"Pusher Syndrome" Following Cortical Lesions That Spare The Thalamus
"Pusher Syndrome" Following Cortical Lesions That Spare The Thalamus
"Pusher Syndrome" Following Cortical Lesions That Spare The Thalamus
■ Abstract Stroke patients with second graviceptive system in hu- pusher patients with cortical dam-
“pusher syndrome” show severe mans for the perception of body age sparing the thalamus. Obvi-
misperception of their own upright orientation. Recent studies revealed ously, the cortical structures repre-
body orientation although visual- that the posterior thalamus is an senting our control of upright body
vestibular processing is almost in- important part of this system. The orientation are in close anatomical
tact. This dissociation argues for a present investigation aimed to proximity to those areas that in-
study the cortical representation of duce aphasia in the left hemisphere
this system beyond the thalamus. and spatial neglect in the right
We evaluated 45 acute patients with hemisphere when lesioned. We
Received: 14 April 2005 and without contraversive pushing conclude that in addition to the
Received in revised form: 15 August 2005 following left- or right-sided corti- subcortical area previously identi-
Accepted: 22 August 2005 cal lesions sparing the thalamus. In fied in the posterior thalamus,
Published online: 3 February 2006
both hemispheres, the simple le- parts of the insula and postcentral
sion overlap associated with con- gyrus appear to contribute at corti-
L. Johannsen · D. Broetz · H.-O. Karnath ()
traversive pushing typically cen- cal level to the processing of the
Center of Neurology tered on the insular cortex and afferent signals mediating the
University of Tübingen parts of the postcentral gyrus. The graviceptive information about
Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3 comparison between pusher pa- upright body orientation.
72076 Tübingen, Germany tients and controls who were
Fax: +49-7071/295957
E-Mail: Karnath@uni-tuebingen.de matched with respect to age, lesion ■ Key words pusher syndrome ·
size, and the frequency of spatial insula · somatosensory cortex ·
T. Naegele
Dept. of Neuroradiology neglect, aphasia and visual field de- thalamus · gravity · vestibular ·
University of Tübingen fects revealed only very small re- posture · brain-damage · human
Tübingen, Germany gions that were specific for the
vertical upright orientation. Estimates of the frequency 20° to the ipsilesional side [6]. Surprisingly, these pa-
of severe contraversive pushing in acute stroke patients tients showed almost undisturbed processing of visual
and vestibular inputs. Thus, in contrast to their amus was typically damaged in left as well as in right
markedly disturbed perception of upright body posture, brain damaged patients with pusher syndrome. This
orientation perception of the visual world was nearly finding suggested a fundamental role of the posterior
unaffected [6]. In other words, pusher patients have a thalamus for our control of upright body posture. This
severe tilt of body posture, in spite of almost normal conclusion was corroborated by a recent study carried
visual-vestibular functioning. The opposite has been out with thalamic stroke patients only [5]. The authors
observed in patients with acute and chronic vestibular found a clear anatomo-functional dissociation within
defects. These patients showed disturbed visual- the thalamus. While haemorrhage in the left as well as
vestibular functioning with an ipsilesional tilt of the the right posterior thalamus provoked pusher syn-
subjective visual vertical (SVV), while their perception drome, infarction of the anterior thalamus did not cause
of own body orientation (subjective postural vertical, the disorder.
SPV) was unimpaired [7]. These findings have argued Clinical observations suggest that the posterior thal-
for a neural pathway in humans for sensing the orienta- amus is not the only neural substrate for our perception
tion of gravity and controlling upright body posture, of upright body orientation. Although less frequently,
separate from the one for orientation perception of the pusher syndrome also is observed in patients with brain
visual world [6]. lesions sparing the thalamus. The aim of the present
Also in healthy subjects, a dissociation between the study was to investigate the cortical substrates of this
perceived orientation of the visual world and of the own system. Therefore, we studied the lesion location in
body position has been suggested. Mittelstaedt and Mit- pusher patients showing cortical brain damage not in-
telstaedt [8] assessed the subjective horizontal posture volving the thalamus.
(SHP) on a rotating sled centrifuge in normal subjects,
patients with vestibular disorders, and patients with
paraplegia. They concluded that somatic graviceptors Subjects and methods
exist in the human trunk for the perception of own body
orientation, in addition to the well-known visual- We prospectively investigated 21 acute stroke patients with pusher
syndrome and unilateral cortical lesions sparing the thalamus who
vestibular system for the perception of both the orienta- were consecutively admitted over a long 6-year period to the Neurol-
tion of the visual world and the head in space [9]. Simi- ogy Department of the University Hospital in Tubingen (cf. Table 1).
lar conclusions were drawn by Jarchow et al. [10]. The lesions were demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging
Further evidence was reported by Kaptein and van Gis- (MRI) or by computed tomography (Spiral CT).All patients showed a
bergen [11], who observed a sudden discontinuity in first, unilateral cortical lesion with or without involvement of under-
lying white matter and the basal ganglia. Ten patients had left-sided,
normal subjects’ perception of the SVV for body tilts 11 had right-sided brain lesions. Sparing of the thalamus was deter-
larger than 135°. The authors suggested the presence of mined independently by two investigators (TN, H-OK). Patients with
an automatic response system tied to the properties of diffuse or bilateral brain lesions or patients with tumours were ex-
the otoliths according to the formula of the idiotropic cluded.
Two groups of control patients – 12 subjects with acute left-sided
vector model [12] and a second system more demand- and 12 with acute right-sided cortical lesions sparing the thalamus –
ing in terms of cognitive resources and relying on per- were matched to the groups of pusher patients (cf. Table 1). The con-
ceived body tilt as a basis for the perception of the SVV. trol subjects were admitted in the same time period as the pusher pa-
The neuroanatomy of the system sensing the orienta- tients and were matched with respect to age (left-sided lesions:
t = 0.56, p = 0.585; right-sided lesions: t = 1.55, p = 0.137), time since
tion of the visual world – the visual-vestibular system – stroke onset (both t ≤ 0.75, both p ≥ 0.462), the frequency of spatial ne-
has been well established so far. Cortical areas process- glect (left-sided lesions: χ2 = 0.21; right-sided lesions: χ2 = 0.00, both
ing vestibular information have been localized in the p > 0.05), the frequency of aphasia (left-sided lesions: χ2 = 0.08; right-
monkey at the intraparietal sulcus (area 2v), in the cen- sided lesions: χ2 = 0.00, both p > 0.05), and the frequency of visual
tral sulcus (area 3aNv), at the posterior sylvian sulcus field defects (left-sided lesions: χ2 = 0.02; right-sided lesions:
χ2 = 0.02, both p > 0.05). Moreover, lesion size (left-sided lesions:
(VPS) and the posterior insula region (PIVC) [13–15]. In U = 49.0, p = 0.468; right-sided lesions: U = 51.5, p = 0.372) and the fre-
humans, such regions have been identified in the poste- quency of contralateral somatosensory loss (left-sided lesions:
rior insula, the inferior parietal lobule and the superior χ2 = 2.64; right-sided lesions: χ2 = 0.51, both p > 0.05) were compara-
temporal gyrus [16–26]. The question thus arises ble between the pusher patients and the control groups. Contrale-
sional paresis was more frequent in pusher patients with left-sided le-
whether or not there are brain areas beyond those rep- sions (χ2 = 4.49, p < 0.05), but not in the right brain damaged pusher
resenting the visual-vestibular system that are related to patients (χ2 = 1.98, p > 0.05). It was more severe in the left brain dam-
the control of upright body orientation. aged pusher patients for the arm and the leg (both U ≥ 21.5, both
Lesion studies in patients with pusher syndrome of- p ≤ 0.039), while in the right brain damaged pusher patients it was
more severe for the contralateral arm (U = 15.5, p = 0.002) and only
fer the opportunity to study the neuroanatomy of that tended to be more severe for the leg (U = 38.0, p = 0.081).
latter system. Karnath et al. [4] investigated a sample of All patients gave their informed consent to participate in the
46 patients with and without contraversive pushing suf- study which has been performed in accordance with the ethical stan-
fering from unselected cortical and/or subcortical le- dards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
sions. The analysis revealed that the posterolateral thal-
Table 1 Demographic and clinical data of the patients with left (L) or right (R) brain lesions showing or not showing contraversive pushing
Number 11 12 10 12
Sex 3 f, 8 m 6 f, 6 m 1 f, 9 m 2 f, 10 m
Age Years Mean (SD) 68.0 (9.4) 60.6 (13.2) 67.8 (8.3) 65.7 (9.0)
Etiology 7 Infarct 11 Infarct 9 Infarct 11 Infarct
4 Haemorrhage 1 Haemorrhage 1 Haemorrhage 1 Haemorrhage
Lesion volume (% Hemisphere) Mean (SD) 10.8 (8.3) 13.3 (8.1) 12.4 (6.7) 10.3 (6.4)
Time since lesion-clinical exam (d) Mean (SD) 5.7 (4.2) 4.8 (3.8) 6.5 (5.4) 5.0 (3.7)
SCP-Posture Sitting Median (range) 1 0 1 (0.75–1) 0
Standing Median (range) 1 0 1 0
SCP-Extension Sitting Median (range) 1 (0.5–1) 0 1 (0.5–1) 0
Standing Median (range) 1 (0.5–1) 0 1 0
SCP-Resistance Sitting Median (range) 1 0 1 0
Standing Median (range) 1 0 1 0
Visual field defect % present 18 25 10 8
% t. n. p. 18 0 10 8
Paresis of contralesional side % present 91 67 100 67
Arm Median (range) 0.5 (0–5) 4.25 (1–5) 0 (0–5) 3.75 (0–5)
Leg Median (range) 2.0 (0–5) 4.25 (1.5–5) 1.5 (0–4) 4 (0–5)
Somatosensory deficit of % present 73 67 90 50
contralesional side (touch)
% t. n. p. 9 0 0 17
Aphasia % present 0 0 80 75
Spatial Neglect % present 100 100 10 8
SCP Scale for Contraversive Pushing [6, 27]; t. n. p. testing not possible
■ Clinical investigation when addressed from the front or the left and/or ignor-
ing of contralesionally located people or objects. In ad-
Contraversive pushing was assessed by using the stan- dition, all patients were further assessed with the fol-
dardized ‘Scale for Contraversive Pushing’ (SCP) [6, 27]. lowing four clinical tests: the “Letter cancellation” task
The SCP assesses (i) symmetry of spontaneous posture, [28], the “Bells test” [29], the “Baking tray task” [30], and
(ii) the use of the non-paretic arm and/or leg to increase a copying task [31]. Neglect patients had to fulfill the cri-
pushing force by abduction and extension of extremi- terion for spatial neglect in at least two of these four clin-
ties, and (iii) resistance to passive correction of posture. ical tests [cf, 32]. The presence of aphasia was assessed
Pusher syndrome was diagnosed when the patients conducting a bedside examination that evaluated spon-
showed at least a total score of 1 (max. = 2, sitting plus taneous speech, auditory and reading comprehension,
standing) with respect to their spontaneous posture, at picture naming, reading, and oral repetition.
least a score of 1 (max. = 2, sitting plus standing) con-
cerning the use of the non-paretic arm and/or leg to in-
crease pushing force by abduction and extension, and ■ Lesion analysis
when they showed resistance to passive correction of
posture. (In 11 patients, pushing behaviour while stand- Using two standard protocols, MRI was carried out in 19
ing could not be quantified with SCP owing to a com- and spiral CT imaging in 26 of the stroke patients. Un-
plete inability to reach a standing position at the time of der both protocols the initial scanning optionally was
the present investigation). repeated during the following days until a firm diagno-
Visual field defects were assessed by standard neuro- sis could be made and the affected area became clearly
logical examination. The degree of paresis of the upper demarcated. These final scans were used for the present
and lower limbs was scored with the usual clinical ordi- study. In those patients who underwent the MRI proto-
nal scale, where ‘0’ stands for no trace of movement and col, we used diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) within
‘5’ for normal movement. Spatial neglect was diagnosed the first 48 hours post stroke and T2-weighted fluid-at-
when the patients showed the characteristic clinical be- tenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) sequences when
haviour such as orienting towards the ipsilesional side imaging was conducted 48 hours or later after the stroke.
While FLAIR images provide high sensitivity for acute disorder. Since the two patient groups differed in sample
cerebral infarcts, DWI has proved to be particularly sen- size, we used proportional values for the MRIcro sub-
sitive for the detection of hyperacute infarcts and shows traction analysis.
high accuracy in predicting final infarct size [33–36].
Scans were obtained on a 1.5-T echo planar imaging
(EPI) capable system (Magnetom Sonata, Siemens, Er- Results
langen, Germany). The FLAIR sequence was acquired
with 20 axial slices (thickness 5 mm) with an interslice Figs. 1a and 2a show simple overlay plots for the groups
gap of 1 mm, a field of view (FOV) of 175 220 mm2, a of pusher patients with right-sided lesions (R-Pusher)
repetition time (TR) of 9000 ms and an echo time (TE) and with left-sided lesions (L-Pusher). The lesion over-
of 118 ms. DWI was performed with a single-shot EPI lap was comparable between the two groups. The centre
spin echo sequence (TR 3200 ms, TE 87 ms, FOV 230 of lesion overlap for the right-hemisphere pusher pa-
230 mm2, matrix 64 64, slice thickness 5 mm, gap tients affected the posterior insula, the postcentral
1 mm). The mean time between lesion and the MRI used gyrus, and surrounding white matter, extending from
for the present study was 3.3 days (SD 3.9). The bound- Talairach coordinates (x, 44; y, –23; z, 16) and (x, 59; y,
ary of the lesion was delineated directly on the individ- –23; z, 16) to (x, 56; y, –22; z, 24) and (x, 40; y, –41; z, 24).
ual MRI image for every single transversal slice using Likewise, the centre of lesion overlap in the pusher pa-
MRIcro software [37] (http://www.mricro.com). Both tients with left-hemisphere lesions affected the poste-
the scan and lesion shape were then transferred into rior insula, the postcentral gyrus, and the surrounding
stereotaxic space using the spatial normalisation algo- white matter, extending from Talairach coordinates (x,
rithm provided by SPM2 (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/ –38; y, –3; z, 0) and (x, –38; y, –1; z, 8) over (x, –36; y, –7;
spm/). For determination of the transformation para- z, 16) and (x, –43; y, –15; z, 24) to (x, –38; y, –30; z, 32).
meters, cost-function masking was employed [38]. To identify the cortical structures that were com-
To fit approximately the canonical AC-PC orienta- monly damaged in patients with contraversive pushing
tion of the MRI scans, the CT imaging protocol used the but are typically spared in patients not showing pushing
line drawn between the occiput and the lower margin behaviour, we subtracted the superimposed lesions of
of the orbita to orient the scans in each individual. the control groups (R-Controls, L-Controls; Figs. 1a and
Scans were obtained on a spiral CT scanning system 2a) from the overlap images of the groups with pusher
(Somatom Sensation 16, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) syndrome. The control groups were comparable with re-
providing clearer pictures with more anatomical spect to age, lesion size, frequency of additional spatial
details and in less time than previous generations of neglect, aphasia, and visual field defects to the patients
CT systems [39]. Spiral CT scanning was performed with pusher syndrome. This method creates an image
with a slice thickness of 3 mm infratentorial and 8 mm that shows regions that are commonly damaged in pa-
supratentorial. MRIcro software was used to map the tients with pusher syndrome but are typically spared in
lesion on transversal slices of the T1-template MRI from control patients (coded as positive values), as well as re-
the Montreal Neurological Institute (www.bic.mni. gions specifically damaged in the control patients but
mcgill.ca/cgi/icbm_view) that is distributed with MRI- typically spared in pusher patients (coded as negative
cro. The template scan is aligned with stereotaxic space values). The subtraction images use progressively
and provides various anatomical landmarks for pre- brighter shades of orange to highlight positive values
cisely plotting size and localization of the lesion. The and progressively brighter shades of blue to illustrate
mean time since lesion and the CT used for the present negative values (Figs. 1b and 2b). We only found very
study was 3.4 days (SD 3.4) when the affected area be- small regions at the left posterior insula and superior
came clearly demarcated. Lesions were mapped onto the temporal gyrus (x, –40; y, –27; z, 16), the left inferior
slices that correspond to Talairach Z-coordinates –40, parietal lobule (x, –63; y, –23; z, 24), and the right post-
–32, –24, –16, –8, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, and 50 mm in Ta- central gyrus (x, 58; y, –23; z, 16; and x, 53; y, –18; z, 24)
lairach space by using the identical or the closest match- that were specific for pusher patients when subtracted
ing transversal slices of each individual. from the matched controls (Figs. 1b and 2b). Obviously,
Lesion location in stroke patients with and without the pattern of cortical lesion overlap in pusher patients
pusher syndrome was compared using the subtraction largely corresponded to the pattern in stroke patients
technique (for review [39]). This analysis illustrates the without contraversive pushing but with comparable fre-
centre of overlap in the patients with pusher syndrome quency of additional spatial neglect, aphasia, visual field
in direct visual contrast to those areas that do not induce defects, lesion size and age.
the disorder when lesioned. The resulting subtraction
image specifically highlights regions that are both fre-
quently damaged in patients with pusher syndrome as
well as being typically spared in patients without that
Fig. 1 (A) Overlay lesion plots of the right brain damaged patients with pusher syndrome (R-Pusher; n = 11) and control patients (R-Controls; n = 12). The number of over-
lapping lesions is illustrated by different colours coding increasing frequencies from violet (n = 1) to red (n = max. number of subjects in the respective group). (B) Overlay
plots of the subtracted superimposed lesions of the right brain damaged groups with and without pusher syndrome. The percentage of overlapping lesions of the pusher
patients after subtraction of controls is illustrated by 5 different colours coding increasing frequencies from dark red (difference = 1 % to 20 %) to white (difference = 81 %
to 100 %). They mark those regions damaged more frequently in pusher patients than in control patients. The different colours from dark blue (difference = –1 % to –20 %)
to light blue (difference = –81 % to –100 %) indicate regions damaged more frequently in control patients than in pusher patients. Talairach z-coordinates [55] of each trans-
verse section are given. PoCG postcentral gyrus; Ins insula; Wh.mat. white matter
Fig. 2 (A) Overlay lesion plots of the left brain damaged patients with pusher syndrome (L-Pusher; n = 10) and control patients (L-Controls; n = 12). The number of over-
lapping lesions is illustrated by different colours coding increasing frequencies from violet (n = 1) to red (n = max. number of subjects in the respective group). (B) Overlay
plots of the subtracted superimposed lesions of the left brain damaged groups with and without pusher syndrome. Colour coding of the percentage of overlapping lesions
is identical with that in Fig. 1. Talairach z-coordinates [55] of each transverse section are given. PoCG postcentral gyrus; Ins insula; IPL inferior parietal lobule; STG superior
temporal gyrus; Wh.mat. white matter
that vestibular information is not necessary for the per- cortical lesions that spared the thalamus. In both hemi-
ception of own body orientation. However, experimen- spheres, we found the simple lesion overlap of the
tal observations indicated that the contribution of so- pusher patients centering on the insular cortex and
matosensory input for the perception of body posture parts of the postcentral gyrus. When subtracted from
might only be of modulatory character. Proprioceptive the matched controls, we only found very small regions
input from the lower extremities were found to affect the that were specific for the pusher patients. Obviously, the
perception and control of posture only indirectly by im- cortical structures representing our control of upright
plementing or modulating the output of the truncal body orientation are in close anatomical proximity to
graviceptors [9, 53]. Moreover, Karnath et al. [6] were those typically inducing aphasia in the left hemisphere
able to investigate postural upright perception in one and spatial neglect in the right hemisphere. Owing to the
patient with complete left-sided sensory loss due to a close anatomical connection between posterior thala-
right thalamic lesion (patient C5 in ref. [6]). Interest- mus and both the insular cortex and the postcentral
ingly, this patient did not show any difficulties adjusting gyrus, it is possible that such lesions lead to disruption
the SPV veridical. Further research is required address- or functional alteration [54] of thalamocortical and/or
ing this issue. However, Karnath et al.’s finding made corticothalamic processing loops related to the control
clear that complete somatosensory loss does not auto- of upright body posture.
matically result in an impaired SPV and that it can not
explain the ipsiversively tilted SPV in patients with ■ Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (Graduiertenkolleg Kognitive Neurobiolo-
pusher syndrome. gie). We are grateful to the team of physiotherapists at the Centre of
To summarize, we examined the lesions of acute pa- Neurology for their valuable support with the clinical investigation of
tients with pushing behaviour following cortical/sub- the patients.
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