Sylvain Baillet, John C. Mosher, and Richard M. Leahy: 14 November 2001 1053-5888/01/$10.00©2001IEEE
Sylvain Baillet, John C. Mosher, and Richard M. Leahy: 14 November 2001 1053-5888/01/$10.00©2001IEEE
Sylvain Baillet, John C. Mosher, and Richard M. Leahy: 14 November 2001 1053-5888/01/$10.00©2001IEEE
and Richard M. Leahy
he past 15 years have
seen tremendous ad-
vances in our ability to
produce images of hu-
man brain function. Applications
of functional brain imaging extend
from improving our understand-
ing of the basic mechanisms of
cognitive processes to better char-
acterization of pathologies that
impair normal function. Mag-
netoencephalography (MEG) and
electroencephalography (EEG)
(MEG/EEG) localize neural elec-
trical activity using noninvasive
measurements of external electro-
magnetic signals. Among the
available functional imaging tech-
▲ 1. Networks of cortical neural cell assemblies are the main generators of MEG/EEG signals. Left: Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
(EPSPs) are generated at the apical dendritic tree of a cortical pyramidal cell and trigger the generation of a current that flows
through the volume conductor from the non-excited membrane of the soma and basal dendrites to the apical dendritic tree sustain-
ing the EPSPs. Some of the current takes the shortest route between the source and the sink by travelling within the dendritic trunk
(primary current in blue), while conservation of electric charges imposes that the current loop be closed with extracellular currents
flowing even through the most distant part of the volume conductor (secondary currents in red). Center: Large cortical pyramidal
nerve cells are organized in macro-assemblies with their dendrites normally oriented to the local cortical surface. This spatial ar-
rangement and the simultaneous activation of a large population of these cells contribute to the spatio-temporal superposition of the
elemental activity of every cell, resulting in a current flow that generates detectable EEG and MEG signals. Right: Functional networks
made of these cortical cell assemblies and distributed at possibly mutliple brain locations are thus the putative main generators of
MEG and EEG signals.
ation to experimental conditions during repeated
exposure to a stimulus or task. In general, this Sensors
stationarity does not hold true, especially as the
number of trials increases, which has motivated new MEG
research approaches that study the inter-trial varia- Gantry
tions by greatly reducing the number of trials in Time-Evolving Scalp Magnetic Field Topographies
28.65 38.26 47.87
Typical EEG scalp voltages are on the order of tens of
microvolts and thus readily measured using relatively
low-cost scalp electrodes and high-impedance
high-gain amplifiers. In contrast, characteristic mag-
netic induction produced by neural currents is ex- ▲ 2. MEG instrumentation and typical signals. Typical scalp magnetic
traordinarily weak, on the order of several tens of fields are on the order of a 10 billionth of the earth’s magnetic field.
femtoTeslas, thus necessitating sophisticated sensing MEG fields are measured inside a magnetically shielded room for pro-
technology. In contrast to EEG, MEG was devel- tection against higher-frequency electromagnetic perturbations (left).
oped in physics laboratories and especially in MEG sensors use low-temperature electronics cooled by liquid helium
(upper right) stored in a Dewar (left and upper right). Scalp magnetic
low-temperature and superconductivity research
fields are then recorded typically every millisecond. The resulting data
groups. In the late 1960s, J.E. Zimmerman co-in-
can be visualized as time-evolving scalp magnetic field topographies
vented the SQUID (Superconducting QUantum In- (lower right). These plots display the time series of the recorded mag-
terference Device)—a supremely sensitive amplifier netic fields interpolated between sensor locations on the subject’s scalp
that has since found applications ranging from air- surface. This MEG recording was acquired as the subject moved his fin-
borne submarine sensing to the detection of gravita- ger at time 0 (time relative to movement (t=0) is indicated in ms above
tional waves—and conducted the first human every topography). Data indicate early motor preparation prior to the
magnetocardiogram experiment using a SQUID movement onset before peaking at about 20 ms after movement onset.
where p( M / S) is the conditional probability for the data where we have factored C S−1 = WW T . We note that for
given the image and p(S) is a prior distribution reflecting this case, the posterior is Gaussian and the MAP estima-
our knowledge of the statistical properties of the un- tor is equivalent to the minimum mean squared error esti-
known image. While Bayesian inference offers the poten- mator or Wiener solution.
tial for a full statistical characterization of the sources We can also interpret (21) as a Tikhonov regularized
through the posterior probability [63], in practice images form of the inverse problem [65], [66], where the first
are typically estimated by maximization of the posterior term measures the fit to the data and the last is a regulariz-
or log-posterior probability: ing function that measures smoothness of the image. The
scalar λ is the regularization parameter that can be chosen
S = arg max p( M|S) p(S) ≡ arg max ln p( M|S) + ln p(S). using cross-validation methods or the L-curve. Within this
S S (18) regularized interpretation of (21), several forms of W have
been proposed for MEG/EEG imaging applications:
The term p(M / S) is the log likelihood for the data ▲ i) the identity matrix which produces a regularized
that depends on the forward model and the true source minimum norm solution [67];
distribution. Typically, MEG and EEG data are assumed ▲ ii) the column normalized minimum norm in which W
to be corrupted with additive Gaussian noise that we as- is a diagonal matrix with elements equal to the norm of
sume here is spatially and temporally white (generaliza- the corresponding column of A [68];
tions for colored noise are straightforward). The log ▲ iii) W computes a spatial derivative of the image of first
likelihood is then simply given by, within a constant, order [69] or Laplacian form [70];
1 2 ▲ iv) W is diagonal with elements equal to some estimate
ln p( M|S) = M − AS T . of the source power at that location, which may be com-
2σ 2 F
(19) puted from the output of a beamformer or MUSIC scan
evaluated for each dipole pixel in turn [62], [71].
The prior is a probabilistic model that describes our ex-
The underdetermined nature of the inverse problem in
pectations concerning the statistical properties of the
MEG/EEG is such that these linear methods produce
source for which we will assume an exponential density
very low-resolution solutions. Focal cortical sources tend
1 to spread over multiple cortical sulci and gyri. In some ap-
p(S) = exp{−β f (S)} plications, this may be sufficient to draw useful inferences
z (20)
from the resulting images. However, the images formed
where β and z are scalar constants and f (S) is a function of do not reflect the generally sparse focal nature of event-re-
lated cortical activation that is visualized using the other
the image S. This form encompasses both multivariate
functional imaging modalities of PET and fMRI. In an at-
Gaussian models and the powerful class of Gibbs distri-
tempt to produce more focal sources, the FOCUSS
butions or Markov random field models [64]. Com-
method [72] uses an iterative reweighting scheme in
bining the log likelihood and log prior gives the general
which the diagonal weight matrix W is updated at each it-
form of the negative log posterior whose minimization
eration to equal the magnitude of the current image esti-
yields the maximum a posteriori or MAP estimate:
mate. This approach does indeed produce sparse sources,
2 but can be highly unstable with noisy data.
U (S) = M − AS T + λf (S), An interesting approach to the interpretation of mini-
mum norm images formed using (23) was proposed by
where λ = 2βσ 2 . We can now give a brief overview of the Dale et al. [56] in which an image of SNR is computed by
imaging methods as special cases of minimization of the normalizing each pixel value computed using (23) with an
energy function in (21). estimate of the noise sensitivity of that pixel, i.e., for the
case of white Gaussian noise, each value in S T is normal-
ized by the noise sensitivity given by the corresponding di-
Linear Imaging Methods agonal elements of Fλ FλT . This has the interesting
In the case of a zero mean Gaussian image, the log prior property of generally reducing the amount by which activ-
has the form: ity spreads across multiple sulci and gyri when compared
to the standard minimum norm image; these images can
{ }
f (S) = tr SC S−1 S T , (22) also be used to make statistical inferences about the proba-
methodological and modeling issues in brain functional [8] V. Jousmaki, “Tracking functions of cortical networks on a millisecond
imaging. timescale,” Neural Netw., vol. 13, pp. 883-889, 2000.