Example of Title in Research
Example of Title in Research
Example of Title in Research
12– GOLD SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
C. Variables
IV: The main problem of this study is that students are delusional, which affects their
academic performance at school. Delusions are false beliefs and external realities,
which are also commonly known as mental conditions in some cases. However, Gen
Z perceives it as a way to cope with their uncertainty in life.
DV: The student’s academic performance is affected by being delusional because the
student could either utilize it in a positive or negative way. According to Rachel Shin
(2023), Gen Z’s new trend of "being delulu" is a hacking way of achieving career
success. Thus, the academic performance of the students is affected because of their
D. Expected Outcomes
This quantitative study aims to prove that being delusional in this generation is not
bad at all. It seeks to help the students improve their academic performance at school.
To become more competent and optimistic despite eco-anxiety and mental health
issues among Gen Z. This study also hopes to contribute to making adults realize that
Gen Z, especially students or teenagers, have a different way of coping with life.
Furthermore, the lower the affective filter, the higher the chance for students to
actively participate in class (Krashen, 1986).
E. References
Shin, R. (2023). ‘Being delulu,’ or delusional is the new Gen Z trend for hacking
career success. https://fortune.com/2023/07/18/genz-work-career-trend-delulu-
Gonzales, V. (2020). What Is the Affective Filter, and Why Is it Important in the
Classroom? https://seidlitzblog.org/2020/09/22/what-is-the-affective-filter-and-why-is-it-
Maher, B. A. (2005). Delusional Thinking and Perceptual Disorder. Journal of Individual
Psychology; Chicago, Ill. Vol. 30, Iss. 1.
C. Variables
IV: The main problem in this study is the gasoline price hike in the Philippines.
Though school dismissal for other grade levels was shortened due to some factors that
were mentioned, the budget of the drivers or service will surely be affected by this.
The price increase caused by the Russia-Ukraine war has been worsened by low
productivity growth and an inefficient distribution system (Conchada, M. I. P., et al.,
DV: The driver’s budget could be affected by the gasoline price hike in the country.
The question is whether there is a comparison between the short class or afternoon
dismissal and the regular time of dismissal for the students at school.
D. Expected Outcomes
This quantitative study aims to help Filipino customers achieve an affordable gasoline
price by proving that the country should avoid importing gasoline or fuel when there
are possible resources in the country. To keep the country from falling into the doom
of more loans because of the importation of goods. To become more competent and
independent economically. This study also hopes to contribute to making the
government not overlook the problems in the educational aspect.
Cariaso, B. (2023). Shorter classes pushed as teachers, students endure extreme heat.
Philippine Star. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/04/22/2260738/shorter-
Conchada, M. I. P., et. Al., (2023). Monitoring the Philippine Economy State of the
Economy Report. https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/res_aki/166/
CNN Philippines Staff (2023). Diesel prices seen to jump by over ₱2 next week. CNN
Philippines. http://www.cnnphilippines.com/news/2023/9/16/oil-price-forecast-
SunStar (2023). Gas beneath West Philippine Sea 'enough' to energize entire country.