2023 OPhO Theory

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2023 Online Physics Olympiad:

Invitational Contest

Theoretical Examination
This competition could not be possible without the help of our sponsors, who are all doing great things in
physics, math, and education.
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

Instructions for Theoretical Exam

The theoretical examination consists of 3 long answer questions and 160 points over 2 full days from August
5, 0:01 am GMT.

• The team leader should submit their final solution document in this google form.

• If you wish to request a clarification, please use this form. To see all clarifications, view this document.

• Participants are given a google form where they are allowed to submit up-to 100 megabytes of data
for their solutions. It is recommended that participants write their solutions in LATEX. However,
handwritten solutions (or a combination of both) are accepted too. If participants have more than one
photo of a handwritten solution (jpg, png, etc), it is required to organize them in the correct order in
a pdf before submitting. If you wish a premade LATEX template, we have made one for you here.

• Since each question is a long answer response, participants will be judged on the quality of your work.
To receive full points, participants need to show their work, including deriving equations. As a general
rule of thumb, any common equations (such as the ones in the IPhO formula sheet) can be cited
without proof.

• Remember to state any approximations made and which system of equations were solved after every
step. Explicitly showing every step of algebra is not necessary. Participants may leave all final answers
in symbolic form (in terms of variables) unless otherwise specified. Be sure to state all assumptions.


• T1: Booster

• T2: The Complex Potential

• T3: General Relativity

August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

List of Constants

Proton mass mp = 1.67 · 10−27 kg

Neutron mass mn = 1.67 · 10−27 kg
Electron mass me = 9.11 · 10−31 kg
Avogadro’s constant N0 = 6.02 · 1023 mol−1
Universal gas constant R = 8.31 J/(mol · K)
Boltzmann’s constant kB = 1.38 · 10−23 J/K
Electron charge magnitude e = 1.60 · 10−19
1 electron volt 1 eV = 1.60 · 10−19 J
Speed of light c = 3.00 · 108 m/s
Universal Gravitational constant G = 6.67 · 10−11 (N · m2 )/kg2
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81 m/s2
1 unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66 · 10−27 kg = 931 MeV/c2
Planck’s constant h = 6.63 · 10−34 J · s = 4.41 · 10−15 eV · s
Permittivity of free space ϵ0 = 8.85 · 10−12 C2 /(N · m2 )
Coulomb’s law constant k = 4πϵ 0
= 8.99 · 109 (N · m2 )/C2
Permeability of free space µ0 = 4π · 10−7 T · m/A
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67 · 10−8 W/m2 /K4
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

T1: Booster

In this problem, we explore a simplified model of Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs). SRBs are supplements to
liquid rockets and provide enormous thrust at liftoff at the expense of lower specific impulse. They have a
pretty simple design – a tube containing solid propellant with a central cavity that acts as a combustion
chamber. As the solid fuel burns (deflagrates), gasses are forced out of the combustion chamber through a
nozzle, producing thrust. It is desirable to choose a combustion chamber design which produces constant
thrust (to reduce structural load on the spacecraft) and also have constant internal pressure and temperature
(to reduce stress on the SRB). Below a diagram, along with a typical shape of the combustion chamber.

Figure 1: The structure of an SRB (left) and the shape of a typical chamber (right)

Rate of vaporization of surface of fuel: v = 9 × 10−3 ms
Length of combustion chamber: l = 45m
Radius of combustion chamber: r0 = 0.6m
Density of propellant: ρ = 1500 m 3
Molar mass of exhaust gas: M = 0.040 mol
Temperature inside chamber: T = 4000 K
Ideal gas constant: R = 8.31 mol·K

(a) Find the burn rate of fuel (in terms of kg

s ) as a function of time for the following designs for the
combustion chamber. Assume that the combustion chamber never reaches the walls of the SRB.

(i) (ii)
r0 r0

Answer the following for design i.

(b) Compute the thrust as a function of time. Assume the temperature and pressure of the chamber stay
constant, and the density of the gas is ρg .

(c) Is the assumption of constant internal conditions for this design valid?

(d) Now assume that the temperature is constant, but the pressure changes. Estimate to within a factor
of 2 the pressure inside the chamber as a function of time.
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

T2: The Complex Potential

A Conformal Transformation

A complex number can be thought of as a mathematical object that ”stores” two real numbers. An element
z of the set of complex numbers C can be written as:
z = x + iy

where i ≡ −1 is called the imaginary unit, and x, y ∈ R. With this, one can think of constructing
complex-valued functions – namely, a function f : C → C:
f (z) = f (x + iy) = w(x, y) + iu(x, y) (1) (1)
Since complex numbers encode two real numbers x and y, we can consider complex-valued functions yielding
two real-valued functions w(x, y) and u(x, y) that depend on x, y. w and u, being real-valued multivariable
functions, allow us to extend calculus on R2 to C. You are given that the composition of two complex
differentiable functions yields another complex differentiable function on the appropriate domain.

(a) Starting from the definition of a derivative in single-variable calculus, show that if f given in (1) is
complex differentiable, w and u satisfy:
∂w ∂u ∂w ∂u
= and =−
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

(b) Show that w(x, y) and u(x, y) are solutions to the 2D Laplace equation:
∂2ϕ ∂2ϕ
∇2 ϕ = + 2 =0 (2)
∂x2 ∂y

(c) A parametrized curve γ on the complex plane can be thought of as a function that takes a real number
t and yields a point γ(t) on the complex plane. Two parametrized curves γ1 and γ2 intersect at some
point p = γ1 (t1 ) = γ2 (t2 ); tangent lines of the two curves at p form an angle α. Show that the tangent
lines of the curves f ◦ γ1 and f ◦ γ2 at f (p) form the same angle α, where ◦ is the composition function.

A Conformal Transformed Electrostatic System

We know from electrostatics that in a charge-free region, the electrostatic potential ϕ satisfies the Laplace
equation ∇2 ϕ = 0. As you’ve shown above, this motivates the idea of defining a complex differentiable
function whose real part is the electrostatic potential – complex differentiability encodes the fact that the
electrostatic potential satisfies (2). Given a 2D electrostatics problem in a charge-free region, we define the
complex potential f (z) as:
f (z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ(x, y)
where ψ is an appropriate real-valued function that satisfies the conditions derived in question 1, making f
a complex differentiable function. You are given the uniqueness theorem: the 2D Laplace equation has a
unique solution that satisfies specified boundary conditions.

(d) Given a 2D electrostatics problem and an appropriate complex potential f , write the derivative dz in
terms of the x and y components of the electric field: E(x, y) = Ex (x, y)x̂ + Ey (x, y)ŷ.

(e) Show that the function ϕ(x, y) = ϕπ0 arctan xy satisfies the 2D Laplace equation with the boundary
condition ϕ(x > 0, 0) = 0 while ϕ(x < 0, 0) = ϕ0 .

(f) The complex logarithm function is defined at z = reiθ as log(z) = log |r| + iθ for r = ̸ 0, 0 < θ < 2π.
Show that the upper-half plane H (points on the complex plane with a positive imaginary part), under
the logarithm map, turns into a strip bounded by Im(z) = 0 and Im(z) = π. You may assume that the
logarithm function is complex differentiable on H and that its inverse is ez for this problem.
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

(g) Starting from the electrostatic potential in (e), find the electrostatic potential in the region between
two infinitely large capacitor plates separated by distance d. Carefully argue why this method yields
the correct solution.

(h) Show that the function f (z) = i(1−z)

(1+z) maps the unit circle C, centered at the origin, to the real line and
the interior of the circle to H. Determine the inverse g of the function f and explain why there’s a
one-to-one correspondence between points bounded by C and H.

(i) Find the electrostatic potential in the region between an infinite rod of charge density λ and a grounded
concentric conducting cylindrical shell of radius R.

(j) Now consider the same infinite rod suspended above a grounded conducting plate at a height h. Use
your results for questions (h) and (i) to derive the electrostatic potential ϕ in the region above the

(k) Consider the curve C shown in the figure below. You are given that the image of dl is dl′ . If we take
some line element dl on the curve C, find the scaling factor to its image dl′ on f (C). This is known as
a conformal transformation in which the mapping is a holomorphic function.

(l) Take C to represent a conductive surface. If ϕ is an appropriate solution to the 2D Laplace equation
satisfying ϕ|C = 0, find expressions for the surface at dl, the electrostatic potential ϕ′ satisfying
ϕ′ |f (C) = 0, and the surface charge at dl′ from ϕ′ .

(m) Verify that your results for questions (k) and (l) are consistent.
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

On the Electrostatic Interaction between a Line Charge and a Conducting Wedge

We can apply the knowledge we have gained here to solve a familiar physical puzzle. This puzzle has been
widely known and popular in specific cases (e.g. easily solvable using the image method), but it lacks
generality. Consider a grounded, infinitely large, conducting wedge with an opening angle θ. Inside the
wedge, there is a thin, infinitely long, straight line with a uniform charge density of Q per unit length,
positioned parallel to the edge of the wedge. The distance between the line and the edge is L, the plane that
pass through both the line and the edge make an angle α with a face of the wedge.

(n) Find the direction and the magnitude of the electrical force acting on the line per unit length. Solve
for the general case of 2π > θ > α, then evaluate your answer in the unit of kQ2 /L, for θ = 120o and
α = 30o .
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

T3: General Relativity

The Alphabet of Spacetime Metrics

In multivariable calculus, we study the generalization of line elements to various coordinate systems. A
coordinate system in R3 can be described by a function ψ that takes a point (x, y, z) ∈ R3 and outputs the
three coordinates describing the same point in the coordinate system. For example, the ψ describing spherical
coordinates would be defined as ψ(x, y, z) = (r, θ, ϕ). As there must be a unique representation of each point
in R3 in the ψ coordinates (ex. r = 3, θ = π2 , ϕ = π cannot correspond to two points on the 3D space) there
must be a one-to-one correspondence between points in R3 and points described in ψ coordinates. Hence,
there’s a well defined inverse function ψ −1 . In spherical coordinates, for instance, ψ −1 (r, θ, ϕ) = (x, y, z).

Suppose we have a coordinate system ψ(x, y, z) = (q1 , q2 , q3 ). We ask a very important question: if we make
an increment of dqi in each qi in the ψ coordinates, what’s the physical distance between the starting and the
finishing points in R3 ? In other words, what’s the distance between the points ψ −1 (q1 + dq1 , q2 + dq2 , q3 + dq3 )
and ψ −1 (q1 , q2 , q3 )? This distance is known as the line element generated by a coordinate system ψ. If the
coordinate system is orthogonal, meaning the basis vectors qˆ1 , qˆ2 , qˆ3 are all mutually perpendicular, we know
that the physical displacements in taking qi → qi + dqi are in perpendicular directions in R3 , so we can find
the line element by Pythagoras’s theorem.

(a) Show that for an P orthogonal coordinate system ψ in an arbitrary Rn , the square of the line element
ds has the form ni=1 gi (q1 , ..., qn )dqi2 where each gi is a function of q1 , ..., qn . Find an expression for

gi in terms of the derivatives of ψ or ψ −1 .

We can think of physical observers as coordinate systems. If an arbitrary observer moving in space-time
measures an event (t, x, y, z), the coordinates seen by the observer can be expressed as ψ(t, x, y, z) by some
function ψ. It turns out that special relativity can be described with the math we’ve developed so far. In
particular, we can consider measuring space-time lengths by integrating the line element along paths in
space-time. You are given that for any observer with the coordinate system ψ ≡ (t, x, y, z), the line element
is given by ds2 = −c2 dt2 + dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2

(b) It’s a well-known result of special relativity that space-time lengths are measured to be the same
regardless of the frame. Resolve the twin paradox by integrating the line element along the spaceship
twin’s world-line.

It turns out that physics in weak gravitational fields can also be described with the math we’ve developed so
far. Consider a 1 dimensional system with a time-independent gravitational potential Φ(x) everywhere.

(c) An important postulate of general relativity states that observers that move solely under the influence
of gravity take the path with the longest space-time length. Suppose an observer of this system takes
a path parameterized by a variable σ ∈ [0, σf ]: (t(σ), x(σ), y(σ), z(σ)). Show that the line element
ds2 = −(1+2Φ(x))dt2 +(1−2Φ(x))dx2 generates equations of motion that are consistent with Newton’s
laws (neglecting special relativity).

Hint: Refer to the Euler-Lagrange equation, but you do NOT have to perform the derivation to solve
this problem.

(d) Derive a statement of time dilation at a point (x, y, z).

August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

The Spacetime Metric of a Black Hole

As we saw in part 1, the Minkowski metric describes geometry of spacetime in special relativity and is given
ds2 = −c2 dt2 + dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 .
In general relativity, the result is more complex, and we describe spacetime via the Schwarzchild metric, a
solution of Einstein’s equations under spherical symmetry. The spacetime interval in spherical coordinates
can be expressed in terms of proper time τ and the speed of light c as
 rs  2 2 dr2
ds2 = −c2 dτ 2 = − 1 − c dt + + r2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 )
r 1 − rrs
where t is the coordinate time, r is the radial coordinate, θ is the polar angle, ϕ is the azithumal coordinate,
and rs is the Schwarzchild radius of a massive body. The Schwarzchild radius is related to the body’s mass
M by rs = 2GM c2
where G is the universal gravitational constant.

General relativity describes gravity as the consequence of curving spacetime. Geodesics generalize straight
lines to curved spacetime and are very useful as a result. In the following problem, the radial geodesic
equation may be helpful:
d2 r dµ dν
+ Γrµν =0
dτ dτ dτ
where Γ represents a Christoffel symbol. The relevant terms of Γ are Γrtt , Γrrr , Γrθθ , and Γrϕϕ . Define
B = 1 − rrs , then we can get:

c2 B dB
Γrtt = dr
B −1 dB
Γrrr =− dr
Γrθθ = −rB
Γrϕϕ = −Br sin2 θ

The Photon Sphere

In 2019, the first image of a black hole was taken in 2019 by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) at the
center of the galaxy M87. The historic image of the black hole showcased a glowing ring of light surrounding
the dark abyss known as the ”photon ring.” In this region, light rays follow closed circular paths due to the
strong gravitational pull of the black hole. When a photon follows a closed circular path on the photon ring,
it can effectively orbit the black hole multiple times before either escaping to infinity or being captured by
the event horizon. This phenomenon is known as the ”photon sphere.”

Figure 2: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

You may recall the massive outburst of media to the images of M87. Many were already talking about it
before the images came out, like Veritasium. Take 10 minutes to watch the video.
August 5-August 6 Online Physics Olympiad 2023 - Invitational Round

In this problem, we will be analyzing the optical effects for an observer next to a black hole. Assume for an
idealized case that the black hole has a mass M = 15M⊙ and is uncharged and not rotating.

(e) Prove that the minimum radius of the black hole’s photon ring follows the relationship rp = 32 rs .

(f) Bill is near the black hole a distance rp away. Assume Bill’s width is w = 2δ where δ = 0.25 m. Sketch
light ray trajectories showing how Bill could see his own back. Determine the range for the angle of
view α enabling this.

(g) Approximately what is the orbital period (in miliseconds) of a singular photon in coordinate time
t around the black hole. At what mass of a black hole would this time be greater than the visual
reaction time of a human tr = 150 ms (meaning if you closed your eyes, it would take some time for
you to visualize your back again)? Is this mass possible?

(h) Propose a method (realistic or not) for Bill to safely get close to the black hole without getting ripped
apart by gravity. If you believe there is no possible method, then give your reasoning behind why.
You might want to consult various sources for information. To simplify the process and avoid teams
searching for data such as ”shear stress of a human”, assume that Bill is a cylindrical object made
of a material of your choosing that has a uniform density, a radius δ, and a length of L = 1.75 m.
Bill possesses exceptional engineering skills, enabling him to construct virtually anything, provided it
doesn’t contravene the principles of physics.

(i) Let’s assume that the galaxy has Nstar stars, each emitting light isotropically with the same total
power L. Assume the stars are distributed uniformly throughout a spherical volume of radius R. For
an ideal case where the path of the light from the stars is not obstructed by any other celestial objects,
estimate the expected number of photons from starlight that would contribute to the photon ring or
fall in the event horizon per unit time.

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