Van Hoa Xa Hoi Anh
Van Hoa Xa Hoi Anh
Van Hoa Xa Hoi Anh
A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
A. Scotland
B. Northern Ireland
C. Republic of Ireland
3. Which of these is not an acceptable short name for the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland?
A. England
B. Great Britain
C. The United Kingdom
4. Which city is not in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
A. Belfast
B. Cardiff
C. Dublin
A. The Britannia
B. Old Glory
C. The Union Jack
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Northern Ireland
8. Which of the four nations' flags is not incorporated in the flag of the UK?
A. Northern Ireland
B. Scotland
15.Historically and culturally speaking, which country may be divided into “Lowland” and
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
A a royal castle
B a prehistorical monument
C a historic document
2. In which century did England and Scotland first have the same monarch?
A the seventeenth
B the eighteenth
C the nineteenth
3. In which century did England and Scotland first have the same parliament?
A the seventeenth
B the eighteenth
C the nineteenth
10. What proportion of the population of London was born outside Britain?
A less than 10%
B about 20%
C more than 30%
12. In world term, how much rain does London get in a year?
A a little
B a moderate amount
C a lot
5. Among British people, which of these personal qualities is generally valued the most?
A beauty
B humor
C intelligence
6. If money and access to friends and family were not a problem, where would most British
people prefer to live?
A In a village
B In central London
C In a London suburb
8. In Britain, which two people are least likely to kiss when meeting each other?
A. two men
B two women
C a man and woman
9. Why do the British normally form queues when they are waiting for something?
A they like good order
B they are patient
C they want things to be fair
4. What is the name of the government department that looks after financial matters?
A. The Ministry of Finance
B. The Finance Office
C. The Treasury
5. What is the name of the convention that no member of the government can disagree
with any government policy?
A. Collective responsibility
B. Stiff upper lip
C. Vow of silence
6. About how many people are normally members of the cabinet in Britain?
A. Five
B. Twenty
C. A hundred
7. Which of these people has not been Prime Minister of the UK?
A. Tony Blair
B. Ken Livingstone
C. Margaret Thatcher
9. What is the name of the government minister who deals with safety inside Britain?
A. The Home Secretary
B. The Inland Secretary
C. The Interior Secretary
10. What is the title of the most senior civil servant in a government department?
A. Civil Secretary
B. Permanent Secretary
C. Regular Secretary
11. What phrase is commonly used to denote the Prime Minister, his or her closest advisers
and the Cabinet office?
A. Downing Street
B. Westminster
C. Whitehall
12. What phrase is commonly used in the British media to denote senior civil servants and
other government administrators?
A. Downing Street
B. Westminster
C. Whitehall
13. In Britain, by what name are local government authorities generally known?
A. Councils
B. Prefectures
C. Regions
14.On what is the tax which local government authorities collect based?
A. Income
B. Property
C. Savings
2. When British journalists refer to “MPs”, who are they talking about?
A. Members of the House of Commons
B. Members of the House of Lords
C. Both
4. By what name is a proposal for a new law called when it is debated in Parliament?
A. A Bill
B. A Reading
C. A White Paper
7. What is the word used to describe a ballot paper which has been incorrectly or unclearly
filled in?
A. Discounted
B. Spoiled
C. Void
8. Which of these is not a true description of the electoral system used in Britain?
A. First past the post
B. Proportional
C. Simple majority
9. The law says that the period between one general election and the next must be…
A…. Five years
B…. Five years at least
C…. Five years at most
10. How long after the polls close does it take for the result in most constituencies to be
A. Four minutes
B. Four hours
C. Four days
11. To which party do MPs representing inner city areas in Britain normally belong?
A. Conservative
B. Labour
C. Liberal Democrat
12. To which party do MPs representing rural areas in England normally belong?
A. Conservative
B. Labour
C. Liberal Democrat
13. Why was voting by post offered as an option to all voters for the first time in 2005?
A. To reduce cheating
B. To reduce costs
C. To increase the turnout
14. How many members of each party normally stand for election in each constituency?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three or more