Ord 5718 S2016

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Republic of the Philippines

Tanggapan ng Sangguniang Panlungsod

ORDINANCE NO. 5718 S-2016

-- �---


Be it ordained and enacted by the San99unian9 Panlungsod of the City of Pasay:

WHEREAS, Section 20-c of the Local Government Code (LGC) provides that local
government units (LGUs) shall continue to prepare their respective Comprehensive Land
Use Plan (CLUP), enacted through the Zoning Ordinance (ZO), which shall be the prima
and dominant bases for the future use of land resources;

WHEREAS, the LGU of the City of Pasay, in pursuit of its development goals and
objectives, formulated its CLUP, actually a Comprehensive Land, Water and Air Use Plan
(CLWAUP), which would require the enactment of regulatory measures to translate its
planning goals and objectives into reality;

WHEREAS, the CLUP for the City of Pasay, shall encompass planning for all the land
and water resources found on the surface, below and ahove the surface of the land and
waters of Pasay City; the term CLUP when in use therefore refers to a CLWAUP;

WHEREAS, the CLUP water resources for the City of Pasay, shall encompass all inland
water bodies, underground streams/ water courses and the Pasay City waters forming part
of the Manila Bay tributaries as well as the main city waters area (CWA) at the Manila Bay

WHEREAS, the air resources under the City of Pasay's CLUP, shall encompass all air
rights to developments above land up to a height of sixty (60) regular storeys or approx. on
hundred and eighty one meters (181.0 m) above the surface of the land, the use of which d,
be further regulated for certain areas in Pasay City by the applicable aerodrome restrictions �
imposed by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP); K
� · �
WHEREAS, this Zoning Ordinance (ZO) is one such regulatory measure which �'� \

important tool for the implementation of the CLUP; \.

NOW THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Pasay, in a session ., �

assembled hereby adopts the following Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and its appended Official
Zoning Maps (OZMs) and Land Use Development and Management Guidelines i
(LUDMG), as well as the 2004 Revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of P.D. No. \.. �
1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), its
referral codes/ RCs and derivative regulations/ DRs) to serve as part of the IRR of this ZO ��\..
),,. ,
and which shall serve only as the minimum standards that should be preferably exceeded \ ' '-
i.e. made stricter or more stringent, should opportunities arise, hereinafter to be collectively
known as the Pasay City Zoning Ordinance of 2015(the "Z0.16").
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance


Section 1. Title of the Ordinance. This Ordinance together with its appended Official
Zoning Maps (OZM) and Land Use Development and Management Guidelines (LUDMG)
and other documents such as pertinent excerpts from the National Building Code of the
Philippines (NBCP), its 2004 Revised IRR, referral codes (RCs) and derivative regulations
(DRs), which shall altogether comprise its implementing rules and regulations (IRR),
guidelines, standards and references, prepared in accordance with the duly-approved
Comprehensive Land Water and Air Use Plan (CLWAUP)i.e. the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan (CLUP), shall be collectively known as A Zoning Ordinance Together With The
Comprehensive Land Use Plan For The City of Pasay, Providing For The Administration,
Enforcement and Amendment Thereof And For the Repeal Of All Ordinance In Confli t
Therewith (hereinafter referred to as the Z0.16")


Section 2. Authority. The Z0.16 is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Local
Government Code (LGC) of 1991, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160 Section 458 (2 ix)
authorizing the LGU of the City of Pasay through its Sangguniang Panlungsod to adopt a
ZO in consonance with the approved CLUP and in conformity with Executive Order (EO)
No. 72, series of 1993.

Section 3. Purposes. The ZO.16is enacted for the following purposes:

1. Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general
welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Pasay;
2. Guide the growth and development of the City of Pasay in accordance with its duly
approved CLUP;
3. Provide the proper regulatory environment to maximize opportunities for creativity,
innovation and make ample room for development within the framework of Pasay
City's overall goals and objectives;
4. Enhance the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional, utility/ transportation, open space and other functional areas within
Pasay City and promote the orderly and beneficial development of the same; and
5. Guide the LGU and the private sector in their development decisions.

Section 4. General Principles. The ZO.16 is base~ on the approved Pasay Citv CLUP as
per Sangguniang Panlungsod Resolution No. 3764~ ' 2 0 1 6 dated . June _13 , _2016 . \ ~

The Z0.16 reflects Pasay City's year 2014 to 2022 vision to be "a premier city a n d ~
travel destination- thriving with livable neighborhoods, a progressive economy, an empowere'd
community, modern infrastructure, and a sustainable environment - all managed through a\ \
transparent and efficient governance system" , \
1. The ZO.16 recognizes that any land use is a use by right but provides that the exercise
of such right shall be subject to the review standards under the LUDMG and the 2004
IRR of the NBCP.
2. The ZO.16 gives the free market the maximum opportunity to spur Pasay City's
development within a framework of environmental integrity and social responsibility.
3. The ZO.16 has been designed to encourage/ promote the evolution of high-quality
developments rather than regulating against the worst type of projects.
4. The ZO.16 has been crafted in a manner that is fully responsive to the continually
changing conditions that Pasay City faces.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

5. The Z0.16 provides a direct venue for community empowerment where the
stakeholders become involved especially in critical development/ redevelopment
6. The LUDMG in particular shall function as a tool for informed decision-making on the
part of Pasay City's Land Use and Zoning Administrator (LUZA) by way of providing ·
specific criteria to judge the acceptability of proposed developments and/ or
7. The regulations in the LUDMG and in the 2004 IRR of the NBCP are considered as land
use management tools that are necessary to provide a clear guidance to land and
property development/ redevelopment in order to ensure the community's common


The definition of the technical terms used in Z0.16 shall basically carry the same meanin
given to them in already approved codes and regulations such as, but not limited to, P.O.
No. 1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
and its various Referral Codes (RCs, reference Annexes "D"); P.D. No. 1067, the 1976 Water
Code; the Philippine Environmental Code (PEC); and the various Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) promulgated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB).
The words, terms and phrases enumerated hereunder shall be understood to have the
correspond ing meanings indicated as follows:

1. Adaptive Reuse - the process of adapting land use or building occupancy of existing/
used/ old/ dilapidated buildings or structures for purposes other than those originally
2. Aerodrome - a defined area on land or water (including any building, installation or
equipment) used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft (fixed wing and rotary).
3. Air Right - the right to physically develop and subsequently benefit or profit from the
continued use of the air space above the road right-of-way (RROW) or other rights-of-
way (ROWs) or mandated legal easements (MLEs) or private/ public property outside
or along such ROWs or easements, subject to the payment of lease to the appropriate
party for availing of such rights. The upper limit of the air rights is the airways
navigational path such as the clearance limits of aerodrome and flight patterns as
defined by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). The lower limit is
along a line or plane situated about four point two meters (4.2 m) above the crown of
the carriageway.
4. Airport (or Airfield) - a defined area on land or water that is used for aircraft operations
and for the handling/ management of the transported passengers and cargo/ freight.
5. Alignments - are the surface areas/ spaces traversed by a national RROW, similar
ROWs, mandated legal easements (MLEs) or similar public spaces, which form part'of
the public domain and are therefore disallowed sites for non-mobile billboards (NMBs)~
6. Alley - Any space or access-way dedicated or deeded to the public or for public se
(part of the public domain) as a dedicated passageway mainly for pedestrians, wit a
width of not more than three meters (3.0 m). If the alley is made larger to attain a cle'a:
width of between 3.01 m and 5.99 m, motorized vehicles are allowed access/ use bu
prohibited from parking at any time.
7. Allowable Impervious Surface Area Ratio (AISAR) - the ratio between the coverage of
ground level impervious surfaces to the total lot area (TLA). This is expressed as a
percentage (%) over and above the resultant Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) for
each development, i.e. the structure/ building footprint. The computation of impervious
surface area coverage shall include spaces outside the structure/ building envelope (or
walls), such as driveways, walks, parking areas, etc.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

8. Arcade - Any horizontal portion of a building at the ground floor, which may or may not (
integrate the sidewalk forming part of the road right-of-way (RROW), bound by the .,_~~
building face on one side, roofed to protect pedestrians against the elements and
connected to other arcades forming part of adjoining buildings/ structures.
9. Barangay- a basic local government unit.
10. BHL (Building Height Limit) - means the maximum height to be allowed for a
building/structure based on their proposed use/occupancy and usually expressed as
number of floors/ levels or storey's above the lowest grade line e.g. above the lowest
level of the sidewalk facing the property and leading to the existing or proposed
structure/ building. The BHL is generally measured from the established grade line to
the topmost portion of such a building/ structure, inclusive of a non-mobile billboard\~
(NMB), if mounted on top of such a building/ structure. The BHL is general ~
determined after the application of other development controls (DCs) and certain ot
parameters i.e. considerations of site conditions, view, etc. If applicable, the BHL m
be subject to clearance requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippi
(CAAP) or of the concerned military /security authorities. The BHL excludes the hei 1,1
of permitted/ allowed projections above the roof of the building/structure e.g. signa e
mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons and the like.
11. Billboard, Non-Mobile (NMB) - means an attention-getting device consisting of a
support structure, a display or message area, a lighting system and related components.
The term also refers to all types of identification, description, illustration, images,
pictures, display or device which is affixed to or represented directly or indirectly upon

a portion of a building/ structure, support structure or land and which directs attention
to a product, place, activity, person, institution, business, idea or belief. The term shall
be generic and shall collectively refer to but not be limited to multi-media or tri-vision
billboards, neon or other illuminated signs, painted signs and the like. A billboard
positioned at a fixed location, usually along a national road right-of-way (RROW),
where it can be readily and continuously viewed by the passing public.
12. Buffer Area - these are yards, setbacks, parks or open spaces intended to separate
incompatible elements or uses and to control pollution/ nuisance. ~"
13. CAAP - shall mean the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, an agency under the ~
Department of Transportation and Communications (DoTC) which prescribes
structure/building height limits at approaches to the airport zone (aerodrome).
14. Certificate of Conformance (CC) - certificate issued to business establishments prior to
the granting of business/ license permit certifying that the proposed kind of busines
conforms to the provisions herein provided; the same CC, shall support applications for
business permit accompanied by the requisite plans/ designs, specifications, estimate
etc., with a statement from the ZA, duly concurred by the CPDC, that the propose \
building/ structure (new or for retrofit) fully complies with this Zoning Ordinance (ZOJ
15. Certificate of Non-Conformance (CNC) - certificate issued to owners of all landsY,
properties for which actual land uses are already existing prior to the approval of Z0.16~
but that such land uses do not conform to the provisions herein provided. \ \. - ~
16. Cer tificate of Zoning Classification (CZC) - a document issued by the Zoni'l:!g~
Administrator (ZA) citing the zoning classification of any land in question based oh
Z0.16. ]
17. City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) - the agency of the LGU which shall assist
the Zoning Administrator (ZA) in the implementation and enforcement of ZO.16 and the
Land Use, Development and Management Guidelines (LUDMG) and the 2004 Revised
IRR of the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) and in the preparation of i~
the future additional Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of ZO.16. \\
18. City Planning and Development Coordinator (CPDC) - the officer of the Local ~--.
Government Un it (LGU) who heads the CPDO and who shall act in a concurrent capacity ~- ·\__
as the Zoning Administrator (ZA), the main implementing authority for ZO.16. \\
19. Climate Change - a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of
weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be: ~
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

change in average weather conditions or the distribution of events around that average ~
e.g. more or fewer extreme weather events. Climate change may be limited to a specific
region/s in the Philippines or its western or eastern seaboard, or may occur across the
entire country, the Pacific Basin or the West Philippine Sea.
20. Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)- the response to climate change that seeks to reduce
the vulnerability of biological systems to climate change effects, whereby adaptation
involves changing infrastructure and practices to limit the risks posed by climate
changes. Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is vital in order to reduce
the impacts of climate change that are happening now and to increase resilience to
future impacts. In the specific context of climate change, adapting means adjusting to
new set of climatic attributes, either new or unfamiliar from those already existing.
21. Commercial - An urban area within the city for trading/ services/ business purpo e
Commercial zones can be divided into areas of low, medium and/or high density
[definition of general zoning classifications supplied on page 117 of the 2006 HLURB
CLUP Gu;de Book {A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use Preparation Volume 1))
a) Light Commercial (C-1) Zone shall be used principally for trade, services and
business activities at a neighborhood or community level of commercial land use and
building occupancy. The buildings on C-1 lots are characterized mainly as low-rise
buildings/ structures for low intensity commercial activities i.e. 1- to 3-storey
shopping centers ofless than five thousand square meters gross floor area (5,000 sqm
GFA), small offices or mixed-use occupancy/ buildings of less than two thousand
(2,000)sqm GFA, and the like;
b) Medium Commercial (C-2) Zone shal1 be used principaUy for trade, services and
business activities at a city level of commercial land use and building occupancy. The
buildings on C-2 lots are characterized mainly as medium-rise buildings/ structures ,~. .
for medium to high intensity commercial activities i.e. 3- to 5-storey shopping centers ~
of between five thousand (5,000) to ten thousand (10,000)sqm GFA, medium to large
offices or mixed-use occupancy/ buildings of between two thousand (2,000) to five
thousand (5,000)sqm GFA, and the like; and
c) Metropolitan Commercial (C-3) Zone shall be used principally for trade, services
and business activities at a metropolitan level of commercial land use and building
occupancy. The buildings on C-3 lots are characterized mainly as medium-rise to high-
rise buildings/ structures for high to very high intensity commercial activities i\.
large to very large shopping malls of more than ten thousand (10,000)sqm GFA, ver ·
large offices or mixed-use occupancy/ buildings of more than five thousand
(5,000)sqm GFA, and the like.
22. Compatible Uses - uses or activities capable of existing together harmonious! \\e.g.
residential land uses co-existing side by side with parks and playgrounds. \
23. Component Zone - a sub-zone specifying a certain type or class of land use within arse
zoned as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) under Z0.16.
24. Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) - a document embodying specific policies an
programs for guiding and regulating growth and development The CLUP and any of its
variants, is an LGU-wide short- through medium-term development plan of the LGU
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). The CLUP is the primary basis for the Zoning
Ordinance (ZO). The main components of the CLUP in this usage are the sectoral
studies i.e. Environment, Social, Economic, Land Use, Transport, Infrastructure and
Institutional (Local Government Administration). For the City of Pasay, the CLUP shal
take the form of a Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan (CLWAUP) due to th
presence of a City Waters Area (CWA) i.e. the waterways and of the City Air Area (CAA) _
including the aerodrome above and around the NAIA Complex.
25. Conflicting Uses - uses or activities with contrasting characteristics sited adjacent to
each other e.g. residential. units adjacent to industrial/ manufacturing plants.

---------------5 \ '
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

26. ~onforming Use - a use that is in accordance with the zone regulations as provided for . . ~ ..
mZ0.1 6. ~
27. Cultural - A community to national level of cultural use or occupancy, characterized
mainly as a low to medium-rise building/ structure for cultural activities, e.g. cultura
centers, convention centers, very large office or mixed-use/ occupancy buildings and
the like. (definition of zoning classifications supplied under Table Vll.1 of Rule VII of the
2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No.1096, the 1977 NBCP)
28. Development-Committed Land (DCL) - land forming part of a PUD for which a
development master plan (DMP) has already been prepared by the concerned
developer, that is th ereafter reviewed and approved by the City; as a DCL, the
development of such a piece of property shall be generally dictated by market forces r
the level of needs that have to be addressed; as such, DCLs may remain vaca,
underdeveloped or undeveloped for extended periods of time but not to exceed 5 ye s
from LGU approval of the DMP;
29. Development - the acts of a Developer relating to assessing, planning, designin
managing, constructing/ finishing and delivering a building/ structure, including its
site/ grounds and its fit-out (furniture/ fixtures/ fittings/ equipment, as applicable) to
the intended user/ occupant/ beneficiary, and the subsequent acts relating to the
administration, operation and maintenance of such a building/ structure by its lawful~
30. Development Controls (DCs) - the body of State and local laws and the pertinent
executive issuances that altogether limit the building bulk for any building/ structure
on a given project site. These include this Zoning Ordinance, physical planning ahd
environmental laws, design/ development and construction laws, and their respectiv'~
implementing rules and regulations (IRRs) and derivative regulations (DRs).
31. Development Potential - the physical properties of a lot/ property or buil~~g/
structure allowing the same to fully evolve into a viable facility/ setting for h~~\.~
habitation and related activities, as generally determined by the iterative interaction\°~
applicable Development Controls (DCs). The Development Potential must be tempered
by the carrying capacity of the setting (natural and built environments, including
communities) to host a development (generally a building/ structure).
32. Development Potential of a Lot, Maximum - the physical property of a lot/ property
allowing the same to host a fully evolved building/ structure at maximum permitted
development, and that is intended to act as a viable facility/ setting for human
habitation and related activities, as specifically determined by the iterative cum '-\
interactive application of Development Controls (DCs) on the Total Lot Area (TLA). The "(_
key DCs are the FLAR-GFA-TGFA combine, the PSO/ AMBF combine, the BHL in relation ~
to RROW / street width and the intended building use/ occupancy, the OFB-AMVB
combine in relation to the Angles/ Slopes from RROW Centerlines (and the Angular
Plane Along RROW), and the like. (reference the perti nent definitions of acronyms
used). The Maximum Development Potential of a Lot must be tempered by the carrying
capacity of the setting (natural and built environments, including communities),
particularly the RROW / street and its utility systems, to host a development (generally
a build ing/ structure).
33. Disaster -A natural or man-made hazard that has come to fruition, resulting in an event
of substantial extent causing significant physical damage or destruction, injury and loss
of life, or drastic change to the environment. A disaster is also defined as any tragic~
event with great loss of lives and properties, stemming from events such as
earthquakes, floods, catastrophic accidents, fires, or explosions.
34. Disaster Preparedness (or Emergency Management) - An interdisciplinary field of
human endeavor dealing with the strategic organizational management processes used ~

to protect critical assets from hazard risks that can cause disasters or catastrophes, and ) · \
to ensure the continuance of the organization within their planned lifetime. Assets are , · ~
categorized as either living things, non-living things, cultural or economic. Hazards are "
categorized by their cause, either natural or man-made. The entire emergency

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

management process is divided into four (4) sub-fields to: a) aid in identifi cation of the
processes, normally dealing with risk reduction, b) preparing resources to respond to
the hazard, c) responding to the actual damage caused by the hazard and limiting
further damage e.g. emergency evacuation, quarantine, mass decontamination, etc., and
d) returning conditions as close as possible to the state before the hazard incident. The
de fi nition necessarily encompasses the concepts of disaster response and mitigation.
35. Disaster Resilience - the quality of a building/ structure and its grounds/ site or by its
plans and designs, generally characterized by the reduced probability of failure of its
architectonics, the reduced consequences due to the failure of its architectonics, and
reduced time to the restoration of the architectonics to full operating/ beneficial stat
36. Easement (specifically Mandated Legal Easements/ MLEs) - required open spac
imposed by law on any land use/ activities sited alongside waterways, road-rights-a
way (RROWs), and land designated for use for cemeteries/ memorial par ,
transportation, utilities and the like. MLEs specifically refer to the public area that ma
lie between the legally usable portions of a private/ public property and natural or buil
bodies of water or waterways, as mandated by P.D. No. 1067, the 1976 Water Code of
the Philippines and under P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the
Philippines (NBCP). It is also defined as a publi.c open space mandated by law, and
forming part of the Public Domain, that must be absolutely free of all forms of physical
obstructions that can negatively affect natural light and ventilation within such a space
or that can impede access to or the full recreational use of such a space by the general f~
publi c. ~
37. Eco-Tourism Uses (ETU) - environmentally-sound tourism activities in a givent
ecosystem yielding socio-economic benefits and enhancing natural and cultural
diversity conservation. \
38. End-User Popula tion Limit (EUPL) - shall refer to the intended maximum structure/
building population or the design population of end-users who will reside, worl \ ~ r
otherwise frequent the structure/ building, to wit:

a) ~:~~~u~ /oers~~)e~~ ~;~!~e~~:ro~~~a:i(~F~~~R:~al~o~e;:re7o ~~:te~~m~~~a{~

residents who can actually live, i.e. sleep/ eat/ rest/ bathe/ wash. / do househo~~
chores, etc. on a 24-hour basis within a dwelling space measuring 16.0 Sqm(which
is the new minimum area for a dwelling unit as provided for in the revised IRR of
Batas Pambansa Bilang/ B.P. Big. 220 as prepared by the HLURB in 2008);
b) Maximum Non- Permanent Resident Population (MNRP) for every sixteen
(16.0)sqm of GFA - shall refer to the number of visitors who can actually live
within a dwelling space measuring 16.0 sqm for a limited period, i.e. say a
maximum of two (2) weeks;
c) Daytime Population for every sixteen (16.0)sqm of GFA - shall refe r to the number
of residents/ permanent occupants/ visitors/ other end-users who can actually
live or conduct business during regular office hours, i.e. 7:00 a.m. through 6:00
p.m., within a residential/ commercial/ industrial/ utility/ etc. space;
d) Night-time Population for every sixteen (16.0)sqm of GFA - shall refe r to the
number of residents/ permanent occupants/ visitors who can actually live after
and prior to office hours, i.e. 6:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., within a residential
space; shall also refer to the number of permanent occupants/ visitors/ other end
users who can actually conduct business/ engage in social/ recreation/
entertainment activities during overtime hours or during regular business hours
(at night time establishments), i.e. 7:00 p.m. through 3:00 a.m., within a
commercial/ industrial/ utility/ etc. space.
39. Environmentally Critical Areas (ECAs) refer to those areas which
environmentally-sensitive and are listed in Proclamation No. 2146 dated
December 1981, as applicable to Pasay City, to wit:
a) All areas declared by law as national parks;
b) Areas set aside as aesthetic/potential tourist spots;
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

c) Areas of unique historic, archaeological, or scientific interests;

d) Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards,
floods, typhoons, etc.);
e) Recharge areas of aquifers;
f) Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the following
i. tapped for domestic purposes; and
ii. within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by appropriate
40. Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) - refer to those projects which have high
potential for negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presiden .· I
Proclamation No. 2146 dated 14 December 1981, as follows;
a) Infrastructure projects
i. major power plants (fossil-fueled); and
ii. major roads and bridges.
41. Esplanade - a long, open, level area, usually next to a river or large body of water, which
may be landscaped, and where people may walk and where wheeled manual and
motorized conveyances (bicycles, cars, etc.) may pass alongside the walk. Esplanades
are often on sea fronts, and allow walking whatever the state of the tide, without having
to walk on the beach.
42. Exception - a device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of
20.16 where because of the specific use would result in a parti.cular hardship upon the
43. Extreme/ Extraordinary Events (EE) - natural or man-caused events that cause t
widespread destruction to property and/or injury/ loss of life; these include _,
earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, very strong typhoons, heavy floo ding,
extensive fire (urban/ grass/ forest), war, invasion, pestilence, epidemics and the like.
44. Flood - the overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land; a temporary covering
by water of land not normally covered by water; flooding may be due to excessive rain,
storms and other extreme events such as tsunamis, massive surface water flows, no\
percolation of land, inflow of the tide and/or river or lake overflows or dam/ dike/~
polder / levee ~reaks (w~ereby the result is that previously contained water escapes its
usual boundaries/ containment structures)
45. Forest, Urban - An urban forest is a growth of trees and other plants densely coverin a
portion or portions of the city.
46. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - is a key development control (DC) that limits the right over the
Gross Floor Area (GFA) that can be lawfully generated/ developed for a new/ adapted/
existing building/ structure in relation to the applicable total lot area (TLA) of a
property (or piece of land) on which it shall stand. The generated GFA excludes parking
areas/ driveways/ ramps and service/ utility areas (specifically such spaces found at
basement levels) and other areas consistent with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board (BLURB) definition contained in the 2014 Model Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and
with the 2004 Revised IRR of the NBCP, where FAR is termed Floor to Lot Area Ratio
(FLAR), whichever is more stringent For new buildings, the FAR is determined by
multiplying the TLA by the assigned FLAR designations/ rights to arrive at the GFA. For
existing buildings, the FAR can be determined by dividing the GFA of the structure/
building by the TLA The GFA of any proposed/ existing structure/ building must not
exceed the prescribed FAR/ FLAR multiplied by the TLA.As per the HLURB definition, the FA
of any zone should be based on its capacity to support development in terms of the absolute level o
density that the transportation and other utility networks can support
47. General Commercial Uses (GCU) - land use activities involved in business, trade
48. Gross Floor Area (GFA) - Consistent with the HLURB definition conta ined in the 1996
Model Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and with the 2004 Revised IRR of the NBCP, whichever is
more stringent, the GFA of a structure/ building is the total floor space within the

Pasay Cit;y Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

perimeter of the permanent external building walls (inclusive of main and auxiliary
buildings), where measurements are reckoned from the exterior faces of the building
walls, and occupied by:
a) Office areas;
b) Residential areas;
c) Corridors;
d) Lobbies;
e) Mezzanine Leveljs;
f) Vertical penetrations which shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, pipe
shafts, vertical shafts, vertical ducts, and the like and their enclosing walls;
g) Machine room and closets;
h) Storage rooms and closets;
i) Covered balconies and terraces; and
j) Interior walls and columns and other interior features.

The HLURB 1996 MZO also defines the GFA as excluding the following:
a) Covered areas used for parking and driveways, including vertical penetrations in~
parking floors where no residential or office units are present; and
b) Uncovered areas for air-conditioning cooling towers, overhead water tanks, roof
decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpool or Jacuzzis,
gardens, courts or plazas. ~

49. General Residential Uses (GRU) - land use activities principally for dwelJing/ housing.
50. HLURB - shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, an agency under the
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).
51. Impervious Surface - type of man-made surface resting on natural or graded land and
which does not permit the percolation of surface water from above and its possible
penetration from below. Impervious surfaces such as paved concrete do not have the
capability to retard surface water flow, thereby contributing to flashfloods at at areas ~
with lower elevations.
52. Industrial - An urban area within the City for industrial purposes. Industrial zones can be '
divided into areas of light, medium or heavy industry. (definition of general zoning ~ ,,.
classifications supplied on page 12 of the 2014HLURB CLUP Guide Book (A Guid~ to
Comprehensive Land Use Preparation Volume 3) ~
a) Light Industrial (1-1) Zone shall be used principally for non-pollutive/ non-
hazardous manufacturing/ production purposes only. Existing manufacturin~/
processing activities defined as r-1 under the pertinent HLURB Model ZO ml.Rst
be phased out within three(3.0) years from enactment of ZO.16. This zone ~
characterized mainly as a site for a low-rise but sprawling building/ structure
for low intensity manufacturing or production activities.
53. Institutional - An urban area within a city or municipality principally for institutional
establishments. rnstitutional zones can be divided into general and special types.
(definition ofgeneral zoning classifications supplied on page 117 of the 2006 HLURB CLUP
Guide Book (A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use Preparation Volume 1)
a)General Institutional Zone (GlZ) shall be used principally for general institutional
purposes at a community to national level of institutional land use and building
occupancy. It is characterized by low-rise to high-rise buildings/ structures for
medical, government services, administrative and related activities e.g. hospitals
and related health care facilities, government offices, military/ police and
correctional facilities and the like.
54. Land Use Development and Management Guidelines (LUDMG) - refer to all applicable
development controls for all open, vacant, underutilized development-committed an
similarly-situated lands and for the redevelopment of developed lands and properties, to

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

a) structure/ building footprint restrictions, i.e. PSO and AISAR for impervious
b) building bulk restriction, i.e. FAR/ FLAR;
c) building height restrictions, i.e. BHL and applicable CAAP structure/ building
height limits;
d) off-street parking provisions, i.e. MOPR; and
e) end-user population limit (EUPL).

The LUDMG are imposed to control, among others, traffic generation, requirements o
utilities, over-building, over-paving, over-crowding and visual access. The LUDMG is als
required to enable individual developments to attain the desired zone character.
LUDMG is applied as follows:
a) Maximum Allowable Building Area Per Floor (in Square Meters) = Lot Area x
Allowable PSO;
b) Maximum Allowable Gross Floor Area (in Square Meters)= Lot Area x Allowable
FAR/ FLAR Designation/ Rights;
c) In determining the maximum number of floors per building, BHL and CAAP
regulations (if applicable) shall apply; and
d) In determining the minimum off-street parking requirements (MOPR),
particularly for new developments and/or redevelopments, the MOPR shall apply. \
For planned unit development (PUD) schemes, horizontal residential -- ~
developments and the like, the LUDMG shall apply to individual lot parcels. Gross
open spaces (defined as common areas, roads, etc.) shall be governed by the
requirements of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 957, Batas Pambansa Bilang(B.P.
Blg.)220, RA. No. 7279 (UDHA) and related laws, rules and regulations.

For a parcel of land that has no lot/ parcellary subdivisions, the LUDMG shall
apply to the gross total lot area (TLA) of the parcel and the GFA of the buildings to
be constructed thereat In the event that such a parcel of land is developed into
individual lots as part of a mixed-use development (MUD) or planned unit
development (PUD), residential or commercial subdivision, the LUDMG shall
apply as follows:
e) The FAR of all the individual lots in the PUD, i.e. derived by dividing the\ total ,.,/ -
gross floor area (TGFA) of the individual buildings in the PUD by their g}oss \i
TLA, shall not exceed the maximum FAR that applies to the entire PUD \ ~ \I
prescribed in this ZO. In equation form: /~

Total gross floor area (TGFA)

of individual buildings in PUD
Maximum FAR of entire PUD
Gross total land area (GTLA)
of individual lots in PUD

i) No individual lot shall exceed a FAR that is three times (3x) the maximum
FAR/ FLAR that applies to the entire PUD.
ii) The owner/ developer of the subdivided PUD shall show and declare in the
development master plan (DMP), prepared, signed and sealed by a duly
(State) registered and licensed Environmental Planner (EnP) who shall be
professionally responsible and civilly liable for the DMP, that it submits to
the Zoning Administrator (ZA), that such subdivision is part of a PUD.
iii) PSO, BHL and AISAR controls shall apply to the PUD.
iv) The LUDMG is part of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of this 2015
Zoning Ordinance.
55. Liquefaction - refers to the geologic process by which saturated, unconsolidated
sediments are transformed into a substance that acts like liquid; earthquakes can ca s
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

soil liquefaction where loosely packed, water logged sediments come loose from the
intense shaking by the earthquake.
56. Locational Clearance - a clearance issued to all types of development/ redevelopment
projects that is allowed under the provisions of the Z0.16 as well as other standards, ~
rules and regulations on land use. This clearance is required prior to the issuance of a
building permit
57. MMDA - shall mean the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.
58. Mandated Lega l Easement (MLE) or Legal Easement- the open space, forming part of
public domain, that is required along the banks of waterways, in full conformity with P.
No. 1067, the Water Code of the Philippines;
59. Mitigating Device - a means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of Z0.16.
60. Model Zoning Ordinance (MZO), otherwise known as Volume 3 of the Guidelines for th
Formu lation/ Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), authored by the
HLURB - a reference document used in the preparation of the CLUP and of this ZO. The
MZO shall serve as one of the officially appended references for this ZO.
61. Minimum Off-Street and On-Street Parking Requirement (MOOPR) - defined as the
minimum parking provisions to be provided within property lines and along portions of
the immediately affected road rights-of-way (RROWs) as provided for under P.D. No.
1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) and its 2004 Revised
IRR. ~
62. Minimum Off-street Parking Requirement (MOPR) - defined as the minimum parking <.. ~
provisions to be provided solely within property lines and which shall necessarily exceed
the Minimum Off-street and On-street Parking Requirement (MOOPR) under the 1977
NBCP and its 2004 Revised IRR.
63. National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) of 1977, otherwise known as
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096 - the special .law on the design and construction of ,,
buildings/ structures and their prescribed occupancies in relation to permitted land
uses/ zoning classifications, including its 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) and its various Referral Codes (RCs) not limited to R.A. No. 9514 (2008
Fire Code of the Philippines/ FCP), B.P. Big. 344 (1983 law to enhance the mobility of ~
disabled persons), P.D. No. 1067 (1976 Water Code of the Philippines), P.D. No. 856
(1974 Sanitation Code of the Philippines), etc., and their respective IRRs. The NBCP (or {
its successor law), its 2004 Revised IRR (or later issuances), its additional rules and ~
regulations (ARR) duly promulgated by the Department of Public Works and Highwa}-s
(DPWH, or its successor agency) as the minimum national building standards cum~
development controls (DCs), its RCs (duly endorsed by the DPWH as national buil~ing
standards and DCs that may be higher than those prescribed by the NBCP), an<\'{ts
derivative regulations (DRs) such as Memorandum Circulars (MCs) and related issuan\es
periodically promulgated by the DPWH Secretary, in his capacity as the National Buildii\~
Official (NBO) under the NBCP or related issuances of the Office of the President (OP),
shall collectively serve as part of the official IRR for this Zoning Ordinance. Subsequent
DPWH issuances specifically relating to additional (and higher) building standards under
the NBCP such as the Sustainable Building Regulations (SBR i.e. the Green Building Code)
and the Building Design Guidelines (BDG), or their equivalent documents duly
promulgated by the DPWH, shall likewise form part of the IRR of this Zoning Ordinance.
64. No Building Zone (NBZ) - portions of the public domain at all its development levels i.e.
below grade, grade and above grade, where no habitable or usable buildings/ structures
or portions of buildings i.e. including architectural projections, whether temporary or
permanent, are permitted.
65. Non-Conforming Use - existing non-conforming uses/ establishments in an area allowed
to operate in spite of the non-conformity to the provisions of Z0.16 subject to t h r
conditions stipulated in the Locational Clearance (LC).
66. Official Development Master Plan (ODMP) - defined under this ZO as the require
comprehensive development master plan (CDMP) for any proposed Planned Uni

I] ·i

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Development (PUD) within Pasay City, whether for a new development or for a
development espousing urban renewal and redevelopment at existing settled/
developed/ underdeveloped areas. The COMP to be prepared by the PUD proponent
must show the exact locations of the proposed/ designated component land uses or
zones at the PUD zone. The ODMP shall first be reviewed by the CPDO and the ZA prior to
endorsement to the Office of the City Mayor for official approval and for subsequent
detailed planning, design and implementation activities.
67. Official Zoning Map (OZM) - a duly-authenticated map delineating the different zones
into whi.ch the whole of Pasay City is divided (refer to Annex 'JI" and Annex "B.1 "throu
Annex "B.6'J. The OZM shall constitute part of the IRR of this Zoning Ordinance.
68. Official Zoning Map by Lot (OZML) - a separate duly-authenticated map delineating the
different zone classificatfons for all individually-titled lots/ properties in the whole of
Pasay City. The OZML shall be prepared by the Zoning Administrator (ZA)/ City Planning
and Development Office (CPD0), City Engineer's Offi ce, Ci ty Assesso r's Offi ce and by the
Office of the Building Official (080) and shall officially form part of the IRR of Z0.16. The
OZML shall be prepared from data appearing on cadastral maps, tax maps, the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR) zonal valuation, detailed land/building use maps/ information,
etc The OZML shall officially form part of the JRR-Z0.16.
The OZML will allow the display of more detailed information not appearing in the OZM,
i.e. actual locations and boundaries of R-2 lots, R-3 lots, R-4 lots, R-5 lots, SHZ lots, usage
ofroad lots/ RROWs, etc.
69. Open Space - shall primarily refer to prescri.bed setbacks, easements along waterways, ·=c:;::,,.,,.__
buffer areas between conflicting zones, and the like as prescribed in Z0.16. This
classification may refer to road rights-of-way (RROWs) only if said RROWs are generally
maintained free from pollution and free of all forms of physical obstructions that can
impede visual access and the continuous flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Open
spaces must be accessible t o the general public for their free use and enjoyment, must be L.
safe, must be barrier-free, must be environment-friendly, preferably greened, pedestrian-
friendly, disabled-friendly, sanitary, not used as a depository of waste matter or of
vehicles for long term parking (in excess of 8 hours day or night), not roofed or arcaded, .
conducive for rest, outdoor recreational and entertainment activities and the like. ~
70. Parking - the act of stationing a wheeled man/ animal-powered or motorized \
transportation conveyance on any portion of the RROW/ street or within a private/ \ ·~
public parking facility, over a period of time, usually more than thirty (30) secd.~ s,
whether or not the driver stays in/on or out of or away from the vehicle.
(a) Parking, Extended - is an act by any person, considered as the deliberate pri~~te
use or enjoyment of the public domain, which must be subject to an hourly fine ~~s
towing of the offending vehicle, in addition to lawful detention of the driver /s o
passengers as warranted or as the appropriate authorities may decide. In no ca~
shall the fine be less than five pesos (PhPS.0) per hour and the detention less than
twelve (12.0) hours from time of arrest for extended parking; and
(b) Parking, Illegal - is a person's act of parking .in an area/ surface for which
parking is prohibited or of extending parking well beyond the designated time.
71. Parking, Open - an uncovered area used for parking vehicles, where such vehicles and ,'
their users are exposed to the elements. '-'
72. Parking, Off-Street - a parking facility away from the RROW / street, usually in a '{...,_
private/ public lot or building/ structure. (._'••,,t
73. Parking, On-Street - a duly permitted parking faci lity on a lawfully designated portion of ~
the RROW / street used for periodic parking, and which must not be used for overnight
74. Parking Building/ Structure - A building/ structure of one or more levels in height
which is used exclusively for the sheltered or covered parking or storage of passenger
motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than twenty (20) seated passengers per
vehicle. Parking build ings/ structures may be classified as either ramp access on
mechanical access. Ramp access parking buildings/ structures are those employing a

Pasay Cit;y Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

series of levels connected by ramps that permit the movement of vehicles under their
own power from and to the street level. Mechanical access parking buildings/
structures are those employing parking machines, lifts, elevators or other mechanical
services for vehicles moving from and to street level. Long-term public occupancies of
any type above street level shall be prohibited.
75. Parks, Recreation and Entertainment (PRE) - a zone that is intended for public diversion/
amusement and for the maintenance of the ecological balance of the community.
76. Park and Other Recreational Areas- An area designed for open space recreation
facilities and the maintenance of ecological balance of the community. (definition o
general zoning classifications supplied on page 117 of the 2006 HLURB CLUP Guide Boo
(A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use Preparation Volume 1)
ft is characterized by a range of recreational land uses or building occupancies, that are
housed/ sited mainly in a low-rise or medium-rise building/ structure for low to
medium intensity recreational or entertainment functions related to educational uses
e.g. structures on campuses or its component parks/ open space sand all other kinds of
recreational or assembly buildings/ structures on campus such as auditoria, mess halls,
seminar facilities, gymnasia, stad ia, arenas and the like.
77. Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) - defined as a percentage (%) of the maximum
allowable floor area of any building (at the ground floor/ level, not the basement level) to
the TLA. This includes the main and auxiliary buildings, if any. In case of discrepancy
between the specified PSO in ZO.16 and the Light and Ventilation provisions of the 1977
NBCP and its 2004 Revised lRR, the lesser allowable floor area shall prevail i.e. the more
stringent rule applies.
78. Planned Unit Development (PUD) - is defined under the HLURB 1996 MZO as "a land
development scheme wherein a project site is comprehensively planned as an entity via
unitary site plan which permits flexibility in planning, design, building siting,
complementary building types and land uses, usable open spaces, and the preservation of
natural land features"; however, under ZO.16, the term PUD shall be defined as follows :
land development or redevelopment schemes for a built-up or new project site wherei
said project site must have a comprehensive development master plan (COMP),
prepared, signed and sealed by a duly (State-) registered and licensed Environmental
Planner (RLEnP) who shall be professionally responsible and civilly liable for the CDMP,
or its acceptable equivalent duly approved by the CPDC and by the ZA. i.e. a unit~F
development plan/ site plan that permits flexibility in planning/ urban design/ desi~)
structure/ building siting, complementarily of building types and land uses, usable ope~~
spaces for general public use services and business activities and the preservation of
significant natural land features if feasible.
The following are only some common types of PUDs:
a) transportation/ transit-oriented developments (TODs);
b) mixed use developments (MUDs or MXDs);
c) residential enclaves;
d) business parks;
e) industrial parks;
f) tourism enterprise developments (TEDs);
g) institutional complexes, including civic centers, hospitals and campuses;
h) large memorial parks and recreational/ entertainment complexes; and
i) transportation and/or utility complexes; and ~
j) reclamation projects.
79. Promenade - a long, open, level area, specifically intended for walking, which may be
land scaped, and usually next to a waterway, river or large body of water, where p e o p l ~
may safely walk for recreational purposes.
80. Property Lines - are lines established by State-registered and licensed Geodeti
Engineers (RLGEs) to designate the boundaries of a property in relation to other
private/ public properties or the public domain. These comprise the outermost limits
for lawful development or construction on a bounded property.

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

81. Public Domain - land owned and controlled by the State or the LGU, common examples
of which are the road rights-of-way (RROWs) and rights-of-way (ROW) and all
components found therein, the mandated legal easements (MLEs) along waterways, to
include public lands on which public buildings/ structures such as civic centers,
hospitals, schools, health centers, fire and police stations, markets, terminals and the
like are erected and operated/ maintained.
82. Public Nuisance - a class of common law offense in which the injury, loss or damage is
suffered by the local community as a whole rather than by individual victims.
83. Public Way - A parcel of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky, that is m r
than three meters (3.0 m) in width, and that is designated for the free passage of
general public (pedestrian and vehicle). Extended parking beyond two (2) hours sha
not be allowed in such public spaces as the same constitutes private use and enjoymen
of the public domain.
84. Residential - An urban area within the City for dwelling/ housing purposes. Residential
zones can be divided into areas of low, medium and/or high density. (definition ofgeneral
zoning classifications supplied in the 2014 HLURB CLUP Guide Book (A Guide to
Comprehensive land Use Preparation Volume 3)
a) Residential 1 (R-1) - a low density residential zone i.e. at 30% open space, with 20
lots and below at an average total lot area (TLA) of 350.0 square meters
(sqm),characterized mainly by single-family, single-detached dwellings without any ~ '-.J
firewall, with the usual community ancillary uses on a neighborhood scale, such as ~-~
executive subdivisions and relatively exclusive residential communities which are not
subdivisions. R-1 lots must have setbacks and yards at all sides and firewalls or
similar abutments e.g. 3.0 m tall perimeter walls, are absolutely prohibited under the
National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), a national development control. As '-
per the NBCP, duplexes that are characterized by common firewalls (even if used as ~
single (nuclear) family dwellings) are not permitted in R-1 zones.
b) Residential 2 (R-2) - a medium density residential use or occupancy i.e. at 30% .
open space, with from 21 to 65 lots at an average TLA of from 107.7 sqm to 333.33 J_
sqm, characterized mainly as a low-rise, single-attached, duplex or multi-lev~~
building/ structure for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings. This includes R-2
structures within semi-exclusive subdivisions and semi-exclusive residential
communities which are not subdivisions. R-2 lots must have setbacks and yard~at
three (3) of its property lines. Under the NBCP, a national development contro~\,
firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall perimeter wall, sonly allowed along one (1)
side property line of a R-2 lot. There shall be two (2) general types of R-2 use or
occupancy, to wit:
i. Basic R-2 : single-attached or duplex building/structure of from one
(1) storey up to three (3) storeys in height and with each unit for
separate use as single-family dwellings and;
ii. Maximum R-2: low-rise multi-level building/structure of from three
(3) up to five (5) storeys in height and for use as multiple family
c) Residential 3 (R-3) - a high-density residential use or occupancy i.e. at 30% open
space, with from 66 to 100 lots at an average TLA of from 70.0 sqm to 106.0 sqm,
characterized mainly as a low-rise or medium-rise building/ structure for exclusive
use as multiple family dwellings with mixed housing types. R-3 structure may include
low-rise or medium-rise residential condominium buildings that are alread
commercial in nature and scale. R-3 lots must have setbacks and yards along its front
and rear property lines. Under the NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or
similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall perimeter wall, is only allowed along the two (2) side

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

property lines of a R-3 lot. With its small lot size, the provision for a parking space __\
within a R-3 lot is not a requirement. There shall be two (2) general types of R-3 use "- - - ~
or occupancy, to wit:
i. Basic R-3: row-house building/ structure of from one (1) storey up to
three(3) storeys in height and with each unit for separate use as single-
family dwellings; and
ii. Maximum R-3: medium-rise multi-level building/structure of from six
(6) up to twelve (12) storeys in height and for use as multiple family
d) Residential 4 (R-4) - a medium density residential use or occupancy, characterized
mainly as a low-rise townhouse building/ structure for exclusive use as multi le
family dwellings. The term R-4 specifically refers to the building/ structure on
individual lot (a townhouse unit) and generally refers to the series or rows of R-
buildings/ structures within a subdivided lot or property (a R-4 development). R-
iots must have setbacks and yards along the front and rear property lines. Under the
NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall
perimeter wall, is only allowed along the two (2) side property lines of a R-4 lot. With
its relatively large lot size, the provision for a parking space within a R-4 lot is a
e)Residential 5 (R-5) - a very high density residential use or occupancy, characterized
mainly as a medium-rise or high-rise condominium building/ structure for exclusive
use as multiple family dwelling. R-5 lots must have setbacks and yards along its front
and rear property lines. Under the NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or
similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall perimeter wall, may only be allowed along the two (2)
side property lines up to a NBCP-permitted height of the podium component of the
building. The tower component of the building (atop the podium component) must be
set back at all sides. With its large lot area and high BHL, the provision for parking
spaces at grade, below grade or above grade, within such a R-5 lot is a requirement.
88. Rezoning - a process of introducing amendments to or change in the text and maps
of ZO.16. It also includes amendment or change in view of reclassification under
Section 20 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code (LGC\
89. ROW (right-of-way) - a public space that forms part of the public dom~. n,
including the airspace above such a ROW:
a) Drainage ROW (DROW) - a dedicated land area reserved for the purpose of
introducing and maintaining and drainage line leading to an outfall;
b) Private/ Public ROW - a dedicated land area which may or may not be
secured, and primarily reserved for the passage of persons, animals,
vehicles, utilities, drainage and the like.
c) Transit ROW (TROW) - consists of the railway/ tracks on which transit
conveyances i.e. transit lines/ trains pass, the buffer areas on either side of
the railway for operational safety and fixed facilities for passenger
exchanges, inclusive of the airspace above such a TROW;
d) Utility ROW (UROW) - the area on which public utility lines e.g. power,
telecommunications, water supply, drainage, sewer, gas, etc. are allowed to
pass, including buffer/ safety zones, service/ maintenance areas and the
airspace above such a UROW;
e) Water ROW (WROW) - found in inland waterways such as rivers, streams,
lakes, canals and the like and consisting of the waterway/ vessel-way on
which boats/ ships/ barges pass, the embankments and portions of the
shore areas used to access the waterway/ vessel-way, including the airspace
above such a WROW

15 ~
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Pfan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

90. Road Right-of-Way (RROW) or Street - is a kind of open space that must be free of all
forms of physical obstructions that can impede the continuous flow of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic. It is the area lying between two (2) or more properties and is measured
from opposite property Jines. The RROW includes the carriageway/ roadway (on which
vehicles pass), the sidewalks (on which pedestrians pass) and pedestrian crossings at/
above/ below the carriageway/ roadway and sidewalk.
The RROW includes any of the following separators, utility and/or pedestrian movemen
1) curb and gutter cum sidewalk and/ or arcade;
2) open or covered drainage-way;
3) island/ median;
4) planting strips;
5) urban design elements such as street furniture, parking control devices and the lik ;
6) related/ similar structures.
The RROW is part of the public domain i.e. public land that should be equally enjoyed
all members of the community. It is not to be used for private use nor enjoyment to th
prejudice of the general public, such as : a) residential use; b) long-term or overnight
vehicle parking, i.e. unless duly designated as day and/or night pay-parking zones; c) as a
depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and the like; d)
vending or the conduct of other commercial/ business/ industrial activities; e)
unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will only benefit
certain entities i.e. private use and enjoyment, and which will ultimately result in
temporary, prolonged or permanent inconvenience to the general public.
a) Public RROW - Any access-way sited on a road lot, which is designated as a
public space and which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for
continued use by both pedestrians and vehicles. A public RROW is part of the
public domain and is usually paved and complete with the requisite facilitie\
and elements, all financed by public funds. As such, the public RROW cannot be
used for private use and enjoyment of any form, nor can it be used for any
private commercial or business purposes. If temporary private use on the public
RROW such as hourly parking is permitted, the appropriate parking fees siall
apply and all collected fees shall accrue to the appropriate Government age c:.y
tasked with its maintenance;
b) Private RROW - Any access-way sited on a road lot, which is designated as a
public space and which has been dedicated or deeded for continued use by both
pedestrians and vehicles. A private RROW, while considered part of the public
domain, is usually paved and complete with the requisite facilities and elements,

all financed by private funds. As such, certain portions of the private RROW may
be used for duly-permitted private use and enjoyment, commercial or business
purposes. If temporary private use on the private RROW such as hourly parking
is permitted, the appropriate parking fees shall apply and all collected fees shall
accrue to the entity that financed its construction and/or that spends for its
91. Settlement - a lawfully established setting for human habitation and related activities; a
lawful built environment on a natural environment developed for the purpose of
community creation, residence, social interaction, production and commerce and ~
related activities.
85. Sewage - refuse liquids or waste matter carried off by sewer pipes/ lines.
86. Sewer - a man-built subterranean conduit to carry sewage and sometimes surface a n ( f
rain/ storm water (for controlled/ limited flushing action).
87. Sewerage - the removal and disposal of sewage and surface water through sewer pipes
88. Sidewalk - the portion of the RROW / street which is for the exclusive use of
pedestrians. The use of the sidewalk in any form by vehicles such as laterally traversing

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

the length of the sidewalk or parking on the sidewalk is prohibited acts. Being part of
the public domain, any form of private use or enjoyment or any form of public use that
violates its dedicated function for pedestrian use are all prohibited.
89. Sign, Official - directional or information-conveying signs, in whatever form allowed
under the IRR of this Act, that shall be officially issued and erected by or through the ~
national or local government for the purpose of public service.
90. Sign, Temporary - a sign made of fabric/ cloth, vinyl/ plastic or similar light and/or ~
combustible material, with or without frame i.e. streamers, bills, posters and the like
that are installed within or outside a ROW for display /public viewing for a limited
period of time, subject to the issuance of the required permit/s.
91. Sign Structure - a structure that supports a large sign, usually a non-mobile billboard
92. Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ) - zones that are principally for socialized housing a
dwelling purposes for the underprivileged and homeless as defined in R.A. No. 7279, th
UDHA All less dense residential uses such as R-2, R-3 and R-4 (townhouses) ar
automatically allowed/ actually encouraged in this zone to attain a better residential mix.
R-5 uses (residential condominiums) are specifically disallowed in SHZ zones. Some
areas previously classified as Areas for Priority Development (APDs) have been zoned as
SHZ under ZO.16.
93. Socialized Housing - An area principally used for dwelling/ housing purposes of the
underprivileged/ low-income earners. (definition ofgeneral zoning classifications supphed
on page 117 of the 2006 HLURB CLUP Guide Book {A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use
Preparation Volume l);also refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and
lots or home lots only undertaken by the Government or the private sector for the
underprivileged and homeless citizens which shall include sites and services
development, long-term financing, liberalized terms on interest payments, and such
other benefits in accordance with the provisions of R.A. No. 7279 (the Urban Development
and Housing Act of 1992 or UDHAJ;
94. Special Permit (SP) and Public Hearing (PH) -For proposed land use/s or re-use/s that ~
are deemed incompatible with neighboring existing land uses of up to two hundred
meters (200.0m) away from the proposed land use or re-use, a Public Hearing with key .J
stakeholders must be conducted. Even if the proposed land use/ re-use is fou ~d \\
acceptable to the host community during such a Public Hearing, a subsequent Special~ ~
Permit must still be secured to further officially ascertain and thereafter document the
effect on the affected neighboring land uses in particular and on the host commun~ in
general. All costs of the proceedings (public hearings, special permits, etc.) must be bQ_i;-ne
by_the p~rty introducing the pr?posed l~nd use/ re-use that may be inco~patible w~
neighboring land uses. The Special Permit may be temporary or permanent m nature bu~
it must never go against the intent or specifications of ZO.16. In case of non-PUD land
uses, the Special Permit is to be issued by the CPDO (duly approved by the CPDC),
separately concurred in by the ZA and duly approved by the City Mayor.
95. Special (Area or Zone) - Other vertical facilities not mentioned under regular uses/
occupancies of buildings/ structures such as cemeteries, memorial parks and the like. }
(definition of zoning classifications supplied under Table Vl/.1 of Rule Vil of the 2004
Revised !RR of P.D. No.1096, the 1977 NBCP)
96. Tourism Sites - Sites within the City or municipalities endowed with natural or man- ~
made attributes and resources conducive to recreation and other activities. (definition of t
general zoning classifications supplied on page 117 of the 2006 HLURB CLUP Guide Book ~
(A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use Preparation Volume 1)
97. Total Construction Area (TCA) -the Grand Total Gross Floor Area for a building
consisting of the generated Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) or Gross Floor Area (GFA)
above grade, inclusive of the surface area of all structural and architectural elements PLUS
the TGF A or GF A generated below grade level i.e. basement level/s and/or lower ground
98. Use - as appearing in ZO.16, shall specifically refer to land use, any propose
development or redevelopment on land or water areas or air areas within Pasay City
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Limits or the proposed re-use of settled/ developed/ underdeveloped areas found

wi thin Pasay City Limits. ~
a) Use, Dominant - as appearing in Z0.16, shall specifically refer to building/ structure ~
use, including support uses such as service decks/ balconies and covered parking
found within the building footprint or that form part of the architectural projections of
the building (but excluding those floor areas found at basement levels, which are not
counted as part of the TGF A), found within Pasay City Limits, and that comprises
more than eighty percent (80%) up to one hundred percent (100%) of the total gross
floor area (TGFA) of the building.
b) Use, Majority - as appearing in Z0.16, shall specifically refer to building/ structure
use, including support uses such as service decks/ balconies and covered parking
found within the building footprint or that form part of the architectural projections of
the building (but excluding those floor areas found at basement levels, which are not
counted as part of the TGFA), found within Pasay City Limits, and that comprises
more than fifty percent (50%) up to eighty percent (80%) of the total gross floor area
(TGFA) of the building.
c) Use, Minority - as appearing in Z0.16, shall specifically refer to building/ structure
use, including support uses such as service decks/ balconies and covered parking
found within the building footprint or that form part of the architectural projections of
the building (but excluding those floor areas found at basement levels, which are not
counted as part of the TGF A), found within Pasay City Limits, and that comprises
less than fifty percent (50%) of the total gross floor area (TGFA) of the building.

99. Utilities and Transportation (UTS) Zone - shall primarily refer to lots, including road ~
lots utilized for pub]ic transportation operations or for infrastructure/ amenities/ ~
facilities/ services/ utilities (AFSU) intended for public use and/ or benefit. It shall also {
refer to mass transit alignment/s, waterways used for drainage or access/
transportation and to RROWs which do not qualify as open spaces by virtue of their
physical condition or actual use. This zone shall primarily refer to all the development
levels i.e. below-grade, grade and above grade levels of road rights-of-way (RROWs) or
streets (including carriageway/ roadway and sidewalks), and rights-of-way (ROWs) of ~
mass transit alignment/s and waterways used for drainage or access/ transportation
covering a range of utilitarian/ functional land uses and building occupancies, ,,
characterized mainly by low-rise or medium-rise buildings/ structures for low to fi,igh
intensity community support functions e.g. power and water generation/ distributibn
facilities, telecommunication facilities, drainage/ wastewater and sewerage facil~·ties~
solid waste handling facilities and the like, and terminals/ inter-modals/ multi-mo · als,
depots and the like.
100. Variance - a Special Locational Clearance (SLC) granting a land/ property owner retie
from certain provisions of ZO.16 where, because of the particular physical surrounding,
shape or topographical conditions of the land/ property, compliance on height, area,
setback, bulk and/ or density would result in a particular hardship upon the owner.
101. Warehouse - refers to a storage and/ or depository of those in the business of
performing warehouse services for others, for profit.
102. Water Zone (WZ) - bodies of water that include rivers, streams, lakes and seas except
those included in other zone classifications.
103. Water (Zone or Area) - Bodies of water within the City which include rivers, streams,
lakes and seas. (Definition of general zoning classifications supplied on page 117 of the
2006 HLURB CLUP Guide Book (A Guide to Comprehensive Land Use Preparation
Volume 1).
104. Zone - an area within Pasay City, as defined by man-made or natural boundaries,
where specific land use regulations are applied.
105. Zoning Administrator (ZA) - the Pasay City government official who shall be primarily
responsible for the implementation and enforcement of ZO.16.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

106. Zoning Ordinance 2015 (Z0.16) - shall refer to this Ordinance and its complete set of
implementing rules and regulations (IRR) i.e. its OZM cum OZML, its accompanying
LUDMG, P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP and its 2004 Revised IRR and references such as
the 1996, 2006 and 2014 HLURB MZOs. The complete set of the IRR of this ZO, as found
in its Annexes and Appendices (and Attachments), may be collectively referred to as

Section 5. Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map (OZM) of Pasay City duly signed .~
by the Mayor, the Vice Mayor as Presiding Officer of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, and the 't
CPDC/ZA and authenticated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), ~
wherein the designation, location and boundaries of the zones herein established are
shown and indicated (reference Annex'~ 'J.

The OZM (the general map) shall be supported by six (6) OZMs for the6Geograph
Development Zones (GDZ)of Pasay City. In case of any conflict between the OZM a d
the OZM for a particular GDZ, the latter, which is more detailed and printed at a larg
scale, shall prevail ( reference Annexes "B").

Section 6. Zone Boundaries. The locations and boundaries of the aforementioned zones
into which the City has been subdivided are presented in the appended OZM. In order to
verify where individual lot parcels fall, the official Pasay City Cadastral Map shall be the
base for said OZM.

Section 7. Interpretation of the Zone Boundary. In the interpretation of the boundaries

for any of the zones indicated on the OZM, the following rules shall apply:
1. Where zone or sub-zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow
the center of streets or highway, the street or highway road right-of-way (RROW) ~-
lines shall be construed to be the boundaries. ,
2. Where zone or sub-zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow ~
barangay boundary lines, the delineation shall be based on those indicated in '\he
official cadastral map. \ ,
3. Where zone or sub-zone boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately:
parallel to the centerlines or RROW lines of streets and highways, such zone~
boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance there
from as indicated in the OZM. If no distance is given, such dimension shall be
determined by the use of the scale shown in said OZM.
4. Where the boundary of a zone or sub-zone follows a stream, lake or other bodies o
water, said boundary line should be deemed to be at the limit of the political
jurisdiction of the community unless otherwise indicated. Boundaries indicated as
following shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines and in the event of
change in the shorelines, shall be construed as moving with the actual shorelines. t
Boundaries following bodies of water shall be subject to public easement
requirements as provided in P.D. No. 1067, the Water Code, in the applicable
provisions of Z0.16, and other applicable regulations.
5. Where a zone or sub-zone boundary line divides a lot, the lot shall be construed to be
within the zone where its major portion is located. In case the boundary line bisects
the lot, it shall fall in the zone where the principal structure/ building falls.
6. Where zone or sub-zone boundaries are said to be as indicated in the OZM, the
location of the parcel in consideration shall be determined by superimposing the
cadastral map on the former.
7. The mapped location of the property in consideration shall prevail over that of th
textual description.
Pasay Cfty Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance


Chapter 1. General Provisions

Section 8. General Provision. The City of Pasay recognizes that any land use is a use by
right but provides that the exercise of such right shall be subject to limits imposed by
law, particularly under R.A. No. 386, the 1949 Civil Code of the Philippines, under P.D.
No. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), under physical
planning cum development laws such as P.D. No. 957, and their derivative rules an
regulations, the review standards of ZO.16 and its accompanying LUDMG and the
attendant IRR-ZO.16 and/ or its components, including interpretati.ons of the ZO and
the OZM, which may be periodically issued by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, the CPDO
or the ZA.

No structure/ building, land or property shall hereafter be occupied or used and n

structure, build ing or property or any part thereof shall be erected, constructed or moved
or structurally altered except in compliance with the provisions of 20.16, its OZM, its
LUDMG and its attendant IRR-ZO.16 cum OZML (hereinafter collectively referred to as
the "Z0.16").

Section 9. Zone Classifications. In accordance with the HLURB MZO and/or the 2004
Revised IRR of the NBCP (reference Annex "C'J, development proposals under
ZO.16shal1 be classified according to the following specific zone classifications:

1. Major Zone Classifications

• Residential Zones (R-1 through R-5
and SHZ)

• Commercial Zones (C -1 through C- • Park, Recreation and

2. Special Zone Classifications
• General Institutional (GI) Zones

Planned Unit Development (PUD)

Entertainment Zone (PRE)

Utility/ Transportation
Cultural Zones (CUL)
or Mixed Use Development (MUD)

Section 10. Proiects of National Significance. Projects may be declared by the National
Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Board as Projects of National Significance
(PNS) pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 72, series of 1993. When a
project is declared as such by the NEDA Board, the Locational Clearance sha11 be issued
by the HLURB pursuant to E.O. No. 72.

Section 11. Subdivisions. Condominiums. Economic and Socialized Housing.

Development projects classified as Subdivisions and Condominiums or Economic and
Socialized Housing shall conform to the rules and regulations of the following:

1. P.D. No. 957, "Subdivision and Condominium Buyers' Protective Law" and its
latest implementing rules and regulations (IRR) as promulgated by the HLURB;
2. Batas Pambansa Bilang [B.P. Blg.)220, "Promulgation of Different Levels of
Standards and Technical Requi rements for Economic and Socialized Housing
Projects" and its latest IRR as promulgated by the HLURB;
3. RA. No. 7279, "Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA)" and its latest IRR;
4. Other pertinent laws, rules and regulations.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Section 12. Innovative Techniques or Designs. For projects that introduce flexibility and
creativity in design or plan such as but not limited to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs),
housing projects covered by New Town Development (NTD) under R.A. No. 7279,
Bagong Lipunan Integrated Sites and Services (BLISS) commercial complexes, etc., the ZA
may, on grounds of innovative development techniques forward applications to HLURB,
for the latter's review and recommendation on the subject
Section 13 . Network of Green and Open Spaces. Aside from complying with the open
space requirements of P.O. No. 957, B.P. Big. 220, their updated IRRs and other related
issuances, the following shall apply:
1. All residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use subdivisions, having
total contiguous land areas of ten hectares (10.0 has.) or less are required to
provide tree-planted strips along its internal roads at a spacing of not more
than ten meters (10.0 m) between trees (reckoned from trunk centers).
2. Similar developments with total contiguous land areas greater than ten
hectares (10.0 has.) are required to provide, in addition to the above,
landscaped forest parks of not less than five hundred square meters (500.0
sq.m.) for the use of the occupants and/ or the general public.
3. Residential compounds, regardless of total lot area, shall provide an open
space for playground purposes with an area equivalent to at least five
percent (5.0%) of the required TLA per family. Where the residential
compound is intended for less than ten (10 .0) families, the setting aside of
such area for playground purposes may be dispensed with provided that an
open space may be used as part of the yard requirement for the compound.
4. All designated open spaces shall not be converted to other uses.

Section 14. View Corridors and Allowed Developments. View corridors are herein
defined as major RROWs offering an uninterrupted view of the RROW itself and of the
areas connected by the RROW. These include:
1. EDSA Extension i.e. Circumferential Road 4 (C-4) Extension;
2. EDSA i.e. Circumferential Road 4 (C-4);
3. Roxas Blvd. i.e. Radial Road 1 (R-1);
4. Diokno Avenue; and
5. Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd.

Within the next fifteen (15) years from the passage of ZO.16, multilevel view-decks o
view platforms which shall serve as elevated parks/ recreational spaces may be allowed
at key intersections along these view corridors together with limited commercial
developments (above the platform) that can make their operation financially viable.
Pedestrian overpasses that will be erected along view corridors must have cantilevered
view decks that will not interfere with either pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

Subsequent planning periods must allow for the introduction of major grade-level and
sub-grade level improvements along these view corridors e.g. planting strips, well-lighted
sidewalks and paved paths, bicycle lanes, waiting sheds, comfort stations, phone booths
and related street furniture, pedestrian barriers, pedestrian underpasses and like urban
design elements. -~

Chapter 2. Physical Development Regulations ~

Section 15. Mandated Legal Easements (MLEs).The following easements, which form
part of the public domain, shall be provided and maintained by developments located in
or affected by the following:
1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines (P.D. No. 1067), the
banks of rivers and streams and the shores of lakes throughout their entire length
are subject to a three-meter (3.0 m) easement for public use in the interest of 1

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

recreation, navigation (or related use of the water body as access-way), floatage, \
fishing and salvage. ~

No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for
space or recreation, navigation, floatage, fish ing or salvage nor to build structures o
any kind. ~

2. If a linear park system is to be developed along the banks of waterways in Pasay

City, a minimum three meter (3.0 rn) mandated legal easement (MLE) must be
observed, in full compliance with the P.D. No. 1067, the 1976 Water Code of the
3.Five-meter (5.0 m) easement on both sides of (any) earthquake fault traces on the
ground identified by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Section 16. Yard. OffStreet Parki.ng Space. No part of a road, off-street parking sp ce
loading space or other open space required of any building shall, for the purpose o
complying with ZO.16 be included/ computed as part of the yard open space, off-street
parking or loading space similarly required of any adjacent neighboring building.
However, this shall not apply to building/s with common party walls or adjacent building
lines, in which case, only the yard for free or non-abutting sides will be required.

For residential buildings, yard requirements shall be construed as equivalent to those

in medium density residential zones (R-2) and high density residential zones (R-3), as
provided by P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP, unless specified in the deeds of restriction
(DoRs) of established and proposed subdivisions. For commercial, industrial,
institutional and recreational buildings, the yard requirements specified in P.D. No.
1096 and its latest IRR shall be strictly observed(refer to Rules VlII and VII of Annex ~ 1
"D.1"). \

Section 17. Yard Requirements Along A Zone Boundar:y Line.Lots abutting a z ~ ·\

boundary line shall conform to the yard requirements of the more restrictive zone along\ ' '
said boundary line; ~

Section 18. Buqer Yards. Aside from providing light and ventilation, buffers can mitigat
adverse impacts and nuisances between two (2) adjacent developments. Wheneve'
necessary, buffers shall be required to be extended and/ or provided with planting
materials in order to ameliorate said negative conditions such as, but not limited to,
noise, odor, unsightly buildings or danger from fires and explosions. Building setbacks
shall be considered as buffer yards. A buffer may also contain a barrier, such as a berm or
a fence, where such additional screening is necessary to achieve the desired level of
buffering between various activities.
1. Buffers between Adjoining Properties. Between two (2) different developments,
e.g. residential and commercial, the more intense land use shall provide the
proper buffer design and materials. If a development shall occur beside a vacant
lot, the owners of the properties in consideration may submit a contractual
agreement whereby the required buffer for the first (1 st) area to develop shall be
reduced or waived. If additional buffer will be required at the time the vacant lot
develops, it shall be provided by the latter development.
2. Buffers on Simultaneous Developments. The more intense use shall provide the
necessary buffer in cases when two (2) developments occur simultaneously.
3. Location of Buffers. The building setbacks shall serve as buffer locations, at the
outer perimeter of a lot or parcel. In no case shall buffers occupy public or private
streets/ RROWs.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

4. Types of Buffers. Landscaped buffers with suitable foliage are encouraged. On

developments where it may not be possible to put in landscaped buffers (such as
narrow lots), the developer may put up a fence provided the fencing material is
compatible with the design of the building. ;~
5. Land Uses in Buffer Areas. Buffers are part of yards and open spaces and in no ~
case shall buildings encroach upon it. It may, however, be used for passive ::(
recreation such as gardening, pedestrian trails, etc.
6. Buffers in lndustrial Establishments. A planted buffer strip of not less than three
meters (3.0 m) wide is required along the periphery of remaining industrial
areas and buildings.

Section 19. Provision For Buffer Strip. Buffer strip of a minimum of three meters (3.0 m)
planting strip is required all along the periphery of all remaining industrial zones;

Section 20. Dwelling on Rear Lots and Their Required Access. No building used
intended to be used as residence shall be allowed in any rear lot unless such as lot has
ROW easement of at least three meters (3.0 m) leading to the nearest RROW / ROW
Section 21. Building/ Structure Must Have Access. Every building/ structure hereafter
erected or moved shall have access to a public street/ RROW or to a private street/
RROW open to the public and all structures shall be so located on lots so as to provide
safe and convenient access for responding fire protection units;
Section 22. Dwelling Group. When it is impractical to apply the requirements of these
zoning regulations to individual building units in a residential compound consisting of
two (2) or more buildings/ structures, a building permit for the construction of such a
residential compound may be issued, provided that the plans thereof conform to the
following conditions:
1. That the buildings/ structures are to be used only for residential purposes and
such other uses that are permitted in the zone where the residential compound is
2. That the average lot per single family dwelling unit in the compound, exclusive of
the area used or to be used for streets or driveways, is not less than the lot area
per single family dwelling unit required in the zone;
3. That there is provided within the tract on which the residential compound is to be
located, an open space for playground purposes with an area equivalent to at lea ·
an aggregate area of five percent (5.0%) of the required lot area per single famil
dwelling unit, but in no case shall it be less than one hundred square meters
(100.0 sq.m.); provided that where the residential compound is intended for less
than ten (10.0) families, the setting aside of such area for playground purposes
may be dispensed with; and provided further, that an open space may be used as
part of the yard requirements for the residential compound; and
4. That there is provided within the tract on which the residential compound is to be
erected or immediately adjacent thereto, an adequate private garage or off-street
parking area, depending on the needs of the residents and their visitors.

Chapter 3. Building/ Structure Regulations

Section 23. Building or Structure Use. No building, structure or land shall hereafter be
occupied or used nor shall a building or structure or part thereof be erected, constructed,
moved or structurally altered, except in conformity with the provisions of the NBCP and
its Referral Codes (reference Annexes "D'J.

Section 24. Specific Provisions in P.D. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the
Philippines (NBCP) and Its 2004 Revised IRR. Specific provisions stipulated in the P.D.

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

No. 1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines
(NBCP), otherwise known as P.D. No. 1096 and its 2004 Revised IRR [duly promulgated
by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), in his official
capacity as the National Building Official/ NBOJ, relevant to traffic generators, parking
requirements, advertising and business signs, erection of more than one (1) principal ~
structure, dwelling on rear lots, building setbacks, dwelling groups, and others which are ,
not in conflict with the provisions of the LUDMG, nor with applicable law, shall be fully ~
observed (reference Annexes "D" and "E").

Section 25. Building/ Structure Height Restrictions. Unless otherwise stipulated in

ZO.16, structure/ building heights must conform with the height restrictions and
requirements of the CAAP, the HLURB, the DPWH through the 1977 NBCP/ P.O. No. 10 6
the 1977 NBCP and its 2004(or later) Revised IRR, the National Structural Code of
Philippines (NSCP), the applicable portions of the latest Architectural Code of th
Philippines (ACP), and other applicable Referral Codes (RCs), laws rules, regulations an
related executive issuances pertaining to land and property development and buildin
and grounds construction (reference Annex "D'').

Section 26. Height Regulations at Adjoining Zones.

1. Where a residential area adjoins a C-2zone without an intervening RROW or
permanent open spaces over six meters (6.0 m) in width, and where lots
separated by zone boundaries have adjacent front yards, the proposed structure
fronting the residential area shall be limited to a height of twelve meters (12.0 m)
or a four (4)-storey building whichever is lesser/ more stringent.
2. Where an R-2 zone adjoins a C-2 or C-3 area without a intervening RROW or
permanent open spaces over three meters (3.0 m) in width, the proposed
structure at the C-2 or C-3 zone adjacent to am R 2 zone shall be limited to a height
of nine meters (9.0 m) or a three (3)-storey building whichever is lesser/ more
3. Where an R-2 or R-3 zone adjoins an I -1 zone without an intervening RROW or
permanent open spaces over eight meters (8.0 m) in width, the propose
industrial structure fronting the residential zone shall be limited to a height
equivalent to nine meters (9.0 m) or a three (3)-storey building whichever is
lesser/ more stringent;
4. Structures adjacent to operating airports, runways and their respective
approaches must comply with the official building height limits set by the CAAP~n
full compliance with the 1977 NBCP or with the International Civil Aviatio~
Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP), whichever is
more stringent.

Section 27. High-Rise Building. In consonance with the 1977 NBCP and its 2004 Revised
IRR, high-rise buildings are habitable structures in excess of forty eight meters (48.0 M)
or the equivalent of more than sixteen (16) storeys above the highest natural grade line
(NGL) within the property/ front sidewalk (main entry) serving the property. All high-
rise buildings must strictly comply with all the minimum provisions of P.D. 1096/ 1977
NBCP and its 2004 Revised IRR (reference Annex "D"J and must provide its own source
of potable water in addition to that supplied by the MWSS (or its duly authorized
operators/ concessionaires such as the Maynilad Water Company), by putting up/
operating its own deep-well system, which should not be less than one hundred feet
(100.0 ft.) deep and should not be less than thirty feet (30.0 ft.) away from any sewerage
line and septic tank.

As determined by the ZA or by the LZBAA, such developments shall be required to submit , ~

a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) which shall form part of the requirements for ~

24 ~
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance - ~

Locational Clearance (LC). Owners/Contractors and/or developers of each high-rise

buildings shall secure a certificate of no-objection from the Sangguniang Panlungsod
before a building permit is issued by the Office of the City Engineer and/or Building
Official of the City Government of Pasay.

Section 28 . Basement Construction for a High-Rise Building. The area for basement
construction at high-rise buildings shall preferably not exceed eighty five percent
(85.0%) of the total· lot area (TLA) or must follow the setback requ irements at grade i.e.
surface of the land, in accordance with the NBCP (reference Annex "D'1, whichever is the
more stringent For properties facing RROWs of 12.0 m or wider, the basement retain ing
wall must follow the grade level setbacks from the property/ RROW line to ensure that
no damage is done to the RROW or the utilities therein. Any new basement construct
must have the prior concurrence of the owners of all adjoining properties as well as
the barangay concerned and must simHarly follow the NBCP-prescribed side and rea
setbacks at the sides and rear of the property. All damages to surrounding properties an
the RROW shall be borne by the lot owner/ lease/ end-user and/ of their agents
constructing the basement

The generated TGFA or GFA for basement levels are not to be used in the computation
for FAR compliances, which only refer to the generated TGFA/ GFA above-grade. The
generated TGFA or GFA for basement levels are to be part of the Total Construction Area
(TCA) for the building.

Section 29. Traffic-Generating Building. All traffic-generating buildings/ structures

allowed in any of the areas must provide for adequate parking spaces for their
employees, clients and visitors. Where a person/ an entity plans to establish a certain
use/ activity which will necessarily affect the character of residential areas in terms of
traffic to be generated, the prior approval of the barangay concerned will have to be ~
secured as one ofthe prerequisites for locational clearance (LC) and building permit (BP)
issuance. Furthermore, the concerned person/ entity shall allocate an inner bay within ~- ..
its property for loading and unloading of passengers so that continuous flow of tra. fie _
along the RROW will not be obstructed.

As determined by the ZA or the LZBAA, such developments shall be required to submit a

TIA which shall form part of the requirements for LC.

Chapter 4. Permits and Miscellaneous Regulations

Section 30. Development Permit (DPJ. All owners and developers of condominium and
subdivision projects shall, in addition to securing a LC as provided by 20.16, be required
to secure a Development Permit (DP) pursuant to the provisions of P.D. No. 957 and its ~
latest IRR and/ or of B.P. Big. 220 and its latest IRR in the case of Socialized Housing
Projects in accordance with the procedures laid down in E.O. No. 71, Series of 1993. The
application for a DP shall be accompanied by a Technical Feasibility Study based on a
Master Development Plan (MDP) prepared by a PRC-registered and licensed
Environmental Planner (RLEnP) and shall be subject to review by the CPDO, which shall
recommend DP .i ssuance and project approval by the Office of the Mayor.

Before the issuance of the DP, the applicable provisions under the following laws must b
documented as being satisfactorily complied with:
1. P.D. No. 296 - Directing All Persons, Natural or Juridical, to Renounce
Possession and Move Out of Portions of Rivers, Creeks, Esteros,
Drainage Channels and Other Similar Waterways Encroached
Upon by Them and Prescribing Penalty for Violation Hereof
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

2. P.O. No. 1219- Defining "Open Space" in Residential Subdivisions and

Amending Section 31 of Presidential Decree No. 957 Requiring
Subdivision Owners to Provide Roads, Alleys, Sidewalks and
Reserve Open Space for Parks or Recreational Use (1977);
3. RA. No. 6716 - An Act Providing for the Construction of Water Wells,
Rainwater Collectors, Development of Springs and
Rehabilitation of Existing Water Wells in AIi Barangays in the
Philippines (1989); and
4. R.A. No. 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) of 1992 and its

Section 31. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECO.Projects within the scope off
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System, those that are classified a
Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) or those that are located in Environmentall
Critical Areas (ECAs) shall not be commenced, developed or operated unless the
requirements for securing the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB) have been fully complied with.
The ECC shall be a major prior requirement before the processing of the pertinent
Building Permit (BP) application by the Pasay City Office of the Building Official (OBO).
Pasay City shall impose a special penalty (of the same amount but separate from that
imposed by the DENR) for projects commenced, developed or operated without the
required ECC.

The ECC shall be a prerequisite to Building Permit issuance.

Section 32. Special Use Permits {SUP).

1. Thermo-select/ Gasification Plants
a) If constructed in Pasay City, thermo-select/ gasification plants which shall
process/ covert solid wastes into other reusable physical forms (such as fuel)
shall be located within a reasonable distance from residential zones;
b) Environmental and site analyses shall be conducted to ensure that the proposed
thermo-select/ gasification plant is not inconsistent with the adjacent land u 1 ~
and will not pose a hazard to the safety of the community in general;
c) The sound maintenance of the thermo-select/ gasification plant shall be the sole
responsibility of the proponent and/or persons establishing and/or opera ·ng
2. Cemeteries
a) Proper maintenance of cemeteries shall be the exclusive duty of the proponen
and/ or persons establishing and/or operating them, if other than the Pasay City
b) Requirements set by P.D. Nos. 856 and 1067, otherwise known as the Sanitation {~
and Water Codes respectively, must be fully complied with.
3. Radio/ Television/ Cable TV Transmitting Stations and Cellular Phone/ Wireless
Internet Stations/ Sites and Similar Utilities
a) Radio/ television/ cable TV transmitting stations, cellular phone/ wireless
internet stations/ sites and similar utilities shall be located only within utilities ~
and transport (UTS) zones; ~
b)The sound maintenance of such stations/ sites shall be the exclusive
responsibility of the proponent and/ or persons establishing and/or operating
c) Where the public welfare demands however, such transmitting stations may be
located in some residential zones provided the preceding conditions are strictly
complied with, and no interference with or damage to local electrical appliances ---L_
or other property will likely result. "- f
26 ~
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

4. Use of Helicopters . (
a) Helicopters may be allowed to operate along commercial, light industrial or ~
institutional buildings provided all operating and safety requirements of CAAP
are first complied with;
b) Helicopter landing sites must be at least five hundred meters (500.0 m) from the
nearest residential zone;
c) A wr it ten authority shall be secured from the CAAP by the proponent at least
ninety (90) days before the intended date of operation, and a notice shall be
posted or published in at least one (1) of the daily broadsheet newspapers to
determine public opposition to the proposed landing site, if any;
d) Notarized sworn statements of the owners of the adjoining lands signifying th
conformity or non-conformity to the proposed helicopter landing site shat
obtained by the proponent at least thirty (30) days before the intended dat
5. Filling Stations
a) These must conform with the standards set by the Department of Energy (DoE);
b) Filling stations shall be located at least two hundred meters (200.0 m) away
from the nearest schools, churches, hospitals and similar institutions and shall
not be located within residential zones;
c) These shall not constitute safety hazards in a community developed entirely for
residential purposes; and
d) Buffer strip and adequate fire-fighting equipment must be provided.
6. Open Storage
a) Open storage shall be located at least two hundred meters (200.0 m) away from
schools, churches, hospitals and similar institutions; and
b) Their sound maintenance shall be the sole responsibility of the proponent;
7. Abattoir/ Slaughterhouse
a) Abattoirs shall be located within reasonable distance from residential and
commercial areas as determined by the CPDO, provided that they shall not be
located within the same premises as public markets; \
b) A written authority to operate an abattoir shall be secured from the City Health

the intended date of operation, and a notice shall be posted in the City Hall to
determine public opposition to the proposed abattoir, if any;
c) Proper waste disposal, odor control and other abatement procedures must •e
d) The proponent shall obtain sworn statement of owners of lands immediately
ad jacent to the proposed site signifying their conformity or non-conformity to
the proposed activity as one of prerequisites for the granting of the special use
permit (SUP).
8. Cockpits
a) These shall be located in parks and recreation zones, and shall be at least two
hundred meters (200.0 m) distant from the nearest residence or institutional
b) Adequate parking space and loading/ unloading areas capable of
accommodating the maximum expected number of aficionados/ spectators
during major derbies shall be provided;
c) The applicant have the duty of maintaining the premises in a sanitary condition;
d) Other pertinent Jaws, rules and regulations and City Ordinance/s shall be
complied with.
9. Bus Stations/ Terminals. - No new bus stations/ terminals shall be allowed in
any part of the City of Pasay except those already legally existing at the time of
the enactment of the last Zoning Ordinance (ZO) in 2003.
Such city or metropolitan (not provincial) bus stations/ terminals/ intermodal can
be allowed only in a lot which satisfy the following requirements:

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

a) The lot is directly fronting a road with a minimum RROW width of sixteen ~
meters (16.0 m) and a minimum carriageway width of ten meters (10.0 m);
b) The lot is located at least two hundred meters (200.0 m) from the nearest
existing residential or institutional structure;
c) The lot will be sufficient in size for the maneuvering of buses, i.e. the RROW shall ~
not be used either for maneuvering the buses or for any form of parking use by ~
buses. ~

The foregoing shall not apply to the provincial bus terminals that may be presently.
sited in Pasay City but shall be moved by the DoTC and MMDA to the three (3) inter
modals at Parafiaque City and Taguig City (for south-bound provincial buses) an
Quezon City (north-bound provincial buses).
Bus stations/ terminals that shall be allowed to operate within Pasay City are not
be used as a fuel depot, as storage for other flammable materials, as a servi e
station, as a service/ towing yard nor as a garage/ automotive repair shop/ bo
shop/ painting shop.


Section 33. Application of Performance Criteria. The following performance criteria are
intended to ensure land use and neighborhood compatibility. All developments shall
exhibit compliance to these criteria which shall form part of the requirements for a
Locational Clearance (LC). These standards are by no means exhaustive or all inclusive.
The Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) may require other criteria,
when deemed necessary, to ensure land use and neighborhood compatibility.

Section 34. Environmental Conservation and Protection Criteria. It is the intent of ~ \

Z0.16 to protect the remaining natural resources of the City of Pasay. In order to achieve ~~
this objective, all developments shall comply with the following regulations: "
1. Views shall be preserved for public enjoyment especially in sites with high scenic \
quality by closely considering building orientation, height, bulk, fencing and
2. The utilization of the water resources in Pasay City shall be allowed, provide\l it
is in consonance with the development regulations of the DENR, provisions~f
P.D. No. 1067, the 1976 Water Code, and whenever necessary, be subjected to~~
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Study.
3. New heavy water consumers such as those in medium/ heavy industry, e.g. soft
drink bottling, etc., and those in recreation, e.g. golf course, water theme parks
and the like and other facilities, shall be discouraged to locate within the City of
4. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural drainage patterns or
change the velocities, volumes, and the physical, chemical, and biological
characteristics of storm and other surface water. Streams, watercourses,
reservoirs or ponds (if existing) shaJl not be altered, re-graded, developed,
piped, diverted or built upon.
5. All developments shall limit the rate of storm water runoff so that the rate of
runoff generated is no more than that of the site in its natural condition.
6. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, streams, lakes and
ponds from sedimentation and erosion damage.
7. The internal drainage systems of developments shall be so designed as not to
increase turbidity, sediment yield, or cause the discharge of any harmful
substances that will degrade the quality of water. Water quality shall be
maintained according to DENR Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 34 -
Revised Water Usage and Classification/ Ambient Water Quality Criteria.


Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance. _1=
8. City and remammg industrial wastewater effluents shall not discharge into
surface and groundwater unless it is scientifically proven that such discharges
will not cause the deterioration of the water quality. Effluents shall be
maintained according to DENR DAO No. 35 - 91 - Establishing Effluent Quality
Standards for Class "C" Inland Waters.
9. Facilities and operations that cause the emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, smoke or
any other air polluting material that may have deleterious effects on health or
cause the impairment of visibility are not permitted. Air quality at the point of.
emission shall be maintained at specified levels according to DENR DAO No. 14 -
Revised Air Quality Standards of 1992.
10. Mature trees or those equal to or greater than twelve (12) inches calipe -
measured and fourteen (14)feet above the ground shall not be cleared or cut.

Section 35. Historical Conservation and Preservation Criteria. Historic sites an

facilities shall be conserved and preserved in full accordance with R.A. No. 10066, the
National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 and its IRR. These shall, to the extent possible, be
made accessible for the educational and cultural enrichment of the generaJ public.

The following shall guide the development of historic sites and facilities:
1. Sites with historic buildings or places shall be developed to conserve and enhance
their heritage values.
2. Historic sites and facilities shall be adaptively re-used when the situation cal1s for
such an act.

Section 36. .
Site Performance Criteria. The City considers it in the public interest that all
projects are designed and developed in a safe, efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner.
Site development shall consider the environmental character and limitations of the site
and its adjacent properties. All project elements shall be in complete harmony according
to good physical planning and design principles and the subsequent development must be
visually pleasing as well as efficiently functioning especially in relation to the adjac nt
properties and bordering streets/ RROWs. ~

The quality of every neighborhood shall always be enhanced. The physical planning,
design, construction, operation and maintenance of every facility shall be in harlllf ny
with the existing and intended character of its neighborhood. These shall not cha~ge
the essential character of the said area but will be a substantial improvement to th' '
vaJue of the properties in the neighborhood in particular and the community in general.

Further, site/ ground and building designs should consider the following:
1. Sites, buildings and facilities sha)] be designed and developed with regard to
safety, efficiency and high standards of design. The natural environmental
character of the site and its adjacent properties shall be considered in the site
development of each building and facility.
2. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so designed that these do
not impair the entry of light and ventilation, cause the loss of privacy and/ or
create nuisances, hazards or inconveniences to adjacent developments.
3. Abutments to adjacent properties shall not be allowed without the neighbor's
prior written consent which shall be required by the ZA prior to the granting of a
4. Parking areas/ lots shall be located, developed and landscaped in order to enhance
the aesthetic quality of the facility. In no case shall parking areas/ lots encroach into
the street/ RROW. As such, RROW areas reserved for sidewalks, arcades and planting
strips are not to be used for parking or as a driveway running parallel to the RROW or
as a lane for motorcycles, bicycles and the like.


Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 ~ Zoning Ordinanc~

5. Existing, ongoing and proposed developments that attract a significant volume of

public modes of transportation, such as tricycles, public utility jeepneys (PUJs),
buses, etc., shall provide on-site or off-site parking for the same. These should
also provide on-site vehicular loading and unloading bays so as through street
traffic flow shall not be impeded.
6. Buffers, silencers, mufflers, enclosures and other noise-absorbing materials shall
be provided to all noise and vibration-producing machinery. Noise levels shall be
maintained according to levels specified in DENR DAO No. 30 - Abatement of
Noise and Other Forms of Nuisance as Defined by Law. Glare and heat from any
operation or activity shall not be radiated, seen or felt from any point beyon
the limits of the property.

Design guidelines and design guidance (DGDG), deeds of restriction (DoRs), proper
management plans and other regulatory tools shall ensure that only high qualit
developments shall be required from developers/ home owners' associations o
proposed and existing residential/ commercial subdivisions, condominiums and PUDs.
These shall be submitted to the CPDO/ CPDC and the ZA for review and approval. A
generic DGDG is atAnnex "F".

Section 37. Infrastructure Carrying Capacities. All developments shall exhibit that they
are adequately served by appropriate public infrastructure e.g. roads, water supply,
power supply, telecommunications, solid waste management, sewerage and storm
drainage. These developments should further exhibit that their requirements for public
infrastructure are within the capacities of the system/s serving them. As such,
developments intended for more intense land use/ zoning classifications/ building
occupancies shall not be sited in zones intended for less intense land use/ zoning
classifications/ building occupancies.

Section 38. Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA}. Proposed major/ high intensity facilities
(including existing ones to be upgraded/ rehabilitated/ expanded/ renovated) such 'as
commercial-residential buildings having four (4) floors/ storeys/ levels and above~
shopping centers, schools, universities, industrial estates and warehouses or other
similar developments, as determined by the ZA or the LZBM, shall be required to submit
a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) which, together with the master development -Ian
(MDP), shall form part of the requirements for LC issuance.

Section 39. Pollution Control. For effective pollution control, all LCs to be granted for
permitted/ remaining industrial activities must be subject to the condition of full
compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The concerned owners/ ) '
operators/ end-users must submit an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) From ~
the DENR EMB before filing applications for development permit (DP) or building permit ~
(BP) issuance by the LGU. ~

Section 40. Population Thresholds for Developments. All developments must not
exceed their intended planning or design population/end-user thresholds to ensure that
the resulting structures/ buildings/ developments wi11 not overly exceed their carrying
capacities. If the carrying capacities are not exceeded immediately, then th
developments concerned will be able to render services for a much longer period an
these will not be expensive to maintain. A better quality of life is the intended result du
to less overcrowding, less competition for space and for services/ utilities and less ne
to build on every available piece of land or to pave every available open space.

Section 41. Balancing the Competing Needs of a Community of Stakeholders.Z0.16

must attempt to address all of the competing needs of Pasay City stakeholders, be they

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

legal residents, informal dwellers/ settlers, workers, visitors, businessmen/ investors,

local and national government and/ or related interests. Prior compliance of
stakeholders with all existing, valid and subsisting laws must be given the premium in
balancing these competing interests. The greatest benefit to the greatest number rule
shall be generally observed, with the term "the greatest number" always taken to mean
the entirety of Pasay City's population and not simply a sector or sectors of the

Section 42. Performance Standards. All land uses, developments or constructions shall
conform to the following standards:
1. Noise and Vibration - All major noise-producing and major vibration-produci
machinery shall be enclosed by a building/ structure and shall be provided wit
effective, noise-absorbing materials, noise silencers and mufflers, and an open
yard of a distance of not less than twenty meters (20.0 m) from the nearest RROW
or adjoining property lines and the perimeter of the property shall be planted to
dense trees and buffers. To minimize vibration, machinery should be mounted on
a shock-absorbing mountings, such as dense cork set on reinforced concrete
foundations or a floating isolated foundation set on piles, as needed by the
machinery concerned, to reduce all noise and vibration to a reasonable minimum.
Noise which is objectionable due to intermittent beat frequency or high pitch shall
not be allowed unless enclosed in sound-proof buildings/ structures as tested and
approved by the Pasay City officials concerned;
2. Smoke - Any smoke emitted from any source for a period aggregating seven (7.0)
minutes in any thirty (30.0) minute interval particularly when starting a new fire,
shall have a density not greater than No. 2 on the Ringlemann Chart;
3. Dust, Dirt and Fly Ash - The emission of dust, dirt or fly ash from any source or
activity which shall pollute the air and render it unclean, destructive, unhealthful
or hazardous, or cause visibility to be impaired, shall not be permitted. In no case
whatsoever shall dust, dirt or fly ash be allowed to exceed 0.3 gram per cubic
meter (cu.m.) of flue gas at stack temperature at Odegree centigrade or to create\
haze with opaqueness equivalent to or greater than No. 1 on the Ringlemann
4. Odors and Gases - The emission of foul odors and gases deleterious to public
health, safety and general welfare shall not be permitted. Activities emitting foul
odors and obnoxious gases shall be enclosed by air-tight buildings/ structSr-es
provided with air-conditioning system, filters, deodorizing and other air-cleanf. \
5. Glare and Heat Generated - Glare and heat from any building/ structure,
operation or activity shall not be allowed to be radiated, seen or felt from any
point beyond the limits of the property. The use or continued use of reflective
glass and/or of highly reflective finishes/ surfaces in excess of a aggregate total
of five hundred square feet (500.0 sq.ft.) for any property/ development shall
have the prior consent of the owners/ users of the affected properties as well as
by the barangay concerned; a mechanism for identifying remedies or
compensation if needed shall be jointly devised by the ZA, the CPDO/ CPDC, the
Local Building Official (LBO) and the barangay concerned;
6. Shadows Cast - So as not to fully deprive properties of natural light during
daytime, shadows cast by any buiJding/ structure, operation or activity shall not
be allowed to be radiated, seen or felt from any point beyond the limits of the
property onto another adjoining property for a continuing period exceeding six
(6) hours in a day. The continued casting of a shadow over any property/
development shall have the prior consent of the owners/users of the affected
properties as well as by the barangay concerned; a mechanism for identifying
remedies or compensation if needed shall be jointly devised by the ZA, the
______CPDC/ CPDO, the Local Building Official (LBO) and the barangay concerned;
' }
31 1
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022}
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

6. Industrial Wastes. - The permitted/ remaining industrial zone plant wastes shall
be disposed of only in a manner which will not create any nuisance or danger to
adjoining properties or to the community in general and shall fully comply with
the pertinent requirements/regulations of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), particularly the Environmental Management Bureau
7. Sewage Disposal. - No sewage dangerous to the public health, safety and general
welfare shall be discharged into any public sewerage system, natural waterway
or drainage channel. In addition to the following requirements, all manner of
sewage handling and disposal shall comply with pertinent requirement /
regulations of the DENR, particularly the EMB.
Acidity or alkalinity shall be neutralized to PH of between 6.5 and 8.5 as a dai y
average to a volumetric basis with a temporary variation of 5.0 to PH 10.0.
Wastewater shall not contain grease and oil in excess of 300.0 parts per millio
(ppm) or exceed a daily average of 10.0 ppm.

A generic Minimum Performance Standards and Guidelines (MPSS) for Publi

Buildings is shown in Annex "G".

Section 43. Advertising and Business Signs. In accordance with the scenic city urban
design concept for Pasay City, all advertising, commercial and business signs to be
displayed or put up for public view in any of the identified view corridors herein
enumerated must at the minimum comply with existing national laws, rules and
regulations and shall not be allowed to run perpendicular to RROWs/ RROWs with view
corridors (unless they are fully within the property boundary) nor shall these be allowed
within designated parks and recreational areas nor along the Pasay City Waters Area

The identified view corridors on which perpendicular commercial signages located

within the RROW and all its physical development levels, shall be banned are:
1. EDSA Extension i.e. Circumferential Road 4 (C-4) Extension;
2. EDSA i.e. Circumferential Road 4 (C-4);
3. Pres. Roxas Boulevard, otherwise known as Radial Road 1 (R-1);

All existing signages that encroach on the RROWs in contravention of P.O. No. 1096, the
1977 NBCP [and related issuances such as Memorandum Circulars (MCs), addition'al
rules and regulations (ARRs)on the subject of billboards and signs that are periodicallY,~
issued by the DPWH Secretary, in his official capacity as the National Building Official
(NBO)], are to be immediately dismantled by their owners, erectors and/or advertisers.
Should the owners/ erectors/ advertisers refuse to dismantle/ dispose of the same, the
Pasay City government may dismantle the same and charge the owners/ erectors/ l':'-.
advertisers the costs of dismantling and disposing of the signage. If such charges remain
unpaid for a period of one (1) year, the same charges shall thereafter be annotated on the
title of the property.

All signages that are perpendicular to the view corridor of a RROW and are within the
RROW but are satisfying P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP (and related issuances such as
MCs periodically issued by the DPWH Secretary, in his official capacity as the NBO), shall
be given one (1.0) year to relocate such signages to within their property lines
Otherwise, the Pasay City government may dismantle the same and charge the owners/
erectors/ advertisers the costs of dismantling and disposing of the signage. If sue
charges remain unpaid for a period of one (1) year, the same charges shall thereafter b
annotated on the title of the property.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

AU temporary commercial signages, particularly commercial signages carrying traffic or

directional information and for location within the RROW/ view corridor must first be
approved by the CPDC/ CPDO and the ZA prior to erection.

Section 44. Non-Mobile Billboards (NMBs).The following are the key types of non-
mobile billboards that may be erected at the defined regulated areas under this Act:
1) Class 1 (Official Billboards). Directional or other official billboards erected and
maintained by public officers or agencies pursuant to and in accordance with
direction or authorization contained in applicable law /s for the purpose of carry1
out an official duty or responsibility;
2) Class 2 (On-premise Billboards). Billboards not prohibited by law, which ar
consistent with the applicable provisions of this Act and which advertise the sale o
lease of, or activities being conducted upon, the real property where the signs are
located. Not more than one (1) such billboard advertising the sale or lease of the same
property may be permitted under this class in such manner as to be visible to traffic
proceeding in any one direction on any one national RROW /ROW.Not more than one
(1) such billboard, visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction on any one
national RROW / ROW and advertising activities being conducted upon the real
property where the billboard is located, may be permitted under this class more than
15.3 meters from the advertised activity;
3) Class 3 (Billboards within 19.31 kilometers direct/radial distance of advertised
activities). Billboards not prohibited by law, which are consistent with the applicable
provisions of this Act and which advertise activities being conducted within 19.31
kilometers direct/radial distance) of such billboards; and
4) Class 4 (Billboards in the specific interest of the traveling public). Billboar,ds
authorized to be erected or maintained by law, which are consistent with the
applicable provisions of this Act and which are designed to give information in th\~
specific interest of the traveling public;

The term Billboard Unit (BU) shall refer to one (1.0) display with a total surface a~a
of anywhere between seven point five square meters (7.5 sqm) minimum to twen'\Y
eight squ~re m~ters (28.0 sqm, at a ~otal panel heigh~ of 4.0 meters by a I_ength of 7.~
meters, mcludmg border and tnm but excluding supports) maximum for
existing/proposed national urban RROWs/ROWs and anywhere between twenty eight
point 1 square meters (28.1 sqm,) minimum to fifty six square me ters (56.0 sqm)
maximum to at a total panel height of 6.0 meters by a length of 9.33 meters, including
bor der and trim but excluding supports) maximum for existing/proposed national

l . Billboard Unit, Minimum - refers to one (1.0) display with a maximum total
surface area of seven point five square meters (7.50 sqm), a multiple of the 225 .0
sqm Maximum Billboard Unit. It shall have a least dimension of one meter (1.0
2. Billboard Unit, Maximum - refers to one (1.0) display with a maximum total ~
surface area of two hundred twenty five square meters (225.0 sqm).

References concerning the regulation of signs, signages and billboards are found in Annexes
"D.3"and Appendices "D" and "E".

Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022) \.
Volume 2- Zoning Ordinance -~


Section 45. Geographic Development Zones (GDZs).Appendix "B" of ZO.16presents the

individual geographic development zones (GDZ) covering the existing administrative
zoning by the LGU, location, inclusive communities and key linkages. There are at least six
(6) GDZs in Pasay City which are reflective of the history of human settlements that
evolved within the city over the past centuries. These have been classified according to
their existing physical, land use and/ or basic development characteristics (reference
Annexes "B.1"through"B.6'J and are as follows:

1. Original Settlement Zone (OSZ) which is the same area defined as the OSA under
the CLUP;
2. Old Reclamation Zone (ORZ) which is the same area defined as the ORA under the
3. Original Villamor Air Base Zone (OVABZ) which is the same area defined as the
OVABA under the CLUP;
4. Airport Zone (AZ) which is the same area defined as the AA under the CLUP;
5. New Coastal Reclamation Zone (NCRZ) which is the same area defined as the
NCRA under the CLUP; and
6. City Waters Zone (CWZ) which is the same area defined as the CWA under the

The proposed OZMs for the six (6) GMZs are discussed in detail in Section 48of ZO.16 i...
and are shown as Annexes "B.1"through "B.6".


Section 46. Application Q/ Zone Classifications. Application of the Zone Classificatitms \

shall be made with specific reference to this ZO's General Regulations (Article IV-),
Performance Criteria (Article V), its Official Zoning Maps (OZMs), its LUDMG, its IRR, it'
OZML and their subsequent amendments as necessary.

For the principal, accessory and conditional uses/ occupancies of buildings/ structures for

each zoning classification, Table VII.l of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096,
the 1977 NBCP (refer to Annex "D.1") shall also be used as a minimum standards referen2e~
In case of conflict in the documents, the most stringent rule among all the applicable rule1
must always apply.

Section 47.Zone Classifications (ky Description and Characterization) as Local

Development Controls

While a local law, this ZO.16 is only a local development control (DC) that must
necessarily defer to valid and subsisting national DCs which prescribe the minimum
standards for development e.g. P.O. No. 1096, P.O. No. 957, various environmental laws,
laws on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, etc., unless the ZO
prescribes development standards/ DCs that are higher, stricter and more stringent
than the minimum national development standards/ DCs i.e. the higher, stricter and
more stringent development standards/ DCs must prevail. This also means that the local
DC must not and cannot lawfully relax or make less stringent the set minimum
national development standards/ DCs.

The following zoning classifications apply to Pasay City. In case of any conflict of the
immediately following provisions with the provisions on allowable and disallowed uses
under 2014 HLURB Guidebook ("Cookbook") and the provisions under national
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

development controls (DCs) that are already considered laws under recent Supreme Court
rulings e.g. the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of P.O. No. 1096,
the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), the most stringent/ strictest
development control that shall result in the least total gross floor area (TGFA)or gross
floor area (GFA), the least building footprint, the )east amount of impervious (i.e. paved)
surface area around a building/ structure, the least negative environmental effect and the
least disturbance/nuisance to the host community (including the least resultant traffic
congestion) must perforce prevail.

The following zoning classifications apply to Pasay City:

1. Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone, which does not appear in the present Offici l
Zoning Maps/ OZMs (reference Annexes "A" and "B.1" through "B.6'1 but which ma
be reintroduced to become part of the future land reclamation efforts at the City
Waters Zone (CWZ),are principally for housing/ dwelling purposes and with the
allowable density of twenty (20) lots/ dwelling units and below per hectare (ha.)with
total open solace at 30% (from 2014 HLURB Model ZO) i.e. mainly single-detached
dwelling units on separate lots (where there MUST BE ABSOLUTELY NO firewalls
along the entire perimeter of the R-1 lot), with an average total lot area (TLA) of 350.0
square meters (sqm). As per the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP),
duplexes that are characterized by common firewalls, even if used as single
(nuclear) family dwellings, are NOT permitted in R-1 zones.

a. 2. Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone shall be used principally for housing/ dwelling
purposes and with the planned allowable density of from twenty one to sixty five (21.0 up to
650.0)dwelling units/ lots per hectare (ha.) with total open space at 30% (from 1996 H LURB
Model ZO) i.e. low-rise, single-attached or duplex dwellings or multi-level building/ structure
for exclusive use as multiple family dwellings, on separate lots measuring from 107.69 sqm to
333.33 sqm each (with one firewall allowed only on one side property line in the case of single-
attached dwellings and a minimum common firewall or maximum double firewall in the c~se of

duplexes). This class of land use to be allowed in R-2 zones shall not necessarily be limit~ to
the list of areas or types of developments enumerated hereafter:

a. An existing or proposed economic, medium-cost or open market housthg

development consisting of a single or consolidated lot measuring/ totaling ~'t:
least eighty (80.0) sqm (for inside/ regular lot only) up to one hundred for~
(140.0) sqm (for end lot only), on which is constructed/ to be constructed one
(1.0) dwelling unit i.e. a single-attached or duplex unit with only one (1) firewall
allowed along one (1) side property line, with a maximum allowable percentage
of site occupancy (PSO) of from sixty to seventy percent (60% · 70%) i.e. an
allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF) of forty eight (48.0) sqm (i.e. for
inside/ regular lot only) up to sixty seven point two (67.2) sqm (for corner or
through lots only), that is being/ to be used by only one (1.0) nuclear family, i.e.
consisting of two (2.0) spouses or titular heads of the family, three (3.0) children
and/or relatives plus a minimum of one (1.0) stay-in house help;
b. Home office and/or home occupation for the practice of one's profession or for
engaging in home business such as dressmaking, tailoring, baking, running a ~
sari-sari store (not to exceed 4.0 sqm in total floor area)and the like, provided
1) There shall be limited change in the outside appearance of the building or
2) There shall only be a maximum of fifteen (15) employees, including the
- - - - 3 5 i 1


Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

3) No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume

than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and any
need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall
be met off the street and in a place other than in a required front yard;
4) No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which
creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors and electrical interference
detectable to the normal senses and visual or audible interference in any
radio or television receivers or causes fluctuations in line voltage off the
c. Home industry classified as cottage industry provided that:
1) Such home industry shall not occupy more than sixty percent (60.0%) of
the enclosed total gross floor area (TGFA) of the dwelling unit. There
shall be limited change or alternation in the outside appearance of the
dwelling unit and the changes must not constitute a hazard or nuisance;
2) Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as set by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);
a. Recreational facilities for the exclusive use of the members of the family
residing within the premises, such as swimming pools, basketball/ tennis
courts and like facilities;
b. Sstructures for religious use;
c. Multi-purpose/ Barangay Hall;
d. Pre-School;
e. Sports Club;
f. Clinic, nursing and convalescing home/ health center, homes for senior citizens;
g. Plant nursery; and
h. All uses which can be considered as Low Density Residential (R-1) in nature,
are specifically recommended, allowed and encouraged under R-2 zones.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for R-2 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D.1" i.e. Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No.
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and rear
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for R-2 lots shall be as stated in Table VIII.2 of Rule VIII of the
same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per T~ble
VIII.G.7 and Table VII.1 of Annex "D.1")

The disallowed uses for R-2 lots specifically include proposed dwellings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for R-2 dwellings, as stated in the LUDMG
(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines.

The uses specifically disallowed in designated R-2 zones are apartments, row-houses,
shop-houses/ accessorias, funeral parlors, gas/ fuel/ LPG stations, garages/ terminals,
car repair shops, carwashes, vulcanizing shops, cockpits, softdrink/ beverage
wholesaling/ distribution, karaoke/ videoke/ KTV bars, bars with live bands, and the

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

R-2 lots must have setbacks and yards along three (3) of its property lines. Under the -~
NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall ·---.~
perimeter wall, is only allowed along one (1) side property line of a R-2 lot.

3. High Density Residential (R-3) Zone which shall be used principally for
housing/ dwelling purposes of high density, at 30% open space (from 1996 HLURB
Model ZO) i.e. the planned allowable density of from sixty six (66.0) up to one hundr d
(100.0)dwelling units per hectare (ha.) with row-house dwellings on lots measu ·
from 70.0 sqm to 106.0sqm. The allowable uses in designated R-3 zones are
a. Pension house (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys);
b. Home-tel (with maximum superstructure height at 5.0 storeys);
c. Hotel apartments or apartels (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys);
d. Apartment (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys)
e. High schools (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys);
f. Boarding houses (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys);
g. Dormitory (with maximum superstructure height at 4.0 storeys);
h. Vocational school (with maximum superstructure height at 3.0 storeys);
i. Branch library and museum (with maximum superstructure height at 3.0 storeys);
j. Elementary school (with maximum superstructure height at 3.0 storeys); and
k. All uses allowed for R-1 and R-2 zones.

All uses which can be considered as Medium Density Residential (R-2) and as Low
Density Residential (R-1) in nature are specifically recommended, allowed and
encouraged under R-3 zones.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for R-3 lots shall be ~ s \ ,,
enumerated in Annex "D.1"i.e.Table VIl.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No.~ ·~
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The min imum front, side and rear
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for R-3 lots shall be as stated in Table VIII.2 of Rule VIII of t~e
same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes shall be as per Table VIII.G.7\ f
Annex "D.1 ''). '

Residential condominium buildings/ occupancies (R-5), pension houses. hotel

apartments or apartels, hotels and parking buildings (below and above grade) may be
allowed provided the building height limit (BHL), and all other applicable development
controls prescribed under P.O. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP are strictly complied with.

The disallowed uses for R-3 lots specifically include proposed dwellings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for R-3 dwellings, as stated in the LUDMG
(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines.

The uses additionally/ specifically disallowed in designated R-3 zones are fun era
parlors, gas/ fuel/ LPG stations, garages/ terminals, car repair shops, carwashes,
vulcanizing shops, cockpits, softdrink/ beverage wholesaling/ distribution, karaoke/

___________ ;-~
videoke/ KTV bars, bars with live bands, and the like. __j

37 ~
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance


R-3 lots must have setbacks and yards along its front and rear property lines. Under the
NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall
perimeter wall, is only allowed along the two (2) side property lines of a R-3 lot. With ~
its small lot size, the provision for a parking space within a R-3 lot is not a requirement. ~
4. Low to Medium Density Residential (R-4) Zone, which does not appear in the presen
Official Zoning Map/ OZM (reference Annexes '~" and "B.6"J but which may b
reintroduced to become part of the future land reclamation efforts at the City Wat
Zone (CWZ),shall be used principally for single-family townhouse dwelling units, i.e. witH
a density of from 28 to 70 dwelling units, with a maximum structure height of three (3.0)
storeys or about 10.0 m above sidewalk surface, with common/party/ fire walls,
horizontal access systems to units, amenities/facilities/ services/ utilities and open
spaces for the exclusive use of residents and townhouse unit owners.

An existing or proposed medium-cost townhouse development or open market

townhouse development consisting of a single or consolidated lot measuring/ totaling
at least one hundred square meters (100.00 sqm) up to two hundred and fifty (250.0)
sqm or larger on which is constructed/ to be constructed a townhouse dwelling units,
with firewalls allowed along the 2 side property lines, with a minimum floor area of eighty
four (84) sqm that is being/ used by only one (1.0) nuclear family, i.e. with each family
(in each townhouse unit) to consist of two (2.0) spouses or titular heads of the family,
three (3) children and/ or relatives plus a minimum of one (1.0) stay-in house help;
a. Legitimate ancillary or support facilities for the townhouse residents/ end -users;
b. All uses which can be considered as Medium Density Residential (R-2) and as
Low Density Residential (R-1) in nature are specifically recommended, allowed
and encouraged under R-4 zones.

High Density Residential (R-4) Zone which shall be used principally for single-famil'y
townhouse dwelling units, i.e. with a density of from 72 to 100 dwelling units, with a
maximum structure height of three (3.0) storeys or about 10.0 m above sidewalk surface,
with common/party/fire walls, horizontal access systems to units, amenities/facili~s/
services/ utilities and open spaces for the exclusive use of residents and townhouse ~nit
owners. The foregoing shall encompass: ~
a) An existing or proposed medium-cost townhouse development consisting of a
single lot measuring/ totaling at least seventy (70.0) sqm up to ninety seven point
twenty two (97.22) sqm on which is constructed/ to be constructed a townhouse ·
dwelling unit (with firewalls allowed along the 2 side property lines), which shall be
used by only one (1.0) nuclear family, i.e. with each family to consist of two (2.0)
spouses or titular heads of the family, three (3) children and/ or relatives plus a
minimum of one (1.0) stay-in househelp;
b) Legitimate ancillary or support facilities for the townhouse residents/ end-users;
c) All uses which can be considered as Low to Medium Density Residential (R-
4),Medium Density Residential (R-2) and as Low Density Residential (R-1) in
nature are specifically recommended, allowed and encouraged under R-4 zones.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for R-4 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D.1': i.e. Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No.
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and rear
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for R-4 lots shall be as stated in Table VHI.2 of Rule VIII of the l~

38 ~

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per Table
VIII.G.7 and Table VIl.1 of Annex "D.1'J.

The disallowed uses for R-4 lots specifically include proposed dwellings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for R-4 dwellings, as stated in the LUDMG
(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No.1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of RA No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines.

R-4 lots must have setbacks and yards along the front and rear property lines. Under
the NBCP, a national development control, a firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall
perimeter wall, is only allowed along the two (2) side property lines of a R-4 lot. With
its relatively large lot size, the provision for a parking space within a R-4 lot is a

5. Very High Density Residential (R-5) Zone which shall be used principally for dwelling
or office units, i.e. with a minimum structure height of four (4.0) storeys or about 10.0
m above sidewalk surface or above the lawfully-established grade used for the purpose
of establishing compliance with the building height limit (BHL) prescribed under P.D.
No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP, with common/party walls, vertical access systems to units,
amenities/ facilities/ services/ utilities (AFSU) and open spaces for the exclusive use of
residents and residential, office, commercial or mixed-use condominium building unit
R-5 land uses and building occupancies shall encompass:
a. an existing or proposed residential condominium development on which is
constructed/ to be constructed a minimum of four (4.0) residential
condominium units, each with a minimum gross floor area (GFA) of forty seven
(4 7.0) sqm, that is being/ used by only one (1.0) nuclear family i.e. with e~ch
family (in each R-5 unit) to consist of two (2.0) spouses or titular heads oft~
family, three (3) children and/ or relatives plus a minimum of one (1.0) stay-in
househelp; in the case of existing or proposed residential condominium
development on which is constructed/ to be constructed a minimum of sixteen
(16.0) residential condominium studio units, each shall have a minimum GFA of
twenty two (22.0) sqm, that is being/ used by a maximum of two (2) occupants;
b. residential condominium buildings with a maximum building height limit
(BHL) i.e. reckoned above the lawfully established grade, that fully complies
with the prescriptions of both P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of
the Philippines (NBCP) and the law creating the Civil Aviation Authority of the
Philippines (CAAP), and its lawful issuances pertaining to BHL within the NAIA
aerodrome, viz;
1. an existing or proposed residential condominium development, with a
building height limit (BHL) exceeding five (5) storeys or 16.0 meters (m)
i.e. with the additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or railing above the deck
roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), but not more than sixty (60)
storeys or 181.0 m i.e. with an additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or
railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), requiring
the lawfully-issued clearances and permits from the City Office of the

--------39i 7
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Building Official (OBO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
(CAAP), that is constructed above the lawfully-established grade; and
2. an existing or proposed mixed condominium development where
residential occupancy is the dominant occupancy, with a BHL exceeding
5 storeys or 16.0 m i.e. with the additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or
railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), but not
more than 60 storeys or 181.0 m i.e. with the additional 1.0 m for a
parapet wall or railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if such is
provided), requiring the lawfully-issued clearances and permits from the
City OBO and the CAAP, that is constructed above the lawfully-
established grade, whereby the commercial, business or office-related
building occupancies shall take up at least thirty three percent (33%) of
the generated GFA and on which is/ shall be provided office
condominium units, with a minimum GFA of twenty two (22.0) sqm, that
is being used/ intended for use by a maximum of six (6) office workers.

c. legitimate ancillary or support facilities for the condominium end-users; and

d. all uses which can be considered as Medium Density Residential (R-2) and as
Low Density Residential (R-1) in nature are specifically recommended,
allowed and encouraged under R-5 zones.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for R-5 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D.1" i.e. Table VIl.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D.
No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and
rear setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for R-5 lots shall be as stated in Table VIII.2 of Rule VIII
of the same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per
Table VIII.G.7 and Table VII.1 of Annex "D.1").

The disallowed uses for R-5 lots specifically include proposed dwellings, land us\s, ~
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent( ,·
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for R-5 dwellings, as stated in the LUDM~
(reference Annex "E"J, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.O. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisi~ of
law, specifically the applicable portions of RA. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and rel1.tR~
easements from the pertinent property lines.

The additionally disallowed uses for R-5 specifically include existing or proposed
mixed used condominium buildings where the commercial, business or office-
related building occupancies shall take up more than thirty three percent (33%) of
the generated GFA for such a building.

R-5 lots must have setbacks and yards along its front and rear property lines. Under the
2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control, a
firewall or similar abutment e.g. 3.0 m tall perimeter wall, may be allowed along the
two (2) side property lines only up to the NBCP-permitted height of the podium
component of the R-Sbuilding. The tower component of the R-Sbuilding (atop the
podium component) must be set back at all sides. With its large lot area and high BHL,
the provision for parking spaces at grade, below grade or above grade, within such aR-
lot is a requirement.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Residential condominium (R-5) developments shall be developments or ~

redevelopments on sites that shall possess the following physical characteristics:
1) Total lot area (TLA) of from six hundred square meters (600.0 sqm) to two
thousand five hundred square meters (2,500.0 sqm) i.e. 0.25 hectares (has.); and
2) The minimum total gross floor area (TGFA) shall start at two thousand
(2,000.0) sqm.
The requisite approvals for the issuance of the LGU development permit for new R-5
projects shall be supported by following documents:
1) a master development plan (MDP) which shall contain the physical and related
component plans e.g. site development plans (SDP), the infrastructure plan
(particularly with respect to meeting the utilities and services requirements o
the MUD), the environmental management plan (EMP), the social and
institutional plans (as applicable), the financial and business plans (including the
marketing plan, as applicable), generic project description (site and grounds),
etc.; these shall be duly prepared, signed and sealed by a duly registered and
licensed environmental planner (RLEnP);
2) concept-level architectural documents consisting of floor plans, sections,
elevations, specific project description/s (building/s), outline specifications,
total gross floor area (TGFA) breakdown, budgetary project cost estimate
(BPCE); in full accordance with Sec. 20.5 of R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act
of 2004), a valid and subsisting law. such architectural documents shall be duly
prepared, signed and sealed only by a registered and licensed architect (RLA);
3) the architectural analyses (on-site and off-site) and a notarized architectural
statement anent the attainment of full compliance with all the applicable .
minimum national development controls under the NBCP that shall ensure that
there shall be no over-building and over-paving as a result of the R-5 project
(reference Annex "D", particularly Rules VII and VIII); this shall necessarily
include statements anent the FLAR/ FAR, PSO, setbacks/ incremental setbacks,
AMBF, GFA/ TGFA, architectural projections, AMBV, off-street parking
provisions, angular plane, OFB, etc.; in full accordance with Sec. 20.5 of R.A. No. ~
9266, the architectural analyses/ statement shall be duly prepared, signed and
sealed only by a RLA;
4) The initial environmental examination (IEE), preferably signed and sealed by a
RLEnP; and
S) The traffic impact assessment (TIA), preferably signed and sealed by a RLEnP.
As R-5 developments represent large concentrations of transient and resident
populations which shall introduce an additional management burden on the LGU, huge
demands on the carrying capacity of the community (on-street traffic congestion,
parking, utilities, waste generation and LGU services, the LGU, after the conduct of due
diligence and due processes in the near future, may take official acts/ steps to strictly
regulate and monitor the development of R-5 developments.

6.Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ) which shall be used principally for housing/ dwelling
purposes of very high density to very, very high density, i.e. densities exceeding (and
well in excess of) one hundred (100.0)dwelling units/ lots per hectare (ha.).

Per the 2014 HLURB Guidebook to CLUP Preparation Volume 3, the allowable uses at
SHZ zones shall include:
• All uses allowed according to the provisions of B,P. Big. 220 and its latest IRR.
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Being of a lower standard not satisfying the minimum requirements under P.D. No.
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control, the applicable building
standards for the SHZ shall be specifically those under B.P. Big. 220.

7. Community Level Commercial (C-1) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at a neighborhood or community level of commercial
land use and building occupancy.

The allowable uses in the specifically designated C-1 zones shall only be as follows
(per Volume 3 of the 2014 HLURB Guidebook to CLUP preparation):

• Retail stores and shops like:

Department stores
Bookstores and office supply shops
Art supplies and novelties
Home appliance stores
Car display and dealer stores
Photo shops
Flower shops
Curio or antique shops
Pet shops and aquarium stores
Jewelry shops
Consumer electronics such as cellular phones, cameras, laptops, home appliances
and the like
• Food market and shops like:
Bakery, cake, pastry and delicatessen shops
Liquor and wine stores
Convenience stores
• Product showroom/display store
• Warehouse/storage facility for non-pollutive/non-hazardous finished products
• Personal service shops like:
Medical, dental, and similar clinics
Beauty parlor
Barber shop
Wellness facilities such as sauna, spa, massage and facial clinics
Dressmaking and tailoring shop
• Bayad centers
• Laundries
• Internet cafe and cyber stations
• Photo/video, lights & sounds services
• Catering services
• Water stations
• Courier services
• Security agencies
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

• Janitorial services
• Travel agencies
• Event planner
• Photo and portrait studios
• Repair shops like:
House furniture and appliances repair shops
Motor vehicles and accessory repair shops
Battery shops and repair shops
Bicycle repair shops
Repair shops for watches, bags, shoes, cellular phones, cameras, computers and the
• Recreational centers/establishments like
Play courts e.g. tennis court, bowling lane, billiard hall
Swimming pool
• Restaurants and other eateries
• Lotto terminals, off-fronton, on-line bingo outlets and off-track betting stations
• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and play lots
• Plant nurseries
• Vocational/technical school
• Special Education (SPED) school
• Short term special education like:
Dance schools
Schools for self-defense
Driving school
Speech clinics
Tutorial centers
• Embassies/consulates
• Libraries/museums
• Financial institutions/services like:
Stand-alone automated teller machines
Foreign exchange
Money lending
• Offices
• Parking lots/garage facilities
• Parking buildings (aboveground/underground)
• Auto repair, tire, vulcanizing shops and car wash
• Gasoline filling stations/services stations
• Engraving, photo developing and printing shops
• Printing, publication and graphics shops
• Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal

-•-C-on_s_t_ru_c_ti_·o-n-su_p_p_l_y_s_to_r_e_s_/d_e_p_o_t_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 i
43 ~
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

• Funeral parlors (Category II and IlI)

• Commercial housing like:
Boarding house
Pension house
• All uses allowed R-1 Zones
• Customary accessory uses incidental to any of the above uses such as:
Staff houses/quarters
Parking lots/Building garage
Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct
of the business
Pump houses
Generator houses

Due to the general lack of space, the interim use of presently unutilized C-1 properties as (
temporary off-street public pay parking space and/or as towing/ impounding yards (or
as a temporary depository for towed vehicles) shall be permitted for limited periods 1
depending on agreements that may be reached by the City with the concerned property J

owner/s. ~

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for C-1 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D.1" i.e. Table VIl.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No.
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and re~,r ,
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for C-1 lots shall be as stated in Table VIII.3 of Rule VII[ of th ¾
same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per Table
VIII.G.7 and Table VII.1 of Annex "D.1'').

The disallowed uses for C-1 lots specifically include proposed buildings, land us ,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringentX
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for C-1 buildings, as stated in the LUDMG
(reference Annex "E''), which forms part of the [RR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the 1949 Civil Code of the
Philippines, including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and
related easements from the pertinent property lines mainly to maintain privacy among

The uses additionally/ specifically disallowed in designated C-1 zones are as follows:

1. computer/ network gaming halls, billiard ha1\s, and the like, located at a distance
of two hundred meters (200.0 m) from a primary, vocational or secondary school,
religious institutions and the like;
2. gaming establishments (lottery outlets, off fronton/ betting stations, casinos, etc.),
bars, nightclubs, karaoke/videoke and the like located at a distance of two hundred
meters (200.0 m) from a vocational, secondary or tertiary school, religious
institutions, public buildings, and the like; and
3. funeral parlors, gas/ fuel/ liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stations, garages/
terminals, car repair shops, carwashes, vulcanizing shops, cockpits, softdrink/ ~

4/l ·7
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use P{an (2014-2022} \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

beverage wholesaling/ distribution, karaoke/videoke/ KTV bars, bars with live bands,
and the like.

8. City Level Commercial (C-2) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the City level of commercial land use and building

The allowable uses in the specifically designated C-2 zones shall only be as follows:
a. all uses allowed in a designated C-1 zone; .
b. transportation terminal, provided that requirements under Section 32.9 of Z0.16
are first met;
c. garage facilities with repair areas for light vehicles only, provided that these are
not combined with a transport terminal;
• Wholesale stores
• Wet and dry markets
• Shopping centers, malls and supermarkets
• Recreational center/establishments like:
Movie house/theater
Stadium, coliseum (
Tennis courts and sports complex
Billiard halls, pool rooms and bowling alleys
Sports clubhouses
Other sports and recreational establishments
• Bars, sing-along lounges, bistros, pubs, beer gardens, disco, dance halls
• Exhibit halls
• Convention centers and related facilities
• Business Process Outsourcing services
• Radio and television stations
• Transportation terminals/garage with and without repair
• Display for cars, tractors, etc.
• Motorpool
• Hauling services and garage terminals for trucks, tow trucks and buses
• Auto sales and rentals, automotive handicraft, accessory and spare parts shops, marine
craft and aircraft sales yards
• Boat storage
• Vehicle emission testing center
• Machinery display shop/center
• Welding shops
• Machine shop service operation (repairing/rebuilding or custom job orders)
• Welding shop
• Medium scale junk shop
• Glassware and metalware stores, household equipment and appliances
• Signboard and streamer painting and silk screening
• Printing/typesetting, copiers and duplicating services
• Recording and film laboratories
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Pion {2014-2022)

- - - - - - - = - - - ~\ Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

• Gravel and sand stores

• Paint stores without bulk handling
• Gardens and landscaping supply/contractors
• Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crush except dry ice
• Leehan stores
• Chicharon factory
• Biscuit factory-manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers and other similar dried
bakery products
• Doughnut and hopia factory
• Other bakery products not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)
• Shops for repacking of food products e.g. fruits, vegetables, sugar and other related
• Manufacture of wood furniture including upholstered
• Manufacture of rattan furniture including upholstered
• Manufacture of box beds and mattresses I
• Funeral parlors (all categories) I
• Commercial condominium (with residential units in upper floors)
• Commercial housing like:
• All uses allowed in R-1 and R-2 Zones
• an existing or proposed office condominium development, with a building heigh
limit (BHL) of six (6) storeys or 19.0 m i.e. with the additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall
or railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), that is constructed
above the lawfully-established grade and on which is provided a minimum of four
(4.0) office condominium units, with a minimum GFA of twenty two (22.0) sqm, th
is being used/ intended for use by a maximum of six (6) office workers; and
• Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified (nee), particularly those
dealing with concentrated amounts of organic or perishable items, provided that
Special Permits (SPs) are first secured to ascertain their effect on the host community.

Due to the general lack of space, the interim use of presently unutilized C-2 properties as
temporary off-street public pay parking space and/or as towing/ impounding yards (or
as a temporary depository for towed vehicles) shall be permitted for limited periods
depending on agreements that may be reached by the City with the concerned property

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for C-2 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D.1 "i.e. Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.O. No.
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and rear
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for C-2 lots shall be as stated in Table Vlll.3 of Rule vm of t i
same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per Tab!
VIII.G.7 and Table VII.1 of Annex "D.l'J

The disallowed uses for C-2 lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for C-2 buildings, as stated in the LUDMG ~

----------------------------------4-6 '1
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
_________________________ v_ol_um_e_2_-_zo_n_in-=g'-O_r_di_n_an_c_e ~

(reference Annex "E'J, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines.

9. Metropolitan Commercial (C-3) Zone which shall be used principally for trad
services and business activities at a metropolitan level of commercial land use
building occupancy.

The allowable uses in the specifically designated C-3 zones shall only be as follows:
3. All uses allowed in C-1 and C-2 zones;
4. Large shopping mall/ center within one (1) structure/ building;
5. Integrated/ consolidated shopping center/ strip frequented by
Metropolitan Manila Area (MMA) clientele;
6. an existing or proposed office condominium development, with a
building height limit (BHL) exceeding six (6) storeys or 19.0 meters (m)
i.e. with the additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or railing above the deck
roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), but not more than sixty (60)
storeys or 181.0 m i.e. with an additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or
railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if such is provided), requiring
the lawfully-issued clearances and permits from the City Office of the
Building Official (OBO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
(CAAP), that is constructed above the lawfully-established grade, and on
which is provided office condominium units, with a minimum GFA of
twenty two (22.0) sqm, that is being used/ intended for use by a
maximum of six (6) office workers; and
7. an existing or proposed mixed condominium development, where
commercial occupancy is the dominant occupancy, with a building
height limit (BHL) exceeding 6 storeys or 19.0 m i.e. with the additional
1.0 m for a parapet wall or railing above the deck roof level (i.e. only if
such is provided), but not more than 60 storeys or 181.0 m i.e. with the
additional 1.0 m for a parapet wall or railing above the deck roof level (i.e.
only if such is provided), requiring the lawfully-issued clearances and
permits from the City OBO and the CAAP, that is constructed above the
lawfully established grade, whereby the commercial. business or office-
related building occupancies shall take up at least sixty seven percent
(67%) of the generated GFA and on which is provided office
condominium units, with a minimum GFA of twenty two (22.0) sqm, that
is being used/ intended for use by a maximum of six (6) office workers.

Due to the general lack of space, the interim use of presently unutilized C-3 properties as
temporary off-street public pay parking space and/or as towing/ impounding yards (or
as a temporary depository for towed vehicles) shall be permitted for limited periods
depending on agreements that may be reached by the City with the concerned property

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for C-3 lots shall be as
enumerated in Annex "D,1" i.e. Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No
1096, the 1977 NBCP, a national development control. The minimum front, side and rear
setbacks (i.e. yard depths) for C-3 lots shall be as stated in Table VIII.3 of Rule VIII of the
same Revised IRR while the suggested minimum lot sizes and PSO shall be as per Table _--1
VIII.G. 7 and Table VII.1 of Annex "D.1 'J. - ~i

- - - - - -/ ~i 47
Pasay City Comprehensive l.,and Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

The uses specifically disallowed in designated C-2 and C-1 zones are likewise disallowed
in C-3 zones .i.e. the disallowed uses for C-3 lots specifically include proposed buildings,
land uses, building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less
stringent/ strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for C-3 buildings, as stated in the ~
LUDMG (reference Annex "E'J, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised ~
(or latest) rRR and/or RC of P.O. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent
provisions of law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the Civil Code of
the Philippines, including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks
and related easements from the pertinent property lines.

10. General Institutional Zone(GIZ) which shall be used principally for general
institutional purposes at a community to national level of institutional land use and
building occupancy.

a. The designated GIZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas presently occupied by
existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the adoption of Z0.16,
notwithstanding their location in other designated zones;

b. The allowable uses in designated GIZ are as follows:

1. Government center to house national, regional or local offices in the area;
2. Colleges, universities, professional business schools, vocational and trade
schools, technical schools and other institutions of higher learning;
3. General hospitals, medical centers, multi-purpose clinics;
4. Scientific and academic centers and research facilities except nuclear,
radioactive, chemical and biological warfare facilities;
5. Cultural center and related facilities;
6. Convention center and related facilities;
7. Religious structures e.g. church, seminary, convents and the like;
8. Museums;
9. Embassies/ consulates;
10. Student housing within the confines of the school e.g. dormitories;
11. barangay hall;
12. Pre-school/ Elementary School/ High School;
13. Nursing and convalescing home, health center; and
14. Libraries.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for GIZ lots shall be as
enumerated in Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.O. No. 1096, the 1977
NBCP(reference Annex "D.1 "J.

c. The disallowed uses for GIZ lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less
stringent/ strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for GIZ buildings, as stated in
the LUDMG (reference Annex "E'J, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004
Revised (or latest) IRR and/or RC of P.O. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the
pertinent provisions of law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the
Civil Code of the Philippines, including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/
window setbacks and related easements from the pertinent property lines. T
maintain fire integrity, the outermost/ exterior walls of adjoining buildings at a GIZ
shall likewise be separated by a minimum clear distance of 6.0 m.

The ues specifically disallowed in designated GIZs are those which are considered
incompatible with the operations of the classes of institutional uses. The provisions of

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

this ZO concerning minimum distances from an institutional facility must also be

satisfied. For uses that are deemed incompatible with institutional uses e.g. structures
or properties that serve as sites for the conduct of what may be considered immoral
or illicit activities or those that promote vices, and the like, a Public Hearing with at
least twenty (20.0) key stakeholders must be conducted and if found acceptable to the
host community, a subsequent Special Permit must first be secured to ascertain and
thereafter document the effect on the affected institution in particular and on the host
community in general. All costs of the proceedings (public hearings, special perm· s
etc.) must be borne by the party introducing the use that may be incompatible wit
neighboring institutional uses.

11. Special Institutional Zone (SIZ) which shall be used principally for specifi
institutional purposes at a national level of institutional land use and building occupancy.

The allowable uses in designated SIZ are as follows;

a. military camp/ base; and
b. other uses related to base operations, such as but not limited to the following
1) All classes of residential uses;
2) community-level commercial uses i.e. C-1 uses;
3) Recreational uses and open spaces;
4) Military, police and national security uses; and
SJ Transportation and utility uses.

The disallowed uses for SIZ lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for SIZ buildings, as stated in the LUDMG
(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of RA. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippine1\
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines. To maintain fire integrity, the outermost/
exterior walls of adjoining buildings at a SIZ shall likewise be separated by a minimum
clear distance of 6.0 m.

The uses specifically disallowed in the designated SIZs are those which are considere
incompatible with the operations of the types of institutional uses listed. The provisions
of this ZO concerning minimum distances of potentially incompatible land uses from an
institutional facility must also be satisfied.

12. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation and
natural outdoor entertainment The allowable uses in designated PRZ are as follows:
(i) Parks and gardens;
(ii) Open air or outdoor sports activities and support facilities, including gyms,
amphitheater and swimming pools;
(iii) Ball courts and similar uses; and
(iv) Memorial/ Shrine monuments, kiosks and other park structures.

The disallowed uses for PRZ lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/4
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for PRZ structures, as stated in the LUDM
(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (o
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions Jir-,,;,.,..__
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A. No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippine
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related

491 -,,,
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

easements from the pertinent property lines. To maintain fire integrity, the outermost/
exterior walls of adjoining buildings at a PRZ shall likewise be separated by a minimum
clear distance of 6.0 m.

The uses specifically disallowed in designated PRZs are those which are considered
incompatible with such use. For uses that are deemed incompatible with PRZ uses e.g.
structures or properties that serve as sites for the conduct of what may be considered
as immoral or illicit activities or those that promote vices, and the like, a Public
Hearing with at least ten (10.0) key stakeholders must be conducted and if fou
acceptable to the host community, a subsequent Special Permit must first be secure
to ascertain and thereafter document the effect on the affected PRZ in particular and
on the host community in general. All costs of the proceedings (public hearings,
special permits, etc.) must be borne by the party introducing the use that may be
incompatible with designated PRZs.

13. Utilities and Transportation Zone(UTZ). This shall primarily refer to road rights-of-
way (RROWs), mass transit alignment/s and waterways used for drainage and/or
access/ transportation.
a. The designated major UTZ zones are as follows, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:
1. RROWs of portions of major metropolitan circumferential (C) and radial
(R) roads traversing Pasay City such as EDSA (C-4)/ EDSA Extension (C-4
Extn.), Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. (C-3), Roxas Blvd. (R-1), Taft Avenue (R-2), SLEx
2. RROWs of portions of other key metropolitan collector and connector
roads such as Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd., Andrews Ave., Antonio
Arnaiz Ave.-Libertad St, Francis B. Harrison Blvd.-Quirino Ave., Leveriza ~
St.; and \{,~--
3. RROWs of other important local roads i.e. Aurora Blvd. (formerly Tramo \•
Road), Domestic Road, NAIA Road, M. Dela Cruz, Padre Burgos, Merville
Access Road, etc.;
4. ROWs (including levees/ embankments and the 3.0 meter (m) mandated
legal easements/ MLEs) alongside the waterways, etc.;
5. the site of the international and domestic airports and its four ( 4) terminals (3 a
within City limits) i.e. NAIA complex and areas controlled by the CAAP;
4. the sites of the LRT depot, terminal, elevated stations and carriageway/tracks
and support areas; and
5. city and provincial bus terminals i.e. that may later be converted into new
property developments as a consequence of the future operation of the two
(2) DoTC inter-modals to be sited near the Pasay City boundaries i.e. along the
SLEx east service road within Taguig City and along the Coastal Road within
Parafiaque City.

b. The allowable uses in designated UTZ shall be principally for ingress/ egress of
vehicular and pedestrian traffic and unrestricted public access. Vehicle
movements shall be confined to the carriage-way while pedestrian movement
shall be confined to duly-designated areas i.e. sidewalks, arcades, etc. as well as
crossings at/ over/ under the carriageway e.g. pedestrian lanes, overpasses/
underground crossings (if any), which must be kept free of obstructions at all
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014 -2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for UTZ lots shall be as
enumerated in Table Vll.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977
NBCP(reference Annex "D.1'].

The disallowed uses for UTZ lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for UTZ buildings, as stated in the LUDM
(reference Annex "E'J, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provision
law, specifically the applicable portions of R.A No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philip pin s
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and relat
easements from the pertinent property lines. To maintain fire integrity, the outermost
exterior walls of adjoining buildings at a UTZ shall likewise be separated by a minimum
clear distance of 6.0 m.

The uses specifically disallowed in the designated UTZs are:

i. All classes of permanent residential uses; and
ii. All other uses incompatible with the delivery and maintenance of public utilities
and public access. ~
In case of temporary incompatible land uses with UTZs, special permits are first to be
secured to ascertain the effect of the temporary incompatible land use on the host and
neighboring communities.

14. Cemetery Zone(CZ)shall primarily refer to existing and proposed cemeteries. The ~·
allowable uses in designated CZ shall only be as sites for ground and above-ground
burials/ interment.

15.Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zone which shall specifically refer to land
development or redevelopment schemes for a built-up or new project site wherein
said project site must have a comprehensive development master plan (COMP) or the
Official Development Master Plan (ODMP) to be submitted for prior CPDO review i.e~
unitary development plan/ site plan that permits flexibility in planning/ urban~
design/ design, structure/ building siting, complementarity of building types and land
uses, usable open spaces for general public use services and business activities and
the preservation of significant natural land features if feasible.

PUDs may take the form of mixed use developments (MUDs), transit-oriented
developments (TODs), residential subdivisions, housing sites, campuses, secure
facilities, institutional complexes, research or manufacturing facilities, business parks,
industrial estates (under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority/
PEZA), tourism enterprises/ estates (under the jurisdiction of the Tourism
Infrastructure Enterprise Zone Authority/ TIEZA), and the like on sites with total lot
areas (TLAs) starting from 0.25 has. upwards.

The permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses for PUD lots shall be a
enumerated in Table VII.1 of Rule VII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977
NBCP(reference Annex "D.1'J.

The disallowed uses for PUD lots specifically include proposed buildings, land uses,
building occupancies, etc. that decidedly and materially exceed i.e. make less stringent/
strict or relax the minimum prescriptions for PUD buildings, as stated in the LUDMG

Pasay Cit;y Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

(reference Annex "E'1, which forms part of the IRR of this ZO, the 2004 Revised (or
latest) IRR and/or RC of P.O. No. 1096 (the 1977 NBCP), and the pertinent provisions of
law, specifically the applicable portions of RA No. 386, the Civil Code of the Philippines,
including its Sec. 670 which prescribes building wall/ window setbacks and related
easements from the pertinent property lines. To maintain fire integrity, the outermost/
exterior walls of adjoining buildings at a PUD shall likewise be separated by a
minimum clear distance of 6.0 m.

Section 48. Zone Classifications by Administrative Zone Location.

Classifications by administrative zone location for Pasay City shall be as stated hereafter.
In the event of direct conflict of the zone locations and characterizations stated hereafter
with the Official Zoning Map (OZM) under Annexes "B", the OZM, being the document
with the most recent updates, shall prevail in terms of regulatory intent

Should the provisions of this section be ambiguous or come into conflict with (or should
there be a discrepancy between this section and) the text ofrest of Z0.16, its IRR-Z0.16 or
its attendant documents i.e. the LUDMG, the OZM cum the OZML, the NBCP, etc., the
provision that support the least level of development, the least intensity of land use, the least
disturbance to the general public, the least cost to the City and the least negative effect on \_
both the natural and build environments must always govern, unless superior/ supervening ~
public interest should dictate otherwise.

Subsection 48.lOriginal Settlement Zone (OSZ) Zoning Classification and Specific Areas [

The following zoning classifications apply to the OSZ: - (

1. High Density Residential (R-3) Zone which sha!J be used principally for housing/ {
dwelling purposes of high density i.e. the planned allowable density of from 101.0 up to ~
224.0dwelling units per hectare (ha.). The designated R-3 zones at the OSZ are as follo'ws, ·
but shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas or types of developmeri·~
enumerated hereafter: ~·

1) the area bounded on the North by the Pasay City-City of Manila boundary; on the East
by the right-of-way (ROW) of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway; on the Sout~y
the road right-of-way (RROW) of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue (old Buendia Avenu~'.),
Westbound; and on the West by the RROW of Taft Avenue, Northbound i.'e'
specifically those forming part of barangays 41 through 48, except for the following:
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Northbound, which are commercial 3 (C-3) zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat
Avenue, Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) the legal easement of the EsteroTripa de Gallina waterway located on the
Pasay City side;
iv) General Institutional Zones (GIZ); ~
v) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and ~
vi) zones other than R-3, C-3 or GIZ.

2) The area bounded on the North by the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue (old Buendia
Avenue), Eastbound; on the East by ROW of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway, on
the South by the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue (old Pasay Road), Westbound; an
on the West by the RROW of Taft Avenue, Northbound i.e. specifically those formin
part of barangays 49 through 67, except for the following:
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Northbound, which are C-3 zones;

- ------------------
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat
Avenue, Eastbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz
Avenue, Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iv) the legal easement of the EsteroTripa de Gallina waterway located on the
Pasay City side;
v) GIZs;
vi) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and
vii) zones other than R-3, C-3 or GIZ.

3) The area bounded on the North by the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue (old Pas
Road), Eastbound; on the East by ROW of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway; o
the South by the RROW of the Epifania de los Santos Avenue (EDSA)/ Circumferential
Road 4 (C-4), Westbound; and on the West by the RROW of Taft Avenue, Northbound
i.e. specifically those forming part of barangays 93 through 143, except for the
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Northbound, which are C-3 zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz '\
Avenue, Eastbound, which are C-3 zones; ·
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4, .:::.__~
Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iv) the legal easement of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway located on the
Pasay City side;
v) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of both sides of Protacio
Street (Westbound and Eastbound), which are mainly Commercial 1 (C-1)
vi) GIZs;
vii) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and
viii) zones other than R-3, C-3, C-1 or GIZ.

4) The area bounded on the North and East by the Pasay City-Makati City boundary; on
the West by ROW of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway; and on the South by the
RROW of the EDSA/ C-4, Westbound i.e. specifically those forming part of bara
144, except for the following:
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROW of Capt
Reyes Street (Northbound and Southbound), which are commercial 2 (C-2)
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Bonifacio Street,
Northbound, which are C-2 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4,
Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iv) the legal easement of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway (with both sides
within Pasay City);
v) GIZs; and
vi) zones other than R-3, C-3, C-2 or GIZ. ~
5) the area bounded on the North by the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4, Eastbound; on the
East by the Pasay City-Makati City boundary, on the South by the ROW of Maricaba
Creek; and on the West by the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway i.e. specifically those
forming part of barangays 158 through 177, except for the following:
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4,
Eastbound, which are C-3 zones;
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROWs of Apelo
Cruz Street, Clemente Jose Street and P. Santos Street, which are Commercial 1
(C-1) zones;
iii) The legal easements of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway and of the
Maricaban Creek;
iv) GlZs;
v) Areas declared as Special Zones, if any;
vi) Zones other than R-3, C-1 and GIZ; and
vii) Areas occupied by the Sewerage Treatment Plant

6) The area bounded on the North by the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4, Eastbound; on the
East and South by the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway, on the South West by the
Pasay City-Parafiaque City boundary, and on the North West by the RROW of the Taft
Avenue Extension (old Mexico Road), North East bound i.e. specifically those forming
parts of barangays 145 through 157 and of barangays 187 through 190, except for the
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4,
Eastbound, which are C-3 zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the Taft Avenue
Extension, North Eastbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROW of Aurora
Boulevard (formerly Tramo), which are C-2 zones;
iv) the legal easement of the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway;
v) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and
vi) zones other than R-3, C-2 or GIZ.

7) The area bounded on the North by the ROW of the Marica ban Creek, on the West by
the ROW of the Aurora Blvd.(formerly Tramo), on the South by the MIM property,
Westbound and on the East by the Original Villamar Air Base Zone (OVABZ) i~f .
specifically those forming parts of barangays 168 and 178 and of barangays 180 ,.
through 186, including the former NHA project areas in Maricaban i.e. specifically~
those forming part of barangays 178 through182 and 184 through 186, except for
the following: \
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the Aurora Bouleva d
(formerly Tramo), Northbound, which are C-2 zones;
ii) lots, at least one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Andrews Avenue,
Westbound, which are Planned Unit Development (PUD) zones;
iii) the legal easements of both the Estero Tripa de Gallina waterway and the
Maricaban Creek;
iv) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and
v) zones other than R-3, C-2, PUD or GIZ.

2. Community Level Commercial (C-1) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the OSZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of both sides of Protacio
Street (Westbound and Eastbound from Taft Avenue through the Pasay City-
Makati City boundary), except the areas zoned otherwise;
2) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting .QQ.th sides of the RROWs of Apelo Cruz
Street, Southeast bound and Northwest bound, reckoned one lot deep from EDSA/
C-4 Eastbound through Clemente Jose Street Northwest bound, except the areas
zoned otherwise; and
3) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROWs of Clemente
Jose Street and P. Santos Street, Northeast bound and Southwest bound,

I f
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

recknoned one lot deep from EDSA/ C-4 Eastbound through C. De Guzman Street
Westbound, except the areas zoned otherwise.

3. City Level Commercial (C-2) Zone which shall be used principally for trade, services
and business activities at the OSZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be limited to
the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROW of Capt. Reyes
Street from EDSA/ C-4 to the Pasay City-Makati City boundary (Northbound and
Southbound), except the areas zoned otherwise;
2) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Bonifacio Street from
EDSA/ C-4 to the Pasay City-Makati City boundary, Northbound, except the areas
zoned otherwise; and
3) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting both sides of the RROW of Aurora
Boulevard (formerly Tramo) from EDSN C-4 to the RROW of Andrews Avenue,
except the areas zoned otherwise.

4. Metropolitan Level Commercial (C-3) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the OSZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter: ·•

1) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Northbound, reckoned from EDSA/ C-4 (Westbound) through the Pasay City-City
of Manila boundary, except the areas zoned otherwise;
2) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the Taft Avenue
Extension, Northeast bound, reckoned from the Pasay City-Parafiaque City
boundary through EDSA/ C-4 (Eastbound), except the areas zoned otherwise;
3) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue,
both sides, Westbound and Eastbound, reckoned from the Pasay City-Makati City
boundary through Taft Avenue, except the areas zoned otherwise;
4) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue,
both sides, Westbound and Eastbound, reckoned from the Pasay City-Makati City
boundary through Taft Avenue, except the areas zoned otherwise; and
5) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of the EDSA/ C-4, o ,
sides, Westbound and Eastbound, reckoned from the Pasay City-Makati City
boundary through Taft Avenue (i.e. formerly the Pasay Rotonda area), except the
areas zoned otherwise.

5. General Institutional Zone (GIZ) which shall be used principally for general
institutional purposes that are largely public service-oriented or is a highly secure facility
in nature. The designated GIZ zones at the OSZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas
presently occupied by existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the
adoption of this ZO, notwithstanding their location in other designated zones.

6. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation and
natural outdoor entertainment. The designated PRZ zones at the OSZ are as follows, but
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) The Malibay Plaza area bounded by Clemente Jose Street and Apela Cruz
Extension; and
2) The mandatory 3.0 meter (m) legal easements along waterways such as the Estero
Tripa de Gallina, Maricaban Creek, Dilain Creek, etc. which must be developed/
redeveloped as a park strip containing trees/ plants, shaded rest areas, motor
vehicle barriers, bicycle lanes, footpaths, directional signages, lighting, etc.

-----------ss'j ~
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

7. Utilities and Transportation Zone (UTZ) For the OSZ, this shall primarily refer to sub-
grade, grade and above grade levels of road rights-of-way (RROWs), including tollways
and of mass transit alignment/s as well as waterways used for drainage or access/
transportation. The designated UTZ zones at the OSZ are as follows, but shall not
necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) areas occupied by utility concerns i.e. waste management, bounded by the Estero
Tripa de Gallina to the West and by the Maricaban Creek to the south, by S. d
Guzman St on the North and Northwest, with C. Jose St. bisecting the area;
2) RROWs, including tollways [at all development levels i.e. sub-grade, grade and
above grade (air rights) levels] of all alleys, streets, avenues, boulevards, and
the like;
3) ROWs utilizing the portions of the RROWs (i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade
levels) assigned to accommodate mass transit systems e.g. Light Rail Transit
(LRT) Line 1 at Taft Avenue and portions of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line at
EDSA/ C-4; and
4) ROWs (including levees/ embankments and portions of the required 3.0 m
easements) at the Estero Tripa de Gallina, Marica ban Creek, Dilain Creek, etc.

8. Planned Unit Development {PUD) For the OSZ, this shall primarily refer to lots, at least
one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Andrews Avenue, Westbound, except
the areas zoned otherwise.

9. Cemetery Zone (CEZ) For the OSZ, this shall primarily refer to existing cemeteries but
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) the area occupied by the Pasay City Catholic Cemetery along Antonio Arnaiz
Avenue (old Pasay Road), Eastbound, near the Pasay City-Makati City boundary;
2) the area occupied by the Pasay City Public Cemetery in Don Carlos Revilla alon
Aurora Boulevard (Tramo), Southbound.

Subsection 48.2.0ld Reclamation Zone (ORZ) Zoning Classification and Specific Areas
of Application.
The following zoning classifications apply to the ORZ:
1. High Density Residential (R-3) Zone which shall be used principally for housing/
dwelling purposes of high density, i.e., the planned allowable density of from101.0 up to
224.0 dwelling units per hectare. The designated R-3 zones at the ORZ are as follows, but
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas or types of developments enumerated
1) the area bounded on the North by the Pasay City-City of Manila boundary; on the East
by the road right-of-way (RROW) of Taft Avenue, Southbound; on the South by the
RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue (old Buendia Avenue), Westbound; and on the West

part of barangays 14 through 23 and barangay 33 through 37, except for the
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Southbound, which are Commercial 3 (C-3) zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat ~
Avenue, Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Francis B. Harrison
St, Northbound, which are C-3 zones;
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume Z - Zoning Ordinance

iv) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the both sides of the RROW of
Leveriza St., Southbound and Northbound, which are Commercial 2 (C-2)
v) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Donada St.,
Northbound(from San Juan to Gil Puyat Ave.), which are C-2 zones;
vi) General Institutional Zones (GIZs); and
vii) zones other than R-3 , C-3 or GIZ.

2) the area bounded on the North by the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue (old Buen
Avenue), Eastbound; on the East by RROW of Taft Avenue.; on the South by the RRO
of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue (old Libertad), Westbound; and on the West by the RRO
of Francis B. Harrison St., Northbound i.e. specifically those forming part of barangays
24 through 32 and barangays 38 through 40, except for the following:
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue, Southbound and
RROW of A. Luna St., Northbound, which are C-3 zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Francis B. Harrison
St., Northbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting- and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat \
Avenue, Eastbound, which are C-3 zones; ~
iv) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz
Avenue (old Libertad), Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
v) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the both sides of the RROW of
Leveriza St., Southbound and Northbound, which are C-2 zones;
vi) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting the RROW of A Luna St., Southbound, which are
Commercial 1 (C-1) zones;
ix) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and ~
x) zones other than R-3, C-3, C-2, C-1 and GIZ. \ '

3) th.e area bounded on the North by the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue (old Libertad)~ \\I ·
Eastbound; on the East by RROW of Taft Avenue; on the South by the RROW of the~
Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA)/ Circumferential Road 4 (C-4), Westbound; and
on the West by the RROW of Francis B. Harrison St., Northbound i.e. specifically ~ose ·
forming part of barangays 68though 75 and barangays 80 though 92, except fot,the
i) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Southbound, which are C-3 zones;
ii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz
Avenue (old Libertad), Eastbound, which are C-3 zones;
iii) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of EDSA/ C-4,
Westbound, which are C-3 zones;
iv) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Francis B. Harrison
St., Northbound, which are C-3 zones;
v) GIZs;
vi) areas declared as Special Zones, if any; and
vii)zones other than R-3, C-3 and GIZ.

2. Community Level Commercial (C-1) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the OSZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1.) Lots abutting A Luna St from A. Arnaiz Avenue to Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue north
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

3. City Level Commercial (C-2) Zone which shall be used principally for trade, services
and business activities. The designated C-2 zones at the ORZ are as follows, but shall not
necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) Jots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the both sides (Southbound and
Northbound) of the RROW of Leveriza St., reckoned from Antonio Arnaiz Ave. to
the South through the Pasay Manila boundary to the North, except the areas zoned
2) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Donada S .
(Northbound), reckoned from Sen . Gil Puyat Ave. to the South through San Juan St
to the North, except the areas zoned otherwise;
3) all lots, bounded on the north by Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., on East by F. B. Harrison St.
on the South by A. Arnaiz Ave and on the West by Roxas Blvd., except areas
classified as C-3 and GIZ; and
4) the block presently occupied by the Cartimar Shopping Complex i.e. the area
bounded on the North by the RROW limits of A. Pablo St., on the East by the RROW
limits of A. Luna St., on the South by the RROW limits of Mabolo St. and on the
West by the RROW limits of Leveriza St, except for areas zoned otherwise.

4. Metropolitan Level Commercial (C-3) Zone which shall be used principally for trade, -~
services and business activities. The designated C-3 zones at the ORZ are as follows, but
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter: ', __ .....___

1) all lots bounded on the North by the Pasay City-City of Manila boundary, on the
East by Francis B. Harrison St, on the South by Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. (formerly
Buendia) and on the West by Roxas Blvd., except the areas zoned otherwise;
2) all lots bounded on the North by Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., on the East by Francis B.
Harrison St, on the South by Antonio Arnaiz Ave. (formerly Libertad) and on the
West by Roxas Blvd., except the areas zoned otherwise; \
3) all lots bounded on the North by Antonio Arnaiz Ave., on the East by Francis B.
Harrison St., on the South by EDSA/ C-4 and on the West by Roxas Blvd., excep
the areas zoned otherwise;
4) all lots bounded on the North by EDSA/ C-4, on the East by Taft Ave. Extension
(formerly Mexico Road), on the South by the Pasay City-Paraiiaque City bound ry
and on the West by Roxas Blvd., except the areas zoned otherwise;
5) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue,
Southbound, which are Commercial 3 (C-3) zones;
6) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue,
Westbound, except the areas zoned otherwise;
7) lo ts, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Francis B. Harrison St.,
Northbound, except the areas zoned otherwise;
8) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Taft Avenue, Southbound
and abutting the RROW of A Luna St, Northbound, except the areas zoned
9) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Francis B. Harrison St,
Northbound, except the areas zoned otherwise;
l0)lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue
(old Libertad), except the areas zoned otherwise;
ll)lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of EDSA/ C-4, except the
areas zoned otherwise;
12)the block presently occupied by the Pasay City Public Market, i.e. the area
bounded by the RROW of Antonio Arnaiz Avenue (old Libertad) to the North, by
the RROW limits of Taft Avenue to the East, by the RROW limits of Market St. to
the South and by the RROW limits of P. Villanueva St. to the West; and
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

5. General Institutional Zone (GIZ) which shall be used principally for general
institutionaJ purposes that are largely public service-oriented or is a highly secure facility
in nature. The designated GIZ zones at the ORZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas
presently occupied by existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the
adoption of this ZO, notwithstanding their location in other designated zones.

6. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation a
natural outdoor entertainment. The designated PRZ zones at the ORZ are as follows b
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) the Derham Park area bounded by Derham Street to the North,

Harrison St. to the East, and Roxas Blvd. to the West; and
2) the park at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Taft Avenue and Antonio

7. Utilities and Transportation Zone (UTZ) For the ORZ, this shall primarily refer to sub-
grade, grade and above grade levels of road rights-of-way (RROWs), including mass
transit alignment/s as well as waterways used for drainage. The designated UTZ zones at
the ORZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated

1) RROWs [at all development levels i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade (air
rights) levels] of all alleys, streets, avenues, boulevards, and the like; and
2) ROWs utilizing the portions of the RROWs (i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade
levels) assigned to accommodate mass transit systems e.g. Light Rail Transit
(LRT) Line 1 at Taft Avenue and portions of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line at
EDSA/C-4. \

Subsection 48.3 Orie;inal ViHamor Air Base Zone (OVABZ) Zoning Classification and
Specific Areas of Application. ~

The following zoning classifications apply to the OVABZ: ~ · ~

1.Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone which shall be used principally for housingY,
dwelling purposes and with the planned allowable density of sixty-six to one hundred (66.0-
100.0)dwelling units per hectare (ha.), not limited to the area known as Airmen's Village i.e.
located at Barangay 183, bounded by the Maricaban Creek to the North; the Villamor Golf
Course to the East, Newport City areas to the South and by high density residential areas (R-
3) of Marica ban to the West, except for the following:

a. Lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Manlunas Street,
Northwest bound (between 6th and 12 th Streets), which are commercial 1 (C-1)
zones; except those areas zoned otherwise;

b. Lots bounded on the northeast by 12 th street on the southeast by Andrews Ave.

and on the east of Manlunas Street except otherwise classified as Institutional

c. The legal easement of the Maricaban Creek (waterway) located on the Pasay City
2. Residential Condominium (R-5) which shall be used principally for multi-storey
dwelling units with common/party walls, vertical and horizontal access systems to


Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

units, amenities/facilities/services/utilities (AFSU) and open spaces for the exclusive

use of residents/residential condominium unit owners.

The areas at New Port City occupied by the following but shall not necessarily
be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:
a. Palm Tree 1 & 2
b. East palm Drive
c. Montecito Residential Resort
d. Sarasota Residential Resort
e. Pine Crest
f. Parkside Villas

3. Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ) at the OVABZ shall primarily refer to the area forming
part of the Airmen's Village, abutting the legal easement of the Maricaban Creek, on the
East by 8 th St reet and on the South by 29 th Street.

4. Community Level Commercial (C-1) Zone which shall be used principally for trade, .
services and business activities at the OVABZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be \
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter: ~
4.1 lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of 1st Street, Northwest bound
(between 6 th and 12 th Streets), which are commercial 1 (C-1) zones, except the areas
zoned otherwise; and

4.2 lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROW of Mata Street, Northbound,
reckoned from Andrews Ave. through 1st Street, except the areas classified as General

5.Metropolitan Level Commercial (C-3) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the OVABZ, The designated C-3 zones at the OVABZ are as •
follows, but shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

a) The area bounded on the North by PHILSCA on the East and South by South Luzon West
Service Road and on the North West by Piccio Garden Street;

b) The area bounded on the North by 10th Street on the East by Manlunas Street -Newport Blvd\
and Gozar Street on the South by Sales Rd. and on the West by Andrews A venue except the areas
classified otherwise.

6.General Institutional Zone (GIZ) which shall be used principally for general institutional
purposes that are largely public service-oriented or is a highly secure facility in nature. The
designated GJZ zones at the OVABZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas presently
occupied by existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the adoption of this ~
ZO, and specifically abutting the RROW of the South Luzon Expressway West Service South ~
by Piccio Garden Street and on the Northwest by the Pasay City-Makati City boundary.

7.Special Institutional Zone (SIZ) which shall be used principally for special institutional
purposes at the OVABZ, shall not be limited to the following areas:

1) presently controlled by the Philippine Air Force (PAF) for its Headquarters
Complex at the Villamar Air Base (VAB), which front the RROWs of: a) Sales
Avenue (Northeast bound), representing its West and Northwest boundaries;

Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014 -2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

2) the West Service Road (Southeast bound), representing its North and Northeast
boundaries; and 3) the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Complex,
representing its South and Southwest boundaries; and
3) lots fronting the RROWs of 19 th St, 21 st St. and 23rd St., (between 4 th and 8 th
Streets),except areas classified as R-2 zone.
8. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation and
natural outdoor entertainment. The designated PRZ zones at the OVABZ ar
1) Villamar Golf Course, which is classified as a permanent open space due to i
high ground and assigned assembly and refuge area functions during times o
public emergency/ natural calamities;
2) the rotunda along Andrews Ave. facing the entrances to the Airmen's Village;
3) mandatory 3.0 meter (m) wide legal easements along waterways such as the
Maricaban Creek, which must be developed/ redeveloped as a park strip
containing trees/ plants, shaded rest areas, motor vehide barriers, bicycle lanes,
footpaths, directional signages, lighting, etc.; and
4) lots bounded on the west and north by Manlunas Street, on the east by 10 th Street
and on the south by Andrews Avenue.(area identified as Intersection Garden

Subsection 48.4.Airport Zone (AZ) Zoning Classification and Specific Areas of

The following zoning classifications apply to the AZ:
1. High Density Residential (R-3) Zone which shall be used principally for housing/
dwelling purposes of high density, i.e., the planned allowable density of from101.0 up to
224.0 dwelling units per hectare. The designated R-3 zones at the AZ are as follows, butm
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas or types of developments enume ated \ \
hereafter: .
1.1) the area bounded on the north by the property line of the Manila International
Airport Authority (MIAA)-controlled facilities/areas used for the operation of the
NAIA; on the East by C-2 Zone; on the south by creek constituting the Pasay City -
Parafiaque City boundary; and on the West by the RROW limits of the Moonwalk
Access Road, Westbound i.e. specifically those forming part of Barangay 20\ .,
except for the following;
a) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROWs of Merville Access
Rd. and Moonwalk Access Rd., which are Commercial 2 (C-2) zones;
b) General Institutional Zones (GIZ) and
c) All other areas classified as zones other than R-3, C-2 and GIZ.

1.2) the area bounded on the East and South by Estero Tri pa de Gallina; on the Westby
Pasay City - Parafiaque City boundary and on the North by OSZ.

2. City Level Commercial (C-2) Zone which shall be used principally for trade, services
and business activities at the AZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be limited to the
list of areas enumerated hereafter:
1) lots, one (1) lot deep, fronting and abutting the RROWs of Merville Access Rd. and
Moonwalk Access Rd., except the areas zoned otherwise;
2) lots, one (1) lot deep, abutting the RROW of South Luzon Expressway West
Service Rd, except the areas zoned otherwise; and
3) Lots fronting Aurora Blvd. (formerly Tramo), between Andrews Avenue and Saint
Joan Street (Northwest-bound)

61 ;½
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

3. General Institutional Zone (GIZ) which shall be used principally for general
institutional purposes that are largely public service-oriented or is a highly secure facility
in nature. The designated GIZ zones at the ORZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas
presently occupied by existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the
adoption of this ZO, notwithstanding their location in other designated zones.

4. Utilities and Transportation Zone (UTZ). For the AZ, this shall primarily
primarily refer to the following areas, except those zoned otherwise:

1) the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA)-controlled facilities/areas used

for the operation of the NAIA, bounded on the North and Northeast by the road
right-of-way (RROW) of Andrews Ave., Eastbound and Southeast bound; still
bounded on the North by the Villamar Air Base; bounded on the Northeast by the
RROW limits of the South Luzon Expressway, West Service Rd., Southeast bound;
on the South and Southeast by R-3 and C-2 areas of barangay 201; on the West by
the Pasay City -Parafiaque City boundary; on the Southwest by MIA Road,
Westbound; and on the West by the Domestic Road, Northbound;
2) the areas utilized for the depot and offices of the Light Rail Transit Authority
(LRTA) and other government offices, bounded on the North, Northeast and West
by the Tripa de Gallina; the road right-of-way (RROW) of Aurora Blvd. (Tramo) on
the East, by the RROW of Andrews Ave. to the South, except for properties zoned
3) sub-grade, grade and above grade levels of RROWs, including tollways [at all
development levels i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade (air rights) levels] of all
alleys, streets, avenues, boulevards, and the like;
4) rights-of-way (ROWs) utilizing the portions of the RROWs (i.e. sub-grade, grade
and above grade levels) assigned to accommodate future mass transit systems;
5) ROWs of waterways used for drainage or access/ transportation, including
levees/ embankments and portions of the required easements at the Estero Tripa
de Gallina, Dilain Creek, etc.

5. Planned Unit Development (PUD). For the AZ, this shall primarily refer to the folio~-~
areas, except those zoned otherwise:

1) the area bounded on the North by the Estero Tripa de Gallina; on the East by
Aurora Blvd. (formerly Tramo); and on the South by Andrews Ave. and on the ~
West by the BAC 1-11 Drive St .and the North of Domestic Road;
2) the area bounded on the North by the RROW limits of Airport Road, Eastbound;
on the East by Domestic Road, Southbound; on the South by MIA Road
Westbound; and on the West by the Electrical Rd;
3) the area bounded on the North by the RROW limits of NAIA Road, Southeast
bound; on the East by the RROW limits of the Ninoy Aquino Avenue, Southbound;
on the South and West by the Pasay City -Parafiaque City boundary, i.e.
specifically barangays 193,194,199 and 200; and
4) the area bounded on the North and Northeast by the RROW limits of NAIA Road,
Southeast bound; on the South by the Pasay City- Parafiaque City boundary; and
on the West by the RROW limits of the Ninoy Aquino Ave., Northbound i.e.,
specifically barangays 195-198.

Subsection 48.SNew Coastal Reclamation Zone (NCRZ) Zoning Classification and

Specific Areas ofApplication..
The following zoning classifications apply to the NCRZ, which consists of 2 reclaimed islands
i.e. the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Island and the Central Business Park (Island
A) or CBP-l(A): i.

Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (20142022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

1. Metropolitan Level Commercial (C-3) Zone which shall be used principally for trade,
services and business activities at the NCRZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:
1) area at Barangay 76 at CCP Island, occupied by the Sofitel Hotel complex and
adjacent areas, bounded on the West by the Manila Bay, on the East by the road
right-of-way [RROW) of A de Ia Rama St (Southbound), on the South by the RROW
of Zoila Hilario St. (Westbound) and on the North by a General Institutional Zone

2) area at the Northwestern most part of CCP Island, bounded on the West and
North by the Manila Bay on the south by GIZ and on the east by a Cultural Zan ·
3) area approx. 180.0 hectare (has.) reclaimed land area presently referred to a
Central Business Park Island A [CBP-l(A)] at Barangay 76,which is the main
commercial component of the National Government's old Boulevard 2000
Project, presently controlled by the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA,
formerly the Public Estate Authority or PEA), the SM Group and the Metrobank
Group; the area is bounded on the North by the ROW of Libertad Channel and its
MLE; on the East by the RROW of Roxas Blvd. (Southbound); on the South by the
ROW of the Redemptorist Channel and its MLE; and on the West by the Manila
Bay, except for portions of CBP-I(A) zoned otherwise. b
2. Residential Condominium (R-5) which shall be used principally for multi-storey___ _
dwelling units with common/ party walls, vertical and horizontal access systems to units,
amenities/ faci lities/ services/ utilities (AFSU) and open spaces for the exclusive use of
residents/ residential condominium unit owners.
l) The areas at CBP-l(A) occupied by the following, but shall not necessarily be
limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:
a) Shell Residences;
b) Sea Residences;
c) Breeze Residences;
d) Bay Gardens;
e) Shore 2 Residences;
f) Oceanaire; and
g) Six Senses.
3. General Institutional Zone (GIZ) which shall be used principally for general institutional
purposes that are largely public service-oriented or is a highly secure facility in nature.
The designated GIZ zones at the NCRZ shall not necessarily be limited to areas presently
occupied by existing institutions, private or government-owned, prior to the adoption of
this ZO, notwithstanding their location in other designated zones, viz
The area at Financial Centeroccupied by the GSIS and by the Philippine Senate;
Lot occupied by Manila Tytana College;
Lot occupied by the Shrine of Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Life; and
Lot occupied by the Office of the Vice President (formerly known as Coconut

4. Cu]tural Zone (CZ) which shall be used principally for general cultural, educational and
entertainment purposes. The designated CZ zone at the NCRZ is the area occupied by the
CCP Complex i.e. bounded on the North by the Pasay City-City of Manila boundary; on the
East by the RROW of Roxas Blvd. (Southbound); on the South by a PUD zone; and on the
West by the GIZ (PICC and Coconut Palace, the interim Office of the Vice President of the
Philippines), except those areas zoned otherwise, but that the CZ zone shall not ~
necessarily be limited to the CZ zone defined above; ,/

63 -
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014 -2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

5. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation and
natural outdoor enterta inment. The designated PRZ zones at the NCRZ are as follows, but
shall not necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) the EDSA/ C-4 Extension Rotunda; and

2) the mandatory legal easements (MLEs) along coastal areas or waterways such as
the Manila Bay, Libertad Channel, Redemptorist Channel, etc. which must be
developed/ redeveloped as a park strip containing trees/ plants, shaded rest
areas, motor vehicle barriers, bicycle lanes, footpaths, directional signages,
1igh ting, etc.

6. Utilities and Transportation Zone (UTZ) For the NCRZ, this shall primarily re~
sub-grade, grade and above grade levels of road rights-of-way (RROWs), including ft\b
tollways and mass transit alignment/s as well as waterways used for drainage or a:~~s
transportation. The designated UTZ zones at the NCRZ are as follows, but shall o
necessarily be limited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter:

1) RROWs, including future tollways [at all development levels i.e. sub-grade, grade

and above grade (air rights) levels] of all alleys, streets, avenues, boulevards, and
the like;
2) ROWs utilizing the portions of the RROWs (i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade
levels) that may be assigned to accommodate future mass transit systems e.g.
Light Rail Transit (LRT) Lines; and ·

7. Planned Unit Development (PUD)shall specifically refer to land development or

redevelopment schemes for a built-up site intended for redevelopment or for a ri'ew
project site, wherein such project sites must have dedicated comprehensi~e\
development master plan (COMP) or the Official Development Master Plan (ODMP),~
i.e., a unitary development plan/ site plan that permits flexibility in planning/ urban
design/ design, structure/ bu ilding siting, complementarily of building types and laRd
uses, usable open spaces for general public use services and business activities and tri£
preservation of significant natural land features, if feasible.

1) The designated PUD zones at the NCRZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily
be lim ited to the list of areas enumerated hereafter :

a) the southern portions of the 13 0.0 has. reclaimed land area referred to as
Cultural Center-Financial Center Area (CC-FCA), better known as the CCP
lsland,atBarangay 76, which is the institutional cum commercial cum
cultural component of the National Government's old Boulevard 2000
Project, presently controlled by various Government Fina ncial
Institutions (GFls), line agencies of the National Government or
Government-Owned and ControlJed Corporations (GOCCs) e.g. GSIS, PNB,
SSS, DTI, etc. and by private persons (juridical or natural) ; the area is
bounded on the North by the Cultural Zone controlled by the Cultural
Center of the Philippines (CCP), except for areas zoned otherwise; on the
East by the RROW of Roxas Blvd. (Southbound); on the South by the ROW
of the Libertad Channel and its MLE; and on the West by the Manila Bay;

The exact locations of the proposed/ designated component zones at the PUD
zone shall be reflected in the Official Development Master Plan (ODMP) to be
prepared by the respective PUD proponents. The ODMP shall first be reviewed
by the CPDO/ZA and finally by the Office of the Chair of the City Council Land
Use Committee, prior to endorsement to/ preliminary approval by the Pasay
City Council for the final officia l approval by the City Mayor before detailed
planning, design and implementation can proceed.

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Subsection 48.6.City Waters Zone (CWZ) Zoning Classification and Specific Areas of
The following zoning classifications apply to the CWZ, once land reclamation is substantially
1. Planned Unit Development (PUD) For the CWZ, this shall primarily refer to the three
(3) reclamation islands being envisioned at the CWZ, except for the areas to be zoned

2. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) which shall be used principally for recreation a
natural outdoor entertainment.
3. Utilities and Transportation Zone (UTZ) For the CWZ, this shall primarily refer to u
grade, grade and above grade levels of road rights-of-way (RROWs), including m
transit alignment/s as well as waterways used for drainage. The designated UTZ zones
the CWZ are as follows, but shall not necessarily be limited to the list of area
enumerated hereafter:

1) future RROWs [at all development levels i.e. sub-grade, grade and above grade (air
rights) levels] at al1 alleys, streets, avenues, boulevards, and the like; and
2) future ROWs utilizing the portions of the RROWs (i.e. sub-grade, grade and above
grade levels) that may be assigned to accommodate future mass transit systems
e.g. Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line, etc.

Of similar importance are the identified Socialized Housing Zones (SHZ) which may be
addressed by the City through future affordable housing and/or relocation/ resettlement
programs/ projects together with the mandated legal easements (which must be recovered
and preserved as dictated by law), particularly those situated along the City's inland
waterways e.g. Tripa de Gallina, Maricaban Creek, etc.


Section 49.Zone Development Councils [ZDCs). Zone Development Councils (ZDCs) are
forms of development-oriented public-private partnerships between the LGU of P~say
City and the private sector. Its sole purpose is to help in future development planning 1~~
management efforts and to help implement this ZO, its LUDMG and IRR-Z0.16. Because 0f
the unique development characteristics and potentials and the unique management
problems at each of the five (5) geographic macro zones (GMZs) in Pasay City, a ZDC for
each GMZ may be formed.

While the ZDC is a partnership between the LGU and the private sector as well as all
legitimate stakeholders, it must however be funded not by the LGU but by the private ~
sector and stakeholders inasmuch as it is intended to be an external advisory body. Its t_
functions may supplement/ complement but never interfere with official functions of
other LGU bodies or offices concerned with planning and zoning.

on Land Use and shall be supervised by the City Planning and Development Office ,
(CPDO)/Zoning Administrator (ZA) . The Chair of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
Committee on Land Use or the City Planning and Development Coordinator (CPDC)
shall serve as the Chair of each of the ZDCs. The Vice Chair of the ZDC shall be a
representative from the private sector and/or a stakeholder and directly residin -7
working and/ or doing business in the GMZ concerned.

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance


Section SO. The public domain consists of all public spaces that are fo r public use and
enjoyment, and not for any form of private use or enjoyment. The most common forms are
the following:
1) road rights-of-way (RROWs);
2) rights-of-way (ROWs) for public amenities, facilities, services and utilities
3) mandated legal easements (MLEs), particularly along waterways; and
4) public parks and similar open spaces.

1. RROW Components and Physical Levels

The RROW has two (2) key components i.e. the sidewalk for pedestrians and the
carriageway for vehicles. For wider RROWs, a third and a fourth element are usually added
in the form of the median i.e. center island (which may also be planted) and the planting
strips along the sidewalks. Street furniture complete the RROW components i.e. signs/
signages, bus/ jeepney/ tricycle stops, telephone booths, public toilets, streetlights,
pedestrian barriers/ guides/ protectors (e.g. bollards), foot bridges/ crossings, transit \_
connectors, and the like. ~

The RROW consists of three (3) different physical levels as follows:

a. RROW ABOVE GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the
fin ished surface of the roadway/carriageway and/or the sidewalk/arcade all the
way up to the air. If this level of the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose, the Air
Rights or the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of the RROW above
grade is given up by the government/general public and should therefore be
compensated, i.e., leased and paid for by the proponent/end-user /beneficiary of the
proposed building/structure (Figs. VIILG.11. and Vlll.G.12.of Annex "D.1'1, Th
minimum clear height for the utilization of air rights above RROW shall be 4.27
meters from the finished crown elevation of the roadway/carriageway.
b. RROW AT GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the natural
grade line up to the finished surface of the roadway/carriageway and/ or t\ e
sidewalk/arcade. This portion of the RROW is generally utilized for the movemen
of the general public (motorists and pedestrians). If this level of the RROW is\ \
utilized for whatever purpose, the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use
of the RROW at grade is given up by the government/general public and should
therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and paid for by the development .,.
proponent/end-user/ beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and VIIl.G.12.ofAnnex "D.1'1
c. RROW BELOW GRADE - refers to the portion of the RROW reckoned from the
finished surface of the roadway and/or the sidewalk all the way down into the I
ground. If this level of the RROW is utilized for whatever purpose, the right to
develop, benefit and profit from the use of the RROW below grade is given up by the

government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and
paid for by the development proponent/end-user/beneficiary. (Figs. VIII.G.11. and
VII l. G.12.ofAnnex "D.1")
2. MLE Components and Physical Levels
The MLE has two (2) key uses i.e. either as a promenade (for pedestrians and
promenaders) or as an esplanande (for both pedestrians/ promenaders and vehicle
(reference Figs. VIII.G.1. and VIII.G.2. of Annex "B'} If developed as an esplanade, it shall
have two (2) primary components i.e. the sidewalk for pedestrians and the carriageway for
vehicles. For wider ML Es, a third and a fourth element can also be added in the form oft ~""-
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

median i.e. center island (which may also be planted) and the planting strips along the
promenade. Street furniture complete the MLE components i.e. signs/ signages, possible
bus/ jeepney/ tricycle stops, telephone booths, public toilets, streetlights, pedestrian
barriers/ guides/ protectors (e.g. bollards), foot bridges/ crossings, transit connectors (as
applicable), and the like.
The MLE consists of mainly two (2) physical levels as follows:
a) MLE ABOVE GRADE - refers to the portion of the MLE reckoned from the finished
surface of the carriageway and/or the promenade all the way up to the air. If this
level of the MLE is utilized for whatever purpose, the Air Rights or the right t
develop, benefit and profit from the use of the MLE above grade is given up by th
government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased and
paid for by the proponent/end-user/beneficiary of the proposed building/structure.
The minimum clear height for the utilization of air rights above MLE shall be 4.27
meters from the finished crown elevation of the carriageway.
b) MLE AT GRADE - refers to the portion of the MLE reckoned from the natural grade
line up to the finished surface of the carriageway and/ or the promenade. This
portion of the MLE is generally utilized for the movement of the general public
(motorists and pedestrians). If this level of the MLE is utilized for whatever purpose, (
the right to develop, benefit and profit from the use of the MLE at grade is given up .:--~
by the government/general public and should therefore be compensated, i.e., leased
and paid for by the development proponent/end-user/ beneficiary.
3. Allowed or Encouraged Structures/ Developments Within the RROWs and MLEs
The RROW at all its physical levels may only be used for the following types of •
structures/uses or others similar to them, to wit:
a) Transportation structures and like uses whether temporary or permanent, e.g.,
mass transit alignments (particularly light and heavy rail) at grade, mass transit
stations and terminal facilities above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or below
grade and the like; these also include waiting sheds, traffic outposts and the like;
b) Limited commercial structures/ uses above grade (RROW air rights utilization) or
below grade provided that these are ancillary or supplementary/complementary
to the transportation structures/ uses allowed in the previous paragraph, and the
like; commercial signages on the exterior of the commercial structure
disallowed and prohibited;
c) Improvements on the RROW and on all its components/elements found at all it
physical levels, e.g., sidewalks, arcades, roadway/carriageway, medians, planting
strips, street furniture, elevated or underground crossings or access-ways, non-
commercial traffic and directional signages and the like; and
d) Public utility/service structures/ uses (power, water, drainage, sewerage,
telecommunications, gas, etc.) at all physical levels of the RROW provided that
these do not restrict nor impede the movement of people and vehicles and
provided further that the rights to utilize the RROW are properly secured and
permitted (reference Rule VIII Guidelines atAnnex "D.1") .
4. Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/ Developments at RROWs and MLEs
If situated outside of private property limits, the RROW is public land, i.e., public domain,
which should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community. The RROW is not to b
used for the following types of buildings/structures/ occupancies or others similar to
a) Any form of semi-permanent/ permanent or semi-enclosed/enclosed commercial
structure/use and like structures/ uses;
b) Any form of temporary, semi-permanent/ permanent or semi-enclosed/ enclosed
residential structure/ use and like structures/uses;

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

c) Government structures/ use unless the same are located below or above grade; in
such cases, the proposed structure must be properly planned/designed and
d) Long-term or overnight vehicle parking, i.e., unless duly designated as day and/or
night pay-parking zones;
e) As a depository of stalled, wrecked or abandoned vehicles, mechanical devices and
the like;
f) The conduct of other commercialfbusiness/industrial activities incompatible with
the character of the RROW;
g) Unauthorized recreational or entertainment usage and the like which will onl
benefit certain entities and which will ultimately result in inconvenience/
nuisance/safety problems to the general public; nor
h) Any other form of private use, gain, enjoyment or profit at the expense of the
motoring or walking public (reference Rule Vil! Guidelines at Annex "D.1") .
The occupancy and use of any part of the public domain, particularly the RROW or MLE, for
the conduct of wakes ("lamaysapatay"Jshall be strictly regulated by the barangay. In
particular, only one (1) lane of the carriageway portion of the RROW may be allowed for
use for a wake from 10:30 pm through 5:30 am, after which the barangay shall ensure that
the carriageway is cleared of all obstructions, cleaned and free for use by the motoring ~
public during daytime and early evening i.e. from 5:31 am through 10:29 pm. c_, ___ _

Alleys with a clear width of 3.5 m or less are to be designated as fire lanes. Alleys with a
clear width of from 3.51 m up to 5.59 m shall have one (1) permanent lane designated as
the fire lane and cleared of parked vehicles on a 24-hour basis. As such, there should be no
parked vehicles within such alleys (or portions of such alleys) at any time of the day or ,
night, to allow for the free ingress and egress of fire trucks and emergency vehicles.


Section 51. MUDs or MXDs shall be developments or redevelopments on sites that shall ~
possess the following physical characteristics: ~ --
1) total lot area (TLA) of from two thousand five hundred square meters (2,500.0 sqm) \
i.e. 0.25 hectares (has.)or higher; for lots with a lesser area, the same shall be zoned
as commercial;
2) MUDs housed in one (1) or more structures whereby the minimum total gross floor
area (TGFA) shall be from seven thousand (7,000.0)sqm or higher; and
3) the usable/ saleable/ leasable/ net gross floor area (GFA) shall host a minimu .
estimated permanent night-time building population of at least five hundred (500)
persons an/or a minimum estimated day-time building population of seven hundred
(700) persons at any given time of the day, inclusive of building administration staff,
whereby the estimate shall be officially provided to the CPDO and the ZA by the
building administration. i
MUDs may be comprised of any of the following land use and/or building occupancy~
(LU/BO) combinations, to wit:
1) residential/ transient residential/ housing (primary land use and/or building
occupancy or LU/BO), commercial/ business/ entertainment (secondary LU/BO),
and utility/ transport/ services/ UTS (tertiary LU /BO);
2) commercial/ business/ entertainment (primary LU /BO), residential/ transient
residential/ housing (secondary LU/BO), and utility/ transport/ services/ UTS
(tertiary LU/BO);
3) utility/ transport/ services/ UTS (primary LU /BO), commercial/ business/
entertainment (secondary LU /BO), and residential/ transient residential/ housing r-.1~.r-·
(tertiary LU/BO);

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 ~ Zoning Ordinance~

4) institutional/ national Government/ LGU or community services (primary LU/BO),

commercial/ business/ entertainment (secondary LU/BO), and residential/
transient residential/ housing (tertiary LU/BO);
5) parks, recreation/ entertainment/ PRE/ tourism/ cultural (primary LU /BO),
commercial/ business (secondary LU/BO), and residential/ transient residential/
housing (tertiary LU/BO);
6) light industrial/ manufacturing (primary LU/BO), residential/ transient residential/
housing (secondary LU/BO), and commercial/ business/ entertainment (tertiary
7) light industrial/ manufacturing/ warehousing/ storage (primary LU/BO), utility
transport/ services/ UTS (secondary LU/BO), and commercial/ business
entertainment (tertiary LU/BO); and
8) other viable LU/BO combinations as determined by the land owner and MUD

The requisite approvals for the issuance of the LGU development permit for MUDs shall be
supported by following documents:
1) a comprehensive master development plan (CMDP) for private lands and an official
development master plan (OOMP) for public lands (as applicable), which shall
contain the physical and related component plans e.g. master development plans
(MOP), site development plans (SOP), the infrastructure plan (particularly with
respect to meeting the utilities and services requirements of the MUD), the
environmental management plan (EMP), the social and institutional plans (as
applicable), the financial and business plans (including the marketing plan, as
applicable), generic project description (site and grounds), etc.; these shall be duly
prepared, signed and sealed by a registered and licensed environmental planner
2) concept-level architectural documents consisting of floor plans, sections, elevations, (
specific project description/s (building/s), outline specifications, total gross floor
area (TGFA) breakdown, budgetary project cost estimate (BPCE); in full accordance
with Sec. 20.5 of RA. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004), a valid and subsistin ·
law, these architectural documents shall be duly prepared, signed and sealed only
by a registered and licensed architect (RLA);
3) the architectural analyses (on-site and off-site) and a notarized architectural
statement anent the attainment of full compliance with all the applicable minim\7
national development controls under the NBCP that shall ensure that there shall I e
no over-building and over-paving as a result of the MUD (reference Annex "D\ ,
particularly Rules Vil and VIII); this shall necessarily include statements anent the
FLAR/ FAR, PSO, setbacks/ incremental setbacks, AMBF, GFA/ TGFA, architectural
projections, AMBV, off-street parking provisions, etc.; in full accordance with Sec.
20.5 of RA. No. 9266, the architectural analyses/ statement shall be duly prepared,
signed and sealed only by a RLA;
4) the initial environmental examination (IEE), preferably signed and sealed by a
RLEnP; and
5) the traffic impact assessment (TIA), preferably signed and sealed by a RLEnP.
As MUDs represent large concentrations of transient and resident populations shall
introduce an additional management burden on the LGU, huge demands on the carrying
capacity of the community (on-street traffic congestion, parking, utilities, waste generation
and LGU services, the LGU, after the conduct of due diligence and due processes in the near
future, may take official acts/ steps to strictly regulate and monitor the development of

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance


Section 52. Being traversed by the major waterways of Metro Manila, the Pasay City
Waters Area (CWA) shall be comprised of the following water zone classifications:
1) natural creeks (e.g. Maricaban Creek, Dilain Creek, Cutcut Creek) for use primarily
as a drainage right-of-way (DROW) and secondarily for use as a possible future
transportation right-of-way (TROW);
2) natural rivers (Tripa de Gallina, etc.) for use primarily as a DROW and secondarily
for use as a TROW and tertiarily for possible future use as a recreational/
entertainment/ tourism resource or as a platform for water-oriented
3) artificial waterway (Libertad Channel, Redemptorist Channel) for use primarily as
DROW, secondarily for use as a TROW and tertiarily for use as an active
recreational/ entertainment/ tourism resource; and
4) Pasay City Waters Area at Manila Bay for use primarily as a TROW, secondarily as
site for future reclamation works and tertiarily for use as an active
recreational/entertainment/tourism resource or as a platform for water-oriented
To help attain the above, the CWA shall be always kept free of obstructions, particularly of
illegally constructed dwellings/ makeshift structures (violations of the NBCP, punishable t
under Sec. 213 of P.D. No. 1096 and of the Water Code of the Philippines) . The LGU shall }
take al] of the necessary liaisons with the concerned agencies, precautions and steps to '\_
ensure that both storm and waste waters are able to freely flow through these waterways. ~.....


Section 53. Being part of the outer NAIA aerodrome and being traversed by the major
airways over Metro Manila, the Pasay City Air Area (CAA) shall be comprised of t . e
following air zone classifications:
1) extended runway ce.nterline (ERC) in the middle of the two (2) 15%. diverge\Ce
lines emanating from the end of the NAIA international runway i.e. approach a~d
departure path for all types of fixed-wing aircraft, particularly by medium to large
jets (reference Annex "C'1;and
2) airways for rotary-wing aircraft i.e. helicopters, particularly where helipads/
landing zones are situated.
All of the above CAAs shall be kept free of obstructions and related safety concerns,
particularly tall to very tall buildings and antennae towers. As applicable, the requisite
clearances for height clearance i.e. building height limits (BHL) from the Civil Aviation
Authority of the Philippines (CAAP, formerly the DoTC Air Transportation Office/ ATO)
must be secured by the concerned development proponents, particularly in the case of tall
buildings i.e. located directly under or very close to the above defined CAAs.
Air Rights pertain to rights/ privileges to develop, occupy and use the air space above the
public domain i.e. RROWs, utility/ service ROWs, MLEs, parks and open spaces, City Waters
Area (CWA), public amenities and facilities, and the like, mainly for the purpose of public
good and public service, safety and general convenience. If such purposes are amply
addressed by the proposed private usage of the air rights, the City/ LGU may lease the said
air rights, partly to service the requirements of the generated TGFA, if used for attendant
commercial or business purposes.
The rate of lease payabJe to the City/ LGU by the private project proponent requiring ai
rights utilization shall be comparable with commercial lease rates in a commercial zone ·
Pasay City for each square meter (sqm) of total gross floor area (TGFA) to be generated
the private project proponent, including the TGFA at deck rooflevel spaces, if provided.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~


Section 54. Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings are
permitted to be constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and
resistance to fire (Sec. 501 of P.D. No. 1096, 1977 NBCP).
With the assistance of the Local Fire Marshal and the Local Building Official (LBO), the
following fire zone cJassifications in full accordance with Chapters 4 and S of P.D. No. 1096,
the 1977 NBCP, may be instituted:
1) Type I Fire Zone, with buildings of wood construction; this is the least resistive F
2) Type II Fire Zone, with buildings of wood construction, but with protective fire
resistant materials and one (1)-hour fire-resistive throughout; except that
permanent non-bearing partitions may use fire-retardant treated wood within the
framing assembly;
3) Type III Fire Zone, with buildings of masonry and wood construction; provided, that
the building shall be one (1)-hour fire-resistive throughout; exterior walls shall be of
incombustible fire-resistive construction;
4) Type IV Fire Zone, with buildings of steel, iron, concrete or masonry construction;
the walls, ceiling and permanent partitions shall be of incombustible fire-resistive
construction; except that permanent non-bearing partitions of one (1)-hour fire-
resistive construction may use fire-retardant treated wood within the framing
assembly; and
SJ Type V Fire Zone, where buildings shall be fire-resistive; the structural elements
shall be of steel, iron, concreteor masonry construction; the walls. ceilings, and
permanent partitions shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction; this is the
most resistive fire zone.
A building or structure which is located partly in one fire zone and partly in another ~all
be considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than one-tfi.fud
' ,
(1/3) of its total gross floor area (TGFA) is located in such zone (Sec. 502 of P.D. No. 109·
1977 NBCP, refer also to "Annex D.1").
Alleys with a clear width of 3.5 m or less are to be designated as fire lanes. Alleys with a
clear width of from 3.51 m up to 5.59 m shall have one (1) permanent lane designated as
the fire lane and cleared of parked vehicles on a 24-hour basis. As such, there should be no
parked vehicles within such alleys (or portions of such alleys) at any time of the day or
night, to allow for the free ingress and egress of fire trucks and emergency vehicles.


Section 55. The parking provisions for all classes of developments in Pasay City shall be
as per Rule VII of the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of P.O. No.
1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines or NBCP(reference Annex "E.1 'J,
which are the minimum national standards and development controls. Per recent Supreme
Court pronouncements, such IRR are to be regarded as laws insofar as the same do not
contradict the enabling law.

While the said Rule may be made stricter or more stringent by the City and/or by othe
Government agencies which may exercise certain jurisdiction over parking matters and/o
by all owners, administrators and developers of public or private buildings or subdivision
within Pasay City, including the associations of occupants, homeowners and locators, th
said minimum national standards and development controls cannot be relaxed or made
less strict by said entities. ~

- - - - - - - - - - = 1 /~
Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

There shall be three (3) main types of dedicated public parking zones, which may be sited
within the public domain i.e. RROW / MLE (with esplanade) or within private and public
properties. The Pasay City parking zones and their permitted uses shall only be as follows:
1) on-street parking at the carriageway portion of the duly-designated RROW i.e.
closest to the curb and gutter and intended for use only as pay parking slots
inasmuch as the parking of a private vehicle within any part of the RROW
constitutes the private use and enjoyment of the public domain; the parking rates t
be charged, collected and receipted by the barangay shall be comparable with t e
hourly rates charged in RROWs at commercial zones in Pasay City;
2) off-street parking using leased vacant or idle lands, intended for use as off-street pa
parki.ng, off-street terminals and long-term impounding/ towing yards; and
3) off-street parking buildings, intended for use as commercial pay parking facilities
and/or temporary impounding/ towing facilities;
The minimum number of on-street and/or off-street parking slots for MUDs shall be as pe
Rule VII of the NBCP (reference Annex "D''J.
The key restrictions on public parking zones shall be as follows:
1) the term private veh icle shall refer to all types of motor-operated, animal-drawn or
human-powered contraptions designed to transport people, animals, services and
2) for public domain parking zones i.e. at duly designated on-street parking slots at
RROWs and MLEs (with esplanades), overnight parking shall only be from 8:00 pm
through 6:00 am, after which the vehicle should be moved elsewhere so as not to
contribute to traffic congestion during rush hour; daytime parking at RROWs and
MLEs (with esplanade) shall only be allowed from 9:00 am through 5:00 pm; thf,fe
shalJ be no on-street parking at RROWs during the rush hour windows i.e. 6:01 ~
through 8:59 am and 5:01 pm through 7:59 pm; violations shall merit fines
equivalent to a full day parking rate patable to the barangay or result ih
apprehension and detention for repeated and deliberate violations or in towing
activities for which the vehicle owner shall pay towing rates comparable with
commercial towing rates in Metro Manila;
3) extended term parking i.e. longer than overnight parking shall only be at duly
designated areas where the parked vehicle shall not cause traffic congestion on the
RROW; the rates shall be prorated and shall be payable to the barangay;
4) the public domain shall not be used as a depository for staJled, wrecked, abandoned
or scrap vehicles as the same constitute a constant danger to public health and
safety; the same shall be removed immediately after the lapse of a four (4) working
day notice; if brought to a towing facility/ yard, the claimant shall pay the necessary
charges comparable with commercial towing rates elsewhere in Metro Manila; such
vehicles brought to the towing yard shall be auctioned and sold as scrap after a
lapse of fourteen (14) calendar days, with the proceeds (less deductible expenses)
to go to the barangay;
5) the use of the public domain as on -street terminals for tricycles, jeepneys, mega-
taxis, express taxi services, taxis, city buses, and the like shall be strictly regulated;
only the CPDO/ZA shall designate on-street terminals in Pasay City and the same
shall be located in areas where these shall cause the least traffic congestion and
public inconvenience/ nuisance; and
6) Alleys with a clear width of 3.5 m or less are to be designated as fire lanes. Alleys
with a clear width of from 3.51 m up to 5.59 m shall have one (1) permanent lane
designated as the fire lane and cleared of parked vehicles on a 24-hour basis; as
such, there should be no parked vehicles within such alleys (or portions of sue
alleys) at any time of the day or night, to allow for the free ingress and egress of fir
trucks and emergency vehicles.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~


Secti on 56. This ZO shall utilize its accompanying Appendices and Annexes (with
Attachments) as its implementing rules and regulations, guidelines and standards,
references (i.e. referral codes/ RCs), as well as its manual of procedure (MoP), as
applicable (collectively the "IRR-Z0.16"), composed of:

1) Z0.16 Annexes

Annex A - Official Zoning Map (OZM)

Annex B.1-0ld Settlement Zone (OSZ) Map

Annex B.2-0rigina/ Reclamation Zone (ORZJ Map
Annex B.3-0riginal Villamar Air Base Zone (OVABZJ Map
Annex 8.4 - Airport Zone (AZ) Map
Annex 8.5-New Coastal Reclamation Zone (NCRZJ Map
Annex B.6-City Waters Zone (CWZ) Map
Annex C. - NA/A Extended Runway Center Line Passing Through Pasay City

Annex D.1 - Excerpts from the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 (the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines/ NBCP, its 2004 Revised IRR and its 2008 ARR
(with Attachments)
Annex D.2 - List of NBCP Referral Codes (RCs) and Derivative Regulations (DRs)
Annex D.3 - Interpretations of Key Zoning Classifications and Permissible Buildings/
Structures that are Fully/ Substantially Compliant with P.D. No. 1096
(the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines/ NBCP, its 2004 Revised IRR,
Its 2008 ARR, its Referral_Codes/ RCs and Derivative Regulations/ DRs)
Annex D.4 - Interpretations of Natural light and Ventilation Provisions Along Road Rights-
of-Way (RROWs) that are Fully/ Substantially Compliant with P.D. No. 1096
(the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines/ NBCP, its 2004 Revised IRR,
its Referral Codes/ RCs and Derivative Regulations/ DRs)
Annex E -Land Use Development and Management Guidelines (LUDMGs)
Annex F -Generic Development Guidelines and Design Guidance (DGDGs)

Annex G -Generic Minimum Performance Standards and Guidelines (MPSS)

for Public Buildings

Annex H - Generic Project Development Brief (PDB)

Annex I - Pasay City Political Zone cum Barangay Map

2) Z0.16 Appendices

Appendix A - MMDA Procedures and Guidelines on Non-Mobile Billboards (NMBs)

and Their Support Structures
Appendix B - List ofAcronyms Used

Appendix C - Supplemental Definition of Terms

Appendix D - Makati City 2014 Billboard Ordinance (with Attachments)

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

Appendix E - Legal Bases for the Prohibition of/ Ban against the Erection of Non-Mobile
Billboards and Their Support Structures Along Road Rights-of-Way (RROWs), Rights-of-
Way (ROWs) and Mandated Legal Easements (MLEs)


Section 57. The key miscellaneous provisions of ZO.16 shall be as follows:
1) having the full potential to host extensive commercialization, some RROWs shall
have mandated commercial zoning classifications along their frontages, thereb,Y.
being levied a commercial property tax on said frontages, with the rest of th
properties to be levied a different property tax based on a non-commercial zoning
classification, to wit:
a) Forty meters (40.0 m) depth of commercial 3 (C-3 or metropolitan-level
commercial) zones along RROWs that are at least 30.0 m wide shall be
reserved for commercial development (including the upper levels); in cases
where such a C-3 lot is already zoned as C-3 under an earlier ordinance, the
zoning classification extends to the entire lot (and not just the 40.0 m deep
portion measured from the RROW);
b) Twenty meters (20.0 m) depth of commercial 2 (C-2 or city-level
commercial) zones along RROWs that are at between 20.0 to 29.0 m wide
shall be reserved for commercial development (including the upper levels),
except where zoned as institutional (I); in cases where such a C-2 lot is
already zoned as C-2 under an earlier ordinance, the zoning classification
extends to the entire lot (and not just the 20.0 m deep portion measured
from the RROW); and
d) Ten meters (10.0 m) depth of commercial 1 (C-1 or community-level
commercial) zones along RROWs that are at between 10.0 to 19.0 m wide
shall be reserved for commercial development (including the upper levels),
except where zoned as institutional (f); in cases where such a C-1 lot is
already zoned as C-1 under an earlier ordinance, the zoning classification
extends to the entire lot (and not just the 10.0 m deep portion measured
from the RROW).
2) with the aim of making the main commercial zones of Pasay City as walkable and
bikeable communities, the following RROWs are designated as arcaded RROWs,
with a minimum six meter (6.0 m) wide and minimum four point eight meter (4.8
m) tall covered walkway (i.e. arcade within property lines) and the sidewalks
converted into bicycle lanes; with the arcades in place, the project proponent may
build the upper levels (above the arcade) up to the front property line but in
consideration of the restrictions on GFA/ TGFA imposed by incremental setback
4) after proper study and due processes, a limit of one million square meters
(1,000,000.00 sqm) of TGFA may be imposed for the approval for development of
proposed new R-5 and MUD developments in Pasay City; and
5) a Pasay City Transportation Plan must be undertaken in the near future and must
fully address the following:
a) public transportation routes, stops, terminals, intermodal, garages and
b) nationally-initiated mass transit systems and services traversing Pasay City
mass rapid transit (MRT) extension, ferry transit at Manila Bay, etc.;
c) traffic management at major RROWs;
d) public parking policy;
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) ~
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

e) footbridge locations, flyovers, viaducts and other forms of air rights

utilization at the public domain for the transportation sector; and
f) road widening and new road construction.
6) in the event of clear showing that full compliance with the provisions of ZO.16 shall
result in extreme hardship or material prejudice on the part of the land/ lot/
property owner and/or the project proponent to comply, the necessary
representations shall be made, citing the Civil Code of the Philippines;
7) ) in the case of contiguous lots, lots not directly adjoining and facing the RROW
shall automatically assume the zoning classification of the lot abutting the RROW,
provided the lot owners are one and the same entity;
8) cellular/ mobile phone towers shall only be sited atop buildings at a maximum
height of 6.0 m reckoned from the finished deck roof level; the top of cellular phone
towers shall neither exceed NBCP or CAAP regulations and be fitted with the
mandatory safety devices; the original and a copy of a DoH certification as to the
effects of radiation on health shall be presented for each tower permit application or
renewal to operate;
l0)non-mobile billboards (NMBs) and billboard structures not conforming or
complying with the 2008 DPWH Additional Rules and Regulations (ARR) shall be
dismantled in full accordance with the prescribed procedures and processes; NMBs
and/or billboard structures that violate the BHL and setback requirements under,
the 2004 Revised IRR and the 2008 ARR of the NBCP shall be immediately adjusted
to fully comply with said IRR and ARR;
11)an esplanade shall be developed at the edges of alJ waterways and coastal areas; of
this, the 3.0 m mandated legal easement (MLE) shaJI be the promenade while a
minimum of 10.0 m shall host a carriageway and a sidewalk across the promenad~
property owners may then utilize the edge of the esplanade i.e. along the sidewalk,
for commercial developments or activity areas, provided no part of their structures
shall. utilize any part of the air rights above said esplanade (which shall double as a
grade level view corridor); the espJanades cum promenades shall form part of the
Pasay City network of green and open spaces;
12) for all new buildings/ structures and for existing buildings to be renovated/
expanded/ retrofitted/ rehabilitated, etc., the no-build zones (NBZs) situated
directly above the RROWs and MLEs, as well as the affected yards of such buildings
shall be observed in full compliance with the mandated minimum national
development controls under P.O. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP (reference Annexes "E.1"
and "E.4'7;
13)the prescribed LGU responses/ programs/ projects to laws addressing climate
change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) shall be fully
complemented by responses/ programs/ projects that are gender and
development (GAD)-respons ive and GAD-sensitive;
14)pursuant to RA. No. 7279, the banks of waterways are hereby declared danger
zones; as such, no habitable structures should continue to occupy said area; the
appropriate relocation/ resettlement plan shall be operationalized to address the
needs of the affected stakeholders; and
lS)for real property tax (RPT) purposes, the following shall apply:
a) RPT on land shall be based on actual land use, whereby the front and the rear
portions of the property can have different tax classifications;
b) RPT on improvements on land shall be based on actual building use, whereby
the different buildings inside the property or the different floors within a

75 ;l
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

building/ structure can have different tax classifications; the tax on the major q.r
dominant use of the TGFA shall not be applied to tax on the minor use of the
TGFA; and
c) the tax rates on land and improvements shall be as prescribed under the Local
Government Code or under any other applicable law.
16) owners of Development-Committed Lands (DCLs) that are still idle must allow
temporary uses of their lands on a lease or rent basis to solve certain planning
requirements such as open parking spaces, spaces for terminals or for flea/ weekene
markets, and the like and to generate income for both its owner and for the
Incentives for interim use and/or possible penalties for continued non-use shall
considered in the short through medium term planning horizons by the City.
17)properties/lots and improvem ents thereon whereby the minimum land uses, building
occupancies or building types fully satisfy the prescriptions for zoning classifications
under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP, shall be under the .
responsibility and jurisdiction of the City's Office of the Building Official (0 BO);
18)properties/lots and improvements thereon whereby the minimum land uses, building
occupancies or building types decidedly exceed i.e. relax or make less stringent, the
prescriptions for zoning classifications under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 10~6,
the 1977 NBCP, shall be evaluated under much lower national development, physit1-
planning or building standards such as B.P. Big. 220, which shall be under the exclusiv~
jurisdiction of the CPDO; and
19)unless the provisions of this Z0.16 are decidedly stricter or clearly more stringent than
the minimum building standards prescribed under P.O. No. 1096, the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) and its 2004 Revised IRR, the latter shall be
specifically considered the primary development control for the implementation and
enforcement of this Z0.16 and shall be generally considered in suppletory application;
for instance, the reckoning point or levels for officially establishing the applicable
Building Height Limit (BHL) for any building in the City shall be as specified under Rule
VIJJ of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.O. No. 1096 [refer also to Annex D - Land Use
Development and Management Guidelines (LUDMGs) of this Z0.16].
20) A Sangguniang Panlungsod Resolution of Certificate of No-Objection shall
mandatorily be secured before a Special Locational Clearance (SLC) is issued granting a
land/property owner relief from certain provisions of the Z0.16 where, because of the
particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical conditions of the
land/property, the compliance on height, area, parking, setback, bulk and/or density
would result in a particular hardship upon the said owner.


Chapter 5. General Provisions

Section 58.

Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement. The ZO shall be
enforced, implemented and administered by the Local Chief Executive through the

Section 59.Powers and Functions of a Zoning Administrator (ZA). Pursuant to th

provisions of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 72, implementing RA No. 7160 in relation to Se
5, Paragraph a and d, and Section 7 of E.O. No. 648 dated 07 February 1981, the ZA shall
perform the following functions, duties and responsibilities:
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \,_
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

1. Enforcement
a. Act on all applications for Locational Clearances (LC) for all projects.
• [ssuance of LC for projects conforming to the regulations of ZO.16 (and its
LUDMG and IRR ZO.16).
• Recommend to the LZBAA the grant or denial of applications for Variances
and Exceptions and the issuance of Certificate of Non-Conformance for non-
conforming projects lawfully existing at the time of the adoption of ZO.16,
including clearances for repairs/ renovations on non-conforming use
consistent with the guidelines thereof.
b. Monitor ongoing/ existing projects within the.ir respective jurisdictions an
issue notices of violation and show cause order to owners, developers, or
managers of projects that are in violation of the provisions of ZO.16 and if
necessary, pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order No. 71 refer subsequent
actions thereon to the HLURB.
c. Call and coordinate with the Philippine National Police (PNP) for enforcement of
all orders and processes issued in the implementation of ZO.16.
d. Coordinate with the City Fiscal/ City Legal Officer for other legal actions/
remedies relative to the foregoing.
2. Planning
a. Coordinate with the Regional Office of the HLURB regarding proposed
amendments to ZO.16 prior to adoption by the Sanggunfang Panlungsod.

Section 60. Administration and Enforcement. - The administration and

enforcement of ZO.16 shall be directly under the control and supervision of the Mayor"of
Pasay City through the City Planning and Development Coordinator (CPDC), who shall act ~
in a concurrent capacity as the Zoning Administrator (ZA).
The ZA shall have the following duties and functions: ~
1. Shall evaluate, process and act on the following applications for Locational Cleara~b~
(LC) in accordance with ZO.16, classified as follows:
a. Applications that are conforming;
b. Applications that are non-conforming;
c. Applications which require clearance from other government agencies;
d. Application for special use unit permit, temporary use permit, excepti.ons and
e. Application for renovation and/or expansion of existing non-conforming uses;
f. Requests for reclassification/ rezoning.
2. Shall endorse to the LZBAA thru the innovative development techniques provision,
special use permits, exceptions and variances.
3. Shall endorse to the Sangguniang Panlungsod thru the LZRC requests for
reclassification/ re-zoning which will be subject to another ordinance if favorably
considered. All applications for zoning reclassification shall undergo the prescribed
processes under the Sangguniang Panlungsod, the MMDA and the HLURB.
4. Shall act on complaints concerning violations of the provisions of ZO.16.

Thereupon, any person who plans to erect, construct or move any building or structure
withi.n Pasay City and all projects requiring clearance from any national governmen~
agency and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), including the ·
development projects on government owned lands are required to secure the LC from
the ZA who shall be responsible for the evaluation of all applications for LC and for non
conforming use, which responsibilities shall be exercised to the fullest flexibility in a
logical, practical manner whereby it shall not be detrimental to the public nor

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014.:.2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinanc~

discriminatory in its evaluation of each and every application notwithstanding the

provisions set forth in ZO.16.

Section 61. Official Zoning Maps (OZM). - The location and extent of the various zones
identified in ZO.16 shall hereby be reflected in the Official Zoning Map (OZM) in a manner
that corresponds accurately with the technical description of zone boundaries, which
shall be made an integral part hereof duly signed by the Vice Mayor in his capacity as
Presiding Officer of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, the ZA and the City Mayor and these
of Pasay City affixed thereon.

The preparation, completion and publication of the Official Zoning Map by Lot (OZML),
which shall be a joint undertaking of the offices of the CPDC, ZA, Local Building Official
(LBO), City Engineer (CE), Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer
(CENRO), City Legal Officer, City Assessor and the City Treasurer, which shall show,
collate and integrate detailed information on zoning boundaries and actual lot/ property
usage (which shall form the bases for actual zoning classification), shall be undertaken by
the CPDO at a later period not to exceed two (2.0) calendar years from the date of
promulgation of this ZO. The OZML shall form part of the IRR-ZO.16.

The cadastral map/ survey, satellite information in the form of maps and visual
observation/ photographs. Video footage on the ground (from portions the RROW,
RROW or any part of the public domain, as well as inspection of premises from within the
property (as applicable) shall be the primary bases for the crafting of the OZML.

The OZML and the actual zoning classification of each lot shall become the final basis for
taxation on land and property, as well as the possible future annotation of NBCP
violations on the titles of said lots/ properties. Future City action on the NBCP violaf ons
may be the subject of a separate study, recommendation, resolution or ordinance\, as
these may involve acts by the Register of Deeds as well as hefty fines or eve
imprisonment, whereby the fines may be collected on behalf of the City, with t~
community being the one primarily prejudiced by such violations.

Section 213 of P.D. No. 1096 prescribes the fines and imprisonment for each violation of
the NBCP, whereby the fines prescribed in 1977 (i.e. 37 years ago) sha11 be adjusted to
present day values. While the LBO and the OBO may exercise quasi-judicial functions by
virtue of their regulatory functions (extended to them by the DPWH Secretary in his
capacity as the National Building Official/ NBO), a special court may still be needed to try
such violations of the NBCP in some cases.

Any changes or amendment or reclassification duly enacted by the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and approved by the City Mayor shall be reflected on the OZM or on the
OZML ifit has already been completed by the CPDC/ ZA.

Section 62. Construction and Interpretation. - The words and terms employed in this ZO ~
shall be interpreted and understood liberally in generic sense unless otherwise indicated \
and shall as far as practicable be construed in favor of applicants seeking to comply the 1•

provision hereon.

Section 63. Issuance of Zoning Classification. An applicant may request from the ZA the
status of their land/ property in relation to ZO.16. Such document shall not be used as a
LC but as reference only for planning and may be amended by the Local Zoning R e v i e ~
Committee (LZRC) without any prior notice from the owner or applicant as the need
arises based on the reasons/ situations stated herein.

Pasay City Comprehensive land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

Chapter 6. Non-Conformance
Section 64. Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings. - The lawful use/s of any building,
structure or land at the time of adoption or amendment of this ZO may be continued,
although such use/s do not conform with the provisions of Z0.16, provided:
1. That no such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended to occupy a
greater area of land than that already occupied by such use at the time of the
adoption of Z0.16 or moved in whole or in part, to any other portion of the lot or
parcel or land where such non-conforming use exists at the time of the adoptio
2. That no such non-conforming use, which has generally ceased operation for
least six (6) months (regardless whether the non-use thereof was continuous or
intermittent) since the adoption of this ZO, be again revived as non-conforming
3. That an idle/ vacant structure may not be used for non-conforming activity;
4. That any non-conforming structure, or structures under one ownership which
has been damaged may be reconstructed and used as before provided that such
reconstruction is not more than fifty percent (50.0%) of the replacement cost,
i.e. distinct from reproduction cost;
5. That should such non-conforming portion of structure be destroyed by any
means to an extent of more than fifty percent (50.0%) of its replacement cost,
i.e. distinct from reproduction cost, at the time of destruction, it shall not be
reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of Z0.16;
6. That no such non-conforming use maybe moved to displace any conformin
7. That no such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way
which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or portion thereof may be
altered to decrease its non-conformity;
8. That should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance, it shall
thereafter conform to the regulation of the zone in which it is moved or relocated;
9. That in case the non-conforming use is not an industrial use:

No such non-conforming use shall be enlarged, increased or extended to occupy a

greater area of land than that actually occupied by the buildings or structures thereon
at the time of the adoption of Z0.16, or moved in whole or part in any other portion of
the lot or parcel of land where it existed at the time of the adoption of this ZO, unless
such act shall decrease its non-conformity.
a. No building or structure devoted to a non-conforming use shall be repaired,
altered to remedy the effects of ordinary wear and the tear or remodeled
unless the total aggregate value of all such repairs, alteration or remodeling,
shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the assessed value of such
building at the time of the adoption of this ZO, such aggregate value referring
to all the repairs undertaken throughout the entire remaining period of
useful life of such building or structure, regardless whether they were
undertaken at the time, successively or intermittently, provided repairs
exceeding such value shall be allowed if they decrease the non-conformity of
the use;
b. No building or structure devoted to a non-conforming use which has been
damaged or destroyed, in whole or part, by or as a result of fire, earthquake,
typhoon, flood, lightning, war, riot, strike, or other forms of disorder shall be
rebuilt or reconstructed, unless the total aggregate cost of all such rebuilding
and reconstruction activities, shall not for the entire period of the remaining
useful life of such building or structure exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
assessed value thereof at the time of the adoption of this ZO; provided that
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014 -2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

rebuilding or reconstruction which depresses the non-conformity of the use

shall be allowed;
c. No building or structure devoted to a non-conforming use shall be repaired,
improved or altered in any way that will increase its non-conformity but
such repairs and alterations will be encouraged if the purpose is to convert it
to a conforming use;
d. Non-conforming uses shall be subject to the same limitations and conditions
im posed on permitted uses with reference to height, area and yard
regulations; however they shall be subject to stricter performance standard
appropriate to this use.
10. That in case of non-conforming use is an industrial use:
a. Such non-conforming use shall be allowed to expand, enlarge, increase or
extend irrespective or the cost involved, so as to allow it to maximize the
production potential of its existing presently installed machinery and
equipment at the time of the adoption of this ordinance provided that such
act shall not require the use or occupancy of additional parcels of land other
than the existing structure at the time of the adoption of this ZO; \
b. Repairs, alteration and improvements, whether brought about as a result of.~
normal wear and tear as a result of natural or man-made calamities shall be
allowed so as to enable the use to become more efficient and moderni~d;
provided that buildings or structures total1y and/or permanen •.Y
destroyed/damaged shall not be rebuilt;
c. Such non-conforming use shall be aJlowed to increase the scope of its
operations, and install new equipment and processes, increase its capital
stock, labor force, and production output, provided that such increase shall
not entail the addition of another non-conforming structure or a new heavy
line of industrial operations;
d. No new industry, process or operation which is not necessary for the
maximization of the capacity of the machinery presently installed at the time
of the adoption of this ZO shall be allowed;
Section 65. Certificate of Non-Conformance. Upon approval of this ZO, the ZA shall
immediately notify owners of known existing non-conforming use to respectively apply
for Certificates of Non-Conformance. Within one (1) month upon receipt of this official
notification, all property owners involved shall secure a Certificate of Non-Conformance
from the ZA.

In case of the ZA's failure to issue the pertinent notice/s, the certificate of non-
conformance of all non-conforming uses shall nonetheless be applied for by the owner or
the authorized agent of the property involved within a non-extendable period of six (6.0)
calendar months from the promulgation of this ZO.

Applications shall be accepted/ processed by the CPDC/ZA. Failure to make such

application within the aforementioned periods shall be presumptive evidence that the
property was of a conforming use at the time of the promulgation, or amendment of this
ZO, and if found otherwise will be considered as a violation thereof, for which the
appropriate fines and/or penalties are prescribed, reckoned from the date of discovery.

[n the event of the expiry of the non-extendable period of six (6.0) calendar months, the
pertinent business permits or certificates of occupancy shall be deemed void.

Section 66. Dispute Over Non-Conformance Status. ln case of any dispute over the non-
conformance classification of any property, the City Mayor shall immediately convene t
Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) which will thereafter take th
necessary steps culminating in the issuance of the covering public resolution of the
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) _->-<::::::;,;)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

dispute and thereafter enforce the said resolution . The lot/ property owner shall have the
option to contest the enforcement in the proper venue or court

Section 67. Phasing-Out of Temporary Use Permits. Temporary Use Permits (TUPs)
shall no longer be renewed nor issued upon the effectivity of Z0.16. All grantees ofTUPs
that are in effect at the time of the passage of Z0.16 are required to apply for Location
Clearance or Certificate of Non-Conformance on or before the expiration of the said T

In meritorious instances, the TUP may be extended for one (1) year. However, no mo
than 2 such extensions can be granted.

Chapter 7. Applications and Permit Issuance

Section 68. Locational Clearance aCJ. All land owners/ developers shall secure ilif
Locational Clearance (LC) from the ZA or, in case of Variances and/or Exceptions, fro
the LZBAA, prior to conducting any activity or construction on their property/ land.

Section 69. Processing Fees for Locational Clearance (LCJ. The following fees for LCl'(or
land use within Pasay City are based on MMDA Regulation No. 003 Series of 2000. T\lie
processing fee shall be collected by the City Treasurer or the duly authorized deputies
from the owners and/or contractors of land development, construction, renovation and
expansion projects, as follows:

1. Application/ Filing Fee. For every application for Locational Clearance (LC)
irrespective of whether approved or not, for application for inspection, for motions
for reconsideration, for reclassification, for filing of complaint and for appeal are as

a. For Application for Locationa] Clearance (LC) Php 400.00

b. For Application for Inspection of Property (AIP) 700.00
c. For Motion for Reconsideration (MR) 2,000.00
d. For Petition/ Request for Reclassification (PRR) 4,000.00

This excludes the cost of reclassification proceedings such as production/

reproduction of maps and other documents; public hearings and publication
which shall likewise be charged to the account of the applicant/ proponent.

e. For filing complaint, except those involving pauper-litigant

(which shall be free of charge) ···· ·-· .. ···- -· ··············· ·-···· .........PhP 2,000.00
f. For Appeal ............ .................................................................... PhP 2,000.00

2. Locational Clearance Fee. For any application for LC whether the project or
activity to be undertaken is conforming or non-conforming, the fee shall be in
accordance with the following schedule:

a. Residential (single-detached, single- PhP 6.00/sq.m. of the

attached/ zero lot line and duplex type) total gross floor area
b. Commercial establishment including
apartments, mass housing, townhouses, PhP 10.00/ sq.m. of the
residential condominium, etc. constructed TGFA
primarily for gain purposes
c. Industrial establishments PhP 10.00/ sq.m. of the
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \.
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

d. Institutional (schools, hospitals, etc.) PhP 5.00/ sq.m. of the

e. Memorial Parks/Cemeteries PhP 5.00/ sq.m. of the
f. Agro-Industrial
i. Manufacturing PhP 6.25/ sq.m. of the
ii. Non-manufacturing PhP 6.25/sq.m. of the
g. Telecommunications/ Towers PhP 20,000.00 per unit
h. Special Uses (helipad/ landing area, gas
station, abattoir, thermo select/ gasification PhP 16.00/sq.m. of the
plant, etc.) TGFA
i. Yards utilized for commercial purposes PhP 4.00/sq.m. of the
total lot area (TLA)
j. Yards utilized for industrial purposes PhP 8.00/ sq.m.
of the TLA
k. Yards utilized for institutional purposes PhP 1.20/ sq.ty1.
of the T 1\~
J. All types of renovation Seventy five (75.0%)
percent of the
corresponding rates
prescribed above
m. Billboards (all types) PhP 20.00/ sq.ft. of
billboard surface

Noting that the total gross floor area (TGFA), total lot area (TLA) and surface area
are the units of measurement for the LC, the same must be fully consistent with the
prescriptions under P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 NBCP and its latest IRR, RCs and DRs
(reference Annexes "D'J

Provided that commercial activities and auxiliary uses that form part of a residential
building or, customarily conducted in dwelling on houses, shall be treated as
application for the construction of a residential house and shall pay the amount
corresponding to such use, except when the maximum floor area devoted to such
commercial activities or auxiliary uses exceeds thirty percent (30.0%) of the TGFA
of the whole residential building.

3. Inspection Fee. For any application for inspection whether the project or activity to ~
be undertaken is conforming or non-conforming, the fee shall be in accordance with ·_
the following schedule:

a. Residential (single-detached, single-attached/

zero lot line and duplex type) PhP 400.00
b. Commercial establishment including
apartments, mass housing, townhouses,
residential condominium, etc. constructed PhP 600.00
primarily for gain purposes
c. Industrial establishments PhP 800.00
d. Institutional (schools, hospitals, etc.) PhP 400.00
e. Memorial Parks/ Cemeteries PhP 700.00
f. Light Industrial
i. Manufacturing PhP 800.00
ii. Non-manufacturing PhP 800.00
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) '\
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

g. Telecommunications/ Towers PhP 600.00

h. Special Uses (helipad/ landing area, gas
station, abattoir, thermo select/ gasification PhP 800.00
plant, etc.)
i. Yards utilized for commercial purposes PhP 600.00
j. Yards utilized for industrial purposes PhP 800.00
k. Yards utilized for institutional purposes PhP 400.00
I. All types of renovation Twenty five (25.0%)
percent of the
rates prescribed
m. Billboards (all types) PhP 400.00

Provided that commercial activities and auxiliary uses that form part of a residential
building or, customarily conducted in dwelling on houses, shall be treated as
application for the construction of a residential house and shall pay the amount
corresponding to such use, except when the maximum floor area devoted to such
commercial activities or auxiliary uses exceeds thirty percent (30.0%) of the total
gross floor area (TGFA) of the whole residential building. ~
4. Processing Fee. For processing the application for LC (whether the project r
activity to be undertaken is conforming or non-conforming), the processing f e
shall be twenty five percent (25.0%) of the corresponding prescribed LC fee a~
stated in the previous paragraph.
5. Certificate of Occupancy (CoO) - No building or structure shall be used or occupied
and no change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or
structure or portion-thereof shall be made until the CPDC/ ZA has signed a
certificate of occupancy (CoO). The schedule of occupancy fees are as follows:

a. Residential. ........................................... . PhP 500.00

(Occupancies shall be dwellings)
b. Residential, Hotel and Apartments ...... PhP 800.00
(Occupants shall be multiple dwelling units, boarding
or lodging houses, hotels, apartment buildings, row-
houses and other similar building each of which
accommodates more than 10 persons)
c. Institutional ........................................... . PhP 400.00
d. Business and Mercantile:
i)Division 1 ... ................................ . PhP 600.00
(Wholesale and Retail Stores, Office
Buildings, Dining Establishments having
and occupant load of less than 10
persons, printing shops, paint stores
without bulk Handling)
ii)Division 2 .................................. . PhP 90.00
(Gasoline filling and Service Stations, warehouse,
open parking garages, drinking & dining
establishments having an occupant load of more
than 50 persons, memorial parks, cemeteries,
cellular mobile base stations)
e. Industrial ............. ................... . PhP 1,000.00
i) Division 1 .................. ..... . PhP 800.00
(Occupancies shall include wood working
establishments, planning mills, garment factories,
steel fabrication)
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

ii) Division 2 .... ................... . PhP 1,000.00

(Occupancies shall include: ice plants, power
plants, Pumping plants, creameries, storage and
sales room for incombustible materials)
f.Special Uses .................. ........... . PhP 1,000.00
g. Accessory ....................... ......... . PhP 500.00
(Occupancies shall include: Private Garage, Carports,
sheds, fences over 1.80 meters, tanks)

6. Certificate Fee. For each Certificate of Conformance/ Non-conformance and for

other related certifications issued, the Certificate Fee shall be PhP 100.00.

Section 70. Non-User of Locational Qearance. Upon issuance of a LC, the grantee thereo
shall have one (1) year within which to commence or undertake the use, activity or
development covered by such clearance on his/ her property.

Non-use of said clearance within said period shall result in its automatic expiration and
cancellation. The grantee shall not proceed with his/ her project without applying for a
new LC.

Section 71. Escalation Clause. Upon recommendation of the ZA, the City Mayor ma¥
increase by not more than fifty percent (50.0%) or may decrease by not more than
twenty five percent (25.0%) and not more often than once a year, rates prescribed in the
preceding Section.

Section 72. Time of Payment. The prescribed processing fees shall be paid to the City
Treasurer or the duly authorized deputies before any land development construction or
renovation project is lawfully begun or pursued within the territorial jurisdiction of
Pasay City.

Section 73. Exemption. Except for Government Owned or Controlled Corporations

(GOCC), all government projects whether national or local are exempted from the
payment of the prescribed fees. Provided, however, that the LC must be secured prior to
the finalization of plans and issuance of the corresponding Building Permit (BP).

Section 74. Building Pennit Pre-Requisites. The Locational Clearance, the Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC), the Project Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA), the Project
Infrastructure-Amenities-Facilities-Services-Utilities Impact Assessment (IAFSU IA),
which all relate to the carrying capacity of the site and the host community, shall be basic
requirements that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a LGU Building Permit (BP)
for a project, particularly major ones with total gross floor areas (TGFAs) in excess of
2,500.0 square meters (excluding basement levels).

Only duly-registered and licensed architects (RLAs) and/or Environmental Planners

(RLEnPs) as applicable i.e. duly registered with the PRC and appearing in the roster of
the Professional Regulatory Board of Environmental Planning (PRB-BoEP) may sign
and seal the subdivision plans (or subdivision site development plans) as may be called
for under the HLURB's latest IRRs for P.D. No. 957 and for B.P. Big. 220.

Section 75. Application for Business and License Pennit. - Any person applying for
issuance of business and license permit shall secure from the ZA the Certificate o f . I
Conformance or Certificate of Non-Conformance prior to the issuance of business and
license permit. In addition to the payment of a P125.00 business permit Application Fee
for first-time applicants, the schedule of Business Permit Fees is as follows:

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

a. Residential for rent/ lease (single-detached, single-

attached/zero lot line and duplex type) .............. ............ .. PhP 600.00
b. Commercial establishment including apartments, mass
housing, townhouses, residential condominium, etc.
operated primarily for gain purposes ... ............................ . PhP 600.00
c. industrial establishments ... ........................... ......... ......... . PhP 800.00
g. Institutional (schools, hospitals, etc.) .............................. . PhP 500.00
h. Memorial Parks/ Cemeteries ................... .. ...................... .. PhP 800.00
i. Agro-Industrial
a. Manufacturing ............... ........................ ......... ............. . PhP 800.00
b. Non-manufacturing ...... ...... ..................... ... ................ . PhP 800.00
J. Telecommunications/ Towers ............... ................ ...... . PhP 800.00
k. Special Uses (helipad/ landing area, gas station, PhP 1,000.00
abattoir, thermo-select/ gasification plant, etc.) ....... ... ..
1. Yards utilized for commercial purposes ......................... . PhP 800.00
m. Yards utilized for industrial purposes ............................. . PhP 800.00
n. Yards utilized for institutional purposes ........................ . PhP 500.00

Section 76. Business Permit Pre-Requisite. The Certificate of Conformance shall be an

annual requirement to the issuance of a Business Permit A P800.00 application fee shall
be charged for annual renewal of the business permit

Chapter 8. Appeal, Review and Rezoning

Section 77. Procedure for Appeals. - Any person aggrieved by the decision or action of
the ZA concerning the interpretation, administration or enforcement of this ZO may
appeal to the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA), copy furnished
the ZA, within THIRTY (30) calendar days from official receipt of the decision or action
upon payment of the appeal fee. The ZA shall transmit all the records upon which the
decision or action appealed from was taken to the LZBAA which shall decide the same
within THrRTY (30) calendar days from receipt of the records and other papers that may
be submitted by the appellant, whose decision is final and executory.

Section 78. Review of the Zoning Ordinance (ZO). - This ZO shall be reviewed every five
(5) years or sooner, when the need arises, by the CPDC/ZA or the City Mayor, on their ~
initiative, jointly with the City Zoning Review Committee, or upon petition by a group of
persons, association or any local Barangay unit This ZO may be amended or repealed in
parts but that the same shall be duly covered by an ordinance.

Section 79. Procedure for Rezoning. - Any association or group of persons or the
barangay which wishes to propose a rezoning or reclassification of a certain area, may
file a petition with the CPDC/ZA of Pasay City for initial evaluation.

The CPDC/ZA shall then endorse the proposal together with its preliminary findings to
the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) for final evaluation and submit its
recommendation to the San99uniang Panlungsod for amendment, alteration or repeal of
this ZO or portions thereof.
Section 80. Action on Complaints and Oppositions. A complaint for violation of any
provisions of ZO.16 or any clearance or permits issued pursuant thereto shall be filed
with the LZBAA which shall issue a decision on the matter. The decision of the LZBAA, on
the other hand, may be appealed by any affected party to the HLURB within a period o f ~
ninety (90) calendar days from the issuance of the same. ~

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance '-
-------- - - .~
Section 81. Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Zoning Board of
Adiustments and Appeals azBAA). There is hereby created a LZBAA which shall be a
sub-committee of the City Development Council (CDC). The LZBAA shall perform the
following functions and responsibilities:
1. Act on applications of the following nature:
a. Variances
b. Exceptions
c. Complaints and oppositions to application/s
2. Act on appeals on Grant or Denial of Locational Clearance by the ZA.

Section 82. Composition of the LZBAA. The LZBAA shall be composed of the following:
1. City Mayor as Chair;
2. City Administrator;
3. City Legal Officer;
4. City Assessor;
5. City Engineer (acting as the Local Building Official/ LBO, unless the LBO
separately appointed to head the LGU Office of the Building Official/ LBO);
6. City Planning and Development Coordinator/Zoning Administrator;
7. Two (2) representatives from the private sector to be confirmed by the Mayor; <\{le
(1) representative shall be nominated by the applicant and the other by the Office~f
the Mayor; the cost of per diems, honorarium and/or allowances of the~ \
representatives shall be borne by the applicant; and
8. Two (2) representatives from non-government organizations (NGOs) to be
confirmed by the Mayor; one (1) representative shall be nominated by the applicant
and the other by the Office of the Mayor; the cost of per diems, honorarium and/or
allowances of these representatives shall be borne by the applicant

Section 83. Review of the ZO and LUDMG. The City Development Council shall create a
sub-committee, the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) that shall review Z0.16 and
the LUDMG considering the CLUP and IRR-Z0.16 as the need arises, based on the
following reasons/situations:
1. Change in local development plans;
2. Introduction of projects of national significance;
3. Petition for rezoning; and
4. Other reasons which are appropriate for consideration.

Section 84. Composition of the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC). The LZRC
shall be composed of the following:
1. City Planning and Development Coordinator (CPDC);
2. City Health Officer;
3. President, Association of Barangay Captains;
4. City Building Official (if other than the City Engineer);
5. Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO);
6. District School Supervisor;
7. Three (3) Private Sector Representatives (Local Chamber of Commerce, Housing
Industry and Homeowner's Association, Architects, Engineers, etc.); and
8. Two (2) non-government organization (NGO) Representatives;

Section 85. Functions of the LZRC. The Local Zoning Review Committee shall have the
following powers and functions:
1. Review Z0.16 for the following purposes:
a. Determine amendments or revisions necessary in Z0.16 because of changes that
might have been introduced in the CLWAUP;
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan {2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

b. Determine changes to be introduced in the CLWAUP in the light of permits given,

and Variances and Exceptions granted; and
c. Identify provisions of ZO.16 that are difficult to enforce or are unworkable.
2. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod necessary legislative amendments and
to the local planning and development staff the needed changes in the plan as a
result of the review conducted.
3. Provide information to the HLURB that would be useful in the exercise of its

Section 86. Amendments to the ZO. Changes in ZO.16 (and its accompanying LUDMG an
IRR-ZO.16), as a result of the review by the LZRC shall be treated as an amendmen
provided that any amendment to ZO.16 or provisions thereof shall be subject to publi
hearing and review and evaluation of the LZRC and shall be carried out through a
Sangguniang Panlungsod Amendatory Ordinance.

Chpater9. Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 87. Administrative Penalties. Any applicant, proponent, proprietor, operator,

owner or representative who commits any of the following acts shall after due notice be
punished by a fine in accordance with the following schedule:

1. For undertaking any activity or project in violation of ZO.16 such as:

a. Unauthorized expansion or alteration of any activity formerly covered by a
certificate of non-conformance, a fine equivalent to one hundred percent
(100.0%) of the prescribed LC fee but in no case be less than P4,000.00 nor
more than Pl0,000.00.
b. For commencing or undertaking any project without having first secured a LC, a
fine of not less than PS,000.00 nor more than PZ0,000.00. In case of commercial,
industrial and institutional projects or according to the following phases of

i. Excavation for foundation ..................... .................. ............ PhP 4,000.00

ii. Construction of foundation (including pile driving, as
applicable and laying of reinforcing bars) ......... ............ ... . 6,000.00
iii. Construction of structure up to two meters (2.0 m)
above established grade ..................................................... .. 10,000.00
iv. Construction of structure more than two meters (2.0 m)
and completed structures (100% finished) .................... . 20,000.00
v. For home/ cottage industry or incidental home
occupational and auxiliary uses ........ .. .............................. . 1,000.00
vi. All types of residential structures ............ ...... ................... .. 2,000.00
vii. All types of commercial and industrial structures 100.0 4,000.00
sq.m. and below
viii. All types of commercial and industrial structures more 20,000.00
than 100.0 sq.m

2. For committing fraud or misrepresentation:

a. Fraud or misrepresentation as to use ......................... ........... PhP 10,000.00
b. Fraud or misrepresentation as to TGFA or GFA................... 10,000.00
c. Fraud or misrepresentation as to location ..... ......................
d. Non-disclosure or any material fact.........................................
3. For refusing admission within any premises subject to inspection by a
authorized inspector:

a. First Refusal ............................. .............................. not exceeding PhP 4,000.00

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

b. Subsequent Refusal ...... .............................................................. 10,000.00

4. For failing or refusing, without justifiable reason, to appear during a proceeding
before the Pasay City ZA or the duly authorized officers, a fine of not more than PhP

If the violation is committed by a firm, corporation, partnership, cooperative or

association, the managing partners, directors or any person in charge with the
management thereof shall be held responsible. Professionals who are in charge of th
project, if found to be constructing any structure without the necessary LC in violatio
of this ZO, shal1 be held liable and an administrative complaint will be referred to th
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) for appropriate action. The Buildin
Official, if found to be issuing Building Permits (BPs) without the required LC or ECC
shall likewise be held administratively liable and the case will be referred to the City
Mayor for appropriate action.


Section 88. Deviation. The Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA)\may
allow Variances and Exceptions from the provisions of this ZO only when all ort''the
following conditi.ons exist:
1. Variance
a. Conforming to the provisions of the ZO will cause undue hardship on the part of
the owner or occupant of the property due to conditions which are not self-
created, i.e. physical conditions of the property (topography, shape, etc.), when
the property is unique and different from other properties in the locality, etc.;
b. The Variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit reasonable use of
the property;
c. The Variance will not alter the essential character of the area where the
property for which the variance sought is located and the Variance will not
substantial1y or permanently injure the use of the other properties in the same
zone such as blocking off natural light, causing loss of natural ventilation or
encroaching in publ.ic easements and the like;
d. The Variance will not weaken the general purposes of this ZO and will not
adversely affect public health and safety;
e. The variance will be harmony with the spirit of this ZO; and
f. The variance is not sought solely for additional financial advantage.
2. Exceptions
a. The Exception shall support economic based activities and provide livelihood
b. The Exception shall not cause excessive requirements at public cost for public
services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of Pasay City;
c. The Exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoining
properties in the same zone such as generating excessive vehicular traffic,
causing overcrowding of people or generating excessive noise and other
d. The Exception will not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare and is
in keeping with the general pattern of development in the community;
e. The Exception will not alter the essential character of the area where the
exception sought is located, and will be in harmony with the general purposes of
this ZO;
f. The exception will not weaken the general purpose of the regulations
established for specific area;
g. The exception will promote innovative techniques or create or protect a
beneficial economic trend that would otherwise not be possible;

Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022) \
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance ~

If the appeal for Exception seeks further relief from the dimensional and
performance requirements of Z0.16, the following should be complied with:
a. The Variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit reasonable use of
the property;
b. The Variance will not substantially or permanently injure the use of the other
properties in the same zone such as blocking off natural light, causing loss of
natural ventilation or encroaching in public easements and the like; and
c. The Variance will not adversely affect public health and safety.

Section 89. Procedures for Granting Variances and Exceptions. The procedure for the
granting of Variances and/or Exceptions is as follows:
1. If an applicant should appeal the decision of the ZA regarding the latter's decision
on the application for LC, a written application for a Variance or Exception shall be
filed with the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA).The writte'nI
application should cite the section of Z0.16 under which the same is sought and~
stating the ground/s thereof. Upon receipt of the said application, the LZBAA shall
require the ZA to turnover all pertinent documents of the proposal.
2. Upon receipt of the written application for Variance and/or Exception, the LZ~¥
shall require the following from the proponent: \
a. To post a visible project sign indicating the name and nature of the propose~
project at the project site and indicating that comments regarding the proposal
are being solicited by the LZBAA. Comments will be solicited within a period of
fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of posting.
b. To submit duly notarized Affidavits of No Objection to the Project by the owners
of the properties adjacent to the project site (as well as by the owner/s of
properties facing the project site and the owners of properties directly facing the
properties immediately adjacent to the project site in case of the presence of a
RROW), the Homeowners' Association (if applicable) and the Barangay
3. The LZBAA shall conduct preliminary studies on the application. These studies shall
be based on the ability of the proposal to meet the criteria indicated in Section 77 of
this Article.
4. During the course of its studies, the LZBAA may request the applicant for a
conference/s to fully discuss issues in the application.
5. Jn case objections from the public are received by the LZBAA, it shall hold a public
hearing. The notice for the hearing shall be published at least once in a newspaper
of local circulation. It shall also be posted at the main entrances of the City and
Barangay Halls. All costs to be incurred in the publication shall be to the account of
the applicant. At the hearing, any party may appear in person, or be represented by
agent/s. All interested parties shall be accorded the opportunity to be heard and
present evidences and testimonies. J.~
6. The LZBAA shall render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of "\
all required documents, exclusive of the time spent for the public hearing/s in case ?
of any objection to the granting of exception/ variance. }

Section 90. Unintended Conflict within the ZO or Between ZO and its Support
Documents. Should the provisions of this ZO be ambiguous or should the same
unintentionally come into conflict with one another or should there be a discrepancy
between this Z0.16 or its IRR-Z0.16 or its attendant documents i.e. the LUDMG, the OZM
cum the OZML, etc., the provision/s that support the least level of development, the least
intensity of land use, the least disturbance to the general public, the least cost to the City
and the least negative effect on both the natural and build environments must always
govern, unless superior/ supervening public interest should dictate otherwise.
Pasay City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

Section 91. Suppletory Effect of Other Laws and Decrees. The provisions of this ZO shall .\
be without prejudice to the application of other valid and subsisting laws, presidential ~
decrees, letter of instructions and other valid executive or administrative orders, as well
as jurisprudence, vesting national agencies with jurisdiction over specific land areas or
development-related activities or building uses/ occupancies, which shall remain in force
and effect.

Section 92. Amendments. - The amendment, alteration and/or repeal of this ZO, part
hereof, particularly in accommodation of requests for reclassification/ re-zoning,
exceptions and variances, shall be subject to the review and evaluation of LZRC and
public hearing, to be approved through a three- fourths vote of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod. Any amendment shall take effect only after the approval by the City Mayor.
and ratification by the HLURB.

Section 93. Violation and Penalty . Unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, ~y
person who violates any of its provisions shall upon conviction, be punished by a fin ~ of
Five Thousand Pesos (PS,000.00) or an imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year or bo\H
at the discretion of the Court. In case of violation by a corporation, partnership,
cooperative or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the erring officers thereof.
In case of a government employee, an additional penalty of suspension from the service J'
for six (6) months shall be imposed.

Section 94. Separability Clause. Should any section or provision of the ZO be declared ~
the Court to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of --<
the ZO as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be ~
unconstitutional or invalid. ~

Section 95. Repealing Clause. The 2003 Pasay City Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance and all
ordinances, rules or regulations or parts thereof which are contrary to or inconsistent
with any provision of this ZO are hereby repealed or modified accordingly, provided that
the rights that have been vested upon the effectivity of the ZO shall not be impaired.

Section 96. Effectivity Clause. This ZO covering Pasay City, including its OZM and its IRR
(including the LUDMG) shall become effective three (3) weeks after publication in a
newspaper of local circulation in Pasay City. Simultaneously, a notice shall also be posted
at the main entrances of the City and Barangay Halls to the effect that the pertinent
documents shall be available for examination at the CPDO.

Electronic copies of this ZO and its Appendices and Annexes/ Attachments in CD form
shall be made available at a cost of Pesos Nine Hundred (PhP900.00) per hardcopy (or
P90.00 for a CD copy containing non-editable electronic text and map files of ZO.16) at
the Office of the City Secretariat, Archives and Records of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and at the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) at a later time,
but not to exceed one (1) calendar month from its effectivity date.

ENACTED in the City of Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines, this 13th day of June in
the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen.


Jh_(i/ On Leave
Acting Presiding Officer

Pasay Ci/JI Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2014-2022)
Volume 2 - Zoning Ordinance

On Leave
HO~R~Y bsent


/, Liga Ng Mga Barangay

l 1
Certified True and Cdrrect:
Ci / ;terary


On Leave
Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer

~ \,____;

City Mayor


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