328 Requirements
328 Requirements
328 Requirements
THE PROTOTYPE: The prototype is fairly sophisticated and carries most of the core features/
functions. The users can visualize or gain substantial hands-on experience using the
product/service through the prototype. User interface / user experience has been effectively
designed and shown. The prototype is so highly sophisticated that the potential users can try out
most the core features/ functions of the product/ service design. The answer gives clear and
specific indication of each core feature.
The answer gives a clear and detailed description of the procedures taken to elicit feedback from
potential users, e.g. interview protocols, questionnaire(s), if applicable. It’s convincing that the
findings of such design should highly effectively help redesign the prototype to fit better the needs
of the users. The investigation is carefully designed to maximize the findings’ validity and reliability,
which have been explicitly and clearly explained.
Substantial evidence of learning from the investigation is shown by: The answer gives a systematic
and clear report of MOST findings; AND Drawing both major and minor implications logically for
the prototype design. The answer gives a sophisticated report of ALL the findings; AND How the
implications are applicable to the prototype design are spelt out clearly.
The answer gives a complete and clear description and justification of the idea development process.
The refinement of the design of the prototype seems to effectively address most of the
concerns/needs identified in investigation. The idea development displayed creativity and/or
sophisticated problemsolving skills.
The channels employed to get across messages are highly on-target. ALL the key messages about
the product/service are covered in the material submitted. ALL the key messages are clear and
loud. The answer demonstrates how the message(s) could reach the target audience through a
range of on-target channels, deemed necessary for reaching as many potential users/customers as
possible. The text, if any, is error-free
The message(s) effectively recall audience of their need(s) and relate their products/services to
them. The message(s) seem(s) highly effective in provoking audience’s intention to use/buy your
products/services. The message(s) are concise, punchy and/or highly impactful. The answer
shows a sophisticated use of a mix of visual and/or audio elements, e.g. text, moving images,
colours, textures, sounds, music, to effectively amplify the intended message(s).