DRN: : -A0-21-
Series of 2021
‘The workplace is one of the key factors that affect our mental wellbeing and health
There is an acknowledgement and growing awareness of the role of work in promoting
or hindering mental wellness. Although it is difficult to quantify the impact of work alone
on personal identity, self-esteem and social recognition, most mental health
professionals agree that the workplace environment can have a significant impact on
an individual's mental well-being (WHO, 2002).
Thus, the impact of mental health problems in the workplace has serious
consequences not only on the person as an individual, but also on the productivity of
the organization as a whole. Poor performance, absenteeism, tardiness, accidents and
staff turnover can be associated toa personnel’s mental health status.
It is increasingly being recognized that the mental health of personnel is a crucial
determinant in their overall health. The poor mental health and stressors at the
workplace can be contributory factors to a range of physical illnesses like
hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular conditions, amongst others (WHO, 2005).
Given this, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), a national
government agency which is mandated to lead in the formulation, implementation and
Coordination of social welfare programs, shall integrate and advocate mental health
initiatives in all human resource and organizational development policies and
programs in theDepartment. It shall also ensure that every personnelare aware and
sensitive to mental health issues and programs.
The DSWD commits itself to promoting the wellbeing of its personne! by ensuring that
mental health is valued, promoted and protected; mental health conditions are treated
and prevented; timely, affordable, high quality, gender sensitive and culturally-
appropriate health care for these conditions is made available to its personnel. Such
health services are free from coercion and accountable to the service users and
personnel affected by mental health conditions. Personnel are able to exercise the full
Tange of human rights, and work and participate fully at work, free from stigmatization
and discrimination.
‘As one of the implementers of Republic Act No. 11036 otherwise known as the Mental
Health Act, the Department shall ensure the promotion, prevention and treatment on
mental health. Hence, this policy guideline supports the implementation of the Mental
Health Law ensuring that the mental health services are always available and
accessible to all personnel.
— ae
Page 4 of 13Ww.
Legal Bases
1. Republic Act No. 11036 otherwise known as the Mental Health Act and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR);
2. Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 04, s. 2020, or the
Mental Health Program in the Public Sector;
3. DSWD Memorandum Circular No. 13, series of 2013, or the Guidelines in
Promoting Wellness in DSWD; and
4, DSWD Administrative Order No. 20, series of 2018, or the Enhanced Mechanism
‘on Promoting Occupational Wellbeing and Employee _Reinvigoration
This policy guideline seeks to:
1. Strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health by, among
others, formulating, developing and implementing policies, strategies and
programs relating to mental health;
2. Develop and establish a comprehensive, integrated, effective, and efficient mental
health program responsive to the psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial needs
of personnel;
3. Protect the rights of personnel with psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial
health needs;
4, Integrate mental health care in the basic health services for personnel and in the
human resource systems and processes; and
5. Integrate strategies promoting mental health in the workplace.
This Mental Health Program shall apply to all DSWD personnel, regardless of
employment status,and shall cover all Offices, Bureaus, Services, Units (OBSUs)
and Field Offices of the Department, including DSWD Centers, Institutions, and
Satellite Offices, Attached Agencies and Supervised Agencies.
Definition of Terms
1. Confidentiality refers to ensuring that all relevant information related to persons
with psychiatric, neurologic and psychosocial health needs is kept safe from
access to, use by, or disclosure to, persons or entities who are not authorized
to access, use or possess such information(RA 11036).
2. Discrimination refers to any distinction, exclusion or restriction which has the
purpose oreffect of nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an
equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the
political, economic, social, cultural or any other field. It includes all forms of
discrimination, including denial of reasonable accommodation. Special
Tae :10.
measures to protect the rights or secure the advancement of persons with
decision making impairment capacity shall not be deemed discriminatory (RA
Informed Consent refers to consent voluntarily given by a service user to a plan
for treatment, after a full disclosure communicated in plain language by the
attending mental health service provider, of the nature, consequences,
benefits, and risks of the proposed treatment, as well as available alternatives
(RA 11036).
Mental Health refers to a state of well-being in which the individual realizes
‘one’s own abilities and potentials, copes adequately with the normal stresses
of life, displays resilience in the face of extreme life events, works productively
and fruitfully, and is able to make positive contribution to the community (RA
Mental Health Condition refers to a neurologic or psychiatric condition
characterized by the existence of a recognizable, clinically significant
disturbance in an individual's recognition, emotional regulation, or behavior that
reflects a genetic or acquired dysfunction in the neurobiological, psychosocial
or developmental process underlying mental functioning. The determination of
neurologic and psychiatric conditions shall be based on scientifically-accepted
medical nomenclature and best available scientific and medical evidence (RA
Mental Health Facility refers to any establishment or any unit of an
establishment, which has, as its primary function, the provision of mental health
services (RA 11036).
Mental Health Professionals refers to a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse,
social worker, guidance counselor, or any other appropriately trained and
qualified person with specific skills relevant to the provision of mental health
services (RA 11036).
Mental Health Services refers to psychosocial, psychiatric or neurologic
activities and programs along the whole range of the mental health support
services including promotion, prevention, treatment and aftercare which are
provided by mental health facilities and mental health professionals (RA
Mental Health Service Provider refers to an entity or individual providing mental
health services as defined in the Act, whether public or private, including, but
not limited to mental health professionals and workers, social workers and
counselors, peer counselors, informal community caregivers, mental health
advocates ‘and their organizations, personal ombudsman, and persons or
entities offering non-medical alternative therapies (RA 11036).
Personnel refers to any DSWD official or rank-and-filepersonnel, regardless of
employment status.
Reasonable Accommodation - means necessary and appropriate modification
and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where
needed in a particular case, to ensure the enjoyment or exercise on an equal
basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms (RA 10524).
—) oe 5vi
Guiding Principles
1. Non-discriminatory
a. There shall be no discrimination in any form against personnel who are at risk
of developing or who are found to have mental health problem, regardless of
‘employment status, age, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, creed or
religion and cultural or ethnic affiliation.
b. Personnel at risk or identified to have a mental health conditionshall not be
discriminated in terms of recruitment, promotion and termination. They shall
not be discriminated nor prevented to receive benefits because of their
condition. However, the personnel who at risk or identified to have a mental
health condition shall still be allowed to report for work unless otherwise
advised by a competent mental health professional, or if s/he has been a clear
threat to her/his own safety or safety of coworkers and clients or the general
. Personnel shall not be terminated from work on the basis of actual, perceived
or suspected mental health condition unless the condition progresses to such
severity that personnel's ability to discern, make reasonable
judgement/decisions, perception of reality, activities of daily living (e.g., self-
care) causes impairment in day-to-day functioning thereby compromising
his/her safety, co-workersand work performance/productivity. This should be
done upon the certification issued by a competent public health authority with
‘expertise on mental health.
d. They shall continue to perform their duties and responsibilities provided they
are issued a certification from an accredited Mental Health
Professionalcertifying that their condition does not impede their productivity
and still fit to work, and continued work will not aggravate mental health
2. Reasonable Working Arrangements
a. Agreements on work accommodation and work arrangement for personnelat
risk or with mental health condition shall be made on a case-to-case basis
between the Head of Office/Bureau/Service and the personnel, provided
however that such mental health condition shall not prevent the worker from
performing the requirements of the job or will endanger his/her safety, or that
of his/her co-workers, clients or the general public.
b. Depending on the nature and severity of mental health condition, measures to
accommodate and support personnel with mental health conditionsshall be
clearly explained to the personnelby the Human Resource Management and
Development Service together with Mental Health Professional, as far as
deemed necessary in the presence of his/her family member or legal
c. Personnel identified to have mental condition and have undergone treatment
and recovered as certified by an attending physician shall not be prevented
from returning to work provided an accredited physician certified that he/she is
fit to work. Reasonable accommodation and other such arrangements upon
return to work as determined or as recommended by the mental health
professional should be considered,
(2k :d, Modified work arrangements shall be extended to personnel who are legally
recognized as carers of persons with mental health issues by the Head of
3. Confidentiality
a. All information, including those submitted during the recruitment process and
results of neuropsychological test and medical records, shall form part of the
personnel's record andbe protected and treated with confidentiality, as
provided under the Data Privacy Act.
b. Access to personal data or any information relating to a worker's mental
health condition shall be bound by the rules of confidentiality and/or the Data
Privacy Act.
4. Rights-based
‘a. The right to health as enshrined under the Universal Health Rights is
promoted, protected, fulfilled thru the mental health program.
b. Personnel at risk or identified with mental health problem shall not be
deprived of the opportunity to work and to participate in policymaking and
program implementation relating to mental health
¢. Personnel at risk or identified with mental health problemshall not be
prevented from exercising their inherent civil, political, economic, social,
religious and cultural rights.
d. Personnel at risk or identified with mental health shall have access to
affordable evidence-based treatment and medical services and participate in
mental health advocacy, policy planning, legislation, service provision,
monitoring, research and evaluation.
5. Disclosure’
a. Personnel are encouraged to disclose their medical or mental health condition
for purposes of reasonable accommodation,
b. Head of Offices/Bureaus/Servicesat the Central Office and Field Offices and
co-workers shall not reveal to a third party any information about the
personnel with mental health problem except in any of the following
Unless it is required by law;
With consent from the personnel with mental health condition;
Life threatening emergency cases where such disclosure is
necessary to prevent harm or injury to himself/herself or to other
persons; or
iv. Disclosure is required in connection with an administrative, civil or
criminal case against a mental health professional or personnel for
negligence of a breach of professional ethics.
“Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) no. 208, series of 2020vil.
v. _ Personnel obtaining disclosure information on the medical or mental
health condition of co-workers shall obtain their informed consent.
6. Sustainability
a. A Health and Wellness survey, to include Mental Health, shall be
administered periodically to determine the present well-being of DSWD
b. Mental health initiatives shall be integrated into the Health and Wellness
Program to ensure their sustainability.
c. The Department shall provide a health and weliness space or room for any
activities related to Mental Health Program such as but not limited to prayer
rooms (regardless of faith/religion) and conference rooms to be used by the
personnel for mentoring/coaching and other similar related activities.
d. The Department shall focus or invest in promotion of healthy lifestyle, work-life
balance, employee support mechanisms, among others as a preventive
approach to Mental Healthproblem or condition,
4. Prevention, Promotion and Information, and Education Campaign on Mental
Health Wellbeing
a. All DSWD personnel shall be provided with basic information and education
‘on mental health to strengthen approaches in the prevention of stigma and
discrimination and to better understand individuals with mental health
conditions, Standard basic information and education shall include, but not
limited to, the following:
i. Understanding mental health and its impact in the workplace and
the workforce;
ji. Identification and management of mental health problems in the
Salient features of RA 11036 and its IRR with emphasis on the
basic human rights of persons with mental health condition and
consent to treatment; and
iv. Confidentiality of all information or medical records of a personnel
with mental health problem
b. All Offices/Bureaus/Services at the Central and Field Offices shall conduct
Mental Health Wellness activities, to include:
Regular stress management activities;
Team-building activities;
Organized peer counseling circle;
Physical fitness activities;
Support group for personnel with special needs (working mothers/
lactating mothers, single parent, faith group fellowship);
vi. Interest group sharing (hobbyists, riders, theater artists, etc.);
vii. Weekly health and wellness sessions; and
vili. Delivering mental health services through virtual or online stress
debriefing and/or counselling,
— | ae 6c. All Offices/Bureaus/Services at the Central and Field Offices shall conduct
continuing mental health awareness/education activities as follows:
i. Production of IEC materials on mental health (e.g., distribution of
leaflets challenging the misconceptions associated with mental
illness, production of infomercials, infographics related to mental
Conduct of regular seminars, symposiums, or fora on mental health
for all personnel; and
ii, Provide psychosocial interventions, such as but not limited to
debriefing acti 6 or Psychosocial Processing (PSP)to identified
personnel who suffered tragic, traumatic and stressful life
2. Intervention, Rehabilitation and Recovery
a. The Department shall include capacity for intervention or referral procedures
for treatment modalities and rehabilitation of personnel with mental health
condition and provide access to mental health services.
b. Psychosocial interventions shall be conducted in case of life-threatening
situations or traumatic experience which may or may not be work related (e.g
after experiencing natural/man-made calamities),
c. Depending on the nature and severity of employee's mental health condition,
s/he may be referred to a DOH-licensed/accredited/recognized mental health
facility or mental health service providers for appropriate management. It is
ensured that referral is made upon consideration of adequacy of client's
consent for referral
d. The absence from workof personnel undergoing intervention and rehabilitation
shall be charged against their available leave creditsor their compensatory
overtime credits(COCs) or they may utilize other regulated leaves like Victims
of Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) leave, if applicable,
without prejudice to the existing policy on the availment of leave and
availment of Compensatory Time/Day Off. In the case of COS/JO Workers,
their earned COCs shall be utilized for the purpose.
e. Reintegration into the workplace of personnel who have completed mental
health intervention shall be ensured.In the case of COS/JO Workers who
have to undergo intervention during the period of the contract but completed
the same upon or after expiration of their contract, a certificate from his
attending Mental Health Service Provider certifying his current mental health
status and capacity to resume work will be part of his supporting documents
for renewal to be submitted within the prescribed timeline.
3. Integration of Mental Health in Human Resource Development and
Management Policies and Programs
a. Ensure that mental health assessment of personnel is undertaken during
recruitment and promotion”.
Rule XI, Section 134 of Prohibitions, CSC Memorandum Ccular no. 14, series of 2018 or the 2017 Omnibus Rules on
‘Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions, Revised Juy 2018,
— |e 7In case of promotion, the Department may identify certain positions that may
require mandatory mental health assessment (i.e., Executive/Managerial,
drivers, frontline positions).
b. Mental health awareness session shall be integrated in the AgencyOrientation
for Newly Hired Personnel.
c. As much as possible, include mental health assessment in the Annual
Physical Examination (APE) of personnel who avail ofthe health insurance of
the Department's Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).
d. Amechanism to ensure psychological wellness of human resource personnel
and mental health service providers shall be in place,
4, Establishment of Institutional Networks and Referral System which can
Provide Support Mechanism for Personne! who are with Mental Health
Conditions or at Risk for Mental Health Conditio
a. Institutional Networks
i. Inventory of Health Institutions that provide treatment and recovery
program for people with mental health issues/concers, with list of
services offered and their contact numbers
ii, Mobilization of organized support groups on mental health
ii, Provision of DOH MH Hotline and other support mechanisms for
personnel at risk and with mental health conditions
b. Referral System
i. A protocol or referral system for personnel with mental health
conditions should be established.
5. Capability-Building on Mental Health
a. Provide basic education and trainings on mental health for Mental Health
Program Administratorsand Human Resource Officerson the identification,
recognition of psychosocial hazards and management of mental health
b. Provide information and training on how to handle personnel at risk or those
with mental health concerns.
¢. Provide capacity building program for Supervisors/Head of Offices as they
regularly interact and monitor their subordinate which includes the following:
(a) early prevention of mental health issues through workload
delegation/dissemination; and (b)Identification of early signs of mental health
problem which will lead to its prevention and treatment.
4. Training of program implementers in promoting and advocating mental health
in the workplace as well as identification and management of mental health
problems may be coordinated with Department of Health (DOH), National
Center for Mental Health (NCMH) or with other mental health service
\ 86. Review of Working Conditions
a. Assessment of workplace conditions/environment shall be periodically done
e.g., annual basis by the Safety and Health Committee (SHC).
b. Workload assignment vis-a-vis accomplishment of personnel at risk or with
mental health condition shall be assessed by the Head of
c. Job descriptions or terms of reference shall be reviewed to ensure that
functions and deliverables are commensurate to the position, qualifications
and salary grade by the Human Resource Personnel. However, for those
personnel existing/diagnosed with mental health conditions, job descriptions
may be appropriately adjusted depending on the severity and the
Tecommendation of attending physician, until affected personnel is able to
cope/adjust accordingly.
7. Benefits and Compensation
Vill. Implementing Mecha
a. In determining the appropriate compensation for the diagnostic, treatment and
rehabilitation of a personnel with mental health condition, the current health
benefit packages under PhilHealth, ECC or GSIS/SSS whichever are
applicable, shall apply.
b. Personnelwith mental health conditions are entitled to all monetary and non-
monetary statutory benefits in accordance with existing rules and regulations
without prejudice to the exercise of policies, rules and regulations on
‘compensation and other benefits.
‘The Mental Health Professional shall assess the personnel at risk or identified with
mental health condition, to identify the stage of mental wellbeing of such
personnel.Personne! may also opt to undergo assessment with their preferred
mental health professional in any of the mental health facilities.
Appropriate action based on the initial assessment after obtaining the personnel’s
informed consent or that of their family members or legal representativeshall be
undertaken by the Human Resource Management and Development Office, which
may be, but not limited to:
a. Notification of family members on initial assessment on the condition of the
personnel at risk and solicit their support to the process;
accredited and licensed mental health professional and mental
ity for further assessment; and
c. Ensure that referred personnel with mental health conditions shall be handled
by professionals of the same sex.
Should there be a need for personnel at risk or identified with mental health
conditions to undergo medical check-up and assessment, the Department shall
refer to relevant medical institutions to provide for such needs and treatment, as
4, Should there be a need for the personnel at risk or identified with mental health
problem to undergo treatment, the Head of Office/Bureau/Service at the Central
and Field Offices shall allow the personnel the necessary number of days
chargeable against his/her earned leave credit as recommended by the attending
mental health professional.
5. Work arrangements shall be done to accommodate personnel who will report to.
work after treatment.
6. Monitoring of performance and health conditions shall be done to ensure
sustainable productivity and wellness of the personnel who have undergone
treatment from mental health condition.
7. Support mechanisms for personnel availing of alternative work arrangement
ive.work from home, compressed work week, staggered hours, skeleton workforce,
ora combination thereof, shall also be extended
Institutional Arrangements
4. General Administration and Support Services Group
a. Ensure the institutionalization of the implementation of the Mental Health
b. Ensure that all established mental health policies are administered and
enforced in the workplace;
c. Ensure Mental Health Program is integrated in the human resource
development and management, policies and processes; and
d. Provide resources including funding to effectively implement the mental health
2. Heads of Offices, Bureaus and Services at the Central Office and Field
a. Maintain overall responsibility for the enforcement of Mental Health Program
in all workplace areas,
b. Ensure that all personnel are aware of the Mental Health Program;
¢. Provide information and resources including funding in the Work and Financial
Plan, to effectively implement the mental health program;
d, Provide continuous education or training on mental health;
e. Monitor and report accomplishments of the Mental Health Program; and
f. Establish institutional network who can provide assistance in the
implementation of the Mental Health Program.
“15 .3. Human Resource Management and Development Service
Ensure integration of the Mental Health Program in the human resource
development and management, policies and programs;
Administer, manage and monitor implementation of the Mental Health
Provide continuous education and training and initiate workplace discussions
‘on mental health and ensure that all personnel are aware of the Mental Health
Establish a referral system for the client who needs help and appropriate
Maintain contact with institutional networks (e.g., hospitals, agencies, trainers,
health and other professionals, etc.) to support the implementation of the
Mental Health Program;
Be up to date with recommended mental health information and education
Assist in incident investigations, analysis and preparation of mental health
related reports and summaries, keeping record of the same;
Establish mental health profile of personnel and ensure that records of
personnel with mental health conditions and those at risk must at all times be
managed, kept safe and treated with confidentiality conforming with the
provision of the Data Privacy Act and the Mental Health Act;
Submit a semi-annual report’to the Secretary on the implementation of the
MHP and such report shall be included in the annual accomplishment report
of the Department;
Assist personnel who suffer from mental health issues and under medication
to Program Management Bureau-Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU) for financial
medical assistance;
Conduct hospital visits and prepare well wishes card/gifts for the personnel
undergoing treatment in a mental health facility as part of the employee
support mechanisms;
Sustain the activities related to the implementation of the Mental Health
Program; and
Ensure support to the established support groups and to guarantee a non-
discriminatory treatment to both personnel and the Department.
4, Employee Organization/Association
To be included in the Office/Individual Performance Contract Rating (OPCR/IPCR) review and assessment;
‘template of the report shall be provided by the HRMS.
a. Collaborate with the Secretary, Heads of Offices/Bureaus/Services at the
Central Office and Field Offices and the Human Resource Management Office
in the development, administration, implementation, and monitoring of the
b. Provide support and assistance in developing strategies, administration,
information, dissemination, implementation and monitoring of the programs
and activities on mental health initiatives; and
¢. Provide financial assistance programs for personnel that suffer from mental
health issues and under medication due to work related causes.
5. DSWD Personnel
a. Participate actively in the formulation and effective implementation of the
workplace policies and programs on mental health through consultations,
policy-making processes, general assembly, etc.;
b. Provide assistance in any form to improve the condition of personnel who are
at risk of developing or with mental health problem and refrain from any
discriminatory acts against them; and
c. Shall notengage in bullying such as cyber bullying/mobbing, verbal, ‘sexual
and physical harassment, all forms of work-related violence, threats, shaming,
alienation and other forms of discrimination which may lead to a mental health
problem or may aggravate mental health concernsand report such as
personal incident and other related incidents have known in the workplace to
be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Penalties and Administrative Liabilities
Any violation of this Guidelines shall be considered a ground for administrative
disciplinary action pursuant to the existing Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil
Service, without prejudice to the filing or criminal or civil actions pursuant to Section 44
‘of Republic Act No, 11036 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Communication Plan
The Department shall adopt and implement a communication plan to promote the
Mental Health Program through the use of available media. Information and education
materials shall be made available and activities may be conducted to facilitate the
dissemination of relevant information on mental health. This should be done by Human
Resource Management and Development Service through collaboration with Social
Marketing Service.
Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements
The medical records shall be kept or maintained inside the Office Clinic. If the Clinic is
not yet established, the medical records shall be kept with Human Resource
Management and Development Officewith restricted access restricted orper need
basisor with the Administrative Service - Records and Archives Management Division
for proper disposition in accordance to the existing guidelines of the National Archives
of the Philippines and Department's Records Disposition Schedule.
V6 .xin,
Monitoring and Evaluation
Review of this policy shall be done annually or as often as necessary to ensure
effective implementation and compliance to latest legal issuances.
Quarterly monitoring shall be done by the Human Resource Management and
Development Office. Asemi-annual report on the implementation of the Mental Health
Program shall be submitted to theSecretary to be included in the annual
accomplishment report of the Department.
Funding for the implementation of the Mental Health Program shall be sourced from
the budget of the Department as integrated in the annual Work and Financial Plan of
each Office/Bureau/Service at the Central Office and Field Office subject to existing
rules and regulations.
Repealing Clause
All policies, issuances, rules and regulations and agreements inconsistent with this
guideline are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
This issuance shall take effect immediately upon its approval.
Let copies of this Order be issued to the Central Otfice and Field Offices for their
information and guidance.
Issued this 2544 day of__ MARCH 2021 in Quezon City, Philippines.
Sertifiee Yeue Copy.
76 MAR 2021