Pns Bafps 41 2008 Pork Cuts

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PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 ICS 67.120.10

Pork cuts



PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

This Philippine National Standard on Pork Cuts was prepared by the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards (BAFPS) created per Special Order No. 14 series of 2005 dated 11 January 2005. This standard is still subject for approval and adoption as Philippine National Standard by the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS-DTI).


PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

This standard applies to fresh, chilled and frozen pork cuts inspected and passed, and marked during the conduct of meat inspection intended for trade. In the abattoir, pig carcasses are usually split into two sides when dispatched. In meat outlets, these are further divided into several primal cuts, for retail and market ready cuts. 2 References

The titles of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 3 Definitions

For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply: 3.1 General

3.1.1 caudal primal cut towards the tail 3.1.2 chilled pork carcass pork carcass that has been cooled to a temperature range of 1-3oC (34-38oF) at the deepest portion within 24 hours. The chilling should commence immediately upon slaughter 3.1.3 chilling to preserve by cooling 3.1.4 conformation the form, shape or general outline of the side or whole carcass. This indicates the relative proportion of lean to bone ratio, as well as the relative percentages of the different wholesale/primal cuts 3.1.5 cranial primal cut towards the head 3.1.6 dorsal primal cut towards the back 3.1.7 external fat the subcutaneous fats also known as backfat and clear plate. The amount of external fat should be within the specifications for individual grades

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 3.1.8 finish the amount, character and distribution of fat in the whole carcass. This includes the intermuscular, intra-muscular, external and interior fats 3.1.9 firmness the characteristics of the fat which can be very soft and oily to very firm. The lean portion can also be very soft to very firm 3.1.10 fresh pork carcass pork carcass from newly slaughtered pigs, which has not undergone chilling, freezing or any other processing treatments 3.1.11 frozen pork carcass pork carcass that had been previously chilled and exposed to an air temperature of -23 oC (9.4 oF) or lower and then brought to an internal temperature of -20 oC (-4 oF) at the deepest portion within six (6) days 3.1.12 gilt carcass the carcass of a young female pig that has not produced a young and has not reached an advanced stage of pregnancy 3.1.13 ham rear leg of the pig/pork carcass in the fresh form 3.1.14 inspected and passed refers to carcasses so marked which have been found to be sound, wholesome, and fit for human consumption 3.1.15 interior fat the streaks of fat between the ribs after removing the entrails known as feathering. Interior fat also includes the pelvic, caul and raffle fats 3.1.16 inter-muscular fat also known as seam fat. Seam fats are found between the muscles. The least amount of seam fat is desired in pork carcasses 3.1.17 intra-muscular fat more popularly known as marbling. Marbling is the fat between muscle fibers. Moderate amount and good distribution of marbling is desirable for high quality pork 3.1.18 lateral side outer surface of the half carcass 3.1.19 medial side inner surface of the half carcass 2

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 3.1.20 minor cuts the lesser valuable cuts such as the head, foreshank and foot, hindshank and foot 3.1.21 per cent fat cut yield the trimmed bellies, jowls, clear plates and backfat as a percentage of carcass weight 3.1.22 per cent lean cut yield the trimmed loins, hind legs and shoulders expressed as a percentage of carcass weight. The trimmings are based on the proposed wholesale cuts of pork 3.1.23 pork is the meat from the carcass of a pig 3.1.24 pork carcass is the trunk of a slaughtered pig dehaired, with the head, edible organs and offal removed. It pertains to the body of the porcine animal after bleeding, removal of all internal digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive and circulatory organs, and removal of the scurf, nails and minimum trimmings as required by the National Meat Inspection Services (NMIS) 3.1.25 primal cuts wholesale cuts such as loins, hams, hind legs, and shoulders, and bellies 3.1.26 quick-frozen pork carcass pork carcass that had been previously chilled and exposed to an air temperature of -23oC (9.4oF) or lower and then brought to an internal temperature of -20oC (-4oF) at the deepest portion within 48 hours 3.1.27 ventral primal cut towards the ground 3.1.28 wholesale cut any pork cut handled in bulk 4 Cutting scheme

Pork carcass is cut as follows: 4.1 4.1.1 Primal cuts Whole shoulder Boston shoulder (Paypay) Picnic shoulder (Kasim) 4.1.2 Middle Loin 3

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 Belly (Liempo) Tenderloin (Lomo) 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 Hind leg (Pigue) Minor cuts Head (Ulo) Foreshank and foot (Pata unahan) Hindshank and foot (Pata hulihan) Pork carcass may be sold as: Fresh pork carcass, Chilled pork carcass, and Frozen pork carcass. Requirements Detailed requirements

6.1.1 Fresh pork carcass shall not be hung for more than 12 hours prior to delivery and shall not be frozen at any time prior to delivery. (Ref.: Standards Administrative Order #54 series of 1969). 6.1.2 Chilled pork carcasses shall be maintained at temperature between 1 C - 3 C (34 F - 38 F) and shall not be hung for more than seven (7) days prior to delivery or used in processing. The chilled pork carcass shall not show any sign of deterioration (slimy, moldy surface, discoloration, foul odor, etc.) (Ref.: Standards Administrative Order #54 series of 1969). 6.1.3 Frozen pork carcasses shall be maintained in a hard frozen condition, or stored at -18 C (0 F) or lower. 6.1.4 a) b) c) d) 6.2 Care and proper maintenance of equipment, storage facilities, room temperature

Cutting room should be maintained at 10 C; Chillers should be maintained at 0 C - 4 C; Dispatch temperature is 7 C; Freezing temperature is -18 C. General requirements

6.2.1 Pork carcasses shall have a bright appearance and shall be hygienically butchered and trimmed, with head, edible organs and offal removed. They shall be reasonably free from scratches, bruises or blemishes of any kind as per NMIS Guidelines.

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 6.2.2 Pork carcasses shall be delivered in good condition and shall show no evidence of deterioration at the time of delivery. 7 Pork side skeletal diagram

Precise and detailed description of the pork cuts can be realized only after thorough studying of the pork side skeletal system.

Pig Anatomy

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 8 Standard pork carcass diagram

The pork carcass is the body of the porcine animal after: a. b. c. Bleeding, removal of all internal digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive and circulatory organs, and removal of the hair, scurf, nails and minimum trimmings as required by the National Meat Inspection Services (NMIS).

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 9 9.1 9.1.1 Descriptions and diagrams of the different primal and minor cuts Primal cuts Whole shoulder (DTI include: Packaging and labeling

This is derived from a side of pork carcass by a cut between the 4th and 5th ribs at right angle to the thoracic vertebrae. The head, jowl, foreshank and foot (pata unahan) are also removed.


Boston shoulder (paypay) 7

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

Is prepared from the whole shoulder by cutting straight through the shoulder joint parallel to the dorsal border of the shoulder, thus, separating the picnic shoulder.


Picnic shoulder (kasim)

Is prepared from the whole shoulder by cutting straight through the shoulder joint parallel to the dorsal border of the shoulder, thus, separating the Boston shoulder.


Middle 8

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

This is derived from the side of the pork carcass by the removal of the whole shoulder (previously discussed) and the hind leg which is cut between the 6th and 7th lumbar vertebrae. The diaphragm, tenderloin and leaf fat are also removed.



Is prepared from the middle by making a cut 5.08 cm (2 inches) 7.62 cm (3 inches) from the body of the thoracic vertebrae, thus, separating the belly.


Belly (liempo) 9

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

Is prepared from the middle by the removal of the loin, cut 5.08 cm (2 inches) - 7.62 cm (3 inches) from and parallel to the bodies of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.


Tenderloin (lomo)

Is a long round muscle which tapered cranially, formed by the psoas major and psoas minor muscles, located at the underside of the wing of the lumbar vertebrae and extends caudally close to the base of the pelvic bone. It is prepared by the removal of all its covering including the psoas minor and is considered the most tender part of the carcass.


Hind Leg (Pigue) 10

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

This is derived from the side of a pork carcass after its attachment to the middle, between the 6th and 7th lumbar vertebrae, is cut and the hind shank and foot (pata hulihan) is detached.

9.2 9.2.1

Minor cuts Head (ulo)

Is cut from the carcass of pork by cutting across the neck region just behind the ears, cutting through the atlanto occipital joint.


Foreshank and foot (Pata unahan) 11

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

Is prepared from the shoulder by cutting it just above the elbow joint.


Hindshank and foot (Pata hulihan)

Is prepared from the hind leg by cutting it through the stifle joint (knee joint).


Pork chart (lateral view) 12

PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

Pork chart

Hindshank and foot (Pata hulihan)

Hind leg (Pigue)

Tail (Buntot)

Belly (Liempo)

Loin (Loin)

Picnic shoulder (Kasim) Boston shoulder (Paypay)

Foreshank and foot (Pata unahan)

Head (Ulo)


PNS/BAFPS 41:2008 11 Pork chart (medial view) PORK CHART (Primal and minor cuts)

Boston shoulder (Paypay)

Loin (Lomo)


Hind leg (Pigue)

Head (Ulo) Hindshank and foot (Pata hulihan)

Belly (Liempo) Foreshank and foot (Pata unahan) Picnic shoulder (Kasim)



PNS/BAFPS 41:2008

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies: PTS 011-03.00;1969 (Standards Administrative Order #54 series of 1969 dated August 28, 1969 Department of Commerce & Industry, Bureau of Standards, Manila) (Subject: Standardization of Pork Carcasses and for other purposes) Australian Pork Corporation. Handbook of Australian Pork, Third Edition. 1995


your partner in quality

The use of the PS Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of Department Administrative Order No. 01 series of 1997 Revised Rules and Regulations Concerning the Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and / or Safety Certification Mark Scheme by the Bureau of Product Standards. This mark on a product/container is an assurance by the manufacturer/producer that the product conforms with the requirements of a Philippine standard. Details of conditions under which a license to use the PS Certification Mark may be granted can be obtained from the Bureau of Product Standards, Department of Trade and Industry, 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City.

Product Quality

Product Safety

Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Technical Working Committee Chair 1 Gilberto F. Layese Director Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Members 3 Ms. Josefina A. Contreras Chief, Animal Product Development Center (APDC) Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) 4 Dr. Angel M. Guno Senior Agriculturist and Slaughterhouse Supervisor Animal Products Development Center Secretariat 8 Ms. Rosemarie V. Calibo Information Officer III Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards 5 Ms. Arlina C. Aco Quality Assurance Head Monterey Foods Corporation 6 Dr. Ma. Elizabeth D. Callanta Senior Meat Control Officer National Meat Inspection Service 7 Ms. Renea C. Santos Production Consultant Monterey Foods Corporation Co-Chair 2 Felix G. Valenzuela Deputy Executive Director, LDC

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