categories)
BulkAttributeRemover Removes all attributes on incoming features that match a given regular expression.
It can also be used to remove large numbers of attributes that have common
naming. (Attributes category)
BulkAttributeRenamer Renames attributes by adding or removing prefixes or suffixes, or replacing text in
regular expressions or character strings. (Attributes category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 21

CenterLineReplacer Replaces area geometries with their approximate center lines, medial axes, or
straight skeletons. This transformer works best with long, narrow areas.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

CenterPointExtractor Extracts and outputs the specified x, y, z attributes of a feature’s point that is
either in the center of the feature’s bounding box, somewhere inside the feature’s
bounding box or at the center of mass of the feature.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)

CenterPointReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a point that is either in the center of the
feature’s bounding box, somewhere inside the feature’s bounding box or replaces
the geometry of the feature with a point at the center of mass of the feature.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

CesiumIonConnector Uploads a folder dataset to the Cesium ion service as a new asset.
(Web category)
ChangeDetector Detects changes between two sets of
input features.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins

CharacterCodeExtractor Extracts the integral character code of the first character in the source string attribute,
and adds its integer value in the character set to the feature as another attribute. This
can be used to obtain the integer code of any Unicode character (from Basic
Multilingual Plane), including non-printable ones. (Strings category)
CharacterCodeReplacer Sets the result attribute to the character whose numeric code was contained in the
source code attribute (or the entered integer). (Strings category)

ChartGenerator Creates a raster Line, Bar, Scatter, Histogram or Pie chart based on the values of
selected attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Rasters, Web categories)
Chopper Breaks input features into points, lines, or areas. Chopped features contain the same
set of vertices as input features. (Geometries category)

CircularityCalculator Calculates the circularity of an area feature, which indicates how elongated the
feature is. (Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
CityEngineModel Generates 3D models from input geometries and ArcGIS CityEngine rule packages
Generator (*.rpk). (3D, Geometries, Integrations categories)
CKANConnector Connects to a CKAN open data portal using the CKAN Action REST API. Supports

reading and writing CKAN Dataset and Resource metadata, downloading of

file-based Resources, and uploading files to the CKAN FileStore. Does not support
row-based operations against CKAN DataStore Resources.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Clipper Performs a geometric clipping operation. (Spatial Analysis category)

Cloner Makes the specified number of copies of the input features and outputs all copies
through its single output port. (Workflows category)
ClosedCurveFilter Checks if curves form closed loops. Curves include lines, arcs, and paths. This
transformer can also check aggregates of curves. An aggregate is closed if all of its
elements are closed. If any element of an aggregate is not a curve, the aggregate is
rejected. (Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
CommonLocalReprojector Reprojects a set of features to a local coordinate system with units of meters
centered on the bounding box of the features.
(Cartography and Reports, Coordinates categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 23

CommonSegmentFinder Tests to see which of the Candidate features have even one line segment in
common with any Base feature. (Data Quality category)
ComprehendConnector Accesses the Amazon AI Comprehend Service for natural language processing on
text. (Web category)
ContourGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. Contour
lines are then generated from the triangulation. (Spatial Analysis category)

ConvexityFilter Determines whether areas, surfaces, and solids are convex or concave. A
polygon is simple when it is not self-intersecting and has a non-zero area. Simple
polygons are convex if every internal angle is less than or equal to 180 degrees. All
other polygons are considered concave. (Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
CoordinateConcatenator Retrieves the value of all of the feature’s coordinates into an attribute, separated by
the delimiter characters. (Calculated Values, Coordinates, Strings categories)
CoordinateExtractor Retrieves the value of the x, y, and z coordinates at the specified index into
attributes. (Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
CoordinateRounder Rounds off the feature’s coordinates to the specified number of decimal places.
Any consecutive points that become duplicates as a result of the rounding are
thinned by removing the redundant points.
(Coordinates, Geometries categories)

CoordinateSwapper Swaps coordinate axes of the input features.

(Coordinates, Geometries categories)
CoordinateSystemDescription Converts coordinate systems between FME and AutoDesk WKT, EPSG, Esri WKT, Esri
Converter WKID, MapInfo, OGC WKT, Oracle SRID, and PROJ.4 representations.
(Coordinates, Strings categories)
CoordinateSystemExtractor Retrieves the feature’s coordinate system into an attribute.
(Coordinates category)
CoordinateSystemRemover Removes the coordinate system from all input features. This transformer does not
reproject features or otherwise modify their geometry.
(Coordinates category)
CoordinateSystemSetter Tags all features with the specified coordinate system. It does not reproject features or
otherwise modify their geometry. (Coordinates category)

Counter Adds a numeric attribute to a feature and assigns a value.
(Calculated Values category)
CRCCalculator Calculates a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value for a feature and places the
calculated CRC value into the attribute specified.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
Creator Creates features using the parameters supplied and sends them into the workspace
for processing. (3D, Workflows categories)
CSGBuilder Creates Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) from pairs of solid geometry features
which are input through the A and B ports.
(3D, Geometries categories)
CSGEvaluator Recursively replaces the geometry of a feature that has CSG (Constructive Solid
Geometry) by evaluating the tree of the CSG solid, effectively removing the
constructive aspect of the geometry. (3D category)
CsmapAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another using the CS-MAP
library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
CsmapReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the
CS-MAP library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
Curvefitter® Smoothes lines derived from line segments, points, or raster data, and replaces a
series of line segments with the optimal combination of straight lines and
embedded arc segments required to create smooth curving lines. This process
provides a truer representation of real-world features and can reduce file sizes by
up to 80%. In addition to processing simple line features, the Curvefitter
preserves feature topology when smoothing boundaries of adjacent area
features. (Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Integrations categories)

DatabaseDeleter Delete rows in a database table based on the condition specified.
(Format Specific, Integrations, Workflows categories)
DatabaseJoiner Joins attributes from an external table to incoming features as they are being
processed through a translation. (Attributes, Filters and Joins categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 25

DatabaseUpdater Update fields in a database table based on the condition specified.
(Format Specific, Integrations, Workflows categories)
DateTimeCalculator Performs arithmetic on date, time, datetime, and interval values.
(Calculated Values category)
DateTimeConverter Converts a set of input date/time attributes from one format to another, in place.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
DateTimeStamper Adds a timestamp to a feature as a new attribute in the form of a date, time (with or
without UTC offset), or datetime (with or without UTC offset), in local or UTC time.
(Calculated Values category)
Deaggregator Decomposes an aggregate feature into its components.
(Attributes, Filters and Joins categories)

Decelerator Slows down the flow of features through the workspace.

(Web, Workflows categories)
DecimalDegreesCalculator Calculates a decimal degree value from separate degrees, minutes, and seconds
(DMS) values, stored in attributes.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
DEMDistanceCalculator Calculates the distance between a number of input vector lines and the elevation
values of a reference DEM raster. Outputs a new DEM raster per input line. The
data contained in the resulting DEM consists of the 3D distance between the line
being considered and the corresponding point on the reference DEM. (3D,
Calculated Values, Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)
DEMGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. That
triangulation is then uniformly sampled to produce a digital elevation model (DEM
points). (3D, Point Clouds categories)
Densifier Adds vertices to each feature by interpolating new coordinates at fixed
intervals. (Geometries category)

DensityCalculator Determines the density of a group of Candidate features based on the area of a
corresponding Area feature. (Calculated Values category)
DGNStyler Prepares features for output to Bentley ® Microstation® Design V7/V8 by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
DimensionExtractor Returns the dimension of the feature as a new attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality, Strings categories)
DirectTweeter Sends a Twitter™ direct message from FME. (Integrations, Web categories)

Displacer Solves proximity conflicts between features using a variant of the Nickerson
displacement algorithm.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
Dissolver Dissolves area features by removing common boundaries to create larger
areas. Input attributes may be accumulated.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

DMSCalculator Calculates degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) from a decimal degrees value stored
in an attribute. (Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
DonutBridgeBuilder Builds connections between donut holes with the outer boundary of a donut,
resulting in a polygon-equivalent representation of the input donut.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)
DonutBuilder Cuts holes in polygonal features by making polygons completely enclosed in other
polygons into holes of the containing polygon. (Geometries category)

DonutHoleExtractor Splits an area feature that has holes into its component rings.
(Geometries category)

DropboxConnector Accesses the Dropbox file storage service to upload, download, or delete files and
folders or list the contents of a folder from a Dropbox account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
DuplicateFilter Detects duplicate features based on the value of one or more key attributes.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 27

DWGStyler Prepares features for output to AutoCAD® DWGTM/DXF TM by providing a convenient
interface to set a variety of AutoCAD DWG/DXF format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
ElevationExtractor Extracts the elevation of the first coordinate and assigns it to the
named attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality, Strings categories)
EllipsePropertyExtractor Sets the given attributes to the properties of an ellipse geometry.
(Calculated Values category)
EllipsePropertySetter Sets the properties of an ellipse geometry. (Geometries category)
Emailer Sends one email per input feature via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Both
HTML and Plain Text emails may be sent, each with one or more attachments.
(Integrations, Web categories)
EnvironmentVariableFetcher Fetches the specified environment variable and includes it in
a new attribute. (Workflows category)
EsriReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using
the Esri reprojection library.
(Coordinates, Format Specific, Integrations categories)
EthereumConnector Interacts with the Ethereum blockchain network. The functions include reading
transaction, address, or block information, sending transactions, or interaction
with deployed contracts.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
ExcelStyler Sets common Excel style attributes for a group of features destined for the Excel
Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
ExpressionEvaluator Performs a mathematical calculation on an expression that consists of FME Feature
Functions, String Functions, Math Functions, and Math Operators.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
Extruder Creates line, surface or solid
geometries with a fixed cross-
sectional profile taken from the
original geometry of the feature.
(3D category)

FaceReplacer Replaces the geometry of a feature from donut, raster or polygon to face.
(3D, Geometries categories)
FeatureColorSetter Assigns colors to incoming features. (Cartography and Reports category)
FeatureHolder Stores incoming features until they have all arrived and then releases them in their
original order. (Workflows category)
FeatureJoiner Joins features by combining the attributes/geometry of features based on common
attribute values, like a SQL join operation.
(Filters and Joins category)

FeatureMerger Copies and merges the attributes/geometry from one feature (or multiple features)
onto another feature (or multiple features).
(Filters and Joins category)

FeatureReader Reads features from any FME-supported format.

(Filters and Joins, Format Specific, Spatial Analysis, Workflows categories)

FeatureTypeExtractor Adds an attribute containing the original feature type of a feature.

(Workflows category)
FeatureTypeFilter Routes input features to different output ports based on their original feature type.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
FeatureWriter Writes features to any FME-supported Writer.
(Format Specific, Workflows categories)
FilenamePartExtractor Extracts specified parts of a filename path and returns the results as string
attributes. (Strings category)
FMEFunctionCaller Calls the specified FME function, optionally putting the resulting value in the Result
Attribute. (Workflows category)
FMEServerJobSubmitter Submits FME jobs to be run on an FME Server. A job consists of a workspace
(housed within a repository on an FME Server) together with values for each of
its published parameters.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerJobWaiter Waits until submitted FME jobs are completely processed by an FME Server.
The list of jobs to wait for is identified by the job IDs of the input features. When
a job that the transformer is waiting for is completed, it outputs the
corresponding feature immediately.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerLogFileRetriever Accesses the translation log for a specified FME Server-run translation. The
translation log to access is identified by the job ID input parameter. (Integrations,
Web, Workflows categories)
FMEServerNotifier Sends a notification to a specified FME Server. The notification may be used for a
variety of actions, such as triggering a downstream workspace, or sending an
email message to subscribed clients.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 29

FMEServerResourceConnector Accesses the FME Server file storage service to upload, download, or delete files
and folders or list information about files/folders from a FME Server account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
FTPCaller Uploads and downloads data from an FTP server.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Generalizer Transforms or measures geometry features based on a specified algorithm. There
are four algorithm types:
■ Generalizing algorithms reduce the density of coordinates by
removing vertices.
■ Smoothing algorithms determine a new location for each vertex.
■ Measuring algorithms calculate the location of points and return a list of these
points (for example, to measure the sinuosity of a feature).
■ Fitting algorithms replace the original geometry completely, with a new feature
fitted to a specified line (for example, to minimize the orthogonal distance to
the original).
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries, Web categories)
Geocoder Uses various external web services to convert addresses to latitude/longitude
coordinates, or to find the closest addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates

(reverse geocode). Some services have additional information available, such as

time zone or elevation. (Integrations, Web categories)
GeometryColorSetter Sets colors, via appearances, on geometries (such as surfaces) that support
appearances, and match a Geometry XQuery. (Cartography and Reports category)

GeometryCoercer Resets the geometry type of the feature. (Geometries, Point Clouds categories)
GeometryExtractor Extracts the geometry of a feature according to the setting of the geometry
encoding parameter. The resulting encoded geometry is added to the feature in
an attribute. This attribute can later be restored as the feature’s geometry using
the GeometryReplacer transformer.
(Calculated Values, Format Specific, Geometries, Workflows categories)

GeometryFilter Routes a feature based on its geometry type.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
GeometryInstantiator Replaces a geometry definition with independent geometry instances that are
copies of the original geometry definition. The affine transformation that defined the
position of each instance in the geometry definition, including position, scale, and
rotation, is applied to each instance. (3D category)
GeometryPartExtractor Extracts or removes selected geometry parts based on a Geometry XQuery.
(3D category)
GeometryPropertyExtractor Extracts selected geometry names or traits to feature attributes.
(3D category)
GeometryPropertyRemover Removes selected geometry names or traits. (3D category)
GeometryPropertyRenamer Renames geometry names or traits. (3D category)
GeometryPropertySetter Sets selected geometry names or traits from feature attributes or constants.
(3D category)
GeometryRefiner Performs the following refinements on the feature’s geometry:
■ Any homogeneous IFMEAggregate becomes a multi (IFMEMultiCurve,
IFMEMultiArea, IFMEMultiPoint, or IFMEMultiText).
■ Any IFMEAggregate or multi with only one member is replaced by its single
■ Any IFMEDonut with no holes becomes an IFMEPolygon or IFMEEllipse.
■ Any IFMEPath with only one segment is replaced by that segment.
■ Consecutive IFMELine segments within an IFMEPath are combined
(Geometries category)
GeometryRemover Completely removes the geometry of the feature, for example, if you want to turn
spatial data into non-spatial data. (Geometries category)
GeometryReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry according to the setting of the geometry encoding
parameter. This transformer is typically used to restore geometry previously
extracted into an attribute by the GeometryExtractor.
(Format Specific, Geometries, Workflows categories)
GeometryValidator Detects selected issues in input features, and optionally repairs detected issues.
Each input feature is processed individually.
(Data Quality category)

GeoRSSFeatureComposer Constructs GeoRSS documents from the input features and stores them in the
specified attribute for the features that are output by the GeoRSS port.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 31

GeoRSSFeatureReader Constructs features out of GeoRSS documents/URLs that are stored in a specified
attribute of the input features. The features from the GeoRSS document/URL are
output with the attributes from the original feature and are merged, if desired.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
GMLFeatureComposer Writes out GML features corresponding to feature types from existing GML
application schema. (Format Specific category)
GOIDGenerator Calculates a GOID (Geographic Object IDentifier) for each incoming feature, and adds it
as a new attribute. The GOID is a unique 128-bit number that incorporates the position of
a feature with other numbers. The result is a unique value that may be used to
distinguish features from each other. (Calculated Values category)
GoogleBigQueryConnector Accesses the Google BigQuery service to load or query tables from a Google Cloud
account. (Web category)
GoogleCloudPub Connects to the Google Cloud Pub/Sub service. Supports creation of topics and
SubConnector subscriptions and sending or receiving messages. (Web category)
GoogleCloudStorage Accesses the Google Cloud Storage file storage service to upload, download, or delete

Connector files and folders or list file/folder information from a Google Cloud Storage account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
GoogleDriveConnector Accesses the Google Drive file storage service to upload, download, or delete files
and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Google Drive account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
GoogleIoTConnector Connects to the Google IoT Core. Supports sending (producing) and receiving
(consuming) messages. (Web category)
GoogleLanguageConnector Accesses the Google Natural Language and Google Cloud Translation API for text

analysis, such as language and sentiment detection. (Web category)

GoogleVisionConnector Accesses the Google Vision AI API for image recognition.
(Rasters, Web categories)
GridInquestIIReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the Grid
InQuestII reprojection library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GridInquestReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the Grid
InQuest reprojection library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GtransAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes holding coordinate values from one coordinate system to
another using the Gtrans reprojection library (from the National Land Survey of
Sweden), and the specified translation file. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
GtransReprojector Reprojects features from one coordinate system to another using the Gtrans
reprojection library (from the National Land Survey of Sweden) and the specified
translation file. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
H3HexagonalIndexer Computes and manipulates numeric indexes from the hexagonal hierarchical global
spatial index grid known as Uber H3. Allows spatial data to be grouped into hexagon

grid cells for analysis and visualization.

(Calculated Values, Geometries categories)
HDFSConnector Accesses a HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) to upload, download, or delete
files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a HDFS service.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
HoleCounter Adds a new attribute whose value is the number of holes in the feature.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)

HTMLExtractor Extracts structured data from web page or other HTML sources that are formatted
for human readability (screen scraping), using CSS selectors to extract portions of
HTML content into feature attributes.
(Integrations, Strings, Web, Workflows categories)
HTMLLayouter Allows users to combine web reports generated by the HTMLReportGenerator into a
bootstrap grid or vertical layout.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Web categories)
HTMLReportGenerator Allows users to create a basic web report of vertically-stacked elements using the
geometry and selected attributes from features.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Web categories)
HTMLToXHTMLConverter Converts HTML document into valid XHTML document.
(Format Specific, Strings, Web categories)
HTTPCaller Accesses a URL via HTTP or HTTPS, performing a GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH
or OPTIONS operation. (Web, Workflows categories)
HullAccumulator Creates convex or concave hulls for groups of features. One hull feature is output for
each unique combination of values of the attributes specified in the Group By
parameter. (Spatial Analysis category)

HullReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its hull.
(Geometries category)

IBMIoTConnector Connects to IBM’s Watson IoT Platform through the MQTT protocol. Supports

sending (producing) and receiving (consuming) messages. (Web category)

IFCPropertySetDefinition Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC property set.
Creator The features output from this transformer are similar to the
PropertySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader.
(3D, Format Specific categories)
IFCQuantitySetDefinition Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC quantity set.
Creator The features output from this transformer are similar to the
QuantitySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader.
(3D, Format Specific categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 33

ImageFetcher Fetches an image by performing an HTTP GET operation on the specified URL,
and then returning the resulting data as the geometry of a raster feature.
(Rasters, Workflows categories)
ImageRasterizer Draws input point, line, and polygon features onto a color raster filled with the
background color. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
InlineQuerier Executes SQL queries against a temporary database consisting of tables created
from incoming features, returning the results as new features. (Workflows category)

Inspector Sends features to the FME Data Inspector for display.

(Data Quality, Workflows categories)
Intersector Computes intersections between all input features, and breaks lines and
polygons wherever an intersection occurs.
(Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

JMSReceiver Using the Java Message System (JMS), receives messages from a message broker.
(Integrations, Web categories)
JMSSender Using the Java Message System (JMS), sends messages to a message broker.
(Integrations, Web categories)
JSONExtractor Extracts portions of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted text into feature
attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFlattener Flattens JSON objects, extracting the object keys and values into FME feature
attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFormatter Provides options for formatting JSON text. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONFragmenter Extracts portions of JSON formatted text into new FME features.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONTemplater Populates a JSON document with FME feature attribute values.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

JSONUpdater This transformer creates, modifies, replaces or deletes object and array values in a
JSON document. (Format Specific, Web categories)
JSONValidator Validates the syntax of JSON text.
(Data Quality, Format Specific, Web categories)
KafkaConnector Connects to an Apache Kafka cluster. Supports sending (producing) and receiving
(consuming) messages. (Web category)
KinesisReceiver Using the Amazon Kinesis service, receives data records from an Amazon Kinesis
stream. (Integrations category)
KinesisSender Using the Amazon Kinesis service, sends data records to an Amazon Kinesis stream.
(Integrations category)
KMLPropertySetter Sets common properties for groups of vector and raster features destined for the
OGCKML Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLRegionSetter Sets the region-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the OGCKML
Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLStyler Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the OGCKML writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLTimeSetter Sets the time-related KML attributes for a group of features destined for the OGCKML
Writer. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLTourBuilder Generates a KML Tour from the input features. The tour consists of tour stops that
correspond to each input feature.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
KMLViewSetter Sets the view-related KML attributes for a group of features that are destined for the
OGCKML Writer. Creation of LookAt or Camera views are supported.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
Labeller Interpolates labels along a linear or polygonal feature.
(Cartography and Reports category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 35

LabelPointReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a label point. The insertion point of the
text is guaranteed to be inside (in case of polygons) or on (lines and points) the
original object. Note that since the text itself may be larger than an input area
feature, the bounds of the label may exceed the bounds of the area.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)

LatLongToMGRSConverter Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code based on the latitude and
longitude values supplied in a feature’s attributes.
(Coordinates category)
LeftRightSpatialCalculator Computes relative position of CANDIDATE input features relative to BASE input
features. The geometry of a BASE feature is restricted to lines.
(Calculated Values category)
LengthCalculator Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute.
(Calculated Values category)
LengthToPointCalculator Calculates the length of a feature from its start until the closest spot to a point and
adds it as a new attribute. The point coordinates are taken from attributes in the
original feature. (Calculated Values category)
LicenseChecker Checks whether the license file is valid and the specified product name is licensed,
based on a vendor key and vendor registration code.
(Workflows category)
LineBuilder Connects input point features in the order they enter, forming linear or polygonal
features. (Geometries category)

LineCloser Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end point.
(Geometries category)

LineCombiner Takes lines and connects them to form longer lines. Each connecting line must meet at
the exact same start/end point, but otherwise they must not intersect.
(Geometries category)

LineExtender Creates two-point extensions to linear features that extend the feature by a
user-specified length. This transformer can also output the original feature with the
first and last segments stretched by a user-specified amount.
(Geometries category)

LineOnAreaOverlayer Performs a line-on-area overlay. Each input line is split at any area boundaries it
intersects. (Filters and Joins category)

LineOnLineOverlayer Performs a line-on-line overlay in which all input lines are intersected against
each other and resultant line features are created and output.
(Filters and Joins category)
ListBasedFeatureMerger Copies and merges the attributes/geometry from one feature (or multiple features)
onto another feature (or multiple features).
(Filters and Joins category)
ListBuilder Combines attributes of the input features into a single list structure.
(Attributes category)
ListConcatenator Concatenates all values of a list into a single attribute. (Attributes category)
ListCopier Copies a complete attribute list, including all nested attributes, from one list name to
another. (Attributes category)
ListDuplicateRemover Removes all duplicate values from a list attribute. In the resulting list, only distinct
values for the list attribute will be present.
(Data Quality, Strings categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 37

ListElementCounter Stores the number of member elements found in the specified list into an attribute.
(Data Quality category)
ListExploder Explodes each list member on each input feature out into its own feature.
(Attributes category)
ListExpressionPopulator Populates a new list from a series of attributes, specified using a regular
expression. (Attributes category)
ListHistogrammer Computes a histogram of the values found in a list and returns these in a new
list attribute on the feature.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
ListIndexer Copies the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main
attributes of the feature. (Attributes category)
ListPopulator Populates a new list from a series of attributes. The attributes to be used are
specified by the prefix parameter. (Attributes category)
becomes a list myattrib{} containing entries myattrib{0}, myattrib{1},

ListRangeExtractor Extracts the minimum and maximum values found in a list.

(Calculated Values category)
ListRenamer Renames or promotes list names or components. (Attributes category)
ListSearcher Searches a list to find a value and returns the index of the value in the list.
(Strings category)
ListSorter Sorts the elements of the given list into a new list. (Attributes category)
ListSummer Computes the sum of all elements of a list. (Strings category)
LocalCoordinateSystemSetter Tags all features with the local coordinate system defined by the specified
parameters. It does not reproject features, or otherwise modify their geometry.
(Coordinates category)
Logger Logs each feature to the translation log. All attributes and geometry of the feature
will be output. (Workflows category)
LogMessageStreamer Captures messages from the FME logfile and/or the Logger transformer. The
messages are loaded onto features created by the transformer.
Limitations: Messages outside the lifetime of the transformer cannot be captured.
(Workflows category)
MapboxStyler Creates a common style for a group of features destined for the GeoJSON writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
MapInfoStyler Prepares features for output to Mapinfo® MIF/MID or MapInfo TAB by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)

MapnikRasterizer Draws input point, line, polygon, and raster features onto a raster using the Mapnik
toolkit. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
MapTextLabeller ◪ Creates text labels for features using the MapText Label Manager.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
MapTextStyler Prepares features for labelling by the MapTextLabeller by specifying no-label zones
around features. (Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
Matcher Detects features that are matches of each other. Features are declared to match
when they have matching geometry, matching attribute values, or both.
(Data Quality category)

MeasureExtractor Extracts the measures of geometries that match the given type, and places them in
attributes or list attributes. (Calculated Values category)
MeasureGenerator Creates a set of measures attached to the geometry of the feature, where each value
is the distance from the start of the line to that vertex, multiplied by the given
Multiplier. (Calculated Values category)
MeasureRemover Removes measures from a feature’s geometry. (Geometries category)
MeasureSetter Sets measure(s) on a point, line, arc, area geometry or a vertex of a linear geometry
to attribute value(s) of given attribute(s) or list attribute.
(Geometries category)
MeshMerger Merges mesh features (features with IFMEMesh geometries) into a single output
mesh. (3D, Geometries categories)
MeshSimplifier Simplifies mesh features (features with IFMEMesh geometries) to a reduced level of
detail. The amount of simplification can be specified as a ratio or as a limit on the
number of vertices. (3D, Geometries categories)
MGRSToLatLongConverter Converts Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code to longitude and latitude
coordinates. (Coordinates category)
MinimumAreaForcer Ensures that features with polygon geometry have an area that is equal to, or in
excess of, the specified minimum area. (Geometries category)
MinimumSpanningCircle Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its minimum spanning
Replacer circle. The minimum spanning circle is defined as the smallest circle that encloses all
vertices of the passed-in feature. (Geometries category)
ModuloCounter Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a sequence, restarting the count at 0
whenever the sequence reaches the specified maximum value.
(Calculated Values category)
MQTTConnector Connects to an MQTT broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving

(consuming) messages. (Web category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 39

MRF2DCleaner ◪ Fixes geometric problems in input data, such as line overshoots and undershoots
within the user-specified tolerance. It is useful for multi-layer and multi-tolerance
two-dimensional data cleaning.
(Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DConflator ◪ Changes the geometry of a feature to match that of another, if the two have
approximately the same shape and location, and have matching endpoints. (Data
Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DDangleRemover ◪ Removes features that have at least one free endpoint and have lengths smaller
than (Dangle Factor * Cleaning Tolerance) or (Dangle Factor * value of Feature
Tolerance Attribute). (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DDuplicateRemover ◪ Deletes duplicated features. Features are considered to be duplicates if their
geometries are within tolerance and only features with a smaller tolerance will
remain after cleaning. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DExtender ◪ Extends arcs and lines that are within the specified tolerance to correct
undershoots while maintaining line-work direction.
(Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DGeneralizer ◪ Removes a number of vertices from lines. The number of vertices removed is
controlled by a weeding tolerance. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DIntersector ◪ Computes intersections between all input features, breaking arcs and lines
wherever an intersection occurs. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DJoiner ◪ Joins connected features to form longer ones. A pair of linear features become
candidates for joining only when the two are connected at a given node or end
point. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF2DShortGeometry ◪ Removes features that have lengths smaller than the specified tolerance, if Short
Remover Geometry Action is set to Remove. (Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MRF3DCleaner ◪ Fixes geometric problems in input data such as line overshoots and undershoots
within the user-specified tolerance. It is useful for multi-layer and multi-tolerance
three-dimensional data cleaning. (3D, Data Quality, Integrations categories)
MSWordStyler Prepares features for output to Microsoft Word Writer by providing a convenient
interface to set a variety of MSWord format-specific attributes.
(Cartography and Reports category)
MultipleGeometryFilter Filters aggregate features based on the type of aggregate.
(Filters and Joins category)
MultipleGeometrySetter Provides the ability to set up an aggregate where each part is independent from the
others and is its own complete geometry. (Geometries category)

NeighborFinder Finds the closest Candidate feature within a specified maximum distance of each
Base feature. (Spatial Analysis category)

NeighborhoodAggregator Creates aggregates of features based on their proximity to each other.

(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

NeighborPairFinder Finds the closest two Candidate features within some maximum distance of each
Base feature and some minimum separation in heading between the Candidates
and the Base. (Spatial Analysis category)
NetworkCostCalculator Computes and assigns the cost of the shortest path from a source object to each
connected object as the Z-values or measure values of the input features.
(Calculated Values, Spatial Analysis categories)
NetworkFlowOrientor Fixes the flow (direction) of each edge or linear feature in the network to fit the
downstream direction to the destination node.
(Spatial Analysis category)
NetworkTopologyCalculator Finds the connected lines that belong to the same network graph.
(Calculated Values, Spatial Analysis categories)
NLPClassifier Classifies natural language text into different categories using a trained model.
(Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
NLPTrainer Trains a natural language processing (NLP) classification model based on the user’s
specifications and the provided data.
(Filters and Joins, Strings categories)
NullAttributeMapper Maps specified attributes on a feature to specified values. This transformer is
capable of mapping to and from null values, empty strings, and missing attributes.
(Attributes, Data Quality, Strings categories)
NumericRasterizer Draws input point, line, and polygon features onto a numeric raster filled with the
background value. The z coordinates of the input vector features are used to
generate pixel values. (Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 41

OffsetCurveGenerator Offsets the segments of linear features, and if necessary, connects them using
stroked arcs. (Geometries category)
Offsetter Adds offsets to the feature’s coordinates so that the feature shifts by the specified
amount. (3D, Spatial Analysis categories)

OneDriveConnector Accesses the Microsoft OneDrive file storage service to upload, download, or delete
files and folders or list the contents of a folder from a Microsoft OneDrive account.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
OrientationExtractor Returns a feature’s orientation. This will have different possible return value, based
on the input geometry type. (Calculated Values category)
Orientor Adjusts the orientation of a polygonal feature or the direction of a linear feature.
(Geometries category)

ParameterFetcher Adds an attribute to the feature and supplies it with the value of a previously
published parameter. (Web, Workflows categories)
PartCounter Returns the number of parts in the geometry. For multis and aggregates, this is the
number of parts, and for paths, this is the number of segments.
(Calculated Values, Data Quality categories)
PathBuilder Connects input linear features (arcs and lines) in the order they enter, forming path
features. (Geometries category)
PathSplitter Decomposes a path feature into its component segments. Each output feature contains a
copy of the source feature’s attributes. (Geometries category)
PDFPageFormatter Prepares features for output to PDF by providing a convenient interface to set the
scale and location of features on a page.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
PDFStyler Sets the common Adobe® PDF style attributes for a group of features destined for the
GeoSpatial PDF Writer.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific categories)
PipeReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a three-dimensional pipe created by

sweeping a stroked disk along the input curve. (3D, Geometries categories)

PlanarityFilter Filters features based on their planarity. To be planar, a geometry must have all of its
points situated in the same plane.
(3D, Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
Player Retrieves features stored in an FME Feature Store file and outputs them into the
workspace. (Workflows category)
PointCloudCoercer Coerces point cloud geometries into points or multipoints. This transformer can be
used to write a point cloud to a format that does not support point clouds. (Point
Clouds category)
PointCloudCombiner Combines multiple geometries into a single point cloud.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Adds new components with constant values to a point cloud.
Adder (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Copies an existing component to a new component with the specified name. The
Copier existing component remains and a new component is created that has a different
name, but the same values. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Removes all components from a point cloud, except for the specified ones.
Keeper (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Removes specified components from a point cloud.
Remover (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Renames an existing component. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudComponent Converts the type of point cloud components. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudConsumer Requests the point(s) from the point cloud geometry but no actual operations are
performed on the point(s). (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudCreator Creates a new point-cloud feature with the specified size and components and
sends it into the workspace for processing. (Point Clouds category)

PointCloudExpression Evaluates expressions, such as algebraic operations or conditional statements, to set

Evaluator point cloud component values. (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudExtractor Serializes the geometry of the feature into the Blob Attribute based on the selected
writer format. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudFilter Filters a point-cloud feature into one or more parts based on evaluating
expressions. (Filters and Joins, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudMerger Merges component values from one point cloud to another.
(Filters and Joins, Point Clouds categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 43

PointCloudOnRaster Sets point cloud component values by overlaying a point cloud on a raster.
ComponentSetter (Point Clouds, Rasters categories)
PointCloudPropertyExtractor Extracts the properties of a point-cloud feature and exposes them
as attributes. (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with the geometry held in the Blob Attribute.
The blob is decoded according to the selected point cloud format.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSimplifier Outputs point cloud features that have fewer points than the original input features
while maintaining the original shape. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSorter Sorts a point cloud by the values of components. (Point Clouds category)
PointCloudSplitter Splits a single point cloud feature into multiple point cloud features, each having a
homogeneous value for the point component that governs the split.
(Point Clouds category)
PointCloudStatistics Calculates statistics on point cloud components and exposes them as attributes.
Calculator (Calculated Values, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudSurfaceBuilder Takes an input point cloud and reconstructs it into an output mesh.
(3D, Geometries, Point Clouds categories)
PointCloudThinner Outputs point-cloud features that have fewer points than the original input features.
(Point Clouds category)

PointCloudTransformation Applies transformations on a point cloud. (Point Clouds category)

PointOnLineOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on lines. Each input line is split at its closest place to any point
within the specified point tolerance.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
PointOnAreaOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on areas.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
PointOnPointOverlayer Performs an overlay of points on points.
(Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)

PointOnRasterValueExtractor Extracts the band and palette values from a raster at the location of each input point
and sets them as attributes on the feature.
(Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)

PointPropertyExtractor Extracts point orientation to feature attributes. (Calculated Values category)

PointPropertySetter Adds or removes point orientation. (Geometries category)
PowerPointStyler Prepares features for output to the PowerPoint Writer by providing a
convenient interface to set a variety of Microsoft PowerPoint format-specific
attributes. (Cartography and Reports category)
PROJAttributeReprojector Reprojects attributes from one coordinate system to another using the PROJ
library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
ProjectWiseWSGConnector Accesses ProjectWise through a Bentley Web Services Gateway (WSG)
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
PROJReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using
the PROJ library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
PythonCaller Executes a Python script to manipulate the feature. A Python script can perform
specialized and complex operations on a feature’s geometry, attributes, and
coordinate system. (Workflows category)
PythonCreator Creates features using the Python script supplied, and sends them into the
workspace for processing. (Workflows category)
RabbitMQConnector Connects to an AMQP 0-9-1 broker. Supports sending (producing) and receiving

(consuming) messages. (Integrations, Web, Workflows category)

RandomNumberGenerator Generates a uniformly distributed random number. The random number is x, where
Minimum Value <= x <= Maximum Value.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
RasterAspectCalculator Calculates the aspect (direction of slope) for each cell of a raster. Aspect is
measured in degrees from 0 to 360, starting clockwise from the north.
(Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterBandAdder Adds a new band to a raster. The added band will have the same value in all cells,
and the same raster-level properties as other bands in the raster (that is, number of
rows/columns, cell spacing, cell origin, etc.). (Rasters category)
RasterBandCombiner Merges multiple overlapping raster features into a single raster feature.
(Rasters category)
RasterBandInterpretation Alters the underlying interpretation of the selected bands of the raster geometry on
Coercer the input features, using the specified conversion options. (Rasters category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 45

RasterBandKeeper Removes all bands of a raster, except for those that are selected. The RasterSelector
can be used to modify the selection. (Rasters category)
RasterBandMinMaxExtractor Extracts the band minimum and maximum values, palette minimum and
maximum keys, and palette minimum and maximum values of a raster feature,
and exposes them as attributes.
(Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterBandNameSetter Sets the name of selected bands on a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterBandNodataRemover Removes the existing nodata identifier from the selected bands of a raster
feature. That is, any values that were previously equal to the nodata value will
now be considered valid data. (Rasters category)
RasterBandNodataSetter Identifies a value to act as a nodata identifier on a raster feature at the band level.
That is, values equal to the specified value will now be considered invalid, and will
not be affected by many operations (e.g. offsetting or scaling).
(Rasters category)
RasterBandOrderer Specifies the order of bands in a raster. Bands are reordered according to the input
band indices. (Rasters category)
RasterBandPropertyExtractor Extracts the band and palette properties of a raster feature and exposes them as
attributes. (Calculated Values, Rasters category)
RasterBandRemover Removes the selected band(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterBandSeparator Separates the bands and palettes from each input raster feature into one or more
output raster features based on the number of input bands and palettes.
(Rasters category)

RasterCellCoercer Decomposes all input numeric raster

features into individual points or
polygons. One vector feature is output
for each cell in the band.
(Rasters category)

RasterCellOriginSetter Sets the raster’s cell origin. (Rasters category)

RasterCellValueCalculator Performs an arithmetical operation on a pair of rasters. The first selected band of
raster A is combined with the first selected band of raster B, the second selected
band of raster A is combined with the second selected band of raster B, and so on.
(Calculated Values, Rasters categories)

RasterCellValueReplacer Replaces a range of values in the source raster with a new single value.
(Rasters category)
RasterCellValueRounder Rounds off raster cell values. (Rasters category)
RasterCheckpointer Sets a checkpoint in the raster processing which forces previous processing to
occur immediately. Once complete, it saves the current state to disk.
(Rasters, Workflows categories)
RasterConsumer Requests the tile(s) from the raster geometry but no actual operations are
performed on the tile(s). (Rasters category)
RasterConvolver Accepts input features containing a raster geometry and outputs the features after
applying a convolution filter to all the bands. (Rasters category)
RasterDEMGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation
based on input points and breaklines.
That triangulation is then uniformly
sampled to produce a raster digital
elevation model (DEM raster).
(3D, Rasters categories)

RasterExpressionEvaluator Evaluates expressions on each cell in a raster, such as algebraic operations or

conditional statements. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterExtentsCoercer Replaces the geometry of input raster features with a polygon that covers the
extents of the raster. (Rasters category)
RasterExtractor Serializes the geometry of the feature into the Raster Blob Attribute based on the
selected writer format. (Rasters category)
RasterGCPExtractor Extracts the coordinate system and the Ground Control Points (GCPs) from the
raster feature and exposes them as attributes.
(Coordinates, Rasters categories)
RasterGCPSetter Sets the GCP on a raster with the specified Column (pixel), Row (line),
X Coordinate, Y Coordinate and Z Coordinate. (Coordinates, Rasters categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 47

RasterGeoreferencer Georeferences a raster with the specified parameters.
(Coordinates, Rasters categories)

RasterHillshader Generates a shaded relief effect, useful for visualizing terrain.

(3D, Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)
RasterInterpretationCoercer Alters the underlying interpretation of the bands of the raster geometry on the input
features, using the specified conversion options. (Rasters category)

RasterMosaicker Mosaics multiple raster features into a single raster feature.

(Filters and Joins, Rasters categories)

RasterNumericCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value and sends
it into the workspace for processing. This transformer is useful for creating a very
large image with a user-specified width and height.
(Rasters category)
RasterObjectDetection Trains a custom raster object detection model based on the positive and negative

ModelTrainer samples. (Rasters category)

RasterObjectDetector Accepts a raster input and outputs rectangular geometries outlining the detected
object(s). (Rasters category)
RasterObjectDetector Aids in generation and preparation of positive and negative samples to be used by

SampleGenerator the RasterObjectDetectionModelTrainer.

(Rasters category)

RasterObjectDetector Aids in preparation of positive and negative samples provided by the user to be
SamplePreparer used by the RasterObjectDetectionModelTrainer. (Rasters category)

RasterPaletteAdder Creates a palette from an attribute and adds this palette to all selected bands on a
raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteExtractor Creates a string representation of an existing palette and saves it to an
attribute. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteGenerator Generates a palette out of the selected band(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteInterpretation Alters the underlying interpretation of the palettes of the raster geometry on the input
Coercer features, using the specified conversion options. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteNodataSetter Identifies the nodata value on a raster feature at the palette level.
(Rasters category)
RasterPaletteRemover Removes the selected palette(s) of a raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPaletteResolver Resolves the palettes of the selected bands of the input raster features by using the band
cell values to look up the corresponding palette values, which then replace the original
band cell values in the raster. (Rasters category)
RasterPropertyExtractor Extracts the geometry properties of a raster feature and exposes them as
attributes. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterPyramider Creates a series of pyramid levels for each input raster feature by specifying either
the smallest pyramid level size or the number of pyramid levels to generate.
(Rasters, Web categories)
RasterRegisterer Transforms an image to minimize its difference with another.
(Rasters category)
RasterReplacer Replaces the feature’s geometry with the geometry held in the Raster Blob Attribute.
The blob is decoded according to the selected raster format.
(Rasters category)
RasterResampler Resamples an input raster using the desired dimensions, the desired cell size in
ground units, or a percentage of the size. (Rasters category)

RasterRGBCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with an RGB value and sends it
into the workspace for processing. (Rasters category)
RasterRotationApplier Applies the raster rotation angle on the input raster properties to the rest of the
raster properties and data values. (Rasters category)
RasterSegmenter Partitions a raster image into arbitrarily sized groups of cells from the input image
based on intensity differences in the input raster image cells.
(Rasters category)
RasterSelector Selects specific bands and palettes of a raster for subsequent transformer
operations. (Rasters category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 49

RasterSharpener Enhances the features of a raster image. The RasterSharpener enhances the
borders, lines, and curves while reducing noise in the flat areas of the raster
image. (Rasters category)
RasterSingularCellValue Performs an arithmetic operation on two operands: the cell values of a raster and a
Calculator numeric value. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterSlopeCalculator Calculates the slope (maximum rate of change in z) for each cell of a raster.
(3D, Rasters categories)
RasterStatisticsCalculator Calculates statistics on raster bands and exposes them as attributes. Bands with
palettes are valid. (Calculated Values, Rasters categories)
RasterSubsetter Reduces a raster to a subset of its original size. This is essentially a clipping
operation using pixel bounds instead of ground coordinates.
(Rasters category)
RasterTiler Splits each input raster into a series of tiles by specifying either a tile size or a
number of tiles. (Rasters category)

RasterToPolygonCoercer Creates polygons from input raster features. One polygon is output for each
contiguous area of pixels with the same value in the input raster.
(Rasters category)
RCaller Executes an R script that has the ability to access feature data from a temporary R data
frame. Input data is set up in the form of tables that will become R data frames. R data
frames are tables similar to those of a relational database that support columns of varying
types. (Format Specific, Integrations, Rasters categories)
Recorder Saves a copy of all features that enter to a disk file. (Workflows category)
ReframeReprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the
REFRAME library. (Coordinates, Integrations categories)
RekognitionConnector Accesses the Amazon Rekognition Service AI computer vision service to detect
objects, faces, and text in images and to describe image contents and faces.
(Web category)
ReprojectAngleCalculator Converts a given angle from one coordinate system to another. The transformer
calculates the reprojected angle of a line starting at the first coordinate in the
feature, with the given length and angle.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
ReprojectLengthCalculator Converts a given distance from one coordinate system to another. The transformer
calculates the reprojected length of a line starting at the first coordinate in the
feature, with the given length and angle.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)

Reprojector Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
(Coordinates category)

Rotator Rotates features in a counterclockwise direction about the specified point by the
rotation angle (measured in degrees). (Geometries category)
RubberSheeter Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to
adjust a set of observed features so they more closely match a set of reference
features. (Coordinates, Geometries categories)

S3Connector Accesses the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) file storage service to upload,
download, or delete files and folders or list file/folder information from an S3
account. (Integrations, Web , Workflows, categories)
SalesforceConnector Retrieves data from the Salesforce customer relationship platform using Salesforce
Object Query Language (SOQL) queries.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Sampler Preserves either a total number of features or a sampling of features, depending on
the Sampling Type selection.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Workflows categories)
Scaler The Scaler scales objects to make them bigger or smaller.
(3D, Coordinates, Geometries categories)
SchemaMapper Converts the existing schema (data model) of features to a new structure, based on
mappings defined in an external lookup table. (Workflows category)
SecondOrderConformer Performs a second-order conformal transformation on the feature’s geometry.
Depending on the input geometry, a 2D or 3D transformation is performed.
(3D, Coordinates categories)
SectorGenerator Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions defined
by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North).
(Spatial Analysis category)
SharedItemAdder Adds or replaces Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions in the
internal FMELibrary. (3D category)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 51

SharedItemIDExtractor Extracts Shared Item IDs from the front and/or back side of geometries and adds
them as traits or a list attribute. (3D category)
SharedItemIDSetter Sets Shared Object IDs onto the front and/or back sides of geometries.
(3D category)
SharedItemRetriever Retrieves Appearances, Textures, Rasters, or Geometry Definitions from the internal
FMELibrary. (3D category)
SharePointOnlineConnector Accesses SharePoint Online to upload, download, or delete files and folders or list

file/folder information. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

SherbendGeneralizer Uses the Sherbend algorithm to simplify lines by reducing unnecessary details
based on the analysis of the line’s bends. The generalization process may eliminate,
reduce, or combine bends, while resolving conflicts.
In this example, three bends are combined into one:
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)

ShortestPathFinder Computes the shortest path of a line or lines containing a source and destination
node in a network based on the length of the input or the cost (specified in an
attribute) of each of the edges. (Spatial Analysis category)
SlackConnector Posts a message or uploads a file to the Slack group chat service.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
Snapper Brings lines, segments, end points or vertex points of features together if they are
within a certain distance of each other and (optionally) if they have one or more
attributes in common.
(Data Quality, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)

Snipper Shortens the geometry of a line feature from the ends by snipping specified distances,
indices, or measure values. It operates on features with simple line geometry and
polygons without holes. (Data Quality, Geometries categories)

SNSSender Using the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), sends messages to an Amazon
SNS topic. (Integrations, Web categories)
SolidBuilder Constructs solids from surfaces and cuts hollow regions, or voids, in solid features
with other solid features. A solid that is cut by another solid must contain that
second solid. (3D, Geometries categories)

Sorter Sorts features by an attribute’s value. (Workflows category)

SpatialFilter Filters point, line, area, and text
features based on spatial
relationships. Each input Candidate
feature is compared against all Filter
features, based on the given spatial
tests to meet.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Spatial
Analysis categories)
SpatialRelator Determines topological (spatial) relationships between sets of features. It tags – but
does not otherwise change – features when they have certain relationships, such
as touches, overlays, intersects, and so forth.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins, Spatial Analysis categories)
SpatialSorter Sorts features geographically (by location).

(Spatial Analysis, Workflows categories)

SpikeRemover Cleans up feature geometries by removing spikes.
(Data Quality, Geometries categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 53

SQLCreator Generates FME features from the results of a SQL query against a database. One FME
feature is created for each row of the results of the SQL Query.
(Workflows category)

SQLExecutor Performs SQL queries against a database. (Workflows category)

SQSConnector Accesses the Amazon Simple Queue service to send or receive messages.
(Web category)
StatisticsCalculator Calculates statistics based on a designated attribute or set of attributes of the incoming
features and adds the results as attributes.
(Calculated Values category)
StreamOrderCalculator Computes the Strahler order and/or Horton order of streams in a river network.
(Calculated Values category)
StreamPriorityCalculator Calculates the primary and secondary streams of multiple stream networks.
(Calculated Values category)
StringCaseChanger Changes the case of text attributes to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title case, or Full Title
Case. (Strings category)
StringConcatenator Concatenates the values of any number of attributes, user parameters and/or
constants, and stores the result in a new attribute. (Strings category)

StringFormatter Reformats the data held in each specified attribute according to the Tcl format
command, which is similar to the C printf function. Attribute values can be formatted
into strings, characters, or numbers. (Strings category)

StringLengthCalculator Calculates the length of strings and the number of bytes in a blob.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
StringPadder Pads the selected attributes with a specified character, either on the right or left
side. (Strings category)
StringPairReplacer Replaces characters in the value contained in the source attribute based on the
replacement key-value pairs. (Strings category)
StringReplacer Replaces substrings matching a string or regular expression in the string contained
in the source attribute. (Strings category)
StringSearcher Performs a regular expression match on the specified expression.
(Strings category)
SubstringExtractor Extracts a substring from the source attribute.
(Calculated Values, Strings categories)
SummaryReporter Writes a summary report of incoming features to a disk file. Features are sorted
before they are summarized.
(Data Quality, Workflows categories)
SurfaceBuilder Cuts holes in surface features with other surface features. A surface that is cut by another
surface must be co-planar with that second surface, have compatible orientation, and
contain that second surface.
(3D, Spatial Analysis categories)

SurfaceDissolver Detects coplanar regions of input surfaces and dissolves them into single faces. The
output faces retain the attributes, traits, and appearances of the input.
(3D, Geometries, Spatial Analysis categories)


SurfaceDraper Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. Input drape
features will be overlaid onto the surface model, and output as draped features.
(3D, Point Clouds, Spatial Analysis categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 55

SurfaceFootprintReplacer Replaces the geometry of a feature with a planar representation of the feature’s shadow.
(3D, Geometries categories)
SurfaceModeller Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. It is
useful when you need multiple representations of the same model.
(3D, Point Clouds categories)

SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer Performs a surface-on-surface overlay so that all input surfaces are intersected
against each other and resultant surface features are created and output. The
output surfaces can retain all the attributes of the input features in which they are
contained. (3D, Spatial Analysis categories)
SurfaceSplitter Splits a double-sided input surface geometry into two single-sided surfaces –
one equal to the front side of the input surface and one equal to the back side of
the input surface. (3D, Geometries categories)
SystemCaller Runs a program or operating system command, and waits for it to exit before
continuing the translation. (Workflows category)
TclCaller Runs a Tool Command Language (Tcl) command and assigns its return value to an
attribute. (Workflows category)
TCPIPReceiver Receives raw data over TCP/IP. Produces a feature each time a specified number of
bytes is received or a particular sequence is detected.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
TCPIPSender Sends raw data to the specified host, which may be another FME workspace running in a
different process (located on the same machine or on a different machine), or any client
application that communicates over TCP/IP.
(Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)
TempPathnameCreator Reserves and returns a temporary file or directory path that will be deleted upon
translation completion. An optional basename and extension can be supplied to further
refine the filename portion of the resulting pathname.
(Calculated Values, Workflows categories)
Terminator Stops a translation when it detects detect non-valid situations or input data
conditions that should not exist. (Workflows category)
Tester Evaluates one or more tests on a feature, and routes the feature according to the outcome
of the test(s). The tests can consist of any FME-allowed operands.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)
TestFilter Filters features by test conditions to one or more output ports.
(Data Quality, Filters and Joins categories)

TextAdder Sets the feature’s geometry to text using the previous geometry as the text location.
(Cartography and Reports, Geometries categories)
TextDecoder Decodes a string from a number of different text encodings into plain text.
(Strings category)
TextEncoder Encodes a text string using URL, Unicode, XML, HTML, Base64, HEX, or Octal
methods. (Strings category)
TextLocationExtractor Sets a text feature’s geometry to the location of the text.
(Calculated Values category)
TextPropertyExtractor Extracts the values of text attributes from input text geometry features.
(Calculated Values category)
TextPropertySetter Sets the properties of a text geometry to the specified properties.
(Cartography and Reports category)
TextStroker Takes as input a font name, text padding and width multiplier, and outputs
aggregates that describe the outline of the text.
(Cartography and Reports, Rasters categories)

TextureCoordinateSetter Assigns texture coordinates to surfaces.

(Calculated Values, Coordinates categories)
Tiler Chops the input features into a series of tiles. This transformer works with raster,
vector and point cloud data. (Geometries category)

TimeWindower Allows features in FME to be grouped based upon a period of time defined by the
user. (Workflows category)

TINGenerator Constructs a Delaunay triangulation based on input points and breaklines. The surface
model may be output in a number of representations: a triangulated irregular network
(TIN), TIN vertices, TIN edges, and triangles.
(3D, Geometries categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 57

TopferIndexCalculator Takes a set of point, linear, polygonal, and/or aggregate features, and calculates the
Topfer Index based on the bounding box of the input features.
(Spatial Analysis category)
TopologyBuilder Computes topology on input point, line, and/or area features.
(Spatial Analysis category)

TraitMerger Moves the traits from one geometry onto another geometry. It can also move the
attributes from a feature onto a geometry as traits, or the traits from a geometry
onto a feature as attributes. (Filters and Joins category)
TransporterReceiver Receives features from another FME workspace running in a different process,
which may be located on the same or a different machine. Used in conjunction
with the TransporterSender. (Integrations, Workflows categories)
TransporterSender Sends features to another FME workspace running in a different process, which may
be located on the same machine or on a different machine. Used in conjunction with
the TransporterReceiver. (Integrations, Workflows categories)
TrelloConnector Accesses the Trello web service to create, update, archive, or list the contents of

Trello Boards, Lists, and Cards. (Integrations, Web, Workflows categories)

Triangulator Breaks an input geometry into triangular units or a mesh.
(Geometries category)
Tweeter Sends a TwitterTM status update from Workbench.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TweetSearcher Runs a search for TwitterTM entries that contain the given query.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TweetStreamer Connects to a Twitter™ stream and outputs a new feature for each tweet.
(Integrations, Web categories)
TwitterStatusFetcher Retrieves the timeline for a particular Twitter™ user or list.
(Integrations, Web categories)
UUIDGenerator Calculates a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) for each incoming feature, and
adds it as a new attribute. An example UUID looks like: 7672aac8-fa0b-464c-b0b8-
3efa9ae9cd86 (Calculated Values category)
VariableRetriever Reads the specified variable and puts its value into the specified attribute.This
variable must have been previously set using the VariableSetter transformer.
(Workflows category)
VariableSetter Creates and sets the specified variable to the specified value. The variable can
later be read back into an attribute using the VariableRetriever transformer.
(Workflows category)

VectorOnRasterOverlayer Overlays vector features onto a single raster feature by drawing them onto the
resulting output raster. The properties of the output raster are identical to that of the
input raster. (Rasters, Spatial Analysis categories)
VertexCounter Stores the number of a feature’s vertices into an attribute.
(Calculated Values, Coordinates, Data Quality categories)
VertexCreator Appends coordinates to null, point, text, line, and arc geometry, or replaces existing
geometry with point geometry. (Geometries category)
VertexRemover Removes one or more coordinates from the geometry of the feature.
(Coordinates, Geometries categories)
VolumeCalculator Calculates the volume of a solid object and stores the value in an attribute.
(3D, Calculated Values categories)
VoronoiCellGenerator Outputs circular sectors of influence for point features that have directions
defined by azimuths (degrees clockwise from North).
(Spatial Analysis category)
VoronoiDiagrammer Generates a Voronoi diagram or Thiessen polygon. Each polygon in the diagram
defines the area of space that is closest to a particular input point.
(Spatial Analysis category)

WebMapTiler Creates a series of image tiles that can be utilized by web mapping applications such
as Bing™ Maps, Google Maps™, or Web Map Tile Service.
(Cartography and Reports, Format Specific, Rasters, Web categories)
WebSocketReceiver Receives WebSocket messages from the specified WebSocket server. Produces a feature
each time a message is received, and places the contents of the message into the
specified attribute. (Web, Workflows categories)
WebSocketSender Sends WebSocket messages to the specified WebSocket server.
(Web, Workflows categories)
WhiteStarLeaseBuilder Posts a query to a WhiteStar Legal2Map™ WebServices (W3) server to obtain points
or polygons that match a list of legal land descriptions.
(Integrations category)
WorkspaceRunner Runs another FME Workbench workspace on the local computer by spawning a
new FME process. This transformer is useful for batch processing, especially in
conjunction with the Directory and File Reader. (Workflows category)
XMLAppender Assembles several XML documents into one.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFeatureMapper Constructs features from XML documents via xfMaps.
(Format Specific, Web categories)

FME Transformer Reference Guide 59

XMLFlattener Flattens content of XML element(s) into feature attributes.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFormatter Provides various options for formatting and cleaning up XML documents.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLFragmenter Maps elements from an XML document into XML fragments. Can decompose large
XML documents into parts, where these parts may be further operated on via
downstream XML, XQuery, XSLT or generic text processing transformers.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLNamespaceDeclarer Declares missing namespaces in XML documents by matching prefixes from
another sample XML file whose namespaces are fully declared.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLSampleGenerator This transformer generates an XML document based on an XML Schema (XSD) file.
While the sample document may not pass a schema validation, it will provide a
generate outline of what a valid XML document looks like. The XML generated by this
transformer can be used as a base for an XML template used in the XMLTemplater
transformer. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLTemplater Populates an XML document with FME feature attribute values. The document is
provided as a template, and the transformer will use XQuery to insert attribute values
and geometry information into the template.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLUpdater This transformer creates, modifies, replaces, or deletes XML elements and attributes
in an XML document. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLValidator Validates the syntax or schema of an XML file or text.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryExploder Uses XQuery expression to extract portions of XML text into new FME features.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryExtractor Uses XQuery expressions to extract portions of XML text into
feature attributes. (Format Specific, Web categories)
XMLXQueryUpdater Provides updates to an XML document using XQuery Update expressions.
(Format Specific, Web categories)
XSLTProcessor The XSLTProcessor uses an XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) stylesheet to
convert an XML document. Common output formats include text, RSS, SVG, and CSV.
(Format Specific, Web, Workflows categories)

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Version 2021.0

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