Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas: Except From

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Except from

Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

By Antonio de Morga
What is an Excerpt?
• An excerpt is a short piece of writing from book , novel,
poem, short story, article, speech, or other literary work
that is used to give the reader a specific example from
the source. Translated as “Sipi” in Filipino, which means
quotation, citation, copy. SARGE GWAPO
Antonio de Morga
● From 1593-1603, Morga was a Spanish
high-ranking official in the Philippines.
● Morga led the Spanish fleet against the
Dutch in 1600.
● A lawyer, he held a position as judge of
the Real Audencia.
● He was best known for his work ,
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas or Events
in the Philippine Islands
Philippines in the early colonial
• Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (1609)

• Most important account

• Made possible through his access to
government documents as a member of
the Royal Audiencia.
Philippines in the early colonial
• Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (1609)

• Published in 1609 when Morga was

already in Mexico City
• Covers political, economic, social, and
culture life of the Filipinos and Spaniards
from 1493-1603
In 1889,Rstatement
izal annotated Morga’s
● In weaponry
Early Filipino warring ● Native boatbuilding
traditions and tradition
● Tattooing
advancement ● Adornments
● Weaving
● Gastronomy
Why did Rizal
Morga’s work?
• He thought that colonization had ruined the Filipino people's distinctive

• civilization
Recover the lost history of the people of the Philippines and to awaken their
consciousness about the memories of their past which was obliterated and

• falsified by the Spaniards

Rizal intended to give the Filipinos a voice, thus he adopted Morga's
perspective and responded to him by annotating the written record of the
aforementioned conquistador
Famous Annotations of Jose
• Morga stated in his book that Filipinos were
fond of eating decayed fish. However, Rizal
clarified that individuals are often turned off by
cuisine they are not accustomed to eating,
particularly if it originates from another country.
In this written account, it stated that this nga nga is
always present in every individual. A dying tradition
which was very much alive and important in the lives
of Filipinos. However, presently, the people in
Cordillera and other parts of Mindanao are just some
of the few groups in the island who choose to still
chew nga nga.
Morga ' s Potrayal of
Non -Christian
Locomotive new technologies


Locomotive new technologies

The natives had no knowledge about the true

God as they never strove to discover Him by a
RELIGIO way of reason. They never had a fixed belief as
N devils deceived them with a thousand of errors
and blindness. Some would also worship the
anitos, sun, the moon, the crocodiles and a
yellow-bird called Batala.
Locomotive new technologies

The catalonas were described as old men and

CATALON women who were experienced witches and
sorcerers who keeps on deceiving other people
AS as they would tell them innumerable
extravagancies and lies.
Locomotive new technologies

They ‘buried’ their dead in their own house,

and kept their bodies and boned for a
CATALON longtime in chests. They venerated the
AS skulls of the dead as if they were living and
present. Instead of mourning, it was change
into feasting and drunken revelry among
Tugbuk (penis pin) and Sakra
(penis ring) used by men to
give women a sexual pleasure.
Except from
from “LABOR EVANGELICA”: of the Government and Political
customs of these people
By Francisco Colin, S.J
Francisco Colin
 Most prominent Jesuit
 Missionary and Historian of the
early colonial
 Studied local languages which
serves as instrument to
understand the Filipino culture
and society
 Labor Evangelica (1663)
-Talked about custom and tradition of the native of the Philippines as well as in
Southeast Asia, in Sumatra and Moluccas
-Considered an attempt to expand Chirino’s Relacion thereby becoming Jesuit’s
“Official” Account in their mission in the Philippines
-The excerpt focuses more on the Social Structure, government and political
customs and the Visayan and Tagalogs
Hierarchy between Chiefs
Hierarchy between Chiefs
● There was no king or ruler’s worthy of mention throughout this archipelago but
there were many chiefs who dominated others less power., their location is
separated by not very wide river. This is a clear manifestation that There are
many chiefs’ who dominated the less powerful. Same conditions applied with
the rest of the archipelago.
The Division into Baranggay

● -Baranggay came from the name of a boat “Balangay” which is a Malay word
for sailboat
● -Natives are subjected to a leader “Datu” that act as a captain/pilot the leader
is accompanied with his children, relatives, friend and comrades
● -They kept in company with the leader after landing
● Settlement in their territory
● -They Seized as much land sea and nearby rivers as they could preserve and
defend from any other barangay and make use of them
Restriction towards the slave and the Timauas/
● The slaves or even the timaua or the freeman cannot easily pass from one
barangay to another especially the married man/woman without paying a certain
quantity of Gold and Giving a public feast to the whole barangay
● The child between the married couple had to be divided between barangay
with the same manner as the slaves.
Laws and Policy
● -All must follow the general
custom including children
● -Not considered possible to
break in any circumstances
● -The judge is the chief along
with the assistance of some old
men in the barangay
Follow through a
● process:opponent
● 2.Endeavored to have them come to an agreement
● a. If they would not agree, an oath was administered to
each one
● b. They call for witnesses and examined summarily
● 3.Decision
● a. If proof is equal on both sides, the difference is split
● b. If proof is unequal, the favorable sentence was given to the
one who
Follow through a
● process:
c. If the one who was defeated resisted the judge made
himself a party to a cause and all of them at once attacked with
the armed hand the one defeated and execution of the required
amount imposed in him.
● -If the chief was killed, all his kinsmen went to hunt the
murderer and his relatives and engaged in a war.
● -Death penalty was never imposed except for the
murderer and the slain were common men and had no gold to
satisfy the murder.
Three kinds and classes of


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