DLL English W6

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School: PAJO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade Level: Five

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: VERONICA T. ESCABILLAS Learning Area: English

DAILY LESSON LOG October 2-5, 2023 (WEEK 6)
Liberty – 12:15 PM – 12:55 PM
Teaching Dates and
Purity – 2:25 PM – 3:05 PM Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
Honesty - 3:05 PM – 3:45 PM
Sincerity - 3:45 PM - 4:25 PM



A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to meet various needs.

B. Performance Standards The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the
language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from various text types.
C. Learning Competencies/ Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent
Objectives sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: Subject- grammatical structures: Subject- grammatical structures: Subject- grammatical structures: Subject-
Verb Agreement; Kinds of Verb Agreement; Kinds of Verb Agreement; Kinds of Verb Agreement; Kinds of
Adjectives; Subordinate and Adjectives; Subordinate and Adjectives; Subordinate and Teachers Day Celebration Adjectives; Subordinate and
Coordinate Conjunctions; Coordinate Conjunctions; Adverbs Coordinate Conjunctions; Adverbs of Coordinate Conjunctions;
Adverbs of Intensity and of Intensity and Frequency Intensity and Frequency Adverbs of Intensity and
Frequency (EN5G-IIa-3.9) (EN5G-IIa-3.9) (EN5G-IIa-3.9) Frequency (EN5G-IIa-3.9)
II. CONTENT Sub-Competency: Compose Composing Descriptive Composing Clear and
(Subject Matter) clear and coherent sentences Sentences Using Different Kinds of Coherent Sentences Using Summative Test
using appropriate grammatical Adjectives Coordinating and Subordinating 1 and 2
structures: Subject-Verb Conjunctions
Agreement with intervening
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELC MELC
pp. 186 pp. 186
2. Learner’s Material pages First Quarter – Week 6 – LC 4 – Quarter 1 – Module 4 Lesson 3: Composing Clear and First Quarter – Week 5 – LC 4 –
AS3 Lesson 2: Composing Descriptive Coherent Sentences Using AS2 pp 1-8
Quarter 1 – Module 4 Sentences Using Different Kindsof Coordinating and Subordinating Quarter 1 – Module 4
Lesson 1: Composing Inverted Adjectives Conjunctions
Sentences with Correct Subject
and Verb Agreement
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or - Recite the Chaos - Recite the Chaos - Recite the Chaos - Recite the Chaos
presenting new lesson -Spelling -Spelling -Spelling -Spelling

These sentences have What was our discussion yesterday? What was our discussion
intervening words or phrases. yesterday?
Find the subjects of these
sentences. Write your answers
on a sheet of paper.

1. The book, which I have read,

is very interesting.
2. My friends in the school are
so cool and funny.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Present video presentation In this module you will learn to: • identify coordinating and
lesson about Subject-Verb Agreement • define adjectives; subordinating conjunctions used in
with intervening phrase. • use adjectives to describe sentences;
someone or something; • join clauses using correct
mVlbWVudCB3aXRoIGludGVydmVuaW5nIHBocmFzZS • identify and use different kinds of conjunctions; and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUXgU8irYMs adjectives in sentences; and • compose clear and coherent
• appreciate the use of appropriate sentences using correct
words to describe a person, a conjunctions.
thing, or
an event.
C. Presenting examples/ instances Directions: Analyze each word. Directions: Fill in the blanks by
of the new lesson. Write A if it is an adjective and N if picking the appropriate conjunction
it is not. Write your answers in from the box.
your notebook. For example: Andrew needs to be
quarantined within 14 days because
he got
exposed to a person infected with
Directions: Find out if the
following inverted sentences
employ correct subject and
verb agreement. Copy the
inverted sentence if the subject
and verb already agree.
Otherwise, write the inverted
sentence with the correct verb.
D. Discussing new concepts and Directions: Compose inverted Directions: Pick out the adjectives
sentences by adding a verb and inside the box and place them on
practicing new skills. #1 a subject to the following the column
phrases. Make sure that the accordingly. The first three
subject and verb agree. adjectives are already provided as
E. Discussing new concepts and Present a story via video Directions: Think of an adjective Directions: Combine the sentences
practicing new skills #2. presentation. that matches the description. into one by using a correct
Group Task: Reflect on it! Write the coordinating or
The class will be divided into adjective in your notebook. subordinating conjunction.
two groups.
The writers
The performers
The story is all about the use of
excessive mobile phones and
social media.
F. Developing Mastery Answer the following questions: Directions: Identify a specific What are Conjunctions?
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3) Complete the sentences about person, place, thing, or idea that is Types of Conjunction
Daniel’s good leadership. connected to your
Make sure that your verb agrees town, city, or province, then write
with the given subject. at least two adjectives about it on
“Daniel, the Great Leader” the small square
1. Daniel, who is the president next to it.
of the class, _____________.
2. Daniel, together with other
class officers, ___________.
3. Daniel, one of the great
leaders, _______________.

G. Finding practical application of Directions: Use the following Directions: Identify whether the Directions: Match the main clause in
concepts and skills in daily verbs correctly in writing correct underlined word is a proper Column A with the subordinate
living inverted sentences. adjective, a compound adjective, clause in Column B.
You may use either the base or a predicate adjective. Write only
form or –s form of the given the letter that corresponds to your
verbs. answer and write it in your
H. Making Generalizations and Read the sentences with Directions: Complete each Directions: Match the main clause in
Abstraction about the Lesson. intervening phrases. Tell sentence by supplying the Column A with the correct
whether the underlined subject appropriate adjective. Select subordinating conjunction and
and its verb agree to one your answer from the box and subordinate clause in Column B.
another. write it in your notebook.
Write AGREE or DISAGREE on a
sheet of paper.
I. Evaluating Learning Does the subject and the Directions: Think of a person or Directions: Read the statements
underlined verb agree with one people in your community. Then carefully and supply the correct
another? Write yes if the describe them conjunction that
sentence observes S-V using the following adjectives in a best suits each sentence.
agreement. If no, write the sentence.
correct form of the verb. Write
your answers on a sheet of
Yes 1. Nicole who loves to draw
win in the poster-making
help2. Erika and Marie who are
good friends helps one another
in their studies.
J. Additional Activities for Directions: Compose inverted Directions: Compose five Directions: Composing Activity. In
Application or Remediation sentences by adding a verb and sentences using the different kinds your notebook, make a short
a subject to the following of adjectives about any of the narration of a favorite hobby.
phrases. Make sure that the topics below. For example, if your hobby is
subject and verb agree. planting, you can tell about the
plants in your garden. How did you
reproduce them? Did these plants
make you happy while seeing them
grow every day? This time, use
subordinating conjunctions in
writing the paragraph.
A. No. of learners earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learner who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Head Teacher III

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