Healing Spaces
Healing Spaces
Healing Spaces
Evidence-based design (EBD) research has demonstrated the power of environmental design to support
improved patient, family, and staff outcomes and to minimize or avoid harm in healthcare settings. While
healthcare has primarily focused on fixing the body, there is a growing recognition that our healthcare
system could do more by promoting overall wellness, and this requires expanding the focus to healing. This
article explores how we can extend what we know from EBD about health impacts of spatial design to the
more elusive goal of healing. By breaking the concept of healing into antecedent components (emotional,
psychological, social, behavioral, and functional), this review of the literature presents the existing evidence
to identify how healthcare spaces can foster healing. The environmental variables found to directly affect or
facilitate one or more dimension of healing were organized into six groups of variables—homelike envi-
ronment, access to views and nature, light, noise control, barrier-free environment, and room layout.
While there is limited scientific research confirming design solutions for creating healing spaces, the lit-
erature search revealed relationships that provide a basis for a draft definition. Healing spaces evoke a sense
of cohesion of the mind, body, and spirit. They support healing intention and foster healing relationships.
patient, satisfaction, environment, physical, health, outcomes
The application of science to design has had a goal of this article is to begin to establish a work-
remarkable impact on healthcare facilities and ing definition of healing spaces and build a
healthcare over the years. Evidence-based design
(EBD) uses scientific methods to build the links
between design and outcomes such as safety and 1
efficiency to support design decision-making in Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Enviah, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
healthcare. EBD creates safe, efficient spaces, but 3
HDR, Inc., Omaha, NE, USA
patients and families come to healthcare organi- 4
The Samueli Institute, Alexandria, VA, USA
zations seeking a healing experience. Is there a Thought Leadership and Innovation Foundation, Washington
difference between a safe, efficient, and aestheti- DC, USA
cally pleasing environment and a healing space?
Corresponding Author:
This article explores how we can extend what we Lorissa MacAllister, PhD, AIA, NCARB, EDAC, LEED AP,
know from EBD about health impacts of spatial 4765 44th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512, USA.
design to the more elusive goal of healing. The Email: lorissa@enviah.com
2 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
foundation for the metrics to explore the links surrounded by elements that facilitate the innate
between the built environment and healing. healing process (Sakallaris, MacAllister, Voss,
The definition of healing developed by the Smith, & Jonas, 2015). The OHE framework (Fig-
Samueli Institute provides a good foundation and ure 1) illustrates the four environments and eight
starting point. ‘‘Healing is a holistic, transforma- constructs that make up an OHE. The four healing
tive process of repair and recovery in mind, body, environments in the OHE framework—internal,
and spirit resulting in positive change, finding interpersonal, behavioral, and external—were used
meaning, and movement towards self-realization to further understand the findings of this literature
of wholeness, regardless of the presence or review and their possible influence on healing.
absence of disease’’ (Firth et al., 2015, p. 12). This
definition allows for the possibility of healing even The Impact of the Built
when cure is not possible. While ‘‘cured’’ is a
definitive end state, ‘‘healing’’ is a journey with
Environment on Outcomes
many possible routes; the role of this literature The field of EBD links design strategies to out-
review is to identify the possible spatial influen- comes of interest to healthcare organizations.
cers of healing as a process and experience. Recent EBD literature reviews have focused on
studies that systematically compared two or more
‘‘Healing is a holistic, transformative settings or the manipulation of a single setting
process of repair and recovery in mind, and associated patient, family, or staff outcomes.
body, and spirit resulting in positive These searches have proceeded either from the
change, finding meaning, and movement outcomes (falls, infection, etc.) or from the design
variable (same-handed rooms, distributed nurse
towards self-realization of wholeness,
stations, etc.). For example, the outcomes evalu-
regardless of the presence or absence of ated in the comprehensive 2008 review of EBD
disease’’ (Firth et al., 2015, p. 12). literature, coauthored by Georgia Institute of
Technology, Texas A&M University, and The
Healing is facilitated by an optimal healing Center for Health Design, are listed in the
environment (OHE), one where the individual is left-hand column in Table 1. These outcomes
Table 1. Summary of the Relationships Between Design Factors and Healthcare Outcomes.
Design Strategies or Environmental Single- Access Views Family zone Noise- Nursing Acuity-
Interventions bed to Appropriate of in patient reducing Ceiling floor Decentralized adaptable
Healthcare Outcomes rooms daylight lighting nature rooms Carpeting finishes lifts layout supplies rooms
* Indicates that a relationship between the specific design factor and healthcare outcome was indicated, directly or indirectly, by empirical studies reviewed in this report. ** Indicates that there is
especially strong evidence (converging findings from multiple rigorous studies) indicating that a design intervention improves a healthcare outcome.
4 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
medical and EBD literature published prior to impact of the built environment on physical out-
February 2016 to understand how the academic comes has been demonstrated in previous litera-
medical community identifies and measures ture reviews, the impact on healing is less direct.
progress toward healing and how the built envi- Healing is much more dependent on participation
ronment supports these steps. The team excluded and receptivity of the individual. Built environ-
all articles that did not meet the following cri- ments can support or hinder healing, but healing
teria: in English, in peer-reviewed journals, is ultimately a very personal process that is heav-
measured a built environment metric, included ily influenced by individual characteristics and
an outcome variable indicating healing or a pre- social relationships. The environment cannot
cursor of healing, and done in a hospital setting. cause healing to occur but can facilitate engage-
This resulted in the 34 articles with sufficient ment in behaviors and emotions that support heal-
relevance to contribute to this discourse. ing; the environment can induce physical and
emotional responses such as happiness, joy, and
relaxation; and the built environment can enhance
individual control and functionality—all of which
Framework are antecedents to healing.
While these articles were identified through a
variety of MeSH terms, we found that they could
The environment cannot cause healing to
be grouped into four major categories that char- occur but can facilitate engagement in
acterize healing or a healing experience: behaviors and emotions that support
healing; the environment can induce
Psychological: Environmental support for physical and emotional responses such as
managing emotions and reactions, espe- happiness, joy, and relaxation; and the
cially the ability to diffuse aggression and built environment can enhance individual
avoid or mitigate anxiety and depression.
control and functionality—all of which
Self-efficacy: Environmental facilitation of
are antecedents to healing.
a sense of coherence and control and the
ability to adapt to and accept new situations.
A recent doctoral thesis examined the research
Social: Environmental support for develop-
linking design to healing in psychiatric settings
ing and maintaining relationships and con-
and arrived at similar conclusions. Using the
nections with others.
Rashid and Zimring (2008) framework that
Functional: Environmental support for
equates healing to reduced stress, reduced anxi-
safely performing the basic activities of
ety, and improved mood, the author stated,
daily living with minimal assistance.
‘‘Overall, the quality of the research on OHEs is
These constructs can be mapped to the inner to not high, but results were reasonably consistent
external continuum that underlies the four compo- across studies’’ (Linebaugh, 2013, p. 13). After
nents of the OHE developed by Samueli Institute reviewing over 6,000 search results, the author
(see Figure 1). The psychological and self-efficacy ended up with 27 articles and identified 7 specific
constructs correspond to the internal environment, design strategies that contribute to healing: single
the social construct maps to the interpersonal rooms; calm, naturalistic, and domestic artwork
domain, and the functional construct relates to the or photographs; east-facing windows; plants;
behavioral and external environments. acoustic ceiling tiles; patient rooms removed
The built environment can facilitate healing from noise-producing unit areas; and a window
through a variety of mechanisms. In some cases, view of nature (Linebaugh, 2013).
architectural elements have direct impact on heal- Healing is a much more difficult outcome to
ing, but for the most part, architecture influences measure in comparison to restoring health. Heal-
behaviors that then impact the healing experience ing is a process that takes time and rarely happens
as is exemplified by Figure 3. While a direct as a result of a singular intervention. Healing is an
6 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
emergent process, making it difficult to associate to and view of nature, light, noise control, barrier-
the experience of healing with a particular cause. free environments, and room layout (see Figure 2).
The feedback loop between environment and
healing is opaque and lengthy and makes causal Psychological. The psychological components of
determination elusive. The challenge of using the healing relate to the internal mechanism of
standard scientific approach to measuring healing thoughts and feelings that patients have about
was recognized by Miller and colleagues in their themselves, their lives, and their surrounding envi-
2005 paper on healing places, where they stated ronment. Architecture creates an environment that
‘‘Much of science is rooted in linear causation; positively or negatively impacts individuals’ sense
however, we now know that instead of every effect of control and emotional responses to their care.
having a discoverable cause, there is often inter- Studies show that homelike environments can
dependence and unpredictable, emergent surprise reduce patients’ pain and emotional distress
unpredictable, emergent surprise . . . .’’ (p. 47). (Kligler et al., 2011). In addition, it appears that
In the following sections, we summarize the environments that provide opportunities for lei-
studies that were found within each of the four sure activities and visual art making can help
constructs. Based on the literature review, six patients in identity maintenance and reconstruc-
environmental variables were identified and tion (Reynolds & Prior, 2006), giving patients a
shown to have impact on the psychological, sense of wholeness. Several studies have sug-
self-efficacy, social, and functional constructs gested that environments that provide a connec-
related to healing: homelike environment, access tion to the outside world, have a view of nature, or
DuBose et al. 7
provide connections to plants in indoor spaces music and aroma are not directly linked to the
can help decrease patients’ stress level and design of environment, they can be explored as
increase their satisfaction with care (Lechtzin additional environmental interventions to create
et al., 2010; Linebaugh, 2013; Park & Mattson, OHEs. Positive engagement of the senses, specif-
2009). Positive, hopeful, and supportive thoughts ically sight, hearing, smell, and touch, is a pow-
were the outcome of providing views of nature erful way to use the physical environment as a
and natural light in patient rooms (Timmermann, healing space.
Uhrenfeldt, & Birkelund, 2015). Environments
that support nursing practices involving spiritual Self-efficacy. The self-efficacy construct reflects
intervention can help decrease patients’ stress the patient’s sense of control over their situation
level and enhance a sense of personal wholeness and internal emotional state. Architecture can
(Kreitzer, Gross, Waleekhachonloet, Reilly- provide patients with opportunities to be more
Spong, & Byrd, 2009). independent, to have more control over the envi-
Positive engagement of the senses facilitates a ronment, to act more autonomously, and to feel
healing experience. For example, exposure to nat- more secure. Studies have shown that patients in
ural lighting is a very important factor in creating homelike environments, which less resemble hos-
a healing environment. A study reported that east- pitals (e.g., in lighting and color), experience an
facing windows facilitate natural light progres- increased sense of connection to the environment
sion that helps reduce stress and therefore sup- and thus feel more control over it (Kligler et al.,
ports healing. Similarly, spaces with acoustic 2011; Moore, Carter, Hunt, & Sheikh, 2013).
ceiling tiles, or that are removed from noise- Homelike environments provide a personal, reli-
producing areas, reduce intrusive noises and able, and intimate place with a secure atmosphere
therefore patients’ stress (Linebaugh, 2013; Park for patients (Fenner, 2011) as do single-bed
& Mattson, 2009). rooms when compared to multibedded rooms
Music therapy may have psychological ben- (Linebaugh, 2013). Enhancing self-efficacy can
efits to patients by helping them connect with be as simple as allowing patients to choose the
moments in their past and encouraging intro- artwork for their walls, providing them with a
spection (Bradt et al., 2015; Potvin, Bradt, & degree of control (Suter & Baylin, 2007), or pro-
Kesslick, 2015). Music can reduce stress if the viding access to changing visuals, such as the
music style matches patient preferences but C.A.R.E. Channel, to provide control over visual
can have a negative effect if the wrong style stimuli (MacAllister, Bellanti, & Sakallaris,
of music is played (Chlan, Engeland, Anthony, forthcoming). Barrier-free environments that
& Guttormson, 2007; Cooper & Foster, 2008). accommodate patients’ visual, auditory, and
Research has found that music impacts emo- kinesthetic impairments help patients to be more
tions and can reduce anxiety and pain, independent, have more autonomy, and therefore
improve patients’ well-being (Bauer et al., have a better self-perception (Crews, 2005).
2011; Dunn, 2004; Engwall & Duppils, Skillful use of technology has been shown to have
2009; Lee, Chao, Yiin, Chiang, & Chao, 2011; positive impacts by giving patients an increased
Weeks & Nilsson, 2011), and may even reduce sense of dignity and independence through
the patients’ length of stay (Korhan et al., 2014; enabling them to have more control over their
Zhou et al., 2015). activities and their surrounding environment and
Sensory rooms that provide music, comforta- helping them to feel more secure (Erikson,
ble seating, relaxing imagery, and tactile stimula- Karlsson, Söderström, & Tham, 2004; Gagnon,
tion are an environmental therapeutic tool for Lamothe, Hebert, Chanliau, & Fortin, 2006;
calming psychiatric patients but have not been Mann, Ottenbacher, Fraas, Tomita, & Granger,
demonstrated to reduce the need for seclusion 1999).
of disruptive patients (Kreitzer et al., 2009; Smith
& Jones, 2014). Martin (2006) showed that aro- Social. The social construct reflects the status and
mas can affect perceived pain level, and although behavior of patients in relation to other people
8 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
around them and the support they receive from views of nature and outside environments have
those relationships. Design of the healthcare shown to improve patients’ quality of life (Row-
environments can provide opportunities for better lands & Noble, 2008; Timmermann et al., 2015).
communication between patients, their families, Architecture can also impact patients’ healing by
and the caregivers. Design also can enhance providing environments that enhance patients’
social relationships between patients and their personal control and therefore improve patients’
community. A specific example of this comes quality of life (Duncan-Myers & Huebner, 2000).
from a study that found that barrier-free commu-
nity environments helped patients improve their
social relations, whereas the presence of mobility Metrics
barriers decreased the social relations (Keysor, No outcome measure or standard set of physical
Jette, Coster, Bettger, & Haley, 2006). In addition characteristics for healing spaces was found in
to modifications to the environment, devices such this literature review. The literature supports spe-
as home environment assistive technologies and cific components of the environment that enhance
telemedicine have been shown to be affective in the relationship between the environment and the
improving patient–caregiver relations, which is people experiencing the space. For a space to be
important for faster healing (Gagnon et al., considered a healing space, there must be a good
2006). Patient preference for receiving care at person–environment fit, especially where func-
home appears to be driven by their desire to be tionality is concerned. A number of tools were
with loved ones, suggesting that the ability to identified that are useful in measuring human
accommodate visitors is an important feature to response to environments, personal progress
support healing (Brogaard, Neergaard, Soko- toward healing, and fit between specific persons
lowski, Olesen, & Jensen, 2013). and specific environments. Because people do not
have the same physical abilities, and often have
Functional. The built environment can support impaired abilities while hospitalized, special
patients’ functionality and those aspects of phys- attention needs to be paid to how the built envi-
ical activities and abilities that represent or facil- ronment facilitates or impedes activities of daily
itate healing. Functionality is an essential aspect living and promotes independence and control for
of patients’ overall quality of life and sense of individuals. One tool for measuring the degree of
comfort and well-being. Design of the environ- person–environment fit is the housing enabler
ment can impact patients’ functionality by either assessment developed in Sweden (Mitty, 2010).
facilitating or inhibiting their movement. Pres- Activities of daily living are just one aspect of
ence of mobility barriers can decrease patients’ healing but an important one.
ability to function in their immediate domestic
environment, and the inpatient environment, and Environmental metrics. A range of different envi-
decreases their ability for self-care in either envi- ronmental interventions or strategies were dis-
ronment (Keysor et al., 2006). On the other hand, cussed in the healing literature (see Table 2 for
prepared environments equipped with carpeting, a summary listing). The environmental metrics
handrails, uncluttered hallways, large clocks and reported in the final group of healing spaces stud-
calendars, elevated toilet seats, and door levers ies are very general and mostly typological. For
better accommodate patients with declining example, many of the studies evaluated the
senses and disabilities, helping them have better impact of music and compared conditions with
functionality and perform their activities of daily music to those without music; the metric is sim-
living (Landefeld, Palmer, Kresevic, Fortinsky, & ply the presence or absence of music, no other
Kowal, 1995). In addition, design can enhance descriptors were provided such as sound level,
patients’ functionality by creating homelike quality, or tone. Other studies that investigated
environments that improve patients’ quality of preference for place of care or place of death had
life as well as comfort (Bauer et al., 2011; Kligler similarly basic metrics, categorizing the patients
et al., 2011; Moore et al., 2013). Access and into groups of home, hospital, or hospice, without
DuBose et al. 9
Table 2. Environmental Interventions From Healing to an intervention. There are also a variety of vali-
Literature. dated tools that have been used to measure specific
Place/location (home vs. hospital) Music
outcomes, such as the Quality of Life Rating Scale,
Setting (single- vs. multibed rooms) Art Duncan Choice Index Profile of Mood States
Assistive technologies Odor Brief-Form, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
Homelike aesthetics Plants Form (Duncan-Myers & Huebner, 2000), but tools
Light tend to be very culturally dependent and therefore
may have limited value for broad swaths of the
population (Selman, Harding, Gysels, Speck, &
Table 3. Healing Outcomes Found in Literature Higginson, 2011). Biological measures such as
Review Organized by Healing Characteristics. biomarkers of stress response (levels of corticotro-
Psychological Self-Efficacy Social Functional phin, cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine)
and heart rate variability have been used in some
Mood Autonomy Trust Well-being studies and are gaining acceptance.
Anxiety Control Sense of Quality of life
Stress Freedom Isolation Activities of Discussion
daily living
Satisfaction Patient Pain This review found that while there is emerging
experience information linking design to the antecedents of
Relaxation Security healing, there are only a few studies that link
design directly to the journey toward the recog-
providing any more detail about the environmen- nition of wholeness. The relatively small number
tal conditions in each of these settings. Art was of relevant articles uncovered in the first search
another frequently studied intervention, and again strategy demonstrates the current scientific
the categorization was not very detailed; the emphasis; researchers seek to address questions
descriptions sometimes included the size of the of scientific interest and of concern to decision
piece of art, the content (nature or urban), and, makers. While recognition of their importance is
less frequently, it’s placement in relation to the growing, end points of healing such as ‘‘finding
patient. Nature and natural light in the room were meaning’’ and ‘‘realizing wholeness’’ are still
shown to reduce anxiety of patients, but no less common in the scientific literature. The
descriptions were provided about what constitu- small number also reflects the emphasis in the
tes nature or any qualities of the natural light. scientific literature on establishing unambiguous
causal links between single predictor and single
Outcome metrics. The research found no single outcome variables for maximizing internal
metric for healing as a whole, but there were validity. Such straightforward causality is chal-
many intermediary outcomes that make up heal- lenging to determine with healing, which is a
ing and were used as the basis for the literature complex constellation of emotion, cognitions,
search strategy (see Table 3). Even though many and behaviors linked to multiple aspects of the
of the healing outcomes are subjective, the built environment.
metrics used in the identified healing studies are The term healing environment is prevalent in
generally better developed than those for the the literature, but there is no clear universal def-
environmental interventions. The most com- inition or description of a healing environment or
monly used tools are visual analog scales that ask healing space. There is evidence of the architec-
subjects to rate their satisfaction/pain/anxiety/ tural contribution to the antecedents and conse-
stress/relaxation on a visual scale. Patient- quences of healing, specifically, stress reduction,
reported outcomes are subjective, but it is possible emotional stability, self-efficacy, social cohesion,
to make meaningful judgments about the effect of and return or enhancement of function. Figure 4
an intervention by comparing the change in an shows the links from the literature between archi-
individual’s rating from before and after exposure tectural variables and the healing constructs
10 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
discussed above. The six groups of variables This literature review identified some outcome
found in the literature—homelike environment, measures associated with healing constructs.
access to views and nature, light, noise control, These constructs can be arranged into the four
barrier-free environments, and room layout— defined groups that overlap the four domains of
directly affect or facilitate one or more dimen- the OHE framework. The exploration of research
sions of healing. The multiple relationships in the field identified positive and negative mea-
between these six architectural variables with sures that are used in this investigative work. The
the four healing constructs demonstrate the negative measures (e.g., pain, isolation, stress,
broad role that the architectural features play anxiety) could be considered inhibitors to heal-
in healing. ing. The positive measures (e.g., autonomy,
Internal Interpersonal Behavioral External
of Coherence, Wellbeing
Architectural Variables:
Architectural Variables: Architectural Variables: Architectural Variables:
• Access and views to nature
• Barrier Free • Barrier Free • Room Layout
• Room Layout
• • Light • Barrier Free
• Access and views to nature • Noise Control •
• Access and views to nature
Figure 5. Positive and inhibitory measures of optimal healing environments. Adopted from Optimal Healing Environments Linked Initiatives (Sakallaris et al., 2015).
12 Health Environments Research & Design Journal
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