Role of SEBI in Investors Protection

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 3, Issue 4 Apr. 2021, pp: 521-523 ISSN: 2395-5252

Role of SEBI in Investors Protection

P. Swathi, C. H. Deepthi
Assistant professor Department of Management studies Sridevi women’s Engineering College

Submitted: 15-04-2021 Revised: 28-04-2021 Accepted: 30-04-2021
ABSTRACT:- The Securities and Exchange the healthy growth of financial markets. It is very
Board of India(SEBI) was setup on April 12,1988 important to protect the interest of the investor and
through an administrative Order, but it became a the investor protection affects significantly the
statutory and really powerful organizations in there financial structure of an economy. Investor
year 1992.Investor protection is among the most protection involves various measures established to
talked topics in the securities market and protect the interest of investor from malpractices in
safeguarding investor interest in one of the top share, stock market, mutual fund, etc.
priorities of the regulatory bodies. Investors can
seek their protection within the provisions of the INTRODUCTION OF SEBI:-
Indian Companies Act 1956,the Securities Investors are making their investments
Contract Act 1956 and various measures taken by with the expectations to maximize their returns and
stock exchanges. Investors protection means to achieve their financial objectives. By increasing
ensuring that the stock market and participants are investor population and growth in the dealings of
fair to the investors and should not do anything stock market has lead to variety of malpractices on
which may appear deliberate attempts on their part the part of the companies, brokers, investment
to inflict loss to the investors. With a view to consultants in stock market etc in the form of price
protect the investors and to reduce their grievances rigging, unofficial premium on new issue, delay in
and complaints SEBI has an Investor Grievance delivery of shares, violation of rules and
cell, Investor protection fund, web based regulations listing requirements etc. Due to these
centralized complaint redressal system etc. malpractices the customers started losing
Key words:-Investor protection, SEBI, Measures, confidence and faith in the stock exchange. Hence,
Complaints, Grievances, Redressal t, Securities to protect the interest of investors, Government of
contract act, Companies act. India has established Securities Exchange Board
India (SEBI) in the year 1988 and given statutory
I. INTRODUCTION: powers in 1992 through SEBI Act 1992,as a
Investors are the pillars of the financial regulator of the Indian financial market. SEBI
and Securities market. They determine the level of permit investor to form an Association of investors
activity in the securities market and also the level and register the same under SEBI. This will
of activity in the economy. They may not be provide an immediate forum to investors to discuss
familiar with the market mechanism and the their difficulties and to take measures for speedy
practices as well as their rights and obligations. removal of their problems.
Some investors may not be fully aware of the
precautions they should take while dealing with OBJECTIVES OF SEBI:-
market intermediaries and dealing in different  To protect the rights and interests of investors.
securities. There occurs a need of organization  To promote the development of the securities
which protect the interest of investors, help them to market.
gain confidence in the capital market. It gives them  To regulate the stock exchanges and Securities
adequate knowledge to take right investment industry to ensure their systematic functioning.
decision.  To prevent the trading malpractices.
 To attain a balance between self regulation by
NEED FOR INVESTOR PROTECTION:- Securities and it’s statutory regulation.
Investors are the backbone of the FUNCTIONS OF SEBI:-
Securities market. Investor is a person who  To control and monitor the stock exchanges
allocates capital with the expectation of a financial business and other securities market.
return. Strong investor protection is essential for

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0304521523 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 521
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 4 Apr. 2021, pp: 521-523 ISSN: 2395-5252

 To record and control the operations of system of SEBI. It also conducts workshops on
collective investment schemes inclusive of derivatives, stock exchanges trade sensex etc. SEBI
mutual funds. has now conducted these workshops in more than
 To develop and govern autonomous 500 cities across the country through various
companies. formats like radio, television, print media, internet.
 To prevent illegal and unfair trade practices in
securities market. ISSUE OF GUIDELINES:-
 To encourage the investors education and SEBI has issued guidelines to companies. These
provide training to intermediaries in the guidelines are for bringing transparency in their
securities market. operations and also for avoiding exploitation of
 To prevent insider trading in Securities. investors. SEBI keeps watch on all intermediaries
and see that they follow the guidelines in the right
 Regulating substantial acquisitions of shares
and take over of companies. UNIQUE ORDER CODE NUMBER:-
All stock exchanges have been required to
 Regulation of stock exchange and self
ensure that a system is put in place whereby each
regulatory organizations.
transaction is assigned a unique order code number
 Registration and regulation of the working of
which is intimated by the broker to his client. Once
collective investment schemes including
the order is executed, this number is to be printed
mutual funds.
on the contract note.
 Promoting self regulatory organizations. Stock brokers have been required to
 Training of intermediaries. maintain a record of time when the client has
 Conducting research and published placed the order and reflect the same in the contract
information useful to all market participants. note along with the time of the execution of the
order. This will ensure that the broker gives due
INVESTOR PROTECTION MEASURE BY preference in execution of clients order and charges
SEBI:- the correct price to his client without taking
Sec 11(2) of the SEBI Act contains measures advantage of any intra day price fluctuation for
available with SEBI to implement the himself.
legistered desire of investor protection. It
 Prohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade SEBI:-
practices relating to securities market.  Complaints arising out of activities that are
 Regulating substantial acquisition of shares covered under SEBI Act 1992.
and take over of companies.  Depositories Act 1996 and Rules and
 Promoting and regulating self regulatory Regulations made there under the provisions
organizations. that are covered under sec 55A of companies
 Regulating the business in stock exchanges and act 1956 are handled by SEBI.
any other securities market.  Securities Contract Regulation Act 1956.
 Promoting investors education and training of
intermediaries of securities market. Complaints Against Sebi Registered Entities:-
 Registering and regulating the working of  Stock Exchanges
venture capital funds and collective investment  Stock Broker/ Authorised agent
schemes including mutual funds.  Credit rating agency
 Portfolio managers
SEBI has launched the Securities Market  Debenture trustees
Awareness Campaign in 2003.Such Programmes  Custodian of securities
are now regularly organized by SEBI to educate  Investment advisors
and create awareness among the investors. The  Collective investment schemes
programme covers major subjects like portfolio  Banker to an issue
management, mutual funds, tax provisions, investor  Merchant banker
protection fund, investors grievance redressal  Depository

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0304521523 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 522
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 4 Apr. 2021, pp: 521-523 ISSN: 2395-5252

 Depository participants REFERENCES:-

 Share transfer agent [1]. INVESTMENT AND SECURITIES
OTHER MEASURES:- Retired Advisor in RBI and former Director
SEBI has taken various measures such as in Bombay Stock Exchange, Himalaya
screen based trading system, dematerialization of Publishing House.
securities, T+2 rolling settlement and framed [2]. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT; Preeti
various regulations to regulate intermediaries issue Singh, University of Delhi, Himalaya
and trading of securities, corporate restructuring etc Publishing House.
to protect the interest of investor in securities. [3]. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT- Security
Analysis and Portfolio
II. CONCLUSION:- Management;Dr.L.Natarajan, Margham
It may be concluded that SEBI performs Publications.
it’s role extremely, well through various [4]. PERSIONAL INVESTING :-Making
programmes and measures like Investor Awareness Intelligent Decisions; Dr. Jawahar Lal,
Programme, Investor Education and Protection University of Delhi, Wheeler Publishing
fund, Grievance Redressal Mechanism etc. Which company Limited.
has made the Indian Security Market as one among [5]. International Journal of Research Culture
the safest and most efficient trading destination Society.
globally. It is also advisable that investors should [6]. Websites:
approach SEBI through SCORES for redressal of
their grievances, complaints and any other
difficulty transactions. It is in the interest of
investors themselves to be fully aware about the
provisions of various act, SEBI guidelines and
grievance redressal mechanism with regard to their

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0304521523 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 523

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