NAEPP Expert Panel Report
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management
of Asthma–Update on Selected Topics 2002*
The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) keeps clinical practice
guidelines up to date by identifying selected topics on asthma that warrant intensive review
based on the level of research activity reflected in the published literature or the level of concern
in clinical practice. The NAEPP Expert Panel identified key questions about asthma manage-
ment and used a systematic review of the evidence, conducted by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality Evidence Practice Center, to prepare answers and update recommendations
for clinical practice.
The NAEPP Expert Panel Report: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Managment of
Asthma—Update on Selected Topics 2002 (EPR—Update 2002) presents up-to-date
recommendations on:
Monitoring—written action plans compared to medical management alone, and peak flow-based
compared to symptom-based written action plans
Long-Term Management of Asthma in Children
Question: Does chronic use of inhaled corticosteroids improve long-term outcomes for children
with mild or moderate persistent asthma, compared to other asthma medications?
Answer: Strong evidence from clinical trials has established that inhaled corticosteroids improve
control of asthma for children with mild or moderate persistent asthma compared to as-needed
beta2-agonists, as measured by prebronchodilator FEV1, reduced airway hyperresponsiveness,
improvements in symptom scores and symptom frequency, fewer courses of oral corticosteroids, and
fewer urgent care visits or hospitalizations. Studies comparing inhaled corticosteroids to cromolyn,
nedocromil, theophylline, or leukotriene receptor antagonists are limited, but available evidence
shows that none of these long-term-control medications appears to be as effective as inhaled cortico-
steroids in improving asthma outcomes. Studies comparing medications in children younger than
5 years of age are not available; recommendations are based on expert opinion and extrapolation
from studies in older children. The NAEPP EPR-2 recommendations for treating children with
mild or moderate persistent asthma have been revised. (See charts for Stepwise Approach for
Managing Asthma.)
*Updates the NAEPP Expert Panel Report 2 (NIH Publication No. 97-4051).
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES For more information contact:
Public Health Service NHLBI Health Information Network
National Institutes of Health
P.O. Box 30105
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Bethesda, MD 20824-0105
NIH Publication No. 02-5075 Phone: 301-592-8573; fax: 301-592-8563; TTY: 240-629-3255
Originally printed June 2002
Reprinted May 2003
N A T I O N A L H E A R T , L U N G , A N D B L O O D I N S T I T U T E
Based on observational studies, it is the opinion of the Combination Therapy
Expert Panel that the initiation of long-term-control ther-
apy should be considered in infants and young children Question: In patients with moderate persistent asthma
who have had more than three episodes of wheezing in the who are receiving inhaled corticosteroids, does addition of
past year that lasted more than 1 day and affected sleep another long-term-control agent improve outcomes?
and who have risk factors for the development of asthma
(parental history of asthma or physician-diagnosed atopic Answer: Strong evidence from clinical trials consis-
dermatitis or two of the following: physician-diagnosed tently indicates that use of long-acting inhaled beta2-
allergic rhinitis, wheezing apart from colds, peripheral agonists added to low-to-medium doses of inhaled
blood eosinophilia). This is in addition to previously corticosteroids leads to improvements in lung function
recommended indications for starting long-term-control and symptoms and reduced need for quick relief, short-
therapy—i.e., in infants and young children requiring acting beta2-agonists. Adding a leukotriene modifier or
symptomatic treatment more than two times per week or theophylline to inhaled corticosteroids or doubling the
experiencing severe exacerbations less than 6 weeks apart. dose of inhaled corticosteroids also improves outcomes,
but the evidence is not as substantial. The NAEPP EPR-2
Question: What are the long-term adverse effects recommendations for moderate persistent asthma have
of chronic inhaled corticosteroid use in children on the been revised: The preferred treatment for adults and
following outcomes: vertical growth, bone mineral children over 5 years of age is the addition of long-acting
density, ocular toxicity, and suppression of the inhaled beta2-agonists to low-to-medium doses of inhaled
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis? corticosteroids. Adjunctive therapy combinations have
not been studied in children younger than 5 years of age.
Answer: Strong evidence from clinical trials following For this age group, it is the opinion of the Expert Panel
children for up to 6 years shows that the use of inhaled cor- that there are two preferred options for treating moderate
ticosteroids at recommended doses does not have frequent, asthma: either the addition of long-acting inhaled beta2-
clinically significant, or irreversible effects on any of the agonists to a low dose of inhaled corticosteroids or
outcomes reviewed. The NAEPP EPR-2 statements have medium-dose inhaled corticosteroids as monotherapy.
been updated but not changed: Inhaled corticosteroids
improve health outcomes for children with mild or moder- Use of Antibiotics To Treat Acute Asthma
ate persistent asthma, and the potential but small risk of Exacerbation
delayed growth is well balanced by their effectiveness.
Question: Does adding antibiotics to standard care
Cumulative data in children suggest that low-to-medium improve the outcomes of treatment for acute exacerbation
doses of inhaled corticosteroids may have the potential of of asthma?
decreasing growth velocity (resulting in a small difference
in height averaging 1 cm in the first year of treatment), Answer: Evidence from clinical trials suggests no
but this effect on growth velocity is not sustained in benefit from antibiotic therapy for asthma exacerbations,
subsequent years of treatment, is not progressive, and may whether administered routinely or when suspicion of
be reversible. Cohort studies following children for more bacterial infection is low. No studies have addressed the
than 10 years suggest that final predicted height is question of whether the addition of antibiotics to standard
attained. Physicians should monitor the growth of chil- care improves the outcomes of treatment for asthma exac-
dren and adolescents taking corticosteroids by any route of erbations when signs and symptoms suggest the possibili-
administration and, if growth appears slowed, weigh the ty—but do not clearly indicate the presence—of bacterial
benefits of asthma control against the possibility of growth infection. The NAEPP EPR-2 recommendation has not
suppression or delay. been changed: Antibiotics are not recommended for the
treatment of acute asthma exacerbations except as needed
Studies including 6 years of observation indicate that low- for comorbid conditions—e.g., for those patients with
to-medium doses of inhaled corticosteroids have no adverse fever and purulent sputum, evidence of pneumonia, or
effects on bone mineral density in children and no signifi- suspected bacterial sinusitis.
cant effects on the incidence of subcapsular cataracts or
glaucoma. Studies show that, on average, persons may
have only clinically insignificant effects, if any, of inhaled
corticosteroids on HPA axis function, although there may
be rare individuals who are more susceptible.
Monitoring Evidence neither supports nor refutes the
benefits of written action plans based on peak flow moni-
Written Action Plans Compared to Medical toring compared to symptom-based plans in improving
health care utilization, symptoms, or lung function. Just
Management Alone
four studies, one including children, were available, and
Question: these studies had limitations (e.g., inadequate sample sizes
Compared to medical management alone,
and power to detect differences or potential bias in patient
does the use of a written asthma action plan improve
selection). The evidence does not clearly show that a peak
flow-based action plan is better, but equivalent benefits
Answer: have been demonstrated. Patient preferences and circum-
Data are insufficient to support or refute the
stances (e.g., inability to recognize or report signs and
benefits of using written asthma action plans compared
symptoms of worsening asthma) may warrant choosing
to medical management alone. Seven studies compared
peak flow monitoring. The NAEPP EPR-2 recommenda-
medical management with written action plans to medical
tions have not been changed. It is the opinion of the
management without action plans. Beyond including
Expert Panel that peak flow monitoring for patients with
instructions on the action plan to the intervention groups,
moderate or severe persistent asthma should be considered
four of these studies did not include asthma education for
because it may enhance clinician-patient communication
either the intervention or control groups; three of the stud-
and may increase patient and caregiver awareness of the
ies included similar but limited asthma education for both
disease status and control.
intervention and control groups. Only one study included
children. Significant limitations in study designs and meth-
ods in these studies preclude conclusions. For example, the
studies showing no benefits of written action plans did not
have sufficient power for comparisons between treatment
and control groups, and the two studies reporting signifi- Effects of Early Treatment on Progression of Asthma
cant improvements with action plans had potential biases in
Question: For patients with mild or moderate persistent
patient selection, withdrawals, data collection, or analysis.
asthma, does early intervention with long-term-control
However, a Cochrane review of 25 studies comparing asthma therapy (i.e., inhaled corticosteroids) prevent progression of
self-management education interventions for adults to asthma as indicated by changes in lung function or severity
medical care without such education also contrasted those of symptoms?
studies with self-management interventions that included Answer:
written action plans to those that did not. The self- Evidence is insufficient to permit conclusions
management interventions with written action plans had on the benefits of early treatment of asthma in preventing
the greatest benefits, including reduced emergency depart- the progression of disease. The NAEPP EPR-2 statements
ment visits and hospitalizations and improved lung function. on disease progression have been revised. The assumption
that children ages 5 to 12 with mild or moderate persistent
The NAEPP EPR-2 recommendations have not been asthma have a progressive decline in lung function has not
changed: It is the opinion of the Expert Panel that use of been supported by a large, randomized, controlled clinical
written action plans as part of an overall effort to educate trial. The trial found that although inhaled corticosteroids
patients in self-management is recommended, especially provided superior asthma control during treatment, symp-
for patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma and toms and airway hyperresponsiveness returned when treat-
patients with a history of severe exacerbations. ment was discontinued. This suggests that, for this age
group, with mild or moderate asthma, treatment provides
control but does not modify the underlying disease process.
Peak Flow-Based Compared to Symptom-Based
In contrast, prospective observational studies in other age
Written Action Plans
groups suggest that a loss of lung function in children
Question: occurs in the first 3 to 5 years of life and can occur rapidly
Compared to a written action plan based on
in adults with asthma. Adequate studies of whether treat-
symptoms, does use of a written action plan based on peak
ment can prevent these declines in lung function have not
flow monitoring improve outcomes?
yet been conducted.
Stepwise Approach for Managing Infants and Young Children
(5 Years of Age and Younger) With Acute or Chronic Asthma
Classify Severity: Clinical Features Before Medications Required To Maintain Long-Term Control
Treatment or Adequate Control
Symptoms/Night Daily Medications
■ Bronchodilator as needed for symptoms. Intensity of treatment will depend upon severity of exacerbation.
Quick Relief – Preferred treatment: Short-acting inhaled beta2-agonists by nebulizer or face mask and space/holding chamber
All Patients – Alternative treatment: Oral beta2-agonist
■ With viral respiratory infection
– Bronchodilator q 4–6 hours up to 24 hours (longer with physician consult); in general, repeat no more than
once every 6 weeks
– Consider systemic corticosteroid if exacerbation is severe or patient has history of previous severe exacerbations
■ Use of short-acting beta2-agonists >2 times a week in intermittent asthma (daily, or increasing use in persistent asthma) may
indicate the need to initiate (increase) long-term-control therapy.
Step down
■ The stepwise approach is intended to assist, not replace, the clinical decisionmaking required to
Review treatment every 1 to 6 months; a gradual stepwise
meet individual patient needs.
reduction in treatment may be possible.
■ Classify severity: assign patient to most severe step in which any feature occurs.
Step up ■ There are very few studies on asthma therapy for infants.
If control is not maintained, consider step up. First, review patient ■ Gain control as quickly as possible (a course of short systemic corticosteroids may be
medication technique, adherence, and environmental control. required); then step down to the least medication necessary to maintain control.
■ Minimize use of short-acting inhaled beta2-agonists. Overreliance on short-acting inhaled
beta2-agonists (e.g., use of approximately one canister a month even if not using it every day)
Goals of Therapy: Asthma Control indicates inadequate control of asthma and the need to initiate or intensify long-term-control
Minimal or no chronic therapy.
■ ■ Minimal use of short-acting
■ Provide parent education on asthma management and controlling environmental factors that
symptoms day or night inhaled beta2-agonist
make asthma worse (e.g., allergies and irritants).
■ Minimal or no exacerbations ■ Minimal or no adverse effects
■ Consultation with an asthma specialist is recommended for patients with moderate or severe
■ No limitations on activities; from medications persistent asthma. Consider consultation for patients with mild persistent asthma.
no school/parent’s work missed
Stepwise Approach for Managing Asthma in Adults and Children
Older Than 5 Years of Age: Treatment
Classify Severity: Clinical Features Before Treatment or Medications Required To Maintain
Adequate Control Long-Term Control
Symptoms/Day PEF or FEV1
Symptoms/Night PEF Variability Daily Medications
Quick Relief ■ Short-acting bronchodilator: 2–4 puffs short-acting inhaled beta2-agonists as needed for symptoms.
■ Intensity of treatment will depend on severity of exacerbation; up to 3 treatments at 20-minute intervals or a
All Patients single nebulizer treatment as needed. Course of systemic corticosteroids may be needed.
■ Use of short-acting beta2-agonists >2 times a week in intermittent asthma (daily, or increasing use in persistent
asthma) may indicate the need to initiate (increase) long-term-control therapy.
Step down ■ The stepwise approach is meant to assist, not replace, the clinical decisionmaking required to meet
Review treatment every 1 to 6 months; a gradual stepwise individual patient needs.
reduction in treatment may be possible. ■ Classify severity: assign patient to most severe step in which any feature occurs (PEF is % of