Delphi Informant Magazine (1995-2001)
Delphi Informant Magazine (1995-2001)
Delphi Informant Magazine (1995-2001)
Threads Simplified
Untangling a Gnarly Topic
6 Threads Simplified Jon Jacobs 32 DBNavigator
Thread programming is considered a knotty affair, and is even avoided Combine and Conquer Cary Jensen, Ph.D.
by some developers as an “advanced” technique. With any luck, Delphi They’re new, they’re handy, and you may very well have missed
3 — and Mr Jacobs’ clear introduction to the topic — should untangle them in the flood of new Delphi 3 features. Dr Jensen introduces
this misconception. component templates and provides guidelines for their use.
12 On the Net 35 Mastering Delphi 3
FTP Programming Howard Schutzman Book Review by Alan C. Moore, Ph.D.
In the last six months, Gregory Lee has tackled the Internet-
communication topics of SMTP, POP, and MIME. Now Mr Schutzman
turns to FTP and Windows sockets programming. DEPARTMENTS
22 Sights & Sounds 2 Symposium Guest Editorial by Alan C. Moore, Ph.D.
Quick on the Draw Robert Vivrette 3 Delphi Tools
Inherit and override. Mr Vivrette demonstrates how quickly — given the
5 Newsline
extraordinary RAD qualities of Delphi — a full-fledged drawing program
can take Shape. 36 File | New by Richard Wagner
Project JEDI
T o a large extent, Windows is built on a series of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), including old workhorses
like USER.DLL and GUI.DLL. But Windows doesn’t stand still. Even as work is proceeding on the succes-
sor to Windows 95, new functionality is being introduced. Microsoft makes this functionality available to
programmers through various application programming interfaces (APIs) to these DLLs. Generally, these
are presented in various software developer kits (SDKs).
Unfortunately, most of this new functionality is initially was eventually elected to head the Administrative Group (of
available only in C, and must be converted to Pascal for use which I too became a member). After much debate we agreed
by Delphi programmers. While Borland has done its best, upon a name: JEDI (for Joint Endeavor of Delphi
the period from the initial appearance of a new API/SDK to Innovators). There were other debates during the first week
its translation into Delphi seems interminable for many regarding the organization of the project, legal issues,
developers, particularly those who must stay on the cutting Borland’s possible involvement, and style guides for code and
edge of new technologies. Help files.
It’s time for a revolution. Great revolutions can begin with a On Saturday an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel was
small complaint — particularly if that complaint resonates made available and a dozen or more JEDI enthusiasts
with a larger group. What about the JEDI movement? joined in from all over the world. An organization was
beginning to emerge; there would be a conversion team
In the Beginning ... who would convert the C headers to Delphi and possibly
It was a quiet Friday at the end of September, and I was develop classes and components, testers to catch the bugs,
engaged in a familiar activity: reading through posts to the Help-file creators to provide the needed documentation,
COBB DDJ-Thread (Delphi Developers Journal ), which I and Web-site developers to make sure the fruits of Project
help moderate. I didn’t pay much attention to the initial JEDI could be presented to the Delphi community in an
message that spoke of the long waiting period until a new exciting and usable fashion.
API becomes available in Delphi, but soon quite a few
others joined in and echoed the concerns. One or two At this point (some ten days later) Project JEDI is still in its
spoke of deserting Delphi for C++ to have quicker access, infancy. It could die or flourish. Its beginnings, however,
suggesting that Borland needed to wake up, etc. remind us of some important lessons: no single company, not
even Borland International, can provide everything we might
Then the focus of the thread turned to what we could do. At need or desire in programming tools; developers can be a
that point I had to jump in. I suggested that it was “pretty much particularly resourceful and generous group who can accom-
up to us, as developers, to fill in these gaps ... Perhaps if more of plish great tasks when they put their minds to it; and finally,
us would join in, and then make the translations ... available on sometimes it does make sense to lodge a complaint!
the Web, we could solve the problem ourselves.” Others agreed
this was the way to go. As a result, the DDJ-Thread was pretty On the Horizon
much taken over for the weekend by a zealous group of develop- Next month we’ll examine Delphi 3 packages. In March,
ers determined to do something about the problem. we’ll return to a further discussion of Delphi and the APIs.
To find out more about Project JEDI, you can subscribe to
At the end of the weekend it became clear that we would the JEDI list-server by sending e-mail to listserv@pure-
need our own list server. Someone involved in the discussion with the message SUBSCRIBE JEDI in the
volunteered to set the whole thing up. Another person, Tim main body. Or you can write me at ∆
Hayes, emerged as the main coordinator. He kept everyone
informed, provided daily updates to the whole group, and — Alan C. Moore, Ph.D.
2 December 1997 Delphi Informant
Cyrenesoft Announces Database Component Set for Delphi
Delphi Cyrenesoft has released
T O O L S Genesis 2.3 for Delphi, a
suite of database components
New Products such as the Data Doctor,
and Solutions enabling developers to pro-
gram database applications
faster and with greater ease.
Developers can drop the
Data Doctor into their appli-
cation, where it will automat-
ically run at intervals. It auto-
matically packs deleted
records from tables and recre-
High Performance ates indexes, saving disk space
Delphi 3 Programming and increasing application-
Don Taylor, et al.
index performance.
Coriolis Group Books
Genesis also features com-
ponents such as the csNavigator, a replacement csCalculatorCombo, a drop-
Intelligrid component, a navigator component that down calculator; several
data-aware grid that allows can be oriented vertically or lookup combo boxes that
developers to embed any horizontally. csNavigator correct bugs in the Delphi
data-aware component, even allows developers to change VCL; dialog components,
custom components — such the glyphs, and has two including memo and graph-
as special combo boxes. added buttons that permit ic dialog boxes; and more.
Working in conjunction the end user to find a record Both data-aware and non
with the Intelligrid is a sort- through a dialog box and data-aware versions of sever-
ISBN: 1-57610-179-7 edit box and search-combo print the current record in al components are included.
Price: US$49.99
box that changes the sort an automatically formatted
(635 pages, CD-ROM)
Phone: (602) 483-0193 order of any data-aware grid, report. Cyrenesoft
and has a special feature that Other components include Price: US$149 for source code; US$99
allows the end user to specify csDateTimeCombo, a data- for DCU; US$45 for mini-packs.
more than one key. aware calendar that works Phone: (770) 838-0404
Genesis also features with date and time fields; Web Site:
Parity Software Announces ChatterBocx/SAPI
Parity Software announced ChatterBocx/SAPI allows a string of ASCII characters, top application, the speech is
ChatterBocx/SAPI, an users to build telephony either in a text file or from a generated through loud-
ActiveX control that can be applications based on string passed as an argument speakers.
used in Delphi, Visual C++, VoiceBocx control and desk- from a user’s program code.
and Visual Basic. Text-to- top applications that use In a telephony application, Parity Software
speech (TTS) technologies multimedia loudspeakers for the speech is generated on a Price: Call for pricing.
based on Microsoft’s Speech speech output. It synthesizes telephone line and heard by Phone: (415) 332-5656
API are also supported. speech from text presented as the human caller; in a desk- Web Site:
Mountaintop Systems Releases Remember All Suite Comprising
Mountaintop Systems has Comprising, which includes Control or tabbed note- nent adds flexibility by
released Remember All Suite two components aimed at book, which in turn holds allowing users to enter text,
simplifying the entry and other setup recording con- dates, times, integers,
storage of user-preference trols (edit boxes, check- floats, currency, etc., auto-
and program-Configuration boxes, etc.). TRememPanel matically validating and
information. automatically saves changes storing their entries.
TRememPanel, a descen- made by the user to an .INI
dant of TPanel, allows for file, restoring them at start- Mountaintop Systems
the quick preparation for up. Multiple configurations Price: US$38; US$65 with source
editing and automatic saved to different .INI files code.
storage of a large range of are handled with a single Phone: 011 61 2 9541 1348
user-preference options. It line of code. Web Site:
will also hold a Page- The EditFields compo- au/~mtntop
3 December 1997 Delphi Informant
Delphi Digital Zinnia Studios and Modern Medium Inc. Announce Conduit
Digital Zinnia Studios removing Internet directo- US$495; 50-user license within one
T O O L S and Modern Medium Inc. ries. Conduit will communi- application, US$795; unlimited users
announced Conduit, a DLL cate with servers running within one organization, US$995;
New Products that sends and receive files Windows NT, UNIX, unlimited distribution within one appli-
and Solutions to a location on the Internet Novell, or Mac OS. cation, US$1,495.
using FTP. Phone: (541) 343-4281
Using Conduit, developers Digital Zinnia Studios and Web Site:
can Internet-enable Modern Medium Inc. conduit/conduit.shtml
Windows applications such Price: Single-user license, US$295;
as Delphi and Microsoft 20-user license within one application,
Access, Excel, and Word.
Additional features include HyperAct Ships WebApp 1.0
automatic updates of Web HyperAct, Inc. released Netscape FastTrack (NSAPI),
content controlled from an WebApp 1.0, the framework O’Reilly WebSite and
application, integration of for Web-server applications WebSite Pro (WSAPI), and
file communication on the development using Delphi 2 CGI and Win-CGI inter-
Internet in an application, and 3 and C++Builder. faces, which will work with
sharing of data over the Features in WebApp any Web server.
CoStar Introduces Internet from within an include server indepen- WebApp also ships with
Developers Kit
application, distribution of dence; automatic session- browser capabilities, an ad
CoStar Corp. introduced the
Software Developers Kit (SDK), data on the Internet con- management; HTML tem- rotator, SMTP components,
for the Easy Software Suite, that trolled from an application, plate support; transparent, and data-aware HTML-
solves label-printing issues for and creation of Windows- cookies-based, session-state generation components and
application developers, includ-
ing bar-code printing, label
based order-entry systems or management; and Delphi 3 functions.
design, label formatting, and Internet sales systems. API WebModules compatibility.
shrinking text to fit specific label functions provided by WebApp ships with native HyperAct, Inc.
sizes. Developers can run pro-
grams invisibly to provide print-
Conduit include sending, support for Microsoft Price: Standard, US$199; Professional,
ing support; open label files by downloading, and removing Internet Information Server US$495.
name; print labels and control Internet files, and getting a (ISAPI), Microsoft Personal Phone: (515) 987-2910
the number of copies to be
printed; change a label’s text,
file list and adding and Web Server (ISAPI), Web Site:
address, or bar-code contents;
and specify image files to be SupraSoft Offers Crystal Reports Support
printed and paste pictures into
badge templates. The SDK SupraSoft Ltd. released allows users to specify custom restrict developers to pre-
includes software, application Crystal Design Component, report windows, add print- built, report-preview inter-
notes illustrating label-printing
functions, a CoStar LabelWriter
an ActiveX control allowing preview capabilities to an faces; rather, they can create
XL Plus, and a roll of address users of Crystal Reports to application, and provide inter- user interfaces using the stan-
labels; it supports Delphi, Visual embed a report into an national language localization dard user-interface building
Basic, Access, and FoxPro. For
more information, call
application. features to a database report. tools particular development
(800) 426-7827 or visit Crystal Design Component The component doesn’t environments provide. The component also provides
properties to control and
modify run-time report
parameters, and options
to ensure end users’ abili-
ty to modify report para-
meters as intended.
Crystal Design
Component is available
in 16- and 32-bit Delphi,
32-bit OCX, and 16-bit
VBX formats.
SupraSoft Ltd.
Price: US$149
Phone: 358 14 218 500
Web Site: http://www.-
4 December 1997 Delphi Informant
News Borland, MicroEdge Announce Visual SlickEdit - Delphi Edition
Scotts Valley, CA — Borland
and MicroEdge, Inc.
an automated program edit-
ing solution for the Delphi 3
Edition provides develop-
ment tools for building
L I N E announced the MicroEdge development environment. enterprise-wide, client/server,
SlickEdit - Delphi Edition, Visual SlickEdit - Delphi or Web-enabled applications.
December 1997 Delphi developers have
Borland Strategies Announced at Microsoft access to Visual SlickEdit’s
Professional Developers Conference editing features without hav-
San Diego, CA — At 3, and MIDAS (Multi-Tier ing to save or reload files
September’s Microsoft Distributed Application when switching between the
Professional Developers Services Suite), LeFaivre editor and Delphi; files are
Conference, Borland CTO demonstrated how to build a saved only when the user
Rick LeFaivre demonstrated distributed decision-support prompts Delphi to do so.
Borland’s support for key application, leveraging data Other features include proce-
Microsoft distributed- stored in a Microsoft Access dure tagging, difference edit-
computing technologies, database, making this informa- ing, selective display, and
such as the ActiveX Template tion available to users over the syntax expansion.
Library (ATL) and DCOM Web. LeFaivre also demon- Visual SlickEdit - Delphi
(Distributed Component strated how developers can Edition is available for
Object Model). build Java applications that US$149 and includes licenses
LeFaivre also highlighted connect to Microsoft SQL for Windows NT, Windows
the importance of the distrib- Server or Microsoft Access 95, and Windows 3.1. Delphi
uted computing model and using Borland’s new JBuilder 1, 2, and 3 are supported. For
outlined Borland’s strategy pure Java development tool more information, call (800)
for helping developers create and Borland’s DataGateway 934-3348 or visit
multi-tier applications. These for Java middleware.
applications allow the transfer
of business logic and configu- MCBA, Inc. Joins Borland’s Partner/400 Program
ration instructions to a mid- San Antonio, TX — tions for the IBM mid-range
dle tier, thereby providing Borland announced that platform. Additionally,
easier, more cost-effective MCBA, Inc., an AS/400 MCBA’s experience in deliv-
maintenance and support of solution provider and IBM ering AS/400 business solu-
applications. hardware distributor, has tions worldwide will allow
In addition to ATL and joined the Borland Partner/- Borland to continue to
DCOM, LeFaivre demonstrat- 400 program to deliver reach more corporations
ed Borland’s support of client/server development interested in building
Microsoft’s Windows and expertise to the AS/400 advanced client/server soft-
systems technology, such as community. ware applications.
Microsoft Internet This puts MCBA in good For a complete list of
Information Server and position to provide clients Borland/400 partners visit
Internet Explorer. Using with the next generation of
Borland’s C++Builder, Delphi hardware and software solu- borland400/partner.html.
By Jon Jacobs
Threads Simplified
Untangling a Gnarly Topic
A thread is the basic executable code sequence to which CPU time is allocated
by the preemptive multitasking operating system (OS). Typically, each
thread gets 20 milliseconds before the OS switches to another thread. In gen-
eral, each thread has access to all the code, variables, and resources of the
application (called a process in this context). Every process has at least one
thread, but may have more. No thread “owns” any part of the application’s
code; several threads can execute the same code, as appropriate.
You may be wondering why you would want was wrong, except that the control loop
to use threads. If you’re running applications stopped controlling. The same thing hap-
on a 32-bit Windows platform, you’re already pened when I opened a modal form. None of
using threads. Each process (application) has this was a big deal; it simply defeated the pur-
at least one thread vying for the CPU’s atten- pose of the application!
tion. From this point on, I’ll refer to the
main thread of a given application simply as As a temporary protection, I had the Start
“the main thread.” If you’re using Delphi 2, button disable all menu items, leaving the
3, or another 32-bit compiler for a 32-bit Stop button to re-enable them. This preserved
Windows platform, you’re already program- the main purpose of the application, which
ming threads. So a better version of the pre- was to control the equipment reliably, but it
vious question would be: “Why explicitly use made things rather inconvenient. It would
any threads other than the main thread?” have been nice to be able to do other things
This is harder to answer, because there are while remaining in control.
many possible reasons. Here are a few:
You want to change the priority of the The long-term solution was to make the
thread. control loop an independent thread. I
You want several sequences to run simul- began reading various thread-related topics
taneously and do not want to manage in the Help system, which made the task
them yourself. seem daunting. Finally, when I distilled the
You want the thread to continue running subject to its essence, it turned out to be
while you have a modal window open. simple. Of course, if you want to exploit a
lot of fancy features, you can make the use
A War Story of threads as complicated as you want.
I had a series of instructions controlling some Personally, I like simple, so what I present
equipment. The loop was started by clicking a in this article is very simple.
Start button and stopped by clicking a Stop
button. At the bottom of the loop it used Keep It Simple
Application.ProcessMessages, so other things Other than creating the thread, if you take
could be done, including pressing the Stop advantage of the facilities that Delphi pro-
button. Unfortunately, many of the things I vides, there is only one thing you must do
wanted to do required menu selections. to run an independent thread: You must
What’s wrong with that? Nothing important define a thread class as a descendant of the
6 December 1997 Delphi Informant
On the Cover
program Thrd; Captions of Stop and &Auto, respectively. Below them are
two edit boxes, edCount and edThread, whose initial Text
properties are blank. The next two controls are checkboxes,
uMain in 'uMain.pas' {frmMain}, cbCount and cbThread, with Captions of Count and Thread.
uModal in 'uModal.pas' {frmModal};
The next item I placed on the form was for later use. It’s a
{$R *.RES}
radio group, rgPriorities, with the Caption Thread
begin Priorities. I set its
Columns property to 2, its
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
Application.CreateForm(TfrmModal, frmModal); ItemIndex property to 3, and
Application.Run; its Items property to Idle,
Lowest, Lower, Normal,
Figure 1: The project file, Thrd.dpr, for our sample application. Higher, Highest, and
TimeCritical. Below it I
TThread class, and override the Execute method. It’s in the placed another button,
Execute method that you place the code you want to exe- named btnModal, with a
cute. Now that’s simple! Caption of &Modal Form.
Finally, I added a Timer
Well, few things in life are really that simple. There are a few component, tmrCount, and
details to consider. The first is that the Create constructor has set its Interval to 10000 (for
a Boolean parameter. Pass it a value of False to start the ten seconds), and its Enabled
thread running as soon as you create it. If you pass True to property to False. The result Figure 2: The sample application
the constructor, the thread will be created in a suspended is shown in Figure 2. at design time.
state, and you’ll have to do something else to get it running.
In the private section of the TfrmMain, I declared a Boolean
The next detail to consider is whether you want to manage
variable named Done; in the global var declaration are two
disposal of the thread object yourself, or if you want that to
Longints: Count and ThreadCount.
happen automatically when the thread execution terminates.
For the automatic approach, set the FreeOnTerminate property
Of course the buttons and Timer need event handlers. The
to True. I prefer to do that in the constructor. Yes, I know:
handler for the Count button’s OnClick event is not the
Now you have two things to override; but once you’ve gone to
solution to one of humanity’s great problems. It does, how-
the small effort of deriving a class in the first place, overriding
ever, provide a basis for comparing the effects of using an
the constructor is trivial.
independent thread. The essential code is:
The third detail to consider is that once you start a thread repeat
running, you’ll usually want the ability to stop it. If it Inc(Count);
stops on its own after a short time, that’s great. Normally, until Done;
As usual, I started with a blank form. I named it frmMain, set Even without the other event handlers, you can compile
its Caption to Main (Thread Test), and set its Width to and run the application. You can press the Count button,
just enough to show the Caption. Then I added two buttons wait a while, then press the Stop button. The ending value
(BitBtn components) to the top of the form, side by side. of the counter will appear in edCount. For later compar-
The first button’s purpose is to perform a simple count, so I isons, I found it convenient to count off 10 seconds. You
creatively named it btnCount with a Caption of Count. The know: “One thousand-one, one thousand-two,” etc. On a
second button is named btnThread, with a Caption of Thread 486 DX-40 my results were about 225,000, but to para-
Count. Below those buttons are btnStop and btnAuto, with phrase an automobile advertisement disclaimer, “Your
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons;
TfrmModal = class(TForm)
btnClose: TBitBtn;
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Figure 4: The sample
application, with
frmModal: TfrmModal;
modal dialog box, at
implementation run time.
{$R *.DFM} The Timer’s OnTimer handler effectively “presses” the Stop
button for us with:
Figure 3: Source for the modal dialog box, uModal.pas. procedure TfrmMain.tmrCountTimer(Sender: TObject);
TTimer(Sender).Enabled := False;
mileage may vary with road conditions, CPU speed, accu- btnStopClick(nil);
racy of your timing estimate, etc.” frmModal.Close;
Modal Oops
To see the effect of a modal form on the counting, let’s Consider the importance of starting the Timer before start-
add an OnClick event handler to btnModal. Put this in ing the count. If we started the count first, the Timer would
btnModalClick: not be enabled until the count was stopped, which would
defeat the purpose of having the Timer. With two successive
ModalForm.ShowModal; statements in the same (in this case the main) thread, the
first must complete before the second starts. I just snuck in a
Of course, we should create a form, name it ModalForm, potential use for coding an independent thread. With pre-
and set its Caption to Modal Form. Its unit, called uModal, emptive multitasking, you can launch a thread, then execute
is shown in Figure 3. Be sure to put uModal in uMain’s subsequent statements long before the thread finishes.
implementation uses clause. Add a BitBtn component to
ModalForm, name it btnClose, and set its Kind property to At this point you can compile and run the program. Be sure
bkClose. It’s shown in Figure 4. to check the Count checkbox, then click the Auto button.
After 10 seconds you’ll see the result. I gave hot keys to the
Compile and run the program. While you count off ten sec- Auto button and the Modal button so I could click the Modal
onds, press the Modal button on the main form. After a few button very quickly after the Auto button. If I held down the
seconds, press the Close button on ModalForm well before A key, then pressed A then M as quickly as possible, I
you press the Stop button. In another run, press the Modal could see counts under 3000. I let the Timer take care of
button as soon as you can after the Count button. Count closing ModalForm for me. After you have done that at least
most of the 10 seconds with ModalForm open, then click its once, with and without opening ModalForm, you’re ready for
Close button, then the main-form Stop button when the full something a little more interesting.
10 seconds have elapsed. The results are inescapable: While
ModalForm is open, the count halts! A New Thread
The TCountThread class overrides the Create constructor and
Counting the time myself became a little tedious, and the dif- the Execute method. Create calls the inherited Create, passing
ficulty of obtaining consistent results is obvious. For better False for its CreateSuspended parameter. Then it sets the
tests, I used the Timer component and the Auto button, FreeOnTerminate property to True. The Execute method is
which starts the Timer and optionally starts the count. The similar to the loop in btnCountClick:
OnClick handler for Auto is:
procedure TCountThread.Execute;
procedure TfrmMain.btnAutoClick(Sender: TObject); begin
begin ThreadCount := 0;
tmrCount.Enabled := True; repeat
if cbCount.Checked then Inc(ThreadCount);
btnCountClick(nil); until Terminated;
end; end;
The repeat loop stops when Terminated is True, but other The program also needs an initialization section for the unit
(more useful) Execute methods may require different in which we put:
approaches. The key fact is that your Execute code must
ct := nil;
monitor the state of the Terminated property, and bail out
of the method when Terminated is True. If you assign a We’re insuring that ct is valid when not nil, and nil when
handler for the OnTerminate event, it will be executed not valid.
when you call the thread’s Terminate method. The
TThread class handles synchronization with the main Action
thread for you. Now that we have something for the Thread Count button to
do, let’s do it! Compile and run the program, click the Thread
The Thread Count button’s event handler, btnThreadClick, cre- Count button, count off 10 seconds and click the Stop button.
ates a thread of class TCountThread and automatically starts You’ll see quite a different result. On my machine, the count
its execution: that appears in edThread is about 38,000,000, which means
the loop went about 169 times faster. There certainly seems to
procedure TfrmMain.btnThreadClick(Sender: TObject);
begin be a lot less overhead in checking the Terminated property
edThread.Text := ''; than there is in calling Application.ProcessMessages and check-
ct := TCountThread.Create; ing the Done variable. Score one more point in the indepen-
dent thread column.
We’ll use the thread’s OnTerminate event handler,
Now let’s automate. Put the following new code in
ShowResult, to put text into the edThread edit box. Notice
btnAutoClick. Make sure you put it before the call to
that I assigned ShowResult inside the TMainForm method
btnCountClick, for the same reasons as previously mentioned.
instead of within the TCountThread constructor.
The added code is:
ShowResult itself is a TMainForm method that uses
TMainForm objects, so I found it convenient to do it this if cbThread.Checked then
way. Go ahead and add the ShowResult method: btnThreadClick(nil);
I trust this little illustration has encouraged you that imple- {$R *.DFM}
menting independent threads can be quite easy, and I hope
procedure TfrmMain.btnCountClick(Sender: TObject);
it’s given you some ideas for using independent threads.
Done := False;
Incidentally, I did all this in Delphi’s IDE. It occurred to me Count := 0;
edCount.Text := '';
that Delphi itself was an application with at least one thread,
so I shut down Delphi and launched THRD.EXE as the only repeat
obvious application running. I saw numbers that were notice- Inc(Count);
ably higher, but not startlingly so. Evidently, because Delphi
until Done;
had been doing nothing but awaiting user input, it took very
little of the CPU’s time. ∆ edCount.Text := IntToStr(Count);
if cbCount.Checked then
implementation repeat
uses uModal; until Terminated;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TfrmMain.btnCountClick(Sender: TObject);
begin ct := nil;
Done := False;
Count := 0; end.
edCount.Text := '';
By Howard Schutzman
FTP Programming
Creating File Transfer Protocol Programs
with Windows Sockets
T he purpose of this article is to get “under the hood” of Internet TCP/IP socket
programming. You will learn to write code that can communicate with a
program running on another computer. The other program doesn’t need to be
running on Windows; it can be running on a UNIX workstation, a Macintosh,
or a mainframe. As long as the remote computer is connected to your comput-
er with a TCP/IP network (such as the Internet), the two programs can send
and receive messages.
The first project involved verifying and trans- Using socket programming, I implemented a
ferring Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) program that reduces this to a button click.
files, such as invoices, between different com- The program automatically logs on to
panies with different kinds of computers. For Company B’s computer, downloads the
example, Joe at Company A might want to appropriate file, verifies it, and composes and
retrieve a file from Company B’s computer, sends an e-mail to Fran. The code presented
verify its contents, and send it to Fran at in this article is derived from the FTP portion
Company C. When done manually, this is a of the EDI project (see end of article for
tedious process. First, Joe needs to connect to download details).
Company B’s computer using some type of
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program. The second project involved implementing a
Assuming he understands how to use FTP high-performance link between a server and
many remote clients. At peak times, the
server must handle more than 100,000
requests per hour, and still respond within a
few seconds. To solve this problem, we
designed a compact proprietary messaging
scheme and used socket programming to
handle the communications. As a side pro-
ject, we implemented an automatic updating
Figure 1: Basic socket architecture. system, whereby the server notifies the client
12 December 1997 Delphi Informant
On the Net
if it’s in need of updating, and schedules a file transfer to The Socket Programming Interface
provide the update. The standard network API for Windows TCP/IP program-
ming is known as WinSock. The WinSock implementation
Overview of Sockets on a machine is often referred to as the “TCP/IP stack.” Most
A socket is the object that handles the sending and receiv- machines running Windows 95 and Windows NT 4 use the
ing of messages over a TCP/IP network, including the WinSock implementation provided by Microsoft as part of
Internet. TCP/IP is a set of protocols that ensures the reli- the operating system. The situation under Windows 3.1 (and
able delivery of messages. TCP stands for Transmission 3.11) is more chaotic. Because Microsoft did not include a
Control Protocol; IP stands for Internet Protocol. Using WinSock implementation with the operating system, a
sockets, you’re only concerned with message contents. Windows 3.1 machine may contain any of a number of
TCP/IP administers delivery; it breaks the message into WinSock implementations, each slightly different from the
packets, routes each packet to the correct destination, others. Fortunately, you should still be able to support most
requests retransmission if a packet has been corrupted, and flavors of Windows 3.1 TCP/IP stacks.
reassembles the message.
The WinSock API is complex. Therefore, a number of ven-
Figure 1 provides an overview of how sockets work. One dors have written components that provide an object-oriented
socket is the Server; it listens on the network to see if anyone wrapper around the API. I’ve tried several — some with lim-
wants to communicate with it. The other socket is the Client; ited success. I found the dWinsock VCL components to be
it attempts to connect to a socket that is listening. The Server very reliable on both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
socket notifies the Client socket if it accepts the connection. Additionally, the dWinsock authors provide excellent support
Once a connection is established, either the Client or Server for their product. A shareware version has been included with
can send messages. Additionally, either socket can terminate the code accompanying this article. The dWinsock Web site
the connection. is located at
If you are writing the programs on both sides of the connec- Windows Sockets Network Programming by Bob Quinn and
tion, you may want to implement your own communications Dave Shute [Addison-Wesley, 1995] is considered one of the
protocol. You can also implement one of the standard best books on WinSock programming. If you are using one of
Internet protocols. This article will use standard FTP to illus- the wrapper components, however, you probably don’t need
trate how to write a socket program. to read it. But if you are one of those people who likes to
know all the gory technical details, it’s the book for you.
A socket has two properties that are used to identify it: the IP
Address and the Port. You are probably familiar with the IP The rest of this article is concerned with implementing
Address. This is the “dot” address used on the Internet. It HsSocket, an object that allows you to add FTP client capa-
consists of four eight-bit numbers separated by periods, such bilities to an application. You can connect to an FTP server,
as Each computer on a TCP/IP network change directories, obtain a directory listing, download a file
must have a unique IP Address. from the server, upload a file to the server, delete a file, send
site-specific commands, and disconnect. Because I needed to
You may be wondering how to determine a machine’s IP support Windows 3.1, the code was implemented using 16-
Address. Typically, when you are browsing on the Internet, bit Delphi, but it can easily be ported to 32-bit Delphi.
you use a name, such as “”, to connect to a
machine. This name must be translated to a 32-bit IP The code in this article was implemented using the
Address before using a socket. Name-to-IP Address transla- dWinsock control mentioned previously. Therefore, if you
tion is taken care of by the Domain Name Server (DNS) run- intend to run this code within Delphi, you must install
ning at your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If you are run- dWinsock as a VCL component by following the instruc-
ning on a local intranet, there is usually a local process that tions in the installation file.
takes care of name resolution. In any case, as you will see, you
need not worry about this problem because name resolution To test the code, you need to connect to an FTP server.
is part of the socket-programming interface. You can certainly connect to any number of servers on the
Internet. However, you will probably find it useful to have
The Port is similar in concept to a serial or parallel port. A a small FTP server running on
computer may have several server sockets running simultane- your machine. (WFTPD, an Protocol Port
ously, each listening on a different Port. For example, if a inexpensive FTP server, is HTTP (Web) 80
computer has both a Web Server and an FTP server running, available from Texas Imperial FTP 21
the Web Server is listening on Port 80 and the FTP server is Software; contact Gopher 70
listening on Port 21. Figure 2 lists several common Internet for further SMTP (e-mail) 25
protocols and the ports they use. Port names can also be information.) POP3 (e-mail) 110
symbolic. For example, when you type http: in your brows- Telnet 23
er, you are referring to Port 80; when you type ftp:, you are Before proceeding, we’ll look at Figure 2: Some common
referring to Port 21. some code that shows how to Internet protocol ports.
establish a connection with a client socket. The code in Figure 3 Figure 5: The ActionCompleted function.
shows a simplified version of the FtpConnect function. The two
arguments are the Address of the FTP server and the Port. Address The disadvantage is that more complex logic is needed to
can be either an IP address (e.g., or a domain handle asynchronous events. The program cannot proceed
name (e.g.; the dWinsock component takes care sequentially. It must remember its state so that when an event
of name-to-address resolution. Port is normally 21, which is the fires, it knows what to do.
standard FTP server port. To connect to the server, set the client
socket’s Address and Port properties, and call the Open method. To simplify matters, HsSocket implements a technique that
allows requests to be made in a serial fashion. A simple state
The Open method takes one argument: the socket type. In machine is used. Before making a request, the code sets a
our case, this is TStreamSocket, which represents reliable TCP state variable indicating which request is pending. Then the
transport. dWinsock also supports the TDatagramSocket type, request is made. A call is made to the ActionCompleted func-
which implements the faster — but less reliable — UDP tion. ActionCompleted will not return control until the appro-
(User Datagram Protocol). priate event has fired, or the request times out. Therefore,
each request is synchronous, waiting for ActionCompleted to
When the server accepts the connection, the OnConnect event return before proceeding.
is fired. A flag is set in the event handler, indicating the con-
nection was successful. This illustrates the asynchronous ActionCompleted works with the event handlers. When an
nature of socket programming. The next section presents a event is fired, the handler looks at the state variable to see
technique for simplifying handling of asynchronous events. which request is pending. If the event is a response to the
pending request, the event handler sets the FActionCompleted
Serializing Sockets variable to True, to indicate the request is no longer pending.
Socket programming is asynchronous; after sending a The code in Figure 4 is the OnDisconnect event handler. If
request, an event must fire before an application knows the state is wsQuit, indicating a Quit request has been sent
whether the request succeeded. If the network goes down, to disconnect from the server, the FActionCompleted variable
the event will never fire. The advantage of an asynchro- is set to True.
nous approach is a more efficient use of computer
resources. It can take a long time to receive a response over The code in Figure 5 shows the ActionCompleted function.
the network. Rather than sitting idle and waiting, the The code loops until either the FActionCompleted flag has
computer can perform other useful work until the been set by one of the event handlers, or looping has contin-
response is received. ued for longer than the time-out value, EndTime. The
14 December 1997 Delphi Informant
On the Net
{ Connect command socket to FTP server. } Figure 6 is a full listing of the FtpConnect function. The state
function THsSocket.FtpConnect(Address : string; variable is set to wsConnect to indicate a connection is pend-
Port : Integer) : Boolean;
begin ing. The Open method is called. ActionCompleted is called
Result := False; and will not return until the connection is accepted, or the
wait exceeds the time-out value.
CmdSkt.Address := Address;
CmdSkt.Port := IntToStr(Port);
FTP Overview
Figure 7 illustrates the architecture of the FTP. The main
CmdSkt.Open(TStreamSocket); connection from the FTP client to the FTP server occurs
except on Port 21. This is known as the command connection. All
on E : Exception do
DisplayError('Open error: ' + E.Message); messages over this connection are ASCII text ending in a
end; carriage return/line feed. The client sends commands to the
server. Commands are defined as three- or four-character
if (not ActionCompleted) then begin
DisplayError('Unable to connect to server ' + Address); mnemonics, and some commands include parameters. The
Exit; server responds to the commands with status messages,
which consist of a three-digit code followed by a text mes-
Result := True; sage. The value of the three-digit code indicates whether
end; the request was successful.
Figure 6: The full version of FtpConnect.
Certain commands, such as those for retrieving
or sending files, require another connection to be
opened; this is known as the data connection. The
file data is sent over the data connection, and the
connection is closed once the data has been sent.
There are two modes for establishing data con-
nections. In port mode, the FTP client listens on
a server socket and sends the port number to the
FTP server. The server socket must listen on Port
20, or on the next available port after 1024.
(Ports 1-1024 are reserved for standard proto-
cols.) In passive mode, the FTP server listens and
sends the port number in response to a passive
Figure 7: The FTP architecture.
request. The choice of data-connection modes is
up to you. Most commercial FTP clients default
Function Command Syntax Success Status to port mode. If you are concerned about security, or
must pass through a firewall, passive mode is a better
set user USER <user name> 230, 331
set password PASS <password> 230
choice because you connect to the server rather than
change directory CWD <path> 250 having the server connect to you.
set data type TYPE <type code> 200
port-mode data PORT <address, port> 200 HsSocket uses three socket components to implement
passive-mode data PASV 227 the FTP: CmdSkt is a client socket used for the com-
list directory LIST <path name> (data port closed) mand connection; ListenSkt is a server socket used for
retrieve file RETR <file name> (data port closed) the port-mode data connection; and DataSkt is a client
store file STOR <file name> 226, 250 socket used for the passive-mode data connection.
delete file DELE <file name> 250
site specific SITE <string> 200 The table in Figure 8 summarizes the FTP com-
disconnect QUIT (cmd port closed) mands implemented in this article, as well as the
Figure 8: An FTP command summary. return codes indicating success. These commands
represent a subset of the entire FTP command set.
ResetTime flag is used for requests that fire more than one
event. If an intermediate event is fired, the ResetTime flag As with all Internet protocols, FTP is described in a Request
indicates the time-out value should be reset so a time out for Comment (RFC) document, RFC #929, available at
doesn’t occur before the final event is fired. The primary use Many books on Internet program-
of this flag is for retrieving a file. The file is received in ming also contain a good description of the FTP.
blocks, with each block firing an intermediate event that sets
the ResetTime flag. When the event is fired that indicates the Command Processing
entire file has been retrieved, the FActionCompleted flag is set. The code in Listing Three (beginning on page 18) shows the
If there was no ResetTime flag, a time-out could easily occur routines used to send commands to the FTP server. The client
before the entire file is received. socket named CmdSkt is used for the command connection.
15 December 1997 Delphi Informant
On the Net
The procedure SendCommand is called each time a com- The syntax is the word “PORT”, followed by six comma-
mand is sent. It merely adds a carriage return/line feed and separated values. The first four values are the four parts of
calls SendSktData. The SendSktData procedure handles the the IP Address of the computer running the FTP client.
sending of all data (commands and files). It attempts to The last two values are the upper and lower bytes of the
send data using the Send method, which returns the num- port number. The command string is then sent to the FTP
ber of bytes sent. If all the data is not sent, the OnWrite server so it knows where to connect.
event will fire when the socket is ready to send more data.
The OnWrite event handler sets the OnWriteFlag to True. Alternatively, the FtpPassive function is used to establish a
Therefore, SendSktData will loop until either the OnWrite passive-mode data connection. The PASV command is sent
event fires (as indicated by OnWriteFlag), or the time-out to ask the FTP server to set up a server socket. The reply
value is exceeded. from the server contains connection information about the
server socket. As with the PORT command, it consists of six
When the FTP server sends a reply, it will trigger an comma-separated values. The first four values are the server
OnRead event. The CmdSktRead procedure is the event IP address. The last two values are the upper and lower bytes
handler. It’s possible the FTP server will send several of the port number. FtpPassive decodes these values and
reply lines. Therefore, CmdSktRead builds a string list with stores them in the DataSkt Address and Port properties. The
one entry for each reply line. CmdSktRead can determine Open method is then called to establish a data connection
where each reply line ends by searching for the terminating with the server.
carriage-return/line-feed characters. CmdSktRead also han-
dles the case where a partial line is sent (although this The DoDataSktRead event-handler procedure is used to read
rarely happens), by saving the data until the next OnRead data from the FTP server over the data connection. It calls
event is fired with the rest of the line. the socket’s Recv method to fill a buffer with the data. It uses
the BlockWrite routine to transfer this data to a file. It sets the
For each reply line, CmdSktRead strips off the status code. ResetTime flag to inform the ActionCompleted routine to reset
Based on the wait state, which indicates the pending com- its time-out value.
mand, the FActionCompleted is set when the status code
indicates success. This allows the ActionCompleted func- The SendSktData procedure is used to send data to the FTP
tion, as discussed above, to return a success indicator, and server over the data connection. This code was discussed in
the application can proceed to the next command. the previous section.
Note that this approach has minimal error reporting. If the Testing HsSocket
FTP server returns an error status code, it is simply Figure 9 lists the public methods in HsSocket. There is one
ignored. Eventually, ActionCompleted will time out and method for each command you can send to the FTP server.
return a failure indicator. The program will fail gracefully, There is a utility routine to set the time-out value. There are
but no indication is given as to why the failure occurred. also three debugging routines to allow you to log information
This is acceptable for my automated applications because, to a log file or to the screen.
once a connection is established, things almost always pro-
ceed smoothly. Depending on your application, however, { FTP methods. }
you may want to expand the CmdSktRead routine to function FtpChangeDir(Directory : string) : Boolean;
improve error reporting by processing failure statuses as function FtpConnect(Address : string;
Port : Integer) : Boolean;
well as success statuses. function FtpDelete(RemoteFile : string) : Boolean;
function FtpDisconnect : Boolean;
Data Connections function FtpListDir(Filter : string;
ListFile : string) : Boolean;
As indicated earlier, certain commands require that a data function FtpPassive : Boolean;
connection be established. These commands include function FtpPassword(Password : string) : Boolean;
retrieve file (from the server), store file (on the server), and function FtpPort : Boolean;
function FtpRetrieveFile(LocalFile : string;
list directory (the directory listing is treated as a file). The RemoteFile : string) : Boolean;
code in Listing Four (beginning on page 20) is used to function FtpSetType(FtpType : TFtpType) : Boolean;
establish a data connection. function FtpSite(Command : string) : Boolean;
function FtpStoreFile(LocalFile : string;
RemoteFile : string) : Boolean;
The FtpSetType function is used to establish the type of data function FtpUser(User : string) : Boolean;
to be transferred. The code in Listing Four supports ASCII
and binary data. The FTP also supports EBCDIC data. { Other methods. }
procedure SetTimeOut(Seconds : Integer);
me with a debugging form that can be made visible upon { Indicate success or failure. }
request. Alternatively, I could have implemented HsSocket as if (Success) then
a plain Delphi object, or as a non-visual VCL component. MessageDlg(FileEdit.Text + ' retrieved successfully',
mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
The form in Figure 10 is the main form for Ftptest.exe, a MessageDlg('Unable to retrieve ' + FileEdit.Text,
test application for HsSocket. Each of the buttons exercise mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
different commands that can be sent to the FTP server. The
complete source for this executable is available; see end of Figure 13: The OnClick event handler for the Retrieve button.
article for details.
The List Dir button code (see Figure 12) sets the data-connection
The Login button code connects to the server, and sends the type to ASCII, sets up a port mode data connection, and sends
user name and the password. Its OnClick event handler is the list-directory command. It reads the file returned by the
shown in Figure 11. server, stripping out the file names and loading the list box.
17 December 1997 Delphi Informant
On the Net
The Retrieve button (see Figure 13) sets the data connec- procedure TMainFrm.LogoutBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
tion to ASCII, sets up a passive-mode data connection, HsSocket.FtpDisconnect;
and sends the “retrieve” file command. Remember, the HsSocket.CloseLog;
mode choice for data connections is up to you. I simply end;
{ Otherwise, wait until OnWrite event is fired, { If there is no cr/lf, we have a partial reply;
or we time out. } save it until next OnRead. }
EndTime := Now + CmdSkt.TimeOut / SECONDS_PER_DAY; if (CrLfPtr = nil) then
while (not OnWriteFlag and (Now < EndTime)) do begin begin
Application.ProcessMessages; (BuffPtr + Remaining)^ := #0;
end; PartialRecvBuffer := StrPas(BuffPtr);
if (not OnWriteFlag) then Remaining := 0;
begin end
DisplayError('Unable to complete send'); else { If a cr/lf, create a string list entry. }
Exit; begin
end; CrLfPtr^ := #0;
{ Reset data ptr past bytes that have been sent. } Remaining := Remaining - (StrLen(BuffPtr) + 2);
Ptr := Ptr + (Count - Remaining); BuffPtr := CrLfPtr + 2;
end; end;
Result := True; end;
{ Process each of the replies in the string list. }
{ OnWrite handler for all 3 sockets... } for i := 0 to RecvList.Count - 1 do begin
procedure THsSocket.SktWrite(Sender: TObject; { Status is first 3 bytes. }
Socket: TSocketBase); Status := Copy(RecvList.Strings[i], 1, 3);
begin AddDiagnostic('RECV: ' + RecvList.Strings[i]);
OnWriteFlag := True; { SendSktData can continue. } if (FActionCompleted) then
end; Continue; { Ignore if nothing in process. }
Begin Listing Four — Data Connection Routines { Set up passive-mode data connection. }
function THsSocket.FtpPassive : Boolean;
{ Set data connection type to ASCII or binary. }
function THsSocket.FtpSetType(FtpType: TFtpType) : Boolean; var
begin ChrPos : Integer;
Result := False; Addr : string;
SetWaitState(wsType); Port : Integer;
i : Integer;
case FtpType of begin
ftBinary : SendCommand('TYPE I'); { Request data socket address/port from server. }
ftAscii : SendCommand('TYPE A'); Result := False;
end; SetWaitState(wsPasv);
if (not ActionCompleted) then if (not ActionCompleted) then
begin begin
DisplayError('Unable to set type'); DisplayError('Unable to obtain data port using PASV');
Exit; Exit;
end; end;
case WaitState of
{ List directory/retrieve file command in process. }
wsList, wsRetr :
{ Write the data to the output file. Reset
ActionCompleted wait to avoid timeout. }
Count := Socket.Recv(Buffer, MAXIDX + 1);
BlockWrite(OutputFile, Buffer, Count);
ResetTime := True;
AddDiagnostic('Read Failed');
By Robert Vivrette
Basically, the application I came up with is a First, let’s analyze what we’ll be drawing. As
drawing program. However, I am not speaking it turns out, Delphi has a graphic object
of a paint-type program that manages bitmap called TShape, which is a direct descendent
files. Instead, this program allows you to draw of TGraphicControl. A TShape object can
squares, rectangles, circles, etc., that live on the appear in six shapes:
surface of a drawing document. If you don’t a square
like where a square is, drag it to a new loca- a rounded square
tion. If you want to change its fill pattern, a rectangle
color, or border, you can do that as well. a rounded rectangle
TDrawShape = class(TShape)
a circle
private an ellipse
Grabbed : Boolean;
XX, YY : Integer;
procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton;
Delphi developers needing a graphic shape
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; in their application can take a Shape compo-
procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; nent, drop it on a form, and set various
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState;
properties defining its style, fill pattern,
X, Y: Integer); override; color, line pattern, and width.
The TPopupMenu has been placed on the form to allow The brush and pen styles are handled in a similar fashion to
various states of each shape to be changed. Because we the way we selected the shape from the buttons on the toolbar.
don’t want one popup menu for each shape, connect each Each menu item under these sub-menus has a Tag property
shape created to the single popup menu on the main form. that corresponds to the ordinal value of that style. Then it’s a
This ensures the cursor will automatically change to a hand simple matter of typecasting the chosen tag as a TBrushStyle
pointer when a user passes over any shape on the form or a TPenStyle, and assigning that value to the appropriate
(because of the assignment to NewObj’s Cursor property). It property in the currently selected shape.
also allows users to access a right-click formatting menu.
(More on the menu a little later.) The Pen Width menu items have the width itself in the menu
item’s Tag property, and are likewise copied into the currently
The last few steps in MouseUp are to set the shape’s selected shape’s Pen.Width property. Note that the menu items
bounds (keeping the width and height equal in the case of in each sub-menu point to the same event handler. For exam-
squares, rounded squares, and circles), and call a function ple, all the Pen Style items point to the PenStyleClick event han-
to count the number of objects currently on the form (to dler. This is a good example of how to take advantage of the
update the “Objects” label at the top of the application). power and flexibility of the Sender parameter in event handlers.
This function loops through the form’s Controls array and
counts the instances of TDrawShape. Saving and Retrieving the Shapes
A drawing program wouldn’t be of much use if you couldn’t
A Few Extras save and load drawings. As it turns out, this too is simple to
With the steps covered so far, we’ve built a functional shape- accomplish. Create an instance of a TFileStream object (speci-
drawing program. The user can choose a shape from one of fying the name of the file) and read or write the appropriate
the buttons on the toolbar, and can click and drag a copy of objects to or from that stream. In the case of the reading from
that shape on the form. This portion is handled through the the stream, we present one of Delphi’s OpenDialog compo-
form’s mouse methods that we supplanted. Once the shape nents, and allow the user to pick a previously saved file. The
has been created, the user can grab the shape and move it dialog has a filter pre-defined for “DrawObj Files” using the
24 December 1997 Delphi Informant
Sights & Sounds
wildcard *.obd. After the user picks a file, all existing objects
on the form are deleted and the TFileStream object is created. Begin Listing Five — The ObjDraw project
unit Unit1;
procedure TForm1.CountObjects;
a, b : Integer;
b := 0;
for a := 0 to ControlCount-1 do
if Controls[a] is TDrawShape then
lblCount.Caption := 'Objects: ' + IntToStr(b);
procedure TForm1.DeleteObjects;
a : Integer;
OneDeleted : Boolean;
OneDeleted := False;
for a := 0 to ControlCount-1 do
if Controls[a] is TDrawShape then
(Controls[a] as TDrawShape).Free;
OneDeleted := True;
until not OneDeleted;
if dlgOpen.Execute then
FS := TFileStream.Create(dlgOpen.FileName,
fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
while FS.Position < FS.Size do begin
NewObj := TDrawShape.Create(Self);
NewObj.Parent := Self;
NewObj.PopupMenu := FormatMenu;
finally FS.Free;
By Bill Todd
Getting a List of Network Users This function takes the following six parameters:
If you have an application that uses Paradox tables on a net- Db: A TDatabase component connected to the database
work, you can get a list of all the users of a network control file that contains the table you want to sort. The Connected
by calling the function shown in Figure 1. The var block property of the TDatabase must be set to True.
defines a cursor variable and a pointer to a user-descriptor SortTbl: A TTable component that contains the name of
structure. The call to DbiOpenUserList opens the cursor to the table you want to sort. The TTable must be closed,
the list of users in the network control file, the call to GetMem because the DbiSortTable function that performs the sort
allocates memory to hold the user descriptor structure, and the must be able to open the table for exclusive use.
call to FillChar initializes it to binary zero. DbiGetNextRecord SortFields: An array of type Word that contains one ele-
reads the next record from the user list. The statement: ment for each field to be sorted. The elements contain the
field numbers in the order they are to be used for the sort.
UserList.Add(StrPas(pUserDes^.szUserName)); For example, if the first field you want to sort on is the
third field in the table’s structure, then the value of the
extracts the UserName value from the user descriptor, con- first element in the array would be 3. Note that the num-
verts it to a Pascal string, and adds it to the UserList string ber of the first field in the table’s structure is one, not zero.
list passed to the function as a parameter. The while loop SortCase: An array of type Bool with one element for each
continues until DbiGetNextRecord returns an error code, field to be sorted. If the value of an element is True, then
indicating the end of the list. Finally, the memory for the the sort on the corresponding field in SortFields is case-
descriptor is released and the cursor is closed. insensitive. If the value is False, the sort on that field is
case-sensitive. The case-sensitivity setting affects only
Sorting Local Tables string fields.
Although Delphi lets you, by using different indices, view a SortOrd: An array of type SORTOrder that specifies
table in any order you wish, it does not surface the BDE’s whether the fields in the SortFields array should be
ability to physically sort a table. If you sort an unkeyed table, sorted in ascending or descending order. To sort a field
29 December 1997 Delphi Informant
The API Calls
in ascending order, assign the constant sortASCEND to eConfigMode: Must be cfgPersistent; it’s the only valid value.
that field’s element of the array. To sort in descending pszCfgPath: The path to the node in the configuration file
order, use sortDESCEND. to work with.
RemoveDups: If True, then duplicate records will be phCur: A cursor handle initialized by the call; this gives you
removed. If False, duplicate records will be retained. a handle to the specified node in the configuration file.
Records are compared on the fields specified in SortFields
to determine if they’re duplicates. Working with the BDE configuration file is different from
working with tables, because the configuration file has a
The function begins by assigning the Database component’s hierarchical structure much like the structure of the
BDE handle to the hDb variable, and converting the table’s Windows 95/NT registry. When you open the configura-
name to a null-terminated string, then storing it in tion file, you must specify a path to a node in the hierar-
pTblName. The next line determines the number of fields chy. You can then treat the nodes that are immediately
used for the sort, by using the High function to get the high- below the node you specified as though they’re records in a
est value of the index of the SortFields array. Because the array table, and read and write them.
is zero-based, the number of elements in the array is the high-
est index value, plus one. This works correctly because no However, there are restrictions on updating the nodes.
matter how the array is declared inside the procedure, the First, you can update only bottom-level (leaf ) nodes; that
open array parameter behaves as a zero-based array. is, nodes that don’t have any nodes below them in the hier-
archy. Second, the only thing you can change about a leaf
DbiSortTable is called using the Check procedure to raise an node is its value.
exception if an error occurs. The nil parameters are:
hSrcCur: A cursor handle to the table to be sorted. You Suppose you want to set the value of the Local Share
can use this to specify the table instead of using the table- option on the System page of the BDE configuration
name and driver-type parameters. program to True. The path to the node that contains
pszSortedName: The name of the destination table if the the Local Share parameter is \SYSTEM\INIT. The root
sorted output is being placed in a new table. node of the configuration file is identified with a single
phSortedHandle: A cursor handle to the table that received backslash, and the nodes below it by their names. The
the sorted output is returned in this parameter. dgUpdateBDEConfig procedure shown in Listing Six (on
hDestCursor: If you are sorting into a destination table page 31) lets you update an entry in the BDE configura-
other than the source table, you can pass a cursor handle tion file.
to the destination table instead of identifying it by name
and driver type. This parameter would be the Handle The procedure begins by declaring three variables. The
property of a TTable component. first, hCur, is of type hDbiCur, and provides the cursor to
ppfsortFn: An array of pointers to functions that perform the configuration file. The second variable, pDesc, is of
the comparison between fields to determine which is type CfgDesc. This structure contains variables that, in
greater. turn, contain the information about each entry in the con-
hDuplicatesCur: If RemoveDups is True, you can provide a figuration file. (For a detailed description of the descriptor,
cursor to a table where you want any moved duplicate see “CfgDesc” in the BDE online Help.) The call to
records to be placed. FillChar fills the descriptor structure with nulls. The third
variable, pPath, holds the path to the desired file node as a
Editing the BDE Configuration File null-terminated string.
One problem with distributing Delphi programs that employ
the BDE is that you may need to ensure that certain settings The call to DbiInit initializes the BDE session. Next, the
have been made in the BDE configuration program. While path passed as a parameter is converted to a null-terminated
you can give the end user instructions for using the BDE string by calling StrPCopy. The statement that follows is
configuration program, it’s much easier — and more reliable the call to DbiOpenCfgInfoList. After this call, hCur is a
for the user — if you can change any necessary settings under cursor to the records (nodes) below the node specified in
program control. This is particularly useful if you use an the Path parameter.
installation program that allows you to call custom DLLs as
part of the installation process. Next comes the while loop that reads each node by calling
DbiGetNextRecord. The first parameter to DbiGetNextRecord
The BDE API function that provides access to the BDE con- is the open cursor to the configuration file. The second parame-
figuration file is DbiOpenCfgInfoList; it takes the following ter specifies the type of record lock required: DbiNoLock,
parameters: DbiReadLock or DbiWriteLock. In this case, a write lock is
HCfg: The configuration-file handle. This parameter must requested so the record can be modified. The next state-
be nil. ment converts the szNodeName field of the descriptor
eOpenMode: Can be either DbiReadWrite or structure to a Pascal string, and compares it to the CfgNode
DbiReadOnly. parameter passed to this procedure.
the lock. The code in the finally block closes the cursor and The following lists the path to some useful nodes.
ends the BDE session. \SYSTEM\INIT
By now you must be wondering how to find the paths and MAXBUFSIZE
names to use for the various parameters you may want to MAXFILEHANDLES
change; the table in Figure 3 contains the ones you’re most AUTO ODBC
likely to find useful. DEFAULT DRIVER
Further Investigation LANGDRIVER
If you need a BDE-programming technique not described \DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE
in this series, you’ll have to do a little detective work; the LEVEL
paths and parameter names aren’t documented. STRICTINTEGRITY
However, if you call DbiOpenCfgInfoList with a path of hCur: hDbiCur; { Cursor handle. }
“\”, you can then call DbiGetNextRecord in a loop to pDesc: CfgDesc; { Configuration descriptor. }
retrieve the name of all the first-level nodes. You can do pPath: array [0..DBIMAXPATHLEN] of Char;
the same for each of the first-level nodes, to display the FillChar(pDesc, SizeOf(CfgDesc), #0);
names of the second-level nodes, and so on until you’ve { Initialize the BDE session. }
displayed the entire tree. The sample program also includes Check(DbiInit(nil));
{ Convert path to null terminated string. }
a function that returns the value of a parameter in the StrPCopy(pPath, CfgPath);
BDE configuration file. ∆ { Open the configuration file. }
Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, DbiReadWrite,
cfgPersistent, pPath, hCur));
The files referenced in this article are available on the Delphi try
Informant Works CD located in INFORM\97\DEC\DI9712BT. { Read until you find the right node. }
while DbiGetNextRecord(hCur, DbiWriteLock, @pDesc,
nil) = DBIERR_NONE do begin
if UpperCase(StrPas(pDesc.szNodeName)) =
UpperCase(CfgNode) then
{ Put the new value in the descriptor. }
StrPCopy(pDesc.szValue, CfgValue);
{ Update the record. }
Check(DbiModifyRecord(hCur, @pDesc, True));
end; { if }
end; { while }
Bill Todd is President of The Database Group, Inc., a Phoenix-area consulting and
{ Close the configuration file's cursor. }
development company. He is a Contributing Editor of Delphi Informant; co-author Check(DbiCloseCursor(hCur));
of Delphi: A Developer’s Guide [M&T Books, 1995], Creating Paradox for { End the BDE session. }
Windows Applications [New Riders Publishing, 1994], and Paradox for Windows end; { try }
Power Programming [QUE, 1995]; a member of Team Borland; and a speaker at end;
every Borland Developers Conference. He can be reached at (602) 802-0178, or
on CompuServe at 71333,2146. End Listing Six
D elphi 3 allows you to group one or more components, along with any
event handlers you’ve assigned to them, and add them to your
Component palette. Such collections of objects are called component templates,
and they provide yet another tool for quickly creating sophisticated forms and
dialog boxes.
While component templates can be useful in a as well as any design-time properties and
number of situations, they’re not a replacement event handlers assigned to them.
for traditional component development. This
month’s “DBNavigator” discusses how to create Component templates are similar to the
component templates, how to use them, and templates in the Object Repository. Those
when you should forgo them for true objects. in the repository, however, must be based
on a container, such as a form, data mod-
You create a component template by select- ule, or QuickRep component. Because of
ing one or more components you’ve placed this, the Object Repository is not well suit-
onto a form, then selecting Component | ed for small groups of related components
Create Component Template to display the that will normally appear in a container
Component Template Information dialog with other components.
box (see Figure 1). Enter the name of the
template, choose the Component-palette The following example demonstrates how to
page on which it will appear, and optionally create a component template that has the basic
define a custom bitmap that will represent elements for displaying data in a DBGrid:
the component on that page. 1) Create a new form; it can be associated
with an existing project, or you can create it
After you’ve created a component template, as a form outside of a project (it will be dis-
you can quickly duplicate the components carded at the end of the example anyway).
that make up the template by selecting the 2) Add a Panel component and set its
icon representing the component template BevelOuter property to bvNone, and its
from the Component palette, and dropping Align property to alClient.
it onto a form or data module. The compo- 3) Add a DBNavigator and DBGrid compo-
nents placed on the form duplicate the rela- nent, making sure they are inside the
tive positions of the objects originally saved, panel. Set the DBNavigator’s Align prop-
erty to alTop, and the DBGrid’s Align
property to alClient.
4) Add a DataSource and Table component.
Set the DataSource’s DataSet property to
Table1, and the DBNavigator’s and the
DBGrid’s DataSource property to
DataSource1. Your form should look like
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Creating a component template. Figure 4: Creating a template to validate a date range.
Component Template to display the Component Template The Buttons are next. Set the Caption property of Button2 to
Information dialog box. In Component name, enter &Cancel, and the ModalResult property to mrCancel. Next, set
PanelTemplate, and select OK to save the template. the Caption property of Button1 to &OK. The form should
look like Figure 4. Don’t set the ModalResult property of
To demonstrate the use of the new template, close the Button1; the behavior of this button must be defined using an
form you’ve been working with (it’s not necessary to save event handler. To do this, double-click Button1 to create an
it). Next, select File | New Application to create a new OnClick event handler for it. Modify as follows:
application. Go to the Templates page of the Component
palette, select the PanelTemplate component, and drop it procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
onto the new project’s form. All components that were var
bd, ed: TDateTime;
part of the template are placed on your form. Furthermore, begin
the properties you set at run time are already defined for bd := StrToDate(Edit1.Text);
these objects. To turn this form into a usable table view, ed := StrToDate(Edit2.Text);
set the DatabaseName property of Table1 to DBDEMOS, the if (bd > ed) then
TableName property to CUSTOMER.DB, and the Active prop- raise Exception.Create(
erty to True. Now run the form. This form, similar to the 'Ending date cannot precede beginning date');
one shown in Figure 3, displays the data from the Self.ModalResult := mrOK;
Customer table, and permits you to edit it. end;
Creating Templates with Event Handlers Save the new component template; select Edit | Select All, then
While the preceding example demonstrated the ease with select Component | Create Component Template. In the
which you can create customized sets of components, it Component Template Information dialog box, set the
didn’t demonstrate all the power of this technique. Component name to DateRange, then select OK.
Specifically, this example didn’t include event handlers
associated with the components. The following example To test the new template, create a new project. Add a second
demonstrates how to save a group of components that rely form to the project by selecting File | New Form. On the
on an event handler. newly created Form2, add the DateRange template. Return
33 December 1997 Delphi Informant
Figure 6: Entering an invalid date prompts this message. Pages listbox. Then select the component template you
want to delete in the Components listbox, and click Delete.
now to Form1, add a Button, then add the following event
handler to the button’s OnClick event handler: Component-Template Guidelines
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
While component templates are an important tool for rapid
begin application development in Delphi, they can easily be
if Form2.ShowModal = mrOK then overused. Avoid dependencies on components that aren’t part
ShowMessage('Beginning date = ' + Form2.Edit1.Text +
', Ending date = ' + Form2.Edit2.Text)
of the template. For example, you might want to create a
else template for a RichEdit toolbar, without the RichEdit control
ShowMessage('Form2 was cancelled'); being part of the template. This toolbar template, however,
requires that a RichEdit component be present, to compile
properly. If you must create dependent templates, be sure to
Finally, add Unit2 to Unit1’s uses clause by selecting File | add comments to the code references in the template’s event
Use Unit, then double-clicking Unit2 on the Use Unit dialog
handlers, indicating which other objects are required by the
box. Now run the form. Click the button to display Form2 template, and what these components must be named.
with the DateRange template on it. Enter a valid date range,
then click OK. Form1 displays the entered date range, as If you use a particular component template a lot, consider turn-
shown in Figure 5. Now click the button again, and enter an ing it into a custom component. Templates do not support
invalid value in one of the date fields. Selecting OK displays inheritance, whereas true components do. Only published prop-
the exception shown in Figure 6. erties can be saved as part of a component template. If your com-
ponent must set properties that are not published, you’ll need to
The code added to the component template was stored with create a true component. Also, note that not all published prop-
the template. This code, however, uses explicit references to erties of a component template will be preserved. For example, a
objects that are part of the template. Specifically, in the component template based on a panel whose Caption property
DateRange template, the saved code refers to Edit1 and Edit2. has been set to an empty string will still be assigned a caption
What happens when the form on which you place the tem- when you place the template. This is because a panel’s caption is
plate already has an Edit1 or Edit2 component on it? The controlled by the presence of the csSetCaption flag in the
answer is that the components of the template are renamed, ControlStyle property. (However, setting a Panel’s Caption to a
and the code in the template is updated. space will create a caption-less panel template.) ∆
Deleting Component Templates
Component templates, which are stored in the file Cary Jensen is President of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Houston-based database
DELPHI32.DCT in Delphi’s \Bin directory, can easily be development company. He is author of more than a dozen books, including Delphi In
deleted. To delete a component template, right-click the Depth [Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1996]. Cary is also a Contributing Editor of Delphi
Component palette and select Properties. Alternatively, Informant, and was a member of the Delphi Advisory Board for the 1997 Borland
select Tools | Environment to display the Environment Developers Conference. For information concerning Jensen Data Systems’ Delphi con-
Options dialog box, and select the Palette page. From the sulting and training services, visit You can also reach Jensen
Data Systems at (281) 359-3311, or via e-mail at
displayed dialog box (see Figure 7), select Templates in the
Mastering Delphi 3
Marco Cantù’s Mastering is a discussion on another Borland Developers
Delphi [SYBEX, 1995] was rather advanced topic: Conference in Nashville was
one of the first Delphi books I Windows callback functions. devoted to the fun side of
bought. Despite its wide focus Also within this section is an Delphi.) In this section, he
and encyclopedic nature, I excellent discussion of the vari- shows how to use a graphical
found myself coming back to ous types of strings available in grid to write a simple
it fairly often as a reference. Delphi. Windows game with Delphi;
Like its predecessor, Mastering The second part is devoted toward the end of the book,
Delphi 3 covers the Delphi to using components, start- he presents a chapter on
landscape in surprising detail. ing with the simplest and Multimedia Fun.
It’s this that sets it apart from ending with a couple of Having devoted about a
so many other general intro- chapters on database compo- third of the book to an exposi-
ductory texts. For the same nents. Again, Cantù will tion of Delphi components, Secrets of Delphi 2 [Waite
reason, I expect to continue to delight you with his depth of Cantù turns his attention to Group Press, 1996] before try-
spend many additional hours coverage. How much can more advanced topics in part ing anything too fancy!
with this book as I explore one write about using a sim- three, “Components and Though it may seem I have
new areas of Delphi. ple button — a page or two? Libraries.” The first two chap- written a lot of detailed infor-
The book is organized into Cantù takes about five pages ters provide an introduction to mation about Cantù’s excel-
four large sections. The first to demonstrate not only how writing components, compo- lent book, I’ve only scratched
chapter begins with building to place and align a button nent and property editors, and the surface. From beginning to
forms. The more advanced (expected), but how to dis- experts. These are followed by end, it’s packed with useful
Delphi developers reading this able/enable, enlarge, shrink, chapters on DLLs, OLE, tips, information about new
are probably thinking, “I hide, show, and change the COM, ActiveX controls, and features, and warnings about
could skip all of that.” font of a button. Internet programming. traps in the different versions
However, there are useful tips Data entry forms are The final section of the book of Delphi. For once, I agree
throughout the entire volume, extremely common in is entitled “Advanced Delphi with the publisher that this
and you would be missing Windows programming. Programming.” I’m not con- book is truly appropriate for
some if you did. Cantù devotes a lot of time vinced the topics presented all levels of Delphi program-
Chapter two provides an to discussing the components here are more advanced than mers. I would particularly rec-
overview of the IDE, includ- used in data entry forms, some in the previous section, ommend it to someone just
ing a comprehensive list of file including at least one that’s but every one of them is getting started with Delphi, or
types that are part of Delphi, new in Delphi 3: the important. Among the clearly who is moving to Delphi 3
from .BMP, .OCX, and .~DF DateTimePicker. Of course advanced topics, the one on from an earlier version. Of all
to .DPK with useful informa- there are in-depth discussions threads and multitasking is the general Delphi references,
tion on each. Chapter three on menus and toolbars, and probably the best introduction I think Marco Cantù’s
introduces Delphi’s Object yes, even the famous (or is it I’ve seen — and I’ve seen Mastering Delphi 3 is the best
Repository and built-in infamous?) CoolBar. In chap- some good ones. While I written and the most compre-
Experts (Wizards). The ter ten, which focuses on wouldn’t consider the chapter hensive.
remaining chapters in the forms and windows, Cantù on printing in Delphi to be
introductory section deal with explains how to set a form’s particularly advanced, I did — Alan C. Moore, Ph.D.
Object Pascal and the VCL. style, use the BorderStyle find it useful and comprehen-
The coverage is quite detailed property, avoid screen flicker, sive. Likewise, the chapter on Mastering Delphi 3 by Marco
with some unexpected topics. and enable direct keyboard working with files provides an Cantù, SYBEX, 1151 Marina
For example, how many intro- input to a form. excellent introduction to Village Parkway, Alameda, CA
ductory references bother to Marco Cantù understands working with Delphi streams. 94501, (510) 523-8233.
discuss procedural types and and appreciates that program- However, you’ll probably want ISBN: 0-7821-2052-0
method pointers? This one ming can be fun. (His popular to read what Ray Lischner has Price: US$49.99
does! On pages 180-182 there presentation at this year’s to say about this topic in (1,476 pages, CD-ROM)
I recently came across an online Salon 21st article by Jennifer New (
sept97/21st/gates970925.html) about her unhappy experiences working as a contractor for Microsoft.
Jennifer tells tale after tale of the arrogance, cold-heartedness, and, frankly, amoral attitudes of many
Microsoft employees. One anecdote captures the heart of her story when she describes greeting an individ-
ual in the hallway and having him respond: “Do I need to know you?” After reflecting on this, I asked
myself whether this situation is unique to Microsoft, or does it reflect our software industry as a whole?
While perhaps this attitude peaks in Redmond, it seems that when you look for the “soul” in our high-tech
culture, it’s hard to find.
To begin, we in the software industry Decency tends to be equated with weak- without anyone ever asking if it’s
are often arrogant. Part of this is due to ness, or even prudishness, and morality right, decent, or good for the commu-
the composition of the software devel- is left to personal interpretation. nity at large.
oper community, made up largely of
young, highly educated, well paid, and A prime example of this “cybermorali- Are all of us in the high-tech industry
self-motivated individuals. While none ty” is Web pornography. Not only is its arrogant, cold-hearted, and amoral? Of
of these qualities are bad, if left use widespread, it’s sometimes even glo- course not. I know many software engi-
unchecked — and mixed with a large rified by our digital culture in the name neers and media professionals who have
ego — they can lead to a feeling of of free speech. In fact, I have yet to see integrity and who are decent, humble,
invincibility and superiority. The anyone in our industry dare speak and respectful of their co-workers. I
extreme success the software industry against the shortcomings of the Blue hope many of you would classify your-
has had over the past 10-15 years has Ribbon campaign or address the impact selves in that vein. But if we all think of
surely helped facilitate a feeling of pornography has on individuals. ourselves that way, why is our industry
haughtiness. What other industry has Somehow in our zeal for free speech, known for producing clones of Bill
produced so many millionaires under we’ve forgotten that responsibility must Gates instead of Mother Teresa? Why
30 years of age? Part of this arrogance is accompany that freedom. Dr Alan are qualities like decency and humility
due to the “heroes” of our trade; names Keyes expresses this belief in Our often ridiculed? Why are greed and
such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Character, Our Future [Zondervan, ruthlessness admired? Until such atti-
Jobs, and Phillipe Kahn don’t ring of 1996]: “Freedom requires that at the tudes change, our industry will remain
humility. Sadly, once considered a vice, end of the day, we accept the constraint without a soul.
“pride” is now considered a virtue. that is required.” Our cybermorality
Somehow we have substituted “ego” for rejects such constraints and dismisses Does the software industry have a “soul?”
“self-confidence,” the result of which any notion of “absolutes” apart from an Let me know what you think by writing
inevitably leads to this arrogance. individual. me at ∆
Let’s face it: The software industry is You may be asking “so what?” What — Richard Wagner
amoral. While you could say this about does this have to do with us? I think it
society as a whole, I believe this attitude points to the heart of the issue. Our Richard Wagner is Chief Technology
reaches a zenith within our cyberculture. cyberculture, which is largely influ- Officer of Acadia Software in the Boston,
Ruthlessness and Machiavellian princi- enced by the high-tech industry and MA area, and Contributing Editor to
ples are usually considered prerequisites digital media, has created a vacuum Delphi Informant. He welcomes your
to achieving success in high tech. within which anything can propagate comments at
36 December 1997 Delphi Informant