Nikon D300 Brochure (November 2007)
Nikon D300 Brochure (November 2007)
Nikon D300 Brochure (November 2007)
performance and reliability, the Nikon D300 combines innovative Nikon technologies with
advanced new features to optimize all aspects of camera performance and form the ideal
blend of Nikon DX-format performance.
Empower Creativity
*1 When using Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e. *2 NORMAL-LARGE image setting, using a SanDisk Extreme IV CompactFlash 1 GB card. *3 When shooting in Continuous-servo AF
(C) using Shutter-Priority Auto [S] or Manual [M] exposure modes and a shutter speed of 1/ 250 s or faster with other settings at default. Continuous shooting speed for 14-bit NEF (RAW)
is approx. 2.5 fps. *4 8 fps requires either 1) Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 with Battery Chamber Cover BL-3 and either Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4/EN-EL4a or eight R6/AA-
size batteries or 2) AC Adapter EH-5a/EH-5, all of which are sold separately. *5 When shooting in JPEG, TIFF or 12-bit NEF (RAW) formats.
2 3
New 12.3 megapixel DX-format and shifting, but also functions as part of needs of photographers. The processing • Lens: AF-S DX
Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm
CMOS image sensor Nikon's first Self-cleaning Sensor Unit built system developed for the D300 applies f/2.8G ED
• 1/250 second, f/11
Developed to provide the highest level of into the D300. o p timize d te chnolo gie s ba s e d o n th e • White balance: Preset manual
• ISO sensitivity: 200
DX-format photographic performance and Self-cleaning Sensor Unit E X PEED concept to deliver proce s sing • Picture Control: Standard
assuring response needed for virtually any The D300's Dust-reduction System with power that not only extends the achievable
shooting conditions, the new 12.3 effective the new Self-cleaning levels of high resolution, fine detail and
megapixel DX-format CMOS image sensor Sensor Unit uses four high image qualit y, but also improves
for the D300 also delivers compact Nikon dif ferent resonance system performance for faster continuous
DX-format system size and technology frequencies to vibrate shooting, faster memory card access and the
advant age s . It s integrated analog -to - the O L PF in front of implementation of the Live View shooting
digital converter offers the ability to select the image sensor and modes. All internal processing is handled
bet ween high qualit y 12- bit or 14 - bit shake particles free. in full 16-bit color, rendering improved
conversion, and its design encompasses a tone characteristics, finer detail and higher
broad light sensitivity range of ISO 200 to Nikon's EXPEED for a new level of image quality, all at outstanding speed
3200, (plus Lo 1, IS0 100 equivalent and processing speed and precision that exemplifies this level of precision.
Hi 1, IS0 6 40 0 equivalent) . High-speed N i ko n' s c o m p r e h e n s i v e n e w E X P E E D Additionally, lateral chromatic aberration
output enables rapid continuous shooting Digital Image Processing concept marks reduction effectively reduces color bleeding
and realizes the new Live View shooting the culmination of year s dedicated to around the image periphery.
modes. The Optical Low Pass Filter (OLPF) advancing photographic and digital
not only helps prevent moiré, color fringing imaging technologies to best satisfy the
4 5
• Lens: AF-S DX
New Scene Recognition System VR Zoom-Nikkor
Nikon's new and exclusive Scene Recognition System helps optimize autofocus, auto exposure and 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED
• 1/250 second, f/13
auto white balance performance by advancing the use of Nikon's acclaimed 1,005-segment RGB • White balance: Auto
• ISO sensitivity: Lo 0.7
sensor to recognize the conditions of the subject and framed scene prior to capturing the shot. • Picture Control: Standard
Improves autofocus on moving subjects Detects highlight areas Detects scene characteristics and recognizes patterns
6 7
• Lens: AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED • 1/250 second, f/6.3
• White balance: Preset manual • ISO sensitivity: 200 • Picture Control: Standard
8 9
• Lens: AF-S VR Nikkor
300mm f/2.8G ED
• 1/800 second, f/2.8
• White balance: Auto
• ISO sensitivity: 500
• Picture Control: Standard
3D-tracking automatically switches the point of focus to Single-point AF lets you select any individual focus point Dynamic-area AF modes are useful for tracking moving
maintain precise subject lock for shooting still subjects subjects over a wide area
New precision 51-point AF system performance. The 51-point AF system also High-speed shooting at up to 8 fps
Featuring the allows the use of an 11 focus point mode. The D300 is capable of shooting continuous
world's largest *1 Among digital SLR cameras as of August 23, 2007 bursts of up to 100 shots*1 at a rapid 6 fps*2 ,
(according to research conducted by NIKON CORPORATION)
number *1
of *2 Except for some lenses used in combination with Nikon and as fast as 8 fps*3 when using the Multi-
teleconverters that become total maximum effective
fo cu s p oin t s Power Battery Pack MB-D10.
aperture of f/5.6
laid out in an *1 NORMAL - L ARGE image setting, using a SanDisk
Extreme IV CompactFlash 1GB card
intelligent cross-type sensors *2 When using one Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e
*3 8 fps requires either 1) Multi-Power Batter y Pack
array of 15 cross-type sensors and 36 vertical M B - D10 , B a t t e r y C h a m b e r C o v e r B L- 3 a n d e i t h e r
sensors, Nikon's new Multi-CAM 3500DX Dynamic-area AF modes Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4/EN-EL4a or 8 R6/AA-
size batteries or 2) AC Adapter EH-5a/EH-5, all of which
autofocus module maximizes the potential Dynamic-area AF allows a choice of three are sold separately.
of lenses with maximum apertures of f/5.6 different size areas using groups of either
and instils the D300 AF system with a new 9, 21 or all 51 focus points. Also available is Response that's always ready to go
level of speed, precision and high-density 51-point Dynamic-area AF with 3D-tracking; Power-up within 0.13 s, a shutter release
frame coverage. Benefit s gained from automatic focus point switching that takes time lag of 45-milliseconds*1, and viewfinder
working with Nikon's new Scene Recognition full advantage of all 51 AF points as it uses blackout time of approx. 90-milliseconds*2
System and improved focus algorithms color and light information to accurately contribute to optimized all-around
also contribute to the system's impressive track the subject. p e r fo rman ce that le t s p hoto grap he r s
respond to any sudden shutter opportunities.
*1 When shooting in JPEG, TIFF or 12-bit NEF ( R AW)
*2 W h e n s h o o tin g a t 6 f p s , 8 6 - milli s e co n d s w h e n
10 11
• Lens: AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED • 1/200 second, f/7.1
• White balance: Auto • ISO sensitivity: 640 • Picture Control: Standard
12 13
New Picture Control System in St andard or V ivid ,
A new s y s te m d evelo p e d by Niko n to parameters can be
respond to the needs of photographers, adjusted at once using
Pic ture Control makes it easy to selec t the new Quick Adjust function. The results
and apply desired adjustments and create achieved can be saved as a custom Picture
optimized images to suit individual preferences Control to a CompactFlash memory card for
and shooting styles. Those using multiple easy transfer to another D300 or D3 camera
camera bodies will also appreciate that the body as well as to a computer.
same settings produce consistent picture tone Picture Control selection menus
on all camera models that support the Nikon Software integration maximizes
Picture Control system. workflow efficiency
The system's intuitive interface and easy-to-
It's as easy as starting with one of the four master settings for creating custom Picture
basic setting files - Standard, Neutral, Vivid Controls and applying adjustments to images
Standard Neutral
or Monochrome - as a base, or from one of are also available within Nikon's software Suitable for most shooting situations, produces results that are colorful, yet Produces natural-looking results that establish a precedence for reproducing
up to 9 user-created custom Picture Controls. programs, Capture NX*, ViewNX and Camera with a balanced, natural tone. the subject material as observed when shooting. Well suited for faithful post-
These can be directly modified for easy Control Pro 2*. To maximize workflow efficiency
adjustment and customization of individual and further expand creative freedom, custom
Quick Adjust screen
image parameters, including sharpness, Picture Controls created within Capture NX or
contrast, brightness, color saturation, tone Camera Control Pro 2 can also be transferred to
and the monochrome filter effects. Or, when and used in the camera.
* Optional software
(Left) Using preset Standard Picture Control with the following adjustments implemented: Sharpness [+7], Contrast [-2], Brightness [+1], Saturation [-2], Hue [0].
(Right) Using preset Vivid Picture Control with the following adjustments implemented: Sharpness [+6], Contrast [0], Brightness [-1], Saturation [+3], Hue [-3].
1. • AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 2. • AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 3. • AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 4. • AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 5/6. • AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor
1 2 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED 105mm f/2.8G ED 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED
• 1/1250 second, f/5.6 • 1/80 second, f/5.6 • 1/2000 second, f/5.3 • 1/320 second, f/5 • 1/2.5 second, f/4.5
3 4 • White balance: Auto • White balance: Flash • White balance: Auto • White balance: Auto • White balance: Auto
• ISO sensitivity: 200 • ISO sensitivity: 200 • ISO sensitivity: 200 • ISO sensitivity: 200 • ISO sensitivity: 400
• Picture Control: Standard • Picture Control: Neutral • Picture Control: Vivid • Picture Control: Monochrome • Picture Control: Custom
5 6
14 15
New 3-in. high-resolution Two Live View modes for framing Hand-held mode Camera Control Pro 2 (optional)
VGA LCD monitor and composition using the LCD Hand-held mode and the LCD's 170° wide C am e ra Co ntrol Pro 2 re mote co ntrol
The D300 features an Nikon's new Live View function* enhances viewing angle are a great h elp w h e n sof tware lets you change most camera
expansive new 3-in. the D300's fast image processing capacity shooting from high or low angles that make settings, take photos and transfer image
V G A L C D m o n i t o r. and large, high-resolution LCD to offer a it difficult to see through the viewfinder, data remotely from a computer via USB,
Its unprecedented new level of creative potential that lets you such as when holding the camera above Firewire (IEEE 1394) or Wi-Fi connections.
LCD monitor
approx. 920,000-dot use the LCD in place of the viewfinder for your head to shoot over a crowd. You can A revised interface ensures easy operation
resolution and reduced flicker digital output confirming subjects and composition when easily recompose the frame prior to actual and efficient workflow. Included is the
assures clear and detailed image display, you cannot physically see your subjec t shooting using standard phase-detection new enhanced Viewer func tion that
which is invaluable for confirming focus through the viewfinder, or where exact AF and all 51 AF points. quickly transfers thumbnail and preview
or assessing image sharpness at up to 27 focus is crucial. Remote preview, focusing images to the computer, making it easier
times* magnification. A wide 170˚ viewing and shooting from a PC (wired or wireless) Tripod mode and quicker to confirm which shots should
angle from all directions and bright display are also available when using optional Tr i p o d m o d e i s i d e a l f o r s t i l l l i f e be transferred and which will be deleted
makes it easy to view images or confirm Nikon Camera Control Pro 2 software. photography in a studio environment. High- without transferring the actual image data.
menu settings when shooting outdoors. * Although Live View can be used for up to an hour, precision focal plane contrast AF using the
the function is automatically terminated if the camera's
Playback options include single frame, 4 internal temperature rises beyond set parameters. In D300's CMOS sensor achieves pinpoint focus Camera Control Pro 2 adds suppor t for
such a case, a 30-second countdown timer appears in the
or 9-image thumbnail display, as well as on the subject. And the ability to zoom in Use Live View's Tripod mode and the 3-in. high-resolution LCD for confirming subjects that offer a controlling advanced new features of the
upper left corner of the LCD monitor before Live View
channel-independent RGB histogram and shooting ends. up to 13 times on the area surrounding any challenge when focusing through the viewfinder. For even more assurance, install Camera Control Pro D300 and D3, including the new Picture
2 software and use Live View to confirm each shot on your computer's monitor before releasing the
highlight point displays. Tempered glass focus point serves as a major aid to even Control System, the 51-point AF system and
shutter remotely.
protection enhances D300 durability. more precise focus adjustment. the new double-axis white balance fine-
* [L]-size JPEG or NEF (RAW) images tuning scheme, which adds a vertical axis of
New Wireless Transmitter selected by confirming the thumbnail can color cast direction for more precise control.
WT-4/4A*1 (optional) be downloaded and saved on the computer. Of particular note is added support for Live
Nikon's Wirele s s Transmit ter W T- 4 / 4A With this mode, both photographer and View, with full control over the respective
of advanced function IEEE 802.11b /g /a wireless connections, as operation and image viewing, including ViewNX
well as wired 10BASE-T and the use of Live View, is also available when De signe d to supp or t the viewing and
and control 10 0 B A S E -T X c o n n e c t i o n s . the Wireless Transmitter WT-4/4A is used in assessment of large collections of images in
New Thumbnail Select mode*2 conjunction with optional Camera Control full size or handy thumbnail sizes, ViewNX
From Live View to wireless image transfer permits thumbnail display of Pro 2. (available as part of the Software Suite CD-
and remote camera control, each function is designed images taken with up to five *1 The WT-4 is sold in countries that approve the use of
thirteen frequency channels. The WT-4A version is sold in
ROM) makes it easier to browse, compare
to maximize creative productivity wirelessly connected cameras countries that limit use to eleven frequency channels. and organize files. Moreover, compatibility
*2 Supplied software should be pre-installed.
on a computer display. Images with Capture NX enables produc tive
Wireless Transmitter WT-4/4A Image Transfer System ViewNX System Requirements (Ver. 1.0)
OS Windows: Preinstalled versions of Windows Vista
Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/
Ultimate (32-bit), Windows XP Home Edition/
Professional (SP2), Windows 2000 Professional
Wireless LAN LAN (SP4)
Macintosh: Mac OS X (version 10.3.9, 10.4.10)
Infrastructure mode Ad-hoc mode CPU/Model Windows: Intel Celeron/Pentium 4/Core series 1
Data transfer using a Data transfer using a notebook Data transfer using GHz or higher
wireless LAN access point computer with a wireless LAN wired connection Macintosh: Power PC G4/G5, Intel* Core series /
card installed Xeon series
RAM Windows: 512 MB required, 1 GB or more
recommended (Windows Vista 1 GB required, 1.5
GB or more recommended)
Access Macintosh: 512 MB required, 1 GB or more
Point (AP) recommended
Hard disk 50 MB required for installation, 500 MB required (1
Camera Control Pro 2, GB recommended) for operation
Camera Control Pro 2, Personal Personal Capture NX Display Windows: XGA (1024 x 768 or more) with 24-bit
Capture NX computer* FTP server FTP server computer* color or more recommended
Macintosh: XGA (1024 x 768 or more) with 16.7
Image transfer Image transfer million colors or more
Camera Camera Camera
Control Control Control Others File compatibility
• Compliant with images, movies, sound files
and image dust off data created by Nikon digital
Data transfer Data transfer • Compliant with NEF, TIFF (RGB) and JPEG format
PTP/IP images generated by Nikon application software
• CD-ROM drive required for installation
Ethernet (100BASE-TX, 10BASE-T)
FTP connection * Universal binary compliant
16 17
Optimized color space bounce helps promote image s on a single charge *1 ( or up to
A selection of two color maximum stability approx. 3000 shots according to research
spaces is available to and s p e e d , s mo other conducted by NIKON CORPORATION *2 ) or
best match the specific AF detection, and the 2000 shots*1 when using the Multi-Power
subject, assignment, or e x te n d e d v i e w f in d e r Battery Pack MB-D10 with Rechargeable Li-
workflow environment. visibility needed for fast, accurate focus ion Battery EN-EL3e.
The default sRGB tracking and continuous shooting. *1 Based on CIPA standards with an AF-S VR 24-120 mm
f/3.5-5.6G ED lens
set ting is well suited *2 Achieved under following test conditions: measured
at 20°C / 68°F with an AF-S VR 24 -120 mm f / 3.5 -5.6G
when images are to be played back or Magnesium alloy body ED lens, image quality set to JPEG basic, image size set
printed as taken, without editing or post- The magnesium alloy body for the D300 to M (medium), shutter speed 1/250 s, shutter-release
button pressed halfway for three seconds and focus
processing. The Adobe RGB setting realizes combines rugged durability with mobility, cycled from infinity to minimum range three times; six
a wider color reproduction range for high- and features an enhanced sealing system that shots then taken in succession and monitor turned on for
five seconds and then turned off; cycle repeated once
quality or commercial output that requires helps protect against moisture and dust. exposure meters turned off.
18 19
• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED • 2 seconds, f/11
• White balance: Direct sunlight • ISO sensitivity: 200 • Picture Control: Standard
20 21
Ultimate optical performance Advanced lighting control
Tight integration with Nikon’s Total Imaging System Nikon’s Creative Lighting System provides advanced control and
ensures seamless compatibility with a diverse lineup incredible flexibility to fully empower the creative process
of superb NIKKOR lenses
NIKKOR lenses Meniscus protective glass elements prevent to shooting at shutter speeds of up to 4 Built-in Flash with i-TTL flash control i- TTL flash control
The image quality achieved by any SLR camera damage to large-diameter telephoto lenses stops faster*, making it possible to take The power ful built-in Building on the accuracy of the monitor
system is directly influenced by the quality of while providing sharp, clear images with substantially sharper handheld pictures flash does much more preflash, the brighter, shorter i-TTL pre-flash SB-800 SB-600
the lenses it can accommodate; and none equal less ghosting. Three types of precision- at slower shutter speeds in lower lighting than fire when natural enables more precise evaluation of flash
the performance and quality of Nikon's AF, ground aspheric elements help minimize lens conditions. The VR II system's optics physically lighting is inadequate or exposure to achieve outstanding results born
AF-S and dedicated DX NIKKOR lenses. Each aberrations and wide-angle lens distortion. adjust in real time, so a stable image is seen effectively add balanced of better automatic flash balance.
NIKKOR lens proudly represents the company's through the viewfinder while confirming fill flash when there is strong backlighting. Advanced Wireless Lighting System
90-year heritage of developing the finest Precision mechanisms include the Close-range the shot. And, because the optical lens shift Nikon's highly robust i-TTL flash control Exclusive technology does away with the
components and building processes to produce Correction system used in fisheye, wide-angle mechanism is optimized for each focal length, evaluates flash exposure with greater need for cables and flash meters to provide
industry-leading photo optics with precision and other lenses to provide superior picture each VR lens produces consistent results. precision to achieve better automatic flash you with a totally flexible lighting solution.
SB-400 Nikon close-up Speedlight
mechanisms and optimized performance. quality at close focusing distances. Nikon's own balance and deliver outstanding results. Full With the built-in flash, SB-800 Speedlight or
Commander Kit R1C1
SWM (Silent Wave Motor) technology combines Two V R mode s are available to match support for the Advanced Wireless Lighting SU-800 Wireless Commander serving as the
ED and Super ED glass elements compensate fast and accurate autofocusing with super- shooting conditions. Normal mode primarily System lets the built-in flash function as a Master controller, up to 3 remote groups of FV (Flash Value) Lock
for magnification and help correct chromatic quiet operation. And Internal Focusing (IF) reduces camera shake in handheld shooting, wireless remote commander that provides any number of SB-800, SB-600 or SB-R200 FV (Flash Value) Lock is the flash equivalent
aberration. Exclusive Nano-Crystal anti- helps ensure smoother focusing and a better and detects panning automatically. Active direct, two-group wireless control over Speedlights can be arranged as you like for of AE Lock, allowing the photographer to
reflective coating prevents reflection better balanced body. mode compensates for situations where SB-600, SB-800 or SB-R200 Speedlights. total lighting control, with mode settings change composition while maintaining a
than conventional lenses to reduce flare vibration is pronounced and frequent, such ( i-T TL , A A , A , M, Repeating and Flash desired flash value.
and glare, especially under strong lighting. DX NIKKOR lenses are designed expressly for as when shooting from a moving vehicle. Full support for Nikon's Creative cancel) available for each individual group Repeating flash function
use with Nikon DX-format digital SLR cameras. * Under Nikon measurement conditions
Lighting System and the Master controller, and full i-TTL Repeating flash func tion ser ve s as an
Featuring designs that are both light and T h e D3 0 0 al s o wo r k s s e a ml e s s l y w i th control available based not only on general excellent advantage for capturing fast-
compact, the enhanced wide picture angle Nikon SB-800, SB-600, SB-400 and SB-R200 output ratios for each group, but also on moving subjects.
performance and outstanding center-to-edge- Speedlights, delivering the full benefits of subject brightness. As a result, each flash Modeling Flash
to-corner image quality of DX NIKKOR lenses i-TTL flash control's advanced monitor pre- output ratio can be set, even if a remote is Modeling Flash fires a one -second
AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm
f/2.8G ED contribute to achieving superb Nikon DX- flash, accurate bounce-flash measurement repositioned. Flash compensation can also (approx.) stroboscopic burst, enabling the
Wide-angle zoom lens exclusively for use with Nikon
DX-Format digital SLR (Picture angle equivalent to a format performance. and comprehensive wireless operation*. The be adjusted on the fly for each group, with photographer to visually check for shadows
25.5-82.5mm lens in 35mm and FX-formats)
SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights also feature settings easily made and confirmed on the and reflective objects and assess overall
The VR lens advantage an AF-Assist Illuminator for multi-area AF Master controller's large dot matrix LCD. lighting prior to shooting.
Simply stated, Nikon's advanced Vibration tailored to the D300's AF Sensor Module, as There's also a choice of 4 frequency channels Auto FP High-Speed Sync
Reduction system for reducing the image well as Auto Zoom flash coverage. to minimize the risk of interference with Auto FP High-Speed Sync operating with
degrading effects of camera shake exceeds * SB-400 is not compatible with Advanced Wireless Lighting other photographers' Speedlights. the optional SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlights,
AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm the performance capabilities of in-camera allows flash synchronization in all exposure
f/3.5-5.6G ED image stabilization systems. The VR II optical VR OFF
modes at shutter speeds up to 1/8,000 second
A compact and lightweight high-power zoom lens
for Nikon digital SLRs, featuring enhanced Vibration lens shift mechanism of Nikon's lens-based - providing fill flash that achieves effective
Reduction (Picture angle equivalent to a 27-300mm lens
system delivers performance equivalent VR ON
in 35mm and FX-formats) background blur, even when shooting in
• AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED
• 1/30 second, f/4.8 • White balance: Auto • ISO sensitivity: 200 bright conditions or at High ISO values.
• Picture Control: Standard
Function Compatibility Chart
1. IX-Nikkor lenses cannot be used. 2. Vibration Reduction (VR) supported with VR lenses. 3. Spot metering meters
Focus Mode Exposure mode Metering system
selected focus point. 4. The camera's exposure metering and flash control systems do not work properly when B
Camera setting shifting and/or tilting the lens, or when an aperture other than the maximum aperture is used. 5. Electronic
S M (with electoronic M P A
Lens/accessory C rangefinder) S M 3D Color 3 rangefinder cannot be used while shifting or tilting. 6. Manual exposure mode only. 7. Compatible with AF-I
Type G or D AF Nikkor2 AF-S, AF-I Nikkor
Nikkor lenses and with all AF-S lenses except DX 12-24 mm f/4G ED and AF-S series 17-35 mm f/2.8D ED, DX 17-55
√ √ √ √ √ √ — √3
mm f/2.8G, 24-85 mm f/3.5-4.5G ED, VR 24-120 mm f/3.5-5.6G ED, and 28-70 mm f/2.8D ED. 8. With maximum B
PC-Micro Nikkor 85 mm f/2.8D4 √5 √ √6 √ √3
CPU lenses 1
— — — effective aperture of f/5.6 or faster. 9. When focusing at minimum focus distance with AF 80-200mm f/2.8, AF
AF-S / AF-I Teleconverter7 35-70mm f/2.8, new AF 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5, or AF 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5 lenses at maximum zoom, in-focus indicator
√ 8
√ 8
√ √ √ √ — √ 3
may be displayed when image on matte screen in viewfinder is not in focus. Adjust focus manually until image
Other AF Nikkor (except lenses for F3AF) √9 √9 √ √ √ — √ √3 in viewfinder is in focus. 10. With maximum aperture of f/5.6 or faster. 11. Some lenses cannot be used 12. Range A
AI-P Nikkor of rotation for AI 80-200mm f/2.8 ED tripod mount is limited by camera body. Filters cannot be exchanged while
— √10 √ √ √ — √ √3
AI 200-400mm f/4 ED is mounted on camera. 13. If maximum aperture is specified using Non-CPU Lens Data,
AI-, AI modified Nikkor or Nikon Series E Lenses12 — √10 √ — √13 — √14 √15 aperture value will be displayed in viewfinder and control panel. 14. Can be used only if lens focal length and
maximum aperture are specified using Non-CPU Lens Data. Use spot or center-weighted metering if desired M
Medical-Nikkor 120 mm f/4 — √ √ — √16 — — —
Non-CPU lenses 11
results are not achieved. 15. For improved precision, specify lens focal length and maximum aperture using Non-
— — √ — √ 13
— — √ 13
CPU Lens Data. 16. Can be used in manual exposure modes at shutter speeds slower than 1/125 s. 17. Exposure
Master M (Built-in Flash): Off
determined by presetting lens aperture. In aperture-priority auto exposure mode, preset aperture using lens
Remote A (SB-800): Manual
PC-Nikkor — √5 √ — √17 — — √ Remote B (SB-800): Manual
aperture ring before performing AE lock or shifting lens. In manual exposure mode, preset aperture using lens
AI-type Teleconverter18 — √8 √ — √13 — √14 √15 aperture ring and determine exposure before shifting lens. 18. Exposure compensation required when used with
• Lens: AF-S VR 105mm f/2.8G
Bellows Focusing Attachment PB-619 — √8 √ — √20 — — √ AI 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5, AI 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5, AI 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5, or AF-S 80-200mm f/2.8D. See teleconverter
• 1/250 second, f/4
manual for details. 19. Requires Auto Extension Ring PK-12/13. Bellows Spacer PB-6D may be required depending
Auto Extension Rings PK-11A/12/13/PN-11 — √8 √ — √13 — — √ • White balance: Auto
on camera orientation. 20. Use preset aperture. In aperture-priority auto exposure mode, set aperture using
• ISO sensitivity: 200
focusing attachment before determining exposure and taking photograph.
• Picture Control: Standard
• Reprocopy Outfit PF-4 requires Camera Holder PA-4.
22 23
Capture NX
The highly versatile
photo editing solution
Nikon's C apture N X
software provides easier
access to power ful
and visually intuitive
enhancement tools that
help photographers
tap the full potential of the extended range
and versatility of NEF (RAW) images. Capture
NX also supports JPEG and TIFF processing
to satisfy a broader range of photofinishing
needs and applications.
U Point TM technology and also turn processing and editing of Raw adjustments
Patented U PointTM technology allows easy JPEG and TIFF files from almost any digital P h oto grap h e r s c an f re el y manip ulate
Control points were used to add the effect of light hitting the surface of the arched rock by bringing out its blues and the reds of the mountains in the background were adjusted
selection of image areas according to points camera into an easy process. white balance, color balance, tone curves in the foreground and to bring life to the color and texture of the distant rocks on the to depict dawn light, resulting in an image that faithfully reproduces the impression the
of interest, and turns the application of and noise reduction for NEF (RAW) files right side by adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation. The sky was then enhanced scene left when taking the shot.
effects and enhancements into an intuitive Control Point: after shooting. The results can be saved
Control points make
photographic process. U Point TM combines Size it easy to adjust and multiple renditions created, all with Controls you create in Capture NX can be Selective tools Additional features
with the extensive Nikon Capture toolbox Brightness brightness, contrast, the assurance that the RAW data for the saved for use in the D300 and D3. Moreover, Capture NX of fers a range of selec tive Other tools that enhance Capture NX's
saturation, hue, red,
to offer an unsurpassed set of features Contrast original shot contained within each NEF Pic ture Controls can be applied to NEF tools for applying over 25 enhancement unique capabilities include: Browser, Batch
green, blue, warmth,
that release the power of NEF (RAW) files, Saturation and much more. (RAW) file is permanently retained. image files taken with other cameras. styles, including the Brush, Lasso, Marquee, processing, Edit List, Red-Eye Reduction,
Gradient and Fill/Remove tools. Version, Advanced Noise Reduction and
Picture Control system support Lens correction tools other useful functions
Freely open and modify Picture Controls A trio of original tools help expand imaging
Capture NX System Requirements
within Capture NX. Any custom Picture possibilities for a wider variety of lenses
OS Windows: Preinstalled versions of Windows Vista Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/
by compensating for lens effects such as Enterprise/Ultimate (32-bit), Windows XP Home Edition/Professional (SP2), Windows
vignette in corners, pincushion and barrel 2000 Professional (SP4)
Macintosh: Mac OS X (version 10.3.9 or later)
distortion, or color fringing.
CPU/Model Windows: Pentium III, 1 GHz or higher, Pentium 4, 2 GHz or higher recommended
Macintosh: Power PC G4/G5, Intel Core series / Xeon series
D-Lighting RAM Windows Vista: 512 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
D - Lighting allows photographers to Windows XP/2000: 256 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
Macintosh: 256 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
manipulate shadows and highlights
Hard disk 200 MB required for installation, 1 GB required for operation
while maintaining mid-tones to produce Display 800 x 600 (all elements may not be properly displayed, 1024 x 768 or more recommended)
optimized results from images with areas with 16-bit color (High Color) or 24-bit color (True Color) recommended
Others • CD-ROM drive required for installation
of under or overexposure. Choose from
• Additional installation of latest software updates available online via the Nikon website
D-Lighting HQ when quality is the priority, may be required.
or D-Lighting HS for high-speed results.
24 25
Full array of system expansion options
Nikon’s Total Imaging System makes it easy to customize system setups
and optimize performance for specific shooting requirements
Remote Control Set ML-3. Remote Cord while also affording finer control over the Connecting Cord MC-23 (0.4m)
Adapter Cord MC-25 Modulite Control Set
GPS (Global Positioning System) support SC-28, 29 (0.2m) ML-3
NMEA 0183 (ver. 2.01 and 3.01) compliant Image Authentication Software GPS Cable MC-35 GPS Unit**
HDMI* high definition video output changes have been made to date and GPS Eyepiece Adapter
DK-22 TV Monitor**
HDMI ( High Definition Multimedia information.
Eyepiece Magnifying Eyepiece Video Cable EG-D100*
Interface) connectivity makes it Image Authentication Software System Magnifier DK-21M
Requirements (available for Windows only) DG-2
possible to enjoy high-quality Eyepiece Cap
OS Windows: Preinstalled versions of Windows Vista Home DK-5* Computer related accessories
HDTV display that is compliant Basic/Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/Ultimate
(32-bit), Windows XP Home Edition/Professional (SP2), Rubber Eyecup
with global standards for the DK-23*
Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) Personal
CompactFlash Card**
transmission of digital image CPU/Model Pentium 4, 1 GHz or higher Computer**
RAM 512 MB or more recommended PC Card adapter**
and digital audio signals. Right-angle CompactFlash Card Reader**
Hard disk 50 MB required for installation, 200 MB required for operation Viewing Attachment DR-6
* HDMI 1.3a compliant Display 800 x 600 or more with 16-bit color (High Color) or more Microdrive™ **
Interface USB: One standard Universal Serial Bus port necessary
(for USB drive use)
Others • CD-ROM drive required for installation AC adapters, Batteries,
• Internet connection may be required and Battery packs Case
• Software update of version 1.0.1 is required
Chamber Rechargeable Li-ion
Memory Card Capacity and Image Quality/Size Cover BL-3 Battery EN-EL3e*
Capture NX Camera
The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on a 2 GB SanDisk Extreme III (SDCFX) card Rechargeable Multi-Power Control Pro 2
at different image quality and size settings. Li-ion Battery Battery Pack MB-D10
Image Number of Number of Consecutive
Image Quality File Size *1 USB Cable UC-E4*
Size Available Shots *1 Shots Available*1*2 Semi-soft Case Software Image
Eight R6/AA-size batteries** CF-D200 Suite* Authentication
NEF (RAW), Quick Charger AC Adapter Wireless Transmitter
— Approx. 13.6 MB 98 shots 18 shots MH-21/MH-22 Software
Lossless compressed, 12-bit Quick Charger MH-18a* EH-5a/EH-5 WT-4/4A
— Approx. 16.7 MB 75 shots 21 shots
Lossless compressed, 14-bit*3 *Supplied accessories **Non-Nikon products
— Approx. 11.3 MB 135 shots 21 shots
Compressed, 12-bit
NEF (RAW), Front Rear
— Approx. 14.2 MB 112 shots 27 shots 1 Exposure mode button/ 27 Delete button/Format button
Compressed, 14-bit*3 Format button 28 Playback button 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 52 51 50 49 48 47 46
NEF (RAW), 2 Exposure compensation button 29 Menu button
— Approx. 19.4 MB 98 shots 17 shots 3 Shutter-release button 30 Protect button/Help button/Info button
Uncompressed, 12-bit 4 Power switch 31 Thumbnail/playback zoom out button
NEF (RAW), 5* Sub-command
Compatible withdial 32 Playback zoom in EN-EL4/EN-EL4a,
button 18
— Approx. 25.3 MB 75 shots 16 shots one Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e, eight
Uncompressed, 14-bit*3 Depth-of-field
6R6/AA-size preview
alkaline, NiMH, button 33 OK button
lithium or nickel-manganese batteries; Rechargeable Li-ion
Fn button
7Battery EN-EL4a/EN-EL4 and AA batteries, 34 Video
Quick connector (under cover)/HDMI
Charger MH-21/MH-22 available
L Approx. 36.5 MB 52 shots 16 shots connector
Mirror BL-3 Battery Chamber Cover (available
8separately; (under cover)/DC-IN
separately) required for use with 16
TIFF (RGB) M Approx. 21.2 MB 93 shots 20 shots 9Rechargeable
Focus-modeLi-ion Battery EN-EL4/EN-EL4a.
selector connector for optional AC adapter
10 Lens release button (under cover)/USB connector 2
S Approx. 10.2 MB 208 shots 29 shots 11 Mounting index (under cover)
14 45
L Approx. 5.8 MB 276 shots 43 shots 12 Ten-pin remote terminal cover 35 Monitor 3
13 Flash sync terminal cover 36 Tripod socket 13 30
JPEG FINE*4 M Approx. 3.3 MB 488 shots 89 shots 4 44
14 Eyelet for camera strap 37 Contact cover for optional
S Approx. 1.5 MB 1000 shots 100 shots 15 Release mode dial lock release MB-D10 battery pack 12 31 43
L Approx. 2.9 MB 548 shots 90 shots 16 Release mode dial 38 Battery-chamber cover 5 11
17 Image quality button 39 Battery-chamber cover latch 32 42
JPEG NORMAL*4 M Approx. 1.6 MB 946 shots 100 shots 18 White balance button 40 Memory card slot cover 10
S Approx. 0.7 MB 2000 shots 100 shots 19 ISO sensitivity button 41 Card slot cover latch
6 33 41
20 Flash mode button/ 42 AF-area mode selector
L Approx. 1.5 MB 1000 shots 100 shots 43 Memory card access lamp 9
Flash compensation button 34 40
JPEG BASIC*4 M Approx. 0.8 MB 1800 shots 100 shots 21 Flash pop-up button 44 Focus selector lock 7
S Approx. 0.4 MB 3900 shots 100 shots 22 Accessory shoe 45 Multi selector
(for optional flash unit) 46 Main command dial
23 AF-assist illuminator/Self-timer 47 AF-ON button 39
*1 All figures are approximate. File size varies with scene recorded.
lamp/Red-eye reduction lamp 48 Metering selector
*2 Maximum number of exposures that can be stored in memory buffer. Capacity of memory buffer will drop if noise reduction is on. Drops 24 Control panel 49 AE/AF lock button
if Optimal Quality is selected for JPEG Compression, ISO sensitivity is set to Hi 0.3 or higher, High ISO NR is on when auto ISO sensitivity 25 Focal plane mark 50 Diopter adjustment control 8 35 36 37 38
control is on or ISO sensitivity is set to 800 or higher, or long exposure noise reduction, active D-lighting, or image authentication is on. 26 Eyelet for camera strap 51 Viewfinder eyepiece cup
*3 Maximum frame rate when recording 14-bit NEF (RAW) images is 2.5 fps. 52 Viewfinder eyepiece
*4 Figures assume JPEG Compression is set to Size Priority. Selecting Optimal Quality increases the file size of JPEG images; number of images
and buffer capacity drop accordingly.
26 27
Nikon Digital SLR Camera D300 Specifications
Type Exposure Accessory shoe...... Standard ISO 518 hot-shoe contact with safety lock
Type........................ Single-lens reflex digital camera with Metering. ............... TTL exposure metering using 1,005-segment RGB Nikon Creative....... Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with built-
interchangeable lenses sensor Lighting System in flash or Speedlights such as SB-800, or SU-800 as
Lens mount. ........... Nikon F mount (with AF coupling and AF contacts) Metering method... • Matrix: 3D color matrix metering II supported with (CLS) commander and SB-800, 600 or R200 as remotes;
Effective picture angle. ... Approx. 1.5 x lens focal length (Nikon DX format) type G and D lenses; color matrix metering II available Auto FP High-Speed Sync and modeling illumination
Effective pixels with other CPU lenses and color matrix metering supported with all CLS-compatible flash units except
Effective pixels........ 12.3 million available with non-CPU lenses if user provides lens data SB-400; Flash Color Information Communication and
Image sensor • Center-weighted: Weight of 75% given to FV lock supported with all CLS-compatible flash units
Image sensor.......... 23.6 x 15.8 mm CMOS sensor 6, 8, 10 or 13-mm circle in center of frame, or White balance
Total pixels.............. 13.1 million weighting based on average of entire frame (fixed White balance........ Auto (TTL white-balance with main image sensor
Dust-reduction. ..... . Image sensor cleaning, Image Dust Off reference at 8 mm when non CPU lens is used) and 1,005 segment RGB sensor); seven manual
System data (optional Capture NX software required) • Spot: Meters 3-mm circle (about 2% of frame) modes with fine-tuning; color temperature setting
Storage centered on selected focus point (on center focus Bracketing.............. 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1, 2 or 3
Image size............... • 4,288 x 2,848 (L) • 3,216 x 2,136 (M) point when non-CPU lens is used) Live View
(pixels) • 2,144 x 1,424 (S) Range (ISO 100,........ • Matrix or center-weighted metering: 0-20 EV Modes. .................. Hand-held, Tripod
File format.............. • NEF (RAW): 12 or 14-bit, lossless compressed, f/1.4 lens, 20°C/68°F) • Spot metering: 2-20 EV Autofocus.............. • Hand-held: Phase-detection AF with 51 focus
compressed, or uncompressed Exposure meter coupling... Combined CPU and AI points (including 15 cross-type sensors)
• TIFF (RGB) Exposure mode...... Programmed auto with flexible program (P); • Tripod: Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame
• JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. shutter-priority auto (S); aperture priority auto (A); Monitor
1 : 4), normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic (approx.. manual (M) Monitor. ................ 3-in., approx. 920,000-dot (VGA), low-temperature
1 : 16) compression (Size priority); Optimal quality Exposure compensation. ... -5 to +5 EV in increments of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV polysilicon TFT LCD with 170° viewing angle, approx.
compression available Exposure bracketing.... 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1 EV 100% frame coverage and brightness adjustment
• NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single photograph recorded Exposure lock. ....... Luminosity locked at detected value with AE-L/ Playback
in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats AF-L button Playback................. Full-frame and thumbnail (four or nine images)
Picture Control....... Can be selected from Standard, Neutral, Vivid, ISO sensitivity. ....... ISO 200 to 3200 in steps of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV. Can playback with playback zoom, slide show,
System Monochrome; storage for up to nine custom (R.E.I.) also be set to approx. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 or 1 EV below histogram display, auto image rotation and image
Picture Controls ISO 200 or to approx. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 or 1 EV above comment (up to 36 characters)
Media..................... Type I and II CompactFlash memory cards (UDMA ISO 3200 Interface
compliant); Microdrives Active D-Lighting... Can be selected from [High], [Normal] or [Low] USB........................ Hi-Speed USB
File system............. DCF (Design Rule for Camera File Systems) 2.0, Focus Video output . ....... Can be selected from NTSC and PAL
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format), Exif 2.21 Autofocus.............. Nikon Multi-CAM 3500DX autofocus module HDMI output. ........ Version 1.3a with type A HDMI connector; camera
(Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still with TTL phase detection, fine-tuning, 51 focus monitor turns off when HDMI cable is connected
Cameras), PictBridge points (including 15 cross-type sensors) and AF- Ten-pin remote...... Can be used to connect remote control or GPS
Viewfinder assist illuminator (range approx. 0.5 to 3 m / 1 ft. terminal device compliant with NMEA 0183 version 2.01
Viewfinder.............. Eye-level pentaprism single-lens reflex viewfinder 8 in. to 9 ft. 10 in.) or 3.01 (requires optional GPS Cable MC-35 and
Frame coverage...... Approx. 100% horizontal and 100% vertical Detection range..... -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, 20°C/68°F) cable with D-sub 9-pin connector)
Magnification......... Approx. 0.94 x (50mm f/1.4 lens at infinity, -1.0 m-1) Lens servo.............. • Autofocus: Instant single-servo AF (S); Supported languages
Eyepoint. ................ 19.5 mm (-1.0 m-1) continuous-servo AF (C); predictive focus tracking Supported ............. Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch,
Diopter adjustment... -2 to +1 m-1 automatically activated according to subject status languages English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Focusing screen...... Type B BriteView clear matte screen Mark II with in single- and continuous-servo AF Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
AF area brackets (grid lines can be displayed) • Manual (M): Electronic range finding supported Swedish
Reflex mirror........... Quick return Focus point............ Can be selected from 51 or 11 focus points Power source
Depth-of-field........ When depth of field preview button is pressed, AF-area mode........ Single-point AF, Dynamic-area AF, Automatic-area AF Battery................... One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e
preview lens aperture is stopped down to value selected Focus lock.............. Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release Battery pack. ......... Optional Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 with
by user (A and M modes) or by camera (P and S button halfway (single-servo AF) or by pressing one Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e, EN-
modes) AE-L/AF-L button EL4/EN-EL4a, eight R6/AA-size alkaline,
Lens aperture. ........ Instant return, electronically controlled Flash Ni-MH, lithium, or nickel-manganese batteries;
Lens Built-in flash........... Manual pop-up with button release and a Guide Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4a/EN-EL4
Compatible lenses. .. Refer to page 22 Number of 17/56 (m/ft, ISO 200, 20°C/68°F; GN and R6/AA-size batteries available separately;
Shutter at ISO 100 equivalent is 12/39) or 18/59 in manual Battery Chamber Cover BL-3 (available separately)
Type........................ Electronically-controlled vertical-travel focal-plane mode (m/ft, ISO 200, 20°C/68°F; GN at ISO 100 required for use with Rechargeable Li-ion Battery
shutter equivalent is 13/43) EN-EL4/EN-EL4a.
Shutter Speed. ....... 1/8000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3, 1/2, or 1 EV, Bulb, Flash control.......... • TTL: i-TTL balanced fill-flash and standard i-TTL AC adapter............ AC adapter EH-5a/EH-5 (available separately)
X250 flash for digital SLR using 1,005-segment RGB Tripod socket
Flash sync speed..... X=1/250 s; synchronizes with shutter at 1/320 s sensor are available with built-in flash and SB-800, Tripod socket......... 1/4 in. (ISO 1222)
or slower (flash range drops at speeds between SB-600 or SB-400 Dimensions and weight
1/320 and 1/250 s) • Auto aperture: Available with SB-800 and CPU Dimensions............ Approx. 147 x 114 x 74 mm / 5.8 x 4.5 x 2.9 in.
Release lens Weight................... Approx. 825 g / 1 lb. 13 oz. without battery,
Release mode......... S (Single frame), CL (Continuous-low speed), CH • Non-TTL auto: Supported flash units include memory card, body cap or monitor cover
(Continuous high-speed), LV (Live view), (Self- SB-800, 28, 27 and 22 s Operating environment
timer), Mup (Mirror up) • Range-priority manual: Available with SB-800 Temperature.......... 0-40°C (32-104°F)
Frame advance....... • With Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e: Up Flash mode . ........... Front curtain sync, slow sync, rear-curtain sync, Humidity................ Less than 85% (no condensation)
rate to 6 fps red-eye reduction, red-eye reduction with slow Supplied Accessories
• With Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 (optional) sync Supplied Accessories.... Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e, Quick
and Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4a/EN-EL4 Flash compensation.... -3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV (may differ by Charger MH-18a, USB Cable UC-E4, Video Cable
(optional) or eight R6/AA-size batteries or with AC Flash bracketing ..... 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1 EV country or area) EG-D100, Strap AN-D300, LCD Monitor Cover
Adapter EH-5a/EH-5 (optional): Up to 7 fps (CL Flash-ready. ........... Lights when built-in flash or SB-series Speedlight BM-8, Body cap, Eyepiece Cap DK-5, Rubber
mode) or 8 fps (CH mode) indicator such as 800, 600, 400, 80DX, 28DX or 50DX Eyecup DK-23, Software Suite CD-ROM
Self-timer................ Can be selected from 2, 5, 10 and 20 s duration is fully charged; blinks after flash is fired at full
Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Macintosh® is a registered trademark or a trademark of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. CompactFlash and Extreme
are registered trademark of SanDisk Corporation. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered
trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Images in viewfinders, on LCDs and monitors shown in this brochure are simulated.