Outing FM & POP

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Requestor Name : Muhamad Taufik Nurhamdillah

Job Title : Hospitality Assistant Lead
Department : Commercial
Request Date : 16 Februari 2022

Type of Activity : Outing

Date of Activity : 29 - 31 May 2023 (2 Days)
Detail Activity : General Dept Workshop and Outing HM and POP
Budget : (Rp 15,000,000)
allocation : Bank Mandiri - Muhamad Taufik Nurhamdillah
Transfer to : 1820004318515
Account Number

List of Participant
No. Employee ID Employee Name Division Region
Senior Manager Operations
1 0013 Heny Suryaningsih Commercial DIY P
Facility Manager
2 0045 Elisabeth Cita Sabella Commercial DIY P
Facility Leader
3 0483 Whindo Satrio Purwo Nugroho Commercial JKT 1
4 0487 Robby Febri Commercial JKT 2
5 0515 Yuda Lesmana Commercial DIY
Facility Assistant Lead
6 0443 Rafsanzani Dian Rahayu Commercial BDG
7 0625 Muhamad Taufik Nurhamdillah Commercial BDG
8 0695 Syaeful Amri Commercial JKT 1
9 0711 Lutfi Fauzi Commercial JKT 2
10 0642 Rori Yuniardi Commercial JKT 1
11 0618 Aditya Alif Commercial JKT 2
12 0608 M Wahyu Algifari Commercial JKT 1
13 0705 Kurnia Iman Santoso Commercial JKT 1
14 0643 Aulia As Shiddiq Commercial JKT 2
15 0683 Carsim Commercial JKT 1
16 0665 Andriyanto Akbar PK Commercial JKT 1
17 0102 Lia Mufaricha Commercial JKT 2 P
18 0526 Bima Kunta Wiranegara Commercial JKT 2
19 0706 Muhamad Aji Commercial JKT 2
20 0700 Adinda Galuh Commercial JKT 1 P
21 0694 Januar Lutfi Malik Tamimy Commercial JKT 2
22 0648 Hendra Pratama Commercial JKT 1
23 0696 Rifky Ilham Darwis Commercial JKT 2
24 0654 Deri Ginanjar Commercial JKT 2
25 0551 Muhammad Nova Commercial JKT 1
26 0728 Wisnu Eko Harjanto Commercial JKT 1
27 0734 Raden Ibnoe H Commercial JKT1
28 0589 Dimas Priawan Commercial SBY
29 0712 Dhea Vinzky Commercial DIY
30 0561 Gilang Kusuma Jati Commercial DIY
31 0708 Dwiki Dianjana Commercial DIY
32 0224 Samsuri Commercial DIY
33 0564 Nawang Gati Commercial DIY
34 0070 Christy Alty Commercial DIY P
35 0628 Lisdianto Commercial MLG
36 0703 Itang Yuniar Commercial DIY
37 0674 Nurizqi Iman D Commercial DIY
38 0745 Adi Satria Puruhita Commercial DIY
39 0136 Raras Phusty Kesuma Team POP DIY P
40 0129 Finna Nalurita Soeroso Team POP SBY P
41 0057 VO Pegawindu Negara Team POP DIY


(Division Head/Dept Head) (HR Manager)

Outing Place : Lembang and Pangalengan Bandung West Java
Date: 1 - 3 March 2023 (3D2N)

Region Transportastion Accomodation Cost Allocation

at Venue
JKT 1 Villa's Room
JKT 2 Villa's Room
BDG Villa's Room
Car/Grab Rp 7,500,000,-
DIY Villa's Room
SBY Villa's Room
MLG Villa's Room

Activity List
Region Participant Area Cost Allocation
General Opening by FM Grafika Cikole
Team Building Grafika Cikole by Matacaraka .co
Character Building Grafika Cikole by Matacaraka .co
All Region Situ Cilenca / Grafika by Rp 8,200,000,-
Rafting/Paint Ball

Description Qty Sources Cost Allocation
Awards Presents TBA TBA
41 Pax x 3
Meals Vede Catering
Times/Day Rp 4,220,000,-
Snacks / CB 41 Pax x 2 Times Sari Sari


Rp 19,920,000

Sumber Dana / Budget

Dana Kantor Rp 15.000.000
Dana Kolektif Per Orang Rp 120.000 x 41 Rp 4.920.000
Total Rp 19.920.000

Ringkasan Susunan Acara

 1 Maret 2023, Rabu – Hari 1
 Kedatangan seluruh team Department of Hospitality, Region 1 dan 2
 Menuju venue outbond Grafika Cikole Bandung ( Full Activity)
 Setelahnya menuju Villa untuk Istirahat Tidur
 2 Maret 2023, Kamis – Hari 2
 Sosialisasi and Sharing Time Hospitality Team, Lead by HL and HM (Workshop)
 Free Time, Explore or City Tour Bandung
 3 Maret 2023, Jumat – Hari 3
 Closing Gathering dan Workshop Hospitality Team
 Kepulangan Team Hospitality ke Kota Masing Masing
Villa Ranca Bentang Bandung
Venue Full Activity Outing

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