Pasion de Las Pasiones - Core Rulebook
Pasion de Las Pasiones - Core Rulebook
Pasion de Las Pasiones - Core Rulebook
All art is either licensed under the CC0 license, licensed directly
from Shutterstock, licensed directly from DepositPhotos, or used
under the license of Pixabay, Pexels, or Unsplash. Photographers
include but are not limited to Renato Abati, Rene Asmussen, Artem
Beliaikin, Christian Buehner, Keira Burton, Sarah Cervantes, Lucas
da Miranda, Zachary DeBottis, Marcelo Dias, Ron Lach, Jennifer
Marquez, Joanna Nix-Walkup, Gabriela Pereira, Luis Quintero,
Hermes Rivera, Kelly Sikkema, Mihai Stefan, Liza Summer, Polina
Tankilevitch, and Anthony Tran.
—Brandon Leon-Gambetta
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................... 5 Running The Game..................... 101
What is Pasión de las Pasiones?.................. 6 The Master of Ceremonies.....................102
The Stars and the Audience...................... 7 Agendas....................................................103
MC Moves.................................................113
What Are Telenovelas?.............................. 13 Running for the Playbooks......................120
A Latinx Game............................................18
Playsets......................................... 127
Basics............................................... 19
Why Use Playsets?...................................128
The Conversation..................................... 20 Session Zero.............................................130
Starting the Game.................................... 30 Playset Construction...............................134
Why Do We Play?......................................36 Example Playset: La Rosa Querida........145
The Characters.............................. 37 Example Playset: El Sabor del Amor......150
Chapter 1 Introduction u 7
Powered by the Apocalypse
Pasión de las Pasiones is based on the revolutionary 2010 roleplaying
game Apocalypse World by Meguey and D. Vincent Baker. It takes the rules
framework, some terminology, and many ideas about how to play a story,
focusing on dynamic characters who react to constantly changing and
shifting relationships and settings. It’s a framework that makes stories
that constantly surprise, a perfect fit for a telenovela! It’s also perfect
for Apocalypse World’s very mature post-apocalyptic setting filled with
hardholders and gunluggers, but Pasión de las Pasiones is clearly a very
different game, one built for the romance and drama of telenovelas!
You don’t need Apocalypse World to play Pasión de las Pasiones;
everything you need to play the game is included in this book. Once you
understand how Pasión de las Pasiones works, however, you’ll have a leg
up in playing all manner of games Powered by the Apocalypse and I’d highly
recommend trying them out too. They don’t tell the same stories as Pasión
de las Pasiones, of course, but I won’t fault you for liking other genres
like urban fantasy (Urban Shadows), teenage superheroes (Masks: A New
Generation), narcofiction (Cartel), and paranormal romance (Monsterhearts).
You need at least two six-sided dice, the ordinary ones that come in board
games. You can play with just one pair because you never roll more than
two dice at a time, but with all of the betrayal and backstabbing going on...
you may be better off with each player having their own pair.
Pasión de las Pasiones uses playbooks to help players make characters
and keep track of special moves and extras. You can download all the
playbooks you need at Print all six out
and let players peruse them! You’ll also want a copy of the basic moves
for each player. Whether you want to include the core playbooks alone or
add some of the limited edition ones is up to you, but you probably want
to have a variety of choices!
You need a playset to play this game, a setting for your show that frames
the main conflicts week-to-week. This may be chosen ahead of the game
or you can decide as a group right before you play. This book comes with
two playsets; La Rosa Querida—a dramatic telenovela based in a grand
hotel whose ownership is in great dispute—and El Sabor del Amor—a light-
hearted telenovela focused on multiple generations working at the same
family restaurant!
Chapter 1 Introduction u 9
Pencils and Papers
During the game, you need pencils to track your conditions and
experience, note down changes to your moves, and write characters’ names
with hearts all around them on your playbook’s margins. Pencil is much
better than pen! You may also want to bring index cards to use as name
tents and maybe some extra scrap paper for jotting down notes.
Additional Materials
You may also want to bring:
ͪ Some photos for your stars or less important characters. This can be
helpful to keep characters straight in your mind. For visual learners or
shows with a lot of characters, this can be especially helpful. If you have
the Supporting Cast Deck, you already have a stack of faces you can use!
ͪ A printed copy of the MC materials beyond the playset. These pages
have reminders of ways for the MC to keep the tension high, some names,
and a couple of other little things for whoever is running the game.
ͪ A way to play music. The introduction of your show will need to play
a song, but after that you may also want some moody music to keep
everyone feeling that theme.
Chapter 2 Telenovelas u 13
Beautiful People Trying to Find Love
One of the most tried and true plots for a telenovela is a simple one.
The couple you root for from the beginning faces increasingly difficult
obstacles keeping them apart and risks everything to come together in the
final episode. I’m already on board. Sometimes there may be another love,
possibly someone tied up in something sinister, and watching we can feel
the tear in our hearts because one week’s perfect match can be the next
week’s perfect disaster. Sure, we may have learned early on that Guillermo
is a terrible villain, but maybe his riches and his handsome features will be
enough to win the heroine’s heart.
It may sound simplistic, but most telenovelas are in part about romance.
Part of the fun is wondering who will end up together at the end, but
another part is the stolen intimate moments, the build up to the kiss,
the embrace. Every main character can be on a quest to find connection
and every character can draw stares. That’s also helpful in keeping things
interesting…everyone trying to find romance is more interesting than only
two people struggling to connect. Don’t think couples. Think love triangles.
Or even love rectangles!
Chapter 2 Telenovelas u 15
What About K-Drama?
Since the start of writing Pasión de las Pasiones, people have asked
me whether the rules could be used to play American soap operas, Korean
dramas, and a variety of other high romance, high drama, plot-saturated
television. Ultimately, I don’t know! Pasión de las Pasiones is written to
run telenovelas. It may be a good starting place, but I couldn’t tell you exactly
how those other genres work.
If you want to make another drama game, consider what assumptions the
world of your genre makes and see if they line up with those in telenovelas. A
big part of the genre-lifting done in Pasión de las Pasiones is the ques-
tions related to the moves (page 25); make sure those especially fit your
new focus. If they do, it may be you only need to make a playset to make it
work! But I hope you write a whole game. The world needs more dramatic
games filled with romance, schemes, and beautiful settings!
The majority of telenovelas tend to stick with settings that aren’t full on
fantastic or science fiction. Often the most impressive magic or weirdest
future-tech is face-imitation surgery that lets one character look exactly like
another. The grounded realism keeps the show accessible to people who
don’t have a lot of interest or knowledge about other genres. When shows
do have magic or other weirdness, they usually don’t spend too much time
explaining how or why those things work; we’re here for the story. A good
rule of thumb for sticking with how most telenovelas feel is to not go beyond
what a character could do with a whole lot of money, i.e. get fancy surgery,
buy amazing real estate, show up in unexpected places with gifts.
That doesn’t mean telenovelas can’t have fantastical events! Plenty of
shows have faith and prayer as tangible forces. For that matter, there are
plenty of shows about soulmates who somehow find each other even
against wildly improbable opposition! The settings can provide some of
this; a specific song playing each time characters meet, threatening winds
of change that blow, loved ones from the past showing approval in tiny
miracles. Some shows take this on even more directly; there are multiple
telenovelas about vampires and the story of a witch traveling through time
to reunite with her lost love is perfectly allowable.
Chapter 2 Telenovelas u 17
A Latinx Game
As a Latino game designer (¡viva Perú!), I wrote Pasión de las Pasiones to
show a slice of culture that I grew up with. From the beginning this game
was meant to be a telenovela, not a soap opera. I wrote this game to show
my love of a genre to people who didn’t have the same love, and even more
importantly to provide a way for people who DO have the same love to
dive into something important to their identity. It’s not meant to be the
definitive text on Latinidad in gaming but a part of a growing tapestry of
games that bring Latinx experiences into the tabletop rpg world.
This game is about Latinx characters. There’s no place on your sheet
to choose that you are Latinx because if you are playing Pasión de las
Pasiones, you should be playing a Latinx character. Additionally, the
NPCs presented in this game and the ones introduced by the MC should be
Latinx unless there’s a very good reason for them not to be (hello, American
businessman coming in to buy up the family restaurant).
I designed everything in this game with the intention for players to portray
a telenovela, from the name lists to the moves to the playsets. Embrace
that. Challenge assumptions that media can’t “sell” without white leads and
live out the most passionate stories that exist. Don’t be afraid to embrace
the Latinidad of the game in full!
Framing Scenes
The conversation can only be headed toward interesting places
when it’s going, period. The best way to keep the conversation
going is to frame scenes. It can be tempting to talk vaguely about
how incredible the characters are, who they are, who you ship
them with, and why they deserve a happily ever after, but the
story evolves when you put characters into concrete locations
with concrete goals. Don’t just talk about how Rosa would put her heart
on the line if Camila would only just see her; put Rosa in a slinky dress at
Camila’s Año Nuevo party and watch the sparks fly.
Think about your story like a real telenovela or a romantic movie. Cut
directly to conflict or passion, show immediately what is at stake and
act on that tension, have characters begin their scenes with their wants
on their sleeves. If it’s boring or filler, skip it. Get right to what’s actually
happening. We may care that Nando is wearing a fancy suit, but unless
something happens when he’s getting it tailored, we can cut right to him
cornering Ranato in the hallway. Framing scenes may sound complicated,
but the rules help shape the conversation into this kind of quick, action-
packed story. The MC can take the lead in setting scenes in a way that
keeps the story moving, but it’s the responsibility of everyone in the group
to make sure that every scene in your story starts out interesting and goes
somewhere meaningful.
One way that telenovelas differ from some other genres is how they
construct reality and timelines. While most shows display a definitive truth
of the world and handle events mostly sequentially, telenovelas often have
a more fluid sense of real; even if you saw someone slipping poison into a
wine decanter 15 minutes ago, you can’t be sure that’s what happened. A
show can spend an entire episode establishing someone’s bloodline only
to show definitive proof that all of it was a plot hatched to wrestle an
inheritance away from them.
The same is true for this game. Always come back to the game as a
telenovela and embrace what that means. Flashing back to reveal new
truths and overwrite old truths is a perfectly legitimate thing to do!
Chapter 3 Basics u 21
That means that what you understand to be the truth may shift with time
(and there are several moves that alter the “truth” established in a previous
scene; see accuse someone of lying (page 70) and flashback moves (page
87). The only thing that can’t change is what the audience has seen;
new information adds an additional layer of questions or details that may
undermine everything, but it can never mean the home audience never saw
something they know they saw!
Hard Framing
While scene framing often happens as part of the group conversation at the
table, sometimes it makes more sense for the MC to take full control and
throw the PCs directly into a difficult situation. The MC may hit you with the
fallout from previously promised threats—your lover’s husband bursts into
the room with proof of your philandering or you find your brakes cut after a
run-in with some shady characters—or the MC may just want to kick up some
drama. Either way, you don’t get to work out whether things are happening or
not; the MC tells you how you’re in the thick of it and you react!
Additionally, some moves allow players to frame hard scenes. When a
player uses such a move (like process your feelings out loud), the player
sets the scene just as if they were the MC. However, like the MC they
should be following the fiction, being a fan of characters, and making
drama that stirs up secrets! If the player hasn’t read that section of the
text, the MC can help them to line up the scene so it has teeth, but doesn’t
disrupt the whole table.
Chapter 3 Basics u 23
The basic moves are the core of the game and any PC can trigger them
from the start of play. Additionally, each character gets their own playbook
moves, specific moves that help define how their playbook fits within an
archetype. For the most part, the basic moves drive the play. They cover
the situations that come up all the time while the playbook moves are used
more sparingly.
All moves are worded with a trigger and a result. “When you do this
specific thing (the trigger), then this other specific thing happens (the
result).” The moves come into play when player characters take the actions
that trigger them. The trigger is a fictional event that the player has control
over, a thing that their character does within the narrative of the show.
When they do, the move takes over for a moment and the ball gets rolling!
The result is what happens in the fiction and the game when using the
move. It may be as simple as giving a result, or it might involve another
move, but importantly it shows that something happens. You can never
have a move trigger without a result; we only care about the trigger as far
as it helps us get to the result!
Octavio (played by Luis) and Dolores (played by Isabel) are standing on the
balcony of Octavio’s country estate while the gathering inside continues.
“How could you do this? You almost blew this whole thing, you fool!” snarls
Octavio, pacing in the small space. His brow is furrowed and his otherwise
perfectly kept suit is rumpled from having pulled Dolores away.
“Are you striking out with voice or violence?” I ask.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean to do that! Let me try it again, maybe softer? ‘How
did this happen? We need to fix this’,” Luis corrects. “He’s still all rumbled and
furious, but he’s not attacking you.”
“Dolores is pissed, however. She pulls back a fist and punches Octavio in the
gut. ‘That’s for my sister, you dirty liar!’” Isabel shouts.
“Alright, that’s definitely striking out with voice or violence,” I say.
When trying to find out if a move applies to the situation, look to the
trigger. If the trigger hasn’t been met, then the move doesn’t happen yet.
If the trigger has been met, it does. Moves don’t happen randomly like
a button labeled “Start the Move”; you need to meet the trigger if you
want to use the move. If you want the results of striking out with voice
or violence, you can’t just say, “I strike out,” you have to tell us what you
do and what it looks like in the scene! Likewise, if you use a move trigger,
you have to follow through with the move. You don’t get to say that you
smashed a bottle of $300 champagne over someone’s head and not strike
out with voice or violence.
Chapter 3 Basics u 25
Most moves have two listed questions associated with them. Ask those out
loud for the table to hear and answer them truthfully based on the fiction.
If you answer yes to a question, add 1 to your roll, making it more likely you
get a higher result (which is usually good!). If you answer no, bad news, you
don’t get to add 1. If the truth is somewhere in the middle, make a decision
with the table about which answer feels more true.
You also answer one more question: your playbook question. Every player
except for the MC has a playbook in front of them that has important
mechanical information about their character. One of the most important
pieces is your playbook question. Answer that question just like the move
questions, but instead of depending upon what move you’re rolling, it
depends upon which playbook you’re using!
For example, La Empleada, an often demure servant or employee desperate
for love, has the playbook question: “Are you in over your head?” Any move
rolled by La Empleada asks this question alongside any other question—it
doesn’t matter if La Empleada confronts someone, pleads for forgiveness, or
throws a glass of champagne. This question is answered just like the move
questions; a yes gives a +1 and a no gives a +0. So when La Empleada is in
over their head, they do a bit better!
On the other hand, El Jefe has the question: “Are you taking control of this
situation?” When El Jefe is in control of things, they get that +1. That means
that El Jefe should try to make sure they’re in charge.
La Empleada expressing their love passionately:
When you express your love passionately, roll with the questions:
ͪ Are you dressed to impress?
When you express your love passionately, roll with the questions:
ͪ Are you dressed to impress?
For most moves that roll with questions, you get between a +0 to a +3, one
from your playbook question and two from the move itself. Occasionally a
move may give you additional questions you can ask, but you can never roll
more than +4 or less than -3, no matter what else is happening.
Again, to reiterate: You can never roll more than +4 or less than -3, no
matter what else is happening. That’s to keep the game fair; a roll should
never be so bad you can’t possibly succeed or so good you can’t possibly miss!
Chapter 3 Basics u 27
Triggers and Uncertainty
The rules that most structure Pasión de las Pasiones are the basic moves.
You may notice that there are only eight of those. Does that mean you can
only do eight different things? Why would the game limit your options?
How could I do this to you?
I would never betray you, amigos! Your options aren’t limited—the moves
are. And those are limited intentionally because they identify the moments
in which nobody knows what happens next. They are specifically when
we are tearing at the couch needing to know what happens next but the
uncertainty is too great to know!
If you are a trained hot air balloon pilot flying off into the sunset with your
lover, leaving your many enemies far behind, then there’s no uncertainty.
The players and the MC all know exactly what happens next. You clink
bubbling champagne flutes together as an explosion blasts the windows out
of the evil general’s mansion before you embrace above the seafoam and
splendor and the credits roll.
If you, with the powerful imposing stature of a stallion-training cowboy in
the peak of your prime, decide to knock out a completely unprepared big
city banker who’s halfway through a bottle of wine more expensive than
your whole ranch, there’s no uncertainty. They can’t stop you, and your
fist to the back of their head leaves them slumped in their fancy, pillow-
covered seat.
If you want to tell someone where you hid something earlier in the
episode, and the revelation doesn’t really mean anything to them, there’s no
uncertainty. You just tell them, and now they know.
But if you’re flying your hot air balloon and your lover’s twin takes off their
wig before cutting the lines to the balloon and you try to take control of the
descent to avoid scattering your bodies on the cliffs below…then no one
knows what happens. That’s when a move triggers (in this case, probably
act with desperation).
When you’re standing toe to toe on the edge of a balcony pushing and
punching against someone prepared, strong, and looking to hurt you...
then no one knows what happens next. That’s when a move triggers (in this
case, probably strike out with voice or violence, possibly followed soon
after by face certain death!).
When you’re trying to lure a wealthy heir into a trap by telling them that
you stowed away a letter that guarantees their inheritance...then no one
knows what happens next. That’s when a move triggers (in this case,
probably manipulate a superior).
Agreeing on Uncertainty
Sometimes it may make sense to talk at the table to make sure everyone
sees uncertainty the same way in that situation. For example, a PC wants
to hotwire a car and the MC feels that it’s uncertain because the audience
hasn’t seen them do that before. But the player feels that the character’s
life of crime has included this enough times that it is practically rote. The
player and the MC have to quickly figure out if this is actually uncertain.
The point of moves is to keep us on the edge of our seats, excited and
interested in what will happen next. If someone doesn’t feel excitement
around the uncertainty, then it’s a good sign that either a move isn’t being
triggered, or someone doesn’t fully understand the situation. Talk it out,
then make a move that fits or don’t make a move at all.
This goes beyond moves as well! When the charming but oblivious
bartender stumbles upon something dangerous and is shot, in plenty
of media that’s the end of the road. For a telenovela, you may want this,
but isn’t it tastier if he stumbles back through a window and falls down
to the crashing surf below? When you play, look for opportunities for
this uncertainty and don’t be afraid to call it out at the table. It may feel
dramatic to say that the evil sheriff falls from his horse and disappears
among the rolling hills around the ranch, but it is wonderful when he
comes back later in the story.
The only thing to be sure of is the table having fun. Be upfront about
wanting to keep things mysteriously uncertain or solid truth!
Chapter 3 Basics u 29
Starting the Game
Before you play Pasión de las Pasiones, there are a few things you need
to prepare for the game and a few things you need to think about before
you start. You can’t go to the ball without a dress, chica!
Preparing to Play
First, you need someplace to play. If you’re playing in person, you want a
table big enough for everybody to sit around, spread out a bit, put their
character sheets down, and roll dice. You also ideally want to have some
space in the middle to throw index cards with important NPCs and enough
room that a firm dismissing gesture won’t send someone’s materials flying.
Make sure you’ve got printed copies of the basic moves, the playset, and the
playbooks ready to go, along with a pair of dice for each player, a handful of
index cards or sticky notes, and a bunch of pencils.
If you aren’t playing in person, you still have options! It’s a wide world
full of passionate people looking for a fun evening and Pasión de las
Pasiones can easily be played online through video calls. For that, you
want each person to have their basic moves and playbook ideally printed
out or in a shared digital space or character keeper. You probably still want
somewhere to keep notes, but it’s up to you if those are shared with the
group or private for each player.
There are so many solutions to playing online that I won’t get too deep
into them here, but perhaps this is an opportunity to get yourself a real
audience and stream! Pasión de las Pasiones’s twists and turns may just
be perfect for an audience. Or perhaps you’ll write an incredible romance
novel and play by post! In any case, you’ll want to replicate the same things
you use in real life: your playbook, your notes, shared space for NPCs, and a
flare for the dramatic.
During play, establish some boundaries so you aren’t disturbed by people
around you. Also, maybe check in to be sure you won’t be disturbing people
around you! Pasión de las Pasiones can sometimes get a little louder
than some other roleplaying games. Also, don’t feel like you need to wait
for the end of the episode to take a break, we’re all used to commercials.
Take those chances to stretch, use the bathroom, or have a snack. You
won’t miss anything before you get back!
When you start a game of Pasión de las Pasiones, the assumption is that
you are diving into the middle of a telenovela. This lets you skip a whole
bunch of plot introductions to get right into the meatiest parts of our
story! To help with this, Pasión de las Pasiones uses playsets, brief write-
ups of settings, questions, moves, and NPCs for your telenovela. These
playsets give you a jumping off point likely to lead you to all of the tricks,
betrayal, and romance of the telenovela.
Chapter 3 Basics u 31
Safety at the Table: Romance and Sex
In case it hasn’t become obvious, there’s a lot of romance in this game.
Characters are searching for love, power, love-to-get-power, and power-
to-get-love regardless of their playbook. That means a level of intimacy at
the table that may be new for players unused to getting into romance! For
that matter, while violence is more common in roleplaying games, there’s
a potential higher level of “realness” when you are essentially playing a
normal person that you don’t feel when you’re a high elf wind sorcerer
battling orcs. As you play, it’s important to take care of your fellow players.
Before you start your game, be sure to talk about how explicit you’d like
your game to be. The majority of telenovelas tend to stick around the PG
to PG-13 range. Plenty of leeway for things to get passionate and sensual,
but not to a point that abuela will have a heart attack. On TV, you see
plenty of kissing, a little suggestion, and then the camera moves or fades to
black. Don’t be afraid to do that at the table as well; even if your telenovela
definitely has sex in it, you don’t need to show it on-screen.
For that matter, your game doesn’t need to include sex at all. Perhaps when
you declare your love passionately, your group is more comfortable with a
chaste kiss! That’s totally okay! Just keep the emotional stakes high!
In any game that includes this kind of content, it’s important to have a plan
to keep everyone safe and comfortable. No game is worth making people
feel unsafe or hurt. There are a lot of different ways to do this, so if you
have one that works well for your group, use it! If not, I suggest Lines and
Veils, the X-Card, and the Safety Toolkit for more ideas!
An X-Card is a real-time content calibration tool that lets anyone edit
out any content that appears in the game—for whatever reason. Most
importantly, you can use the X-Card to remove troubling subject matter.
To create an X-Card, simply draw an X on a card or piece of paper and place
it on the table where everyone can reach it.
To use the X-Card just tap it, hold it up, say X-Card, or if in a digital space,
type X or hold up your arms in an x pattern on camera. Let the table know
what you want to be removed. You never have to explain why.
After it has been tapped, remove the content from the game and add it
to your Lines and Veils document. You can also fade to black, change the
content up, or take a break. Talk to the table to see what works best.
Be sure to include the X-Card before character creation. Anyone can then
use the X-Card to ensure nothing ruins their fun or enjoyment of the game,
even during character creation.
The X-Card was created by John Stavropoulos and more details on the
X-Card can be found at
Chapter 3 Basics u 33
Other Tools
While Lines and Veils and the X-Card are great play practices for the table,
they may not be the best fit for your game. There are many other fantastic
support and safety tools available for your game. To find out more about
various safety tools, please check out the TTRPG Safety Toolkit.
The TTRPG Safety Toolkit is a resource co-curated by Kienna Shaw and
Lauren Bryant-Monk. The TTRPG Safety Toolkit is a compilation of safety
tools that have been designed by members of the tabletop roleplaying
games community for use by players and MCs at the table. You can find it
Chapter 3 Basics u 35
Why Do We Play?
So why go to all of this effort? There are dozens of telenovelas you could
watch today and just binge through to your heart’s content. Why play
Pasión de las Pasiones?
Sure, the stories you can watch are filled with the drama, desire, and intrigue
that Pasión de las Pasiones explores, but what you get from playing is
different. It’s yours! You don’t get one person’s point of view, one person’s
story; you get all of the characters that matter most to your group, every
moment dripping with passion, revenge, and drama right at your table.
Don’t lie! You’ve sat watching a TV show and thought, “I want to know more
about them! What if they could have a happy ending?” This is your chance.
Your antagonistic schemers can show their hearts, their feelings, their
purposes in a way that television can’t give you. If you want to know more
about a pairing of characters, you can push together the people you want
to see together. You get to see the arc and change and hope within all of the
characters, the moments of tenderness and belonging, the moments where
they show what they need as humans. You don’t have to be satisfied with
moustache-twirling evil; these characters feel and want just like the “heroes.”
As you’re doing this, you’re gathering with your friends, building tight
bonds of story that you’ll remember, moments of romance that existed
at your table in fleeting seconds. You’ll all remember when Esmerelda
and Marco fell into each other’s arms and when Javier destroyed the birth
certificate and when Lina made the ultimate sacrifice. And they’ll draw
to a close. Pasión de las Pasiones is meant to tell you the whole story,
beginning to end, and to give closure to these characters.
So pull up a chair or cuddle onto the couch, the greatest telenovela of all
time—starring you!—starts right now!
Vanesa came in with the name Artemio because she likes how it feels to say and
isn’t too similar to what other people at the table have. She picks a couple of
options under look and expands them a little: he’s masculine looking, with hair
that’s messy in a very intentional way, thoughtful cunning eyes, and really big
arms. She chooses risqué clothes and professional clothes, explaining that
he wears the professional, fine dining uniform of the restaurant, but keeps his
sleeves rolled up past his elbows and has the top three buttons undone.
Your Question
In Pasión de las Pasiones, the majority of rolls you make say “roll
with the questions.” Those moves list two questions related to what is
happening currently in the scene in that moment. Additionally, you always
ask your playbook question (under Your Question)! This question works just
like other questions from moves; if your answer is yes, take a +1, if it isn’t,
take a +0. For more on questions and how moves work, see page 25.
Most of the time, your question remains the same on your playbook, a
lifeline to your playbook’s archetype. Chances are if you get “yes” often, then
you’re playing on theme to how this archetype behaves in telenovelas. This
is one tool to make sure Pasión de las Pasiones feels like a telenovela; when
you play “on theme” you’re more likely to get high results on your moves!
Vanesa checks the playbook and sees Artemio’s question is “Are you the center
of attention?” As long as he stays front and center, he gets a bonus; that should
be easy enough for Artemio to do!
Vanesa checks through Artemio’s conditions to see what kinds of trouble she’s
going to get caught up in. La Belleza has Obsessed, Zealous, Lustful, and
Raging—each one with a different mechanical impact on her moves and the
perfect list for someone who wants to get aggressive when things go badly!
Vanesa’s Belleza playbook doesn’t have a feature, so she picks two moves as
instructed. She wants Artemio to be seductive and aloof, so she picks Up, Boy
to give him an advantage in declaring his love…as long as he’s touching his
partner and keeping emotional distance. After that, it’s a tough choice between
Ice Queen and Hard to Pin Down…Artemio gets Ice Queen; he knows
exactly how beautiful he is and uses it as a weapon. Vanesa will be back for
Hard to Pin Down, maybe in an episode or two.
Backstory Questions
Backstory questions aren’t on your playbook; instead, they are located
on the playset for your overarching game. These are a set of prompts to
get you thinking about who your character is, how they connect to the
show you’re presenting, and how they are tied up with other people. Write
the answers to these down in little notes so you can bring them up in
character introductions. You may feel free to use other PCs to answer these
questions; they form the stitching that binds you all together.
The table has decided to play El Sabor del Amor playset. Vanesa will be in charge
of answering an appropriate role question from the playbook, and collaboratively
answering a couple more. Artemio’s question is “What opportunity has being
seen around La Náutica presented you with?” She answers that Artemio joined
an amateur soccer league that some of the patrons take part in after work.
For now, you can skip Relationships and Last Time On. You need to know
who the people around the table are before you choose these.
Once everyone finishes filling out most of their playbook (remember, you
haven’t chosen your Relationships or Last Time On yet), then it’s time for
character introductions.
One at a time, each player takes a few minutes to share their name, their
look, the answer to their backstory questions, and anything else important
that the other characters might know about them. They can just read off
the information from the look section, but they should feel free to expand
as well. During this time, the other players and especially the MC can and
should ask them questions to better understand their character.
Once you have introduced each of the characters at the table, it’s time to fill
out each character’s relationships with the others. Each playbook has two
relationships on it, sentences with blanks in them. One at a time, each player
reads one sentence from their playbook, and fills in the name of a fellow
PC. If no PC fits, you can use an NPC, but try to tie a relationship to a PC as
much as possible! This sets an initial relationship between those characters.
It’s completely okay and encouraged to discuss those relationships as you
go! Feel free to add steamy details and build out a little, but don’t pre-write
the story by defining every last thing that’s ever happened!
Each player has final say over whose name they put into each blank, but
it’s okay to turn to the table for suggestions or ideas. This is a time that
adds a lot of drama to the beginning of the story, but remember that these
relationships don’t need to hold true for your entire game! Go with your
gut and make complicated triangles and setups. If players pair off in stable
couples, that’s unlikely to make the messy triangles of telenovelas!
Also keep in mind that the more connected the characters are to each
Last Time On
The last thing to check off in character creation is your Last Time On.
This series of prompts gives you an idea of what happened in the episode
previous to the one you’re playing through at the start of the game—
referring to events that you haven’t actually played through at the table, but
that are nonetheless true in the fiction! Remember, when you start Pasión
de las Pasiones, you are jumping in the middle of an ongoing show, so
you always want as many instigating events as you can have! This adds an
extra wrinkle, possibility, and hook to the story. This will also be a step
completed at the beginning of each session, but how you start out can help
give a clear image of what your character has been doing prior to this game!
For this step, simply cross out the Last Time On you select and describe a
quick scene to the table about what exactly happened. Feel free to include
other characters, but if someone gives you push-back about being involved,
pause to discuss before moving forward. Try to make sure that you decide
things that make the world more complicated, not more simple or boring!
When you cross off the final Last Time On for your sheet, you have entered
the finale of the series. For more on finales, check out page 168.
It’s like Artemio’s story writes itself at this point. Vanesa checks with La
Empleada’s player first, but chooses “You fell into the arms of a lover of a lower
station.” With a bit of expanding, we know that Artemio and La Empleada
hooked up at the restaurant after hours, that they haven’t talked about it, and
that things are VERY awkward. Absolutely perfect to start things off!
Your Question
-Are you the center of attention?
ͪ _________ has been a source of entertainment and flirtation, kept at arm’s length.
ͪ _________ is the person you go to when you’re truly ready to cut loose.
■ Lustful (+1 to Express Your Love & -2 to Process Your Feelings)
■ Raging (+1 to Strike Out & -2 to Spot Something)
■ Underhanded (+1 to Manipulate a Superior & -2 to Accuse Someone of Lying)
■ Zealous (+1 to Demand What You Deserve & -2 to Act With Desperation)
They think they can spurn you, treat you like trash? Not anymore. You throw yourself at the object of your
greatest affection. You confess how long you’ve needed them and how desperately. Maybe you show
them how good they could have it. Maybe you destroy something beautiful so they can only see you.
Tomorrow they’ll see you through eyes that know your fragility...but tonight you’ll be without walls.
■Big Entrance
When you enter a room ready to make a scene, roll +1 for each person
in the room with whom you’ve been intimate (max+4). On a hit, anyone
you’ve been intimate with is surprised, frightened, or confused. On a 10+,
you’ve seized control of the room; take +1 ongoing as long as you keep
attention on yourself and don’t let anyone stand in your way. On a miss,
they don’t give you the reaction you wanted; mark a condition and blurt
out a secret or pour out your emotions for all to see, your choice...
On a hit, they take -2 on their roll. On a 10+, they also reveal their true
feelings to you. On a miss, they can improve their roll to a 10+ or make you
mark a condition, their choice.
■Ice Queen
When you reject someone immediately after expressing your love
passionately, clear a condition or inflict a condition on them.
■Up, Boy
When you express your love passionately or demand what you deserve
by riling someone up while remaining aloof, add the question “Are you
physically touching them?” to the list of questions for the move.
Your Moves
Once you’ve broken a heart or two, Big Entrance helps to make sure
that they understand your presence is one to note. “As long as you
keep attention on yourself” doesn’t mean hogging the out-of-character
spotlight, but it does mean making sure that you don’t let someone speak
for you or do things for you. It lets you rock people back on their heels and
it helps make sure the answer to your question remains yes.
Hard to Pin Down keeps you in control of situations, especially public ones.
When you know that someone is in a good position to make you vulnerable,
you can turn things on them and possibly put them in a bad spot. Learning
their true feelings towards you is just a little bonus. You can only interfere
when it matters, however—if someone rolls a 5 or a 12, your -2 won’t matter.
Ice Queen allows you to use other people’s emotions as a weapon. It lets
you receive the adoration, information, or benefits of express your love
passionately followed by an additional effect, all for the small price of
rejecting someone who wants you. It may keep people at arm’s length, but
that only makes your pursuit of your true feelings all the sweeter.
If you want to get closer than arm’s length, take Up, Boy and show some of that
aloofness ahead of time. This lets you add an additional question to aim for
higher bonuses or to help yourself out when other questions don’t apply well.
Your Question:
-Are you handling things straightforwardly and without guile?
ͪ ______ is the person you go to when you’re stuck. They have seen your softer side.
ͪ ______ knew you when you used to get in trouble. They have seen your harder side.
■ Condemning (+1 to Accuse Someone of Lying to & -2 to Manipulate a Superior)
■ Cornered (+1 to Act Desperately & -2 to Demand What You Deserve)
■ Engrossed (+1 to Spot Something & -2 to Express Your Love)
■ Vicious (+1 to Strike Out & -2 to Process Your Feelings)
There’s a line between justice and vengeance. Sometimes. That’s done now. You go directly to the
object of your enmity and bring them that justice. You throw their sins in their face and mete out
punishment. Maybe you lock them up in a jail or a cellar. Maybe you finish things once and for all.
Tomorrow they’ll know you’ve always been a brute...but tonight they’ll face you and know truth.
■Grand Gesture
When you express your love passionately add the question “Are you
making this absurdly elaborate and excessive?” If your target gives themselves
to you or tells you they love you, clear a condition.
■Size Up
When you try to spot something out of place, ask one of these questions,
even on a miss:
ͪ Where is the nearest weapon?
■Take a Stand
When you step in to defend someone, roll with the questions:
ͪ Are you trying to impress them?
On a 7–9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 3. While you stand in their defense, spend
hold one-for-one to:
ͪ Protect them from an attack; take the hit instead of them.
On a miss, you show your hand too soon; you’re at their mercy, and the
aggressor can inflict a condition on you or the target.
Your Moves
For Your Protection makes sure that the people you care about can be safe.
You can keep that hold for as long as you are ready to protect them, so don’t
hesitate to make the offer. Your arrival in the scene can be sneaky, stepping
out of shadows, or loud and grandiose, smashing through a window.
With a Grand Gesture, you can show that your protection is more than
just duty, making things elaborate and beautiful. You know you need to
work harder, so you don’t show up with one flower, you bring a bouquet.
Maybe you should spend your dwindling paycheck on a band! If they give
themselves to you, immediately clear a condition. All that work paid off.
Size Up helps you be prepared going into a volatile situation. Even if you
miss, you gain insight. It also gives you a clear path to follow: grab the
weapon, find them, or block their path and enjoy the +1 from your question.
Take a Stand gives you more options to control a fight. As soon as you step
in, be sure to roll Take a Stand so you know how much hold you have! If
you take a hit for someone, you receive any consequences of that strike, but
you’ve kept them safe for now. If you keep someone from leaving a room,
they need to knock you out, talk you down, or otherwise deal with you
before they get past. This move is primarily about violent confrontation,
but as long as you’re protecting someone specific, feel free to use it for a
shouting match at dinner as well.
Your Question
-Are you keeping your hands clean?
ͪ ______ is someone you’ve sparred with for a very long time.
ͪ ______ is like a broken little bird you take care of.
ͪ You showed your deep, hidden feelings to someone you shouldn’t have
■ Cautious (+1 to Spot Something & -2 to Act With Desperation)
■ Chiding (+1 to Accuse Someone of Lying & -2 to Strike Out)
■ Righteous (+1 to Demand What You Deserve & -2 to Manipulate a Superior)
■ Ruminative (+1 to Process Your Feelings & -2 to Express Your Love)
The ungrateful whelps take and take. It’s time to cut off the worms leeching off of you. You put
them in line and show them how grateful they should be. Maybe you throw them out onto the
street and let them work for a change. Maybe you make public changes to your estate and show
where your favor lies. Tomorrow you’ll find yourself alone...but tonight you’ll show them what it is
to live without your protection and generosity.
52 u Pasión de las Pasiones
Your Network
Choose two Schemes on which your network has been working. Tell everyone the Schemes you’ve
chosen. You may not have more than two Schemes at a time, but you may halt one and begin a
new one at the beginning of any session.
■ Bring Them Together: Choose two characters. You convinced society that they belong and
are together. When they are intimate with others, you learn of it.
■ Keep Them Apart: Choose two characters. Through your machinations, you are keeping them
apart. When they make plans to meet, you learn of them.
■ Opportunity: Choose someone who has, in your opinion, wronged you. Your network will let
you know immediately when they are alone.
■ Protection: Choose a character or thing your network protects. They keep them safe from
death and serious harm as long as they are under your protection.
■ Seize Property: Choose a known property or valuable object. You have someone keeping an
eye on it full time. When it changes hands, you know.
■Tell Me Everything
When you offer to take the burden of someone’s guilt, ask them if they accept
or reject your advice. If they accept your advice and follow it, they clear a
condition. If they reject your advice or fail to follow it, they mark a condition.
Your Moves
Your Network and your Schemes are like moves that happen in the
background; they represent your network of spies and friends who keep
you well-informed. Use them to control information, build alliances, and
keep a close eye on people who matter to you or you wish to harm.
You Did What? gives you a second playbook question that you can use with
any move that rolls with questions. So when your hands aren’t clean (but you
are taking advantage of someone’s shame), you can still get +1. When you
make your move, choose which playbo0k question you use; this gives you
advantage on a broad range of actions instead of a +2 from both questions.
Tell Me Everything lets you offer solace to someone who is hurting,
offering to help them figure out what to do to absolve themselves. Given
you likely already know their sins from your Schemes, you’re in a good
position to swoop in and provide guidance. Of course, if they don’t do as
you say, they’ll end up even more distraught than they started.
Into the Lion’s Den is useful for playing to your strengths. You aren’t
set up well for violent encounters; this move makes sure things don’t
escalate when you need to strike a deal. When you use this move, make
sure the other player knows the rules and consequences. You are also
bound to them. Breaking the rules puts you (or them) in an enormously
disadvantaged situation—not being able to add +1 from questions means
you roll either flat or based on condition modifiers exclusively.
Your Question:
-Are you in over your head?
ͪ _____ looms large in your life as your employer.
ͪ _____ was the first person who was nice to you despite your humble beginnings.
ͪ You told a dear friend a secret that should have stayed undisclosed
■ Cagey (+1 to Manipulate a Superior & -2 to Demand What You Deserve)
■ Hopeless (+1 to Spot Something & -2 to Accuse Someone of Lying)
■ Introspective (+1 to Process Your Feelings & -2 to Strike Out)
■ Lovelorn (+1 to Express Your Love & -2 to Act With Desperation)
All of this deception and plotting is simply too much for your pure heart. You seek solace in the arms
of the closest sympathetic person. You spill your guts to them about all your feelings. Maybe you fall
into the arms of an old love. Maybe you go back to someone who’s burned you before. Tomorrow
you’ll have to face the consequences...but tonight you’ll take comfort where you can find it.
When you tell someone of your wrongdoings, roll with the questions:
ͪ Do you view the other as pure of heart?
On a hit, you feel your soul lightened and clear a condition. On a 7–9, you
give them enough detail that they can later prove your wrongdoings or
they can immediately clear a condition themselves, their choice. On a miss,
the worst person possible overhears you.
On a 7–9, you get away, but someone saw you—you pick who it was. On
a 10+, you got away without being spotted or you ask the conspirators a
follow-up question, your choice. On a miss, you stumble, knock something
over, or otherwise reveal yourself. You’re in the thick of it.
Playing La Empleada
The naive hard-working innocent. Heartfelt, downtrodden, and loving.
Searching for a better life in all things, love especially.
La Empleada is forever surrounded by finery, but unable to truly taste it.
They must work while the privileged elite play with people’s lives all around
them. But their heart isn’t set on an easier’s set on love. Constantly
pulled between their two Suitors and their obligations, La Empleada is
frequently a protagonist that everyone can root for.
As La Empleada, you are at the bottom of the social ladder for PCs and
probably near to it for NPCs as well. Expect NPCs to boss you around when
they need to get things done for other players, to tie you into the problems
happening behind the scenes. In turn, that means you can nearly always
trigger manipulate a superior on anyone—being at the bottom of the
social ladder gives you a clear path to manipulate your “betters”!
But even under such pressure, you can always find comfort in the arms of
your Suitors. Remember that it’s best if your Suitors are PCs—that way,
they’re other main characters of the telenovela—but your Suitors can
always be NPCs if that makes the most sense for your game.
While you may not have the power that money or control brings, you
certainly aren’t working with nothing. You have the ears and heart of at
least one person with resources likely to help you—your current Love is
likely to do things for you, and if they do not, your other Suitor certainly
can. Use these two against each other to further your own aims and to
decide whom you end up with in the end (and whether it’s even either of
them). You also likely have the hearts of the audience; La Empleada is so
often in over their head that you may find yourself able to take advantage
of processing through your feelings out loud.
Your Question:
-Are you taking advantage of your twin’s reputation?
ͪ _____ is your twin and has something you want more than anything else in the world.
ͪ _____ met you before they met your twin and can usually tell it’s you.
■ Brooding (+1 to Process Your Feelings Out Loud & -2 to Spot Something)
■ Cornered (+1 to Act With Desperation & -2 to Demand What You Deserve)
■ Driven (+1 to Accuse Someone of Lying & -2 to Express Your Love)
■ Guarded (+1 to Manipulate a Superior & -2 to Strike Out)
For too long you’ve measured success by your twin. No more. You claim the thing that they most
treasure. Maybe you enjoy the riches, power, or delights you stole. Maybe you light it up and
watch it burn. Tomorrow you’ll surely have to face your twin...but tonight you’ll show them you
can take their life if you truly want it.
Chapter 4 The Characters u 59
■Story Spinner
When you coyly attempt to learn about someone while you are pretending
to be your twin, roll with the questions:
ͪ Do they love your twin?
On a miss, you show your hand; they realize you aren’t who you claim to be.
■That Wasn’t Me
When someone sets a scene with you or your twin, mark a condition to
switch which one of you is really there.
■Twin Tied
When pretending to be your twin, you may mark a condition to use one of
their moves as if it was yours.
Your Moves
Story Spinner is used to gain information about people and their
relationship with your twin. The questions provide you opportunities to
either connect with them, make them believe they owe you something,
or just make life harder for your twin. It may be an opportunity for you to
learn things that you can put into effect immediately or just to keep in your
back pocket. This works well with Almost the Same to take advantage of
the people who care about your twin.
That Wasn’t Me plays with the narrative on a deeper level. When someone
is first introducing that you or your twin are in a scene, you may mark a
condition to immediately swap who is there. The people involved in the
scene do not need to know you swapped, indeed they probably shouldn’t.
If there is a question about what they know, you and the MC should
decide together.
Twin Tied is a move that represents the things you share with your twin;
you can use their moves because you share so much in common. Note that
you have to mark a condition to do so; your deceptions come at a cost. Also
note that this move doesn’t work with an NPC twin—if your twin is an
NPC, you should avoid this move.
Your Question:
-Are you taking control of this situation?
ͪ _______ has been a thorn in your side and a constant irritation.
ͪ _______ is an object of beauty you have sworn to possess.
ͪ You revealed that you know a secret truth hidden from someone
■ Lustful (+1 to Express Your Love & -2 to Process Your Feelings)
■ Raging (+1 to Strike Out & -2 to Spot Something)
■ Reactive (+1 to Act With Desperation & -2 to Accuse Someone of Lying)
■ Righteous (+1 to Demand What You Deserve & -2 to Manipulate a Superior)
They think they can manipulate you, displace you. They don’t understand—you own them! You directly
confront the worst offender and hurt them. You show them that you don’t need money or backup.
Maybe you destroy things they love. Maybe you cut some throats. Tomorrow you’ll have to wash your
hands and play nice...but tonight the blood on your knuckles will match the rage in your heart.
On a hit, they show up to rough up your target. On a 7–9, your target chooses one. On a 10+, your
target chooses two.
ͪ The crew makes a clear demand; your target gives your crew what you’re looking for.
ͪ The crew intimidates your target; your target gives up something else of value to appease them.
■Bitter Rage
While you have Raging marked, take an extra +1 to the bonus to strike
out. When you have Raging marked and roll a 10+ on strike out while
physically attacking someone, you may choose to immediately knock
them out.
■Dangerous Passion
When you angrily express your love, you may mark a condition to move a
miss to a 7–9 or a 7–9 to a 10+.
■Plata o Plomo
When you demand what you deserve and you have the physical upper
hand, they mark an additional condition if they refuse and escalate.
Your Moves
Your Thugs are your muscle. They let you get things done quickly and
efficiently, especially from NPCs. Be careful about using them for everything
though or they may get resentful about handling everything for you. It’s
important for people to recognize where the power truly comes from.
Plata o Plomo helps to ensure that people do what you say. With it, the
consequences for not following through with your immediate demands is
made radically worse. Your disapproval becomes a hammer when people
don’t obey.
Dangerous Passion allows you to change some of the tenderness of
expressing your love passionately to an angry declaration. After the roll,
you may choose to mark a condition to bump a 6- up to a 7–9, or a 7–9 up
to a 10+. The additional condition’s modifiers do not affect your roll; the
result of “7–9” or “10+” is the final result. Similarly, a move like Hard to Pin
Down cannot change this result; Hard to Pin Down might reduce your
result to a 6-, prompting you to use Dangerous Passion to boost it back to
a 7-9. But once you have used Dangerous Passion, Hard to Pin Down and
similar moves cannot change the result.
When all else fails, Bitter Rage gives you an additional +1 to strike out
when you are Raging. And don’t forget that rolling a 10+ while Raging
means you can knock someone out completely!
To Do It, Do It
If there is one thing you take away from reading this book,
remember that when you want to use a move, to do it, you do it.
Each move has two sides that work together: the mechanical
side and the fictional side. The mechanical side is the part where
you mark things on your sheet or roll dice, figuring out whether
your outcome is a full hit, partial hit, or miss, and then finding
out what happens next based on the move. The fictional side
is your character throwing wine in someone’s face or jumping
from a balcony into the sea or holding their lover’s hands as
you both cry out. But these two halves are sides of the same
coin! If you want to roll dice and mark conditions you need to
take action in the fiction, and if you take action in the fiction, it
engages the mechanics! To do it, you do it!
On a hit, you avoid the situation you wanted to avoid. On a 10+, you also
manage to hold everything together and avoid further complication. On a
7–9, mark a condition or the MC will give you an unforeseen consequence
or added complication.
Act with desperation is the move you make when things have gotten out
of control, the pressure is on, and you need to just act to avoid something
horrible or achieve a difficult goal. It’s only for situations with real pressure
and risk, so unless that threat is present, don’t make the roll. Someone or
something else must have already put the pressure on you!
When you trigger act with desperation, first get everyone clear on the
situation you’re trying to avoid. If you jump into the ocean to avoid El Jefe’s
thugs shooting you, you might say, “I don’t want to get shot.” If you hang
off of the balcony of your lover to avoid their wife catching you, maybe you
say, “I don’t want them to notice me.” Either way, say the bad thing you
don’t want. There are other moves for getting what you do want.
Lying is such a common part of telenovelas that the game frankly wouldn’t
work if you had to roll every single time you lie. If you just want to roll dice
all day, play Perudo! Instead, we’re interested in the moment that somebody
directly accuses someone of lying, that moment where voices are raised,
accusations fly, and we learn the truth.
Don’t use this every time someone lies and you suspect they’re lying; to
hit the trigger you have to accuse them in a dramatic way. When you are
face to face with Alfonso ripping apart the lies that he always spews, that’s
accusing someone of lying! When you tell Ignacio that Alfonso’s a liar,
that’s not.
The question “Do you have an audience?” refers to an audience within
the fiction of the TV show, not the audience of the TV show. If you
corner someone in an empty hallway, you have no audience. If there’s a
disinterested person or two, that’s no audience. If you’re at a dinner party,
then you definitely have an audience for your accusations. If you make a
scene in a public place, that’s definitely a yes too.
The question “Do you have evidence?” is looking for something firm enough
that isn’t just a belief. You don’t necessarily have to have the physical
evidence there with you, but you should be able to produce it and you
definitely need to be able to threaten them with it. Make sure you get the
evidence before you make your roll if you want to get that bonus. This isn’t
for retroactively establishing evidence!
It may be tempting to immediately shoot back at someone who has
accused you of lying by saying that they are lying about you lying. Just
from this sentence, it should be clear how that could be confusing! In
general, players can’t just accuse back and forth at each other. If a player
wishes to air some different dirty laundry, that’s fine, but don’t just go back
and forth and relitigate the same fact!
Marcela and Octavio are throwing a rehearsal dinner before their wedding, the
event of a century that will put Marcela’s family trust in her control and cement
Octavio as the most powerful person in the city. Madrid, La Doña, sits at their
table as the clean-shaven, perfectly dressed Octavio speaks glowingly of his love
for Marcela and how tragic it was that Marcela’s old lover fell into the sea and
drowned. At this, Madrid puts down their wine glass and snaps at him, “This is
below you, Octavio. Disgusting enough that you’d fool our dear Marcela, but
I’m not going to let you insult her to her face. Why don’t you tell her what you
did to her love, Gabriel?” They certainly have an audience as they accuse him
of lying, but Madrid definitely doesn’t have evidence of this (all the audience
has seen is a man with a thick beard pushing Gabriel into the waves). Their
playbook question, “Are you keeping your hands clean?” seems like a definite
no—Madrid is doing this directly, themself! Madrid’s player rolls with a +1
total and gets a 12! They choose to be right despite what the audience has seen
and that Octavio must admit their falsehood or mark a condition. The table
discusses for a minute, then Madrid describes a flashback showing the bearded
man pushing Gabriel into the sea, then turning and pulling down the fake facial
hair to reveal Octavio. Back in the present, Octavio looks at his conditions—
he’s only got one left to mark—and decides to fess up, smashing his dishes off
the table and shouting, “Yes, I threw him to the wake after he betrayed me!
What of it? From that moment of weakness, Marcela and I found love.”
On a hit, the target of your demand chooses one (if targeting an NPC, the
MC chooses). On a 10+, remove one of their options and they choose one
from the remaining:
ͪ They concede to you; they can clear a condition.
With the night ruined and his reputation in tatters, Octavio (El Jefe) stalks
through the dark halls of his estate with an old, crumpled piece of paper in his
hand. He turns the corner to find Madrid sipping their evening tea and watching
the news that shows Octavio’s downfall. “Turn it off,” snaps Octavio. “You will
tell me where the diamonds were buried, now.” He approaches the fireplace
holding up the paper. “Or you’ll never know which of the boys is your son
and which is the imposter.” He holds the paper above the licking flames. He’s
definitely offering something of value to Madrid, who has spent all series trying
to figure out who their true heir is...but it’s been a long, long time since Madrid
loved him. His playbook question, “Are you taking control of this situation?”
seems a bit tough—he’s both acting out and making demands, seemingly taking
control, but he’s off-balance and needs Madrid as much as they need him. The
MC and players agree that the answer to El Jefe’s question is no. With only a +1,
he gets lucky and scratches by with a 10. Octavio’s player decides that Madrid
cannot run from him, he’s standing in front of the door to block that. Madrid’s
player decides to relent, clearing a condition, and saying, “There’s a grave with
your name on it just outside of town. The diamonds are there. Go on then.”
On a hit, your target gives themself to you or reveals a secret they probably
shouldn’t. On a 10+, they also tell you whether they love you or not, and
who else they love.
Express your love passionately is a move for showing another person how
much you love or want them. It’s not a move to just be a little flirty or cast
shy glances. If someone witnesses you expressing your love passionately,
they unequivocally understand what just happened. It’s direct and
emotional and big. You’re not subtly attempting to turn someone on; you
put your emotions out on the line here in an open display of your passions.
The question “Are you dressed to impress?” is asking whether you are dressed
in a way that plays into what makes you attractive. If you’re in fancy, well-
fitting clothing, that’s almost certainly a yes, but people can be dressed to
impress without preparing for a black-tie affair. If your character pulls it
off, you may even be dressed to impress in less-than-ideal circumstances;
perhaps your leather jacket and undershirt were ripped in a fight and you
were hurled into the ocean before finding your love. That still counts, the
torn undershirt clinging to your body as you shake water from your hair
before turning your steamy eyes to meet your lover’s gaze and....just be
honest about what feels right and be sure to describe your look!
“Do they believe that you are single?” is less about you being actually single than
the other person believing you are available to them romantically—”single”
here is a stand-in for that idea of availability. If you’ve not been socially
seeing somebody, then the answer to this is probably yes. If the person you’re
expressing your love to is the only person you’ve been socially seeing, the
answer is also probably yes—you’re available to them romantically. If they
just caught you flirting with someone else, aim towards no.
When making this move, the target of the move makes the decisions.
You’ve expressed your love and now they’re under pressure to do the same.
After dragging Dolores’s unconscious body from the wreckage of the burning
yacht, Marcela (La Belleza) brings her back to consciousness. Their eyes
meet and Marcela, still dressed in her beautiful (and only partially ruined)
ballgown clutches Dolores’s hands. Marcela’s player says, “I thought I lost
you, I thought—” pausing for an intense intake of breath. “It’s you, it’s always
been you, I thought I lost you and my entire world was gone, Dolores my love.”
Everybody knows that Marcela was publicly dumped at the yacht party (do they
believe you are single?) and there’s no question that a couple tears and a bit
of ash doesn’t invalidate the beauty of her dress (are you dressed to impress?).
With a burning ship in the background, she’s hardly the center of attention (La
Belleza’s playbook question: Are you the center of attention?), but the +2 from
the first two questions is enough to bring her to an 11 on her roll. Dolores’s
player chooses that Dolores gives herself to Marcela, kissing her passionately
as the roaring blaze from the yacht lights them, pausing for just a moment to
admit her love for Marcela. As the scene fades out, Dolores’s player describes a
moment of hesitation on her face, hesitation that means Marcela knows that
Dolores also still loves Octavio.
On a hit, they give into your wiles and agree to do it. On a 7–9, they need a
bit more convincing. You choose:
ͪ Humble or abase yourself; mark a condition.
Gabriel, a demure but charming waiter (La Empleada), is in hysterics with his
abuelo in the hospital when he gets a notice from his employer that he’s being
fired. Knowing this is Marcela’s doing, he rushes to confront her, “Why? You
know I need the money? Please.” Unimpressed, Marcela reaches for the button
under her desk to summon security. Gabriel steps it up fully manipulating a
superior: “Ms. Marcela, please, I’m begging you, I need this job. This job is my
life and there’s people depending on me, my abuelo, you remember meeting him?
He needs me, please.” Marcela’s player admits that Marcela is in a good mood—
her wedding is tomorrow after all—but both players agree that her wellbeing
doesn’t depend upon Gabriel’s. La Empleada’s question, “Are you in over your
head?”, seems to be a yes to the players and MC—after all, Gabriel is on the
brink of losing everything! The roll comes up a 7 total. Gabriel already has all
four conditions marked, so he chooses to give her something she wants. “I know
where Octavio keeps his most important files. If I steal them for you, will you
please give me my job back?” Satisfied that her scheme worked so well, Marcela
agrees to give Gabriel the job back now that he’s under her thumb…
ͪ The audience tells you how you might find love with a partner of their
ͪ The audience tells you how to get ______ to _______.
On a 10+, set the scene where you follow that information immediately.
When emotions are turbulent waters that toss you from place to place,
you may be simply in need of something to hold onto. When that happens,
you may turn to a rain-streaked window or stare out at the ocean or watch
the headlights flashing down the street. What matters is that you have a
moment to think through, process your feelings...and then tell everyone at
the table what those feelings are! In a telenovela, we might see a deepening
frown followed by a look of elation at possibility! Here you can tell us what
each crease meant, what every moment looking to the distance contained.
When you take a moment to process your feelings, first speak through
what your character feels and thinks, what kinds of troubles or decisions
they are mulling over. Then ask the members of the audience—the players
sitting around the table—if they are rooting for you. If as an audience
member they want you to succeed, they should vote yes! If they don’t think
you deserve an answer to help find happiness, they vote no. The audience
members for this move likely include every other player whose character
isn’t somehow actively involved in the scene—this moment of reflection is
about you. For each audience member who says they are rooting for you,
take a +1 on the roll (maximum of +3).
On a hit, ask two questions. On a 7–9, they ask you one question, too.
ͪ How does your character feel about ______?
With all of these people trying to take advantage of you, you need to find
every trick and advantage you can to stay ahead! You can’t manipulate
people if you don’t even know what they want!
When you take the time to spy on someone, you’re trying to spot
something out of place. You don’t use this if you just casually walk by
someone; think more of moments when you peer at them across the bar
running your finger idly along the rim of your glass or observe them from
a secret position where they might not notice you. You can also use this
move if you’re looking through someone’s stuff! A glance in a purse as
they walk by won’t do it, though—this is for rifling through their personal
The question “Have you been intimate with this person recently?” may refer to
romantic intimacy, but it could just as easily refer to emotional intimacy.
If you’ve kissed, cried on their shoulder, or offered some other human
connection more meaningfully intimate than simple friendship, say yes.
“Recently” may depend upon your time scale, but anything longer ago than
a couple of days probably wasn’t recently.
The question “Are you free of other distractions?” refers to specific things that
would distract you in your vicinity. If you are spying on someone while that
chatty security guard babbles on and on in your ear about their kid’s soccer
game, you’re not free of distractions. If you’re on the phone with someone
while you turn over their room, you’re not free of distractions. Feeling
unsure of yourself isn’t enough to distract you unless you really think you
can’t concentrate.
On a hit, your strike lands and you each mark a condition. On a 10+, you
also take something from them or avoid marking a condition.
The moment that Dolores (El Gemelo) learned of Octavio humiliating Gabriel,
she jumped on her motorcycle and went straight to his compound. Dolores’s
player simply narrates knocking out the guards at the door—the table agrees
that we don’t care enough about those goons to roll dice! Dolores kicks the
door of his office in and strides in as Octavio’s still on the phone.
As Octavio scrambles in his desk for his gun, she closes the distance between
them and swings a haymaker for his face. Octavio definitely wasn’t expecting
this sudden attack, so she’s got him off guard and humiliating the love of her
life is certainly wronging her! Octavio points out that he shouted at Gabriel
yesterday, not “just now,” but everyone agrees Dolores gets a total of +2 because
it’s fresh enough to count as “just wronging” because it matters so much to her.
Dolores is also doing this as herself—she’s definitely not taking advantage of her
twin’s reputation. She rolls an 11 total! In addition to both characters marking
a condition, she decides to take something from Octavio, specifically that gun
from his desk.
Flashback Moves
In stories of deceit, trickery, and manipulation, there’s hardly a more
useful technique than flashbacks. After all, the audience is along with the
characters attempting to piece everything together. That’s hard enough on
television where upcoming twists can be lampshaded or foreshadowed, but
that’s harder to do with a table of people who don’t really know what the
others are thinking! That’s why we have flashback moves!
Flashback moves are narratively powerful, because they change the fiction.
Sometimes, the fiction has been established in a hard-won way, battled out
over sessions before. Given that, it’s important that flashback moves aren’t
too powerful on their own. You shouldn’t spend your entire game in the
past, although it’s possible to switch between past and present.
On a hit, choose one. On a 7–9, mark a condition or the MC will tell you
how your plotting is flawed or got you caught up in another problem.
ͪ You have fabricated a piece of evidence; tell us what it is.
ͪ You arranged for somebody to be in the right place at the right time.
On a miss, choose one, but the MC says who was lurking in the
background and what they did to interfere before the flashback ends.
Often we learn in novelas that somebody did work behind the scenes to set
things up so that everything is absolutely perfect. This may be as simple as
stowing a gun under a coffee table or as elaborate as ensuring the police are
just outside the door when your rival starts strangling you. Either way, these
are moments when we want something that we clearly should have prepared
for—but it’s hard to predict when one of these moments will arise!
This move is used to insert a little advantage into a situation, a hook that
you can follow up on. It can’t be used to add in something that doesn’t
fit the setting; the innocent pool boy Raul is probably not going to be
delivering a truck full of rocket launchers with just this move. It also can’t
be used to hide something that you couldn’t conceivably have; if you don’t
have the document that shows that Eliza’s claim to the mansion is a lie, you
can’t hide it. You can forge it though!
The question “Did you have plenty of time to do it?” is asking whether you
had enough opportunity to pull this off. If you were only in the office for 15
seconds, you maybe tossed a knife under the couch, but you certainly didn’t
rig the place to explode. If doing the task would be difficult, but possible,
it’s a no. If you had a lot of extra time, that’s a yes. If it couldn’t possibly be
done in the time you claim, you don’t get to make this roll!
The question “Did you have someone looking out for trouble?” could refer to
a PC conspiring with you or a well-placed NPC. Think of which NPCs you
have control over and whether they would have been accessible and likely
to back you up on it!
Madrid (La Doña) glides into the conference room in which they had arranged
to meet Octavio and his attorneys with quick, flipped footsteps. Madrid and
Octavio have a tense conversation between the two moguls before Octavio
stands and says, “You have no leverage, Madrid. I’m buying you out. Sign
the paper. You’re through.” Madrid’s player asks, “Can I do a flashback? I’m
flashing back to yesterday when I doctored video of Octavio watching his
crew unload illegal weapons into the hotel. It was actually just boxes of wine,
but there’s some writing on the boxes now to make them look like smuggled
guns.” Madrid would have had time to work on it, but they didn’t have anyone
specifically looking out for trouble while they filmed it. They also doctored the
video themself, so their own playbook question—“Are you keeping your hands
clean?”—doesn’t provide any help. Their roll comes up with an 8 total. Madrid
marks Chiding (+1 to Accuse Someone of Lying, -2 to Strike Out) and the
video pops up on the phones of Octavio’s attorneys.
ͪ The shocking truth gives you rightful claim to something they value.
This move is for putting all your cards on the table. It’s an accusation, it’s
a flashback, it’s new information, and above all it’s staggering and huge.
Revealing a shocking truth shouldn’t be overused (though the cost of
the move ensures it won’t always be the first option). It isn’t for accusing
someone of lying or just striking out with words or exposing someone’s
plan. It’s about a big, compelling, shocking moment, a twist that makes
jaws drop on- and off-screen.
“Make your roll and then mark a condition” means that you roll with
the number of conditions you had before you marked. Simply add your
number of marked conditions and roll otherwise as normal, not asking any
questions. When you do mark a condition, gain the effects immediately.
If all of your conditions were previously marked, you immediately go into
meltdown (page 97); weave the result in with your delivery of the news
and prepare for things to get really dramatic.
With a thoughtful frown on his face, Gabriel (La Empleada) listens to Madrid
explaining how after the death of Octavio the hotel will be liquidated to pay
back investors. As he listens and Madrid gloats, Gabriel reaches into his pocket
and announces that he’s going to flash back to reveal a shocking truth. He
describes Octavio, panicked and wide eyed dragging him into a back room,
shoving a paper into his hands and snarling out, “They won’t destroy what I’ve
created. It’s yours, boy. Until I return.” He rolls plus his conditions marked, a +2
with how bad things have been, and gets an 11. Gabriel’s player marks another
condition and chooses two options; the shocking truth gives you rightful claim to
something of value and you have unequivocal evidence this is true. Gabriel brings
out the notarized amendment to Octavio’s will and slides it across the table. “We
won’t be selling. Thank you, Madrid, but you’ve done all you need to do today.”
ͪ Suffer amnesia.
Let’s be honest. Not every character introduced in the first session of your
telenovela will make it to the end of the series without dying, possibly a
couple of times.
One of the core truths of novelas is that characters almost certainly being
dead doesn’t mean that they actually are. Characters come back from wildly
improbable situations none the worse for the wear. When your character
is in a dangerous situation, it’s often a good time to act with desperation.
When things have moved beyond that (or sometimes if they miss on that
roll!), it’s time to face certain death.
As with all moves, you have to do it to do it. Describe the scene of your
slick red convertible careening off the cliff, shattering against rocks,
disappearing beneath dark waves. Give us the last moment of your
character stumbling backwards and toppling out the window after being
stabbed. Revel in the melodrama—it’s not every day you get to have a
telenovela death!
When you (or the audience) select an option from the list, immediately
cross it off on everybody’s sheet. While an amnesia storyline is interesting,
it starts to lose its appeal after the first time! Once one character has used
up an option, it’s used up for everyone else in the story. The only option
that sticks around is winding up actually dead. If this happens, it doesn’t
get crossed out. If every other option has been used, there’s always death
waiting for you.
Rain pelts the dock and tiny boat that Marcela has prepared for her escape
plan. Lightning cracks and the form of Octavio (El Jefe) is shown in the night.
“You thought you could just walk away from this?” he calls out as he stomps
down the pier towards her. “This isn’t over. Not until one of us is in the ground.”
Octavio raises his gun towards her and fires, striking out with violence. The
move misses and Marcela gets an opportunity to act, jumping forward and
getting hold of the gun by acting with desperation. The two wrestle for a
moment and Marcela jams the gun into Octavio’s chest before firing. He falls
back into the icy cold water…
Octavio had only one condition marked going into this. Rolling with a +1 he
gets unlucky and rolls boxcars, a 13 total. Octavio’s fate goes to the audience’s
hands. After a little discussion, the audience chooses that Octavio survives and
returns with amnesia. Octavio’s player agrees and the table moves forward with
Marcela sitting on the pier in the rain...
Later on in the session, Octavio’s player describes a man looking into a mirror,
ocean water dripping from his hair and ruined clothing. He describes Octavio’s
recognizable features and his signature frown coming across his face. “Who are
you…? And why did someone try to kill you?” he mutters to himself.
Gabriel is running down a tight alley trying to get away from Octavio’s thugs
with the car keys he stole to keep Octavio from chasing after Marcela. His
player describes climbing a fence to try to lose them and the MC calls for him
to act with desperation. Gabriel rolls a 5, and the MC tells him that he gets
about halfway up the chain-link fence before Flacco grabs his leg and drags him
back to the ground. “Go ahead and mark a condition,” says the MC. Gabriel
takes a look at his playbook conditions (from La Empleada) and picks Hopeless
(+1 to spot something, -2 to accuse someone of lying) and says “Ah, I guess
I’m totally Hopeless at this point. I don’t even try to fight back!”
But how?
This chapter is all about how to make Pasión de las Pasiones play as
an interesting, engaging telenovela. It might feel scary—especially if
you don’t know telenovelas that well—to take on the responsibility
for running the game, but you’re going to do great!
Be sure to take a look at the previous chapters. You don’t need
to have them memorized or anything like that, but get familiar
with the moves, the playbooks, and the structure of the game!
And just like the players have a set of rules for their side of the
conversation, the MC does as well. Follow these rules and you’ll
do great! Don’t feel like you need to memorize everything word
by word. Instead, plan on coming back here after you run a
session, finding ways to improve your MCing as you play.
To dive into how to run Pasión de las Pasiones, we talk about
agendas, principles, and moves, the elements of an MC’s play
structure. Agendas are broad goals for your table that point you
towards telenovela drama. Principles are best practices, ways to
look at play that ensure the game flows in a manner consistent
with the genre. Moves are specific actions you can take that
propel the story forward! If you focus on these three major ideas,
you’ll be MCing Pasión de las Pasiones like a pro in no time!
Inflict a condition
Sometimes the most important result of a tense moment is the character
getting more stressed out or upset. When that is the case, inflict a
condition—tell the character how things have gone wrong or intensified,
and ask them to mark a condition. Make sure the player tells the group what
condition they marked, what it means, and what it looks like in the fiction! If
El Jefe marks Raging, they should say the bonus and penalty they get from it
as well as describing their hands forming into tight, white knuckled fists.
Generally, the player chooses which condition they mark, but if needed,
the MC can choose one specifically. If you choose the condition, make sure
that the PC has it—each playbook has a different set of four conditions!
“Madrid, you run down the hallway with the stolen package containing
the knife with your fingerprints all over it. The pounding of your feet feels
deafeningly loud but the exit is just ahead. You get to the door and pull, but it’s
locked. Turning around, you find Octavio’s thugs walking slowly after you. Go
ahead and mark a condition and let us know what it is.”
“Gabriel and Marcela, you can still hear the party roaring inside as you’re
hiding out on the balcony, trying to keep Octavio from knowing you’re there.
You see him walk down the drive to his car and step inside. Marcela, as the
engine purrs to life, a soft wind blows across Gabriel’s face, and in the soft
light of the moon, you remember how beautiful he is. Inside the band starts to
play an orchestral version of your song and it drifts gently out to the two of
you. What do you do?”
“Dolores, you have the flowers clutched in your hand as you climb in through
the window to Marcela’s apartment. There’s just a single light on up there,
probably the bedside table. You pull yourself in and find yourself face to face
with Veronica. She’s holding the letter you sent declaring your love to Marcela.
What do you do?”
“Octavio, the lawyer is getting set to read aloud your father Sr. Marín’s will
granting you control of the estate. His estranged wife is seated nearby looking
like the cat that’s caught the mouse. Something’s wrong. The lawyer takes out
the first paper, a birth certificate with your name on it and another, older, more
weathered one with a second name. Your stepmother says in an almost sing-
song voice, ‘It seems you’re less of a Marín than we thought.’ What do you do?”
“Gabriel, you get into Madrid’s office and plug in the drive. It slowly ticks up, bit
by bit as you stare at the door half hidden in shadows. Just as it gets to 100%,
you pull it out and step into the hall. Madrid comes around the corner, nearly
bumping into you. There’s a quick awkward shuffle and you’re past, but the
camera draws back into their office and shows a tiny red light beeping from a
bookshelf. A hidden security camera!”
“Marcela, you crack the safe and pull out the blackmail that Octavio planned
on using against you. The boat rocks as you make your way up to the deck
clutching the folder under your arm. As you step out into the night, you’re hit
with half a dozen bright beams as a voice calls over a speaker, ‘Hands where we
can see them!’ What do you do?”
“Dolores, you’re standing in the stables and Señor Marín comes out from the
shadows. He’s alone, for the first time you’ve ever seen him without his guards.
‘Listen to me, we’ve not seen eye to eye in the past. But all you’ve done, I respect
it. You want to provide for your family and the hotel’s one way to do it.’ He puts
a suitcase on the ground and it opens revealing stacks and stacks of bills. ‘Here’s
another. Take the money and leave. Your father wouldn’t want you dying to
hold the hotel. He’d want you to be happy.’ What do you do?”
“Madrid, you’re shouting at Gabriel. All around you the party goers are standing
aghast at the viciousness of your attack, with all eyes turned to Gabi. Gabriel,
that all blew right past you. You could burn them with a word, as if you rolled a
10+ to strike out with voice or violence. What do you do?”
“Dolores, you hold Madrid in your arms for a moment and the wind swirls
around you. The music rises and there’s a pause, as you shiver at the feel of
Octavio’s eyes drilling into the two of you. Is that rage? Is that hatred? Is that
jealousy? Whatever it is, it’s gone in a flash and he’s all smiles as he begins to
approach, thumbs hooked into his beltloop, right next to his heavy shining
pistol. What do you do?”
“Octavio, your gang has brought in the thief ransacking your yacht. He’s got a
sack over his head and his clothes are ripped. They toss him to the ground and
pull off the hood, it’s Gabriel, who you shared that beautiful night with not a
week ago. Your gang watches you expectantly as they wait for you to execute
him as you have so many others. What do you do?”
Gabriel, La Empleada, has just finished stealing the will that gives La Rosa back
to its rightful heir. The MC decides to use a playbook move from La Empleada:
“make them the center of attention.” Gabriel has been careful moving through
the dark hotel room, but his elbow brushes a tray of champagne flutes which
fall with an enormous crash. The MC says, ‘Dolores, you’re walking past the
room when you hear the shattering of glass. Gabriel, you see her in the security
camera, the glint of the ring that you returned to her last night shining in the
pale light as she turns to the door.’ What do you do?”
“Dolores, you throw an elbow back and catch one of them in the face, but
seconds later you’re bagged and tossed in a trunk. You feel the car turn on and
hear wheels screeching. You’re in darkness. The trunk smells of air freshener and
luggage, like an older rental car that’s made too many trips to the airport. What
do you do?”
MC Moves:
ͪ Set them up against an impossible standard
ͪ Go over their head with real business
ͪ Bring back a scorned pawn
ͪ Parade their dirty laundry
ͪ Offer them conditional love
MC Moves:
ͪ Put them in a physical altercation
ͪ Bring up visions of their past
ͪ Give them an obviously dangerous lead
ͪ Challenge them where propriety demands decorum
ͪ Show them the consequences of violence
MC Moves:
ͪ Throw a complication into a Scheme
ͪ Threaten someone they love
ͪ Ask them to solve a problem for an NPC
ͪ Reveal their scheming to someone
ͪ Give them a gift with strings attached
MC Moves:
ͪ Turn up the romantic vibes
ͪ Point out their best features or worst faults
ͪ Drop a Suitor in the scene
ͪ Show what love could be
ͪ Make them the center of attention
MC Moves:
ͪ Show their pursuers in the rearview
ͪ Give them a problem only their twin can solve
ͪ Erode their disguise
ͪ Send an agent of their pursuer
ͪ Compare them to their twin unfavorably
MC Moves:
ͪ Put their illegal work under a microscope
ͪ Remind them of the pressures of power
ͪ Paint them as a villain
ͪ Sow discontent among their associates
ͪ Show them something power can’t steal
Finally, playsets are designed to be helpful to MCs, especially new MCs. One
of the difficult tasks of running a game is coming up with prep ahead of
time! Having a playset means that no single player at your table needs to do
pre-planning, working out setting details, writing NPCs, or creating custom
moves. While certainly details, NPCs, and custom moves can come up during
play, at that point you have the whole table to pull from. Additionally, if the
MC (or any other player) wants to spend some time writing a playset for the
game they absolutely can! Having established playsets even gives a structure
to make this “lonely fun” a little easier to approach.
You can still play Pasión de las Pasiones without using a playset, of
course, but you’ll most likely wind up more or less creating a new playset as
you fill in the necessary details for your game to be played. For example, just
in deciding where the game is set, who the characters involved are, and what
the conflicts of the telenovela currently are, you’ve done a lot of the work to
establish a playset! It’s probably worth your time at that point to try to fill out
the rest of the playset—NPCs, custom moves, musical choices, all the other
things that help flesh out your particular telenovela and help all the other
players get on the same page.
If you’re playing a single session of play, we recommend using a playset to
help immediately frame the game and put all the PCs on the same page for
the game. You might not wind up using the full scope of the playset’s details,
but it can still be enormously useful to get you playing quickly, operating for
Pasión de las Pasiones the same way that a one-shot adventure might for
another tabletop roleplaying game.
Choosing a Playset
The first thing to do is choose what playset you’ll be using for your show.
The MC can pick this ahead of time (and definitely should in convention
games or one-shots) but given that you can jump almost immediately from
choosing to playing, you can also select as a group. If you are selecting as
a group, be sure to listen to all players and follow safety protocols (page
32) before you start. While the playsets provided with this book are in
the PG to PG-13 range, the safety and comfort of your table is important
enough to start early.
The MC should have the playset sheet in front of them as well as some
paper for taking notes.
Playset Introductions
Read aloud (or have a player read aloud) the introduction to the playset and
the show. The first explains what is going on in the show and establishes
some broad character hooks; if someone describes what the show is about to
a friend, this is what they’d likely say. The introduction provides information
that the characters in the show know, the pressing dramas on their minds.
While there may be some secrets in there that not every character is aware of,
this paragraph has little meta-fictional data about the show!
The second paragraph is for that meta-layer, how the audience of your
show has interacted with it, how long it’s been running, and a bit of a
jumping off point. The PCs don’t know this information, but the players
should so they can guide the story toward dramatically interesting and
satisfying directions for the audience watching the show at home.
Introduce NPCs
While your players are the primary characters of your telenovela, other
characters can help to advance the action. Generally in a playset, these
additional characters should cover two goals: provide touchstone
characters that make the setting feel meaningful and ensure that necessary
roles the PCs aren’t interested in still get filled. Each playset has four
characters that can be introduced with a quick description of their role,
their name, their pronouns, and a couple lines about their look. They
additionally have a hook and a move (page 132).
These four NPCs aren’t the only NPCs in the setting or playset, obviously.
You can invent and add new NPCs as needed to fill appropriate roles during
play. These four are useful and important, likely to be necessary as you play.
What’s more, they help ground the setting in additional detail, and they
reinforce the themes of the playset.
The Pitch
Assuming you have an idea for your telenovela (and if not, maybe you have
some watching to do!) you can launch into writing. Be sure before you
start, you know:
ͪ The tone
ͪ The setting
ͪ A leading event
With those in mind, you’ll write the introduction to the game. In standard
format, this is two paragraphs that you read aloud or describe to players at
your table. Make sure you make the show feel real and hit the three points
you found earlier! The paragraphs break down as such:
Basic Description
Your basic description is a couple of sentences that provides a general idea
of what your telenovela is about. Try to make it evocative, something that
pulls in potential readers! That’s probably what people will most likely read
when trying to decide what playset to play. Make it inviting and fun, make
it evocative. And if you can end it with something to pull them in a little
more…well, it never hurts. This part should be as dramatic and story rich as
your game!
El Sabor del Amor is going to be a fun, flirty show that has family as an
important aspect of the show and pride as a major theme. The things to hit in
the description of the show should back that up.
The Show
In addition to the setting, you also want to give an idea here of the sort of
audience your show has and their expectations for the show itself. This
provides a lot of guidance into how to handle the story. Giving an idea of
how far you are into the show, for example, can also be helpful. It lets you
know how much space you have for flashbacks! Be sure to include what
has changed recently, because that perfect hook puts you on track to get
the drama you want. Make sure that this hook points to what you want the
show to look like but doesn’t pre-write it!
El Sabor Del Amor is a reboot of a previous telenovela from the early 80s, but
this version has already dramatically changed course by keeping a much lighter
feel than the sometimes crushing original. It’s only been 20 episodes, but with
the introduction of the love-to-hate-them villain from the original show, the
charming real estate developer here to purchase La Náutica from underneath
the family, everyone has an opinion on the restaurant’s future!
Keep your introduction focused and brief, and remember that people will
read it out loud! Don’t bury the lede. Make the show seem like it needs to
be played!
From there, you need to tie your players into the setting. You do this by
introducing a bunch of drama and asking players how they are tied into
it! These questions tie the characters to each other and the conflicts of
the playset. You want to be sure that there’s always something interesting
to pursue in the show above and beyond the relationships between the
characters! Even if the conflict your playset creates ends up resolved part
way through your series, it ripples in the relationships.
First, write the role questions. Think of these as questions oriented toward
PCs who fill particular roles in your show. You might be playing with a
smaller set of playbooks than the full six in this core book, and you might
be playing with playbooks from Tormentas del Corazón. Role questions
are thus not keyed to particular playbooks, but instead to the idea of a
niche in your show. Role questions should always be aimed at the following
six open roles—any PC from any playbook might fulfill any role in a given
We want to tie characters into both the setting of La Náutica and into the
drama sure to emerge. Since the central conflict is the potential sale of the
restaurant, we want to address that with the questions.
For the Most Manipulative role, we ask “How did you know the investor before
this run in?” Perfect. The Most Manipulative character needs social connections
to play on, and this question creates a valuable one to an important aspect of
the playset.
For the Most Powerful role, we start out with “Why are you selling La Náutica?”
but that doesn’t quite work; if the Most Powerful role isn’t used, or someone
else is meant to be the owner, then it wouldn’t quite work. Instead let’s try out
“What sketchy business is the investor hoping to use La Náutica for?” The Most
Powerful character then has a say on what the investor’s goals are, and likely is
invested themself in either stopping that sketchy business…or profiting from it.
From there, write your previous episode questions. These are asked of
the table as a whole to flesh out the world of the show and learn a little
more on the meta-layer. Previous episode questions are firmly grounded
This is all set in the past of the show, and we established in the introduction
that the investor has just showed up on the scene. So we want to make sure
that these aren’t about the investor but about other things that have happened
since the beginning of the show.
• Tell us about the time La Náutica almost burned down.
• Tell us about the recipe that’s gotten wildly popular among viewers.
• Tell us about the argument in the kitchen that led to someone grabbing a knife.
• Tell us about a big event La Náutica recently threw to make money.
Finally, create your big picture questions. These exist to make sure players
are all on the same page with relevant details. They are yes or no questions
or quick answers that everybody provides their own response for. Their
function is to highlight PCs who may have similar or opposed goals so that
they can jump straight to maneuvering.
Ask questions that highlight shared interests (who relies on the casino for
their livelihood?) and that highlight differences (who has been cooperating
with the police?). If a question takes more than a quick phrase to answer, it’s
too open ended. There is time to expand in play so try to pull it a little tighter!
A good amount of the drama is already kind of set up, so here we try to
establish how the people involved connect to the plotline.
• What do you do at La Náutica?
That helps us out in making sure we understand how characters interact with
each other and the setting of La Náutica. We know how they interact with the
major problem of the show (the investor). They’ll set up how they interact with
each other from relationships…What’s left to ask? Probably plenty of specific at
the table things, but for now let’s make it something fun and light.
• What is the one signature dish that nobody can make better than you?
At this point, look back at your questions and make sure they still point at
the show you intended to play! See if the introduction needs tweaking or if
you’re still good to go.
One of the things that will give your game the telenovela feel is to have a
selection of locations that are signature to your show. By having a set of
signature locations, you can shape where characters tend to be, be ready to
set scenes, and have easy access to bringing characters in. After all, if you
only establish a couple of important locations, we know that the characters
are most interested to go to those places!
In part because your show focuses on only a small handful of locations, you
want each of them to feel different and individual from each other! Be sure
to have (and use) a specific set of visual, audio, and color cues each time
the PCs are in that location. Set these up ahead of time, because otherwise
you’ll probably find yourself declaring that the romantic scene you’ve been
waiting so long for is in a vague hallway. While you can have some color
overlap, try giving each location a different color palette to differentiate it
from the others. Then each time you describe the place, someone from it,
or something in it, you can use the same colors.
Given that most of the play is going to take place at the restaurant, we
definitely want the eatery to be one of the locations. As a matter of fact, we
might want the restaurant to be more than one location. The dining room and
the kitchen are both going to be used so often, we want to define both.
For the kitchen, we want steam, noise, and heat. It has a lot of bright metal, it’s
clean and bright with silverware and appliances that gleam.
For the dining room, we want silk (napkins, tablecloths), and some kind of a
color scheme. That’s probably less important strictly than the reflective silver,
but we want to establish a color. That way in play, the MC doesn’t need to
come up with something. Let’s go with white and red, it feels romantic and
that’s perfect!
Opening Details
Even more specific than the locations (but building off of those!), each
playset contains details to help flesh out the introduction. At the beginning
of play as you introduce your show, you want to provide the flashes of
imagery common in television show intros. These should be quick, single
moments that take a couple of seconds to say and a couple to show; if it
takes you 30 seconds to describe a glove being put on you’ve lost the speed
Begin with a gas stove bursting flame up around the bottom of a pan, flickering
red for a moment as a hiss of steam and the sizzle of searing comes from it.
• A shot of a heavy knife cutting long, thin slices of onion
• A shot of fancy cocktails being prepared with a flourish
• A shot of bright silverware being carefully arranged
• A shot of steam exploding upward as an oven is opened
• A shot of two hands reaching for a knife and pulling away at the last moment
• A shot of a perfectly clean silk napkin wiping up crimson red wine
For El Sabor del Amor, we want to have the investor in the game in some kind
of a way. They may end up being a PC, but in case nobody wants to play them
it’s good to be ready. They are definitely a necessary character!
We grab a name for him, Nacio Ibarra—gonna be a little sleazy, a little
charming, but we try not to give him too much detail because we want to give
the players some space to work with him. Mostly we think about some look
options and try to envision how an MC might portray him in a few different
ways, to make sure that Nacio will make sense across the board.
Playset Moves
Each playset also can, depending upon what you are playing, have one or two
playset moves. These moves function like basic moves; they are available to
everybody during play but are specific to the story you are telling.
Aim for moves that enforce the setting, give a direction for the feeling of
the telenovela, and don’t overlap too strongly with existing basic moves.
Remember that everybody in the game should be able to use them; they are
not just for a single character role in the story. It can be helpful to attach
these moves to a location, but that isn’t necessarily useful unless you want
the location to be more important and impactful to the story.
La Rosa Querida
La Rosa Querida provides a very clear
and simple point of conflict ideal for
introducing people who don’t have very
much telenovela knowledge to Pasión
de las Pasiones. It comes with built-in
direction for the players that doesn’t
require any previous experience with
telenovela tropes; there is a mystery in
what happened to the owner and a prize
to be claimed in controlling the hotel. This
doesn’t mean it isn’t fun for people with
more experience; the halls of La Rosa leave
plenty of opportunity for twisted plotlines.
Basic Description
La Rosa Querida is a posh upper-class hotel nestled in the cliffs above a crystal
clear bay. The hotel is lavish with white marble, beautifully tiled mosaics, and
seafoam green backsplashes. Enormous twisting pools circle the hotel with
numerous bars dotted along the patio. The elite come to La Rosa not simply
to sleep and dine in the finest accommodations, but to rub elbows, make
deals, and further enrich themselves.
It is among this finery that our story unfolds, the fine crystal and
shimmering chandeliers offering myriad reflections of the sins that most
make us feel alive.
The Show
Now 70 episodes into its run, La Rosa Querida has been beloved for
bringing a new passion to an often formulaic setting. It began strong, the
introductions of betrayals and mistrusts hitting near immediately and
leaving watchers gasping. But of late, there was a sudden horrible twist.
The kind owner of La Rosa Querida hotel has been declared missing along
with a sizeable fortune. The hotel must retain its finery and grace, even as
it teeters upon financial ruin.
Santino Pinto
One of La Rosa’s in-house security staff, Santino is used to following
instructions. During this upsetting time, he is looking for some stability.
ͪ Hook: Show Santino emotional vulnerability.
ͪ Move: When you ask Santino to kick someone out of the hotel, he
escorts them out of the hotel.
Efraim Sánchez
Efraim has been staying at La Rosa Querida for long enough that they have
essentially become part of the building. Their shrewd ears are drawn to
gossip and information.
ͪ Hook: Tell Efraim some hot gossip.
ͪ Move: When you ask Efraim who someone was last seen with, they
tell you who it was, layered with hints and innuendos.
Raul Galindo
A daydreaming pool boy who doesn’t know better, Raul is willing to step up
even if he can’t back it up.
ͪ Hook: Show Raul physical intimacy.
ͪ Move: When you flee a scene Raul is in, he blocks people from chasing
you for the time you need to escape.
Role Questions
ͪ Biggest Heartbreaker: The owner’s will mentions you specifically and
offers a considerable amount of the missing money. What stipulation
does the will have before you can inherit?
ͪ Most Roguish: You were brought into the hotel by someone prior to
the disappearance of the owner. Who’s paying for your room and why
did they tell you?
ͪ Most Manipulative: You were the last person to speak with the
previous owner of the hotel. What did you discuss and why does it
draw eyes to you?
ͪ Most Downtrodden: You stumbled upon a dark secret of somebody
associated with the hotel as you went about your work there. What was
it and why have you lost the proof you had?
ͪ Most Powerful: You stepped into control of the hotel in the immediate
aftermath of the owner’s death. What potential scandal or crime did
this partially unveil?
ͪ Most Jealous: Somebody mistook you for another important person at
the hotel on the night the owner disappeared. What mischief were you
up to and what did they quickly hand you?
Bottom Lines
For these questions, ask everyone at the table. More than one person can
volunteer information on these.
ͪ Who has a claim on the hotel?
ͪ Who participates in the day to day business of the hotel?
Aim for songs that feel bright and classy, but with a hint of some danger in
the background. If you’re going for an instrumental, Spanish guitar is a must.
“Lorca” by NovaMenco
Vocal Tracks:
“Suena El Dembow” by Joey Montana and Sebastián Yatra
“Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos)” by CNCO, though the cover by Xandra
Garsem y Juacko is also real good...
On a hit, you get video evidence suggesting who was there and what they
did. On a 7–9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two.
ͪ The sound is good enough to hear what people in the video are saying.
ͪ You discover a secret that you weren’t looking for; the MC tells you what.
Basic Description
The Salazar family has owned La Náutica for generations—a restaurant
that has surpassed the taste and composition of any establishment in the
city. Rising up from a hole in the wall to an elegant must-see, La Náutica
has been through a lot. Every dish is created with recipes handed down and
constantly improved; the kitchen sizzles with the stress that comes from
constantly pursuing—and sometimes achieving— perfection.
Between the steam and the clattering of pots will love taste as perfect
as it looks?
The Show
El Sabor Del Amor is a reboot of a previous telenovela from the early 80s,
but this version has already dramatically changed course by keeping a
much lighter feel than the sometimes crushing original. It’s only been 20
episodes, but with the introduction of the love-to-hate-them villain from
the original show, the charming real estate developer here to purchase La
Náutica from underneath the Salazar family, everyone has an opinion on
the restaurant’s future!
Horacio Cabello
Horacio was La Náutica’s first patron and will probably be its last. He and
his boys have lunch at La Náutica every day.
ͪ Hook: Join Horacio for a meal and honestly answer his probing
personal question.
ͪ Move: When you ask Horacio to move someone or something
covertly from La Náutica, the boys will bring his truck around and
smuggle them out. Unfortunately they will insist upon finishing their
meal or let slip to the kitchen staff the next day (player’s choice).
Cruz Villar
Cruz plays guitar and sings every night at La Náutica hoping for a big break.
She is passionately dedicated to her craft
ͪ Hook: Insult or spurn Nacio in front of Cruz.
ͪ Move: When you ask Cruz to distract someone, she approaches the
table and sings an elaborate ballad to the target. NPCs can’t break the
distraction but are aware that something sly just happened. PCs may
only break out of the awkward situation by marking a condition.
Ale Montaña
Ale is a local grocer who provides La Náutica with a variety of fresh
ingredients. They hang around in the morning before the restaurant opens
and help brighten all manner of dishes.
ͪ Hook: Get Ale to take a break from work.
ͪ Move: When you cook with someone while you have control over Ale,
say the special ingredient they provided and roll with an extra +1.
Role Questions
ͪ Biggest Heartbreaker: What opportunity has being seen around La
Náutica presented you with?
ͪ Most Roguish: Why was getting a job at La Náutica the best chance for
you to get out of trouble?
ͪ Most Manipulative: How did you know the investor before this run in?
ͪ Most Downtrodden: How have you been picking up the slack without
anybody noticing?
ͪ Most Powerful: What sketchy business is the investor hoping to use La
Náutica for? How do you know about it?
ͪ Most Jealous: Whose secret recipe have you been secretly trying to
Bottom Lines
For these questions, ask everyone at the table. More than one person can
volunteer information on these.
ͪ What do you do at La Náutica?
ͪ What is the one signature dish that nobody can make better than you?
Songs with an upbeat summery feel capture the lighter parts of El Sabor Del
Amor, but songs with a more ‘80’s heart-breaker melancholic style suit the
show’s reboot nature!
ͪ “Échame la culpa” by VioDance
Vocal Tracks:
ͪ “Si nos quedara poco tiempo” by Chayanne
ͪ “Imaginándote” by Reykon
When someone eats a dish you made for them, describe what it tastes
like, tell them how you feel about them, and tell them to mark or clear a
condition (your choice).
Next Steps
Once you’ve established safety and content parameters and introduced
the game’s theme, introduce the playset (page 130). Make sure that the
players understand the general setting and content of the show so that
they can fit their characters into it! Also keep open to player changes to the
playset; if there’s a change your players want to make it’s probably worth
doing. Think of playsets as starting places for the conversation.
Once you’ve gotten your playset settled, it’s time to select playbooks.
Introduce the playbooks to your players. Any combination of playbooks
should work well enough, but we don’t want multiples of the same playbook.
The playbooks are pretty tightly defined, so while two Jefes likely have as
many differences as they do similarities, they’ll end up with mechanically
The table has just finished introducing their characters, setting up relationships,
and describing the show introduction. The MC has been paying attention to
the details from all of this and knows that there’s mystery to be had, but more
than anything the players want to play through romance. Of course, we aren’t
jumping straight into a romance scene; it’s more fun to lead into that with some
tension between the romantic hero, Gabriel, and some of the other characters!
At the end of every session, each player should choose and cross off
an advancement on their playbook. Go around the table and ask each
player what they chose so that everyone can angle towards what they are
interested in! Remember that this game is a collaborative one; it works best
when people are on the same page. If players don’t know what they want to
choose, it’s okay to pick things between this session and next.
If the question is about whether people will end up together, you probably
have sides of “Will They/Won’t They.” If the question is who someone will
end up with, you probably have sides for all the eligible suitors.
Highlighted Moves: make a moment romantic, reveal a devastating
secret, show the audience an overlooked complication
If the question is about whether one person will gain or lose status/power/
money that doesn’t directly affect other characters, your sides are “Yes” or
“No.” If the question is who will gain power or control, make sides for the
characters pursuing this power the most.
Highlighted Moves: offer them an easy way out for a price, foreshadow
future loss, bring rivals face to face
If the question is whether someone’s rough past will be revealed or if they
will go back to those behaviors, you have sides of “Yes” or “No.” If the
question is who did a crime or sin, throw in sides who believe they have
identified possible suspects.
Highlighted Moves: reveal a devastating secret, put someone in a spot,
offer them an easy way out for a price
If the question is whether people will solve problems lovingly, the sides
are “Grow apart” or “Grow closer.” If the question is about who belongs or
doesn’t belong, assign sides to argue for inclusion or exile.
Highlighted Moves: foreshadow future loss, demand they play their part,
reveal a devastating secret
Dolores has become the table favorite and everybody hopes she can finally catch
a break. We know that later today she’s supposed to run away with Marcela to
get married, but there’s a lot of daylight between then and now—Dolores has to
work a full shift at the hotel!
Setting the scene, the MC wants to highlight how much Dolores has had to deal
with, but also give a chance for some joy. Everyone wants to see Dolores’ story
end happy!
MC: We open with Dolores standing in the front of the church with her
mother. The church is empty apart from them, the flowers haven’t arrived yet so
there’s just a couple of candles on the altar. Dolores, you’ve got a shift to work
still before the wedding, but with the light coming through the wide church
windows, can you just tell us what’s going on in your head?
Isabel as Dolores: Oh, Dolores is just glowing. She reaches out and grabs her
mother’s hand and says, “I can’t believe it’s finally today. There’s still so much to
do.” She looks up to the altar and breathes in an unsteady breath.
MC: Awesome, her mother gives a tight, slightly sad smile, “I’ll make sure the
flowers are here on time, you just go home and get ready.” Dolores, your phone
is ringing…It’s Octavio.
From there, move the spotlight as you would in another episode, but
specifically aim to set scenes where you answer the big questions that
players have put forward. Ideally you want to find answers, but you should
try to avoid answering them as the MC.
All of the PCs are gathered at a climactic scene in our game, the birthday
party of Octavio’s home. Octavio is expecting to take the reins of his father’s
company tonight. The setting is absolutely lavish—Marcela has been trying
to worm her way into a position of power while fending off questions from
Dolores, who believes that Marcela’s money has been ill-gotten. Now Marcela
has photographic evidence of Octavio killing a former rival for the company!
Gabriel is in attendance as Octavio’s personal assistant, torn with love between
his employer and the charming Marcela. Dolores continues to adore Gabriel
secretly, from a distance. Madrid has schemed to put Octavio under their
thumb even as he rises, and now is the culmination of their efforts. There’s
been a lot leading up to this night, tensions are high and characters have been
“The hall that’s been rented for this is absolute opulence, pretty much every
character we’ve had so far is here in tuxedos or full gowns. Tables are set up to
keep the stage front and center, but the lights are low enough to make plenty
of dark spaces along the sides for people to sneak away from their tables. Wait
staff move like dancers from table to table refilling tall champagne flutes and
deep wine glasses.”
In setting this scene, I’m working toward several of the principles by making
social status matter by setting a scene where PCs engage at different
social levels and intertwining public and private lives by having Octavio’s
celebration and including everyone who wants to make his life a nightmare. I’m
also making the situation one that gives me flexibility; I’ve established that I
have essentially any NPC I want to throw at them, there’s some candlelight, and
a big audience of onlookers. I’m showing the players that things can be involved
and dramatic by making things dramatic from the start.
“Marcela, there’s a lot of attention being paid to you, though most people at
least try to pretend they aren’t staring,” I say. “Everyone knows Octavio’s getting
the company and a lot of people know you want it. What are you doing?”
“I’m at a table near the side exit. I’m fully decked out, just draped across the
chair watching like I’m ready to pounce. In my purse, I’ve got the blackmail
photos of Octavio. I’m ready, and now I’m just vamping for the camera. Can I
have some friends with me?” asks Chris, Marcela’s player.
When you slip poison into the champagne flute of your rival at the
presentation dinner, roll with the questions:
ͪ Do you have privacy to do the deed?
On a hit, the poison ends up in your rival's glass; they will drink it before the
evening is done. On a 7–9, the draught is too strong; they will fall stricken as
soon as they swallow the liquid. On a miss, the drinks end up switched; you
poison someone you absolutely, never intended to harm.
Among all of the conniving and plotting, there are those who go for more
sinister routes. This may not be something needed in every telenovela and
certainly isn’t something needed in every episode of one! However, as La
Belleza tinkers with glasses and an old recipe their mother taught them,
we might be curious what happens! This custom move aims to handle this
very specific situation so that we can see where it goes without defaulting
to a more generic move when La Belleza acts with desperation to poison
the drinks.
This custom move is set up like any of the question-based moves; it uses
two questions and a PC’s playbook question and gives results as normal.
On a hit, La Belleza is definitely poisoning their rival, a prime opportunity
for a poisoned player to face certain death (or for an NPC to turn up dead)!
If La Belleza rolls a 7–9, things heat up quite a bit because the moment
of poisoning is immediate, bringing attention to the poison and likely
kicking off some direct confrontational events. This result doesn’t specify
that La Belleza is accused, but perhaps events leading up to this might give
someone the idea that they’re to blame.
The miss condition is present in this custom move because we know the
situation is so specific. In a basic move, you don’t want to have a miss
condition simply because it happens often enough that the MC should
have flexibility! If this were a custom move to be used every session,
you might omit the miss condition; the MC relies on their standard MC
moves. As written, the MC (or the audience if the MC wishes to declaim
responsibility) chooses some other poor person to swig the horrific drink...
and the miss condition makes sure both the MC and the player know
what’s at stake!
Move Triggers
As with other moves, the first thing you need is a trigger. With a custom
move, aim to have a trigger that has the specificity that you need for the
situation. It doesn’t need to be generic enough for other tables or even
other sessions, it’s what you specifically need for your game. Given that, it
can even apply to specific characters or situations that won’t come up again
at all! That frees you up to make them interesting and specific!
You don’t want a trigger that goes off all the time nor on things that aren’t
exciting. You definitely don’t want a trigger that interferes with the basic
moves of the game! Think back to the poisoning example: its trigger is
interesting, uncertain, and specific! A bad way to handle the same situation
is to have a custom move with a trigger of “When you hide something…”
That happens all the time!
When you drive along the western cliffs to escape Don Álvaro’s guards…
When you enter La Tinturera’s hideout with hidden weapons…
When you send a secret love letter through the hotel’s staff...
All of these are actions with uncertain resolutions, are interesting questions
that we’d like to see answered, and are specific to the game. They each begin
to tell a story about your world and what’s important in it; the first speaks
of adventure, the second of danger, and the third of illicit romance! They fill
your world and now we know what happens when these come to pass!
Here’s a bad move trigger:
This may look like a good trigger! It’s not that different from the secret love
letters above, so why shouldn’t it apply? Let’s break it down.
ͪ Is it interesting? The trigger should ask for a moment that we are
tied deeply into. While love notes are wonderful and interesting,
this specifically calls out “handing someone” that note. Something
interesting could happen soon, but we’ve moved in on the wrong part
of the scene! Who knows when the recipient actually opens that note?
A move that deals with reading a love note or even delivering it secretly
while trying to remain anonymous is far more interesting.
ͪ Is it uncertain? The trigger should ask for a moment that we don’t
know the outcome of. Looking at this one, there’s no uncertainty.
You’ve handed the love note to someone. Unless they drop it for no
apparent reason, there’s no uncertainty—it’s in their hand. This could
be punched up by making the uncertainty about whether you are
spotted handing it over or whether it reaches its intended target (as in
the above example).
ͪ Is it specific? While very slightly more specific than express your love
passionately, it doesn’t separate itself from the other move well enough
to actually make it a different move. If a character handed someone a
passionate love note, that is expressing their love passionately, just
in a specifically flavored way. We don’t need a move with this trigger
because we already have one that covers it! There has to be something
special about the love note that differentiates it from expressing your
love passionately.
This one is bad for a number of reasons! It’s actually kind of an enormous
ͪ Trigger Implies Result: The trigger of the move is “when you escape in
a fast car” and the result is “you escape.” But what happens if you roll a
miss? You already escaped or you wouldn’t have rolled the move! The
fix here: at minimum, the trigger should be “When you try to escape in
a fast car…”
ͪ Trigger Answers Question: The trigger also calls out that you’re in a
fast car…which makes that second question completely guaranteed
to be a +1. Come up with something more interesting! The fix here:
changing the second question to another interesting idea, like “Are you
being pursued by foes in a fast car?”
ͪ Boring Results: You escape? Like, forever? Sure, there’s nothing wrong
with having moves that finish out scenes, but this one ends things and
the 10+ result isn’t interesting either! It doesn’t even have fictional
backing behind it. The fix here: add additional fiction to escaping to
make it more interesting—”On a hit, you escape but you leave a trail
that others can follow later. On a 10+, you can avoid leaving a trail or
you can clear a condition, your choice.”
Direct Effects
Moves can directly affect the fiction, making changes, causing events,
without touching on any mechanical pieces in between. These effects are in
some ways the most simple; they provide a change to what is happening in
the story without needing to involve any other mechanics immediately.
When you close someone in the wine cellar, they are trapped
inside until they are rescued.
Add Options
Custom moves can add further options to existing moves, expanding how
they’re useful and making them specific to their surroundings.
When you spot something out of place with help from Detective López,
you may add the following questions to the list of options:
ͪ Was there a struggle here?
Inflict a Condition
You can always have custom moves inflict conditions or clear conditions on
PCs. These moves indicate ways that the PCs’ emotions can be affected and
changed, whether they like it or not.
Middle Names
Alma (Alma Celina), Ana (Ana Laura, Ana María), Belén (Lucía Belén), Berenice
(Blanca Berenice), Blanca (Blanca Julia), de los Ángeles (María de los Ángeles),
del Carmen (Sofía del Carmen), Luz/de la Luz (Clara Luz, Perla de la Luz),
Margarita (Rosa Margarita), Mercedes (María Mercedes), Rosa (Ana Rosa)
Carlos (Carlos Alberto), Ignacio (José Ignacio), Isaac (Pedro Isaac), Iván (Jorge
Iván), Jesús (Jesús Alberto), Jorge (Jorge Adrián), José (José Arturo), Juan (Juan
Gabriel), Luis (Luis Enrique)
There are some middle names that can be paired with femenine an masculine
names. Typically, these middle names have their origins in Catholicism, and
therefore are linked to parents’ faith and religious duty to honor God and his saints.
There is a long tradition of naming a child after the saint on whose day that child
was born. And when parents go through difficult pregnancies or the child is born
with some complication, parents pray to God and la Virgen and promise to name
their child after them if they save them. In those cases, you end up with names like
Lourdes Guadalupe, Lourdes after your abuela and Guadalupe after la Virgen.
Concepción, de Jesús (María de Jesús, José de Jesús), Guadalupe (María
Guadalupe, José Guadalupe), José (María José), María (José María), Rosario/del
Rosario (José del Rosario), Sagrario, Trinidad (José Trinidad)
Appendix u 189
Altamirano, Álvarez, Andrade, Balam, Ballesteros, Benítez, Castillo, Castro,
Contreras, de la Cruz, de León, del Toro, Díaz, Espinoza, Flores, García, Gómez,
González, Gutiérrez, Hernández, López, Mamani, Martínez, Mejía, Mora,
Padilla, Pérez, Pech, Quirós, Quispe, Reyes, Rivera, Rodríguez, Rojas, Salazar,
Sánchez, Silva, Torres, Vargas, Zambrano
Adalberto, Antonio, Clemente, Dante, Emiliano, Fausto, Joaquín, León,
Leonardo, Lorenzo, Maximiliano, Nicolás, Porfirio, Santiago, Sebastián
Terms of Endearment
Amor, Amorcito, Amorcín, Ángel, Bebé, Bimbollo, Bombón, Caramelo, Cariño,
Chaparrito/chaparrita, Cielo, Corazón, Dulzura, Gordo, Guapo/guapa, Linda/
lindo, Mi amado/mi amada, Mi amor, Mi cielo, Mi corazón, Mi rey/mi reina, Mi
tesoro, Mi vida, Mamacita/papacito, Muñeco/muñeca, Nene/nena, Osito/osita,
Precioso/preciosa, Sol, Vida mía
Place names
1. Cielito Lindo, cantina 17. Museo de Arte de [city name],
2. El gimnasio, bar museum
3. Santa Fe, tianguis 18. Red, night club
4. Hacienda Buendía, hacienda 19. Teatro San Martín, theater
5. Plaza Loretta, shopping mall 20. Mercado de Abastos San Fermín,
6. Rancho Campo Azul, ranch mercado
7. Monteluz, vineyard 21. Academia Anastasia, dance
8. Santa Rosa de Guadalupe, academy
cathedral 22. El Palomar, restaurant
9. Plaza Santa Rosa, main plaza, in 23. Café Lucía, coffee shop
front of the cathedral 24. Club Ángeles, sports club
10. Zoológico [city name], zoo 25. Club de golf El Cielo, golf course
11. Sierra de Otoño, woods 26. Estadio Francisco Buendía,
12. Alameda Santa María, alameda park concert arena
13. Parque Acuático Aguazul, aquatic 27. Puerto San Lucas, marina
park 28. Casino Diamante, casino
14. Lago Rocío, lake 29. Vivaldi, wine club
15. Hotel Grand Versalles, hotel 30. Lavender Hills, spa and resort
16. El Paso Inn, motel
Everyone is losing their minds trying to find…
1. A twenty year old marriage certificate
2. A jump drive of archived emails
3. A packet of incriminating photos
4. A map on the back of a painting
5. A key that opens this mysterious vault
6. A backup of the deleted security cam
7. The other half of a torn photo
8. A phone that shows who was called that night
9. A duffle bag full of untraceable bills
10. An ID badge to get in the door
11. A ring with a priceless diamond
12. The doctor who did the face transplant
13. A handwritten note giving away a fortune
14. A VHS of home videos with a secret
15. The person who left threatening calls
16. A written promise of clemency from the feds
17. An old recipe that connects two people
18. A stolen car belonging to the deceased
19. An actual treasure map marked with an X
20. A flask that proves it was murder
21. A vial of antivenom
22. A hundred year old bottle of wine
Appendix u 191
Telenovela names
1. Alma mía (soul of mine) 17. La estrella de tus ojos (the star of
2. Alma de niña (soul of child) your eyes)
3. Almas perdidas (lost souls) 18. La llama del amor (the flame of
4. Amigas y hermanas (friends and love)
sisters) 19. La voz del corazón (the voice of
5. Arrebato de pasión (rapture of the heart)
passion) 20. Los vientos del amor (the winds
6. Beso prohibido (forbidden kiss) of love)
7. Cariño prohibido (forbidden 21. Lotería del corazón (lottery of the
affection) heart)
8. Cascadas del corazón (waterfalls of 22. Muriendo por ti (dying for you)
the heart) 23. Ojos de amor (eyes of love)
9. Corazones salvajes (wild hearts) 24. Por siempre mi amor (forever my
10. Cruce de pasión (crossing of love)
passion) 25. Por un beso tuyo (for a kiss from
11. Cuna de espinas (crib of thorns) you)
12. Doce rosas (twelve roses) 26. Querida (dear, feminine)
13. El amor que finges (the love you 27. Querido Julio, besos de Alicia (dear
fake) Julio, kisses from Alicia)
14. El milagro de tu amor (the miracle 28. Sólo por ti (just for you)
of your love) 29. Torrente de pasión (stream of
15. Esmeralda passion)
16. Guardián de tu alma (guardian of 30. Un puñado de amor (a handful of
your soul) love)