Escorts Report Internship
Escorts Report Internship
Escorts Report Internship
Project Report
I hereby warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright acts.
DCRUST murthal
I would like to thank my training manager, Mr. Dinesh Yadav, for his unflinching
desire to know what was going on in my projects and for those millions of
opportunities he gave me to share his ideas and knowledge in a large variety of
settings. His guidance and direction and methodology with which he taught us the
concepts was unparallel and unprecedented in every way . I am very much thank
full to him for his wise and synergetic help throughout my training period . I am
grateful to his for unending support and for all those good times we shared during
this project. I also express my gratitude to all the other employees of ESCORTS
LTD. for making my training at the company a wonderful experience .
Industrial training is now a day's one & the only one method to make students
familiar with the modern techniques. latest equipments & methods used in various
industries. During industrial training. students visit to various companies and make
themselves familiar with the practical aspect of the production method. This
training has provided an ultimate experience & opportunity to have practical
knowledge which has increased my level of thinking & dealing with different
kinds of people in all walks of life. It helps us a lot while appearing to the
interviews, Industrial training improves the theoretical and the practical concept of
the students about engineeringThe well planned properly executed & evaluated
industrial training helps a lot in inculcating good work culture. It provides Imkage
between the students & the industry in order to develop the awareness of industrial
approach to problem solving based on broad understanding plant.
About Company Profile
ESCORTS KUBOTA LIMITED, the flagship company of the escorts kubota group is a leading
manufacturer and supplier of Agri Machinery Products, Construction & Material Handling
equipment, Auto suspension and Ancillary products and railway equipment.
A pioneer of farm mechanisation in India, Escorts Kubota Agri Machinery was launched in
1960. The company manufactures tractor under the brand names of Escort and Kubota,
FARMTRAC and POWERTRAC. Escorts Kubota Agri Machinery consists of four
manufacturing plants that cover an area of 134,000 sq.m. The company also has a plant in
Poland, which is a 100% subsidiary and functions in the name of Farmtrac Europe. The Escorts
Kubota Group is an Indian engineering company that operates in the sectors of Agri-machinery,
construction and material handling equipment, and railway equipment. Headquartered in
Faridabad, Haryana, the company was launched in 1960 and has marketing operations in more
than 40 countries. Escorts Group’s management team includes Nikhil Nanda as the Chairman
and Managing Director
Historical Background
Escorts came into being with a vision and a mission. A vision that led two brothers YUDI
NANDA and HARI NANDA to branch out from their family’s prospering transport
business and institute ventures that were to become the foundation of ESCORTS Ltd. Escorts
agents limited was born at Lahore on 17th Oct, 1944 with YUDI NANDA as managing director
and HARI NANDA as the chairman. After that owning to the opportunities lying in the Indian
villages Escorts (Agricultural Machines) Ltd., was launched in 1948 with YUDI NANDA as the
director. Tragically, he died in an accident in 1952. Then Escorts Kubota limited Agents Ltd.
And Escorts Kubota limited (Agricultural Machines) Ltd. Was merged in 1953 to create a single
entity Escorts Kubota limited Agents Pvt. Ltd. The company’s incorporation in its present name,
Escorts Kubota limited was effected on 18th January 1960.
Having initially started with a franchise for vesting house domestic appliances, Escorts Kubota
limited has come a long way in manufacturing and marketing a large range of products. It
has pioneered farm mechanization in India through import and distribution of agricultural
The manufacturing operations commenced in 1954, and since then the following range
of products have been introduced in the country:-
1954: Piston rings and Cylinder liner
1960: Pistons
1961: Assembly of tractors
1962: Motorcycles and railway couplers
1963: Automotive shock absorbers
1965: Agricultural tractors under Escorts brand name
1969: Agricultural tractors under Ford brand name
1971: Industrial and construction equipment
1979: Excavator loaders
1981: 100cc motorcycles
1985: Electronic PABXs
1991: Harvester combines
1992: VSAT Satellite Communication System
1993: Mobile communications
Fork lift trucks
1996: Disengagement of joint venture collaboration with New Holland and launch
of FARMTRAC Tractor.
The single word completely described the character philosophy and success of the
company, which grew from a small beginning to one of the ever-changing dimensions. For five
decades Escorts Kubota limited has been in the core sectors like Agriculture, Transportation, and
Construction &Resources for engineering change through optimum product performance. From
its inception Escorts has firmly believed that success inspiring on being close to the
customer thus every corporate endeavour addresses it to end used, adjusting to ever changing
markets. At every step of the way, Escorts Kubota limited had inducted the latest technology by
forming alliances with the world’s most advanced Engineering and Electronic companies,
constantly adopting their technology according to India’s need and situation. To make sure the
finished product delivers on its promise the company had created an extra-ordinary distribution
and service network that stays with the customer.
Escorts Kubota limited came into its own with a far reaching vision for the future to stay over
close to the customers with products made in India to international standards. The source of
Escorts Kubota limited consistent growth is commitment and contribution to the core needs of
the country. Escorts Kubota limited have firmly believed that success depends on being close to
the customers. As early as in 1944 while others were concentrating on selling their
goods .Escorts sought to “Escorts Kubota limited” its merchandise right up to the customer’s
doorstep. This meant staying close to the customer, understanding their needs, giving them a
product that met these needs ensuring that it worked smoothly thereafter.
Today with Mr Nikhil Nanda as a Chairman the ideals have not changed. Thus, every
corporate endeavour addresses to the end users and the ever-changing market, substantial man-
hours are being devoted to planning a new range with the objective of consistently offering
greater value to the customer.
“In every area we touch our task has always remained one of engineering change” Nikhil
Nanda. In every step, Escorts has induced the latest technology to make products that are not
merely “better” but those meet international standard. For Escorts, these are two benchmarks of
industrial achievements, the distinct, undisputed edge of technology and the
internationalization of business.
In five decades Escorts has grown to become one of the top industrial conglomerates in
the country
Combines) and Herion (Hydraulic valves) providing an entry to world markets. A tie-up with
Faun, powers the company to supremacy in hydraulic mobile cranes. Escorts fights an epic battle
against a corporate raid, the ultimate victory providing the unshakable confidence of the
company’s small shareholders countrywide. Escorts Heart Institute commissioned, hailed as
among Asia’s most advanced. Escorts turnover crosses Rs. 15 billion. In the sunrise telecom
sector, alliances with JS telecom, a Bosch company, and Hughes Network systems, world leaders
in VSAT networks.
The Mission is Globalization and the emphasis will be on core sector investments. Escorts
is going in for a global network and for mega projects in the 21st century.
According to the release, Nikhil Nanda continues to be the
Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the company.
"Our partnership with Kubota in Escorts Kubota Limited has been welcomed by all
our stakeholders and investors. Consequently, the process was completed
smoothly. We are now well poised at a very interesting time in global history to
contribute at much higher levels to India and the world's quest for food security,
sustainable agriculture and smart agriculture," Nikhil Nanda, CMD, Escorts
Kubota, said.
Yuichi Kitao, President and Representative Director, Kubota, Japan, said, "We are
very pleased to partner with Escorts Kubota Limited at a time when we can
combine our strengths to provide advanced farm mechanisation solutions to
address global food security and enhanced farm productivity needs."
Escorts Kubota Limited Limited is all set to meet the future by drawing on its 50-year equity
gained from its inherent strengths, a strong presence in the Core Sector providing complementary
product lines and a vast marketing network; combining them with India’s intrinsic cost
advantages to become a global source point for high value engineering products.
In order to meet the challenge of the future and to leave an indelible mark on industrial scenario,
Escorts has restructured the group along 4 business lines, each headed by an independent CEO.
The business groups are as follows:-
1) 12 manufacturing locations
2) A full-fledged R&D facility
3) Nearly 10,000 employees
4) 24 regional marketing offices
5) Nearly 500 ancillaries forming the vendor base
6) 4 financial services companies
7) Asia’s best training institute of Farm Mechanization with 100 acre demonstration farm.
EDDAL Escorts Kubota limited Dealer Development Association providing management and
financial support to dealers.
Escorts Limited
Agri machinery division
Engineering division
International business division
Escorts construction equipment Ltd. (cranes, exvators, truck loaders)
Esconet services
Escorts Automotive(Investment)
Escosoft technologies
Escortal tele communication ltd.
Cell next solutions
Auto matrix India
Escorts Kubota limited heart institute & research centre
Escorts Kubota limited hospital & research centre
Medical care (erstwhile division of Escorts lived off 100% subsidy)
India Ltd. GOETZE (India) Ltd.
GOETZE TP (India) Ltd.
GOETZE (India) assets management Ltd.
Escorts Kubota limited securities ltd.
Escorts Kubota limited Mahle Ltd
Escorts Kubota limited Employees Ancillaries Ltd.
Escorts Kubota limited Finance Ltd.
IFS India Escorts Kubota limited
Hughes Escorts Kubota limited communication ltd.
Carraro (India) ltd.
About Tractor:-
Tractor is an engineering vehicle specially used in agriculture or construction. Tractor is also
used for the use of tractors to pull heavy machines and to carry heavy goods from one place to
another. Use is done to get high tar in slow speed
Basic of Tractor
Engine: -
The engine is the main part of the tractor, which is also called the heart of the tractor. Its work is
to transfer chemical energy into mechanical energy and transfers mechanical energy to the
transmission through the flywheel. By which the tractor is given the force to speed and work
according to need
Transmission: -
Gear mechanism, which is used by the engine to transfer mechanical energy to the rear wheel
according to need, is called transmission. It is a series of gear in which the drive main gear shaft and
drine counter top of the ratchet. According to the work of the tractor, it provides wheel-over speed
with more torque.
Hydraulic: -
It is an integral part of the tractor which is installed on the transmission differential housing.
Hydraulic oil is a device that is used in lifting the load and doing the work of agriculture according
to the requirement. Hydraulic lift is used to do all the work of agriculture.
When all these parts are added together, a true size tractor is formed.
Portable engine. A portable engine is a type of self-contained steam engine and boiler
combination that may be moved from site to site. Although bearing a strong family
resemblance, in both appearance and (stationary) operation, the portable engine is not classed as
a traction engine as it is not self-propelled.
Working of Engine:-
In some of the tractor, engines are fitted with an ECUEGR with is a new technology. The EGR
is an Exhaust Gas Recirculation valve and ECU is an Electronic control Unit
KA Type fuel injection pumps delivery even better mileage/fuel efficiency, improved engine
pickup in heavy load capacity conditions and better starting ability in cold conditions.
FT6060/6065/6075/TCI Engines/4455 BT+/Euro 60 are some of the farmtrac and Powertrac
engines where ECUEGR is used.
Classification of brakes
Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. It's made up of two characters in
Japanese: kai, which means “change” and Zen, which means “good”.
The concept is that small steps on a regular basis will lead to large improvements over time.
Kaizen is a slow but ongoing process of improvement, not a 'blitz' or quickly implemented set
Flow kaizen
Process kaizen
The latter means the improvement of individual work stands. Therefore, improving the way
production workers do their job is a part of a process kaizen.
The use of the kaizen model for continuous improvement demands that both flow and process
kaizens are used, although process kaizens are used more often to focus workers on continuous
small improvements.
In this model, operators mostly look for small ideas which, if possible, can be implemented on
the same day.
This is in contrast to traditional models of work improvement, which generally have a long lag
between concept development and project implementation.
The small-step work improvement approach was developed in the USA under Training within
Industry program (TWI Job Methods).Instead of encouraging large, radical changes to achieve
desired goals, these methods recommended that organizations introduce small improvements,
preferably ones that could be implemented on the same day.
The major reason was that during WWII there was neither time nor resources for large and
innovative changes in the production of war equipment. The essence of the approach came down
to improving the use of the existing workforce and technologies.
The Toyota Production System is known for kaizen, where all line personnel are expected to
stop their moving production line in case of any abnormality and, along with their supervisor,
suggest an improvement to resolve the abnormality which may initiate a kaizen.
The cycle of kaizen activity can be defined as: "Plan → Do → Check → Act". This is also known as
the Shewhart cycle, Deming cycle, or PDCA.
In the Toyota Way Fieldbook, Liker and Meier discuss the kaizen blitz and kaizen burst (or
kaizen event) approaches to continuous improvement.
The basic concept is to identify and quickly remove waste.
In the 1990s, Professor Iwao Kobayashi published his book 20 Keys to Workplace Improvement
and created a practical, step-by-step improvement framework called "the 20 Keys". He identified
20 operations focus areas which should be improved to attain holistic and sustainable change. He
went further and identified the 5 levels of implementation for each of these 20 focus areas. 4 of
the focus areas are called Foundation Keys. According to the 20 Keys, these foundation keys
should be launched ahead of the others in order to form a strong constitution in the company.
The four foundation keys are:
Key 1 - Cleaning and Organising to Make Work Easy, which is based on the 5S
Key 2 - Goal Alignment/Rationalising the System.
Key 3 - Small Group Activities.
Key 4 - Leading and Site Technology.
Few Examples of Kaizen:-
A detailed listing of all components related to a particular process. Often including elements like
design, manufacturing and distribution, a standard operating sheet will provide an estimate of the
time required to complete each stage.
It is also frequently divided into two sections, manual and robot, to further define the time spent
between the two types of manufacturing labour. A standard operating sheet is a tool used in lean
manufacturing that aims to improve the process as a whole through standardization.
1. SOS sheets must always be dated to identify when they were revised last
2. SOS sheets should be revised regularly
3. Standard operations:
3(a). Are always imperfect
3(b). Should never be considered fixed
3(c). Must be adapted to reflect changing demand, worker skills, etc.
Format of SOS:-
1. Reason to take this project:
* Wastage of oil.
* uncomfortable surrounding.
* Wastage of resources eg.
* Disregard of 5’s.
* Hazardous for the people who working there.
* Oily and Slippery floor.
2. Theory:
Initially we get to this project and matching the f codes of
several models of tractor with given appropriate quality of oil
of different types that to be putted in them and found some
hash there in the given data or there may be a fault by the
worker in scanning the bar code. Then we get stuck with that
part and found all the faults there and now it would be good
than earlier.
We get around 20 cans of wate oil initially
It is found that there was an inappropriate way of working
with a lot of struggle and lot of hard work there was no
proper way to do that work in less time with less efforts
and ease because in our kitting trolley there was no space
to put the several hardware unit various parts eg. For
muffler we need two studs of M8 a gasket and two nuts
and muffler itself but in our kitting trolley we get muffler
only other parts are taken from sides and sometimes many
of parts were not found on that particular state so we
decided to provide all these parts in the kitting trolley itself
we made a better kitting trolley than the existing one that
will contain all various parts and hardware units within it
to reduce efforts and wastage of these nut bolts this will
provide a better plan to do work . it improve whole layout
and order of kitting trolley.
Hardware units that are being putted aside and worker need to
collect them at every stage from there.
Initially trolley that collect major parts except small hardware
units of these parts.
Then we tried that if our idea works or not by putting several
hardware units of specific models in trolley and what we found
it really works .
Final model of our trolley that solves all our issues easily
It contains all the hardware units and main parts with name tag
and their codes which makes easy to find that parts or sub part.