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Clarion Viewer

direct viewer for Clarion data files

This tool allow to read/open the Clarion tables on any computer.

An application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer
without any additional setup/install.

You may see the full Clarion system information (file version, header size etc), table structure (all field types supported) and
data in grid.

When Clarion table loaded, you may save the data to different file formats (CSV, Text, HTML, XML, MS Excel, SPSS, SQL-
dump etc) or copy to clipboard.

Visit the web site at to see if updated information is available.


You may download and use the trial version free-of-charge for 30 days only. If after 30 days you would like to continue using
it, then you should purchase a license.

The trial version have the next demo limitations:

each time after running you will see a nag.screen
only first 100 records loaded in data grid

After license purchase and activation of registered version (using personal serial number) the any limitations will be

To download the trial version:

Don't hesitate to contact us for further information, we are glad to be at your disposal.

Thanks for your interest in our products and web site. Your experience with it is very important to us. Please take a moment
to let us know what you like and don't like about it.

Here is how to contact us for tech support or to give us feedback on our products or web site.

e-mail or

mailing list
newsgroups news://

You may contact us with any questions and propositions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any additional

When reporting problems, please include the following information:

Is the problem reproducible? If so, how?
What version of Windows are you running? (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, Windows 2000,
Windows XP or Windows 2003)
What a product and product version are you running?
What a serial number and key (only for registered users) of installed product?
If a dialog box with an error message was displayed, please include the full text of the dialog box, including the text in the
title bar.

Outsourcing service
We provide software development (custom components, applications and tools), database engineering and consulting by
remote contracts. If you're interested in such kind of cooperation,
contact us. Our team is opened for discussion.
Prices and license types

Business license(s)
20 Euro for 1-3 item(s)
17 Euro for 4-10 item(s)
10 Euro for more than 10

Personal license(s)
10 Euro for 1-3 item(s)
8 Euro for 4-10 item(s)
5 Euro for more than 10

For site or OEM/resale please contact to sales

* one license allow to work with this software on one computer only (one person). You need as many licenses as the computers wherein
our product will be installed and/or used.
** all prices are presented in Euros but some registration service have a multi-currency payment system with automatical conversion into
local currency (for example, in US dollars for USA)

License types
Personal license: one license allows to install and use our product on one home computer (one
person) only. You can use the product for non-commercial purposes in non-business, non-commercial
Business license: one license allows to install and use our product in a corporate, government or
business environment on one computer.
Site license: you can install and use our product on an unlimited number of computers in one domain.

Please note that we can issue a single-user license to a person name only. If you wish your license to
be issued to an organization name, you should buy either a multi-user license or several single-user

Products can be ordered online over the Internet using VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card, PayPal, Toll Free
Phone, 24 Hour Fax, or Postal Mail at following sites:

Business license(s)


Personal license(s)
What you will get when you register

Delivery is done by sending you a registration code (which turns the evaluation copy into the fully registered version) via
Demo limitations and nag screens are removed
Upgrades are free during 1 (one) year. You will be notified of updated versions and they will be send by e-mail on personal
Technical support by e-mail (please quote your serial number) during 1 (one) year.
File Open

To open the dat-file for view you must click on Open File button in toolbar or select the Open item in File menu

When you will select the Clarion file that you want to view, this file will be opened automatically and all information will be
displayed in main form
General information

When selected Clarion file opened, you may see the General information (extracted from file) in grid. Most information is
system and useful:

File Signature saved hash/signature in file header

File attribute/status file status
Record size length for every record in table
Record Count total number of records in table
Field Count total number of fields
Number of keys total number of keys
Number of deleted records how many records are deleted
Number of pictures number of picture fields
Number of arrays number of array fields
Record without prefix text string for record without prefix
Record name prefix text string for record name prefix
File name prefix text string for file name prefix
Lock Count total number of locks
Protection ON if password specified
Checksum to encrypt hash/signature used for encryption
Last updated date/time when records were updated in last time
Load Time total time (in msecs) for data read
Table Structure

When selected Clarion file opened, you may see the Table structure (field defintions) in grid.

Every row in grid shows the information about corresponded field - Field Name, Field Type, and Field Length
Data Grid

When selected Clarion file opened, you may see the loaded records in grid.

You may navigate (scroll) thru record list, resize field columns, copy values to clipboard and save to another file format
Save As

When selected Clarion file opened, you may save the loaded information into external file.

The next formats supported:

CSV comma-delimited files
TXT text files
HTML html files
XML xml files
XLW MS Excel spreadsheets
XLS MS Excel workbooks
SQL SQL scripts
SQL multirow SQL scripts
MDB MS Access databases
ADO any ADO connection to data source
WK1 Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets
PDF Adobe Acrobat Reader documents
DBF dBase/FoxPro tables
XMLS MS Excel XML spreadsheets

To save the information you must click on Save As button in toolbar or select the item in File menu.
Also you may select the same item from context popup menu for grid.
Copy to clipboard

When selected Clarion file opened, you may copy the loaded information into clipboard.

To copy the information you must select the Copy to Clipboard item in context popup menu for grid.
MEMO/BLOB viewer

If your data file contain the MEMO or BLOB fields, then in data grid you may open the dialog to view the MEMO/BLOB value.

The texts will be displayed in standard text editor, the graphical values will be displayed as pictures.

Also you may view the contents in extended HEX viewer

Command-line arguments

Clarion Viewer supports the wide list of command-line arguments.

You may use these extended parameters to control the any functionality.

claview.exe [<clarion_file> [/e] [csv|txt|htm|xml|xls|sav|sql|mdb] [destination_file]] [/t] [/nocreate] [/ansi|oem]

[/noini] [/norecno] [/lang=]

A few samples:
- to start the tool in standard interactive mode

- to start the tool and open the Clarion file automatically

claview.exe c:\data\country.dat

- to convert the Clarion table (country.dat) to CSV-file (country.csv)

claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /e csv

- to convert the Clarion table (country.dat) to text file with custom file name
claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /e txt d:\output\data0026.txt

- to save the Clarion table to MS Excel spreadsheet

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e xls

- to publish the Clarion table to web-page (html-format)

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e htm x:\inetpub\wwwroot\countries.htm

- to generate xml-file from Clarion table

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e xml

- to generate SPSS-file from Clarion table

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e sav

- to generate SQL-dump from Clarion table

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e sql

- to generate SQL-dump from Clarion table without CREATE TABLE statement

claview.exe d:\country.dat /e sql d:\country.sql /nocreate

- to convert the Clarion table to CSV-file and include the header line
claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /e csv d:\country.csv /t

- to open the Clarion file in OEM codepage

claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /oem

- to start the tool but do not save this session in configuration file
claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /noini

- to start the viewer with custom language file

claview.exe c:\data\country.dat /lang=LANG\german.lng

- to save the Clarion table to without column with record number

claview.exe d:\country.datb /e xls /norecno

Also Clarion Viewer supports the configuration file.

Configuration file

Clarion Viewer supports also the configuration file where you may customize any parameter for viewer.
You may activate this configuration file via command-line argument

claview.exe [<clarion_file> [/f <config_file>]

Also you may use the next parameters:

Format=CSV ' destination export format (CSV or TXT or HTM or XML or XLS or XLW or SAV or SQL or MDB or ADO or
FileName=country1.csv ' destination file name for export
SkipHeader=1/0 ' skip or include header in exported file
BreakExportOnException=1/0 ' continue if error occured during file parse
Filter=(Area > 1000000) ' expression to limit the records for export
FirstRow=1 ' first row
LastRow=15 ' last row
FieldList=CODE;NAME ' field list
Sort=CODE ' field name to order
CreateTableSQL=0/1 ' skip or include the CREATE TABLE statement for SQL export
MDBUserID=peter ' UserID for export to MS Access
MDBPassword=p19ht ' Password for export to MS Access
IncludeRecNoInExport=0/1 ' include or exclude the record number in saved file
Language=german.lng ' default language file with translated interface
CSVExportDelimiter=, ' default field delimiter for CSV export
CSVExportQualifier=" ' default text qualifier for CSV export
CodePage=OEM ' use DOS/OEM codepage to read the file

Any parameter can be included in config file or removed from config-file.

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