12+Artikel+Anggil+ (2023) Id En+1024-1036
12+Artikel+Anggil+ (2023) Id En+1024-1036
12+Artikel+Anggil+ (2023) Id En+1024-1036
Anggil Nopra Lova, Gampo Haryono
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sakti Alam Kerinci, Sungai Penuh, Kerinci Indonesia
Correspondent Email: anggil_novra@yahoo.co.jp
This study aims to find out and explain how the effect of e-service quality and website image on e-customer
loyalty when online shopping is mediated by e-customer trust in e-commerce, both directly and indirectly.
this research is quantitative. The sampling method used was purposive sampling with a research instrument
in the form of a questionnaire which was distributed to 280 respondents who had used the e-commerce
service. The results showed that the e-service quality and website image quality had a direct effect on e-
customer trust and e-customer loyalty. E-trust has an important role in mediating the relationship between
e-service quality and recovery service quality on e-customer loyalty. Therefore, an e-commerce must be
able to make customers trusted by providing good e-service quality and good image in the event of a service
failure by the company, learning from these findings we must maintain customer trust in terms of customer
service so that these customers remain loyal and do not switch to competitors.
Keywords: e-Commerce, e-Loyalty, e-Trust, e-Service Quality, Website Image
The development of technology in this century has greatly influenced human life.
Therefore, humans increasingly have to keep up with existing technology so as not to be
left behind. Technological developments have changed many human activities, especially in
the trade process. In the context of trade, the term e-commerce appears which refers to
the distribution, sale, purchase and marketing of goods and services through electronic
systems such as the internet, television or computer networks. This technological
development has also changed many human activities, especially in the trading process, in
commerce the term e-commerce has been changed, where e-commerce is the distribution,
sale, purchase and marketing of goods and services based on electronic systems, such as
the internet, television or computer networks. Along with the development of e-commerce,
Social media is used as a channel of communication between entrepreneurs and
consumers. As is known, advances in information technology have opened up new
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
opportunities in business through e-commerce. In addition to expanding the flow of goods
and services, e-commerce also provides opportunities for individuals to engage as
entrepreneurs, e-commerce facilitates customers to find solutions, obtain information and
carry out their transactions quickly and easily (Mohseni et al., 2018).
Jakpat again launched the results of a survey on the trend of e-commerce in
Indonesia. The survey was conducted involving 1,420 participants from all over Indonesia.
The main criteria for participants are those who have shopped online in 2022. The ranking
results for the electronic trading platforms most used by Indonesians in 2022 are not much
different from the previous period. Shopee is still the platform most chosen by survey
participants compared to Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, and Alafgift.
Based on the results of an Ipsos survey regarding consumer views of delivery
services on e-commerce platforms, Tokopedia is proven to have the best, fastest, and have
most feature-packed delivery service. the majority of respondents (52%) recognized
Tokopedia as the e-commerce with the fastest delivery. The second place is occupied by
Shopee (45%), then Lazada (43%), OLX (40%), and Bukalapak in fifth place with 30%. In
addition, Tokopedia also excels in a variety of delivery services and tracking features. As
many as 33% of respondents stated that Tokopedia provides more choices of delivery
services. The second position is occupied by Shopee (28%), followed by Lazada (26%), Blibli
(25%), and OLX (20%). Meanwhile, in terms of tracking features, 29% of respondents
considered Tokopedia to have informative delivery or order tracking features. It was
proposed by Shopee with 18%, Lazada with 16%, and Bukalapak and Blibli each achieving a
proportion of 11%.
Even though the Jakpat and Ipsos surveys show different results where Shopee is
still the most chosen platform, in terms of service, consumers tend to judge Tokopedia as
proven to have the best, fastest, and most feature-packed delivery service. Apart from
service quality, there are other important factors that must be considered. It is important
to note that the quality of the product in maintaining the company's image. If the product
quality received by consumers is not satisfactory, then consumers will most likely look for
other online stores as an alternative and so consumers will no longer trust the company.
Therefore, it is necessary for e-commerce platforms to create images of efforts to create
customer loyalty.
E-loyalty is an effort made by companies in online trading to retain existing
customers. The issue of e-loyalty has been a hot topic of discussion among digital marketing
experts, many previous research findings found that e-trust has a significant impact on
increasing e-customer loyalty (Shin, et al, 2013; Lova et al, 2021; Giao et al., 2020). From
research Kaya et al (2019) e-service quality has a very important role in building customer
trust and loyalty, this can be seen from research findings Kaya et al (2019) that e-service
quality has an influence on increasing loyalty in digital marketing is a must for companies to
survive and maintain customer trust. Consumer consumption patterns and life styles
require companies to provide quality services, namely services that are effective and
efficient in facilitating the process of shopping, purchasing and shipping on e-commerce
platforms (Zeithaml et al, 2017).
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
Apart from quality service, website image is an important dimension of online
relationships, and presents it self as a key element with the ability to influence customer
loyalty (Pereira et al, 2016).
E-Service Quality
E-service quality can be interpreted as how good the website or e-commerce
platform is in providing convenience for shopping, making purchases, and delivering goods
quickly and precisely. A previous study by Zeithaml et al (2018) reveals the four dimensions
that customers use to assess e-service quality such as efficiency, fulfillment system
availability and privacy. The view of e-service quality is a very important trust factor in
online shopping transactions (Al-dweeri et al., 2019; Hsu et al., 2018). Agag and El-Masry
(2017) explain that this includes "consumer views of responsiveness, empathy, and safety".
Most online sales platforms gain customer trust and build long-term relationships by
providing services that are superior in quality (Shafiee & Bazargan, 2018). Views of service
quality also affect online shopping acceptance (Ibrahim et al., 2019; Alrubaiee and Alkaa'ida,
2011; Rasheed and Abadi, 2014; Thaichon and Quach, 2015; Wu et al., 2018; Rita et al, 2019;
Lova, 2021;Qalati et al, 2021)
Loyal customers provide higher revenue than "regular" customers (Fang et al,
2016). Quality customer service will create opportunities for customers to be loyal. Satisfied
customers will be happy to recommend the business to others, and are more likely to want
to return to the Company can invest in the quality of service provided by e-commerce, High
quality of electronic services can persuade customers to return to e-commerce and provide
retention rates higher, this is supported by the results of research conducted by Kaya et al
(2019), Qalati et al (2021), Lien et al (2017) and Lova (2021) which states that e-service
quality is significant for loyalty to online retailers in Turkey.
By considering the large impact of e-service quality on e-trust and e-customers
loyalty from online purchases, we propose: H1a, H1b: e-service quality has a positive effect
on e-trust and e-loyalty.
Website Image
Image is the perception of a brand that is reflected in the brand associations that
exist in consumer memory. Brand associations have a certain degree of strength, and brand
constraints are stronger when those bonds are based on consumer experience or media
exposure. The more favorable the brand image, the more positive the consumer's trust in
the branded product and its attributes (Song et al, 2019). Websites that have a good image
and high rankings will enable increased consumer confidence to use a product or service
(Lova, 2021). The findings from previous research explain that image plays a very important
role in influencing customer trust in online purchases ( Song et al, 2019; Lova., 2021; Lien et
al., 2015). Website image is an important aspect of online relationships and is a major factor
that has the potential to influence customer loyalty, such as perceived quality, brand
awareness, brand association, brand identity and loyalty (Pereira et al., 2016). This variable
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
is related to reputation, reliability and consistency and influences the value and service
perceived by customers (Parra et al, 2018).This is supported by the results of research
conducted by Pereira et al (2016) and Lova (2021) states that there is a significant effect of
website image directly on electronic consumer satisfaction, Song et al (2019) also states
that there is a significant influence of image on electronic consumer loyalty.
Taking into account the large impact of website image on e-trust and e-loaylty from
online purchases, we propose: H2a, H2b: website image has a positive effect on e-trust and
Trust in the online context is generally considered to be the trust that stakeholders
place on certain companies for their activities in electronic media in general and on their
websites in particular, especially those related to reputation as a determinant of trust
(Aparicio et al., (2021).For consumers, ensuring online trust helps mitigate vulnerabilities
such as security and privacy breaches associated with online transactions. Kim and Peterson
(2017) have identified 16 items related to online trust that should be considered: willingness
to trust, perceived risk, perceived security, perceived privacy, perceived reputation,
perceived utility, perceived system quality, perceived service quality, perceived information
quality, design project, satisfaction, attitude, intention to buy, intention to repeat purchase,
intention to use and loyalty. Trust is a very important factor when it comes to uncertainty
and risk. Trust in the website is the main factor that creates the success of an e-commerce
business, without the trust of consumers, transactions via the internet are not
possible.Many studies conducted by previous researchers such as Madariaga et al (2019),
Aparicio et al (2020) and Lova (2021) also observed that the relationship between e-trust
and e-loyalty is significantly positive. H3 : e-trust has a positive effect on e-loyalty.
In marketing studies, loyalty is often defined as the repeated purchase of a product
or service by consumers over a certain period of time (Stylidis et al., 2020). loyalty is one of
the factor reasons for repeated purchases of a product, but in the online context loyalty
appears in the form of repeated recommendations and visits (Tajeddini et al., 2022), thus it
can be defined that e-loyalty is a positive attitude of customers to repurchase , revisit online
retail or company websites and recommend products or services to friends and colleagues
(Lova, 2022). According to Lova and Budaya (2023) there are six reasons why companies
must protect and maintain customer loyalty: First, existing customers have greater
prospects of providing benefits for the company. Second, the costs incurred by the company
in retaining and retaining existing customers are far less than finding new customers. Third,
customers who trust an institution in a business dealing tend to also trust in other business
dealings. Fourth, if the old company has many existing customers, the company will benefit
due to efficiency. Of course, old customers will definitely not have more requests, the
company will only take care of them. New employees can be used to serve them to train
them, so that service costs are lower. Fifth, old customers certainly have a lot of positive
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
experiences related to the company, thereby reducing psychological costs and socialization.
Sixth, previous customers will try to defend the company, and refer the company or
business to friends and neighborhood. There are seven direct effect research hypotheses
presented in the diagram from Figure 1.
H4a,H4b: e-trust plays a role in mediation e-service quality and website image on e-loyalty.
In the context of rapidly growing e-commerce currently dominating global markets
such as the emergence of online business platforms, market places, social commerce etc.
e-commerce platforms have the ability to generate interest, enabling internet users to use
online shopping services with various types of products in the form of goods and services
offered by them. Therefore the authors make this e-commerce platform a reference and
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
reference object and research population. The sample for this study consisted of online
shoppers (Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, and Alafgift customers use the service to
buy goods and services repeatedly at least twice).
The sampling used in this study was a purposive sampling technique, namely
determining the sample with certain considerations (selection of sample units). questions x
20 (Hair et al., 2019). For this reason, the sample in this study was 15 x 20 question items,
so the sample in this study was 300 respondents who were distributed through
questionnaires to consumers of Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, and Alafgift.
voluntarily within one month to support this research data. This study was analyzed using
a structural equation model (SEM) using Amos 22. Measurements from previous studies
were adopted. Table 1 describes the source of the adopted measures.
The standard procedure for developing measures to be applied whenever needed
involves the use of multi-item reliability and unidirectionality indices e-servive quality is
measured by 4 items developed by Al-dweeri et al (2019). Website image is measured from
3 items developed by Pereira et al (2016). E-trust is measured using 3 items developed by
Madariaga et al (2019). and e customer loyalty is measured using 4 items developed by
Madariaga et al (2019), which can be seen in Table 1.
The psychometric properties of the measures were assessed using confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA). The scoring model is classified by Amos 22 with the highest probability.
As a step to perfect the scale, an estimation of the standard CFA loading is carried out, if
the factor loading value exceeds 0.50 then the accuracy of the measurement can be verified
(Ghozali, 2016).
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
Table 1: Validity and reliability statistics of convergent dimensionality
CR (The
Constructs and items Factor AVE CR
(Skew) previous
E-Service Quality
This e-commerce enables me to complete a
0.88 0.79
transaction quickly
This e-commerce does not share my personal
0.17 0.75 et al
information with other sites 0.75 0.85
This e-commerce quickly delivers what I order -0.03 0.78
This e-commerce is ready and willing to respond to
-1.05 0.72
customer needs
Web Image
This e-commerce website is technologically advanced. -1.27 0.95
Information on the e-commerce site is presented in Pereira et
1.78 0.92
an interesting way. al
0.90 0.90
This e-commerce site is easily accessible. -1.70 0.90 (2016)
It's easy to find what you're looking for on this e-
-0.88 0.92
commerce site.
This e-commerce can be trusted. -1.70 0.90 Madariaga
et al
This e-commerce is reliable. -1.75 0.95 0.92 0.93
This e-commerce has integrity. -1.81 0.90
E-Customer Loyalty
Encourage friends to visit e-commerce -1.65 0.90 Madariaga
Say positive things about e-commerce -1.01 0.95 et al
0.88 0.91
Visit this e-commerce in the next few times -1.22 0.87 (2019)
Recommend this e-commerce to someone else -1.11 0.95
Notes: X2 /df: 317.88, P: 0.074, RMSEA: 0.024, GFI: 0.933, AGFI: 0.992, TLI: 0.997, CFI:
0.993. Source: Amos 22.
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
Table 2: Hypothesis Test
Variable Estimates SE CR P
E-Service Quality ---> E-trusts ,532 ,104 5,118 ***
Web Image ---> E-trusts ,144 .060 2,693 ,010
E-trusts ---> E Customer Loyalty -,163 .066 -2,573 ,012
E-Service Quality ---> E Customer Loyalty ,538 , 113 4,829 ***
E-Website Image ---> E Customer Loyalty , 172 .060 2,592 ,011
Source: Amos 25
From table 2, it can be concluded that e-service quality has a direct significant
effect on e-trust, the results of testing the relationship of each of these variables directly
show a CR value5,118 greater than 1.96 (5,118 >1.96) with a probability smaller than 0.05
(0.00 <0.05), so that the better the service provided by the e-commerce platform, the
customer tends to be trusted. The results of this research are in line with the results of
research by Lova (2021), Thaichon and Quach (2015); Wu et al (2018) Rita et al (2019),
indicating that e-service quality can affect e-trust. While the website image has a direct
significant effect on e-trust, the results of testing the relationship of each of these variables
directly show a CR value of 2.693 greater than 1.96 (2.693 >1.96) with a probability smaller
than 0.05(0.014 <0.05) so that the better the image of the e-commerce, the customers tend
to be trusted. The results of this research are in line with the results of research by Lova
(2021), Lien et al (2015) and Song et al (2019), indicating that website image quality can
affect e-trust. Thus, research H1a and H2a are supported
In addition, from table 2 also concludes that e-service quality has a direct
significant effect on e-customer loyalty, the results of testing the relationship of each of
these variables directly show a CR value of 4.829 greater than 1.96 (4.829> 1.96) with a
probability smaller than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05), so that the higher the e-commerce service
platform, the customers tend to be loyal. The results of this study are in line with research
results (Lova., 2021; Oliveira et al., 2017; Kaya et al., 2019) which shows that e-service
quality can affect e-loyalty. While Website Image has a direct significant effect on e-
customer loyalty, the results of testing the relationship of each of these variables directly
show a CR value of 2.592 greater than 1.96 (2.592 >1.96) with a probability smaller than
0.05 (0.011 <0.05) , so that the better the image of the e-commerce, the customers tend to
be loyal. The results of this study are in line with the results of the research Pereira et al,
(2016), Martínez et al (2017), Lova (2021)which shows that website image can also affect
customer loyalty. Thus, research H1b and H2b are supported
from table 2also concludes that e-trust has a direct significant effect on e-customer
loyalty, the results of testing the relationship of each of these variables directly show a CR
value -2.573 greater than -1.96 (-2.573 > -1.96) with a probability smaller than 0.05 (0.012
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
<0.05), so that customers who are increasingly distrusted with what is provided by the e-
commerce platform will make customers tend to be disloyal. The results of this study are in
line with the results of the research Chen et al (2017), Lova (2021), Madariaga et al (2019)
and Giao et al (2020) which shows that e-trust can affect customer loyalty. Thus, research
H3 is supported
Table 4: E-trust as a mediator of E-loyalty
Indirect Effect
standardized E-trust as Results
Source: Amos 25
From table 4,the estimation parameter on standardized direct effects shows that
there is a direct effect of e-service quality on e-loyalty of 0.132. Greater than the
standardized indirect effects of e-service quality on e-loyalty indirectly through e-trust of -
0.029. So it can be concluded that e-service quality has a partial effect (partial mediation)
on e-trust through e-trust. This is also evidenced by e-service quality having an effect on e-
trust and e-loyalty in hypotheses h1a and h1b.
In addition, from table 4 the estimation parameter on standardized direct effects
also shows that there is a direct effect of website image on e-loyalty of 0.431. Greater than
the standardized indirect effects ofwebsite imageson e-loyalty indirectly through e-trust of
-0.076. So it can be said thatwebsite imageshas a partial effect (partial mediation) on e-
loyalty through e-trust, this is also proven bywebsite imageshaving an effect on e-trust and
e-loyalty in hypotheses h2a and h2b.
These findings prove that e-customer loyalty and e-trust are determined by e-
service quality. The better the e-service quality of the e-commerce platform can increase-
trust which can affect the loyalty of the e-commerce platform customers as measured by
how efficiency, fulfillment, system availability privacy and security respond to customer
needs and desires.
this means that these results show that image contributes to e-loyalty on e-
commerce, so that it can suppress that e-commerce which is considered technologically
advanced with information presented in an attractive, easy to access and with a good
reputation will make customers interested in doing reuse.
Trust always arises from a person's feelings of trust or disappointment when
comparing the performance or results obtained from a product or service with his
JSRET (Journal of Scientific, Research, Education, and Technology) | Vol. 2 No. 3 22023
expectations. This shows that a competent, reliable and integrity e-commerce is able to
influence customer perceptions so as to create good trust for customers, in addition to a
competent, reliable and integrity attitude in answering customer needs will give a good
impression, so the superiority of this indicator is able to make loyal customers always use
it. This study also plays an important role to better understand the role of e-trust as a
mediator in the relationship between different online contexts.
Therefore, the contribution of this research is to build a deeper understanding of
online consumer behavior in maintaining customer loyalty in a digital context, related to
the importance of e-trust as a mediation of electronic service quality and website image
which aims to continuously increase e -commerce purchases. continuously by continuing to
provide a perception of service quality and a good image in building e-trust which has an
impact on e-loyalty.
Therefore, an e-commerce engaged in online retail and market place services must
be able to make customers trusted by providing good e-service quality and image as
reinforced by these findings because e-trust has an important role in mediating e-service
quality and website image on e-loyalty.
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