EMG 2206 - Chapter 4
EMG 2206 - Chapter 4
EMG 2206 - Chapter 4
ܳ = ܹ
ܳ௧ = ܹ௧ (4.1)
Where: οܷ, ο݉݃ݖ, and ο ݉ ܥଶ are changes in internal energy, potential energy and kinetic energy,
respectively. For a closed system change in internal energy is the most significant component. Changes
in kinetic and potential energy are usually assumed to be negligible and are therefore ignored.
Expression of the first law of thermodynamics for a process in a closed system can, therefore, be
reduced to Eq. (4.3):
ܳ െ ܹ = οܷ = ܷଶ െ ܷଵ (4.3)
For a unit mass (1 kg) of fluid within the system, Eq. (4.3) is expressed as:
ݑis a property of the system, with the SI unit of kJ/kg. Equation (4.4) is known as the non-flow energy
Equation (4.4) can be expressed in terms of differential changes of the system as follows:
Delta (ߜ) is used for q and w to indicate the interaction across a system while the normal differential
(d) is used for u to indicate a change of a property within the system. For a cycle, the internal, potential
and kinetic energies are all restored to their initial values by the interactions between heat and work.
Therefore, the right-hand side of Eq. (4.2) becomes zero as expressed in Eq. (4.6).
ܳെܹ =0 (4.6)
Equation (4.6) is the expression of the first law of thermodynamics for a cycle.
1. From Eq. (4.1), if a net amount of heat is not supplied by the surroundings into the system during a
thermodynamic cycle, no net amount of work will be delivered by the system. This implies that a
perpetual machine of the first kind is impossible.
2. From Eq. (4.4), for an isolated system from the surroundings where both q and w are zero, the
change in internal energy would be zero.
Exercise 4.1:
1. Figure 4.1 shows a steam plant that operates in a closed cycle. The power plant turbine develops
1000 kW. The heat supplied to the steam in the boiler is 2800 kJ/kg, the heat rejected by the system
to the cooling water in the condenser is 2100 kJ/kg and the feed pump work required to pump the
condensate back into the boiler is 5 kW. Calculate the mass flow rate of steam round the cycle in
kg/s. [Solution: 1.421 kg/s]
2. During compression stroke of an internal-combustion engine, the heat rejected to the cooling water
is 45 kJ/kg and the work input is 90 kJ/kg. Calculate the change in specific internal energy of the
working fluid stating whether it is a gain or a loss.
[Solution: ο࢛ = 45 kJ/kg, gain]
Simulation of a process reversibility can be demonstrated using Fig. 4.2 (a) and (b). In Fig. 4.2 (a), the
piston of a system is pulled very slowly to the right through a very small distance to avoid causing
large-scale motion of the gas. This way, the process can be reversed, i.e., the piston can be pushed
back to its original position and everything returns to the same starting state. In such a case, there is an
ideal work transfer known as the reversible work interaction, in which all properties are restored to
their initial values at the end of the push-pull motion. In this process, friction between the cylinder and
the piston is assumed to be absent (friction causes irreversibility of a process).
Fig. 4.2: Demonstration of (a) reversible and (b) irreversible work transfer
In reality, all processes are irreversible, but the concept of reversibility is central to thermodynamic
analysis. Reversibility implies that everything is infinitesimally close to equilibrium at all times
throughout the process.
Heat interaction reversibility results when heat interacts at virtually constant temperature, with only an
infinitesimal difference to provide heat transfer in the required direction. In Fig. 4.3 (a), if the object is
heated for a very short time and cooled, heat will first flow in one direction and then reverses to the
other direction. Therefore, to achieve reversible heat transfer, temperature difference must be
decreased to an almost zero limit, (infinitesimal difference). Heat transfer across a finite temperature
difference as illustrated in Fig. 4.3 (b) is irreversible.
Fig. 4.3: Demonstration of (a) reversible and (b) irreversible heat transfer
In summary, the concept of reversibility means that the states of the system and its surroundings are
always infinitesimally close to equilibrium.
Equation (4.8) indicates that the quantity of heat in the system is equal to the change of internal
energy. If the heat is transferred by virtue of infinitesimal temperature difference, then the process is
reversible. The energy equation may then be expressed in differential form as in Eq. (4.9).
݀ݑ݀ = ݍ (4.9)
4.3.2 Constant pressure process
If heat is applied to a system undergoing a constant pressure process the fluid will expand and the
system will do work to overcome the constant force that maintains the constant pressure. The general
expression in Eq. (4.7) applies. For a reversible process, the energy equation can be written as:
݀ ݍെ ݑ݀ = ݒ݀ (4.10)
Since P is constant, Eq. (4.10) can be integrated to yield Eq. (4.11).
Thus, if the initial and final states are known i.e., if ଵ ݒଵ and ݒଶ are given, then a definite quantity of
heat q which can be calculated from Eq. (4.11) is transferred during the process. Since is constant,
ݒ݀is identical to ݀()ݒ. Thus, Eq. (4.10) can be expressed as:
The term ݑ+ ݒin Eq. (4.12) is defined as the enthalpy, h, which is a system property that combines
properties ݑ, and ݒ. It is expressed as given in Eq. (4.14). The SI unit for enthalpy is kJ/kg.
݄݀݀ = ݍ (4.15)
Or in integrated form,
݄݀ = ݍଶ െ ݄ଵ (4.16)
Fig. 4.4: Polytropic process demonstration
For a reversible polytropic process, single values of P and v can truly define the state of a system and
݀ݒ݀ܲ = ݓ. The work done per unit mass during a change from state 1 to 2 may be determined by
integration as follows: For the initial, the final and any intermediate state,
ܲଵ ݒଵ = ܲଶ ݒଶ = ܲ ݒ = ܿ (4.18)
ଶ ଶ ௗ௩ ௩ భష ି௩ భష ௩ .௩ భష ି ௩ .௩ భష ௩ ି ௩
= ݓଵ ܲ݀ ݒܲ = ݒ ଵ = ܲ ݒ ቀ మ భ
ቁ= మ మ మ భ భ భ
= మ మ భ భ (4.19)
௩ ଵି ଵି ଵି
An integrated form of the energy equation for a reversible polytropic process can therefore be
expressed as shown in Eq. (4.20).
మ ௩మ ିభ ௩భ
ݍെ = ݑଶ െ ݑଵ (4.20)
4.4 First law of thermodynamics application in open systems
As earlier defined, an open system refers to a system in which the working fluid may flow in or out of
the system across the boundary. Across the boundary, there can be transfer of energy in the form of
heat and work as shown in Fig. 4.5.
݉ଵ = ݉ଶ = ݉ (4.24)
భ భ మ మ
= = (4.25)
௩భ ௩మ ௩
Where: C is the working fluid velocity, A is the flow area, and v is the specific volume of the working
fluid. Equation (4.25) is known as the continuity equation.
To derive the energy equation that is applicable to open systems, it is important to consider what
happens when the working fluid is introduced into the control volume and when it leaves. Consider the
open system in Fig. 4.5, the fluid entering the system at section 1 is pushed in by the fluid behind it.
Therefore, work is being done on the fluid inside the system. Similarly, the fluid leaving the system at
section 2 has to push the fluid in front of it, to represents the work out of the system. The work done in
moving the fluid is called flow work.
Consider a fluid flowing through a pipe as shown in Fig. 4.6. The shaded part, length L, represents the
length of a fluid column having a unit mass. The pressure, p, on the fluid at section a causes the fluid to
flow to the right towards section b.
Work done in moving the fluid through length L is given by force multiplied by distance, and
expressed as:
)ܮܣ( = ܮ)ܣ( = ݓ (4.26)
Since the volume defined by ( )ܮܣcontains 1 kg of fluid, it represents specific volume v. Therefore,
flow work can be expressed as ݒ.
Fig. 4.7: Open system for evaluating fluid energy into and out of the system
In Fig. 4.7, a unit mass of the fluid enters the system with a particular value of internal energy, ݑଵ ,
kinetic energy, ܿଵଶ , potential energy, ݖଵ ݃, and having flow work, ଵ ݒଵ , done on it. Combining these
energy terms yields total energy for the fluid entering at section 1 as:
ݐܽ ݕ݃ݎ݁݊݁ ݈ܽݐݐ1 = ݑଵ + ଵ ݒଵ + ܿଵଶ + ݖଵ ݃ (4.27)
Similarly, the total specific energy of fluid leaving at section 2 is given by:
ݐܽ ݕ݃ݎ݁݊݁ ݈ܽݐݐ2 = ݑଶ + ଶ ݒଶ + ܿଶଶ + ݖଶ ݃ (4.28)
For a steady flow process, energy entering the system must be equal to the energy leaving the system
as long as there are steady flows of heat and work. This can be expressed by combining Eq. (4.27) and
(4.28) as follows:
ଵ ଵ
ݑଵ + ଵ ݒଵ + ܿଵଶ + ݖଵ ݃ + ݑ = ݍଶ + ଶ ݒଶ + ܿଶଶ + ݖଶ ݃ + ݓ (4.29)
ଶ ଶ
Equation (4.30) is known as the steady flow energy equation (S.F.E.E). As explained earlier, the sum
of internal energy and flow work, ݑ+ ݒ, represents enthalpy, h, of the system and expressed as ݄ =
ݑ+ ݒ. Also, changes in potential and kinetic energies are represented by (ݖଶ െ ݖଵ )݃ = οܲ. ܧ. and
(ܿଶଶ െ ܿଵଶ ) = οܭ. ܧ., respectively. Using these terms in Eq. (4.30) yields:
Exercise 4.2:
An insulated steady flow device operates with steam entering at a pressure of 600 kPa, a temperature of
25 C, and a velocity of 200 m/s. If the steam leaves the device as a saturated vapour at a pressure of
100 kPa and with a velocity of 50 m/s, determine the specific work done by the device.
Consider the general expression for the SFEE in Eq. (3.31).
ݍെ = ݓο݄ + οܲ. ܧ. +οܭ. ܧ.
For a boiler, this equation can be simplified by making the following assumptions:
2. Condenser:
A condenser is a device that is used for condensing vapour back to liquid state. Figure 4.10 shows a
simple shell-and-tube condenser while Fig. 4.11 illustrates a simplified condenser system with
boundary clearly indicated.
However, in this case ݄ଵ is greater than ݄ଶ and, therefore, q is negative.
If the mass flow of the fluid is ݉ሶ kg/s, then work done per second is expressed as follows:
ܹሶ = ݉ሶ(݄ଵ െ ݄ଶ ) (4.35)
Compressors, pumps and fans are devices that are used to increase the pressure of a fluid. These
devices therefore consume work in the process. Similar to turbines, heat transfer from these devices is
usually negligible, i.e., = ݍ0. The potential energy changes associated with these devices are also
4. Throttle valve:
A throttle valve is a device used for reducing the pressure of a fluid flowing from state 1 to 2 as
demonstrated in Fig. 4.13. This is particularly applied in a refrigerator where a simple and low-cost
throttle valve is used to effect flow pressure drop from high -pressure side to low-pressure side of the
To analyze a throttle valve, the steady flow energy equation, ݍെ = ݓο݄ + οܲ. ܧ. +οܭ. ܧ. is used.
The S.F.E.E. can be simplified by making the following assumptions:
6. Heat Exchangers:
These are devices where two streams of moving fluids exchange heat normally without mixing. An
example of a heat exchanger is the shell and tube as shown in Fig. 4.13. Heat exchangers typically
involve no work interactions (i.e., = ݓ0) and negligible kinetic and potential energy changes. Note
also that if the entire heat exchanger is selected as the control volume (system), the heat exchange with
the surroundings can be neglected (i.e., = ݍ0).
Tutorial 4.1:
1. In a gas turbine unit, gases flow through the turbine at 17 kg/s and the power developed by the
turbine is 14000 kW. The enthalpies of the gases at the inlet and outlet are 1200 kJ/kg and 360
kJ/kg, respectively, and velocities of the gases at inlet and outlet are 60 m/s and 150 m/s,
respectively. Calculate the rate at which heat is rejected from the turbine. Find also the area of the
inlet pipe given that the specific volume of the gases at inlet is 0.5 m3/kg.
[ࡿ࢛࢚: ࡽሶ = െૢ. ࢃ; = . ]
Assignment 1:
Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.4 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 6 m/s with a pressure of
1 bar and specific volume of 0.85 m3/kg, and leaving at 4.5 m/s with a pressure of 6.9 bar and specific
volume of 0.16 m3/kg. The specific internal energy of the air leaving is 88 kJ/kg greater than that of the
air entering. Cooling water in a jacket surrounding the cylinder absorbs heat from the air at the rate of
59 kJ/s. Calculate:
i. The power required to drive the compressor.
ii. The inlet and outlet pipe cross-sectional areas.