Calculation of Signage Connection On Footbridge
Calculation of Signage Connection On Footbridge
Calculation of Signage Connection On Footbridge
00344 - Extension of Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 16-Jun-11
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 This calculation is for the structural design of the Signages on Footbridge A for the
Government Contract 00344 " Extension of Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan - Footbridge
A along Tai Ho Road".
1.2.1 Structures Design Manual for Highways and Railways Third Edition
1.2.4 BS 6399-2:1997 Loading for Buildings - Part 2: Code of Practice for Wind Load
Wind Load
1.5 Material
Structural Steel
1.5.1 For the elastic properties of steel, the following values should be used.
00344 - Extension of Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 16-Jun-11
1.5.2 Hot rolled reinforcement will be specified with the following properties.
Cohesion, c = 0 kPa
Wind Load :
Cp = 1.8 (Clause 2.8.2, 6399)
Basic wind pressure,q = 1.2 kPa (Clause 2.3.1, SDM)
w = CfqzA
wsign = 1.8 x 1.2 kPa x 1 m x 1.5 m
= 3.24 kN
Dead Load : WIND
Sign Plate = 0.034 kN/m2 x 1 m x 1.5 m = 0.051 kN
Wind Load :
Cp = 1.8 (Clause 2.8.2, 6399)
Basic wind pressure,q = 1.2 kPa (Clause 2.3.1, SDM)
w = CfqzA
wsign = 1.8 x 1.2 kPa x 1.3 m x 1 m
= 2.808 kN
Dead Load : WIND
Sign Plate = 0.034 kN/m2 x 1.3 m x 1 m = 0 kN
For Pole:
100x100x 5mm thk. SHS (Grade = 275 N/mm2 )
Length of SHS = 2.4 m
Load Factor for Wind = 1.2 x 1.1 = 1.32 (Cl 2.3.2(9), SDM)
Wind Load (From "Footing Design")
wsign = 3.24 kN
wpost = 0.605 kN
Load Factor for Dead Loa = 1.5 X 1.1 = 1.65 (Cl 2.1, SDM)
Normal = 1.65 x 0.761
force,N = 1.256
1 Design strength
t = 5 mm <= 16 mm
py = 275 N/mm2 (Table 3.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
2 Classification
D/t = 17 <= 40e2 = 40(275/py) = 40
Class 1 Plastic (Table 7.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
3 Shear Capacity (Cl.8.2.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
A = 1890 mm2
0.6 A = 1134 mm
Vc = pyAv/30.5
= 275 x 1134 / 3 1 = 180 kN > 5.075 kN OK
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Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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4 Compression Capacity
Lex = 2 L (Table 8.6, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 2 x 2.4 m
= 4.8 m
ly = Le/ry
= 4800 / 38.7
= 124
pc = 267 N/mm2 (Table 8.8b, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Pc = Agpc
= 1890 mm2 x 267 N/mm2 / 1000
= 504.6 kN > 1.256 kN OK
5 Moment Capacity
Mc = pyS (Cl.8.2.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 275 x 67.1
= 18.45 kNm <= 1.2pyZ = 18.68
> My = 4.855 kNm OK
Section Capacity
Tension with moment: (Cl.8.8, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx M 0 + 0.00 + 4.85
Ae py Mcx Mcy 1890 x 275 18 18
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.26
= 0.26 < 1
∴ OK
Compression with moment: (Cl.8.9.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx My 1.26 + 0.00 + 4.85
Ag p c M cx M cy 1890 x 267 18 18
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.26
= 0.26 < 1
∴ OK
Member Buckling Resistance (Cl.8.9.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F mMx mMy 1.26 + 0.00 + 4.85
1890 x 267 18 18
Ag pc M b M cy
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.26
= 0.26 < 1
∴ OK
weld thickness, t = 6 mm
Weld Area , Aweld = 100 mm x 6 x 2
= 1200 mm2
Effective Weld area, 0.7Aweld
,eff. Aweld = 0.7 x 1200
= 840 mm2
Design Strength of fillet weld, pw = 220 N/mm2
(Table 9.2a, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Moment 4.85496 x 10 6
Tension = = = 48549.6 N
D 100
Resultant stress,
(Total Shear Force) 2 (Total Tensile Force) 2
√ (σshear ) + (σtensile)
2 2 = √( (Effective Weld Area) 2
(Effective Weld Area) 2
= 21113.14 + 48549.60
√ ( 840 ) 2
( 840 ) 2
For Pole:
100x100x 5mm thk. SHS (Grade = 316 N/mm2 )
Length of SHS = 2.4 m
Load Factor for Wind = 1.2 x 1.1 = 1.32 (Cl 2.3.2(9), SDM)
Wind Load (From "Loading of 1000x1500mm Signage")
wsign = 3.24 kN
wpost = 0.605 kN
Load Factor for Dead Loa = 1.5 X 1.1 = 1.65 (Cl 2.1, SDM)
Normal = ( 1.65 x 0.761 kN ) / 2
force,N = 0.628 kN
I Section properties
Section: 100 x 100 x 5.0 SHS
A = 18.7 cm 2
Ix-x = 279.0 cm4 Zx = 55.9 cm3
tw = 5.0 mm Iy-y = 279.0 cm4 Zy = 55.9 cm3
tf = 5.0 mm rx = 3.9 cm Zpex = 66.4 cm3
sy = 316.0 N/mm2 ry = 3.9 cm Zpey = 66.4 cm3
syw = 316.0 N/mm2 L = 2400 mm J = 439.0 cm4
syf = 316.0 N/mm2 LT = 2400 mm
C Effective length for lateral torsional buckling: (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl. 9.6)
lLTy = 2.25hxy(ZpexLey/(ry(AJ)0.5))0.5 = 0
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
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E Limiting moment of resistance (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl.9.8)
Mpex = sycZpex = 316.0 x 6.64E+04 = 20982400 Nmm (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl.9.7.1)
Multx = Mpex
Xt = lLTx((syc/355)(Multx/Mpex))0.5
Xt = 0
Lw = 2400 mm
Lex = 0 mm
Lex/Lw = 0
MRx = 1 Multx (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figure 11a)
MRx = 2.10E+07 Nmm
II Design loading
Check capacity:
Pmax = 0.63 kN OK
Vmax = 2.54 kN OK
Mymax = 4.85 kNm OK
gm = 1.05
gf3 = 1.1
sf = min(syc,MR/Zxc) = 316 N/mm2
Afe = 500 mm2
Ff = sfAfe = 1.58E+05 N
df = 95.0 mm
Mfx = Ffdf/gmgf3 = 13.00 kNm No checking is required
mfw = 0
l = dwe/tw(syw/355)0.5 = 16.98
tL = 1 ty (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figur 12 )
ty = syw/30.5 = 182.4 N/mm2
VR = tw(dw-hh)/(gmgf3)tL = 78.98 kN No checking is required
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Checking may need if the shear force or co-existent bending moment larger than V R and Mfx respectively
Critical load case: (Case should be added if necessary)
M(KNm) V(kN) M/MD+(1-Mf/MD)(2V/VR-1) V/VD+(1-VR/VD)(2M/Mf-1) Checking
1 - - -
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
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sy = 316 N/mm2
Fillet length = 8 mm
Effective throat, g 5.657 mm
L = 100 mm
F1 = 49.18 kN Resultant Force
F2 = 18.58 kN F1
q = 69.31 °
Resultant Force = 52.57 kN
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
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gm = 1.2 q
gf3 = 1.1
Capacity of a fillet wel = Ksw/(30.5gmgf3) (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 236.1 N/mm2
Cf qz load factor
WindRHS = 1.8 X 1.2 x 1.75 x 0.06 x 1.4
= 0.318 kN
= 0.321 kN / 2 + 1.256 / 2
Reaction, R
= 1.577 / 2
= 0.789 kN
= ( 1.26 X 0.15 ) x 2 + 0.131 ( 1.5 - 1.2 ) / 4
Moment ,My
= 0.387 kNm
= 1.604 kNm
Moment ,Mx
1 Design strength
t = 5 mm <= 16 mm
py = 275 N/mm2 (Table 3.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
2 Classification
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
3 Shear Capacity (Cl.8.2.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
A = 1490 mm2
0.6 A = 894 mm
Vc = pyAv/30.5
= 275 x 894 / 3 1 = 141.9 kN > 21.27 kN OK
4 Compression Capacity
Lex = 3 L (Table 8.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 3 x 1.75 m
= 5.25 m
ly = Le/ry
= 5250 / 36
= 145.8 (Cl.8.7.6, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
pc = 155 N/mm2 (Table 8.8a, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Pc = Agpc
= 1490 mm2 x 155 N/mm2 / 1000
= 231 kN > 0.789 kN OK
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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5 Moment Capacity
Mc = pyS (Cl.8.2.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 275 x 50.7
= 13.94 kNm <= 1.2pyZ = 21.09
> My = 0.387 kNm OK
Section Capacity
Tension with moment: (Cl.8.8, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx M 0.78863 + 1.60 + 0.39
Ae py Mcx Mcy 1490 x 275 14 14
= 0.00 + 0.12 + 0.03
= 0.14 < 1
∴ OK
Compression with moment: (Cl.8.9.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx My 0.79 + 1.60 + 0.39
Ag p c M cx M cy 1490 x 155 14 14
= 0.00 + 0.12 + 0.03
= 0.14 < 1
∴ OK
Member Buckling Resistance (Cl.8.9.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F mMx mMy 0.79 + 1.60 + 0.39
1490 x 155 14 14
Ag pc M b M cy
= 0.00 + 0.12 + 0.03
= 0.14 < 1
∴ OK
= 960 mm2
Effective Weld area, 0.7Aweld
,eff. Aweld = 0.7 x 960
= 672 mm2
Design Strength of fillet weld, pw = 220 N/mm2
(Table 9.2a, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
The distance between welds = 60 mm
Shear force to be resisted by each pair of weld, = 21.27 kN
Moment /2 0.386718 x 10 6
Tension = = / 2 = 3222.65 N
D 60
Resultant stress,
(Total Shear Force) 2 (Total Tensile Force) 2
√ (σshear ) + (σtensile)
2 2 = √( (Effective Weld Area) 2
(Effective Weld Area) 2
21271.90 3222.65
√ ( 672 )2 + ( 672 ) 2
Cf qz load factor
WindRHS = 1.8 X 1.2 x 1.92 x 0.06 x 1.2
= 0.299 kN
C Effective length for lateral torsional buckling: (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl. 9.6)
(refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl.9.6.1)
the second moment of area of a cross-section about the axis of bending is equal to that about
an axis perpendicular to it therefor Lex = 30 cm
Ley = 0 cm (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl.
lLTy = 2.25hx(ZpexLey/(rx(AC)0.5))0.5 = 0
I Torsion Checking
Pmax = 0.00 kN OK
Vmax = 18.72 kN OK
Mxmax = 1.65 kNm OK
Mymax = 0.224222 kNm OK
tmax = 76.75826 N/mm2 OK
gm = 1.05
gf3 = 1.1
sf = min(syc,MR/Zxc) = 316 N/mm2
Afe = 600 mm2
Ff = sfAfe = 1.90E+05 N
df = 115.0 mm
Mfx = Ffdf/gmgf3 = 18.88 kNm > 0.22 kNm CHECK
mfw = 0
l = dwe/tw(syw/355)0.5 = 20.76
tL = 1 ty (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figur 12 )
ty = syw/3 0.5 = 182.4 N/mm2
VR = tw(dw-hh)/(gmgf3)tL = 94.78 kN > 18.72 kNm No checking is required
Checking may need if the shear force or co-existent bending moment larger than V R and Mfx respectively
Critical load case: (Case should be added if necessary)
M(KNm) V(kN) M/MD+(1-Mf/MD)(2V/VR-1) V/VD+(1-VR/VD)(2M/Mf-1) Checking
1 - - -
sy = 316 N/mm2
Fillet length = 10 mm
Effective throat, g 7.071 mm
L = 60 mm
F1 = 85.57 kN Resultant Force
F2 = 18.72 kN F1
q = 77.66 °
Resultant Force = 42.59 kN
Cable railing
Taking Moment at O
60x60x6.3SHS@1500 = 0.11 kN x 0.325 m = 0.036 kNm
60x60x6.3SHS = 0.119 kN x 0.325 m = 0.039 kNm
Cable railing = 1.188 kN x 0.65 m = 0.772 kNm
Cladding = 4.554 kN x 0.5 m = 2.277 kNm
Concrete Slab = 28.3 kN x 0.325 m = 9.197 kNm
Loading from RHS = 0.789 kN x 0.325 m + 4.855 kNm = 5.111 kNm
Maintenance LL = 0.536 kN x 0.325 m = 0.174 kNm
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= 17.61 kNm
Horizontal Vertical
P1 = 17.61 kNm / 0.265 m = 66.44 kN ( 66.44 kN 10.51 kN )
d = 67.82 o
P2 = P1 / sind = 71.75 kN ( 66.44 kN 25.08 kN )
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
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Calculation for max. bending moment in horizontal SHS
SW = 0.103 kN/m x 1.65 = 0.17 kN/m
Cladding = 4.554 kN / 0.65 m = 7.006 kN/m
Concrete Slab = 28.3 kN / 0.5 m = 56.6 kN/m
Maintenance LL = 0.5 kN/m2 x 1.2 m = 0.6 kN/m
= 64.37 kNm
Max moment = wL2/8 + Loading from RHSx L/4
= 64.37 x 0.65 2 / 8 + 0.789 x 0.65 / 4
= 3.528 kNm
I Section properties
Section: 60 x 60 x 6.3 SHS
C Effective length for lateral torsional buckling: (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl. 9.6)
VD = tw(dw-hh)/(gmgf3)tL = 5.20E+04 N
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H Axial resistance: (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl.
gm = 1.05
gf3 = 1.1
In strong axis:
Lex/rx (sy/355)0.5 = 0
rx/(D/2) = 0.723
scx = 1 sy (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figure 37, cu A )
In weak axis:
Ley/ry (sy/355)0.5 = 0
ry/(B/2) = 0.723
scy = 1 sy (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figure 37, cu A )
Therefore, sc = 275 N/mm2
PD = Aesc/gmgf3 = 3.12E+05 N
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Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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II Design loading
Check capacity:
Pmax = 71.75 kN OK
Vmax = 35.59 kN OK
Mxmax = 3.53 kNm OK
gm = 1.05
gf3 = 1.1
sf = min(syc,MR/Zxc) = 275 N/mm2
Afe = 378 mm2
Ff = sfAfe = 1.04E+05 N
df = 53.7 mm
Mfx = Ffdf/gmgf3 = 4.83 kNm No checking is required
mfw = 0
l = dwe/tw(syw/355)0.5 = 6.622
tL = 1 ty (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figur 12 )
ty = syw/30.5 = 158.8 N/mm2
VR = tw(dw-hh)/(gmgf3)tL = 51.96 kN No checking is required
Checking may need if the shear force or co-existent bending moment larger than V R and Mfx respectively
Critical load case: (Case should be added if necessary)
M(KNm) V(kN) M/MD+(1-Mf/MD)(2V/VR-1) V/VD+(1-VR/VD)(2M/Mf-1) Checking
1 - - -
Case 1 (P1)
L = 120 mm
F1 = 66.44 kN Resultant Force
F2 = 10.51 kN F1
q = 36.01 °
Resultant Force = 67.26 kN
K = [3/(1+2cos2q)]0.5 (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 1.14 < 1.4
K = 1.14 F2
gm = 1.2
gf3 = 1.1 q
Capacity of a fillet wel = Ksw/(3 gmgf3)
0.5 (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 182 N/mm2
Pt / g = 132.1 N/mm 2
< 182 N/mm2 OK
Case 2 (P2)
L = 120 mm
F1 = 66.44 kN
F2 = 25.08 kN
q = 24.32 °
Resultant Force = 71.01 kN
K = [3/(1+2cos2q)]0.5 (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 1.062 < 1.4
K = 1.062
gm = 1.2
gf3 = 1.1
Capacity of a fillet wel = Ksw/(30.5gmgf3) (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 169.5 N/mm 2
Case 1 (P1)
L = 120 mm
F1 = 66.44 kN Resultant Force
F2 = 10.51 kN F1
q = 36.01 °
Resultant Force = 67.26 kN
Case 2 (P2)
L = 120 mm
F1 = 66.44 kN
F2 = 25.08 kN
q = 24.32 °
Resultant Force = 71.01 kN
gm = 1.2
gf3 = 1.1
Capacity of a fillet wel = Ksw/(30.5gmgf3) (refer to Cl., BS5400-3)
= 169.5 N/mm2
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Pt / g = 139.5 N/mm2 < 169.5 N/mm2 OK
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gm = 1.2
gf3 = 1.1
1/g(PL2+PT2/K2)0.5 <= sw/(30.5gmgf3) (refer to Cl., BS5400-3) Capacity of weld
1/g(PL2+PT2/K2)0.5 = 58.17 N/mm2
sw/(30.5gmgf3) = 159.6 N/mm2 OK
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Corner Radii Second Radius
Area of Section
Size Thick's Mass/m Moment of
Section Modulus
Ext'l Int'l of Area Gyration
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm 2
cm 4
cm cm3
1 20 2 3 2 1.1 1.4 0.739 0.727 0.739
2 20 2.5 3.75 2.5 1.32 1.68 0.835 0.705 0.835
3 25 2 3 2 1.41 1.8 1.56 0.932 1.25
4 25 2.5 3.75 2.5 1.71 2.18 1.81 0.909 1.44
5 25 3 4.5 3 2 2.54 2 0.886 1.6
6 30 2 3 2 1.72 2.2 2.84 1.14 1.89
7 30 2.5 3.75 2.5 2.11 2.68 3.33 1.11 2.22
8 30 3 4.5 3 2.47 3.14 3.74 1.09 2.5
9 40 2.5 3.75 2.5 2.89 3.68 8.54 1.52 4.27
10 40 3 4.5 3 3.41 4.34 9.78 1.5 4.89
11 40 3.2 4.8 3.2 3.61 4.6 10.2 1.49 5.11
12 40 3.6 5.4 3.6 4.01 5.1 11.1 1.47 5.54
13 40 4 6 4 4.39 5.59 11.8 1.45 5.91
14 40 5 7.5 5 5.28 6.73 13.4 1.41 6.68
15 50 2.5 3.75 2.5 3.68 4.68 17.5 1.93 6.99
16 50 3 4.5 3 4.35 5.54 20.2 1.91 8.08
17 50 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.62 5.88 21.2 1.9 8.49
18 50 3.6 5.4 3.6 5.14 6.54 23.2 1.88 9.27
19 50 4 6 4 5.64 7.19 25 1.86 9.99
20 50 5 7.5 5 6.85 8.73 28.9 1.82 11.6
21 50 6 9 6 7.99 10.2 32 1.77 12.8
22 50 6.3 9.45 6.3 8.31 10.6 32.8 1.76 13.1
23 60 2.5 3.75 2.5 4.46 5.68 31.1 2.34 10.4
24 60 3 4.5 3 5.29 6.74 36.2 2.32 12.1
25 60 3.2 4.8 3.2 5.62 7.16 38.2 2.31 12.7
26 60 3.6 5.4 3.6 6.27 7.98 41.9 2.29 14
27 60 4 6 4 6.9 8.79 45.4 2.27 15.1
28 60 5 7.5 5 8.42 10.7 53.3 2.23 17.8
29 60 6 9 6 9.87 12.6 59.9 2.18 20
30 60 6.3 9.45 6.3 10.3 13.1 61.6 2.17 20.5
31 60 8 12 8 12.5 16 69.7 2.09 23.2
32 70 3 4.5 3 6.24 7.94 59 2.73 16.9
33 70 3.2 4.8 3.2 6.63 8.44 62.3 2.72 17.8
34 70 3.6 5.4 3.6 7.4 9.42 68.6 2.7 19.6
35 70 4 6 4 8.15 10.4 74.7 2.68 21.3
36 70 5 7.5 5 9.99 12.7 88.5 2.64 25.3
37 70 6 9 6 11.8 15 101 2.59 28.7
38 70 6.3 9.45 6.3 12.3 15.6 104 2.58 29.7
39 70 8 12 8 15 19.2 120 2.5 34.2
40 80 3 4.5 3 7.18 9.14 89.8 3.13 22.5
41 80 3.2 4.8 3.2 7.63 9.72 95 3.13 23.7
42 80 3.6 5.4 3.6 8.53 10.9 105 3.11 26.2
43 80 4 6 4 9.41 12 114 3.09 28.6
44 80 5 7.5 5 11.6 14.7 137 3.05 34.2
45 80 6 9 6 13.6 17.4 156 3 39.1
46 80 6.3 9.45 6.3 14.2 18.1 162 2.99 40.5
47 80 8 12 8 17.5 22.4 189 2.91 47.3
48 90 3.6 5.4 3.6 9.66 12.3 152 3.52 33.8
49 90 4 6 4 10.7 13.6 166 3.5 37
50 90 5 7.5 5 13.1 16.7 200 3.45 44.4
51 90 6 9 6 15.5 19.8 230 3.41 51.1
52 90 6.3 9.45 6.3 16.2 20.7 238 3.4 53
53 90 8 12 8 20.1 25.6 281 3.32 62.6
54 100 3.6 5.4 3.6 10.8 13.7 212 3.92 42.3
55 100 4 6 4 11.9 15.2 232 3.91 46.4
56 100 5 7.5 5 14.7 18.7 279 3.86 55.9
57 100 6 9 6 17.4 22.2 323 3.82 64.6
58 100 6.3 9.45 6.3 18.2 23.2 336 3.8 67.1
59 100 8 12 8 22.6 28.8 400 3.73 79.9
60 100 10 15 10 27.4 34.9 462 3.64 92.4
61 120 4 6 4 14.4 18.4 410 4.72 68.4
62 120 5 7.5 5 17.8 22.7 498 4.68 83
63 120 6 9 6 21.2 27 579 4.63 96.6
64 120 6.3 9.45 6.3 22.2 28.2 603 4.62 100
65 120 8 12 8 27.6 35.2 726 4.55 121
66 120 10 15 10 33.7 42.9 852 4.46 142
67 120 12 18 12 39.5 50.3 958 4.36 160
68 120 12.5 18.75 12.5 40.9 52.1 982 4.34 164
69 140 5 7.5 5 21 26.7 807 5.5 115
70 140 6 9 6 24.9 31.8 944 5.45 135
71 140 6.3 9.45 6.3 26.1 33.3 984 5.44 141
72 140 8 12 8 32.6 41.6 1195 5.36 171
73 140 10 15 10 40 50.9 1416 5.27 202
74 140 12 18 12 47 59.9 1609 5.18 230
75 140 12.5 18.75 12.5 48.7 62.1 1653 5.16 236
76 150 5 7.5 5 22.6 28.7 1002 5.9 134
77 150 6 9 6 26.8 34.2 1174 5.86 156
78 150 6.3 9.45 6.3 28.1 35.8 1223 5.85 163
79 150 8 12 8 35.1 44.8 1491 5.77 199
80 150 10 15 10 43.1 54.9 1773 5.68 236
81 150 12 18 12 50.8 64.7 2023 5.59 270
82 150 12.5 18.75 12.5 52.7 67.1 2080 5.57 277
83 150 16 24 16 65.2 83 2430 5.41 324
84 160 5 7.5 5 24.1 30.7 1225 6.31 153
85 160 6 9 6 28.7 36.6 1437 6.27 180
86 160 6.3 9.45 6.3 30.1 38.3 1499 6.26 187
87 160 8 12 8 37.6 48 1831 6.18 229
88 160 10 15 10 46.3 58.9 2186 6.09 273
89 160 12 18 12 54.6 69.5 2502 6 313
90 160 12.5 18.75 12.5 56.6 72.1 2576 5.98 322
91 160 16 24 16 70.2 89.4 3028 5.82 379
92 180 5 7.5 5 27.3 34.7 1765 7.13 196
93 180 6 9 6 32.5 41.4 2077 7.09 231
94 180 6.3 9.45 6.3 34 43.3 2168 7.07 241
95 180 8 12 8 42.7 54.4 2661 7 296
96 180 10 15 10 52.5 66.9 3193 6.91 355
97 180 12 18 12 62.1 79.1 3677 6.82 409
98 180 12.5 18.75 12.5 64.4 82.1 3790 6.8 421
99 180 16 24 16 80.2 102 4504 6.64 500
100 200 5 7.5 5 30.4 38.7 2445 7.95 245
101 200 6 9 6 36.2 46.2 2883 7.9 288
102 200 6.3 9.45 6.3 38 48.4 3011 7.89 301
103 200 8 12 8 47.7 60.8 3709 7.81 371
104 200 10 15 10 58.8 74.9 4471 7.72 447
105 200 12 18 12 69.6 88.7 5171 7.64 517
106 200 12.5 18.75 12.5 72.3 92.1 5336 7.61 534
107 200 16 24 16 90.3 115 6394 7.46 639
108 220 6 9 6 40 51 3875 8.72 352
109 220 6.3 9.45 6.3 41.9 53.4 4049 8.71 368
110 220 8 12 8 52.7 67.2 5002 8.63 455
111 220 10 15 10 65.1 82.9 6050 8.54 550
112 220 12 18 12 77.2 98.3 7023 8.45 638
113 220 12.5 18.75 12.5 80.1 102 7254 8.43 659
114 220 16 24 16 100 128 8749 8.27 795
115 250 5 7.5 5 38.3 48.7 4861 9.99 389
116 250 6 9 6 45.7 58.2 5752 9.94 460
117 250 6.3 9.45 6.3 47.9 61 6014 9.93 481
118 250 8 12 8 60.3 76.8 7455 9.86 596
119 250 10 15 10 74.5 94.9 9055 9.77 724
120 250 12 18 12 88.5 113 10556 9.68 844
121 250 12.5 18.75 12.5 91.9 117 10915 9.66 873
122 250 16 24 16 115 147 13267 9.5 1061
123 260 6 9 6 47.6 60.6 6491 10.4 499
124 260 6.3 9.45 6.3 49.9 63.5 6788 10.3 522
125 260 8 12 8 62.8 80 8423 10.3 648
126 260 10 15 10 77.7 98.9 10242 10.2 788
127 260 12 18 12 92.2 117 11954 10.1 920
128 260 12.5 18.75 12.5 95.8 122 12365 10.1 951
129 260 16 24 16 120 153 15061 9.91 1159
130 300 6 9 6 55.1 70.2 10080 12 672
131 300 6.3 9.45 6.3 57.8 73.6 10547 12 703
132 300 8 12 8 72.8 92.8 13128 11.9 875
133 300 10 15 10 90.2 115 16026 11.8 1068
134 300 12 18 12 107 137 18777 11.7 1252
135 300 12.5 18.75 12.5 112 142 19442 11.7 1296
136 300 16 24 16 141 179 23850 11.5 1590
137 350 8 12 8 85.4 109 21129 13.9 1207
138 350 10 15 10 106 135 25884 13.9 1479
139 350 12 18 12 126 161 30435 13.8 1739
140 350 12.5 18.75 12.5 131 167 31541 13.7 1802
141 350 16 24 16 166 211 38942 13.6 2225
142 400 8 12 8 97.9 125 31857 16 1593
143 400 10 15 10 122 155 39128 15.9 1956
144 400 12 18 12 145 185 46130 15.8 2306
145 400 12.5 18.75 12.5 151 192 47839 15.8 2392
146 400 16 24 16 191 243 59344 15.6 2967
147 400 20 30 20 235 300 71535 15.4 3577
Torsional Section
Plastic ConstantsSurface
Inertia Modulus Area
S J C As
cm 3
cm 4
cm 3
0.93 1.22 1.07 0.0748
1.08 1.41 1.2 0.0736
1.53 2.52 1.81 0.0948
1.82 2.97 2.08 0.0936
2.06 3.35 2.3 0.0923
2.29 4.53 2.75 0.115
2.74 5.4 3.22 0.114
3.14 6.16 3.6 0.112
5.14 13.6 6.22 0.154
5.97 15.7 7.1 0.152
6.28 16.5 7.42 0.152
6.88 18.1 8.01 0.151
7.44 19.5 8.54 0.15
8.66 22.5 9.6 0.147
8.29 27.5 10.2 0.194
9.7 32.1 11.8 0.192
10.2 33.8 12.4 0.192
11.3 37.2 13.5 0.191
12.3 40.4 14.5 0.19
14.5 47.6 16.7 0.187
16.5 53.6 18.4 0.185
17 55.2 18.8 0.184
12.2 48.5 15.2 0.234
14.3 56.9 17.7 0.232
15.2 60.2 18.6 0.232
16.8 66.5 20.4 0.231
18.3 72.5 22 0.23
21.9 86.4 25.7 0.227
25.1 98.6 28.8 0.225
26 102 29.6 0.224
30.4 118 33.4 0.219
19.9 92.2 24.8 0.272
21 97.6 26.1 0.272
23.3 108 28.7 0.271
25.5 118 31.2 0.27
30.8 142 36.8 0.267
35.5 163 41.6 0.265
36.9 169 42.9 0.264
43.8 200 49.2 0.259
26.3 140 33 0.312
27.9 148 34.9 0.312
31 164 38.5 0.311
34 180 41.9 0.31
41.1 217 49.8 0.307
47.8 252 56.8 0.305
49.7 262 58.7 0.304
59.5 312 68.3 0.299
39.7 237 49.7 0.351
43.6 260 54.2 0.35
53 316 64.8 0.347
61.8 367 74.3 0.345
64.3 382 77 0.344
77.6 459 90.5 0.339
49.5 328 62.3 0.391
54.4 361 68.2 0.39
66.4 439 81.8 0.387
77.6 513 94.3 0.385
80.9 534 97.8 0.384
98.2 646 116 0.379
116 761 133 0.374
79.7 635 101 0.47
97.6 777 122 0.467
115 911 141 0.465
120 950 147 0.464
146 1160 176 0.459
175 1382 206 0.454
201 1578 230 0.449
207 1623 236 0.448
135 1253 170 0.547
159 1475 198 0.545
166 1540 206 0.544
204 1892 249 0.539
246 2272 294 0.534
284 2616 333 0.529
293 2696 342 0.528
156 1550 197 0.587
184 1828 230 0.585
192 1909 240 0.584
237 2351 291 0.579
286 2832 344 0.574
331 3272 391 0.569
342 3375 402 0.568
411 4026 467 0.559
178 1892 226 0.627
210 2233 264 0.625
220 2333 275 0.624
272 2880 335 0.619
329 3478 398 0.614
382 4028 454 0.609
395 4158 467 0.608
476 4988 546 0.599
227 2718 290 0.707
269 3215 340 0.705
281 3361 355 0.704
349 4162 434 0.699
424 5048 518 0.694
494 5873 595 0.689
511 6070 613 0.688
621 7343 724 0.679
283 3756 362 0.787
335 4449 426 0.785
350 4653 444 0.784
436 5778 545 0.779
531 7031 655 0.774
621 8208 754 0.769
643 8491 778 0.768
785 10340 927 0.759
408 5963 521 0.865
427 6240 544 0.864
532 7765 669 0.859
650 9473 807 0.854
762 11091 933 0.849
789 11481 963 0.848
969 14054 1156 0.839
447 7430 577 0.987
531 8825 681 0.985
556 9238 712 0.984
694 11525 880 0.979
851 14106 1065 0.974
1000 16567 1237 0.969
1037 17164 1279 0.968
1280 21138 1546 0.959
576 9951 740 1.02
603 10417 773 1.02
753 13006 956 1.02
924 15932 1159 1.01
1087 18729 1348 1.01
1127 19409 1394 1.01
1394 23942 1689 0.999
772 15407 997 1.18
809 16136 1043 1.18
1013 20194 1294 1.18
1246 24807 1575 1.17
1470 29249 1840 1.17
1525 30333 1904 1.17
1895 37622 2325 1.16
1392 32384 1789 1.38
1715 39886 2185 1.37
2030 47154 2563 1.37
2107 48934 2654 1.37
2630 60990 3264 1.36
1830 48695 2363 1.58
2260 60092 2895 1.57
2679 71181 3405 1.57
2782 73906 3530 1.57
3484 92442 4362 1.56
4247 112489 5237 1.55
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
Designed Checked Page No
Revision A B C D E
Initials Date Initials Date
Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
150 150
1200 1200 1200
R1 R2 R1
SW of RHS = 0.131 kN/m x 1.2 m x 1.4
= 0.22 kN 120x60x 5mm thk. RHS
Cf qz load factor
WindRHS = 1.8 X 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.06 x 1.4
= 0.218 kN
Tensile Force SW N
Reaction ,R = 48.55 kN + 0.22 kN / 2 + 1.256 / 2
= 48.66 kN + 1.256 / 2
= 49.29 kN
1 Design strength
t = 5 mm <= 16 mm
py = 275 N/mm2 (Table 3.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
2 Classification
D/t = 17 <= 40e2 = 40(275/py) = 40
Class 1 Plastic (Table 7.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
3 Shear Capacity (Cl.8.2.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
A = 1490 mm2
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
0.6 A = 894 mm
Vc = pyAv/30.5
= 275 x 894 / 3 1 = 141.9 kN > 21.22 kN OK
4 Compression Capacity
Lex = 3 L (Table 8.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 3 x 1.2 m
= 3.6 m
ly = Le/ry
= 3600 / 36
= 100 (Cl.8.7.6, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
pc = 155 N/mm2 (Table 8.8a, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Pc = Agpc
= 1490 mm2 x 155 N/mm2 / 1000
= 231 kN > 49.29 kN OK
Project 810B - West Kowloon Terminus Station South JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
5 Moment Capacity
Mc = pyS (Cl.8.2.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 275 x 507
= 139.4 kNm <= 1.2pyZ = 210.9
> My = 73.07 kNm OK
Section Capacity
Tension with moment: (Cl.8.8, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx M 0 + 0.00 + 73.07
Ae py Mcx Mcy 1490 x 275 139 139
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.52
= 0.52 < 1
∴ OK
Compression with moment: (Cl.8.9.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx My 49.29 + 0.00 + 73.07
Ag p c M cx M cy 1490 x 155 139 139
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.52
= 0.53 < 1
∴ OK
Member Buckling Resistance (Cl.8.9.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F mMx mMy 49.29 + 0.00 + 73.07
1490 x 155 139 139
Ag pc M b M cy
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.52
= 0.53 < 1
∴ OK
= 960 mm2
Effective Weld area, 0.7Aweld
,eff. Aweld = 0.7 x 960
= 672 mm2
Design Strength of fillet weld, pw = 220 N/mm2
(Table 9.2a, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
The distance between welds = 60 mm
Shear force to be resisted by each pair of weld, = 21.22 kN
Moment /2 73.07199 x 10 6
Tension = = / 2 = 608933.25 N
D 60
Resultant stress,
(Total Shear Force) 2 (Total Tensile Force) 2
√ (σshear ) + (σtensile)
2 2 = √( (Effective Weld Area) 2
(Effective Weld Area) 2
21222.00 608933.25
√ ( 672 )2 + ( 672 ) 2
Cable railing
Taking Moment at O
60x60x6.3SHS@1500 = 0.11 kN x 0.325 m = 0.036 kNm
60x60x6.3SHS = 0.119 kN x 0.325 m = 0.039 kNm
Cable railing = 1.188 kN x 0.65 m = 0.772 kNm
Cladding = 4.554 kN x 0.5 m = 2.277 kNm
Concrete Slab = 28.3 kN x 0.325 m = 9.197 kNm
Loading from RHS = 49.29 kN x 0.325 m = 16.02 kNm
Maintenance LL = 0.536 kN x 0.325 m = 0.174 kNm
= 28.51 kNm
Horizontal Vertical
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
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Date CKKY Jun-09
P1 = 28.51 kNm / 0.265 m = 107.6 kN ( 107.6 kN 43.47 kN )
d = 67.82 o
P2 = P1 / sind = 116.2 kN ( 107.6 kN 40.62 kN )
Project Tsuen Wan Footbridge A JEN 00344
Design Element Signages Connection on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
Designed Checked Page No
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Date CKKY Jun-09
Calculation for max. bending moment in horizontal SHS
SW = 0.103 kN/m x 1.65 = 0.17 kN/m
Cladding = 4.554 kN / 0.65 m = 7.006 kN/m
Concrete Slab = 28.3 kN / 0.5 m = 56.6 kN/m
Loading from RHS = 49.29 kN / 0.65 m = 75.83 kN/m
Maintenance LL = 0.5 kN/m2 x 1.2 m = 0.6 kN/m
= 140.2 kNm
Max moment = wL2/8 = 140.2 x 0.65 2 / 8
= 7.404 kNm
I Section properties
Section: 60 x 60 x 6.3 SHS
C Effective length for lateral torsional buckling: (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Cl. 9.6)
lLTy = 2.25hxy(ZpexLey/(ry(AJ)0.5))0.5 = 0
Pmax = 116.20 kN OK
Vmax = 84.09 kN CHECK!!
Mxmax = 7.40 kNm CHECK!!
gm = 1.05
gf3 = 1.1
sf = min(syc,MR/Zxc) = 275 N/mm2
Afe = 378 mm2
Ff = sfAfe = 1.04E+05 N
df = 53.7 mm
Mfx = Ffdf/gmgf3 = 4.83 kNm CHECK
mfw = 0
l = dwe/tw(syw/355)0.5 = 6.622
tL = 1 ty (refer to BS5400-3:2000 Figur 12 )
ty = syw/30.5 = 158.8 N/mm2
VR = tw(dw-hh)/(gmgf3)tL = 51.96 kN CHECK
Checking may need if the shear force or co-existent bending moment larger than V R and Mfx respectively
Critical load case: (Case should be added if necessary)
M(KNm) V(kN) M/MD+(1-Mf/MD)(2V/VR-1) V/VD+(1-VR/VD)(2M/Mf-1) Checking
1 - - -
For Pole:
219.1 dia. x 8 CHS (Grade = 275 N/mm2 )
Length of CHS = 1.4 m
Load Factor = 1.4 (Table 4.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Wind Load (From "Footing Design")
wsign = 3.24 kN
wpost = 0.605 kN
1 Design strength
t = 8 mm <= 16 mm
py = 275 N/mm2 (Table 3.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
2 Classification
D/t = 27.4 <= 40e2 = 40(275/py) = 40
Class 1 Plastic (Table 7.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
3 Shear Capacity (Cl.8.2.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
A = 5310 mm2
0.6 A = 3186 mm
Vc = pyAv/30.5
= 275 x 3186 / 3 1 = 505.8 kN > 5.383 kN OK
4 Compression Capacity
Lex = 2 L (Table 8.6, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 2 x 1.4 m
= 2.8 m
ly = Le/ry
= 2800 / 74.7
= 37.48
pc = 188 N/mm2 (Table 8.8b, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Pc = Agpc
= 5310 mm2 x 188 N/mm2 / 1000
= 998.3 kN > 1.066 kN OK
5 Moment Capacity
Mc = pyS (Cl.8.2.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
= 275 x 357
= 98.18 kNm > 1.2pyZ = 89.1
> My = 8.898 kNm OK
> Mx = 0.154 kNm OK
Section Capacity
Tension with moment: (Cl.8.8, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F M M 0 + 0.15 + 8.90
x y
Ae py Mcx Mcy 5310 x 275 98 98
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.09
= 0.09 < 1
∴ OK
Compression with moment: (Cl.8.9.1, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F Mx My 1.07 + 0.15 + 8.90
Ag p c M cx M cy 5310 x 188 98 98
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.09
00344 - Extension of Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan
Project JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Stability Check of Signages on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
Designed Checked Page No
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Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
= 0.09 < 1
∴ OK
Member Buckling Resistance (Cl.8.9.2, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005)
F mMx mMy 1.07 + 0.15 + 8.90
5310 x 188 98 98
Ag pc M b M cy
= 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.09
= 0.09 < 1
∴ OK
7 Base Connection
Check for Base Plate
fcu = 20 N/mm2 (Assumed grade for existing concrete slab)
Pmax = M/Z < 0.6fcu
### / (b3/4) < 0.6 x 20
b > 143.7 mm
Provide 510 x 510 x 25 THK. Plate
Pmax = ### / ( 510 3 / 4 )
= 0.268 N/mm2
c = ( 510 - 100 ) / 2
= 205 mm
py = 265 N/mm2
t = 205 x ( 3 x 0.268 / 265 ) ^ 0.5
= 11.3 mm <= 25 mm OK
Mt = 4.99 kNm = 4 x T x 195
T = 6.397 kN/Bolt
Total Shear, F = V/4 + T = 5.383 / 4 + 6.397 = 7.74 kN/Bolt
(Table 9.5, Code of Practice for the
Design Shear strength, ps = 160 N/mm2 Structural Use of Steel 2005)
Ps = Asps (Cl., Code of Practice for the
= 89.76 kN >= 7.74 OK Structural Use of Steel 2005)
00344 - Extension of Footbridge Network in Tsuen Wan
Project JEN 11139 HHL02
Design Element Stability Check of Signages on Footbridge A along Tai Ho Road
Designed Checked Page No
Revision A B C D E
Initials Date Initials Date
Date CKKY 23-May-11 HCKL 23-May-11
Moment 8.8984 x 10 6
Tension = = = 27634.78 N
D 322
Resultant stress,
= 15485.21 + 27634.78
√ ( 1120 ) 2
( 1120 ) 2