Qutub Minar
Qutub Minar
Qutub Minar
Qutb Minar and
its Monuments,
New Delhi
II.1 Introduction
State of Conservation of the World Heritage Properties in the Asia-Pacific Region II
Access to IT • Vehicle pollution harms the stones, but level have
• Remote presence facilitation system installed. decreased since 2002 (introduction of compressed
• 1 set of computers, no email or Internet access. natural gas).
• No use of GIS. • Natural disasters and preparedness: lightning
protection has been completed and no threat from
Visitor Management floods and fire is are foreseen.
• 2001-2002, 1.66 million visitors. • Despite the number of tourists and visitors to the
• Various facilities: parking, admission, sales, site there is no tourist/visitor.
publications, drinking water, toilets, WH plaques, • Inhabitants in buffer zone: some encroachments in
signage, description, sandstone benches, Waste buffer zone but under control since 1992.
• Needed facilities: Site interpretation and museum, Counteractive Plans
signage, cafeteria, visitor's movement plans, • No emergency plan.
upgrading existing facilities, etc.] • No eminent potential threat. In case of emergency,
• Plan for public use: there is no existing plan, but a the ASI and other Government agencies are
proposal has just been finalised. capable of attending to the threat.
• Improvements needed: training on risk
II.6 Monitoring
Monitoring Arrangements
• Regular inspections of state of conservation.
Records of inspection notes to plan future
• Partners: science laboratories and organisations.
• Foreseen improvements: existing arrangements
are adequate.
Monitoring Indicators
• No monitoring indicators described.