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Open Hole Plate PP T

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Finite Element model of an open hole plate


Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne - 19/01/11 – page

Open hole plate subjected to tensile loading
𝜎 = 10𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝜎 = 10𝑀𝑃𝑎

W=50mm D=6mm


Open hole plate subjected to a tensile load:

• Geometry: Length 100mm, width 50mm, thickness 1mm, diameter of the hole 6mm
• Load: Pressure 10MPa
• Material: Steel E=210GPa, 𝜈=0.3

• Calculate the stresses in the ligament (line l1) and in front of the hole (line l2) and compare them to analytical solutions
• Calculate the displacements at the end of the plate

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The different modules in Abaqus

Part Property Assembly

Create the geometry using some assumptions, Define the material properties Position the part(s) in the 3D space for the
draw some line or surface to apply initial configuration
load/boundary conditions or to plot some Define the sections associated to your
results geometry (homogeneous, shell, beam, ...) and
If you forget something and you the associated materials
realize it late, you have to redo
everything. In my point of view this Assign the sections to a part of the geometry
is the most critical module.

Step Interaction Load

Define the different steps of your simulation Define how the different part(s) of the Define the loads and boundary conditions
and the associated outputs assembly interact
If you forget an output you will have to
rerun the job.
If you ask to many outputs it could be
time and hard drive space consuming

Mesh Job Visualization

Define the spatial discretization and the type of Coffee time Examine the results
elements The computer works for you
Mesh the part(s)
Some useful information could
be given in the job panel

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Part

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Hypotheses associated to the model
2D or 3D assumptions?

There is no variation of displacements with respect to 𝑧 2D assumption

Plane stress or plane strain?

The structure is thin or we study the surface of the structure Solid elements - Plane stress

The structure is very thick (𝜕/𝜕𝑧) Solid elements - Plane strain

Are there any symmetries?

There are two axes of symmetry:

The geometry must respect these symmetries

The material must respect these symmetries

The loading must respect these symmetries

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Part 2D - Plane stress or Plane strain
Modeling space: 2D Geometry: shell The geometry is a shell but not the elements

We will see in the following practical class how to

use shell elements. Shell elements: displacements
and rotations in the 3 directions, thus the modeling
space is 3D

Sketch in the
(x,y) plane (2D)

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Useful tools for the geometry
Partition To divide the geometry

Line sketched in the middle

Cut To cut the geometry by a shape


Sketch the shape (here a circle)


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The module Property

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Enter a name

Create …
To create a new material
Enter the material
Manager …
To edit or delete an
existing material

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

There is a link between the unities used to define the geometry and the other ones


Length m mm

Force N N

Time s s

Weight kg ton

Pressure, stress Pa (N·m−2) MPa (N·mm−2)

Density kg·m−3 ton·mm−3

Energy J mJ

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The information required in the definition of a section depends on the type of region in question. For two-dimensional solids (plane stress or plane
strain) you give the thickness. We will see in the following practical class the other types of section (shell, beam)

Enter a name

Material associated
to the section

Create …
To create a new section

Manager …
To edit or delete an
existing section
Plane strain or plane
stress: homogeneous Thickness

ENSTA Bretagne 2020


Create … Delete …
To perform a new Edit …
assignment To edit an existing To delete an
assignment existing

This name appears in the Sets

of your part

Using the mouse,

select the
geometry on
which the section
will be assigned It could be useful (not mandatory) to
give a name

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Assembly

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Create an assembly

Choose the part to

Create … import
Import the part in
the assembly

Close the window

In this simple case, at the end, only

OK: Import the one part in the instance menu
Apply: Import the
part and close the If not, you will have to delete a part
window (right click on name, and delete)

In practice click on Apply and after on cancel

Click on OK

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Step

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Step : Define the different steps of the modeling

Give a


Different types
of modeling.
Here: Static

It could be useful (not mandatory) to

give a name

The other parameters (Time period, Nlgeom) and other options

(Incrementation) are not useful for linear elastic problems

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Step : Define the different outputs
Outputs: data you will obtain at the end of the Job
Field: everywhere on the structure. By default (stresses, strains, displacements, …)

History: at some points of the structure (energies, …)

To create, manage and edit the outputs

In this history output, the displacement U1

Create a new history output for the step called ‘load’
is saved for the set top

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Interaction

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The module Load

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Create boundary conditions
BC could be created for a step (and the following ones) or at the beginning (Initial)

Click where the BC will be applied Name the boundary (not mandatory)

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Create loads
Load could be created for a step after the Initial one

The load is shown in the

Give the value viewport. If it is not
what you intend, you
can modify it using
Click where the load will (Load, Edit, …)
Name the zone where the load is applied (not mandatory) be applied

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Mesh

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Mesh/Number of elements

To give the size of elements

edge by edge

To give the size of elements

for the whole part

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

Mesh/Type of elements
Quad: only quadrangle based elements
Controls : to choose the shape of the Tri: only triangular based elements
elements and the meshing method Quad-dominated: mixed but try to use the maximum of quadrangle
based elements

Structured: for shapes close to a rectangle

Sweep: solids of revolution
Free: others

Choose linear or Choose plane strain or plane stress

quadratic elements

Reduced integration

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

How to choose the element types

Triangular based Quadrangle based

To promote
Linear Avoid Linear
for incompressible behavior

Quadratic Possible Quadratic To promote with reduced integration

Linear Avoid Linear Possible

Quadratic Possible Quadratic To promote with reduced integration

To promote
Linear Avoid Linear
for incompressible behavior

Quadratic Possible Quadratic To promote with reduced integration

Plane stress or plane strain ?

The structure is thin or we study the surface of the structure Solid elements - Plane stress

The structure is very thick (𝜕/𝜕𝑧) Solid elements - Plane strain

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

The module Visualization

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To access to the results in plot contour

U1: in the direction 1

U: Displacement
U2: in the direction 2

E: Strain Eij: components of the strain tensor

Mises: Von Mises stress

S: Stress
Sij: components of the stress tensor


ENSTA Bretagne 2020

To access values at some nodes or elements
1. Click here

4. Choose where
you want to have
the results

2. Choose
probe values
3. Choose nodes or

5. Values

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

To access results from the history output
Result, History Output Choose what you want to plot

Right click

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

How to plot results along a line (1/2)
To facilitate the creation of a path, do it in the undeformed configuration Create a path

At the end, click OK

1. Click Add After

2. Click a start point of the path in the viewport
3. Click Add After
4. Click the end point of the path in the viewport

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

How to plot results along a line (2/2)

1. Choose the path

2. Must be like that

3. Choose the abscissa

of the plot

Choose the data you want

to plot

Give a name to the plot

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

How to save a plot in a file
Name of the plot you want
Select the directory
to save in a file Name of the file

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

How to obtain help?
Click here

A sign will appear

With this sign, you can click on a window to access to

the assistance handbook concerning this window

For instance during the creation of a section

Click here

You will access to the assistance concerning the

creation of sections

ENSTA Bretagne 2020

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